def darkmaker(): with open_fits_file(biasname) as hdulist: bias = hdulist[0].data position = 0 i = 1 for line in file(inlist): fname = outdir+'dsorted'+"{0:03d}".format(position) f = open(fname, 'a') f.write(line) f.close() if i == 50: i = 0 position += 1 i += 1 os.system('ls '+outdir+'dsorted* >removeindexlist.dat') i = 1 for line in file('removeindexlist.dat'): datamatrix = [] mastermatrix = [] call = line.strip('\n') for line in file(call): line = line.strip() with open_fits_file(line) as hdulist: overscan = extract_overscan(hdulist) data = hdulist[0].data[0:2048,20:2068] exposure = hdulist[0].header['exposure'] corrected = (data-np.median(overscan)-bias)/exposure datamatrix.append(corrected) print np.shape(datamatrix) master = np.median(datamatrix, axis=0) print i mastermatrix.append(master) i += 1 print 'averaging' print np.shape(mastermatrix) dark = np.mean(mastermatrix, axis=0) phdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(dark) outname = outdir+darkname command = 'rm -f '+outname os.system(command) phdu.writeto(outname) os.system('rm -f removeindexlist.dat '+outdir+'dsorted*')
def reducer(): with open_fits_file(biasname) as hdulist: bias = hdulist[0].data with open_fits_file(darkname) as hdulist: dark = hdulist[0].data with open_fits_file(flatname) as hdulist: flat = hdulist[0].data pool = ThreadPool() fn = partial(reduce_file, bias=bias, dark=dark, flat=flat) with open(inlist) as infile: filenames = [line.strip() for line in infile], filenames)
def extract_from_file(fname):'Analysing file %s', fname) with open_fits_file(fname) as infile: header = infile[0].header image = infile[0].data # sx, sy = parse_overscan_region(header['biassec']) mjd = header['mjd'] left = image[4:, 1:20] right = image[4:, -15:] exposure = header['exposure'] airmass = header.get('airmass', 0) chstemp = header.get('chstemp', 0) ccdtemp = header.get('ccdtemp', 0) image_id = header['image_id'] roof_status_value = header['roofstat'] roof_open = True if roof_status_value.lower() == 'full open' else False return { 'mjd': mjd, 'exposure': float(exposure), 'image_id': image_id, 'roof_open': roof_open, 'left': sigma_clipped_mean(left).astype(float), 'right': sigma_clipped_mean(right).astype(float), 'airmass': airmass, 'ccdtemp': ccdtemp, 'chstemp': chstemp, }
def sort_scilist(liste): fields = [] scilists = [] for item in liste: with open_fits_file(item) as hdulist: try: field = hdulist[0].header['OBJECT'] except: field = hdulist[0].header['FIELD'] if fields.count(field) == 0: fields.append(field) scilists.append([]) idx = fields.index(field) scilists[idx].append(item) return(fields,scilists)
def reduce_file(filename, bias, dark, flat): with open_fits_file(filename) as hdulist: overscan = extract_overscan(hdulist) data = hdulist[0].data[0:2048,20:2068] exposure = hdulist[0].header['exposure'] corrected = (data-np.median(overscan)-bias-(dark*exposure))/flat path, fname = os.path.split(filename) outname = outdir+'proc'+fname.replace('.bz2', '') print outname hdulist[0].data = corrected hdulist[0].header.add_history('Overscan of '+str(np.median(overscan))+' subtracted') hdulist[0].header.add_history('Bias subtracted using '+str(biasname)) hdulist[0].header.add_history('Dark subtracted using '+str(darkname)) hdulist[0].header.add_history('Flat corrected using '+str(flatname)) command = 'rm -f '+outname os.system(command) hdulist.writeto(outname) dfile = outdir+'processed.dat' f = open(dfile, 'a') f.write(outname) f.close()
