    def test_send_alert_to_tap_specific_slack_channel(self):
        """Test if sends alert to the tap specific channel"""
        config_dir = f'{RESOURCES_DIR}/sample_json_config_for_specific_slack_channel'

        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(
            self.args, config_dir, VIRTUALENVS_DIR, PROFILING_DIR
        pipelinewise.tap = pipelinewise.get_tap('target_one', 'tap_one')
        with patch.object(WebClient, 'chat_postMessage') as mocked_slack:

            # Assert if alert is sent to the the main channel and also to the tap channel
                        attachments=[{'color': 'danger', 'title': 'test-message'}]
                        attachments=[{'color': 'danger', 'title': 'test-message'}]
class TestCli(object):
    Unit Tests for PipelineWise CLI executable
    def setup_method(self):
        # Create CLI arguments
        self.args = CliArgs(log="coverage.log")
        self.pipelinewise = PipelineWise(self.args, CONFIG_DIR,

    def teardown_method(self):
        # Delete test directories
            shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, "target_one/tap_one/log"))

    def test_target_dir(self):
        """Singer target connector config path must be relative to the project config dir"""
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_target_dir(
            "dummy-target") == "{}/dummy-target".format(CONFIG_DIR)

    def test_tap_dir(self):
        """Singer tap connector config path must be relative to the target connector config path"""
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_tap_dir(
            "dummy-tap") == "{}/dummy-target/dummy-tap".format(CONFIG_DIR)

    def test_tap_log_dir(self):
        """Singer tap log path must be relative to the tap connector config path"""
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_tap_log_dir(
            "dummy-tap") == "{}/dummy-target/dummy-tap/log".format(CONFIG_DIR)

    def test_connector_bin(self):
        """Singer connector binary must be at a certain location under PIPELINEWISE_HOME .virtualenvs dir"""
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_connector_bin(
            "dummy-type") == "{}/dummy-type/bin/dummy-type".format(

    def test_connector_files(self):
        """Every singer connector must have a list of JSON files at certain locations"""

        # TODO: get_connector_files is duplicated in config.py and pipelinewise.py
        #       Refactor to use only one
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_connector_files(
            "/var/singer-connector") == {
                "config": "/var/singer-connector/config.json",
                "properties": "/var/singer-connector/properties.json",
                "state": "/var/singer-connector/state.json",
                "transformation": "/var/singer-connector/transformation.json",
                "selection": "/var/singer-connector/selection.json",

    def test_not_existing_config_dir(self):
        """Test with not existing config dir"""
        # Create a new pipelinewise object pointing to a not existing config directory
        pipelinewise_with_no_config = PipelineWise(self.args,

        # It should return and empty config with empty list targets
        # TODO: Make this scenario to fail with error message of "config dir not exists"
        assert pipelinewise_with_no_config.config == {}
        assert pipelinewise_with_no_config.get_targets() == []

    def test_get_targets(self):
        """Targets should be loaded from JSON as is"""
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_targets() == cli.utils.load_json(
            "{}/config.json".format(CONFIG_DIR)).get("targets", [])

    def test_get_target(self):
        """Selecting target by ID should append connector files"""
        # Get target definitions from JSON file
        targets = cli.utils.load_json("{}/config.json".format(CONFIG_DIR)).get(
            "targets", [])
        exp_target_one = next(
            (item for item in targets if item["id"] == "target_one"), False)
        exp_target_two = next(
            (item for item in targets if item["id"] == "target_two"), False)

        # Append the connector file paths to the expected targets
        exp_target_one["files"] = self.pipelinewise.get_connector_files(
        exp_target_two["files"] = self.pipelinewise.get_connector_files(

        # Getting target by ID should match to original JSON and should contains the connector files list
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_target("target_one") == exp_target_one
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_target("target_two") == exp_target_two

    def test_get_taps(self):
        """Selecting taps by target ID should append tap statuses"""
        # Get target definitions from JSON file
        targets = cli.utils.load_json("{}/config.json".format(CONFIG_DIR)).get(
            "targets", [])
        target_one = next(
            (item for item in targets if item["id"] == "target_one"), False)
        target_two = next(
            (item for item in targets if item["id"] == "target_two"), False)

        # Append the tap statuses to every tap in target_one
        exp_tap_one = target_one["taps"][0]
        exp_tap_two = target_one["taps"][1]
        exp_tap_one["status"] = self.pipelinewise.detect_tap_status(
            "target_one", exp_tap_one["id"])
        exp_tap_two["status"] = self.pipelinewise.detect_tap_status(
            "target_one", exp_tap_two["id"])

        # Append the tap statuses to every tap in target_one
        exp_tap_three = target_two["taps"][0]
        exp_tap_three["status"] = self.pipelinewise.detect_tap_status(
            "target_two", exp_tap_three["id"])

        # Tap statuses should be appended to every tap
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_taps("target_one") == [
            exp_tap_one, exp_tap_two
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_taps("target_two") == [exp_tap_three]

    def test_get_tap(self):
        """Getting tap by ID should return status, connector and target props as well"""
        # Get target definitions from JSON file
        targets = cli.utils.load_json("{}/config.json".format(CONFIG_DIR)).get(
            "targets", [])
        target_one = next(
            (item for item in targets if item["id"] == "target_one"), False)

        # Append the tap status, files and target keys to the tap
        exp_tap_one = target_one["taps"][0]
        exp_tap_one["status"] = self.pipelinewise.detect_tap_status(
            "target_one", exp_tap_one["id"])
        exp_tap_one["files"] = self.pipelinewise.get_connector_files(
        exp_tap_one["target"] = self.pipelinewise.get_target("target_one")

        # Getting tap by ID should match to original JSON and should contain the status, connector files and target props
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_tap("target_one",
                                         "tap_one") == exp_tap_one

    def test_get_not_existing_target(self):
        """Test getting not existing target"""

        # Getting not existing from should raise exception
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            assert self.pipelinewise.get_target("not-existing-target") == {}

    def test_get_taps_from_not_existing_target(self):
        """Test getting taps from not existing target"""

        # Getting not existing from should raise exception
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            assert self.pipelinewise.get_tap("not-existing-target",
                                             "not-existing-tap") == {}

    def test_get_not_existing_tap(self):
        """Test getting not existing tap from existing target"""

        # Getting not existing from should raise exception
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            assert self.pipelinewise.get_tap("target_one",
                                             "not-existing-tap") == {}

    def test_create_filtered_tap_properties(self):
        """Test creating fastsync and singer specific properties file"""
        # TODO: review this completely
        ) = self.pipelinewise.create_filtered_tap_properties(
                "selected": True,
                "target_type": ["target-snowflake"],
                "tap_type": ["tap-mysql", "tap-postgres"],
                "initial_sync_required": True,

