def errors_per_image(params, avgtrans, thresherr=1.0, radius = 1.0):
	#print "errors per image"
	#  We have average parameters and transformed parameters
	#  Find errors per image
	ll = len(params)
	nn = len(params[0])
	perr = [None]*nn
	for k in xrange(nn):
		nas = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
		r1,r2,r3 = getfvec(avgtrans[k][0],avgtrans[k][1])
		sacos = 0.0
		sder = 0.0
		ser3 = 0.0
		for i in xrange(ll):
			#print i,fifi[i]
			d = max_3D_pixel_error(params[i][k], avgtrans[k], r=radius)
			#if(d>10.):  print  "  LARGE ERROR",k,i,d,fifi[i], avgtrans[k]
			ser3 += d
			n1,n2,n3 = getfvec(params[i][k][0],params[i][k][1])
			sacos += acos( min(1.0, n1*r1+n2*r2+n3*r3) )
			sder += pixel_error_2D(params[i][k][2:], avgtrans[k][2:], r = 1.0)
		# average deviation in radians
		sacos /= ll
		sare   = tan(sacos)
		sder  /= ll
		ser3  /= ll
		#print  k, ser3, sare, sder
		perr[k] = [ser3, sacos, sare, sder]

	#write_text_row(perr, 'per.txt')
	#perr = [perr[k][1] <= thresherr for k in xrange(nn)]
	return perr
def errors_per_image(params, avgtrans, thresherr=1.0, radius=1.0):
    #print "errors per image"
    #  We have average parameters and transformed parameters
    #  Find errors per image
    ll = len(params)
    nn = len(params[0])
    perr = [None] * nn
    for k in xrange(nn):
        nas = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        r1, r2, r3 = getfvec(avgtrans[k][0], avgtrans[k][1])
        sacos = 0.0
        sder = 0.0
        ser3 = 0.0
        for i in xrange(ll):
            #print i,fifi[i]
            d = max_3D_pixel_error(params[i][k], avgtrans[k], r=radius)
            #if(d>10.):  print  "  LARGE ERROR",k,i,d,fifi[i], avgtrans[k]
            ser3 += d
            n1, n2, n3 = getfvec(params[i][k][0], params[i][k][1])
            sacos += lacos(n1 * r1 + n2 * r2 + n3 * r3)
            sder += pixel_error_2D(params[i][k][2:], avgtrans[k][2:], r=1.0)
        # average deviation in radians
        sacos /= ll
        sare = tan(sacos)
        sder /= ll
        ser3 /= ll
        #print  k, ser3, sare, sder
        perr[k] = [ser3, sacos, sare, sder]

    #write_text_row(perr, 'per.txt')
    #perr = [perr[k][1] <= thresherr for k in xrange(nn)]
    return perr
def comparetwoalis(params1, params2, thresherr=1.0, radius = 1.0):
	#  Find errors per image
	nn = len(params1)
	perr = 0
	for k in xrange(nn):
		if(max_3D_pixel_error(params1[k], params2[k], r=radius) < thresherr):
			perr += 1
	return perr/float(nn)*100.0
def proj_ali_incore_local(data, refrings, numr, xrng, yrng, step, an, finfo=None):
	from utilities    import compose_transform2
	#from utilities    import set_params_proj, get_params_proj
	from math	 import cos, sin, pi

	ID = data.get_attr("ID")

	mode = "F"
	nx   = data.get_xsize()
	ny   = data.get_ysize()
	#  center is in SPIDER convention
	cnx  = nx//2 + 1
	cny  = ny//2 + 1

	ant = cos(an*pi/180.0)
	#phi, theta, psi, sxo, syo = get_params_proj(data)
	t1 = data.get_attr("xform.projection")
	dp = t1.get_params("spider")
	# get translations from data
	tx = dp["tx"]
	ty = dp["ty"]
	if finfo:
		finfo.write("Image id: %6d\n"%(ID))
		finfo.write("Old parameters: %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f\n"%(dp["phi"], dp["theta"], dp["psi"], -tx, -ty))

	[ang, sxs, sys, mirror, iref, peak] = Util.multiref_polar_ali_2d_local(data, refrings, xrng, yrng, step, ant, mode, numr, cnx+tx, cny+ty)
	if iref > -1:
		# The ormqip returns parameters such that the transformation is applied first, the mirror operation second.
		# What that means is that one has to change the the Eulerian angles so they point into mirrored direction: phi+180, 180-theta, 180-psi
		angb, sxb, syb, ct = compose_transform2(0.0, sxs, sys, 1, -ang, 0.0, 0.0, 1)
		if  mirror:
			phi   = (refrings[iref].get_attr("phi")+540.0)%360.0
			theta = 180.0-refrings[iref].get_attr("theta")
			psi   = (540.0-refrings[iref].get_attr("psi")+angb)%360.0
			s2x   = sxb - tx
			s2y   = syb - ty
			phi   = refrings[iref].get_attr("phi")
			theta = refrings[iref].get_attr("theta")
			psi   = (refrings[iref].get_attr("psi")+angb+360.0)%360.0
			s2x   = sxb - tx
			s2y   = syb - ty

		t2 = Transform({"type":"spider","phi":phi,"theta":theta,"psi":psi})
		t2.set_trans(Vec2f(-s2x, -s2y))

		from pixel_error import max_3D_pixel_error
		pixel_error = max_3D_pixel_error(t1, t2, numr[-3])
		if finfo:
			finfo.write( "New parameters: %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %10.5f  %11.3e\n\n" %(phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y, peak, pixel_error))
		return t2, peak, pixel_error
		return -1.0e23, 0.0
def errors_per_image_original(nn,
    #print "errors per image"
    #  We have average parameters and transformed parameters
    #  Find errors per image
    #  Find outliers, remove them, repeat calculations
    perr = [None] * nn
    for k in xrange(nn):
        lin = k // (nn // 4)
        fifi = []
        for j in xrange(6):
            if (asi[lin][j] != -10):
                #print  " fff  ",k,lin,j,asi[lin][j],qt[j][k]
        assert (len(fifi) == 3)
        nas = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        r1, r2, r3 = getfvec(avgtrans[k][0], avgtrans[k][1])
        sacos = 0.0
        sder = 0.0
        ser3 = 0.0
        for i in xrange(3):
            #print i,fifi[i]
            d = max_3D_pixel_error(fifi[i], avgtrans[k], r=radius)
            #if(d>10.):  print  "  LARGE ERROR",k,i,d,fifi[i], avgtrans[k]
            ser3 += d
            n1, n2, n3 = getfvec(fifi[i][0], fifi[i][1])
            sacos += lacos(n1 * r1 + n2 * r2 + n3 * r3)
            sder += pixel_error_2D(fifi[i][2:], avgtrans[k][2:], r=1.0)
        # average deviation in radians
        sacos /= 3.0
        sare = tan(sacos)
        sder /= 3.0
        ser3 /= 3
        #print  k, ser3, sare, sder
        perr[k] = [k, ser3, sacos, sare, sder]

    #write_text_row(perr, 'per.txt')
    perr = [perr[k][1] <= thresherr for k in xrange(nn)]
    return perr
def errors_per_image_original(nn, qt, asi, avgtrans, thresherr=1.0, radius = 1.0):
	#print "errors per image"
	#  We have average parameters and transformed parameters
	#  Find errors per image
	#  Find outliers, remove them, repeat calculations
	perr = [None]*nn
	for k in xrange(nn):
		lin = k//(nn//4)
		fifi = []
		for j in xrange(6):
			if(asi[lin][j] != -10):
				#print  " fff  ",k,lin,j,asi[lin][j],qt[j][k]
		assert(len(fifi) == 3)
		nas = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
		r1,r2,r3 = getfvec(avgtrans[k][0],avgtrans[k][1])
		sacos = 0.0
		sder = 0.0
		ser3 = 0.0
		for i in xrange(3):
			#print i,fifi[i]
			d = max_3D_pixel_error(fifi[i], avgtrans[k], r=radius)
			#if(d>10.):  print  "  LARGE ERROR",k,i,d,fifi[i], avgtrans[k]
			ser3 += d
			n1,n2,n3 = getfvec(fifi[i][0],fifi[i][1])
			sacos += acos(min(1.0,n1*r1+n2*r2+n3*r3))
			sder += pixel_error_2D(fifi[i][2:], avgtrans[k][2:], r = 1.0)
		# average deviation in radians
		sacos /= 3.0
		sare   = tan(sacos)
		sder  /= 3.0
		ser3  /= 3
		#print  k, ser3, sare, sder
		perr[k] = [k, ser3, sacos, sare, sder]

	#write_text_row(perr, 'per.txt')
	perr = [perr[k][1] <= thresherr for k in xrange(nn)]
	return perr
def main():

	from utilities import write_text_row, drop_image, model_gauss_noise, get_im, set_params_proj, wrap_mpi_bcast, model_circle
	import user_functions
	from applications import MPI_start_end
	from optparse import OptionParser
	from global_def import SPARXVERSION
	from EMAN2 import EMData
	from multi_shc import multi_shc, do_volume
	from logger import Logger, BaseLogger_Files
	import sys
	import os
	import time
	import socket

	progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
	usage = progname + " stack  [output_directory]  initial_volume  --ir=inner_radius --ou=outer_radius --rs=ring_step --xr=x_range --yr=y_range  --ts=translational_search_step  --delta=angular_step --an=angular_neighborhood  --center=center_type --fl --aa --ref_a=S --sym=c1"
	parser = OptionParser(usage,version=SPARXVERSION)
	parser.add_option("--ir",      		type= "int",   default= 1,			help="inner radius for rotational correlation > 0 (set to 1)")
	parser.add_option("--ou",      		type= "int",   default= -1,			help="outer radius for rotational correlation < int(nx/2)-1 (set to the radius of the particle)")
	parser.add_option("--rs",      		type= "int",   default= 1,			help="step between rings in rotational correlation >0  (set to 1)" ) 
	parser.add_option("--xr",      		type="string", default= "-1",		help="range for translation search in x direction, search is +/xr (default 0)")
	parser.add_option("--yr",      		type="string", default= "-1",		help="range for translation search in y direction, search is +/yr (default = same as xr)")
	parser.add_option("--ts",      		type="string", default= "1",		help="step size of the translation search in both directions, search is -xr, -xr+ts, 0, xr-ts, xr, can be fractional")
	parser.add_option("--delta",   		type="string", default= "-1",		help="angular step of reference projections during initialization step (default automatically selected based on radius of the structure.)")
	#parser.add_option("--an",      	type="string", default= "-1",		help="angular neighborhood for local searches (phi and theta)")
	parser.add_option("--center",  		type="float",  default= -1,			help="-1: average shift method; 0: no centering; 1: center of gravity (default=-1)")
	parser.add_option("--maxit",   		type="int",  	default= 400,		help="maximum number of iterations performed for the GA part (set to 400) ")
	parser.add_option("--outlier_percentile",type="float",    default= 95,	help="percentile above which outliers are removed every iteration")
	parser.add_option("--iteration_start",type="int",    default= 0,		help="starting iteration for rviper, 0 means go to the most recent one (default).")
	parser.add_option("--CTF",     		action="store_true", default=False,	help="Use CTF (Default no CTF correction)")
	parser.add_option("--snr",     		type="float",  default= 1.0,		help="Signal-to-Noise Ratio of the data (default 1.0)")
	parser.add_option("--ref_a",   		type="string", default= "S",		help="method for generating the quasi-uniformly distributed projection directions (default S)")
	parser.add_option("--sym",     		type="string", default= "c1",		help="symmetry of the refined structure")
	parser.add_option("--npad",    		type="int",    default= 2,			help="padding size for 3D reconstruction (default=2)")
	parser.add_option("--startangles",  action="store_true", default=False,	help="Use orientation parameters in the input file header to jumpstart the procedure")

	#options introduced for the do_volume function
	parser.add_option("--fl",			type="float",	default=0.12,		help="cut-off frequency of hyperbolic tangent low-pass Fourier filte (default 0.12)")
	parser.add_option("--aa",			type="float",	default=0.1,		help="fall-off of hyperbolic tangent low-pass Fourier filter (default 0.1)")
	parser.add_option("--pwreference",	type="string",	default="",			help="text file with a reference power spectrum (default no power spectrum adjustment)")
	parser.add_option("--mask3D",		type="string",	default=None,		help="3D mask file (default a sphere  WHAT RADIUS??)")

	(options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])

	#print( "  args  ",args)
	if( len(args) == 3):
		volinit = args[2]
		masterdir = args[1]
	elif(len(args) == 2):
		volinit = args[1]
		masterdir = ""
		print( "usage: " + usage)
		print( "Please run '" + progname + " -h' for detailed options")
		return 1

	orgstack = args[0]
	#print(  orgstack,masterdir,volinit )

	radi  = options.ou
	global_def.BATCH = True
	ali3d_options.ir     = options.ir
	ali3d_options.rs     = options.rs
	ali3d_options.ou     = options.ou
	ali3d_options.xr     = options.xr
	ali3d_options.yr     = options.yr
	ali3d_options.ts     = options.ts
	ali3d_options.an     = "-1"
	ali3d_options.sym    = options.sym
	ali3d_options.delta  = options.delta
	ali3d_options.npad   = options.npad
	ali3d_options.center = options.center
	ali3d_options.CTF    = options.CTF
	ali3d_options.ref_a  = options.ref_a
	ali3d_options.snr    = options.snr
	ali3d_options.mask3D = options.mask3D
	ali3d_options.pwreference = options.pwreference
	ali3d_options.fl     = 0.4
	ali3d_options.aa     = 0.1

	if( ali3d_options.xr == "-1" ):  ali3d_options.xr = "2"
	print( options)

	print( 'ali3d_options',  ali3d_options.ir    ,\
	ali3d_options.rs        ,\
	ali3d_options.ou        ,\
	ali3d_options.xr        ,\
	ali3d_options.yr        ,\
	ali3d_options.ts        ,\
	ali3d_options.an        ,\
	ali3d_options.sym       ,\
	ali3d_options.delta     ,\
	ali3d_options.npad      ,\
	ali3d_options.center    ,\
	ali3d_options.CTF       ,\
	ali3d_options.ref_a     ,\
	ali3d_options.snr       ,\
	ali3d_options.mask3D    ,\
	ali3d_options.fl        ,\
	ali3d_options.aa    \


	mpi_init(0, [])

	nproc     = mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD)
	myid      = mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD)
	main_node = 0


	nxinit = -1  #int(280*0.3*2)
	nsoft = 0

	mempernode = 4.0e9

	#  threshold error
	thresherr = 0
	fq = 0.11 # low-freq limit to which fuse ref volumes.  Should it be estimated somehow?

