文件: safari.py 项目: hecanjog/hcj.py
def play(ctl):
    freq = tune.ntf(dsp.randchoose(['eb']), octave=dsp.randint(0,2))

    synth = keys.rhodes(dsp.stf(4), freq)

    s = dsp.vsplit(synth, dsp.mstf(50), dsp.mstf(2000))
    s = dsp.randshuffle(s)
    #s = [ dsp.alias(ss) for ss in s ]
    s = [ dsp.amp(ss, dsp.rand(0.5, 0.75)) for ss in s ]
    s = [ dsp.pan(ss, dsp.rand(0, 1)) for ss in s ]
    s = ''.join(s)
    s = dsp.fill(s, dsp.flen(synth))

    s2 = dsp.vsplit(synth, dsp.mstf(150), dsp.mstf(1500))
    s2 = dsp.randshuffle(s2)
    s2 = [ dsp.transpose(ss, dsp.randchoose([1,1.5,2,3,4,8])) for ss in s2 ]
    s2 = [ dsp.env(ss, 'phasor') for ss in s2 ]
    s2 = ''.join(s2)

    out = dsp.mix([ s, s2 ])

    out = dsp.amp(out, 1.5)

    out = dsp.transpose(out, 1.01) 
#synth = dsp.fill(synth, dsp.flen(main))

#out = synth

    return out
文件: fx.py 项目: hecanjog/o-ou
def smear(input, mingrain=2205, maxgrain=4410, waveform='hann', spread=0.1, drift=0.05, minpan=0.0, maxpan=1.0, minamp=0.0, maxamp=1.0):
    out = dsp.vsplit(input, mingrain, maxgrain)
    out = [ dsp.amp(grain, dsp.rand(minamp, maxamp)) for grain in out ]
    out = [ dsp.env(grain, waveform) for grain in out ]
    out = [ dsp.pan(grain, dsp.rand(minpan, maxpan)) for grain in out ]
    drift_delta = drift / 2.0
    minspeed = 1.0 - drift_delta
    maxspeed = 1.0 + drift_delta

    out = [ dsp.transpose(grain, dsp.rand(minspeed, maxspeed)) for grain in out ]

    num_shuffled_grains = int(len(out) * spread)

    # Pull a random set of grains
    shuffled_grains = []
    for i in range(num_shuffled_grains):
        index = dsp.randint(0, len(out) - 1)
        shuffled_grains += [ out.pop(index) ] 

    # Insert them back into random positions
    for grain in shuffled_grains:
        index = dsp.randint(0, len(out) - 1)
        out.insert(index, grain)

    out = ''.join(out)

    return out
文件: fx.py 项目: hecanjog/hcj.py
def wild(snd, factor=1):
    snd = dsp.vsplit(snd, 41, 441)
    #snd = [ dsp.fnoise(l, dsp.rand(0, factor * 0.05)) for l in snd ]
    snd = [ dsp.amp(dsp.amp(l, dsp.rand(10, factor * 30 + 20)), 0.5) for l in snd ]
    snd = ''.join(snd)

    return snd
def play(voice_id):
    bpm = C('bpm')
    beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm)
    volume = P(voice_id, 'volume', default=1.0)

    crinkle = dsp.read('sounds/s/crinkle.wav').data
    glass1 = dsp.read('sounds/s/glass1.wav').data
    glass2 = dsp.read('sounds/s/glass2.wav').data
    toys = dsp.read('sounds/s/rolling.wav').data

    c = dsp.vsplit(crinkle, dsp.mstf(10), dsp.stf(3))
    c = dsp.randshuffle(c)
    c = c[:40]
    c = [dsp.pan(cc, dsp.rand()) for cc in c]
    c = [dsp.env(cc, 'sine') for cc in c]
    c = [dsp.transpose(cc, dsp.rand(0.25, 0.5)) for cc in c]

    t = dsp.vsplit(toys, dsp.mstf(10), dsp.stf(1))
    t = dsp.randshuffle(t)
    t = t[:40]
    t = [dsp.amp(tt, dsp.rand(0.1, 0.8)) for tt in t]
    t = [dsp.pan(tt, dsp.rand(0, 1)) for tt in t]
    t = [dsp.env(tt, 'sine') for tt in t]
    t = [dsp.transpose(tt, 0.5) for tt in t]

    g = dsp.vsplit(glass2, dsp.mstf(1), dsp.mstf(100))
    g = dsp.randshuffle(g)
    g = g[:40]
    g = [dsp.amp(gg, dsp.rand(0.35, 0.95)) for gg in g]
    g = [dsp.transpose(gg, dsp.rand(0.5, 1.75)) for gg in g]
    g = [gg * dsp.randint(1, 8) for gg in g]

    things = [c, t, g]

    out = [
            for l in range(dsp.randint(2, 4))
        ]) for i in range(4)
    out = ''.join(out)

    dsp.log('voice %s length: %.2f' % (voice_id, dsp.fts(dsp.flen(out))))

    return out
        def makeGrains(out, length=None, env=None):
            envs = ['tri', 'line', 'flat', 'sine', 'hann']
            out = dsp.vsplit(out, dsp.mstf(20), dsp.mstf(90))

            out = [ dsp.env(grain, 'hann') for grain in out ]
            out = [ dsp.pan(grain, dsp.rand()) for grain in out ]

            out = dsp.randshuffle(out)
            out = ''.join(out)
            out = dsp.env(out, dsp.randchoose(envs))

            return out
        def makeGrains(out, length=None, env=None):
            envs = ['tri', 'line', 'flat', 'sine', 'hann']
            out = dsp.vsplit(out, dsp.mstf(20), dsp.mstf(90))

            out = [dsp.env(grain, 'hann') for grain in out]
            out = [dsp.pan(grain, dsp.rand()) for grain in out]

            out = dsp.randshuffle(out)
            out = ''.join(out)
            out = dsp.env(out, dsp.randchoose(envs))

            return out
def play(voice_id):
    bpm = C('bpm')
    beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm)
    volume = P(voice_id, 'volume', default=1.0)

    crinkle = dsp.read('sounds/s/crinkle.wav').data
    glass1 = dsp.read('sounds/s/glass1.wav').data
    glass2 = dsp.read('sounds/s/glass2.wav').data
    toys = dsp.read('sounds/s/rolling.wav').data

    c = dsp.vsplit(crinkle, dsp.mstf(10), dsp.stf(3))
    c = dsp.randshuffle(c)
    c = c[:40]
    c = [ dsp.pan(cc, dsp.rand()) for cc in c ]
    c = [ dsp.env(cc, 'sine') for cc in c ]
    c = [ dsp.transpose(cc, dsp.rand(0.25, 0.5)) for cc in c ]

    t = dsp.vsplit(toys, dsp.mstf(10), dsp.stf(1))
    t = dsp.randshuffle(t)
    t = t[:40]
    t = [ dsp.amp(tt, dsp.rand(0.1, 0.8)) for tt in t ]
    t = [ dsp.pan(tt, dsp.rand(0, 1)) for tt in t ]
    t = [ dsp.env(tt, 'sine') for tt in t ]
    t = [ dsp.transpose(tt, 0.5) for tt in t ]

    g = dsp.vsplit(glass2, dsp.mstf(1), dsp.mstf(100))
    g = dsp.randshuffle(g)
    g = g[:40]
    g = [ dsp.amp(gg, dsp.rand(0.35, 0.95)) for gg in g ]
    g = [ dsp.transpose(gg, dsp.rand(0.5, 1.75)) for gg in g ]
    g = [ gg * dsp.randint(1, 8) for gg in g ]

    things = [c,t,g]

    out = [ dsp.mix([ dsp.randchoose(dsp.randchoose(things)) for l in range(dsp.randint(2, 4)) ]) for i in range(4) ]
    out = ''.join(out)

    dsp.log('voice %s length: %.2f' % (voice_id, dsp.fts(dsp.flen(out))))

    return out
def make_layer(freq):
    out = dsp.tone(length, freq, amp=0.2)

    out = dsp.vsplit(out, dsp.mstf(10), dsp.mstf(2500))

    for i, o in enumerate(out):
        if dsp.randint(0, 100) > 50:
            out[i] = make_pulse(o)
            out[i] = make_vary(o)

    out = [ dsp.amp(o, dsp.rand(0, 1)) for o in out ]

    out = ''.join(out)

    return out
文件: fx.py 项目: hecanjog/hcj.py
def glitchStutter(snd):
    """ Basically a random gate """
    snd = dsp.vsplit(snd, dsp.mstf(1, 50), dsp.mstf(50, 200))

    for i, s in enumerate(snd):
        if dsp.rand() > dsp.rand(0.5, 0.9):
            s = dsp.amp(s, dsp.rand(0, 0.15))
            s = dsp.taper(s, 20)
            snd[i] = s
            s = dsp.amp(s, dsp.rand(0.85, 1))
            snd[i] = dsp.taper(s, 20)

    snd = ''.join(snd)

    return snd
def play(voice_id):
    bpm = config('bpm')
    key = config('key')
    quality = getattr(tune, config('quality'))
    ratios = getattr(tune, config('tune'))

    beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm)
    beat = beat / 4

    glitch = False
    alias = False
    nbeats = P(voice_id, 'multiple', dsp.randchoose([8, 16]))

    gs = ['gC1', 'gC2']
    g = dsp.randchoose(gs)
    n = dsp.read('sounds/%s.wav' % g).data