        # Fastsync and singer properties should be created
        assert os.path.isfile(tap_properties_fastsync)
        assert os.path.isfile(tap_properties_singer)

        # Delete generated properties file

        # Fastsync and singer properties should be created
        # assert fastsync_stream_ids == []
        # assert singer_stream_ids == []

    def test_merge_empty_catalog(self):
        """Merging two empty singer schemas should be another empty"""
        # TODO: Check if pipelinewise.merge_schemas is required at all or not
        assert self.pipelinewise.merge_schemas({}, {}) == {}

    def test_merge_empty_stream_catalog(self):
        """Merging empty schemas should be empty"""
        # TODO: Check if pipelinewise.merge_schemas is required at all or not
        assert self.pipelinewise.merge_schemas({"streams": []},
                                               {"streams": []}) == {
                                                   "streams": []

    def test_merge_same_catalog(self):
        """Test merging not empty schemas"""
        # TODO: Check if pipelinewise.merge_schemas is required at all or not
        tap_one_catalog = cli.utils.load_json(

        assert self.pipelinewise.merge_schemas(
            tap_one_catalog, tap_one_catalog) == tap_one_catalog

    def test_merge_updated_catalog(self):
        """Test merging not empty schemas"""
        # TODO: Check if pipelinewise.merge_schemas is required at all or not
        tap_one_catalog = cli.utils.load_json(
        tap_one_updated_catalog = cli.utils.load_json(

        assert (self.pipelinewise.merge_schemas(
            tap_one_catalog, tap_one_updated_catalog) == tap_one_catalog)

    def test_make_default_selection(self):
        """Test if streams selected correctly in catalog JSON"""
        tap_one_catalog = cli.utils.load_json(
        tap_one_selection_file = "{}/resources/sample_json_config/target_one/tap_one/selection.json".format(

        # Update catalog selection
        tap_one_with_selection = self.pipelinewise.make_default_selection(
            tap_one_catalog, tap_one_selection_file)

        # Table one has to be selected with LOG_BASED replication method
        assert tap_one_with_selection["streams"][0]["metadata"][0]["metadata"][
            "selected"] == True
        assert (tap_one_with_selection["streams"][0]["metadata"][0]["metadata"]
                ["replication-method"] == "LOG_BASED")

        # Table two has to be selected with INCREMENTAL replication method
        assert tap_one_with_selection["streams"][1]["metadata"][0]["metadata"][
            "selected"] == True
        assert (tap_one_with_selection["streams"][1]["metadata"][0]["metadata"]
                ["replication-method"] == "INCREMENTAL")
        assert (tap_one_with_selection["streams"][1]["metadata"][0]["metadata"]
                ["replication-key"] == "id")

        # Table three should not be selected
        assert tap_one_with_selection["streams"][2]["metadata"][0]["metadata"][
            "selected"] == False

    def test_create_consumable_target_config(self):
        """Test merging target config.json and inheritable_config.json"""
        target_config = "{}/resources/target-config.json".format(
        tap_inheritable_config = "{}/resources/tap-inheritable-config.json".format(

        # The merged JSON written into a temp file
        temp_file = self.pipelinewise.create_consumable_target_config(
            target_config, tap_inheritable_config)
        cons_targ_config = cli.utils.load_json(temp_file)

        # The merged object needs
        assert cons_targ_config == {
            "account": "foo",
            "aws_access_key_id": "secret",
            "aws_secret_access_key": "secret/",
            "client_side_encryption_master_key": "secret=",
            "dbname": "my_db",
            "file_format": "my_file_format",
            "password": "******",
            "s3_bucket": "foo",
            "s3_key_prefix": "foo/",
            "stage": "my_stage",
            "user": "******",
            "warehouse": "MY_WAREHOUSE",
            "batch_size_rows": 5000,
            "data_flattening_max_level": 0,
            "default_target_schema": "jira_clear",
            "default_target_schema_select_permissions": ["grp_power"],
            "hard_delete": True,
            "primary_key_required": True,
            "schema_mapping": {
                "jira": {
                    "target_schema": "jira_clear",
                    "target_schema_select_permissions": ["grp_power"],

        # Remove temp file with merged JSON

    def test_invalid_create_consumable_target_config(self):
        """Test merging invalid target config.json and inheritable_config.json"""
        target_config = "{}/resources/invalid.json".format(
        tap_inheritable_config = "not-existing-json"

        # Merging invalid or not existing JSONs should raise exception
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
                target_config, tap_inheritable_config)

    def test_command_encrypt_string(self, capsys):
        """Test vault encryption command output"""
        secret_path = "{}/resources/vault-secret.txt".format(

        args = CliArgs(string="plain text", secret=secret_path)
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        # Encrypted string should be printed to stdout
        stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
        assert not stderr.strip()
        assert stdout.startswith("!vault |") and "$ANSIBLE_VAULT;" in stdout

    def test_command_init(self):
        """Test init command"""
        args = CliArgs(name=TEST_PROJECT_NAME)
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        # Init new project

        #  The test project should contain every sample YAML file
        for s in os.listdir("{}/../../../pipelinewise/cli/samples".format(
            assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(TEST_PROJECT_DIR, s))

        # Re-creating project should reaise exception of directory not empty
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 1

    def test_command_status(self, capsys):
        """Test status command output"""
        # Status table should be printed to stdout
        stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
        assert not stderr.strip()

        # Exact output match
        assert (
            stdout ==
            """Tap ID     Tap Type      Target ID    Target Type       Enabled    Status          Last Sync    Last Sync Result
---------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  --------------  -----------  ------------------
tap_one    tap-mysql     target_one   target-snowflake  True       ready                        unknown
tap_two    tap-postgres  target_one   target-snowflake  True       ready                        unknown
tap_three  tap-mysql     target_two   target-s3-csv     True       not-configured               unknown
3 pipeline(s)

    def test_command_discover_tap(self, capsys):
        """Test discover tap command"""
        args = CliArgs(target="target_one", tap="tap_one")
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        # Running discovery mode should detect the tap type and path to the connector
        # Since the executable is not available in this test then it should fail
        stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()

        exp_err_pattern = os.path.join(
            "/tap-mysql/bin/tap-mysql: No such file or directory")
        assert exp_err_pattern in stdout or exp_err_pattern in stderr

    def _test_command_run_tap(self, capsys):
        """Test run tap command"""
        args = CliArgs(target="target_one", tap="tap_one")
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        # Running run mode should detect the tap type and path to the connector
        # Since the executable is not available in this test then it should fail
        # TODO: sync discover_tap and run_tap behaviour. run_tap sys.exit but discover_tap does not.
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 1