	# Get the pixel size, if none set to 1.0, and the original image size
	if(myid == main_node):
		a = get_im(orgstack)
		nnxo = a.get_xsize()
		if ali3d_options.CTF:
			i = a.get_attr('ctf')
			pixel_size = i.apix
			pixel_size = 1.0
		del a
		nnxo = 0
		pixel_size = 1.0
	pixel_size = bcast_number_to_all(pixel_size, source_node = main_node)
	nnxo = bcast_number_to_all(nnxo, source_node = main_node)

	if(radi < 1):  radi = nnxo//2-2
	elif((2*radi+2)>nnxo):  ERROR("HERE","particle radius set too large!",1)
	ali3d_options.ou = radi
	if(nxinit < 0):  nxinit = min(32, nnxo)

	nxshrink = nxinit
	minshrink = 32.0/float(nnxo)
	shrink = max(float(nxshrink)/float(nnxo),minshrink)

	if(myid == main_node):
		print( "   masterdir   ",masterdir)
		if( masterdir == ""):
			timestring = strftime("_%d_%b_%Y_%H_%M_%S", localtime())
			masterdir = "master"+timestring
			li = len(masterdir)
			cmd = "{} {}".format("mkdir", masterdir)
			keepchecking = 0
			li = 0
			keepchecking = 1
		li = 0
		keepchecking = 1

	li = mpi_bcast(li,1,MPI_INT,main_node,MPI_COMM_WORLD)[0]

	if( li > 0 ):
		masterdir = mpi_bcast(masterdir,li,MPI_CHAR,main_node,MPI_COMM_WORLD)
		masterdir = string.join(masterdir,"")

	#  create a vstack from input stack to the local stack in masterdir
	#  Stack name set to default
	stack = "bdb:"+masterdir+"/rdata"
	# Initialization of stacks
	if(myid == main_node):
		if keepchecking:
			if(os.path.exists(os.path.join(masterdir,"EMAN2DB/rdata.bdb"))):  doit = False
			else:  doit = True
		else:  doit = True
		if  doit:
			if(orgstack[:4] == "bdb:"):	cmd = "{} {} {}".format("e2bdb.py", orgstack,"--makevstack="+stack)
			else:  cmd = "{} {} {}".format("sxcpy.py", orgstack, stack)
			cmd = "{} {}".format("sxheader.py  --consecutive  --params=originalid", stack)
			keepchecking = False
		total_stack = EMUtil.get_image_count(stack)
		junk = get_im(stack)
		nnxo = junk.get_xsize()
		del junk
		total_stack = 0
		nnxo = 0

	total_stack = bcast_number_to_all(total_stack, source_node = main_node)
	nnxo        = bcast_number_to_all(nnxo, source_node = main_node)


	#  Run exhaustive projection matching to get initial orientation parameters
	#  Estimate initial resolution
	initdir = os.path.join(masterdir,"main000")
	#  make sure the initial volume is not set to zero outside of a mask, as if it is it will crach the program
	if( myid == main_node and (not options.startangles)):
		viv = get_im(volinit)
		if(options.mask3D == None):  mask33d = model_circle(radi,nnxo,nnxo,nnxo)
		else:  mask33d = (options.mask3D).copy()
		st = Util.infomask(viv, mask33d, False)
		if( st[0] == 0.0 ):
			viv += (model_blank(nnxo,nnxo,nnxo,1.0) - mask33d)*model_gauss_noise(st[1]/1000.0,nnxo,nnxo,nnxo)
		del mask33d, viv

	doit, keepchecking = checkstep(initdir, keepchecking, myid, main_node)
	if  doit:
		partids = os.path.join(masterdir, "ids.txt")
		partstack = os.path.join(masterdir, "paramszero.txt")
		xr = min(8,(nnxo - (2*radi+1))//2)
		if(xr > 3):  ts = "2"
		else:  ts = "1"

		delta = int(options.delta)
		if(delta <= 0.0):
			delta = "%f"%round(degrees(atan(1.0/float(radi))), 2)

		paramsdict = {	"stack":stack,"delta":"2.0", "ts":ts, "xr":"%f"%xr, "an":"-1", "center":options.center, "maxit":1, \
						"currentres":0.4, "aa":0.1, "radius":radi, "nsoft":0, "delpreviousmax":True, "shrink":1.0, "saturatecrit":1.0, \
						"refvol":volinit, "mask3D":options.mask3D}


			if( myid == main_node ):
				cmd = "mkdir "+initdir
				line = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime()) + " =>"
				cmd = "{} {}".format("sxheader.py --params=xform.projection  --export="+os.path.join(initdir,"params-chunk0.txt"), stack)
				print(line,"Executed successfully: ","Imported initial parameters from the input stack")

			if( myid == main_node ):
				line = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime()) + " =>"
				write_text_file(range(total_stack), partids)
				write_text_row([[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0] for i in xrange(total_stack) ], partstack)

			metamove(paramsdict, partids, partstack, initdir, 0, myid, main_node, nproc)
			if(myid == main_node):
				print(line,"Executed successfully: ","initialization ali3d_base_MPI  %d"%nsoft)


		#  store params
		partids = [None]*2
		for procid in xrange(2):  partids[procid] = os.path.join(initdir,"chunk%01d.txt"%procid)
		partstack = [None]*2
		for procid in xrange(2):  partstack[procid] = os.path.join(initdir,"params-chunk%01d.txt"%procid)
		from random import shuffle
		if(myid == main_node):
			#  split randomly
			params = read_text_row(os.path.join(initdir,"params-chunk0.txt"))
			assert(len(params) == total_stack)
			ll = range(total_stack)
			l1 = ll[:total_stack//2]
			l2 = ll[total_stack//2:]
			del ll
			write_text_row([params[i] for i in l1], partstack[0])
			write_text_row([params[i] for i in l2], partstack[1])
			del params, l1, l2

		#  Now parallel
		vol = [None]*2
		for procid in xrange(2):
			projdata = getindexdata(stack, partids[procid], partstack[procid], myid, nproc)
			if ali3d_options.CTF:  vol[procid] = recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI(myid, projdata, symmetry=ali3d_options.sym, npad = 2)
			else:                  vol[procid] = recons3d_4nn_MPI(myid, projdata, symmetry=ali3d_options.sym, npad = 2)
			del projdata
			if( myid == main_node):
				vol[procid].write_image(os.path.join(initdir,"vol%01d.hdf"%procid) )
				line = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime()) + " =>"
				print(  line,"Generated inivol #%01d "%procid)

		if(myid == main_node):
			currentres = get_resolution(vol, radi, nnxo, initdir)		
			line = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime()) + " =>"
			print(  line,"Initial resolution %6.4f"%currentres)
		else:  currentres = 0.0
		currentres = bcast_number_to_all(currentres, source_node = main_node)
		if(myid == main_node): currentres = read_text_file(os.path.join(initdir,"current_resolution.txt"))[0]		
		else:  currentres = 0.0
		currentres = bcast_number_to_all(currentres, source_node = main_node)

	# set for the first iteration
	nxshrink = min(max(32, int((currentres+paramsdict["aa"]/2.)*2*nnxo + 0.5)), nnxo)
	shrink = float(nxshrink)/nnxo
	tracker = {"previous-resolution":currentres, "movedup":False,"eliminated-outliers":False,\
				"previous-nx":nxshrink, "previous-shrink":shrink, "extension":0, "bestsolution":0}
	previousoutputdir = initdir
	mainiteration = 0
	keepgoing = 1
		mainiteration += 1

		#  prepare output directory
		mainoutputdir = os.path.join(masterdir,"main%03d"%mainiteration)

		if(myid == main_node):
			line = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime()) + " =>"
			print(line,"MAIN ITERATION #",mainiteration, shrink, nxshrink)
			if keepchecking:
					doit = 0
					print("Directory  ",mainoutputdir,"  exists!")
					doit = 1
					keepchecking = False
				doit = 1

			if doit:
				cmd = "{} {}".format("mkdir", mainoutputdir)

		# prepare names of input file names, they are in main directory, 
		#   log subdirectories contain outputs from specific refinements
		partids = [None]*2
		for procid in xrange(2):  partids[procid] = os.path.join(previousoutputdir,"chunk%01d.txt"%procid)
		partstack = [None]*2
		for procid in xrange(2):  partstack[procid] = os.path.join(previousoutputdir,"params-chunk%01d.txt"%procid)



		#print("RACING  A ",myid)
		outvol = [os.path.join(previousoutputdir,"vol%01d.hdf"%procid) for procid in xrange(2)]
		for procid in xrange(2):
			doit, keepchecking = checkstep(outvol[procid], keepchecking, myid, main_node)

			if  doit:
				from multi_shc import do_volume
				projdata = getindexdata(stack, partids[procid], partstack[procid], myid, nproc)
				if ali3d_options.CTF:  vol = recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI(myid, projdata, symmetry=ali3d_options.sym, npad = 2)
				else:                  vol = recons3d_4nn_MPI(myid, projdata, symmetry=ali3d_options.sym, npad = 2)
				del projdata
				if( myid == main_node):
					line = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime()) + " =>"
					print(  line,"Generated inivol #%01d "%procid)
				del vol

		if(myid == main_node):
			if keepchecking:
				procid = 1
					doit = 0
					doit = 1
					keepchecking = False
				doit = 1
			if doit:
				vol = [get_im(outvol[procid]) for procid in xrange(2) ]
				fq = 0.11 # which part to fuse
				fuselowf(vol, fq)
				for procid in xrange(2):  vol[procid].write_image(os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"fusevol%01d.hdf"%procid) )
				del vol
		else:  doit = 0
		doit = bcast_number_to_all(doit, source_node = main_node)

		#  Refine two groups at a current resolution
		lastring = int(shrink*radi + 0.5)
		if(lastring < 2):
			print(  line,"ERROR!!   lastring too small  ", radi, shrink, lastring)

		#  Part "a"  SHC
		for procid in xrange(2):
			coutdir = os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"loga%01d"%procid)
			doit, keepchecking = checkstep(coutdir  , keepchecking, myid, main_node)

			paramsdict = {	"stack":stack,"delta":"%f"%round(degrees(atan(1.0/lastring)), 2) , "ts":"1", "xr":"2", "an":"-1", "center":options.center, "maxit":1500,  \
							"currentres":currentres, "aa":0.1, "radius":radi, "nsoft":1, "saturatecrit":0.75, "delpreviousmax":True, "shrink":shrink, \
							"refvol":os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"fusevol%01d.hdf"%procid),"mask3D":options.mask3D }

			if  doit:

				metamove(paramsdict, partids[procid], partstack[procid], coutdir, procid, myid, main_node, nproc)

		partstack = [None]*2
		for procid in xrange(2):  partstack[procid] = os.path.join(mainoutputdir, "loga%01d"%procid, "params-chunk%01d.txt"%procid)

		for procid in xrange(2):
			outvol = os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"loga%01d"%procid,"shcvol%01d.hdf"%procid)
			doit, keepchecking = checkstep(outvol, keepchecking, myid, main_node)

			if  doit:
				from multi_shc import do_volume
				projdata = getindexdata(stack, partids[procid], partstack[procid], myid, nproc)
				if ali3d_options.CTF:  vol = recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI(myid, projdata, symmetry=ali3d_options.sym, npad = 2)
				else:                  vol = recons3d_4nn_MPI(myid, projdata, symmetry=ali3d_options.sym, npad = 2)
				del projdata
				if( myid == main_node):
					line = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime()) + " =>"
					print(  line,"Generated shcvol #%01d "%procid)
				del vol

		if(myid == main_node):
			if keepchecking:
				procid = 1
				if(os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"loga%01d"%procid,"fusevol%01d.hdf"%procid) ):
					doit = 0
					doit = 1
					keepchecking = False
				doit = 1
			if doit:
				vol = []
				for procid in xrange(2):  vol.append(get_im(os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"loga%01d"%procid,"shcvol%01d.hdf"%procid) ))
				fq = 0.11 # which part to fuse
				fuselowf(vol, fq)
				for procid in xrange(2):  vol[procid].write_image( os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"loga%01d"%procid,"fusevol%01d.hdf"%procid) )
				del vol
		else:  doit = 0
		doit = bcast_number_to_all(doit, source_node = main_node)

		#  Part "b"  deterministic			
		partstack = [None]*2
		for procid in xrange(2):  partstack[procid] = os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"loga%01d"%procid,"params-chunk%01d.txt"%procid)

		for procid in xrange(2):
			coutdir = os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"logb%01d"%procid)
			doit, keepchecking = checkstep(coutdir, keepchecking, myid, main_node)

			#  Run exhaustive to finish up matching
			paramsdict = {	"stack":stack,"delta":"%f"%round(degrees(atan(1.0/lastring)), 2) , "ts":"1", "xr":"2", "an":"-1", "center":options.center, "maxit":10, \
							"currentres":currentres, "aa":0.1, "radius":radi, "nsoft":0, "saturatecrit":0.95, "delpreviousmax":True, "shrink":shrink, \
							"refvol":os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"loga%01d"%procid,"fusevol%01d.hdf"%procid), "mask3D":options.mask3D }

			if  doit:
				metamove(paramsdict, partids[procid], partstack[procid], coutdir, procid, myid, main_node, nproc)

		partstack = [None]*2
		for procid in xrange(2):  partstack[procid] = os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"logb%01d"%procid,"params-chunk%01d.txt"%procid)

		#  Compute current resolution, store result in main directory
		doit, keepchecking = checkstep(os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"current_resolution.txt"), keepchecking, myid, main_node)
		newres = 0.0
		if doit:
			newres = compute_resolution(stack, mainoutputdir, partids, partstack, radi, nnxo, ali3d_options.CTF, myid, main_node, nproc)
			if(myid == main_node): newres = read_text_file( os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"current_resolution.txt") )[0]		
		newres = bcast_number_to_all(newres, source_node = main_node)

		#  Here I have code to generate presentable results.  IDs and params have to be merged and stored and an overall volume computed.
		doit, keepchecking = checkstep(os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"volf.hdf"), keepchecking, myid, main_node)
		if  doit:
			if( myid == main_node ):
				pinids = map(int, read_text_file(partids[0]) ) + map(int, read_text_file(partids[1]) )
				params = read_text_row(partstack[0]) + read_text_row(partstack[1])

				assert(len(pinids) == len(params))

				for i in xrange(len(pinids)):
					pinids[i] = [ pinids[i], params[i] ]
				del params

				write_text_file([pinids[i][0] for i in xrange(len(pinids))], os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"indexes.txt"))
				write_text_row( [pinids[i][1] for i in xrange(len(pinids))], os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"params.txt"))
			ali3d_options.fl = newres
			ali3d_options.ou = radi
			projdata = getindexdata(stack, os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"indexes.txt"), os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"params.txt"), myid, nproc)
			volf = do_volume(projdata, ali3d_options, mainiteration, mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD)
			if(myid == main_node): volf.write_image(os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"volf.hdf"))


		#print("RACING  X ",myid)
		if(newres == currentres):

			for procid in xrange(2):
				coutdir = os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"logc%01d"%procid)
				doit, keepchecking = checkstep(coutdir, keepchecking, myid, main_node)

				if  doit:
					#  Do cross-check of the results
					paramsdict = {	"stack":stack,"delta":"%f"%round(degrees(atan(1.0/lastring)), 2) , "ts":"1", "xr":"2", "an":"-1", "center":options.center, "maxit":1,  \
									"currentres":newres, "aa":0.1, "radius":radi, "nsoft":0, "saturatecrit":0.95, "delpreviousmax":True, "shrink":shrink, \
									"refvol":os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"vol%01d.hdf"%(1-procid)), "mask3D":options.mask3D }
					#  The cross-check uses parameters from step "b" to make sure shifts are correct.  
					#  As the check is exhaustive, angles are ignored
					metamove(paramsdict, partids[procid], partstack[procid], coutdir, procid, myid, main_node, nproc)