    #    speeds = [1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.666, 2, 4]
    speeds = [1, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 16]

    root = tune.ntf('c')
    target = tune.ntf(key)

    n = dsp.transpose(n, target / root)
    n = dsp.fill(n, dsp.stf(20))
    n = dsp.transpose(n, dsp.randchoose(speeds))
    n = dsp.split(n, beat)
    n = dsp.randshuffle(n)
    n = n[:nbeats + 1]

    if alias:
        n = [dsp.alias(nn) for nn in n]

    n = [dsp.amp(nn, dsp.rand(0.1, 0.75)) for nn in n]
    n = [dsp.pan(nn, dsp.rand()) for nn in n]

    n = ''.join(n)

    out = n

    if glitch:
        out = dsp.vsplit(out, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(80, 140)), dsp.mstf(500))
        out = dsp.randshuffle(out)
        out = ''.join(out)

    return out
def play(voice_id):
    bpm = config('bpm')
    key = config('key')
    quality = getattr(tune, config('quality')) 
    ratios = getattr(tune, config('tune')) 

    beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm)
    beat = beat / 4

    glitch = False
    alias = False
    nbeats = P(voice_id, 'multiple', dsp.randchoose([8, 16]))

    gs = ['gC1', 'gC2']
    g = dsp.randchoose(gs)
    n = dsp.read('sounds/%s.wav' % g).data

#    speeds = [1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.666, 2, 4]
    speeds = [1, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 16]

    root = tune.ntf('c')
    target = tune.ntf(key)

    n = dsp.transpose(n, target / root)
    n = dsp.fill(n, dsp.stf(20))
    n = dsp.transpose(n, dsp.randchoose(speeds))
    n = dsp.split(n, beat)
    n = dsp.randshuffle(n)
    n = n[:nbeats + 1]

    if alias:
        n = [ dsp.alias(nn) for nn in n ]

    n = [ dsp.amp(nn, dsp.rand(0.1, 0.75)) for nn in n ]
    n = [ dsp.pan(nn, dsp.rand()) for nn in n ]

    n = ''.join(n)

    out = n

    if glitch:
        out = dsp.vsplit(out, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(80, 140)), dsp.mstf(500))
        out = dsp.randshuffle(out)
        out = ''.join(out)

    return out
def play(voice_id):
    bpm = config('bpm')

    root = config('key')
    quality = getattr(tune, config('quality'))
    ratios = getattr(tune, config('tune'))

    beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm)

    length = dsp.randint(dsp.stf(1), dsp.stf(3))

    wav = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [dsp.rand(-1, 1) for w in range(10)] + [0], 512)
    win = dsp.wavetable('sine', 512)
    mod = dsp.wavetable('vary', 512)

    root = dsp.randchoose(tune.fromdegrees([1, 3, 5, 8], octave=0, root='a'))

    pw = dsp.rand(0.1, 1)

    amp = dsp.rand(0.5, 1.2)

    mFreq = 0.01 / dsp.fts(length)

    out = dsp.pulsar(root, length, pw, wav, win, mod, 0.05, mFreq, amp)

    #    out = dsp.env(out, 'vary')

    out = dsp.vsplit(out, dsp.mstf(1), dsp.mstf(500))
    out = dsp.randshuffle(out)
    out = [dsp.pad(o, 0, dsp.randint(0, 4410)) for o in out]
    out = [dsp.pan(o, dsp.rand()) for o in out]
    out = [dsp.alias(o) for o in out]
    out = [o * dsp.randint(1, 30) for o in out]
    out = [dsp.env(o, 'random') for o in out]
    out = [dsp.amp(o, dsp.rand(0.9, 1.5)) for o in out]

    out = ''.join(out)

    return out
def play(voice_id):
    bpm = config('bpm')

    root = config('key')
    quality = getattr(tune, config('quality')) 
    ratios = getattr(tune, config('tune')) 

    beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm)

    length = dsp.randint(dsp.stf(1), dsp.stf(3))

    wav = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(-1,1) for w in range(10) ] + [0], 512)
    win = dsp.wavetable('sine', 512)
    mod = dsp.wavetable('vary', 512)

    root = dsp.randchoose(tune.fromdegrees([1,3,5,8], octave=0, root='a'))

    pw = dsp.rand(0.1, 1)

    amp = dsp.rand(0.5, 1.2)

    mFreq = 0.01 / dsp.fts(length)

    out = dsp.pulsar(root, length, pw, wav, win, mod, 0.05, mFreq, amp)

#    out = dsp.env(out, 'vary')

    out = dsp.vsplit(out, dsp.mstf(1), dsp.mstf(500))
    out = dsp.randshuffle(out)
    out = [ dsp.pad(o, 0, dsp.randint(0, 4410)) for o in out ]
    out = [ dsp.pan(o, dsp.rand()) for o in out ]
    out = [ dsp.alias(o) for o in out ]
    out = [ o * dsp.randint(1, 30) for o in out ]
    out = [ dsp.env(o, 'random') for o in out ]
    out = [ dsp.amp(o, dsp.rand(0.9, 1.5)) for o in out ]

    out = ''.join(out)

    return out
文件: genie.py 项目: hecanjog/hcj.py
def play(ctl):
    pianos = ['sawvib', 'piano', 'pianooct1', 'harp', 'saw']
    pianos = ['sawvib', 'piano']
    piano = snds.load('genie/%s.wav' % dsp.randchoose(pianos))
    notes = [1,3,5]
    chord = tune.fromdegrees([ dsp.randchoose(notes) + (dsp.randchoose([0, 1]) * 8) for _ in range(dsp.randint(1, 3)) ], octave=0)
    length = dsp.stf(dsp.rand(1, 4))

    layers = []

    for freq in chord:
        p = dsp.transpose(piano, freq / 220.0)
        p = dsp.amp(p, 0.35)
        #p = dsp.pan(p, dsp.rand())
        p = dsp.fill(p, length)

        if dsp.rand() > 0.25:
            p = dsp.vsplit(p, dsp.mstf(100), dsp.mstf(500))
            p = [ dsp.pan(pp, dsp.rand()) for pp in p ]
            p = [ dsp.amp(pp, dsp.rand(0,2)) for pp in p ]
            p = [ dsp.transpose(pp, dsp.randchoose([1,2,4,8])) for pp in p ]
            p = [ dsp.taper(pp, 20) for pp in p ]
            p = [ dsp.pad(pp, 0, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(0, 100))) for pp in p ]
            p = dsp.randshuffle(p)
            p = ''.join(p)

        if dsp.rand() > 0.75:
            p = dsp.alias(p)

        #p = dsp.env(p, 'phasor')

        layers += [ p ]

    out = dsp.mix(layers)

    return out
def play(params):
    """ Usage:
            shine.py [length] [volume]
    length      = params.get('length', dsp.stf(dsp.rand(0.1, 1)))
    volume      = params.get('volume', 100.0)
    volume = volume / 100.0 # TODO: move into param filter
    octave      = params.get('octave', 2) + 1 # Add one to compensate for an old error for now
    note        = params.get('note', ['c'])
    note = note[0]
    quality     = params.get('quality', tune.major)
    glitch      = params.get('glitch', False)
    superglitch = params.get('superglitch', False)
    pinecone    = params.get('pinecone', False)
    glitchpad   = params.get('glitch-padding', 0)
    glitchenv   = params.get('glitch-envelope', False)
    env         = params.get('envelope', False)
    ratios      = params.get('ratios', tune.terry)
    pad         = params.get('padding', False)
    bend        = params.get('bend', False)
    bpm         = params.get('bpm', 75.0)
    width       = params.get('width', False)
    wform       = params.get('waveform', False)
    instrument  = params.get('instrument', 'r')
    scale       = params.get('scale', [1,6,5,4,8])
    shuffle     = params.get('shuffle', False) # Reorganize input scale
    reps        = params.get('repeats', len(scale))
    alias       = params.get('alias', False)
    phase       = params.get('phase', False)
    pi          = params.get('pi', False)
    wild        = params.get('wii', False)
    root        = params.get('root', 27.5)
    trigger_id = params.get('trigger_id', 0)

    tune.a0 = float(root)