def extract_from_file(fname): with open_fits_file(fname) as infile: header = infile[0].header image = infile[0].data if not header['imgtype'].strip() == 'DARK': return None mjd = header['mjd'] left = image[:, 1:20] right = image[:, -20:] gain = header['gainfact'] exptime = header['exposure'] left_overscan = sigma_clipped_mean(left) right_overscan = sigma_clipped_mean(right) airmass = header['airmass'] chstemp = header['chstemp'] ccdtemp = header['ccdtemp'] logger.debug('Analysing file %s, gain: %s, exptime: %s, ccdtemp: %s', fname, gain, exptime, ccdtemp) central = image[:, 20:-20] bias_signal = compute_bias_signal(central, left_overscan, right_overscan) dark_current = central - bias_signal dark_current_electrons_per_second = dark_current * gain / exptime return { 'mjd': mjd, 'left': left_overscan.astype(float), 'right': right_overscan.astype(float), 'airmass': airmass, 'ccdtemp': ccdtemp, 'chstemp': chstemp, 'dark': sigma_clipped_mean(dark_current).astype(float), }
def classify_file(filename, logroot): out = defaultdict(list) with open_fits_file(filename) as hdulist: imtype = hdulist[0].header['IMGTYPE'] action = hdulist[0].header['ACTION'] try: dither = hdulist[0].header['DITHER'] except: dither = 'DISABLED' string = "%20s %10s %30s\n" % (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), imtype, filename) result = write_log(logroot, runnumber, string, 2) if imtype == 'IMAGE': if dither == 'ENABLED': out['dithered'].append(filename) else: out['science'].append(filename) elif imtype == 'DARK': out['dark'].append(filename) elif imtype == 'BIAS': out['bias'].append(filename) elif imtype == 'FLAT': out['flat'].append(filename) return out
def reducer(): os.system('mkdir '+outdir+'flats') with open_fits_file(biasname) as hdulist: bias = hdulist[0].data with open_fits_file(darkname) as hdulist: dark = hdulist[0].data with open_fits_file(smname) as hdulist: sm = hdulist[0].data os.system('rm -f '+outdir+'datafile.dat') os.system('rm -f '+outdir+'variance.fits') os.system('rm -f '+outdir+flatname) os.system('rm -f '+outdir+'std.fits') os.system('rm -f '+outdir+'expdata.dat') frameno = 1 nflat_files = 0 flat_total = np.zeros(dark.shape) datamatrix = [] expfile = outdir+'expdata.dat' for line in file(inlist): stripped = line.strip() with open_fits_file(stripped) as hdulist: header = hdulist[0].header overscan = extract_overscan(hdulist) data = hdulist[0].data[0:2048,20:2068] exposure = header['exposure'] mjd = header['mjd'] median_data = np.median(data[:, 20:-20]) f = open(expfile, 'a') f.write(str(exposure)+'\n') f.close() to_include = (exposure >= 3) & (median_data < 40000) if not to_include: print("Skipping file {fname}, exptime={exptime}, med_data={med}" .format(fname=stripped, exptime=exposure, med=median_data), file=sys.stderr) else: corrected1 = (data-np.median(overscan)-bias-(dark*exposure)) flat_total += corrected1 nflat_files += 1 # corrected2 = corrected1/(1-(sm/exposure)) fmean = np.mean(corrected1) fstd = np.std(corrected1) normalised = corrected1/fmean # normalised = corrected1 path, fname = os.path.split(stripped) outname = outdir+'flats/'+'proc'+fname.replace('.bz2', '') dfile = outdir+'datafile.dat' f = open(dfile, 'a') f.write(str(frameno)+" "+str(fmean)+" "+str(fstd)+" "+str(exposure)+" "+outname) f.close() datamatrix.append(normalised) phdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(normalised) phdu.header['exposure'] = exposure phdu.header['mjd'] = mjd command = 'rm -f '+outname os.system(command) phdu.writeto(outname, clobber=True) tfile = outdir+'processed.dat' f = open(tfile, 'a') f.write(outname) f.close() frameno += 1 try: frame, means, stds = np.loadtxt(dfile, usecols = (0,1,2), unpack = True) except UnboundLocalError as err: if 'dfile' in str(err): raise RuntimeError("All flats invalid. Pipeline cannot continue" ", original error: {}".format(str(err))) wholestd = np.std(datamatrix, axis=0) print(np.size(wholestd)) outname = outdir+'std.fits' pyfits.PrimaryHDU(wholestd).writeto(outname, clobber=True) print('std done') variance = 1/(wholestd*wholestd) outname = outdir+'variance.fits' pyfits.PrimaryHDU(variance).writeto(outname, clobber=True) print('var done') flat = np.median(datamatrix, axis = 0) outname = outdir+flatname pyfits.PrimaryHDU(flat).writeto(outname, clobber=True) print('flat done') render_total_file(flat_total, totalname, nflat_files)