    def test_command_sync_tables(self, capsys):
        """Test run tap command"""
        args = CliArgs(target="target_one", tap="tap_one")
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        # Running sync_tables should detect the tap type and path to the connector
        # Since the executable is not available in this test then it should fail
        # TODO: sync discover_tap and run_tap behaviour. run_tap sys.exit but discover_tap does not.
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 1
class TestCli:
    Unit Tests for PipelineWise CLI executable

    def setup_method(self):
        """Create CLI arguments"""
        self.args = CliArgs(log='coverage.log')
        self.pipelinewise = PipelineWise(self.args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

    def teardown_method(self):
        """Delete test directories"""
            shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, 'target_one/tap_one/log'))
        except Exception:

    def test_target_dir(self):
        """Singer target connector config path must be relative to the project config dir"""
        assert \
            self.pipelinewise.get_target_dir('dummy-target') == \

    def test_tap_dir(self):
        """Singer tap connector config path must be relative to the target connector config path"""
        assert \
            self.pipelinewise.get_tap_dir('dummy-target', 'dummy-tap') == \

    def test_tap_log_dir(self):
        """Singer tap log path must be relative to the tap connector config path"""
        assert \
            self.pipelinewise.get_tap_log_dir('dummy-target', 'dummy-tap') == \

    def test_connector_bin(self):
        """Singer connector binary must be at a certain location under PIPELINEWISE_HOME .virtualenvs dir"""
        assert \
            self.pipelinewise.get_connector_bin('dummy-type') == \

    def test_connector_files(self):
        """Every singer connector must have a list of JSON files at certain locations"""
        # TODO: get_connector_files is duplicated in config.py and pipelinewise.py
        #       Refactor to use only one
        assert \
            self.pipelinewise.get_connector_files('/var/singer-connector') == \
                'config': '/var/singer-connector/config.json',
                'inheritable_config': '/var/singer-connector/inheritable_config.json',
                'properties': '/var/singer-connector/properties.json',
                'state': '/var/singer-connector/state.json',
                'transformation': '/var/singer-connector/transformation.json',
                'selection': '/var/singer-connector/selection.json',
                'pidfile': '/var/singer-connector/pipelinewise.pid'

    def test_not_existing_config_dir(self):
        """Test with not existing config dir"""
        # Create a new pipelinewise object pointing to a not existing config directory
        pipelinewise_with_no_config = PipelineWise(self.args, 'not-existing-config-dir', VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        # It should return and empty config with empty list targets
        # TODO: Make this scenario to fail with error message of "config dir not exists"
        assert pipelinewise_with_no_config.config == {}
        assert pipelinewise_with_no_config.get_targets() == []

    def test_get_targets(self):
        """Targets should be loaded from JSON as is"""
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_targets() == cli.utils.load_json('{}/config.json'.format(CONFIG_DIR)).get(
            'targets', [])

    def test_get_target(self):
        """Selecting target by ID should append connector files"""
        # Get target definitions from JSON file
        targets = cli.utils.load_json('{}/config.json'.format(CONFIG_DIR)).get('targets', [])
        exp_target_one = next((item for item in targets if item['id'] == 'target_one'), False)
        exp_target_two = next((item for item in targets if item['id'] == 'target_two'), False)

        # Append the connector file paths to the expected targets
        exp_target_one['files'] = self.pipelinewise.get_connector_files('{}/target_one'.format(CONFIG_DIR))
        exp_target_two['files'] = self.pipelinewise.get_connector_files('{}/target_two'.format(CONFIG_DIR))

        # Getting target by ID should match to original JSON and should contains the connector files list
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_target('target_one') == exp_target_one
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_target('target_two') == exp_target_two

    def test_get_taps(self):
        """Selecting taps by target ID should append tap statuses"""
        # Get target definitions from JSON file
        targets = cli.utils.load_json('{}/config.json'.format(CONFIG_DIR)).get('targets', [])
        target_one = next((item for item in targets if item['id'] == 'target_one'), False)
        target_two = next((item for item in targets if item['id'] == 'target_two'), False)

        # Append the tap statuses to every tap in target_one
        exp_tap_one = target_one['taps'][0]
        exp_tap_two = target_one['taps'][1]
        exp_tap_one['status'] = self.pipelinewise.detect_tap_status('target_one', exp_tap_one['id'])
        exp_tap_two['status'] = self.pipelinewise.detect_tap_status('target_one', exp_tap_two['id'])

        # Append the tap statuses to every tap in target_one
        exp_tap_three = target_two['taps'][0]
        exp_tap_three['status'] = self.pipelinewise.detect_tap_status('target_two', exp_tap_three['id'])

        # Tap statuses should be appended to every tap
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_taps('target_one') == [exp_tap_one, exp_tap_two]
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_taps('target_two') == [exp_tap_three]

    def test_get_tap(self):
        """Getting tap by ID should return status, connector and target props as well"""
        # Get target definitions from JSON file
        targets = cli.utils.load_json('{}/config.json'.format(CONFIG_DIR)).get('targets', [])
        target_one = next((item for item in targets if item['id'] == 'target_one'), False)

        # Append the tap status, files and target keys to the tap
        exp_tap_one = target_one['taps'][0]
        exp_tap_one['status'] = self.pipelinewise.detect_tap_status('target_one', exp_tap_one['id'])
        exp_tap_one['files'] = self.pipelinewise.get_connector_files('{}/target_one/tap_one'.format(CONFIG_DIR))
        exp_tap_one['target'] = self.pipelinewise.get_target('target_one')

        # Getting tap by ID should match to original JSON and should contain  status, connector files and target props
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_tap('target_one', 'tap_one') == exp_tap_one

    def test_get_not_existing_target(self):
        """Test getting not existing target"""

        # Getting not existing from should raise exception
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            assert self.pipelinewise.get_target('not-existing-target') == {}

    def test_get_taps_from_wrong_target(self):
        """Test getting taps from not existing target"""

        # Getting not existing from should raise exception
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            assert self.pipelinewise.get_tap('not-existing-target', 'not-existing-tap') == {}

    def test_get_not_existing_tap(self):
        """Test getting not existing tap from existing target"""

        # Getting not existing from should raise exception
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            assert self.pipelinewise.get_tap('target_one', 'not-existing-tap') == {}

    # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
    def test_create_filtered_tap_props(self):
        """Test creating fastsync and singer specific properties file"""
        ) = self.pipelinewise.create_filtered_tap_properties(
                 'selected': True,
                 'target_type': ['target-snowflake'],
                 'tap_type': ['tap-mysql', 'tap-postgres'],
                 'initial_sync_required': True

        # Fastsync and singer properties should be created
        assert os.path.isfile(tap_properties_fastsync)
        assert os.path.isfile(tap_properties_singer)