        # Available input samples
        if instrument == 'r':
            instrument = 'rhodes'
            tone = dsp.read('sounds/synthrhodes.wav').data
        elif instrument == 's':
            instrument = 'synthrhodes'
            tone = dsp.read('sounds/220rhodes.wav').data
        elif instrument == 'c':
            instrument = 'clarinet'
            tone = dsp.read('sounds/clarinet.wav').data
        elif instrument == 'v':
            instrument = 'vibes'
            tone = dsp.read('sounds/glock220.wav').data
        elif instrument == 't':
            instrument = 'tape triangle'
            tone = dsp.read('sounds/tape220.wav').data
        elif instrument == 'g':
            instrument = 'glade'
            tone = dsp.read('sounds/glade.wav').data 
        elif instrument == 'p':
            instrument = 'paperclips'
            tone = dsp.read('sounds/paperclips.wav').data
        elif instrument == 'i':
            instrument = 'input'
            tone = dsp.capture(dsp.stf(1))
        instrument = None
        tone = None

    out = ''

    # Shuffle the order of pitches
    if shuffle is not False:
        scale = dsp.randshuffle(scale)

    # Translate the list of scale degrees into a list of frequencies
    freqs = tune.fromdegrees(scale, octave, note, quality, ratios)
    freqs = [ freq / 4.0 for freq in freqs ] 

    # Format is: [ [ path, offset, id, value ] ]
    # Offset for video 
    osc_messages = [ ['/dac', float(dsp.fts(length)), 1, tune.fts(osc_freq)] for osc_freq in freqs ]

    # Phase randomly chooses note lengths from a 
    # set of ratios derived from the current bpm
    if phase is not False:
        ldivs = [0.5, 0.75, 2, 3, 4]
        ldiv = dsp.randchoose(ldivs)
        length = dsp.bpm2ms(bpm) / ldiv
        length = dsp.mstf(length)
        reps = ldiv if ldiv > 1 else 4

    # Construct a sequence of notes
    for i in range(reps):
        # Get the freqency
        freq = freqs[i % len(freqs)]

        # Transpose the input sample or 
        # synthesize tone
        if wform is False and tone is not None:
            # Determine the pitch shift required
            # to arrive at target frequency based on 
            # the pitch of the original samples.
            if instrument == 'clarinet':
                diff = freq / 293.7
            elif instrument == 'vibes':
                diff = freq / 740.0 
                diff = freq / 440.0

            clang = dsp.transpose(tone, diff)

        elif wform == 'super':
            clang = dsp.tone(length, freq, 'phasor', 0.5)
            clang = [ dsp.drift(clang, dsp.rand(0, 0.02)) for s in range(7) ]
            clang = dsp.mix(clang)

        elif wform is False and tone is None:
            clang = dsp.tone(length, freq, 'sine2pi', 0.75)
            clang = dsp.amp(clang, 0.6)

            clang = dsp.tone(length, freq, wform, 0.75)
            clang = dsp.amp(clang, 0.6)

        # Stupidly copy the note enough or 
        # trim it to meet the target length
        clang = dsp.fill(clang, length)

        # Give synth tones simple env (can override)
        if wform is not False and env is False:
            clang = dsp.env(clang, 'phasor')

        # Apply an optional amplitude envelope
        if env is not False:
            clang = dsp.env(clang, env)

        # Add optional padding between notes
        if pad != False:
            clang = dsp.pad(clang, 0, pad)

        # Add to the final note sequence
        out += clang

    # Add optional aliasing (crude bitcrushing)
    if alias is not False:
        out = dsp.alias(out)

    # Cut sound into chunks of variable length (between 5 & 300 ms)
    # Pan each chunk to a random position
    # Apply a sine amplitude envelope to each chunk
    # Finally, add variable silence between each chunk and shuffle the
    # order of the chunks before joining.
    if glitch is not False:
        out = dsp.vsplit(out, dsp.mstf(5), dsp.mstf(300))
        out = [dsp.pan(o, dsp.rand()) for o in out]

        out = [dsp.env(o, 'sine') for o in out]
        out = [dsp.pad(o, 0, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(0, glitchpad))) for o in out]

        out = ''.join(dsp.randshuffle(out))

    # Detune between 1.01 and 0.99 times original speed 
    # as a sine curve whose length equals the total output length
    if bend is not False:
        out = dsp.split(out, 441)
        freqs = dsp.wavetable('sine', len(out), 1.01, 0.99)
        out = [ dsp.transpose(out[i], freqs[i]) for i in range(len(out)) ]
        out = ''.join(out)

    if wild is not False:
        #out = dsp.vsplit(out, 400, 10000)
        out = dsp.split(out, 3000)
        out = [ dsp.amp(dsp.amp(o, dsp.rand(10, 50)), 0.5) for o in out ]
        #out = [ o * dsp.randint(1, 5) for o in out ]
        for index, o in enumerate(out):
            if dsp.randint(0, 1) == 0:
                out[index] = dsp.env(dsp.cut(o, 0, dsp.flen(o) / 4), 'gauss') * 4 

            if dsp.randint(0, 6) == 0:
                out[index] = dsp.transpose(o, 8) 

        out = [ dsp.env(o, 'gauss') for o in out ]
        freqs = dsp.wavetable('sine', len(out), 1.02, 0.98)
        out = [ dsp.transpose(out[i], freqs[i]) for i in range(len(out)) ]
        out = ''.join(out)

    if pinecone == True:
        out = dsp.pine(out, int(length * dsp.rand(0.5, 8.0)), dsp.randchoose(freqs) * dsp.rand(0.5, 4.0))

    # Adjust output amplitude as needed and return audio + OSC 
    if pi:
        return (dsp.amp(out, volume), {'osc': osc_messages})
        return dsp.amp(out, volume)
def play(voice_id):
    tel = bot.getTel()

    bpm = s.config('bpm')

    #if 'gentle' in tel['name'] or 'upbeat' in tel['name'] or 'full' in tel['name']:
        #dsp.log(voice_id + ' chirps silent')
        #return dsp.pad('', 0, dsp.stf(dsp.rand(1, 10)))

    length = int((1.0 / (tel['pace'] / 10.0)) * dsp.stf(3))

    def makecurve(length):
        # freq, length, pulsewidth, waveform, window, mod, modRange, modFreq, amp

        wf = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(-1, 1) for i in range(int(dsp.rand(5, 30))) ] + [0], 1024)
        win = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(0, 1) for i in range(4) ] + [0], 1024)
        mod = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0, 1) for i in range(int(dsp.rand(4, 8))) ], 1024)

        smaxamp = dsp.rand(0.65, 0.95)
        amp = dsp.rand(0.01, smaxamp)

        pw = dsp.rand(0.1, 1.0)

        if 'upbeat' in tel['name']:
            wf = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(-1, 1) for i in range(int(dsp.rand(5, 30))) ] + [0], 1024)
            win = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(0, 1) for i in range(4) ] + [0], 1024)
            mod = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0, 1) for i in range(int(dsp.rand(5, 80))) ], 1024)

            pw = 1.0

        if 'ballsout' in tel['name']:
            wf = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(-1, 1) for i in range(int(dsp.rand(10, 40))) ] + [0], 1024)
            win = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(0, 1) for i in range(10) ] + [0], 1024)
            mod = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0, 1) for i in range(int(dsp.rand(20, 100))) ], 1024)

        if 'sparse' in tel['name']:
            amp = dsp.rand(0.7, 3)

        freq = tel['register'] * tel['roughness'] * (tel['density'] * tel['pace'] * 0.25)
        #if dsp.rand(0, 100) > 50:
            #freq = dsp.rand(2, 20)

        modR = tel['harmonicity']
        modF= tel['pace'] / 10.0

        c = dsp.pulsar(freq, length, pw, wf, win, mod, modR, modF, amp)

        ngrains = len(c)
        pans = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0,1) for i in range(100) ], ngrains)

        maxPad = dsp.randint(2000, 4000)

        if 'sparse' in tel['name']:
            c = dsp.vsplit(c, dsp.mstf(0.5), dsp.mstf(tel['density'] * tel['harmonicity'] * tel['roughness'] * tel['pace']))
            c = [ dsp.randchoose(c) for i in range(int(dsp.rand(3, 10))) ]

        elif 'ballsout' in tel['name']:
            c = dsp.vsplit(c, dsp.mstf(0.1), dsp.mstf(400))
            c = dsp.packet_shuffle(c, dsp.randint(5, 10))

            speeds = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(tel['register'] * 0.1 + 0.2, tel['register'] + 0.2) for i in range(100) ], ngrains)