			# identify bad apples
			doit, keepchecking = checkstep(os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"badapples.txt"), keepchecking, myid, main_node)
			if  doit:
				if(myid == main_node):
					from utilities import get_symt
					from pixel_error import max_3D_pixel_error
					ts = get_symt(ali3d_options.sym)
					badapples = []
					deltaerror = 2.0
					total_images_now = 0
					for procid in xrange(2):
						bad = []
						ids  = map(int,read_text_file( partids[procid] ))
						total_images_now += len(ids)
						oldp = read_text_row(partstack[procid])
						newp = read_text_row(os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"logc%01d"%procid,"params-chunk%01d.txt"%procid))

						for i in xrange(len(ids)):
							t1 = Transform({"type":"spider","phi":oldp[i][0],"theta":oldp[i][1],"psi":oldp[i][2]})
							t1.set_trans(Vec2f(-oldp[i][3]*shrink, -oldp[i][4]*shrink))
							t2 = Transform({"type":"spider","phi":newp[i][0],"theta":newp[i][1],"psi":newp[i][2]})
							t2.set_trans(Vec2f(-newp[i][3]*shrink, -newp[i][4]*shrink))
							if(len(ts) > 1):
								# only do it if it is not c1
								pixel_error = +1.0e23
								for kts in ts:
									ut = t2*kts
									# we do not care which position minimizes the error
									pixel_error = min(max_3D_pixel_error(t1, ut, lastring), pixel_error)
								pixel_error = max_3D_pixel_error(t1, t2, lastring)

							if(pixel_error > deltaerror):
							badapples += [ids[bad[i]] for i in xrange(len(bad))]
							for i in xrange(len(bad)-1,-1,-1):
								del oldp[bad[i]],ids[bad[i]]
						if(len(ids) == 0):
							ERROR("sxpetite","program diverged, all images have large angular errors, most likely the initial model is badly off",1)
							#  This generate new parameters, hopefully to be used as starting ones in the new iteration
						eli = 100*float(len(badapples))/float(total_images_now)
						line = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime()) + " =>"
						print(line,"Elimination of outliers: %5.1f percent"%eli )
					else:  eli = 0.0
					del badapples, oldp,ids,bad,newp,ts
				else:  eli =0.0
				eli = bcast_number_to_all(eli, source_node = main_node)
				#  This part under MPI
				if(eli > 0.0):
					#  Compute current resolution
					depres = compute_resolution(stack, mainoutputdir, \
							[os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"chunk%01d.txt"%procid) for procid in xrange(2)], \
							[os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"params-chunk%01d.txt"%procid) for procid in xrange(2)], \
							radi, nnxo, ali3d_options.CTF, myid, main_node, nproc)
					depres = bcast_number_to_all(depres, source_node = main_node)
					if(depres < newres):
						#  elimination of outliers decreased resolution, ignore the effort
						eliminated_outliers = False
						eliminated_outliers = True
						newres = depres
						#  It does not seem to be needed, as data is there, we just point to the directory
						for procid in xrange(2):
							#  set pointers to current parameters in main, which are for the reduced set stored above
							partids[procid]   = os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"chunk%01d.txt"%procid
							partstack[procid] = os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"params-chunk%01d.txt"%procid)
					eliminated_outliers = False
			eliminated_outliers = False

		if(myid == main_node and not eliminated_outliers):
			for procid in xrange(2):
				#  This is standard path, copy parameters to be used to the main
				cmd = "{} {} {}".format("cp -p ", partids[procid] , os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"chunk%01d.txt"%procid))
				cmd = "{} {} {}".format("cp -p ", partstack[procid], os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"params-chunk%01d.txt"%procid))

		keepgoing = 0
		if( newres > currentres or (eliminated_outliers and not tracker["eliminated-outliers"])):
			if(myid == main_node):  print("  Resolution improved, full steam ahead!")

			if( newres > currentres ):  tracker["movedup"] = True
			else:   tracker["movedup"] = False
			shrink = max(min(2*newres + paramsdict["aa"], 1.0),minshrink)
			tracker["extension"] = 4
			nxshrink = min(int(nnxo*shrink + 0.5) + tracker["extension"],nnxo)
			tracker["previous-resolution"] = newres
			currentres = newres
			tracker["bestsolution"] = mainiteration
			bestoutputdir = mainoutputdir
			tracker["eliminated-outliers"] = eliminated_outliers
			keepgoing = 1
		elif(newres < currentres):
			if(not tracker["movedup"] and tracker["extension"] < 2 and mainiteration > 1):
				keepgoing = 0
				if(myid == main_node):  print("  Cannot improve resolution, the best result is in the directory main%03d"%tracker["bestsolution"])
				if(not tracker["movedup"] and tracker["extension"] > 1 and mainiteration > 1):
					if(myid == main_node):  print("  Resolution decreased.  Will decrease target resolution and will fall back on the best so far:  main%03d"%tracker["bestsolution"])
					bestoutputdir = os.path.join(masterdir,"main%03d"%tracker["bestsolution"])
				elif( tracker["movedup"] and tracker["extension"] > 1 and mainiteration > 1):
					if(myid == main_node):  print("  Resolution decreased.  Will decrease target resolution and will try starting from previous stage:  main%03d"%(mainiteration - 1))
					bestoutputdir = os.path.join(masterdir,"main%03d"%(mainiteration-1))
				elif( mainiteration == 1):
					if(myid == main_node):  print("  Resolution decreased in the first iteration.  It is expected, not to worry")
					bestoutputdir = mainoutputdir
					tracker["extension"] += 1
				else:  # missing something here?
					if(myid == main_node):  print(" Should not be here, ERROR 175!")
				if( bestoutputdir != mainoutputdir ):
					#  This is the key, we just reset the main to previous, so it will be eventually used as a starting in the next iteration
					mainoutputdir = bestoutputdir
					#  Set data from the main previous best to the current.
					for procid in xrange(2):
						partids[procid]   = os.path.join(bestoutputdir,"chunk%01d.txt"%procid)
						partstack[procid] = os.path.join(bestoutputdir,"params-chunk%01d.txt"%procid)
				if(myid == main_node):
					currentres = read_text_file( os.path.join(bestoutputdir,"current_resolution.txt") )[0]
				currentres = bcast_number_to_all(currentres, source_node = main_node)

				shrink = max(min(2*currentres + paramsdict["aa"], 1.0), minshrink)
				tracker["extension"] -= 1
				nxshrink = min(int(nnxo*shrink + 0.5) + tracker["extension"],nnxo)
				tracker["previous-resolution"] = newres
				tracker["eliminated-outliers"] = eliminated_outliers
				tracker["movedup"] = False
				keepgoing = 1

		elif(newres == currentres):
			if( tracker["extension"] > 0 ):
				if(myid == main_node):  print("The resolution did not improve. This is look ahead move.  Let's try to relax slightly and hope for the best")
				tracker["extension"] -= 1

				tracker["movedup"] = False

				shrink = max(min(2*currentres + paramsdict["aa"], 1.0), minshrink)
				nxshrink = min(int(nnxo*shrink + 0.5) + tracker["extension"],nnxo)
				if( tracker["previous-nx"] == nnxo ):
					keepgoing = 0
					tracker["previous-resolution"] = newres
					currentres = newres
					tracker["eliminated-outliers"] = eliminated_outliers
					tracker["movedup"] = False
					keepgoing = 1
				if(myid == main_node):  print("The resolution did not improve.")
				keepgoing = 0


		if( keepgoing == 1 ):
			if(myid == main_node):
				print("  New shrink and image dimension :",shrink,nxshrink)
				#  It does not look like it is necessary, we just have to point to the directory as the files should be there.
				#  Will continue, so update the params files
				for procid in xrange(2):
					#  partids ads partstack contain parameters to be used as starting in the next iteration
					if(not os.path.exists(os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"chunk%01d.txt"%procid))):
						cmd = "{} {} {}".format("cp -p ", partids[procid] , os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"chunk%01d.txt"%procid))
					if(not os.path.exists(os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"params-chunk%01d.txt"%procid))):
						cmd = "{} {} {}".format("cp -p ", partstack[procid], os.path.join(mainoutputdir,"params-chunk%01d.txt"%procid))
			previousoutputdir = mainoutputdir
			tracker["previous-shrink"]     = shrink
			tracker["previous-nx"]         = nxshrink

			if(myid == main_node):
				print("  Terminating, the best solution is in the directory main%03d"%tracker["bestsolution"])

def main():
    arglist = []
    for arg in sys.argv:

    progname = os.path.basename(arglist[0])
    usage = progname + " stack outdir --phase=1 --ou=outer_radius|sxconsistency.py --phase=3 newlocal/main000 --ou=133 --thresherr=3.0 --params=paramsa outgrouparms"
    parser = OptionParser(usage, version=SPARXVERSION)
        "Phase =1 prepares resampled stacks, =2 analyzes consistency of orientation parameters"
                      help="outer radius for calculation of pixel error")
                      help="symmetry of the refined structure")
        help="Threshold for accpetable orientation errors (in pixels)")
        help="Accuracy for checking whether parameters are identical")
                      help="Root of of four chunk files with indeces")
        help="Root of of six parameter file names with refinement results")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args(arglist[1:])
    global_def.BATCH = True
    if options.phase == 1 and len(args) == 2:
        inputbdb = args[0]
        outdir = args[1]
        nn = EMUtil.get_image_count(inputbdb)
        t = range(nn)
        chunks = []
        for i in xrange(4):
            #  I use the MPI function here just to easily get the balanced load
            j, k = MPI_start_end(nn, 4, i)
            write_text_file(chunks[i], os.path.join(outdir,
                                                    'chunk%01d.txt' % i))

        del t
        write_text_file([len(chunks[i]) for i in xrange(4)],
                        os.path.join(outdir, 'chunklengths.txt'))
		pt = [[None]]*6
		for i in xrange(3):
			for j in xrange(i+1,4):
				pt[ll] = chunks[i]+chunks[j]

		for i in xrange(6):
			listfile = os.path.join(outdir,'lili%01d.txt'%i)
			outbdb = "bdb:"+ os.path.join(outdir,"X%01d"%i)
			cmd = '{} {} {} {}'.format('e2bdb.py', inputbdb, '--makevstack='+outbdb, '--list='+listfile)
			subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
        #  Run 6 programs

    elif options.phase == 2 and len(args) == 2:
        outdir = args[0]
        howmanythesame = args[1]
        ndigits = options.ndigits  #for chc5 1, for ribo 4#4.0
        prms = []
        for i in xrange(6):
                    os.path.join(outdir, options.params + "%01d.txt" % i)))
            for j in xrange(len(prms[-1])):
                for k in xrange(5):
                    prms[-1][j][k] = round(prms[-1][j][k], ndigits)

        nn = 2 * len(prms[0])
        n4 = nn // 4
        qt = [[[-1.0]] * nn for i in xrange(6)]
        ll = 0
        for i in xrange(3):
            for j in xrange(i + 1, 4):
                qt[ll][i * n4:(i + 1) * n4] = prms[ll][:n4]
                qt[ll][j * n4:(j + 1) * n4] = prms[ll][n4:]
                ll += 1

        thesame = 0

        for ll in xrange(len(qt[0])):
            rw = []
            for j in xrange(6):
                if (len(qt[j][ll]) > 1): rw.append(qt[j][ll])
            isame = True
            for j in xrange(3):
                if (rw[0][j] != rw[1][j]):
                    isame = False
                    #print  ll,rw[0][j], rw[1][j]
                if (rw[0][j] != rw[2][j]):
                    isame = False
                    #print  ll,rw[0][j], rw[2][j]
            if isame: thesame += 1
        qt = float(thesame) / nn
        print("Proportion of the same orientations ", qt)
        write_text_file([qt], os.path.join(outdir, howmanythesame))

    #########     PHASE 3
    elif options.phase == 3 and len(args) == 2:
        outdir = args[0]
        outgrouparms = args[1]
        radius = options.ou
        thresherr = options.thresherr  #for chc5 1, for ribo 4#4.0
        sym = int(options.sym[1:])
        qsym = 360.0 / sym

        blocks = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
        params = {}
        ll = 0
        for i in xrange(3):
            for j in xrange(i + 1, 4):
                params[chr(65 + i) + chr(48 + ll)] = []
                params[chr(65 + j) + chr(48 + ll)] = []
                ll += 1

        chunks = {}
        chunklengths = {}
        for i in xrange(4):
            chunks[chr(65 + i)] = map(
                    os.path.join(outdir, options.chunk + "%01d.txt" % i)))
            chunklengths[chr(65 + i)] = len(chunks[chr(65 + i)])

        for i in xrange(6):
            prms = read_text_row(
                os.path.join(outdir, options.params + "%01d.txt" % i))
            for q in blocks:
                if q + chr(48 + i) in params:
                    params[q + chr(48 + i)] = prms[:chunklengths[q]]
                    del prms[:chunklengths[q]]

        pairs = [["A0", "A1"], ["B3", "B4"], ["C1", "C5"], ["D2", "D4"]]
        lefts = ["A2", "B0", "C3", "D5"]

        #  Compute average projection params and pixel errors
        avgtrans = {}
        pixer = {}
        for i, q in enumerate(pairs):
            avgtrans[q[0][0]] = [0.0] * chunklengths[q[0][0]]
            pixer[q[0][0]] = [0.0] * chunklengths[q[0][0]]
            for j in xrange(chunklengths[q[0][0]]):
                fifi = [params[q[0]][j], params[q[1]][j]]

                nas = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
                if (sym == 1):
                    pixer[q[0][0]][j] = max_3D_pixel_error(fifi[0],
                    for i in xrange(2):
                        n1, n2, n3 = getfvec(fifi[i][0], fifi[i][1])
                        nas[0] += n1
                        nas[1] += n2
                        nas[2] += n3
                    m1, m2, m3 = getfvec(fifi[0][0], fifi[0][1])
                    nas[0] = m1
                    nas[1] = m2
                    nas[2] = m3
                    #if(k == 2):
                    #	print  "XXXX"
                    #	print fifi[0],nas
                    for i in xrange(1, 2):
                        qnom = -1.e10
                        for j in xrange(-1, 2, 1):
                            t1, t2, t3 = getfvec(fifi[i][0] + j * qsym,
                            nom = t1 * m1 + t2 * m2 + t3 * m3
                            if (nom > qnom):
                                qnom = nom
                                n1 = t1
                                n2 = t2
                                n3 = t3
                            #if(k == 2):
                            #	print '  t1,t2,t3 ',fifi[i][0]+j*qsym,fifi[i][1],t1,t2,t3,nom,qnom
                        nas[0] += n1
                        nas[1] += n2
                        nas[2] += n3
                        print(qnom, n1, n2, n3, nas)
                    #  To get the correct pixer phi angle has to be taken from the above!!
                    pixer[q[0][0]][j] = max_3D_pixel_error(fifi[0],

                nom = sqrt(nas[0]**2 + nas[1]**2 + nas[2]**2)

                if (nom < 1.e-6):
                    nphi = 0.0
                    ntheta = 0.0
                    ntheta = degrees(acos(nas[2] / nom)) % 360.0
                    if (sym > 1 and ntheta > 90.0):
                        nphi = (degrees(atan2(nas[1], nas[0])) -
                                180.0) % qsym + 180.0
                        nphi = degrees(atan2(nas[1], nas[0])) % qsym

                #print   "FIFI     %4d     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f"%(k,fifi[0][0],fifi[0][1],fifi[1][0],fifi[1][1],fifi[2][0],fifi[2][1],nphi,ntheta)
                twod = average2dtransform([fifi[0][2:], fifi[1][2:]])
                avgtrans[q[0][0]][j] = [
                    nphi, ntheta, twod[0], twod[1], twod[2]

        perr = {}
        tgood = 0
        for q in blocks:
            perr[q] = [True] * chunklengths[q]
            for k in xrange(chunklengths[q]):
                if (pixer[q][k] > thresherr): perr[q][k] = False
                if perr[q][k]: tgood += 1
            if (tgood < 4):
                    "  No good images within the pixel error threshold specified"
        print(" tgood ", tgood)
        hi = hist_list(
            [pixer[q][k] for q in blocks for k in xrange(chunklengths[q])], 16)
        for i in xrange(len(hi[0])):
            print("%4d   %12.3f    %12.0f " % (i, hi[0][i], hi[1][i]))
        #  Finished, store average orientation params and table of good images