        # Delete generated properties file

        # Fastsync and singer properties should be created
        assert fastsync_stream_ids == ['db_test_mysql-table_one', 'db_test_mysql-table_two']
        assert singer_stream_ids == ['db_test_mysql-table_one', 'db_test_mysql-table_two']

    def test_merge_empty_catalog(self):
        """Merging two empty singer schemas should be another empty"""
        # TODO: Check if pipelinewise.merge_schemas is required at all or not
        assert self.pipelinewise.merge_schemas({}, {}) == {}

    def test_merge_empty_stream_catalog(self):
        """Merging empty schemas should be empty"""
        # TODO: Check if pipelinewise.merge_schemas is required at all or not
        assert self.pipelinewise.merge_schemas({'streams': []}, {'streams': []}) == {'streams': []}

    def test_merge_same_catalog(self):
        """Test merging not empty schemas"""
        # TODO: Check if pipelinewise.merge_schemas is required at all or not
        tap_one_catalog = cli.utils.load_json(

        assert self.pipelinewise.merge_schemas(tap_one_catalog, tap_one_catalog) == tap_one_catalog

    def test_merge_updated_catalog(self):
        """Test merging not empty schemas"""
        # TODO: Check if pipelinewise.merge_schemas is required at all or not
        tap_one_catalog = cli.utils.load_json(
        tap_one_updated_catalog = cli.utils.load_json(

        assert self.pipelinewise.merge_schemas(tap_one_catalog, tap_one_updated_catalog) == tap_one_catalog

    def test_make_default_selection(self):
        """Test if streams selected correctly in catalog JSON"""
        tap_one_catalog = cli.utils.load_json(
        tap_one_selection_file = '{}/resources/sample_json_config/target_one/tap_one/selection.json'.format(

        # Update catalog selection
        tap_one_with_selection = self.pipelinewise.make_default_selection(tap_one_catalog, tap_one_selection_file)

        # Table one has to be selected with LOG_BASED replication method
        assert tap_one_with_selection['streams'][0]['metadata'][0]['metadata']['selected'] is True
        assert tap_one_with_selection['streams'][0]['metadata'][0]['metadata']['replication-method'] == 'LOG_BASED'

        # Table two has to be selected with INCREMENTAL replication method
        assert tap_one_with_selection['streams'][1]['metadata'][0]['metadata']['selected'] is True
        assert tap_one_with_selection['streams'][1]['metadata'][0]['metadata']['replication-method'] == 'INCREMENTAL'
        assert tap_one_with_selection['streams'][1]['metadata'][0]['metadata']['replication-key'] == 'id'

        # Table three should not be selected
        assert tap_one_with_selection['streams'][2]['metadata'][0]['metadata']['selected'] is False

    def test_target_config(self):
        """Test merging target config.json and inheritable_config.json"""
        target_config = '{}/resources/target-config.json'.format(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        tap_inheritable_config = '{}/resources/tap-inheritable-config.json'.format(os.path.dirname(__file__))

        # The merged JSON written into a temp file
        temp_file = self.pipelinewise.create_consumable_target_config(target_config, tap_inheritable_config)
        cons_targ_config = cli.utils.load_json(temp_file)

        # The merged object needs
        assert cons_targ_config == {
            'account': 'foo',
            'aws_access_key_id': 'secret',
            'aws_secret_access_key': 'secret/',
            'client_side_encryption_master_key': 'secret=',
            'dbname': 'my_db',
            'file_format': 'my_file_format',
            'password': '******',
            's3_bucket': 'foo',
            's3_key_prefix': 'foo/',
            'stage': 'my_stage',
            'user': '******',
            'warehouse': 'MY_WAREHOUSE',
            'batch_size_rows': 5000,
            'data_flattening_max_level': 0,
            'default_target_schema': 'jira_clear',
            'default_target_schema_select_permissions': ['grp_power'],
            'hard_delete': True,
            'primary_key_required': True,
            'schema_mapping': {
                'jira': {
                    'target_schema': 'jira_clear',
                    'target_schema_select_permissions': ['grp_power']

        # Remove temp file with merged JSON

    def test_invalid_target_config(self):
        """Test merging invalid target config.json and inheritable_config.json"""
        target_config = '{}/resources/invalid.json'.format(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        tap_inheritable_config = 'not-existing-json'

        # Merging invalid or not existing JSONs should raise exception
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            self.pipelinewise.create_consumable_target_config(target_config, tap_inheritable_config)

    def test_command_encrypt_string(self, capsys):
        """Test vault encryption command output"""
        secret_path = '{}/resources/vault-secret.txt'.format(os.path.dirname(__file__))

        args = CliArgs(string='plain text', secret=secret_path)
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        # Encrypted string should be printed to stdout
        stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
        assert not stderr.strip()
        assert stdout.startswith('!vault |') and '$ANSIBLE_VAULT;' in stdout

    def test_command_init(self):
        """Test init command"""
        args = CliArgs(name=TEST_PROJECT_NAME)
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        # Init new project

        # The test project should contain every sample YAML file
        for sample_yaml in os.listdir('{}/../../../pipelinewise/cli/samples'.format(os.path.dirname(__file__))):
            assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(TEST_PROJECT_DIR, sample_yaml))

        # Re-creating project should reaise exception of directory not empty
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 1

    def test_command_status(self, capsys):
        """Test status command output"""
        # Status table should be printed to stdout
        stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
        assert not stderr.strip()

        # Exact output match
        # pylint: disable=line-too-long
        assert stdout == """Tap ID     Tap Type      Target ID    Target Type       Enabled    Status          Last Sync    Last Sync Result
---------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  --------------  -----------  ------------------
tap_one    tap-mysql     target_one   target-snowflake  True       ready                        unknown
tap_two    tap-postgres  target_one   target-snowflake  True       ready                        unknown
tap_three  tap-mysql     target_two   target-s3-csv     True       not-configured               unknown
3 pipeline(s)

    def test_command_discover_tap(self):
        """Test discover tap command"""
        args = CliArgs(target='target_one', tap='tap_one')
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        # Running discovery mode should detect the tap type and path to the connector
        # Since the executable is not available in this test then it should fail
        result = pipelinewise.discover_tap()

        exp_err_pattern = '/tap-mysql/bin/tap-mysql: No such file or directory'
        assert exp_err_pattern in result

    def _test_command_run_tap(self):
        """Test run tap command"""
        args = CliArgs(target='target_one', tap='tap_one')
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        # Running run mode should detect the tap type and path to the connector
        # Since the executable is not available in this test then it should fail
        # TODO: sync discover_tap and run_tap behaviour. run_tap sys.exit but discover_tap does not.
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 1

    def test_command_stop_tap(self):
        """Test stop tap command"""
        args = CliArgs(target='target_one', tap='tap_one')
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        # Tap is not running, pid file not exist, should exit with error
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 1

    def test_command_sync_tables(self):
        """Test run tap command"""
        args = CliArgs(target='target_one', tap='tap_one')
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        # Running sync_tables should detect the tap type and path to the connector
        # Since the executable is not available in this test then it should fail
        # TODO: sync discover_tap and run_tap behaviour. run_tap sys.exit but discover_tap does not.
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 1