            #c = [ dsp.transpose(cg, speeds[i]) for i, cg in enumerate(c) ]
            #c = [ dsp.amp(cg, dsp.rand(0.25, 1.25)) for i, cg in enumerate(c) ]

            for ic, cc in enumerate(c):
                if dsp.rand(0, 100) > 70:
                    c[ic] = dsp.tone(dsp.flen(cc), 11000, amp=0.5)

        elif 'upbeat' in tel['name']:
            beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm)
            c = dsp.split(c, beat)

            maxPad = 0

            c = [ dsp.pad(cg, 0, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(10, beat / 4))) for i, cg in enumerate(c) ]

            c = dsp.vsplit(c, dsp.mstf(10), dsp.mstf(tel['density'] * tel['harmonicity'] * tel['roughness'] * tel['pace'] * dsp.rand(1, 10)))

        c = [ dsp.pan(cg, pans[i]) for i, cg in enumerate(c) ]
        c = [ dsp.env(cg, 'sine') for i, cg in enumerate(c) ]

        if 'sparse' in tel['name'] or 'ballsout' in tel['name']:
            speeds = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0.5, 1.99) for i in range(100) ], ngrains)
            for ic, cc in enumerate(c):
                if dsp.flen(cc) < dsp.mstf(100):
                    c[ic] = cc + ''.join([ dsp.amp(cc, dsp.rand(0.1, 1.0)) for buh in range(dsp.randint(1, int(tel['density']))) ])

            #c = [ dsp.transpose(cg, speeds[i]) for i, cg in enumerate(c) ]
            c = [ dsp.pan(cg, dsp.rand(0.0, 1.0)) for i, cg in enumerate(c) ]

        if 'ballsout' not in tel['name']:
            c = [ dsp.pad(cg, 0, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(10, maxPad))) for i, cg in enumerate(c) ]

        out = ''.join(c)

        return out

    out = makecurve(length)

    if dsp.flen(out) > dsp.mstf(100) and dsp.rand(0, 100) > 30:
        out = dsp.drift(out, (tel['harmonicity'] - 10.0) * -1 * 0.5, dsp.randint(41, 441))

    if dsp.flen(out) > dsp.stf(10):
        out = dsp.fill(out, dsp.stf(10))

    if dsp.rand(0, 100) > 50:
        out = dsp.vsplit(out, 41, 441)
        for ii, o in enumerate(out):
            if dsp.rand(0, 100) > 50:
                out[ii] = dsp.pad('', 0, dsp.flen(o))
            elif dsp.rand(0, 100) > 50:
                out[ii] = dsp.amp(o, dsp.rand(0.75, 3))

        out = [ dsp.pan(o, dsp.rand()) for o in out ]

        out = ''.join(out)

    dsp.log('%s length: %.2f' % (voice_id, dsp.fts(dsp.flen(out))))

    return out
    def makecurve(length):
        # freq, length, pulsewidth, waveform, window, mod, modRange, modFreq, amp

        wf = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(-1, 1) for i in range(int(dsp.rand(5, 30))) ] + [0], 1024)
        win = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(0, 1) for i in range(4) ] + [0], 1024)
        mod = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0, 1) for i in range(int(dsp.rand(4, 8))) ], 1024)

        smaxamp = dsp.rand(0.65, 0.95)
        amp = dsp.rand(0.01, smaxamp)

        pw = dsp.rand(0.1, 1.0)

        if 'upbeat' in tel['name']:
            wf = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(-1, 1) for i in range(int(dsp.rand(5, 30))) ] + [0], 1024)
            win = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(0, 1) for i in range(4) ] + [0], 1024)
            mod = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0, 1) for i in range(int(dsp.rand(5, 80))) ], 1024)

            pw = 1.0

        if 'ballsout' in tel['name']:
            wf = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(-1, 1) for i in range(int(dsp.rand(10, 40))) ] + [0], 1024)
            win = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(0, 1) for i in range(10) ] + [0], 1024)
            mod = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0, 1) for i in range(int(dsp.rand(20, 100))) ], 1024)

        if 'sparse' in tel['name']:
            amp = dsp.rand(0.7, 3)

        freq = tel['register'] * tel['roughness'] * (tel['density'] * tel['pace'] * 0.25)
        #if dsp.rand(0, 100) > 50:
            #freq = dsp.rand(2, 20)

        modR = tel['harmonicity']
        modF= tel['pace'] / 10.0

        c = dsp.pulsar(freq, length, pw, wf, win, mod, modR, modF, amp)

        ngrains = len(c)
        pans = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0,1) for i in range(100) ], ngrains)

        maxPad = dsp.randint(2000, 4000)

        if 'sparse' in tel['name']:
            c = dsp.vsplit(c, dsp.mstf(0.5), dsp.mstf(tel['density'] * tel['harmonicity'] * tel['roughness'] * tel['pace']))
            c = [ dsp.randchoose(c) for i in range(int(dsp.rand(3, 10))) ]

        elif 'ballsout' in tel['name']:
            c = dsp.vsplit(c, dsp.mstf(0.1), dsp.mstf(400))
            c = dsp.packet_shuffle(c, dsp.randint(5, 10))

            speeds = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(tel['register'] * 0.1 + 0.2, tel['register'] + 0.2) for i in range(100) ], ngrains)

            #c = [ dsp.transpose(cg, speeds[i]) for i, cg in enumerate(c) ]
            #c = [ dsp.amp(cg, dsp.rand(0.25, 1.25)) for i, cg in enumerate(c) ]

            for ic, cc in enumerate(c):
                if dsp.rand(0, 100) > 70:
                    c[ic] = dsp.tone(dsp.flen(cc), 11000, amp=0.5)

        elif 'upbeat' in tel['name']:
            beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm)
            c = dsp.split(c, beat)

            maxPad = 0

            c = [ dsp.pad(cg, 0, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(10, beat / 4))) for i, cg in enumerate(c) ]

            c = dsp.vsplit(c, dsp.mstf(10), dsp.mstf(tel['density'] * tel['harmonicity'] * tel['roughness'] * tel['pace'] * dsp.rand(1, 10)))

        c = [ dsp.pan(cg, pans[i]) for i, cg in enumerate(c) ]
        c = [ dsp.env(cg, 'sine') for i, cg in enumerate(c) ]

        if 'sparse' in tel['name'] or 'ballsout' in tel['name']:
            speeds = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0.5, 1.99) for i in range(100) ], ngrains)
            for ic, cc in enumerate(c):
                if dsp.flen(cc) < dsp.mstf(100):
                    c[ic] = cc + ''.join([ dsp.amp(cc, dsp.rand(0.1, 1.0)) for buh in range(dsp.randint(1, int(tel['density']))) ])