        #  store lists of good images for each group
        #  blocks is indexed by first letter
        good = [[] for i in xrange(4)]
        bad = [[] for i in xrange(4)]
        for i, q in enumerate(blocks):
            for k in xrange(chunklengths[q]):
                #deprt = max_3D_pixel_error(params[lefts[i]][k],avgtrans[q][k],r=radius)
                if perr[q][k]:
                    #[chunks[q][k],pixer[q][k],deprt, params[pairs[i][0]][k],params[pairs[i][1]][k],params[lefts[i]][k],avgtrans[q][k] ])
                    #[chunks[q][k],pixer[q][k],deprt, params[pairs[i][0]][k],params[pairs[i][1]][k],params[lefts[i]][k],avgtrans[q][k]])
            write_text_file(good[i], os.path.join(outdir,
                                                  "newgood%01d.txt" % i))
            write_text_file(bad[i], os.path.join(outdir, "newbad%01d.txt" % i))

            #  write out parameters, for those in pairs write out average, for leftouts leave them as they were
            #  These parameters refer to the original X files.
            ll = 0
            for m in xrange(6):
                if q + chr(48 + m) in params:
                    prmsgood = []
                    prmsbad = []
                        j = lefts.index(q + chr(48 + m))
                        for k in xrange(chunklengths[q]):
                            if perr[q][k]:
                                prmsgood.append(params[q + chr(48 + m)][k])
                                prmsbad.append(params[q + chr(48 + m)][k])
                        for k in xrange(chunklengths[q]):
                            if perr[q][k]:
                                     "params-newgood%01d%01d.txt" % (i, ll)))
                                     "params-newbad%01d%01d.txt" % (i, ll)))
                    ll += 1

        #  Generate newlili files from newgood, these contain original numbering of the total single file
        ll = 0
        for i in xrange(3):
            for j in xrange(i + 1, 4):
                write_text_file(good[i] + good[j],
                                os.path.join(outdir, "newlili%01d.txt" % ll))
                ll += 1

        #  write out parameters, for those in pairs write out average, for leftouts leave them as they were
        #  These parameters refer to the original X files.
        for i in xrange(6):
            prms = []
            for q in blocks:
                if q + chr(48 + i) in params:
                        j = lefts.index(q + chr(48 + i))
                        prms += params[q + chr(48 + i)]
                        prms += avgtrans[q]
                           os.path.join(outdir, outgrouparms + "%01d.txt" % i))

        #  Write chunklengths
        chunklengths = [len(good[i]) for i in xrange(4)]
        write_text_file(chunklengths, os.path.join(outdir, "chunklengths.txt"))
		#  We do not use consecutive numbering anymore
		#  Generate newx files from newgood, these contain consecutive (with gaps) numbering that allows to generate truncated X files from the previous X files
		ll = 0
		for i in xrange(3):
			firstblock = []
			l = len(perr[blocks[i]])
			for k in xrange(l):
				if  perr[blocks[i]][k]:
			for j in xrange(i+1,4):
				secondblock = []
				for k in xrange(len(perr[blocks[j]])):
					if  perr[blocks[j]][k]:

				write_text_file( firstblock + secondblock, os.path.join(outdir,"goodX%01d.txt"%ll) )
				ll += 1
		del good,bad,firstblock,secondblock,perr
		0   1   2   3   4   5

		A   A   A   =   =   =
		B   =   =   B   B   =
		=   C   =   C   =   C
		=   =   D   =   D   D


    elif options.phase == 4 and len(args) == 1:
        outdir = args[0]
        bp = 'badparams'
        #outgrouparms= args[1]
        radius = options.ou
        thresherr = options.thresherr
        sym = int(options.sym[1:])
        qsym = 360.0 / sym
        #params = [[None for i in xrange(3)] for j in xrange(4)]
        ll = 3  # this is hardwired as we have three groups.  however, I would like to keep the code general.
        for jj in xrange(4):
            params = [None for ii in xrange(ll)]
            newbad = map(int, read_text_file(options.params + "%01d.txt" % jj))
            nn = len(newbad)
            for ii in xrange(ll):
                params[ii] = read_text_row(
                    os.path.join(outdir, bp + "%01d%01d.txt" % (jj, ii)))
                assert (nn == len(params[ii]))

            #  Compute average projection params and pixel errors
            avgtrans = [None] * nn
            pixer = [0.0] * nn
            for j in xrange(nn):
                nas = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
                if (sym == 1):
                    #pixer[q[0][0]][j] = max_3D_pixel_error(fifi[0], fifi[1], r=radius)
                    for i in xrange(ll):
                        n1, n2, n3 = getfvec(params[i][j][0], params[i][j][1])
                        nas[0] += n1
                        nas[1] += n2
                        nas[2] += n3
                    m1, m2, m3 = getfvec(params[0][j][0], params[0][j][1])
                    nas[0] = m1
                    nas[1] = m2
                    nas[2] = m3
                    for i in xrange(1, ll):
                        qnom = -1.e10
                        for j in xrange(-1, 2, 1):
                            t1, t2, t3 = getfvec(params[i][j][0] + j * qsym,
                            nom = t1 * m1 + t2 * m2 + t3 * m3
                            if (nom > qnom):
                                qnom = nom
                                n1 = t1
                                n2 = t2
                                n3 = t3
                            #if(k == 2):
                            #	print '  t1,t2,t3 ',fifi[i][0]+j*qsym,fifi[i][1],t1,t2,t3,nom,qnom
                        nas[0] += n1
                        nas[1] += n2
                        nas[2] += n3
                        print(qnom, n1, n2, n3, nas)
                    #  To get the correct pixer phi angle has to be taken from the above!!

                nom = sqrt(nas[0]**2 + nas[1]**2 + nas[2]**2)

                if (nom < 1.e-6):
                    nphi = 0.0
                    ntheta = 0.0
                    ntheta = degrees(acos(nas[2] / nom)) % 360.0
                    if (sym > 1 and ntheta > 90.0):
                        nphi = (degrees(atan2(nas[1], nas[0])) -
                                180.0) % qsym + 180.0
                        nphi = degrees(atan2(nas[1], nas[0])) % qsym

                #print   "FIFI     %4d     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f"%(k,fifi[0][0],fifi[0][1],fifi[1][0],fifi[1][1],fifi[2][0],fifi[2][1],nphi,ntheta)
                twod = average2dtransform(
                    [params[ii][j][2:] for ii in xrange(ll)])
                avgtrans[j] = [nphi, ntheta, twod[0], twod[1], twod[2]]

            perr = errors_per_image(params, avgtrans, thresherr, radius)
            rescued = []
            rejects = []
            for j in xrange(nn):
                #print  chr(65+jj),j,perr[j][0],[[params[m][j][i] for i in xrange(2)] for m in xrange(ll)]
                if (perr[j][0] <= thresherr): rescued.append([newbad[j], j])
                else: rejects.append([newbad[j], j])
            if (len(rescued) == 0):
                write_text_row([-1, -1],
                               os.path.join(outdir, "rescued%01d.txt" % jj))
                               os.path.join(outdir, "rescued%01d.txt" % jj))
            #  We also have to write params.
            if (len(rescued) != 0):
                for ii in xrange(ll):
                            for k in xrange(len(rescued))
                                     "params-rescued%01d%01d.txt" % (jj, ii)))
            if (len(rejects) == 0):
                write_text_row([-1, -1],
                                            'rejects' + "%01d.txt" % jj))
                    rejects, os.path.join(outdir, 'rejects' + "%01d.txt" % jj))
            if (len(rejects) != 0):
                for ii in xrange(ll):
                            for k in xrange(len(rejects))
                                     "params-rejects%01d%01d.txt" % (jj, ii)))

            hi = hist_list([perr[j][0] for j in xrange(nn)], 16)
            print("Pixel errors for BAD GROUP  ", chr(65 + jj))
            for ii in xrange(len(hi[0])):
                print("%4d   %12.3f    %12.0f " % (ii, hi[0][ii], hi[1][ii]))

    elif options.phase == 5 and len(args) == 1:
        #  This version is for meridien refinement.  There are simply three full sets of params.
        outdir = args[0]
        bp = 'badparams'
        #outgrouparms= args[1]
        radius = options.ou
        thresherr = options.thresherr
        sym = int(options.sym[1:])
        qsym = 360.0 / sym
        #params = [[None for i in xrange(3)] for j in xrange(4)]
        ll = 3  # this is hardwired as we have three groups.  however, I would like to keep the code general.
        for jj in xrange(1):
            params = [None for ii in xrange(ll)]
            #newbad = map(int, read_text_file(options.params+"%01d.txt"%jj) )
            #nn = len(newbad)
            for ii in xrange(ll):
                params[ii] = read_text_row(
                    os.path.join(outdir, "params%01d.txt" % (ii)))
                #assert(nn == len(params[ii]) )
            nn = len(params[0])
            newbad = range(nn)
            #  Compute average projection params and pixel errors
            avgtrans = [None] * nn
            pixer = [0.0] * nn
            for j in xrange(nn):
                nas = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
                if (sym == 1):
                    #pixer[q[0][0]][j] = max_3D_pixel_error(fifi[0], fifi[1], r=radius)
                    for i in xrange(ll):
                        n1, n2, n3 = getfvec(params[i][j][0], params[i][j][1])
                        nas[0] += n1
                        nas[1] += n2
                        nas[2] += n3
                    m1, m2, m3 = getfvec(params[0][j][0], params[0][j][1])
                    nas[0] = m1
                    nas[1] = m2
                    nas[2] = m3
                    for i in xrange(1, ll):
                        qnom = -1.e10
                        for j in xrange(-1, 2, 1):
                            t1, t2, t3 = getfvec(params[i][j][0] + j * qsym,
                            nom = t1 * m1 + t2 * m2 + t3 * m3
                            if (nom > qnom):
                                qnom = nom
                                n1 = t1
                                n2 = t2
                                n3 = t3
                            #if(k == 2):
                            #	print '  t1,t2,t3 ',fifi[i][0]+j*qsym,fifi[i][1],t1,t2,t3,nom,qnom
                        nas[0] += n1
                        nas[1] += n2
                        nas[2] += n3
                        print(qnom, n1, n2, n3, nas)
                    #  To get the correct pixer phi angle has to be taken from the above!!

                nom = sqrt(nas[0]**2 + nas[1]**2 + nas[2]**2)

                if (nom < 1.e-6):
                    nphi = 0.0
                    ntheta = 0.0
                    ntheta = degrees(acos(nas[2] / nom)) % 360.0
                    if (sym > 1 and ntheta > 90.0):
                        nphi = (degrees(atan2(nas[1], nas[0])) -
                                180.0) % qsym + 180.0
                        nphi = degrees(atan2(nas[1], nas[0])) % qsym

                #print   "FIFI     %4d     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f"%(k,fifi[0][0],fifi[0][1],fifi[1][0],fifi[1][1],fifi[2][0],fifi[2][1],nphi,ntheta)
                twod = average2dtransform(
                    [params[ii][j][2:] for ii in xrange(ll)])
                avgtrans[j] = [nphi, ntheta, twod[0], twod[1], twod[2]]

            write_text_row(avgtrans, os.path.join(outdir, "avgtrans.txt"))
            perr = errors_per_image(params, avgtrans, thresherr, radius)
            rescued = []
            rejects = []
            for j in xrange(nn):
                #print  chr(65+jj),j,perr[j][0],[[params[m][j][i] for i in xrange(2)] for m in xrange(ll)]
                if (perr[j][0] <= thresherr): rescued.append([newbad[j], j])
                else: rejects.append([newbad[j], j])
            if (len(rescued) == 0):
                write_text_row([-1, -1],
                               os.path.join(outdir, "rescued%01d.txt" % jj))
                               os.path.join(outdir, "rescued%01d.txt" % jj))
            #  We also have to write params.
            if (len(rescued) != 0):
                for ii in xrange(ll):
                            for k in xrange(len(rescued))
                                     "params-rescued%01d%01d.txt" % (jj, ii)))
            if (len(rejects) == 0):
                write_text_row([-1, -1],
                                            'rejects' + "%01d.txt" % jj))
                    rejects, os.path.join(outdir, 'rejects' + "%01d.txt" % jj))
            if (len(rejects) != 0):
                for ii in xrange(ll):
                            for k in xrange(len(rejects))
                                     "params-rejects%01d%01d.txt" % (jj, ii)))

            hi = hist_list([perr[j][0] for j in xrange(nn)], 16)
            print("Pixel errors for BAD GROUP  ", chr(65 + jj))
            for ii in xrange(len(hi[0])):
                print("%4d   %12.3f    %12.0f " % (ii, hi[0][ii], hi[1][ii]))

        print("Usage: ")
		Phase 1:   sxconsistency.py  --phase=1  bdb:data  outdir
			output files are:
			  in directory outdir: lili0.txt to lili5.txt contain indices of images in resampled six groups
			  bdb:dataX0 to bdb:dataX5 are metafiles containing six resampled groups of images derived from bdb:data

		Phase 2    sxconsistency.py  --phase=2  outdir  --ndigits=1  --params=paramsb howmanythesame.txt
			  outdir - directory containing files lili0.txt to lili5.txt produced in phase 1
			  --params=master/main/params - Root of of six parameter file names with refinement results, the actual names should be
											  master/main/params0.txt  to master/main/params5.txt
			output files:
				howmanythesame.txt - contains one number, a ratio of number of images  that did not change orientations
				                                            to the total number of images

		Phase 3:   sxconsistency.py --phase=3 outdir --ou=133 --thresherr=3.0 --params=paramsa outgrouparms

			input files:
			  outdir - directory containing files lili0.txt to lili5.txt produced in phase 1
			  --params=master/main/params - Root of of six parameter file names with refinement results, the actual names should be
											  master/main/params0.txt  to master/main/params5.txt
			output files:
			  outgrouparms*.txt - Root of of six parameters files with average 3D orientation parameters computed from six runs, can be imported into bdb:data
                   The next two files contain the original image numbers refering to the top bdb.
			  outdir/newgood.txt    - Text file with indices of images whose orientation parameters arrors are below specified thresherr (to be kept)
			  outdir/bad.txt        - Text file with indices of images whose orientation parameters arrors are above specified thresherr (to be rejected)