    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    def test_exit_gracefully(self):
        """Gracefully shoudl run tap command"""
        args = CliArgs(target='target_one', tap='tap_one')
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        # Create a test log file, simulating a running tap
        pipelinewise.tap_run_log_file = 'test-tap-run-dummy.log'

        # Graceful exit should return 1 by default
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
            pipelinewise._exit_gracefully(signal.SIGINT, frame=None)
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 1

        # Graceful exit should rename log file from running status to terminated
        assert os.path.isfile('{}.terminated'.format(pipelinewise.tap_run_log_file))

        # Delete test log file

    def test_validate_command_1(self):
        """Test validate command should fail because of missing replication key for incremental"""
        test_validate_command_dir = \

        args = CliArgs(dir=test_validate_command_dir)
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        with pytest.raises(SystemExit):

    def test_validate_command_2(self):
        """Test validate command should succeed"""
        test_validate_command_dir = \

        args = CliArgs(dir=test_validate_command_dir)
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)


    def test_validate_command_3(self):
        """Test validate command should fail because of invalid target in tap config"""
        test_validate_command_dir = f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/resources/test_validate_command/invalid_target'

        args = CliArgs(dir=test_validate_command_dir)
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        with pytest.raises(SystemExit):

    def test_validate_command_4(self):
        """Test validate command should fail because of duplicate targets"""
        test_validate_command_dir = \

        args = CliArgs(dir=test_validate_command_dir)
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        with pytest.raises(SystemExit):

    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    def test_post_import_checks(self):
        """Test post import checks"""
        args = CliArgs()
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)
        test_files_dir = '{}/resources/test_post_import_checks'.format(os.path.dirname(__file__))

        tap_pk_required = cli.utils.load_json('{}/tap_config_pk_required.json'.format(test_files_dir))
        tap_pk_not_required = cli.utils.load_json('{}/tap_config_pk_not_required.json'.format(test_files_dir))
        tap_pk_not_defined = cli.utils.load_json('{}/tap_config_pk_not_defined.json'.format(test_files_dir))
        tap_with_pk = cli.utils.load_json('{}//tap_properties_with_pk.json'.format(test_files_dir))
        tap_with_no_pk_full_table = cli.utils.load_json(
        tap_with_no_pk_incremental = cli.utils.load_json(
        tap_with_no_pk_log_based = cli.utils.load_json(
        tap_with_no_pk_not_selected = cli.utils.load_json(

        # Test scenarios when post import checks should pass
        assert pipelinewise._run_post_import_tap_checks(tap_pk_required, tap_with_pk) == []
        assert pipelinewise._run_post_import_tap_checks(tap_pk_not_required, tap_with_pk) == []
        assert pipelinewise._run_post_import_tap_checks(tap_pk_required, tap_with_no_pk_full_table) == []
        assert pipelinewise._run_post_import_tap_checks(tap_pk_not_required, tap_with_no_pk_incremental) == []
        assert pipelinewise._run_post_import_tap_checks(tap_pk_not_required, tap_with_no_pk_log_based) == []
        assert pipelinewise._run_post_import_tap_checks(tap_pk_required, tap_with_no_pk_not_selected) == []
        assert pipelinewise._run_post_import_tap_checks(tap_pk_not_defined, tap_with_no_pk_full_table) == []

        # Test scenarios when post import checks should fail due to primary keys not exists
        assert len(pipelinewise._run_post_import_tap_checks(tap_pk_required, tap_with_no_pk_incremental)) == 1
        assert len(pipelinewise._run_post_import_tap_checks(tap_pk_required, tap_with_no_pk_log_based)) == 1
        assert len(pipelinewise._run_post_import_tap_checks(tap_pk_not_defined, tap_with_no_pk_incremental)) == 1
        assert len(pipelinewise._run_post_import_tap_checks(tap_pk_not_defined, tap_with_no_pk_log_based)) == 1
class TestCli:
    Unit Tests for PipelineWise CLI executable

    def setup_method(self):
        """Create CLI arguments"""
        self.args = CliArgs(log='coverage.log')
        self.pipelinewise = PipelineWise(
        if os.path.exists('/tmp/pwtest'):

    def teardown_method(self):
        """Delete test directories"""
            shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, 'target_one/tap_one/log'))
        except Exception:

    def _init_for_sync_tables_states_cleanup(tables_arg: str = None) -> PipelineWise:
        temp_path = '/tmp/pwtest/'
        args = CliArgs(target='target_one', tap='tap_one', tables=tables_arg)
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)
        pipelinewise.tap['files']['state'] = f'{temp_path}state.json'
        pipelinewise.venv_dir = temp_path

        # Making a test tap bin file
        with open(f'{temp_path}pipelinewise/bin/mysql-to-snowflake', 'a', encoding='UTF-8'):

        return pipelinewise

    def _make_sample_state_file(test_state_file: str) -> None:
        sample_state_data = {
            'currently_syncing': None,
            'bookmarks': {
                'table1': {'foo': 'bar'},
                'table2': {'foo': 'bar'},
                'table3': {'foo': 'bar'}
        with open(test_state_file, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as state_file:
            json.dump(sample_state_data, state_file)

    def _assert_calling_sync_tables(pipelinewise: PipelineWise, side_effect_method: Optional[Callable] = None) -> None:
        with patch('pipelinewise.cli.pipelinewise.PipelineWise.run_tap_fastsync') as mocked_fastsync:
            if side_effect_method:
                mocked_fastsync.side_effect = side_effect_method

    def test_target_dir(self):
        """Singer target connector config path must be relative to the project config dir"""
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_target_dir(
        ) == '{}/dummy-target'.format(CONFIG_DIR)

    def test_tap_dir(self):
        """Singer tap connector config path must be relative to the target connector config path"""
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_tap_dir(
            'dummy-target', 'dummy-tap'
        ) == '{}/dummy-target/dummy-tap'.format(CONFIG_DIR)

    def test_tap_log_dir(self):
        """Singer tap log path must be relative to the tap connector config path"""
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_tap_log_dir(
            'dummy-target', 'dummy-tap'
        ) == '{}/dummy-target/dummy-tap/log'.format(CONFIG_DIR)

    def test_connector_bin(self):
        """Singer connector binary must be at a certain location under PIPELINEWISE_HOME .virtualenvs dir"""
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_connector_bin(
        ) == '{}/dummy-type/bin/dummy-type'.format(VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

    def test_not_existing_config_dir(self):
        """Test with not existing config dir"""
        # Create a new pipelinewise object pointing to a not existing config directory
        pipelinewise_with_no_config = PipelineWise(
            self.args, 'not-existing-config-dir', VIRTUALENVS_DIR