            #c = [ dsp.transpose(cg, speeds[i]) for i, cg in enumerate(c) ]
            c = [ dsp.pan(cg, dsp.rand(0.0, 1.0)) for i, cg in enumerate(c) ]

        if 'ballsout' not in tel['name']:
            c = [ dsp.pad(cg, 0, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(10, maxPad))) for i, cg in enumerate(c) ]

        out = ''.join(c)

        return out
def play(voice_id):
    bpm = config('bpm')
    beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm)
    dsl = P(voice_id, 'drum', '["c","k","h"]')
    dsl = json.loads(dsl)

    def hat(beat):
        length = beat * 4
        nbeats = 16
        blen = length / nbeats

        out = ''

        for b in range(nbeats):
            h = dsp.transpose(tape1, 9)
            h = dsp.fill(h, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(1, 20)))
            h = dsp.env(h, 'phasor')
            h = dsp.amp(h, dsp.rand(0, 0.8))
            h = dsp.pad(h, 0, blen - dsp.flen(h))

            out += h

        out *= 8

        return out

    def kick(beat):
        out = drums.sinekick(length=beat, amp=dsp.rand(0.8, 1))
        out = dsp.pad(out, 0, beat * dsp.randint(1, 2))
        out *= 2
        return out

    def clap1(beat):
        c = dsp.read('sounds/mikeclap.wav').data
        c = dsp.transpose(c, dsp.rand(1, 2.5))
        c = dsp.fill(c, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(10, 100)))
        c = dsp.env(c, 'phasor')
        c = dsp.amp(c, dsp.rand(1, 3))
        c = dsp.pad(c, 0, beat - dsp.flen(c))

        blen = beat / dsp.randchoose([1, 2])
        c = dsp.pad(c, blen, 0)

        c *= 4

        return c

    def clap2(beat):
        nlens = [
            beat * 2,
            beat / 2,

        # length of pattern (in beats)
        nbeats = dsp.randint(10, 15)

        # beat lengths (from a set of bpm-derived note lengths defined in the nlens list)
        blens = [dsp.randchoose(nlens) for b in range(nbeats)]

        out = ''

        # synthesize the tones
        for i in range(nbeats):
            beat = dsp.transpose(dsp.randchoose([c1, c2]),
                                 dsp.rand(0.25, 40.0))
            beat = dsp.pad(beat, 0, blens[i] - dsp.flen(beat))
            beat = dsp.amp(beat, dsp.rand(1, 4))

            # add it to the output
            out += beat

        return out

    all = []

    if 'c' in dsl:
        clapper = dsp.randchoose([clap1, clap2])
        all += [clapper(beat)]

    if 'k' in dsl:
        all += [kick(beat)]

    if 'h' in dsl:
        all += [hat(beat)]

    out = dsp.mix(all)

    #    out = dsp.vsplit(out, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(8, 140)), dsp.mstf(500))
    #    out = dsp.randshuffle(out)
    #    out = ''.join(out)

    out = dsp.vsplit(out, 10, 1000)
    out = [dsp.amp(o, dsp.rand(0, 4)) for o in out]
    out = [dsp.env(o, 'random') for o in out]
    out = [dsp.transpose(o, dsp.rand(0.25, 1)) for o in out]
    out = dsp.randshuffle(out)
    out = ''.join(out)

    out = dsp.pine(out, int(dsp.flen(out) * dsp.rand(1.5, 4)),
                   dsp.rand(10, 2000), dsp.randint(0, 2), dsp.rand(1, 3),
                   dsp.randint(0, 2), dsp.rand(1, 3))
    out = dsp.amp(out, 0.65)

    glass = dsp.read('sounds/s/glass2.wav').data

    glass = dsp.vsplit(glass, dsp.mstf(1), dsp.mstf(100))
    glass = dsp.randshuffle(glass)
    #    glass = [ dsp.pad(g, 0, dsp.randint(10, 1000)) for g in glass ]
    #    glass = [ dsp.transpose(g, dsp.rand(0.5, 1.5)) * dsp.randint(1, 3) for g in glass ]
    glass = ''.join(glass)

    glass = dsp.fill(glass, dsp.flen(out))

    out = dsp.mix([out, glass])

    return out
def play(params):
    length = params.get("length", dsp.mstf(10000))
    buffer_index = params.get("buffer_index", False)
    sample_index = params.get("sample_index", False)
    buffer_length = params.get("buffer_length", dsp.stf(5))
    volume = params.get("volume", 100.0) / 100.0
    scale = params.get("scale", [25, 50, 100, 200])
    octave = params.get("octave", 0)
    envelope = params.get("envelope", False)
    glitch = params.get("glitch", True)
    overdub = params.get("dub", False)
    pad = params.get("padding", False)
    pan = params.get("pan", False)

    if sample_index != False:
        out = dsp.read("samps/pre/buf-%s.wav" % str(sample_index)).data
    elif buffer_index != False:
        fname = "samps/buf-%s" % str(buffer_index)

        if not os.path.exists(fname + ".wav") or overdub == True:
            out = rt.capture(buffer_length, "T6_pair1", 1)
            out = sox("sox %s %s silence 1 0.1 1%% -1 0.1 1%%", out)
            out = dsp.transpose(out, 0.5)
            out = dsp.read("samps/buf-%s.wav" % str(buffer_index)).data
        out = rt.capture(buffer_length, "T6_pair1", 1)
        out = sox("sox %s %s silence 1 0.1 1%% -1 0.1 1%%", out)
        out = dsp.transpose(out, 0.5)

    speeds = [s / 100.0 for s in scale]
    # speeds = [ 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 ]

    if glitch == True:
        grain_length = dsp.flen(out) / 4

        out = dsp.vsplit(out, int(grain_length * 0.5), grain_length)
        numgrains = (length / grain_length) * 2

        if len(out) < numgrains:
            for i in range(numgrains - len(out)):
                out += [dsp.randchoose(out)]

        layers = []

        for index in range(1, 20):
            layer = dsp.randshuffle(out)

            if pad is not False:
                layer = [dsp.pad(grain, 0, pad) for grain in layer]

            layer = [dsp.env(grain, "sine") for grain in layer]
            layer = [dsp.transpose(grain, dsp.randchoose(speeds) * 2 ** octave * 0.25) for grain in layer]
            layer = "".join(layer)

            layer = dsp.pad(layer, grain_length / index, 0)
            layers += [layer]

        out = dsp.mix(layers, True, 10)

    if envelope == True:
        out = dsp.env(out, envelope)

    if buffer_index:
        fname = "samps/buf-%s" % str(buffer_index)
        if os.path.exists(fname + ".wav") and overdub == False:
            dsp.write(out, fname)

    if pan:
        out = dsp.pan(out, dsp.rand())

    return out
                grains = [makeGrains(gnote) for g in range(dsp.randint(4, 10))]
                for gi, grain in enumerate(grains):
                    if dsp.randint(0, 1) == 0:
                        grains[gi] = dsp.transpose(grain, 2) * 2

                grains = dsp.mix(grains)
                grains = dsp.amp(grains, dsp.rand(0.25, 0.55))
                grains = mixdrift(grains)

                layers += [grains]

        sounds = dsp.fill(dsp.mix(layers), tlen)

        if canPlay('ending', bigoldsection):
            sounds = dsp.vsplit(sounds, dsp.mstf(1), dsp.mstf(200))
            sounds = [
                dsp.pad(s, 0, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(50, 250))) for s in sounds
            sounds = ''.join(sounds)

        subsection_length = dsp.flen(sounds)
        print 'subsection length:', dsp.fts(subsection_length), seg_index

        section += sounds

    section_length = dsp.flen(section)
    print 'section length:', dsp.fts(section_length)

    sections += [section]
def play(params):
    volume      = params.get('volume', dsp.rand(70.0, 100.0)) / 100.0

    notes       = params.get('note', [ dsp.randchoose(['c', 'f', 'e', 'a', 'd']) for i in range(2) ])

    octave =    params.get('octave', dsp.randint(1, 5)) 

    root        = params.get('root', 27.5)
    bpm         = params.get('bpm', 75.0)

    if dsp.randint(0, 1) == 0:
        length      = params.get('length', dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(10, 2000)))
        length      = params.get('length', int(dsp.randint(1, 4) * dsp.bpm2frames(bpm) * 0.25))

    env         = params.get('envelope', 'random')
    env         = params.get('envelope', 'tri')
    mod         = params.get('mod', 'random')
    modFreq     = params.get('modfreq', dsp.rand(1.0, 1.5) / dsp.fts(length))
    modRange    = params.get('speed', 0.01)
    modRange    = dsp.rand(0, modRange)

    pulsewidth  = params.get('pulsewidth', dsp.rand(0.01, 0.8))
    window      = params.get('window', 'gauss')
    #waveform    = params.get('waveform', 'random')
    waveform    = params.get('waveform', 'tri')

    glitch    = params.get('glitch', True)

    pulsewidth = 1.0

    freqs   = [ tune.ntf(note, octave) for note in notes ]

    tune.a0 = float(root)

    mod = dsp.wavetable(mod, 512)
    window = dsp.wavetable(window, 512)
    waveform = dsp.wavetable(waveform, 512)

    layers = []

    for freq in freqs:
        layers += [ dsp.pulsar(freq, length, pulsewidth, waveform, window, mod, modRange, modFreq, volume) ]

    out = dsp.mix(layers)

        out = dsp.env(out, env)
    except TypeError:
        out = dsp.env(out, 'sine')