		Phase 4:   sxconsistency.py --phase=4 outdir --ou=133 --thresherr=3.0 --params=master/main001/newbad

			input files:
			  outdir - directory containing files badparamsij.txt i= 0,3, j=0,2, which resulted from three alignments of four badchunk images
			  --params= - Root of four files with original indices of bad images, they will be read and a subset corresponding to rescued ones will be outputed
			output files:
			  rescued*.txt - four files with indices of accepted images from badchunk.
			  rejects*.txt - four files with indices of rejected images from badchunk.
			  					There are two columns: [number in original bdb:chunk, number in bdb:newbad] 
        print("Please run '" + progname + " -h' for detailed options")

    global_def.BATCH = False
def ali3d_MPI(stack, ref_vol, outdir, maskfile = None, ir = 1, ou = -1, rs = 1, 
	    xr = "4 2 2 1", yr = "-1", ts = "1 1 0.5 0.25", delta = "10 6 4 4", an = "-1",
	    center = 0, maxit = 5, term = 95, CTF = False, fourvar = False, snr = 1.0,  ref_a = "S", sym = "c1", 
	    sort=True, cutoff=999.99, pix_cutoff="0", two_tail=False, model_jump="1 1 1 1 1", restart=False, save_half=False,
	    protos=None, oplane=None, lmask=-1, ilmask=-1, findseam=False, vertstep=None, hpars="-1", hsearch="73.0 170.0",
	    full_output = False, compare_repro = False, compare_ref_free = "-1", ref_free_cutoff= "-1 -1 -1 -1",
	    wcmask = None, debug = False, recon_pad = 4):

	from alignment      import Numrinit, prepare_refrings
	from utilities      import model_circle, get_image, drop_image, get_input_from_string
	from utilities      import bcast_list_to_all, bcast_number_to_all, reduce_EMData_to_root, bcast_EMData_to_all 
	from utilities      import send_attr_dict
	from utilities      import get_params_proj, file_type
	from fundamentals   import rot_avg_image
	import os
	import types
	from utilities      import print_begin_msg, print_end_msg, print_msg
	from mpi	    import mpi_bcast, mpi_comm_size, mpi_comm_rank, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpi_barrier, mpi_reduce
	from mpi	    import mpi_reduce, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, mpi_finalize
	from filter	 import filt_ctf
	from projection     import prep_vol, prgs
	from statistics     import hist_list, varf3d_MPI, fsc_mask
	from numpy	  import array, bincount, array2string, ones

	number_of_proc = mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD)
	myid	   = mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD)
	main_node = 0
	if myid == main_node:
		if os.path.exists(outdir):  ERROR('Output directory exists, please change the name and restart the program', "ali3d_MPI", 1)

	if debug:
		from time import sleep
		while not os.path.exists(outdir):
			print  "Node ",myid,"  waiting..."

		info_file = os.path.join(outdir, "progress%04d"%myid)
		finfo = open(info_file, 'w')
		finfo = None
	mjump = get_input_from_string(model_jump)
	xrng	= get_input_from_string(xr)
	if  yr == "-1":  yrng = xrng
	else	  :  yrng = get_input_from_string(yr)
	step	= get_input_from_string(ts)
	delta       = get_input_from_string(delta)
	ref_free_cutoff = get_input_from_string(ref_free_cutoff)	
	pix_cutoff = get_input_from_string(pix_cutoff)
	lstp = min(len(xrng), len(yrng), len(step), len(delta))
	if an == "-1":
		an = [-1] * lstp
		an = get_input_from_string(an)
	# make sure pix_cutoff is set for all iterations
	if len(pix_cutoff)<lstp:
		for i in xrange(len(pix_cutoff),lstp):
	# don't waste time on sub-pixel alignment for low-resolution ang incr
	for i in range(len(step)):
		if (delta[i] > 4 or delta[i] == -1) and step[i] < 1:
			step[i] = 1

	first_ring  = int(ir)
	rstep       = int(rs)
	last_ring   = int(ou)
	max_iter    = int(maxit)
	center      = int(center)

	nrefs   = EMUtil.get_image_count( ref_vol )
	nmasks = 0
	if maskfile:
		# read number of masks within each maskfile (mc)
		nmasks   = EMUtil.get_image_count( maskfile )
		# open masks within maskfile (mc)
		maskF   = EMData.read_images(maskfile, xrange(nmasks))
	vol     = EMData.read_images(ref_vol, xrange(nrefs))
	nx      = vol[0].get_xsize()

	## make sure box sizes are the same
	if myid == main_node:
		bx = im[0].get_xsize()
		if bx!=nx:
			print_msg("Error: Stack box size (%i) differs from initial model (%i)\n"%(bx,nx))
		del im,bx
	# for helical processing:
	helicalrecon = False
	if protos is not None or hpars != "-1" or findseam is True:
		helicalrecon = True
		# if no out-of-plane param set, use 5 degrees
		if oplane is None:
	if protos is not None:
		proto = get_input_from_string(protos)
		if len(proto) != nrefs:
			print_msg("Error: insufficient protofilament numbers supplied")
	if hpars != "-1":
		hpars = get_input_from_string(hpars)
		if len(hpars) != 2*nrefs:
			print_msg("Error: insufficient helical parameters supplied")
	## create helical parameter file for helical reconstruction
	if helicalrecon is True and myid == main_node:
		from hfunctions import createHpar
		# create initial helical parameter files
		for iref in xrange(nrefs):
			hpar = os.path.join(outdir,"hpar%02d.spi"%(iref))
			params = False
			if hpars != "-1":
				# if helical parameters explicitly given, set twist & rise
				params = [float(hpars[iref*2]),float(hpars[(iref*2)+1])]
			dp[iref],dphi[iref],vdp[iref],vdphi[iref] = createHpar(hpar,proto[iref],params,vertstep)

	# get values for helical search parameters
	hsearch = get_input_from_string(hsearch)
	if len(hsearch) != 2:
		print_msg("Error: specify outer and inner radii for helical search")

	if last_ring < 0 or last_ring > int(nx/2)-2 :	last_ring = int(nx/2) - 2

	if myid == main_node:
	#	import user_functions
	#	user_func = user_functions.factory[user_func_name]

		print_msg("Input stack		 : %s\n"%(stack))
		print_msg("Reference volume	    : %s\n"%(ref_vol))	
		print_msg("Output directory	    : %s\n"%(outdir))
		if nmasks > 0:
			print_msg("Maskfile (number of masks)  : %s (%i)\n"%(maskfile,nmasks))
		print_msg("Inner radius		: %i\n"%(first_ring))
		print_msg("Outer radius		: %i\n"%(last_ring))
		print_msg("Ring step		   : %i\n"%(rstep))
		print_msg("X search range	      : %s\n"%(xrng))
		print_msg("Y search range	      : %s\n"%(yrng))
		print_msg("Translational step	  : %s\n"%(step))
		print_msg("Angular step		: %s\n"%(delta))
		print_msg("Angular search range	: %s\n"%(an))
		print_msg("Maximum iteration	   : %i\n"%(max_iter))
		print_msg("Center type		 : %i\n"%(center))
		print_msg("CTF correction	      : %s\n"%(CTF))
		print_msg("Signal-to-Noise Ratio       : %f\n"%(snr))
		print_msg("Reference projection method : %s\n"%(ref_a))
		print_msg("Symmetry group	      : %s\n"%(sym))
		print_msg("Fourier padding for 3D      : %i\n"%(recon_pad))
		print_msg("Number of reference models  : %i\n"%(nrefs))
		print_msg("Sort images between models  : %s\n"%(sort))
		print_msg("Allow images to jump	: %s\n"%(mjump))
		print_msg("CC cutoff standard dev      : %f\n"%(cutoff))
		print_msg("Two tail cutoff	     : %s\n"%(two_tail))
		print_msg("Termination pix error       : %f\n"%(term))
		print_msg("Pixel error cutoff	  : %s\n"%(pix_cutoff))
		print_msg("Restart		     : %s\n"%(restart))
		print_msg("Full output		 : %s\n"%(full_output))
		print_msg("Compare reprojections       : %s\n"%(compare_repro))
		print_msg("Compare ref free class avgs : %s\n"%(compare_ref_free))
		print_msg("Use cutoff from ref free    : %s\n"%(ref_free_cutoff))
		if protos:
			print_msg("Protofilament numbers	: %s\n"%(proto))
			print_msg("Using helical search range   : %s\n"%hsearch) 
		if findseam is True:
			print_msg("Using seam-based reconstruction\n")
		if hpars != "-1":
			print_msg("Using hpars		  : %s\n"%hpars)
		if vertstep != None:
			print_msg("Using vertical step    : %.2f\n"%vertstep)
		if save_half is True:
			print_msg("Saving even/odd halves\n")
		for i in xrange(100) : print_msg("*")
	if maskfile:
		if type(maskfile) is types.StringType: mask3D = get_image(maskfile)
		else:				  mask3D = maskfile
	else: mask3D = model_circle(last_ring, nx, nx, nx)

	numr	= Numrinit(first_ring, last_ring, rstep, "F")
	mask2D  = model_circle(last_ring,nx,nx) - model_circle(first_ring,nx,nx)

	fscmask = model_circle(last_ring,nx,nx,nx)
	if CTF:
		from filter	 import filt_ctf
	from reconstruction_rjh import rec3D_MPI_noCTF

	if myid == main_node:
		active = EMUtil.get_all_attributes(stack, 'active')
		list_of_particles = []
		for im in xrange(len(active)):
			if active[im]:  list_of_particles.append(im)
		del active
		nima = len(list_of_particles)
		nima = 0
	total_nima = bcast_number_to_all(nima, source_node = main_node)

	if myid != main_node:
		list_of_particles = [-1]*total_nima
	list_of_particles = bcast_list_to_all(list_of_particles, source_node = main_node)

	image_start, image_end = MPI_start_end(total_nima, number_of_proc, myid)

	# create a list of images for each node
	list_of_particles = list_of_particles[image_start: image_end]
	nima = len(list_of_particles)
	if debug:
		finfo.write("image_start, image_end: %d %d\n" %(image_start, image_end))

	data = EMData.read_images(stack, list_of_particles)

	t_zero = Transform({"type":"spider","phi":0,"theta":0,"psi":0,"tx":0,"ty":0})
	transmulti = [[t_zero for i in xrange(nrefs)] for j in xrange(nima)]

	for iref,im in ((iref,im) for iref in xrange(nrefs) for im in xrange(nima)):
		if nrefs == 1:
			transmulti[im][iref] = data[im].get_attr("xform.projection")
			# if multi models, keep track of eulers for all models
				transmulti[im][iref] = data[im].get_attr("eulers_txty.%i"%iref)

	scoremulti = [[0.0 for i in xrange(nrefs)] for j in xrange(nima)] 
	pixelmulti = [[0.0 for i in xrange(nrefs)] for j in xrange(nima)] 
	ref_res = [0.0 for x in xrange(nrefs)] 
	apix = data[0].get_attr('apix_x')

	# for oplane parameter, create cylindrical mask
	if oplane is not None and myid == main_node:
		from hfunctions import createCylMask
		cmaskf=os.path.join(outdir, "mask3D_cyl.mrc")
		mask3D = createCylMask(data,ou,lmask,ilmask,cmaskf)
		# if finding seam of helix, create wedge masks
		if findseam is True:
			for pf in xrange(nrefs):
			# wedgemask option
			if wcmask is not None:
				wcmask = get_input_from_string(wcmask)
				if len(wcmask) != 3:
					print_msg("Error: wcmask option requires 3 values: x y radius")

	# determine if particles have helix info:
		original_data = []
		boxmask = True
		from hfunctions import createBoxMask
		boxmask = False

	# prepare particles
	for im in xrange(nima):
		data[im].set_attr('ID', list_of_particles[im])
		data[im].set_attr('pix_score', int(0))
		if CTF:
			# only phaseflip particles, not full CTF correction
			ctf_params = data[im].get_attr("ctf")
			st = Util.infomask(data[im], mask2D, False)
			data[im] -= st[0]
			data[im] = filt_ctf(data[im], ctf_params, sign = -1, binary=1)
			data[im].set_attr('ctf_applied', 1)
		# for window mask:
		if boxmask is True:
			h_angle = data[im].get_attr("h_angle")
			bmask = createBoxMask(nx,apix,ou,lmask,h_angle)
			del bmask
	if debug:
		finfo.write( '%d loaded  \n' % nima )
	if myid == main_node:
		# initialize data for the reference preparation function
		ref_data = [ mask3D, max(center,0), None, None, None, None ]
		# for method -1, switch off centering in user function

	from time import time	

	#  this is needed for gathering of pixel errors
	disps = []
	recvcount = []
	disps_score = []
	recvcount_score = []
	for im in xrange(number_of_proc):
		if( im == main_node ):  
			disps.append(disps[im-1] + recvcount[im-1])
			disps_score.append(disps_score[im-1] + recvcount_score[im-1])
		ib, ie = MPI_start_end(total_nima, number_of_proc, im)
		recvcount.append( ie - ib )

	pixer = [0.0]*nima
	cs = [0.0]*3
	total_iter = 0
	volodd = EMData.read_images(ref_vol, xrange(nrefs))
	voleve = EMData.read_images(ref_vol, xrange(nrefs))

	if restart:
		# recreate initial volumes from alignments stored in header
		itout = "000_00"
		for iref in xrange(nrefs):
			if(nrefs == 1):
				modout = ""
				modout = "_model_%02d"%(iref)	
				group = iref
				for im in xrange(nima):
					imgroup = data[im].get_attr('group')
					if imgroup == iref:
				group = int(999) 
				for im in xrange(nima):
			fscfile = os.path.join(outdir, "fsc_%s%s"%(itout,modout))

			vol[iref], fscc, volodd[iref], voleve[iref] = rec3D_MPI_noCTF(data, sym, fscmask, fscfile, myid, main_node, index = group, npad = recon_pad)

			if myid == main_node:
				if helicalrecon:
					from hfunctions import processHelicalVol

					if vertstep is not None:
					print_msg("Old rise and twist for model %i     : %8.3f, %8.3f\n"%(iref,dp[iref],dphi[iref]))
					print_msg("New rise and twist for model %i     : %8.3f, %8.3f\n"%(iref,dp[iref],dphi[iref]))
					# get new FSC from symmetrized half volumes
					fscc = fsc_mask( volodd[iref], voleve[iref], mask3D, rstep, fscfile)
					vol[iref].write_image(os.path.join(outdir, "vol_%s.hdf"%itout),-1)

				if save_half is True:
					volodd[iref].write_image(os.path.join(outdir, "volodd_%s.hdf"%itout),-1)
					voleve[iref].write_image(os.path.join(outdir, "voleve_%s.hdf"%itout),-1)

				if nmasks > 1:
					# Read mask for multiplying
					ref_data[0] = maskF[iref]
				ref_data[2] = vol[iref]
				ref_data[3] = fscc
				#  call user-supplied function to prepare reference image, i.e., center and filter it
				vol[iref], cs,fl = ref_ali3d(ref_data)
				vol[iref].write_image(os.path.join(outdir, "volf_%s.hdf"%(itout)),-1)
				if (apix == 1):
					res_msg = "Models filtered at spatial frequency of:\t"
					res = fl
					res_msg = "Models filtered at resolution of:       \t"
					res = apix / fl	
				ares = array2string(array(res), precision = 2)
			bcast_EMData_to_all(vol[iref], myid, main_node)
			# write out headers, under MPI writing has to be done sequentially

	# projection matching	
	for N_step in xrange(lstp):
		terminate = 0
		Iter = -1
 		while(Iter < max_iter-1 and terminate == 0):
			Iter += 1
			total_iter += 1
			itout = "%03g_%02d" %(delta[N_step], Iter)
			if myid == main_node:
				print_msg("ITERATION #%3d, inner iteration #%3d\nDelta = %4.1f, an = %5.2f, xrange = %5.2f, yrange = %5.2f, step = %5.2f\n\n"%(N_step, Iter, delta[N_step], an[N_step], xrng[N_step],yrng[N_step],step[N_step]))
			for iref in xrange(nrefs):
				if myid == main_node: start_time = time()
				volft,kb = prep_vol( vol[iref] )