        # It should return and empty config with empty list targets
        # TODO: Make this scenario to fail with error message of "config dir not exists"
        assert pipelinewise_with_no_config.config == {}
        assert pipelinewise_with_no_config.get_targets() == []

    def test_get_targets(self):
        """Targets should be loaded from JSON as is"""
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_targets() == cli.utils.load_json(
        ).get('targets', [])

    def test_get_target(self):
        """Selecting target by ID should append connector files"""
        # Get target definitions from JSON file
        targets = cli.utils.load_json('{}/config.json'.format(CONFIG_DIR)).get(
            'targets', []
        exp_target_one = next(
            (item for item in targets if item['id'] == 'target_one'), False
        exp_target_two = next(
            (item for item in targets if item['id'] == 'target_two'), False

        # Append the connector file paths to the expected targets
        exp_target_one['files'] = Config.get_connector_files(
        exp_target_two['files'] = Config.get_connector_files(

        # Getting target by ID should match to original JSON and should contains the connector files list
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_target('target_one') == exp_target_one
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_target('target_two') == exp_target_two

    def test_get_taps(self):
        """Selecting taps by target ID should append tap statuses"""
        # Get target definitions from JSON file
        targets = cli.utils.load_json('{}/config.json'.format(CONFIG_DIR)).get(
            'targets', []
        target_one = next(
            (item for item in targets if item['id'] == 'target_one'), False
        target_two = next(
            (item for item in targets if item['id'] == 'target_two'), False

        # Append the tap statuses to every tap in target_one
        exp_tap_one = target_one['taps'][0]
        exp_tap_two = target_one['taps'][1]
        exp_tap_one['status'] = self.pipelinewise.detect_tap_status(
            'target_one', exp_tap_one['id']
        exp_tap_two['status'] = self.pipelinewise.detect_tap_status(
            'target_one', exp_tap_two['id']

        # Append the tap statuses to every tap in target_one
        exp_tap_three = target_two['taps'][0]
        exp_tap_three['status'] = self.pipelinewise.detect_tap_status(
            'target_two', exp_tap_three['id']

        # Tap statuses should be appended to every tap
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_taps('target_one') == [exp_tap_one, exp_tap_two]
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_taps('target_two') == [exp_tap_three]

    def test_get_tap(self):
        """Getting tap by ID should return status, connector and target props as well"""
        # Get target definitions from JSON file
        targets = cli.utils.load_json('{}/config.json'.format(CONFIG_DIR)).get(
            'targets', []
        target_one = next(
            (item for item in targets if item['id'] == 'target_one'), False

        # Append the tap status, files and target keys to the tap
        exp_tap_one = target_one['taps'][0]
        exp_tap_one['status'] = self.pipelinewise.detect_tap_status(
            'target_one', exp_tap_one['id']
        exp_tap_one['files'] = Config.get_connector_files(
        exp_tap_one['target'] = self.pipelinewise.get_target('target_one')

        # Getting tap by ID should match to original JSON and should contain  status, connector files and target props
        assert self.pipelinewise.get_tap('target_one', 'tap_one') == exp_tap_one

    def test_get_not_existing_target(self):
        """Test getting not existing target"""

        # Getting not existing from should raise exception
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            assert self.pipelinewise.get_target('not-existing-target') == {}

    def test_get_taps_from_wrong_target(self):
        """Test getting taps from not existing target"""

        # Getting not existing from should raise exception
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            assert (
                self.pipelinewise.get_tap('not-existing-target', 'not-existing-tap')
                == {}

    def test_get_not_existing_tap(self):
        """Test getting not existing tap from existing target"""

        # Getting not existing from should raise exception
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            assert self.pipelinewise.get_tap('target_one', 'not-existing-tap') == {}

    def test_create_filtered_tap_props(self):
        """Test creating fastsync and singer specific properties file"""
        ) = self.pipelinewise.create_filtered_tap_properties(
                'selected': True,
                'tap_target_pairs': {
                    ConnectorType.TAP_MYSQL: {ConnectorType.TARGET_SNOWFLAKE},
                    ConnectorType.TAP_POSTGRES: {ConnectorType.TARGET_SNOWFLAKE},
                'initial_sync_required': True,

        # Fastsync and singer properties should be created
        assert os.path.isfile(tap_properties_fastsync)
        assert os.path.isfile(tap_properties_singer)

        # Delete generated properties file

        # Fastsync and singer properties should be created
        assert fastsync_stream_ids == [
        assert singer_stream_ids == [

    def test_create_filtered_tap_props_no_fastsync(self):
        """Test creating only singer specific properties file"""
        ) = self.pipelinewise.create_filtered_tap_properties(
                'selected': True,
                'tap_target_pairs': {
                    ConnectorType.TAP_MYSQL: {ConnectorType.TARGET_REDSHIFT},
                    ConnectorType.TAP_POSTGRES: {ConnectorType.TARGET_SNOWFLAKE},
                'initial_sync_required': True,

        # fastsync and singer properties should be created
        assert os.path.isfile(tap_properties_fastsync)
        assert os.path.isfile(tap_properties_singer)

        # Delete generated properties file

        # only singer properties should be created
        assert fastsync_stream_ids == []
        assert singer_stream_ids == [

    def test_merge_empty_catalog(self):
        """Merging two empty singer schemas should be another empty"""
        # TODO: Check if pipelinewise.merge_schemas is required at all or not
        assert self.pipelinewise.merge_schemas({}, {}) == {}

    def test_merge_empty_stream_catalog(self):
        """Merging empty schemas should be empty"""
        # TODO: Check if pipelinewise.merge_schemas is required at all or not
        assert self.pipelinewise.merge_schemas({'streams': []}, {'streams': []}) == {
            'streams': []

    def test_merge_same_catalog(self):
        """Test merging not empty schemas"""
        # TODO: Check if pipelinewise.merge_schemas is required at all or not
        tap_one_catalog = cli.utils.load_json(

        assert (
            self.pipelinewise.merge_schemas(tap_one_catalog, tap_one_catalog)
            == tap_one_catalog

    def test_merge_updated_catalog(self):
        """Test merging not empty schemas"""
        # TODO: Check if pipelinewise.merge_schemas is required at all or not
        tap_one_catalog = cli.utils.load_json(
        tap_one_updated_catalog = cli.utils.load_json(

        assert (
            self.pipelinewise.merge_schemas(tap_one_catalog, tap_one_updated_catalog)
            == tap_one_catalog

    def test_make_default_selection(self):
        """Test if streams selected correctly in catalog JSON"""
        tap_one_catalog = cli.utils.load_json(
        tap_one_selection_file = (