    if glitch:
        bitlen = dsp.randint(dsp.mstf(10), dsp.mstf(500))
        bit = dsp.cut(out, dsp.randint(0, len(out) - bitlen), bitlen)
        out = dsp.vsplit(out, dsp.mstf(10), dsp.mstf(500))
        out.insert(dsp.randint(0, len(out) - 2), bit)

        out = ''.join(out)

    out = dsp.pan(out, dsp.rand())

    return out
    freq = dsp.rand(0.1, 5000) 
    length = dsp.stf(slen)
    pulsewidth = dsp.rand(0.15, 1)
    waveform = [0] + dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(-1, 1) for _ in range(dsp.randint(6, dsp.randint(10, 300))) ], 512) + [0]
    window = dsp.wavetable(dsp.randchoose(['tri', 'hann', 'sine']), 512)
    mod = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand() for _ in range(dsp.randint(5, 2000)) ], 1024*4)
    modrange = dsp.rand(0.01, 10)
    modfreq = 1.0 / slen
    amp = dsp.rand(0.05, 0.25)

    layer = dsp.pulsar(freq, length, pulsewidth, waveform, window, mod, modrange, modfreq, amp)
    layer = fx.penv(layer)

    bits = []

    layer = dsp.vsplit(layer, dsp.mstf(1), dsp.stf(0.2))

    for bit in layer:
        if dsp.rand() > 0.75:
            bit = ''.join([ dsp.pan(dsp.amp(bit, dsp.rand(0.1, 10)), dsp.rand()) for _ in range(dsp.randint(2, 10)) ])

        bits += [ bit ]

    layer = ''.join(bits)

    layers += [ layer ]

out = dsp.mix(layers)

now = datetime.now()
filename = 'fart-%s-%s-%s-%s' % (now.year, now.month, now.day, now.hour)
def play(voice_id):
    bpm = config('bpm')
    beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm)
    dsl = P(voice_id, 'drum', 'h.c')

    length = int(P(voice_id, 'length', dsp.stf(dsp.rand(5, 12))))
    volume = P(voice_id, 'volume', 70.0)
    volume = volume / 100.0  # TODO move into param filter

    octave = P(voice_id, 'octave', 3)
    notes = P(voice_id, 'note', '["%s"]' % config('key'))
    notes = json.loads(notes)

    hertz = P(voice_id, 'hertz', False)
    alias = P(voice_id, 'alias', False)
    alias = True
    bend = P(voice_id, 'bend', False)
    env = P(voice_id, 'envelope', 'gauss')
    harmonics = P(voice_id, 'harmonic', '[1,2,3,4]')
    harmonics = json.loads(harmonics)
    reps = P(voice_id, 'repeats', 1)
    waveform = P(voice_id, 'waveform', 'sine2pi')

    quality = getattr(tune, config('quality'))
    ratios = getattr(tune, config('tune'))

    glitch = False
    #glitch = True
    root = 27.5
    pinecone = False
    bbend = False
    wild = False

    if bbend == True:
        bend = True

    tune.a0 = float(root)

    # These are amplitude envelopes for each partial,
    # randomly selected for each. Not to be confused with
    # the master 'env' param which is the amplit
    wtypes = ['sine', 'phasor', 'line', 'saw']
    layers = []

    if hertz is not False:
        notes = hertz

    for note in notes:
        tones = []
        for i in range(dsp.randint(2, 4)):
            if hertz is not False:
                freq = float(note)

                if octave > 1:
                    freq *= octave
                freq = tune.ntf(note, octave)

            snds = [
                dsp.tone(length, freq * h, waveform, 0.05) for h in harmonics
            snds = [
                dsp.env(s, dsp.randchoose(wtypes), highval=dsp.rand(0.3, 0.6))
                for s in snds
            snds = [dsp.pan(s, dsp.rand()) for s in snds]

            if bend is not False:

                def bendit(out=''):
                    if bbend == True:
                        bendtable = dsp.randchoose([
                            'impulse', 'sine', 'line', 'phasor', 'cos',
                        lowbend = dsp.rand(0.8, 0.99)
                        highbend = dsp.rand(1.0, 1.25)
                        bendtable = 'sine'
                        lowbend = 0.99
                        #                        lowbend = 0.75
                        highbend = 1.01
#                        highbend = 1.5

                    out = dsp.split(out, 441)

                    freqs = dsp.wavetable(bendtable, len(out))

                    freqs = [
                        math.fabs(f) * (highbend - lowbend) + lowbend
                        for f in freqs

                    out = [
                        dsp.transpose(out[i], freqs[i])
                        for i in range(len(out))
                    return ''.join(out)

                snds = [bendit(snd) for snd in snds]

            tones += [dsp.mix(snds)]

        layer = dsp.mix(tones)

        if wild != False:
            layer = dsp.vsplit(layer, 41, 4410)
            layer = [dsp.amp(dsp.amp(l, dsp.rand(10, 20)), 0.5) for l in layer]
            layer = ''.join(layer)

        if pinecone != False:
            layer = dsp.pine(layer, length, freq, 4)

        if glitch == True:
            layer = dsp.vsplit(layer, dsp.mstf(10), dsp.flen(layer) / 4)
            layer = dsp.randshuffle(layer)
            layer = ''.join(layer)

        layer = dsp.env(layer, env)

        layers += [layer]

    out = dsp.mix(layers) * reps

    return dsp.amp(out, volume)
def play(params):

    length    = params.get('length', dsp.stf(20))
    volume    = params.get('volume', 0.3)
    octave    = params.get('octave', 6)
    note      = params.get('note', 'c')
    quality   = params.get('quality', tune.major)
    multiple  = params.get('multiple', 1)
    width     = params.get('width', 0)
    waveform  = params.get('waveform', 'vary')
    chirp     = params.get('chirp', False)
    harmonics = params.get('harmonics', [1, 2])
    scale     = params.get('scale', [1, 4, 6, 5, 8])
    wavetypes = params.get('wavetypes', ['sine', 'phasor', 'line', 'saw'])
    ratios    = params.get('ratios', tune.terry)
    glitch    = params.get('glitch', False)

    def chirp(s):
        length = dsp.flen(s)

        #chirps = [ dsp.chirp(dsp.randint(10, 10000), 60, 5000, dsp.randint(1,100)) for c in range(100) ]
        chirps = [ dsp.chirp(
                        numcycles=dsp.randint(50, 1000), 
                        lfreq=dsp.rand(9000, 12000), 
                        hfreq=dsp.rand(14000, 20000), 
                        length=441 + (i * 41),
                        etype=dsp.randchoose(['gauss', 'sine', 'line', 'phasor']),
                        wform=dsp.randchoose(['sine', 'tri', 'phasor', 'line'])) 
                    for i in range(100) ]
        chirps = [ dsp.pan(c, dsp.rand()) for c in chirps ]

        chirps = ''.join(chirps)

        return dsp.fill(chirps, length)

    tones = []
    multiple *= 1.0
    freqs = tune.fromdegrees(dsp.randshuffle(scale), octave, note[0])
    for i in range(dsp.randint(2,4)):
        #freq = tune.step(i, note, octave, dsp.randshuffle(scale), quality, ratios)
        freq = freqs[i % len(freqs)]

        snds = [ dsp.tone(length, freq * h, waveform) for h in harmonics ]
        for snd in snds:
            snd = dsp.vsplit(snd, dsp.mstf(10 * multiple), dsp.mstf(100 * multiple))
            if width != 0:
                for ii, s in enumerate(snd):
                    if width > dsp.mstf(5):
                        owidth = int(width * dsp.rand(0.5, 2.0))
                        owidth = width

                    olen = dsp.flen(s)
                    s = dsp.cut(s, 0, owidth)
                    s = dsp.pad(s, 0, olen - dsp.flen(s)) 
                    snd[ii] = s

            snd = [ dsp.env(s, dsp.randchoose(wavetypes)) for s in snd ]
            snd = [ dsp.pan(s, dsp.rand()) for s in snd ]
            snd = [ dsp.amp(s, dsp.rand()) for s in snd ]
            if chirp == True:
                snd = [ chirp(s) for s in snd ]

            snd = ''.join(snd)

            tones += [ snd ]

    out = dsp.mix(tones)
    out = dsp.pan(out, dsp.rand())