				## constrain projections to out of plane parameter
				theta1 = None
				theta2 = None
				if oplane is not None:
					theta1 = 90-oplane
					theta2 = 90+oplane
				refrings = prepare_refrings( volft, kb, nx, delta[N_step], ref_a, sym, numr, MPI=True, phiEqpsi = "Minus", initial_theta=theta1, delta_theta=theta2)
				del volft,kb

				if myid== main_node:
					print_msg( "Time to prepare projections for model %i: %s\n" % (iref, legibleTime(time()-start_time)) )
					start_time = time()
				for im in xrange( nima ):
					data[im].set_attr("xform.projection", transmulti[im][iref])
					if an[N_step] == -1:
						t1, peak, pixer[im] = proj_ali_incore(data[im],refrings,numr,xrng[N_step],yrng[N_step],step[N_step],finfo)
						t1, peak, pixer[im] = proj_ali_incore_local(data[im],refrings,numr,xrng[N_step],yrng[N_step],step[N_step],an[N_step],finfo)
					#data[im].set_attr("xform.projection"%iref, t1)
					if nrefs > 1: data[im].set_attr("eulers_txty.%i"%iref,t1)
					scoremulti[im][iref] = peak
					from pixel_error import max_3D_pixel_error
					# t1 is the current param, t2 is old
					t2 = transmulti[im][iref]
					pixelmulti[im][iref] = max_3D_pixel_error(t1,t2,numr[-3])
					transmulti[im][iref] = t1

				if myid == main_node:
					print_msg("Time of alignment for model %i: %s\n"%(iref, legibleTime(time()-start_time)))
					start_time = time()

			# gather scoring data from all processors
			from mpi import mpi_gatherv
			scoremultisend = sum(scoremulti,[])
			pixelmultisend = sum(pixelmulti,[])
			tmp = mpi_gatherv(scoremultisend,len(scoremultisend),MPI_FLOAT, recvcount_score, disps_score, MPI_FLOAT, main_node,MPI_COMM_WORLD)
			tmp1 = mpi_gatherv(pixelmultisend,len(pixelmultisend),MPI_FLOAT, recvcount_score, disps_score, MPI_FLOAT, main_node,MPI_COMM_WORLD)
			tmp = mpi_bcast(tmp,(total_nima * nrefs), MPI_FLOAT,0, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
			tmp1 = mpi_bcast(tmp1,(total_nima * nrefs), MPI_FLOAT,0, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
			tmp = map(float,tmp)
			tmp1 = map(float,tmp1)
			score = array(tmp).reshape(-1,nrefs)
			pixelerror = array(tmp1).reshape(-1,nrefs) 
			score_local = array(scoremulti)
			mean_score = score.mean(axis=0)
			std_score = score.std(axis=0)
			cut = mean_score - (cutoff * std_score)
			cut2 = mean_score + (cutoff * std_score)
			res_max = score_local.argmax(axis=1)
			minus_cc = [0.0 for x in xrange(nrefs)]
			minus_pix = [0.0 for x in xrange(nrefs)]
			minus_ref = [0.0 for x in xrange(nrefs)]
			#output pixel errors
			if(myid == main_node):
				from statistics import hist_list
				lhist = 20
				pixmin = pixelerror.min(axis=1)
				region, histo = hist_list(pixmin, lhist)
				if(region[0] < 0.0):  region[0] = 0.0
				print_msg("Histogram of pixel errors\n      ERROR       number of particles\n")
				for lhx in xrange(lhist):
					print_msg(" %10.3f     %7d\n"%(region[lhx], histo[lhx]))
				# Terminate if 95% within 1 pixel error
				im = 0
				for lhx in xrange(lhist):
					if(region[lhx] > 1.0): break
					im += histo[lhx]
				print_msg( "Percent of particles with pixel error < 1: %f\n\n"% (im/float(total_nima)*100))
				term_cond = float(term)/100
				if(im/float(total_nima) > term_cond): 
					terminate = 1
					print_msg("Terminating internal loop\n")
				del region, histo
			terminate = mpi_bcast(terminate, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
			terminate = int(terminate[0])	
			for im in xrange(nima):
				elif (mjump[N_step]==1):
				pix_run = data[im].get_attr('pix_score')			
				if (pix_cutoff[N_step]==1 and (terminate==1 or Iter == max_iter-1)):
					if (pixelmulti[im][int(res_max[im])] > 1):

				if (score_local[im][int(res_max[im])]<cut[int(res_max[im])]) or (two_tail and score_local[im][int(res_max[im])]>cut2[int(res_max[im])]):
					minus_cc[int(res_max[im])] = minus_cc[int(res_max[im])] + 1

				if(pix_run == 777):
					minus_pix[int(res_max[im])] = minus_pix[int(res_max[im])] + 1

				if (compare_ref_free != "-1") and (ref_free_cutoff[N_step] != -1) and (total_iter > 1):
					id = data[im].get_attr('ID')
					if id in rejects:
						minus_ref[int(res_max[im])] = minus_ref[int(res_max[im])] + 1	
			minus_cc_tot = mpi_reduce(minus_cc,nrefs,MPI_FLOAT,MPI_SUM,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD)	
			minus_pix_tot = mpi_reduce(minus_pix,nrefs,MPI_FLOAT,MPI_SUM,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD) 	
			minus_ref_tot = mpi_reduce(minus_ref,nrefs,MPI_FLOAT,MPI_SUM,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD)
			if (myid == main_node):
					tot_max = score.argmax(axis=1)
					res = bincount(tot_max)
					res = ones(nrefs) * total_nima
				print_msg("Particle distribution:	     \t\t%s\n"%(res*1.0))
				afcut1 = res - minus_cc_tot
				afcut2 = afcut1 - minus_pix_tot
				afcut3 = afcut2 - minus_ref_tot
				print_msg("Particle distribution after cc cutoff:\t\t%s\n"%(afcut1))
				print_msg("Particle distribution after pix cutoff:\t\t%s\n"%(afcut2)) 
				print_msg("Particle distribution after ref cutoff:\t\t%s\n\n"%(afcut3)) 
			res = [0.0 for i in xrange(nrefs)]
			for iref in xrange(nrefs):
				if(center == -1):
					from utilities      import estimate_3D_center_MPI, rotate_3D_shift
					cs[0], cs[1], cs[2], dummy, dummy = estimate_3D_center_MPI(data, total_nima, myid, number_of_proc, main_node)				
					cs = mpi_bcast(cs, 3, MPI_FLOAT, main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
					cs = [-float(cs[0]), -float(cs[1]), -float(cs[2])]
					rotate_3D_shift(data, cs)

					group = iref
					for im in xrange(nima):
						imgroup = data[im].get_attr('group')
						if imgroup == iref:
					group = int(999) 
					for im in xrange(nima):
				if(nrefs == 1):
					modout = ""
					modout = "_model_%02d"%(iref)	
				fscfile = os.path.join(outdir, "fsc_%s%s"%(itout,modout))
				vol[iref], fscc, volodd[iref], voleve[iref] = rec3D_MPI_noCTF(data, sym, fscmask, fscfile, myid, main_node, index=group, npad=recon_pad)
				if myid == main_node:
					print_msg("3D reconstruction time for model %i: %s\n"%(iref, legibleTime(time()-start_time)))
					start_time = time()
				# Compute Fourier variance
				if fourvar:
					outvar = os.path.join(outdir, "volVar_%s.hdf"%(itout))
					ssnr_file = os.path.join(outdir, "ssnr_%s"%(itout))
					varf = varf3d_MPI(data, ssnr_text_file=ssnr_file, mask2D=None, reference_structure=vol[iref], ou=last_ring, rw=1.0, npad=1, CTF=None, sign=1, sym=sym, myid=myid)
					if myid == main_node:
						print_msg("Time to calculate 3D Fourier variance for model %i: %s\n"%(iref, legibleTime(time()-start_time)))
						start_time = time()
						varf = 1.0/varf
				else:  varf = None

				if myid == main_node:
					if helicalrecon:
						from hfunctions import processHelicalVol

						if vertstep is not None:
						print_msg("Old rise and twist for model %i     : %8.3f, %8.3f\n"%(iref,dp[iref],dphi[iref]))
						print_msg("New rise and twist for model %i     : %8.3f, %8.3f\n"%(iref,dp[iref],dphi[iref]))
						# get new FSC from symmetrized half volumes
						fscc = fsc_mask( volodd[iref], voleve[iref], mask3D, rstep, fscfile)

						print_msg("Time to search and apply helical symmetry for model %i: %s\n\n"%(iref, legibleTime(time()-start_time)))
						start_time = time()
						vol[iref].write_image(os.path.join(outdir, "vol_%s.hdf"%(itout)),-1)

					if save_half is True:
						volodd[iref].write_image(os.path.join(outdir, "volodd_%s.hdf"%(itout)),-1)
						voleve[iref].write_image(os.path.join(outdir, "voleve_%s.hdf"%(itout)),-1)

					if nmasks > 1:
						# Read mask for multiplying
						ref_data[0] = maskF[iref]
					ref_data[2] = vol[iref]
					ref_data[3] = fscc
					ref_data[4] = varf
					#  call user-supplied function to prepare reference image, i.e., center and filter it
					vol[iref], cs,fl = ref_ali3d(ref_data)
					vol[iref].write_image(os.path.join(outdir, "volf_%s.hdf"%(itout)),-1)
					if (apix == 1):
						res_msg = "Models filtered at spatial frequency of:\t"
						res[iref] = fl
						res_msg = "Models filtered at resolution of:       \t"
						res[iref] = apix / fl	
				del varf
				bcast_EMData_to_all(vol[iref], myid, main_node)
				if compare_ref_free != "-1": compare_repro = True
				if compare_repro:
					outfile_repro = comp_rep(refrings, data, itout, modout, vol[iref], group, nima, nx, myid, main_node, outdir)
					if compare_ref_free != "-1":
						ref_free_output = os.path.join(outdir,"ref_free_%s%s"%(itout,modout))
						rejects = compare(compare_ref_free, outfile_repro,ref_free_output,yrng[N_step], xrng[N_step], rstep,nx,apix,ref_free_cutoff[N_step], number_of_proc, myid, main_node)

			# retrieve alignment params from all processors
			par_str = ['xform.projection','ID','group']
			if nrefs > 1:
				for iref in xrange(nrefs):

			if myid == main_node:
				from utilities import recv_attr_dict
				recv_attr_dict(main_node, stack, data, par_str, image_start, image_end, number_of_proc)
			else:	send_attr_dict(main_node, data, par_str, image_start, image_end)

			if myid == main_node:
				ares = array2string(array(res), precision = 2)
				dummy = EMData()
				if full_output:
					nimat = EMUtil.get_image_count(stack)
					output_file = os.path.join(outdir, "paramout_%s"%itout)
					foutput = open(output_file, 'w')
					for im in xrange(nimat):
						# save the parameters for each of the models
						outstring = ""
						param3d = dummy.get_attr('xform.projection')
						g = dummy.get_attr("group")
						# retrieve alignments in EMAN-format
						pE = param3d.get_params('eman')
						outstring += "%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%i\n" %(pE["az"], pE["alt"], pE["phi"], pE["tx"], pE["ty"],g)
				del dummy

#	mpi_finalize()	

	if myid == main_node: print_end_msg("ali3d_MPI")
def ali3d_MPI(stack,
              xr="4 2 2 1",
              ts="1 1 0.5 0.25",
              delta="10 6 4 4",
              model_jump="1 1 1 1 1",
              hsearch="0.0 50.0",
              ref_free_cutoff="-1 -1 -1 -1",

    from alignment import Numrinit, prepare_refrings
    from utilities import model_circle, get_image, drop_image, get_input_from_string
    from utilities import bcast_list_to_all, bcast_number_to_all, reduce_EMData_to_root, bcast_EMData_to_all
    from utilities import send_attr_dict
    from utilities import get_params_proj, file_type
    from fundamentals import rot_avg_image
    import os
    import types
    from utilities import print_begin_msg, print_end_msg, print_msg
    from mpi import mpi_bcast, mpi_comm_size, mpi_comm_rank, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpi_barrier, mpi_reduce
    from mpi import mpi_reduce, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, mpi_finalize
    from filter import filt_ctf
    from projection import prep_vol, prgs
    from statistics import hist_list, varf3d_MPI, fsc_mask
    from numpy import array, bincount, array2string, ones

    number_of_proc = mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD)
    myid = mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD)
    main_node = 0
    if myid == main_node:
        if os.path.exists(outdir):
                'Output directory exists, please change the name and restart the program',
                "ali3d_MPI", 1)

    if debug:
        from time import sleep
        while not os.path.exists(outdir):
            print "Node ", myid, "  waiting..."

        info_file = os.path.join(outdir, "progress%04d" % myid)
        finfo = open(info_file, 'w')
        finfo = None
    mjump = get_input_from_string(model_jump)
    xrng = get_input_from_string(xr)
    if yr == "-1": yrng = xrng
    else: yrng = get_input_from_string(yr)
    step = get_input_from_string(ts)
    delta = get_input_from_string(delta)
    ref_free_cutoff = get_input_from_string(ref_free_cutoff)
    pix_cutoff = get_input_from_string(pix_cutoff)

    lstp = min(len(xrng), len(yrng), len(step), len(delta))
    if an == "-1":
        an = [-1] * lstp
        an = get_input_from_string(an)
    # make sure pix_cutoff is set for all iterations
    if len(pix_cutoff) < lstp:
        for i in xrange(len(pix_cutoff), lstp):
    # don't waste time on sub-pixel alignment for low-resolution ang incr
    for i in range(len(step)):
        if (delta[i] > 4 or delta[i] == -1) and step[i] < 1:
            step[i] = 1

    first_ring = int(ir)
    rstep = int(rs)
    last_ring = int(ou)
    max_iter = int(maxit)
    center = int(center)

    nrefs = EMUtil.get_image_count(ref_vol)
    nmasks = 0
    if maskfile:
        # read number of masks within each maskfile (mc)
        nmasks = EMUtil.get_image_count(maskfile)
        # open masks within maskfile (mc)
        maskF = EMData.read_images(maskfile, xrange(nmasks))
    vol = EMData.read_images(ref_vol, xrange(nrefs))
    nx = vol[0].get_xsize()

    ## make sure box sizes are the same
    if myid == main_node:
        im = EMData.read_images(stack, [0])
        bx = im[0].get_xsize()
        if bx != nx:
                "Error: Stack box size (%i) differs from initial model (%i)\n"
                % (bx, nx))
        del im, bx

    # for helical processing:
    helicalrecon = False
    if protos is not None or hpars != "-1" or findseam is True:
        helicalrecon = True
        # if no out-of-plane param set, use 5 degrees
        if oplane is None:
            oplane = 5.0
    if protos is not None:
        proto = get_input_from_string(protos)
        if len(proto) != nrefs:
            print_msg("Error: insufficient protofilament numbers supplied")
    if hpars != "-1":
        hpars = get_input_from_string(hpars)
        if len(hpars) != 2 * nrefs:
            print_msg("Error: insufficient helical parameters supplied")
    ## create helical parameter file for helical reconstruction
    if helicalrecon is True and myid == main_node:
        from hfunctions import createHpar
        # create initial helical parameter files
        dp = [0] * nrefs
        dphi = [0] * nrefs
        vdp = [0] * nrefs
        vdphi = [0] * nrefs
        for iref in xrange(nrefs):
            hpar = os.path.join(outdir, "hpar%02d.spi" % (iref))
            params = False
            if hpars != "-1":
                # if helical parameters explicitly given, set twist & rise
                params = [float(hpars[iref * 2]), float(hpars[(iref * 2) + 1])]
            dp[iref], dphi[iref], vdp[iref], vdphi[iref] = createHpar(
                hpar, proto[iref], params, vertstep)