        # Update catalog selection
        tap_one_with_selection = self.pipelinewise.make_default_selection(
            tap_one_catalog, tap_one_selection_file

        # Table one has to be selected with LOG_BASED replication method
        assert (
            is True
        assert (
            == 'LOG_BASED'

        # Table two has to be selected with INCREMENTAL replication method
        assert (
            is True
        assert (
            == 'INCREMENTAL'
        assert (
            == 'id'

        # Table three should not be selected
        assert (
            is False

    def test_target_config(self):
        """Test merging target config.json and inheritable_config.json"""
        target_config = '{}/resources/target-config.json'.format(
        tap_inheritable_config = '{}/resources/tap-inheritable-config.json'.format(

        # The merged JSON written into a temp file
        temp_file = self.pipelinewise.create_consumable_target_config(
            target_config, tap_inheritable_config
        cons_targ_config = cli.utils.load_json(temp_file)

        # The merged object needs
        assert cons_targ_config == {
            'account': 'foo',
            'aws_access_key_id': 'secret',
            'aws_secret_access_key': 'secret/',
            'client_side_encryption_master_key': 'secret=',
            'dbname': 'my_db',
            'file_format': 'my_file_format',
            'password': '******',
            's3_bucket': 'foo',
            's3_key_prefix': 'foo/',
            'stage': 'my_stage',
            'user': '******',
            'warehouse': 'MY_WAREHOUSE',
            'batch_size_rows': 5000,
            'data_flattening_max_level': 0,
            'default_target_schema': 'jira_clear',
            'default_target_schema_select_permissions': ['grp_power'],
            'hard_delete': True,
            'primary_key_required': True,
            'schema_mapping': {
                'jira': {
                    'target_schema': 'jira_clear',
                    'target_schema_select_permissions': ['grp_power'],

        # Remove temp file with merged JSON

    def test_invalid_target_config(self):
        """Test merging invalid target config.json and inheritable_config.json"""
        target_config = '{}/resources/invalid.json'.format(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        tap_inheritable_config = 'not-existing-json'

        # Merging invalid or not existing JSONs should raise exception
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
                target_config, tap_inheritable_config

    def test_send_alert(self):
        """Test if alert"""
        with patch(
        ) as alert_sender_mock:
            alert_sender_mock.return_value = {'sent': 1}
            # Should send alert and should return stats if alerting enabled on the tap
            self.pipelinewise.tap = self.pipelinewise.get_tap('target_one', 'tap_one')
            assert self.pipelinewise.send_alert('test-message') == {'sent': 1}

        # Should not send alert and should return none if alerting disabled on the tap
        self.pipelinewise.tap = self.pipelinewise.get_tap('target_one', 'tap_two')
        assert self.pipelinewise.send_alert('test-message') == {'sent': 0}

    def test_send_alert_to_tap_specific_slack_channel(self):
        """Test if sends alert to the tap specific channel"""
        config_dir = f'{RESOURCES_DIR}/sample_json_config_for_specific_slack_channel'

        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(
            self.args, config_dir, VIRTUALENVS_DIR, PROFILING_DIR
        pipelinewise.tap = pipelinewise.get_tap('target_one', 'tap_one')
        with patch.object(WebClient, 'chat_postMessage') as mocked_slack:

            # Assert if alert is sent to the the main channel and also to the tap channel
                        attachments=[{'color': 'danger', 'title': 'test-message'}]
                        attachments=[{'color': 'danger', 'title': 'test-message'}]

    def test_command_encrypt_string(self, capsys):
        """Test vault encryption command output"""
        secret_path = '{}/resources/vault-secret.txt'.format(os.path.dirname(__file__))

        args = CliArgs(string='plain text', secret=secret_path)
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        # Encrypted string should be printed to stdout
        stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
        assert not stderr.strip()
        assert stdout.startswith('!vault |') and '$ANSIBLE_VAULT;' in stdout

    def test_command_init(self):
        """Test init command"""
        args = CliArgs(name=TEST_PROJECT_NAME)
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        # Init new project

        # The test project should contain every sample YAML file
        for sample_yaml in os.listdir(
            assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(TEST_PROJECT_DIR, sample_yaml))

        # Re-creating project should raise exception of directory not empty
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 1

    def test_command_status(self, capsys):
        """Test status command output"""
        # Status table should be printed to stdout
        stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
        assert not stderr.strip()

        # Exact output match
        # pylint: disable=line-too-long
        assert (
            == """Tap ID     Tap Type      Target ID    Target Type       Enabled    Status          Last Sync    Last Sync Result
---------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  --------------  -----------  ------------------
tap_one    tap-mysql     target_one   target-snowflake  True       ready                        unknown
tap_two    tap-postgres  target_one   target-snowflake  True       ready                        unknown
tap_three  tap-mysql     target_two   target-s3-csv     True       not-configured               unknown
3 pipeline(s)

    def test_command_discover_tap(self):
        """Test discover tap command"""
        args = CliArgs(target='target_one', tap='tap_one')
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        # Running discovery mode should detect the tap type and path to the connector
        # Since the executable is not available in this test then it should fail
        result = pipelinewise.discover_tap()

        exp_err_pattern = '/tap-mysql/bin/tap-mysql: No such file or directory'
        assert exp_err_pattern in result

    def _test_command_run_tap(self):
        """Test run tap command"""
        args = CliArgs(target='target_one', tap='tap_one')
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        # Running run mode should detect the tap type and path to the connector
        # Since the executable is not available in this test then it should fail
        # TODO: sync discover_tap and run_tap behaviour. run_tap sys.exit but discover_tap does not.
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 1

    def test_command_stop_tap(self):
        """Test stop tap command"""
        args = CliArgs(target='target_one', tap='tap_one')
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)
        pipelinewise.tap_run_log_file = 'test-tap-run-dummy.log'

        # Tap is not running, pid file not exist, should exit with error
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 1

        # Stop tap command should stop all the child processes
        # 1. Start the pipelinewise mock executable that's running
        #    linux piped dummy tap and target connectors
        with pidfile.PIDFile(pipelinewise.tap['files']['pidfile']):
            # Wait 5 seconds making sure the dummy tap is running

            # Send the stop_tap command
            with pytest.raises(SystemExit):

        # Should not have any remaining Pipelinewise related linux process
        for proc in psutil.process_iter(['cmdline']):
            full_command = ' '.join(proc.info['cmdline']) if proc.info['cmdline'] else ''
            assert re.match('scheduler|pipelinewise|tap|target', full_command) is None