    return dsp.amp(out, volume)
        [dsp.rand(-1, 1)
         for _ in range(dsp.randint(6, dsp.randint(10, 300)))], 512) + [0]
    window = dsp.wavetable(dsp.randchoose(['tri', 'hann', 'sine']), 512)
    mod = dsp.breakpoint([dsp.rand() for _ in range(dsp.randint(5, 2000))],
                         1024 * 4)
    modrange = dsp.rand(0.01, 10)
    modfreq = 1.0 / slen
    amp = dsp.rand(0.05, 0.25)

    layer = dsp.pulsar(freq, length, pulsewidth, waveform, window, mod,
                       modrange, modfreq, amp)
    layer = fx.penv(layer)

    bits = []

    layer = dsp.vsplit(layer, dsp.mstf(1), dsp.stf(0.2))

    for bit in layer:
        if dsp.rand() > 0.75:
            bit = ''.join([
                dsp.pan(dsp.amp(bit, dsp.rand(0.1, 10)), dsp.rand())
                for _ in range(dsp.randint(2, 10))

        bits += [bit]

    layer = ''.join(bits)

    layers += [layer]

out = dsp.mix(layers)
                grains = [ makeGrains(gnote) for g in range(dsp.randint(4, 10)) ]
                for gi, grain in enumerate(grains):
                    if dsp.randint(0,1) == 0:
                        grains[gi] = dsp.transpose(grain, 2) * 2

                grains = dsp.mix(grains)
                grains = dsp.amp(grains, dsp.rand(0.25, 0.55))
                grains = mixdrift(grains)

                layers += [ grains ]

        sounds = dsp.fill(dsp.mix(layers), tlen)

        if canPlay('ending', bigoldsection):
            sounds = dsp.vsplit(sounds, dsp.mstf(1), dsp.mstf(200))
            sounds = [ dsp.pad(s, 0, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(50, 250))) for s in sounds ]
            sounds = ''.join(sounds)

        subsection_length = dsp.flen(sounds)
        print 'subsection length:', dsp.fts(subsection_length), seg_index
        section += sounds

    section_length = dsp.flen(section)
    print 'section length:', dsp.fts(section_length)

    sections += [ section ]
def play(voice_id):
    bpm = config('bpm')
    beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm)
    dsl = P(voice_id, 'drum', 'h.c')

    length = int(P(voice_id, 'length', dsp.stf(dsp.rand(5, 12))))
    volume = P(voice_id, 'volume', 70.0) 
    volume = volume / 100.0 # TODO move into param filter

    octave = P(voice_id, 'octave', 3)
    notes = P(voice_id, 'note', '["%s"]' % config('key'))
    notes = json.loads(notes)
    hertz = P(voice_id, 'hertz', False)
    alias = P(voice_id, 'alias', False)
    alias = True
    bend = P(voice_id, 'bend', False)
    env = P(voice_id, 'envelope', 'gauss')
    harmonics = P(voice_id, 'harmonic', '[1,2,3,4]')
    harmonics = json.loads(harmonics)
    reps      = P(voice_id, 'repeats', 1)
    waveform = P(voice_id, 'waveform', 'sine2pi')

    quality = getattr(tune, config('quality')) 
    ratios = getattr(tune, config('tune')) 

    glitch = False
    #glitch = True
    root = 27.5
    pinecone = False
    bbend = False
    wild = False

    if bbend == True:
        bend = True

    tune.a0 = float(root)

    # These are amplitude envelopes for each partial,
    # randomly selected for each. Not to be confused with 
    # the master 'env' param which is the amplit
    wtypes = ['sine', 'phasor', 'line', 'saw']    
    layers = []

    if hertz is not False:
        notes = hertz

    for note in notes:
        tones = []
        for i in range(dsp.randint(2,4)):
            if hertz is not False:
                freq = float(note)

                if octave > 1:
                    freq *= octave
                freq = tune.ntf(note, octave)

            snds = [ dsp.tone(length, freq * h, waveform, 0.05) for h in harmonics ]
            snds = [ dsp.env(s, dsp.randchoose(wtypes), highval=dsp.rand(0.3, 0.6)) for s in snds ]
            snds = [ dsp.pan(s, dsp.rand()) for s in snds ]

            if bend is not False:
                def bendit(out=''):
                    if bbend == True:
                        bendtable = dsp.randchoose(['impulse', 'sine', 'line', 'phasor', 'cos', 'impulse'])
                        lowbend = dsp.rand(0.8, 0.99)
                        highbend = dsp.rand(1.0, 1.25)
                        bendtable = 'sine'
                        lowbend = 0.99
#                        lowbend = 0.75
                        highbend = 1.01
#                        highbend = 1.5

                    out = dsp.split(out, 441)

                    freqs = dsp.wavetable(bendtable, len(out))

                    freqs = [ math.fabs(f) * (highbend - lowbend) + lowbend for f in freqs ]

                    out = [ dsp.transpose(out[i], freqs[i]) for i in range(len(out)) ]
                    return ''.join(out)

                snds = [ bendit(snd) for snd in snds ]

            tones += [ dsp.mix(snds) ]

        layer = dsp.mix(tones)

        if wild != False:
            layer = dsp.vsplit(layer, 41, 4410)
            layer = [ dsp.amp(dsp.amp(l, dsp.rand(10, 20)), 0.5) for l in layer ]
            layer = ''.join(layer)
        if pinecone != False:
            layer = dsp.pine(layer, length, freq, 4)

        if glitch == True:
            layer = dsp.vsplit(layer, dsp.mstf(10), dsp.flen(layer) / 4)
            layer = dsp.randshuffle(layer)
            layer = ''.join(layer)

        layer = dsp.env(layer, env)

        layers += [ layer ]

    out = dsp.mix(layers) * reps

    return dsp.amp(out, volume)
def play(params=None):
    params = params or {}

    length = params.get('length', dsp.stf(dsp.rand(5, 12)))
    volume = params.get('volume', 20.0) 
    volume = volume / 100.0 # TODO move into param filter
    octave = params.get('octave', 1)
    notes = params.get('note', ['c', 'g'])
    hertz = params.get('hertz', False)
    quality = params.get('quality', tune.major)
    glitch = params.get('glitch', False)
    waveform = params.get('waveform', 'sine')
    ratios = params.get('ratios', tune.terry)
    alias = params.get('alias', False)
    wild = params.get('wii', False)
    bend = params.get('bend', False)
    bbend = params.get('bbend', False)
    env = params.get('envelope', 'gauss')
    harmonics = params.get('harmonic', [1,2])
    reps      = params.get('repeats', 1)
    root = params.get('root', 27.5)
    pinecone = params.get('pinecone', False)

    if bbend == True:
        bend = True

    tune.a0 = float(root)

    # These are amplitude envelopes for each partial,
    # randomly selected for each. Not to be confused with 
    # the master 'env' param which is the amplit
    wtypes = ['sine', 'phasor', 'line', 'saw']    
    layers = []

    if hertz is not False:
        notes = hertz

    for note in notes:
        tones = []
        for i in range(dsp.randint(2,4)):
            if hertz is not False:
                freq = float(note)

                if octave > 1:
                    freq *= octave
                freq = tune.ntf(note, octave)

            snds = [ dsp.tone(length, freq * h, waveform, 0.05) for h in harmonics ]
            snds = [ dsp.env(s, dsp.randchoose(wtypes), highval=dsp.rand(0.2, 0.4)) for s in snds ]
            snds = [ dsp.pan(s, dsp.rand()) for s in snds ]

            if bend is not False:
                def bendit(out=''):
                    if bbend == True:
                        bendtable = dsp.randchoose(['impulse', 'sine', 'line', 'phasor', 'cos', 'impulse'])
                        lowbend = dsp.rand(0.8, 0.99)
                        highbend = dsp.rand(1.0, 1.25)
                        bendtable = 'sine'
                        lowbend = 0.99
                        highbend = 1.01

                    out = dsp.split(out, 441)

                    freqs = dsp.wavetable(bendtable, len(out))

                    freqs = [ math.fabs(f) * (highbend - lowbend) + lowbend for f in freqs ]

                    out = [ dsp.transpose(out[i], freqs[i]) for i in range(len(out)) ]
                    return ''.join(out)

                snds = [ bendit(snd) for snd in snds ]

            tones += [ dsp.mix(snds) ]

        layer = dsp.mix(tones)

        if wild != False:
            layer = dsp.vsplit(layer, 41, 4410)
            layer = [ dsp.amp(dsp.amp(l, dsp.rand(10, 20)), 0.5) for l in layer ]
            layer = ''.join(layer)
        if pinecone != False:
            layer = dsp.pine(layer, length, freq, 4)

        layer = dsp.env(layer, env)

        layers += [ layer ]

    out = dsp.mix(layers) * reps

    # Format is: [ path, offset, id, value ]
    if hertz is not False:
        osc_message = ['/dac', 0.0, 0, tune.fts(notes[0])]
        osc_message = ['/dac', 0.0, 0, tune.nts(notes[0], octave - 1)]