    # get values for helical search parameters
    hsearch = get_input_from_string(hsearch)
    if len(hsearch) != 2:
        print_msg("Error: specify outer and inner radii for helical search")

    if last_ring < 0 or last_ring > int(nx / 2) - 2:
        last_ring = int(nx / 2) - 2

    if myid == main_node:
        #	import user_functions
        #	user_func = user_functions.factory[user_func_name]

        print_msg("Input stack		 : %s\n" % (stack))
        print_msg("Reference volume	    : %s\n" % (ref_vol))
        print_msg("Output directory	    : %s\n" % (outdir))
        if nmasks > 0:
            print_msg("Maskfile (number of masks)  : %s (%i)\n" %
                      (maskfile, nmasks))
        print_msg("Inner radius		: %i\n" % (first_ring))
        print_msg("Outer radius		: %i\n" % (last_ring))
        print_msg("Ring step		   : %i\n" % (rstep))
        print_msg("X search range	      : %s\n" % (xrng))
        print_msg("Y search range	      : %s\n" % (yrng))
        print_msg("Translational step	  : %s\n" % (step))
        print_msg("Angular step		: %s\n" % (delta))
        print_msg("Angular search range	: %s\n" % (an))
        print_msg("Maximum iteration	   : %i\n" % (max_iter))
        print_msg("Center type		 : %i\n" % (center))
        print_msg("CTF correction	      : %s\n" % (CTF))
        print_msg("Signal-to-Noise Ratio       : %f\n" % (snr))
        print_msg("Reference projection method : %s\n" % (ref_a))
        print_msg("Symmetry group	      : %s\n" % (sym))
        print_msg("Fourier padding for 3D      : %i\n" % (recon_pad))
        print_msg("Number of reference models  : %i\n" % (nrefs))
        print_msg("Sort images between models  : %s\n" % (sort))
        print_msg("Allow images to jump	: %s\n" % (mjump))
        print_msg("CC cutoff standard dev      : %f\n" % (cutoff))
        print_msg("Two tail cutoff	     : %s\n" % (two_tail))
        print_msg("Termination pix error       : %f\n" % (term))
        print_msg("Pixel error cutoff	  : %s\n" % (pix_cutoff))
        print_msg("Restart		     : %s\n" % (restart))
        print_msg("Full output		 : %s\n" % (full_output))
        print_msg("Compare reprojections       : %s\n" % (compare_repro))
        print_msg("Compare ref free class avgs : %s\n" % (compare_ref_free))
        print_msg("Use cutoff from ref free    : %s\n" % (ref_free_cutoff))
        if protos:
            print_msg("Protofilament numbers	: %s\n" % (proto))
            print_msg("Using helical search range   : %s\n" % hsearch)
        if findseam is True:
            print_msg("Using seam-based reconstruction\n")
        if hpars != "-1":
            print_msg("Using hpars		  : %s\n" % hpars)
        if vertstep != None:
            print_msg("Using vertical step    : %.2f\n" % vertstep)
        if save_half is True:
            print_msg("Saving even/odd halves\n")
        for i in xrange(100):
    if maskfile:
        if type(maskfile) is types.StringType: mask3D = get_image(maskfile)
        else: mask3D = maskfile
    else: mask3D = model_circle(last_ring, nx, nx, nx)

    numr = Numrinit(first_ring, last_ring, rstep, "F")
    mask2D = model_circle(last_ring, nx, nx) - model_circle(first_ring, nx, nx)

    fscmask = model_circle(last_ring, nx, nx, nx)
    if CTF:
        from filter import filt_ctf
    from reconstruction_rjh import rec3D_MPI_noCTF

    if myid == main_node:
        active = EMUtil.get_all_attributes(stack, 'active')
        list_of_particles = []
        for im in xrange(len(active)):
            if active[im]: list_of_particles.append(im)
        del active
        nima = len(list_of_particles)
        nima = 0
    total_nima = bcast_number_to_all(nima, source_node=main_node)

    if myid != main_node:
        list_of_particles = [-1] * total_nima
    list_of_particles = bcast_list_to_all(list_of_particles,

    image_start, image_end = MPI_start_end(total_nima, number_of_proc, myid)

    # create a list of images for each node
    list_of_particles = list_of_particles[image_start:image_end]
    nima = len(list_of_particles)
    if debug:
        finfo.write("image_start, image_end: %d %d\n" %
                    (image_start, image_end))

    data = EMData.read_images(stack, list_of_particles)

    t_zero = Transform({
        "type": "spider",
        "phi": 0,
        "theta": 0,
        "psi": 0,
        "tx": 0,
        "ty": 0
    transmulti = [[t_zero for i in xrange(nrefs)] for j in xrange(nima)]

    for iref, im in ((iref, im) for iref in xrange(nrefs)
                     for im in xrange(nima)):
        if nrefs == 1:
            transmulti[im][iref] = data[im].get_attr("xform.projection")
            # if multi models, keep track of eulers for all models
                transmulti[im][iref] = data[im].get_attr("eulers_txty.%i" %
                data[im].set_attr("eulers_txty.%i" % iref, t_zero)

    scoremulti = [[0.0 for i in xrange(nrefs)] for j in xrange(nima)]
    pixelmulti = [[0.0 for i in xrange(nrefs)] for j in xrange(nima)]
    ref_res = [0.0 for x in xrange(nrefs)]
    apix = data[0].get_attr('apix_x')

    # for oplane parameter, create cylindrical mask
    if oplane is not None and myid == main_node:
        from hfunctions import createCylMask
        cmaskf = os.path.join(outdir, "mask3D_cyl.mrc")
        mask3D = createCylMask(data, olmask, lmask, ilmask, cmaskf)
        # if finding seam of helix, create wedge masks
        if findseam is True:
            wedgemask = []
            for pf in xrange(nrefs):
            # wedgemask option
            if wcmask is not None:
                wcmask = get_input_from_string(wcmask)
                if len(wcmask) != 3:
                        "Error: wcmask option requires 3 values: x y radius")

    # determine if particles have helix info:
        original_data = []
        boxmask = True
        from hfunctions import createBoxMask
        boxmask = False

    # prepare particles
    for im in xrange(nima):
        data[im].set_attr('ID', list_of_particles[im])
        data[im].set_attr('pix_score', int(0))
        if CTF:
            # only phaseflip particles, not full CTF correction
            ctf_params = data[im].get_attr("ctf")
            st = Util.infomask(data[im], mask2D, False)
            data[im] -= st[0]
            data[im] = filt_ctf(data[im], ctf_params, sign=-1, binary=1)
            data[im].set_attr('ctf_applied', 1)
        # for window mask:
        if boxmask is True:
            h_angle = data[im].get_attr("h_angle")
            bmask = createBoxMask(nx, apix, ou, lmask, h_angle)
            data[im] *= bmask
            del bmask
    if debug:
        finfo.write('%d loaded  \n' % nima)
    if myid == main_node:
        # initialize data for the reference preparation function
        ref_data = [mask3D, max(center, 0), None, None, None, None]
        # for method -1, switch off centering in user function

    from time import time

    #  this is needed for gathering of pixel errors
    disps = []
    recvcount = []
    disps_score = []
    recvcount_score = []
    for im in xrange(number_of_proc):
        if (im == main_node):
            disps.append(disps[im - 1] + recvcount[im - 1])
            disps_score.append(disps_score[im - 1] + recvcount_score[im - 1])
        ib, ie = MPI_start_end(total_nima, number_of_proc, im)
        recvcount.append(ie - ib)
        recvcount_score.append((ie - ib) * nrefs)

    pixer = [0.0] * nima
    cs = [0.0] * 3
    total_iter = 0
    volodd = EMData.read_images(ref_vol, xrange(nrefs))
    voleve = EMData.read_images(ref_vol, xrange(nrefs))

    if restart:
        # recreate initial volumes from alignments stored in header
        itout = "000_00"
        for iref in xrange(nrefs):
            if (nrefs == 1):
                modout = ""
                modout = "_model_%02d" % (iref)

            if (sort):
                group = iref
                for im in xrange(nima):
                    imgroup = data[im].get_attr('group')
                    if imgroup == iref:
                group = int(999)
                for im in xrange(nima):
                    data[im].set_attr('xform.projection', transmulti[im][iref])

            fscfile = os.path.join(outdir, "fsc_%s%s" % (itout, modout))

            vol[iref], fscc, volodd[iref], voleve[iref] = rec3D_MPI_noCTF(

            if myid == main_node:
                if helicalrecon:
                    from hfunctions import processHelicalVol
                    vstep = None
                    if vertstep is not None:
                        vstep = (vdp[iref], vdphi[iref])
                        "Old rise and twist for model %i     : %8.3f, %8.3f\n"
                        % (iref, dp[iref], dphi[iref]))
                    hvals = processHelicalVol(vol[iref], voleve[iref],
                                              volodd[iref], iref, outdir,
                                              itout, dp[iref], dphi[iref],
                                              apix, hsearch, findseam, vstep,
                    (vol[iref], voleve[iref], volodd[iref], dp[iref],
                     dphi[iref], vdp[iref], vdphi[iref]) = hvals
                        "New rise and twist for model %i     : %8.3f, %8.3f\n"
                        % (iref, dp[iref], dphi[iref]))
                    # get new FSC from symmetrized half volumes
                    fscc = fsc_mask(volodd[iref], voleve[iref], mask3D, rstep,
                        os.path.join(outdir, "vol_%s.hdf" % itout), -1)

                if save_half is True:
                        os.path.join(outdir, "volodd_%s.hdf" % itout), -1)
                        os.path.join(outdir, "voleve_%s.hdf" % itout), -1)

                if nmasks > 1:
                    # Read mask for multiplying
                    ref_data[0] = maskF[iref]
                ref_data[2] = vol[iref]
                ref_data[3] = fscc
                #  call user-supplied function to prepare reference image, i.e., center and filter it
                vol[iref], cs, fl = ref_ali3d(ref_data)
                    os.path.join(outdir, "volf_%s.hdf" % (itout)), -1)
                if (apix == 1):
                    res_msg = "Models filtered at spatial frequency of:\t"
                    res = fl
                    res_msg = "Models filtered at resolution of:       \t"
                    res = apix / fl
                ares = array2string(array(res), precision=2)
                print_msg("%s%s\n\n" % (res_msg, ares))

            bcast_EMData_to_all(vol[iref], myid, main_node)
            # write out headers, under MPI writing has to be done sequentially

    # projection matching
    for N_step in xrange(lstp):
        terminate = 0
        Iter = -1
        while (Iter < max_iter - 1 and terminate == 0):
            Iter += 1
            total_iter += 1
            itout = "%03g_%02d" % (delta[N_step], Iter)
            if myid == main_node:
                    "ITERATION #%3d, inner iteration #%3d\nDelta = %4.1f, an = %5.2f, xrange = %5.2f, yrange = %5.2f, step = %5.2f\n\n"
                    % (N_step, Iter, delta[N_step], an[N_step], xrng[N_step],
                       yrng[N_step], step[N_step]))

            for iref in xrange(nrefs):
                if myid == main_node: start_time = time()
                volft, kb = prep_vol(vol[iref])

                ## constrain projections to out of plane parameter
                theta1 = None
                theta2 = None
                if oplane is not None:
                    theta1 = 90 - oplane
                    theta2 = 90 + oplane
                refrings = prepare_refrings(volft,

                del volft, kb

                if myid == main_node:
                        "Time to prepare projections for model %i: %s\n" %
                        (iref, legibleTime(time() - start_time)))
                    start_time = time()

                for im in xrange(nima):
                    data[im].set_attr("xform.projection", transmulti[im][iref])
                    if an[N_step] == -1:
                        t1, peak, pixer[im] = proj_ali_incore(
                            data[im], refrings, numr, xrng[N_step],
                            yrng[N_step], step[N_step], finfo)
                        t1, peak, pixer[im] = proj_ali_incore_local(
                            data[im], refrings, numr, xrng[N_step],
                            yrng[N_step], step[N_step], an[N_step], finfo)
                    #data[im].set_attr("xform.projection"%iref, t1)
                    if nrefs > 1:
                        data[im].set_attr("eulers_txty.%i" % iref, t1)
                    scoremulti[im][iref] = peak
                    from pixel_error import max_3D_pixel_error
                    # t1 is the current param, t2 is old
                    t2 = transmulti[im][iref]
                    pixelmulti[im][iref] = max_3D_pixel_error(t1, t2, numr[-3])
                    transmulti[im][iref] = t1

                if myid == main_node:
                    print_msg("Time of alignment for model %i: %s\n" %
                              (iref, legibleTime(time() - start_time)))
                    start_time = time()

            # gather scoring data from all processors
            from mpi import mpi_gatherv
            scoremultisend = sum(scoremulti, [])
            pixelmultisend = sum(pixelmulti, [])
            tmp = mpi_gatherv(scoremultisend, len(scoremultisend), MPI_FLOAT,
                              recvcount_score, disps_score, MPI_FLOAT,
                              main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
            tmp1 = mpi_gatherv(pixelmultisend, len(pixelmultisend), MPI_FLOAT,
                               recvcount_score, disps_score, MPI_FLOAT,
                               main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
            tmp = mpi_bcast(tmp, (total_nima * nrefs), MPI_FLOAT, 0,
            tmp1 = mpi_bcast(tmp1, (total_nima * nrefs), MPI_FLOAT, 0,
            tmp = map(float, tmp)
            tmp1 = map(float, tmp1)
            score = array(tmp).reshape(-1, nrefs)
            pixelerror = array(tmp1).reshape(-1, nrefs)
            score_local = array(scoremulti)
            mean_score = score.mean(axis=0)
            std_score = score.std(axis=0)
            cut = mean_score - (cutoff * std_score)
            cut2 = mean_score + (cutoff * std_score)
            res_max = score_local.argmax(axis=1)
            minus_cc = [0.0 for x in xrange(nrefs)]
            minus_pix = [0.0 for x in xrange(nrefs)]
            minus_ref = [0.0 for x in xrange(nrefs)]