        # Graceful exit should rename log file from running status to terminated
        assert os.path.isfile('{}.terminated'.format(pipelinewise.tap_run_log_file))

        # Delete test log file

    def test_command_sync_tables(self):
        """Test run tap command"""
        args = CliArgs(target='target_one', tap='tap_one')
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        # Running sync_tables should detect the tap type and path to the connector
        # Since the executable is not available in this test then it should fail
        # TODO: sync discover_tap and run_tap behaviour. run_tap sys.exit but discover_tap does not.
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 1

    def test_command_sync_tables_cleanup_state_if_file_not_exists_and_no_tables_argument(self):
        """Testing sync_tables cleanup state if file not exists and there is no tables argument"""
        pipelinewise = self._init_for_sync_tables_states_cleanup()

    def test_command_sync_tables_cleanup_state_if_file_not_exists_and_tables_argument(self):
        """Testing sync_tables cleanup state if file not exists and there is tables argument"""
        pipelinewise = self._init_for_sync_tables_states_cleanup(tables_arg='table1,table3')

    def test_command_sync_tables_cleanup_state_if_file_exists_and_no_table_argument(self):
        """Testing sync_tables cleanup state if file exists and there is no table argument"""
        def _assert_state_file_is_deleted(*args, **kwargs):
            # pylint: disable=unused-argument
            assert os.path.isfile(test_state_file) is False

        pipelinewise = self._init_for_sync_tables_states_cleanup()
        test_state_file = pipelinewise.tap['files']['state']
        self._assert_calling_sync_tables(pipelinewise, _assert_state_file_is_deleted)

    def test_command_sync_tables_cleanup_state_if_file_exists_and_table_argument(self):
        """Testing sync_tables cleanup state if file exists and there is table argument"""
        def _assert_state_file_is_cleaned(*args, **kwargs):
            # pylint: disable=unused-argument
            expected_state_data = {
                'currently_syncing': None,
                'bookmarks': {
                    'table2': {'foo': 'bar'},
            with open(test_state_file, encoding='UTF-8') as state_file:
                state_data = json.load(state_file)
            assert state_data == expected_state_data

        pipelinewise = self._init_for_sync_tables_states_cleanup(tables_arg='table1,table3')
        test_state_file = pipelinewise.tap['files']['state']
        self._assert_calling_sync_tables(pipelinewise, _assert_state_file_is_cleaned)

    def test_command_sync_tables_cleanup_state_if_file_empty_and_table_argument(self):
        """Testing sync_tables cleanup state if file empty and there is table argument"""
        pipelinewise = self._init_for_sync_tables_states_cleanup(tables_arg='table1,table3')
        test_state_file = pipelinewise.tap['files']['state']
        with open(test_state_file, 'a', encoding='UTF-8'):

    def test_validate_command_1(self):
        """Test validate command should fail because of missing replication key for incremental"""
        test_validate_command_dir =\

        args = CliArgs(dir=test_validate_command_dir)
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        with pytest.raises(InvalidConfigException):

    def test_validate_command_2(self):
        """Test validate command should succeed"""
        test_validate_command_dir =\

        args = CliArgs(dir=test_validate_command_dir)
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)


    def test_validate_command_3(self):
        """Test validate command should fail because of invalid target in tap config"""
        test_validate_command_dir = f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/resources/test_validate_command/invalid_target'

        args = CliArgs(dir=test_validate_command_dir)
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        with pytest.raises(InvalidConfigException):

    def test_validate_command_4(self):
        """Test validate command should fail because of duplicate targets"""
        test_validate_command_dir =\

        args = CliArgs(dir=test_validate_command_dir)
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        with pytest.raises(DuplicateConfigException):

    def test_validate_command_5(self):
        Test validate command should fail because of transformation on json properties for a tap-target combo that
        has Fastsync
        test_validate_command_dir = \

        args = CliArgs(dir=test_validate_command_dir)
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)

        with pytest.raises(InvalidTransformationException):

    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    def test_post_import_checks(self):
        """Test post import checks"""
        args = CliArgs()
        pipelinewise = PipelineWise(args, CONFIG_DIR, VIRTUALENVS_DIR)
        test_files_dir = '{}/resources/test_post_import_checks'.format(

        tap_pk_required = cli.utils.load_json(
        tap_pk_not_required = cli.utils.load_json(
        tap_pk_not_defined = cli.utils.load_json(
        tap_with_pk = cli.utils.load_json(
        tap_with_no_pk_full_table = cli.utils.load_json(
        tap_with_no_pk_incremental = cli.utils.load_json(
        tap_with_no_pk_log_based = cli.utils.load_json(
        tap_with_no_pk_not_selected = cli.utils.load_json(

        with patch(
        ) as run_command_mock:
            # Test scenarios when post import checks should pass
            assert (
                    tap_pk_required, tap_with_pk, 'snowflake'
                == []
            assert (
                    tap_pk_not_required, tap_with_pk, 'snowflake'
                == []
            assert (
                    tap_pk_required, tap_with_no_pk_full_table, 'snowflake'
                == []
            assert (
                    tap_pk_not_required, tap_with_no_pk_incremental, 'snowflake'
                == []
            assert (
                    tap_pk_not_required, tap_with_no_pk_log_based, 'snowflake'
                == []
            assert (
                    tap_pk_required, tap_with_no_pk_not_selected, 'snowflake'
                == []
            assert (
                    tap_pk_not_defined, tap_with_no_pk_full_table, 'snowflake'
                == []

            # Test scenarios when post import checks should fail due to primary keys not exists
            assert (
                        tap_pk_required, tap_with_no_pk_incremental, 'snowflake'
                == 1
            assert (
                        tap_pk_required, tap_with_no_pk_log_based, 'snowflake'
                == 1
            assert (
                        tap_pk_not_defined, tap_with_no_pk_incremental, 'snowflake'
                == 1
            assert (
                        tap_pk_not_defined, tap_with_no_pk_log_based, 'snowflake'
                == 1

            # Test scenarios when post import checks should fail due to transformations validation command fails
            tap_with_trans = cli.utils.load_json(

            run_command_mock.return_value = (
                'transformation `HASH` cannot be applied',

            assert (
                        tap_with_trans, tap_with_no_pk_not_selected, 'snowflake'
                == 1

            assert (
                        tap_with_trans, tap_with_no_pk_incremental, 'snowflake'
                == 2

            # mock successful transformation validation command
            run_command_mock.return_value = (0, None, None)

            assert (
                        tap_with_trans, tap_with_no_pk_not_selected, 'snowflake'
                == 0

            assert (
                        tap_with_trans, tap_with_no_pk_incremental, 'snowflake'
                == 1

            assert run_command_mock.call_count == 4