    #return (dsp.amp(out, volume), {'osc': [ osc_message ]})
    return dsp.amp(out, volume)
文件: tam.py 项目: hecanjog/geodes.py
def play(ctl):
    param = ctl.get('param')
    lpd = ctl.get('midi').get('lpd')

    scale = [ dsp.randchoose([1, 3, 5, 6, 8]) for s in range(dsp.randint(2, 4)) ]
    #scale = [ dsp.randchoose([1, 2, 4, 6, 8]) for s in range(dsp.randint(2, 4)) ]

    freqs = tune.fromdegrees(scale, root='a', octave=dsp.randint(2,3), scale=tune.minor)
    freq = dsp.randchoose(freqs)

    pw = lpd.get(2, low=0.01, high=1, default=1)
    pw = dsp.rand(0.01, 1)
    modr = lpd.get(6, low=0.001, high=0.1)
    modr = dsp.rand(0.001, 0.05)
    #modr = dsp.rand(0.1, 10.5)
    #modr = dsp.rand(0.001, 0.01)
    modr = dsp.rand(0, modr)
    modf = dsp.rand(0.01, 0.05)
    amp = lpd.get(1, low=0, high=2, default=0)
    #amp = dsp.rand(0.1, 0.5)
    #amp = 0

    length = dsp.stf(lpd.get(5, low=0.5, high=14, default=1) * dsp.rand(0.75, 2))
    length = dsp.stf(dsp.rand(5.5, 24) * dsp.rand(0.75, 2))
    #length = dsp.stf(dsp.rand(0.5, 0.75) * dsp.rand(0.75, 2))

    wf = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(-1, 1) for w in range(10) ] + [0], 512)
    #wf = dsp.wavetable('sine2pi', 512)
    #wf = dsp.wavetable('sine2pi', 512)
    #win = dsp.wavetable('sine', 512)
    win = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(0, 1) for w in range(5) ] + [0], 512)
    mod = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(0, 1) for m in range(5) ] + [0], 512)

    layers = []

    harmonics = [1, 2, 3, 4]

    for harmonic in harmonics:
        f = freq * harmonic
        if harmonic > 4:
            a = dsp.rand(0.05, 0.1)
            a = amp * dsp.rand(0.1, 0.5)

        layer = dsp.pulsar(f, length, pw, wf, win, mod, modr, modf, a * 2)
        layer = dsp.env(layer, dsp.randchoose(['sine', 'tri', 'line', 'phasor']))
        layer = dsp.taper(layer)
        layer = dsp.pan(layer, dsp.rand())
        layer = dsp.mix([ dsp.drift(layer, dsp.rand(0.01, 0.03)), layer ])

        if dsp.rand() > 0.5:
            layer = dsp.vsplit(layer, dsp.mstf(50), dsp.mstf(500))
            bit = dsp.randchoose(layer)
            bit = bit * dsp.randint(1, 3)
            bit = dsp.transpose(bit, dsp.randchoose([1, 2, 4, 8]))
            layer = ''.join(layer)
            layer = dsp.insert_into(layer, bit, dsp.randint(0, dsp.flen(layer) - dsp.flen(bit)))

        layers += [ layer ]

    out = dsp.mix(layers)
    out = dsp.env(out, 'sine')
    out = dsp.env(out, 'hann')
    #out = dsp.env(out, 'phasor')
    out = dsp.taper(out)

    return out
文件: thirty.py 项目: hecanjog/w30
layers = []
for i in range(30):
    l = dsp.pine(dsp.amp(thirty, 0.1), dsp.stf(30), dsp.randchoose(freqs))
    l = dsp.pan(l, dsp.rand())
    layers += [ l ]

out = dsp.mix(layers)

dsp.write(out, 'wesley_thirty_03')

## 04
out = ''

for count in range(5):
    t = dsp.randchoose(snds)
    t = dsp.vsplit(t, 1, dsp.mstf(20))
    for i, g in enumerate(t):
        if dsp.randint(0,5) == 0:
            t[i] = g * dsp.randint(1, 30)

        t[i] = dsp.pan(t[i], dsp.rand())

    out += ''.join(t)

dsp.write(out, 'wesley_thirty_04')

## 05
out = ''
freqs = tune.fromdegrees([1, 3, 5, 9], 3, 'c')
freqs2 = tune.fromdegrees([8, 6, 3, 1], 3, 'c')
slen = dsp.flen(wesley) / 30
def play(voice_id):
    bpm = config('bpm')
    beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm)
    dsl = P(voice_id, 'drum', '["c","k","h"]')
    dsl = json.loads(dsl)

    def hat(beat):
        length = beat * 4
        nbeats = 16
        blen = length / nbeats

        out = ''

        for b in range(nbeats):
            h = dsp.transpose(tape1, 9)
            h = dsp.fill(h, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(1, 20)))
            h = dsp.env(h, 'phasor')
            h = dsp.amp(h, dsp.rand(0, 0.8))
            h = dsp.pad(h, 0, blen - dsp.flen(h))

            out += h

        out *= 8

        return out

    def kick(beat):
        out = drums.sinekick(length=beat, amp=dsp.rand(0.8, 1))
        out = dsp.pad(out, 0, beat * dsp.randint(1, 2))
        out *= 2
        return out

    def clap1(beat):
        c = dsp.read('sounds/mikeclap.wav').data
        c = dsp.transpose(c, dsp.rand(1, 2.5))
        c = dsp.fill(c, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(10, 100)))
        c = dsp.env(c, 'phasor')
        c = dsp.amp(c, dsp.rand(1, 3))
        c = dsp.pad(c, 0, beat - dsp.flen(c))

        blen = beat / dsp.randchoose([1,2])
        c = dsp.pad(c, blen, 0)

        c *= 4

        return c

    def clap2(beat):
        nlens = [
            beat * 2,
            beat / 2,

        # length of pattern (in beats)
        nbeats = dsp.randint(10, 15)

        # beat lengths (from a set of bpm-derived note lengths defined in the nlens list)
        blens = [ dsp.randchoose(nlens) for b in range(nbeats) ]

        out = ''
        # synthesize the tones
        for i in range(nbeats):
            beat = dsp.transpose(dsp.randchoose([c1,c2]), dsp.rand(0.25, 40.0))
            beat = dsp.pad(beat, 0, blens[i] - dsp.flen(beat))
            beat = dsp.amp(beat, dsp.rand(1, 4))

            # add it to the output
            out += beat

        return out

    all = []

    if 'c' in dsl:
        clapper = dsp.randchoose([clap1,clap2])
        all += [ clapper(beat) ]

    if 'k' in dsl:
        all += [ kick(beat) ]

    if 'h' in dsl:
        all += [ hat(beat) ]

    out = dsp.mix(all)

#    out = dsp.vsplit(out, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(8, 140)), dsp.mstf(500))
#    out = dsp.randshuffle(out)
#    out = ''.join(out)

    out = dsp.vsplit(out, 10, 1000)
    out = [ dsp.amp(o, dsp.rand(0, 4)) for o in out ]
    out = [ dsp.env(o, 'random') for o in out ]
    out = [ dsp.transpose(o, dsp.rand(0.25, 1)) for o in out ]
    out = dsp.randshuffle(out)
    out = ''.join(out)

    out = dsp.pine(out, int(dsp.flen(out) * dsp.rand(1.5, 4)), dsp.rand(10, 2000), dsp.randint(0, 2), dsp.rand(1, 3), dsp.randint(0, 2), dsp.rand(1, 3)) 
    out = dsp.amp(out, 0.65)

    glass = dsp.read('sounds/s/glass2.wav').data

    glass = dsp.vsplit(glass, dsp.mstf(1), dsp.mstf(100))
    glass = dsp.randshuffle(glass)
#    glass = [ dsp.pad(g, 0, dsp.randint(10, 1000)) for g in glass ]
#    glass = [ dsp.transpose(g, dsp.rand(0.5, 1.5)) * dsp.randint(1, 3) for g in glass ]
    glass = ''.join(glass)

    glass = dsp.fill(glass, dsp.flen(out))

    out = dsp.mix([ out, glass ])

    return out