            #output pixel errors
            if (myid == main_node):
                from statistics import hist_list
                lhist = 20
                pixmin = pixelerror.min(axis=1)
                region, histo = hist_list(pixmin, lhist)
                if (region[0] < 0.0): region[0] = 0.0
                    "Histogram of pixel errors\n      ERROR       number of particles\n"
                for lhx in xrange(lhist):
                    print_msg(" %10.3f     %7d\n" % (region[lhx], histo[lhx]))
                # Terminate if 95% within 1 pixel error
                im = 0
                for lhx in xrange(lhist):
                    if (region[lhx] > 1.0): break
                    im += histo[lhx]
                print_msg("Percent of particles with pixel error < 1: %f\n\n" %
                          (im / float(total_nima) * 100))
                term_cond = float(term) / 100
                if (im / float(total_nima) > term_cond):
                    terminate = 1
                    print_msg("Terminating internal loop\n")
                del region, histo
            terminate = mpi_bcast(terminate, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
            terminate = int(terminate[0])

            for im in xrange(nima):
                if (sort == False):
                    data[im].set_attr('group', 999)
                elif (mjump[N_step] == 1):
                    data[im].set_attr('group', int(res_max[im]))

                pix_run = data[im].get_attr('pix_score')
                if (pix_cutoff[N_step] == 1
                        and (terminate == 1 or Iter == max_iter - 1)):
                    if (pixelmulti[im][int(res_max[im])] > 1):
                        data[im].set_attr('pix_score', int(777))

                if (score_local[im][int(res_max[im])] < cut[int(
                        res_max[im])]) or (two_tail and score_local[im][int(
                            res_max[im])] > cut2[int(res_max[im])]):
                    data[im].set_attr('group', int(888))
                    minus_cc[int(res_max[im])] = minus_cc[int(res_max[im])] + 1

                if (pix_run == 777):
                    data[im].set_attr('group', int(777))
                        res_max[im])] = minus_pix[int(res_max[im])] + 1

                if (compare_ref_free != "-1") and (ref_free_cutoff[N_step] !=
                                                   -1) and (total_iter > 1):
                    id = data[im].get_attr('ID')
                    if id in rejects:
                        data[im].set_attr('group', int(666))
                            res_max[im])] = minus_ref[int(res_max[im])] + 1

            minus_cc_tot = mpi_reduce(minus_cc, nrefs, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, 0,
            minus_pix_tot = mpi_reduce(minus_pix, nrefs, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, 0,
            minus_ref_tot = mpi_reduce(minus_ref, nrefs, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, 0,
            if (myid == main_node):
                if (sort):
                    tot_max = score.argmax(axis=1)
                    res = bincount(tot_max)
                    res = ones(nrefs) * total_nima
                print_msg("Particle distribution:	     \t\t%s\n" % (res * 1.0))
                afcut1 = res - minus_cc_tot
                afcut2 = afcut1 - minus_pix_tot
                afcut3 = afcut2 - minus_ref_tot
                print_msg("Particle distribution after cc cutoff:\t\t%s\n" %
                print_msg("Particle distribution after pix cutoff:\t\t%s\n" %
                print_msg("Particle distribution after ref cutoff:\t\t%s\n\n" %

            res = [0.0 for i in xrange(nrefs)]
            for iref in xrange(nrefs):
                if (center == -1):
                    from utilities import estimate_3D_center_MPI, rotate_3D_shift
                    dummy = EMData()
                    cs[0], cs[1], cs[2], dummy, dummy = estimate_3D_center_MPI(
                        data, total_nima, myid, number_of_proc, main_node)
                    cs = mpi_bcast(cs, 3, MPI_FLOAT, main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
                    cs = [-float(cs[0]), -float(cs[1]), -float(cs[2])]
                    rotate_3D_shift(data, cs)

                if (sort):
                    group = iref
                    for im in xrange(nima):
                        imgroup = data[im].get_attr('group')
                        if imgroup == iref:
                    group = int(999)
                    for im in xrange(nima):
                if (nrefs == 1):
                    modout = ""
                    modout = "_model_%02d" % (iref)

                fscfile = os.path.join(outdir, "fsc_%s%s" % (itout, modout))
                vol[iref], fscc, volodd[iref], voleve[iref] = rec3D_MPI_noCTF(

                if myid == main_node:
                    print_msg("3D reconstruction time for model %i: %s\n" %
                              (iref, legibleTime(time() - start_time)))
                    start_time = time()

                # Compute Fourier variance
                if fourvar:
                    outvar = os.path.join(outdir, "volVar_%s.hdf" % (itout))
                    ssnr_file = os.path.join(outdir, "ssnr_%s" % (itout))
                    varf = varf3d_MPI(data,
                    if myid == main_node:
                            "Time to calculate 3D Fourier variance for model %i: %s\n"
                            % (iref, legibleTime(time() - start_time)))
                        start_time = time()
                        varf = 1.0 / varf
                        varf.write_image(outvar, -1)
                    varf = None

                if myid == main_node:
                    if helicalrecon:
                        from hfunctions import processHelicalVol

                        vstep = None
                        if vertstep is not None:
                            vstep = (vdp[iref], vdphi[iref])
                            "Old rise and twist for model %i     : %8.3f, %8.3f\n"
                            % (iref, dp[iref], dphi[iref]))
                        hvals = processHelicalVol(vol[iref], voleve[iref],
                                                  volodd[iref], iref, outdir,
                                                  itout, dp[iref], dphi[iref],
                                                  apix, hsearch, findseam,
                                                  vstep, wcmask)
                        (vol[iref], voleve[iref], volodd[iref], dp[iref],
                         dphi[iref], vdp[iref], vdphi[iref]) = hvals
                            "New rise and twist for model %i     : %8.3f, %8.3f\n"
                            % (iref, dp[iref], dphi[iref]))
                        # get new FSC from symmetrized half volumes
                        fscc = fsc_mask(volodd[iref], voleve[iref], mask3D,
                                        rstep, fscfile)

                            "Time to search and apply helical symmetry for model %i: %s\n\n"
                            % (iref, legibleTime(time() - start_time)))
                        start_time = time()
                            os.path.join(outdir, "vol_%s.hdf" % (itout)), -1)

                    if save_half is True:
                            os.path.join(outdir, "volodd_%s.hdf" % (itout)),
                            os.path.join(outdir, "voleve_%s.hdf" % (itout)),

                    if nmasks > 1:
                        # Read mask for multiplying
                        ref_data[0] = maskF[iref]
                    ref_data[2] = vol[iref]
                    ref_data[3] = fscc
                    ref_data[4] = varf
                    #  call user-supplied function to prepare reference image, i.e., center and filter it
                    vol[iref], cs, fl = ref_ali3d(ref_data)
                        os.path.join(outdir, "volf_%s.hdf" % (itout)), -1)
                    if (apix == 1):
                        res_msg = "Models filtered at spatial frequency of:\t"
                        res[iref] = fl
                        res_msg = "Models filtered at resolution of:       \t"
                        res[iref] = apix / fl

                del varf
                bcast_EMData_to_all(vol[iref], myid, main_node)

                if compare_ref_free != "-1": compare_repro = True
                if compare_repro:
                    outfile_repro = comp_rep(refrings, data, itout, modout,
                                             vol[iref], group, nima, nx, myid,
                                             main_node, outdir)
                    if compare_ref_free != "-1":
                        ref_free_output = os.path.join(
                            outdir, "ref_free_%s%s" % (itout, modout))
                        rejects = compare(compare_ref_free, outfile_repro,
                                          ref_free_output, yrng[N_step],
                                          xrng[N_step], rstep, nx, apix,
                                          number_of_proc, myid, main_node)

            # retrieve alignment params from all processors
            par_str = ['xform.projection', 'ID', 'group']
            if nrefs > 1:
                for iref in xrange(nrefs):
                    par_str.append('eulers_txty.%i' % iref)

            if myid == main_node:
                from utilities import recv_attr_dict
                recv_attr_dict(main_node, stack, data, par_str, image_start,
                               image_end, number_of_proc)

                send_attr_dict(main_node, data, par_str, image_start,

            if myid == main_node:
                ares = array2string(array(res), precision=2)
                print_msg("%s%s\n\n" % (res_msg, ares))
                dummy = EMData()
                if full_output:
                    nimat = EMUtil.get_image_count(stack)
                    output_file = os.path.join(outdir, "paramout_%s" % itout)
                    foutput = open(output_file, 'w')
                    for im in xrange(nimat):
                        # save the parameters for each of the models
                        outstring = ""
                        dummy.read_image(stack, im, True)
                        param3d = dummy.get_attr('xform.projection')
                        g = dummy.get_attr("group")
                        # retrieve alignments in EMAN-format
                        pE = param3d.get_params('eman')
                        outstring += "%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%i\n" % (
                            pE["az"], pE["alt"], pE["phi"], pE["tx"], pE["ty"],
                del dummy

#	mpi_finalize()

    if myid == main_node: print_end_msg("ali3d_MPI")
def proj_ali_incore_local(data,
    from utilities import compose_transform2
    #from utilities    import set_params_proj, get_params_proj
    from math import cos, sin, pi

    ID = data.get_attr("ID")

    mode = "F"
    nx = data.get_xsize()
    ny = data.get_ysize()
    #  center is in SPIDER convention
    cnx = nx // 2 + 1
    cny = ny // 2 + 1

    ant = cos(an * pi / 180.0)
    #phi, theta, psi, sxo, syo = get_params_proj(data)
    t1 = data.get_attr("xform.projection")
    dp = t1.get_params("spider")
    # get translations from data
    tx = dp["tx"]
    ty = dp["ty"]

    if finfo:
        finfo.write("Image id: %6d\n" % (ID))
        finfo.write("Old parameters: %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f\n" %
                    (dp["phi"], dp["theta"], dp["psi"], -tx, -ty))

    [ang, sxs, sys, mirror, iref,
     peak] = Util.multiref_polar_ali_2d_local(data, refrings, xrng, yrng, step,
                                              ant, mode, numr, cnx + tx,
                                              cny + ty)
    iref = int(iref)
    data.set_attr("assign", iref)
    if iref > -1:
        # The ormqip returns parameters such that the transformation is applied first, the mirror operation second.
        # What that means is that one has to change the the Eulerian angles so they point into mirrored direction: phi+180, 180-theta, 180-psi
        angb, sxb, syb, ct = compose_transform2(0.0, sxs, sys, 1, -ang, 0.0,
                                                0.0, 1)
        if mirror:
            phi = (refrings[iref].get_attr("phi") + 540.0) % 360.0
            theta = 180.0 - refrings[iref].get_attr("theta")
            psi = (540.0 - refrings[iref].get_attr("psi") + angb) % 360.0
            s2x = sxb - tx
            s2y = syb - ty
            phi = refrings[iref].get_attr("phi")
            theta = refrings[iref].get_attr("theta")
            psi = (refrings[iref].get_attr("psi") + angb + 360.0) % 360.0
            s2x = sxb - tx
            s2y = syb - ty

        t2 = Transform({
            "type": "spider",
            "phi": phi,
            "theta": theta,
            "psi": psi
        t2.set_trans(Vec2f(-s2x, -s2y))

        from pixel_error import max_3D_pixel_error
        pixel_error = max_3D_pixel_error(t1, t2, numr[-3])
        if finfo:
                "New parameters: %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %10.5f  %11.3e\n\n"
                % (phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y, peak, pixel_error))
        return t2, peak, pixel_error
        return -1.0e23, 0.0
def main():
	arglist = []
	for arg in sys.argv:	arglist.append( arg )

	progname = os.path.basename(arglist[0])
	usage = progname + " stack outdir --phase=1 --ou=outer_radius|sxconsistency.py --phase=3 newlocal/main000 --ou=133 --thresherr=3.0 --params=paramsa outgrouparms"
	parser = OptionParser(usage,version=SPARXVERSION)
	parser.add_option("--phase",     type= "int",         default= 1,       help="Phase =1 prepares resampled stacks, =2 analyzes consistency of orientation parameters")
	parser.add_option("--ou",        type= "int",         default= -1,      help="outer radius for calculation of pixel error")
	parser.add_option("--sym",       type="string",       default= "c1",    help="symmetry of the refined structure")
	parser.add_option("--thresherr", type="float",        default=1.0,      help="Threshold for accpetable orientation errors (in pixels)")
	parser.add_option("--ndigits",   type="int",          default=1,        help="Accuracy for checking whether parameters are identical")
	parser.add_option("--chunk",     type="string",       default="",       help="Root of of four chunk files with indeces")
	parser.add_option("--params",    type="string",       default="",       help="Root of of six parameter file names with refinement results")
	(options, args) = parser.parse_args(arglist[1:])
	global_def.BATCH = True
	if options.phase == 1 and len(args) == 2:
		inputbdb = args[0]
		outdir   = args[1]
		nn = EMUtil.get_image_count(inputbdb)
		t = range(nn)
		chunks = []
		for i in xrange(4):
			#  I use the MPI function here just to easily get the balanced load
			j,k = MPI_start_end(nn, 4, i)

		del t
		write_text_file([ len(chunks[i]) for i in xrange(4) ],os.path.join(outdir,'chunklengths.txt'))

		pt = [[None]]*6
		for i in xrange(3):
			for j in xrange(i+1,4):
				pt[ll] = chunks[i]+chunks[j]

		for i in xrange(6):
			listfile = os.path.join(outdir,'lili%01d.txt'%i)
			outbdb = "bdb:"+ os.path.join(outdir,"X%01d"%i)
			cmd = '{} {} {} {}'.format('e2bdb.py', inputbdb, '--makevstack='+outbdb, '--list='+listfile)
			subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
		#  Run 6 programs

	elif options.phase == 2 and len(args) == 2:
		outdir         = args[0]
		howmanythesame = args[1]
		ndigits = options.ndigits  #for chc5 1, for ribo 4#4.0
		prms = []
		for i in xrange(6):
			prms.append( read_text_row(os.path.join(outdir,options.params+"%01d.txt"%i)) )
			for j in xrange(len(prms[-1])):
				for k in xrange(5):
					prms[-1][j][k] = round(prms[-1][j][k], ndigits)

		nn = 2*len(prms[0])
		n4 = nn//4
		qt=[[[-1.0]]*nn for i in xrange(6)]
		for i in xrange(3):
			for j in xrange(i+1,4):

		thesame = 0

		for ll in xrange(len(qt[0])):
			rw = []
			for j in xrange(6):
				if(len(qt[j][ll]) > 1):  rw.append(qt[j][ll])
			isame = True
			for j in xrange(3):
				if(rw[0][j] != rw[1][j]):
					isame = False
					#print  ll,rw[0][j], rw[1][j]
				if(rw[0][j] != rw[2][j]):
					isame = False
					#print  ll,rw[0][j], rw[2][j]
			if isame: thesame += 1
		qt = float(thesame)/nn
		print "Proportion of the same orientations ",qt
		write_text_file([qt], os.path.join(outdir,howmanythesame) )

	#########     PHASE 3
	elif options.phase == 3 and len(args) == 2:
		outdir      = args[0]
		outgrouparms= args[1]
		radius = options.ou
		thresherr = options.thresherr  #for chc5 1, for ribo 4#4.0
		sym = int(options.sym[1:])
		qsym = 360.0/sym

		blocks = ['A','B','C','D']
		params = {}
		ll = 0
		for i in xrange(3):
			for j in xrange(i+1,4):

		chunks = {}
		chunklengths = {}
		for i in xrange(4):
			chunks[chr(65+i)] = map(int,read_text_file(os.path.join(outdir,options.chunk+"%01d.txt"%i)))
			chunklengths[chr(65+i)] = len(chunks[chr(65+i)])

		for i in xrange(6):
			prms = read_text_row(os.path.join(outdir,options.params+"%01d.txt"%i))
			for q in blocks:
				if params.has_key(q+chr(48+i)):
					params[q+chr(48+i)] = prms[:chunklengths[q]]
					del prms[:chunklengths[q]]

		pairs = [["A0","A1"],["B3","B4"],["C1","C5"],["D2","D4"]]
		lefts = ["A2","B0","C3","D5"]

		#  Compute average projection params and pixel errors
		avgtrans = {}
		pixer    = {}
		for i,q in enumerate(pairs):
			avgtrans[q[0][0]] = [0.0]*chunklengths[q[0][0]]
			pixer[q[0][0]]    = [0.0]*chunklengths[q[0][0]]
			for j in xrange(chunklengths[q[0][0]]):
				fifi = [ params[q[0]][j], params[q[1]][j] ]

				nas = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
				if( sym == 1):
					pixer[q[0][0]][j] = max_3D_pixel_error(fifi[0], fifi[1], r=radius)
					for i in xrange(2):
						n1,n2,n3 = getfvec(fifi[i][0],fifi[i][1])
						nas[0] += n1
						nas[1] += n2
						nas[2] += n3
					m1,m2,m3 = getfvec(fifi[0][0],fifi[0][1])
					nas[0] = m1
					nas[1] = m2
					nas[2] = m3
					#if(k == 2):
					#	print  "XXXX"
					#	print fifi[0],nas
					for i in xrange(1,2):
						qnom = -1.e10
						for j in xrange(-1,2,1):
							t1,t2,t3 = getfvec(fifi[i][0]+j*qsym,fifi[i][1])
							nom = t1*m1 + t2*m2 + t3*m3
							if(nom > qnom):
								qnom = nom
							#if(k == 2):
							#	print '  t1,t2,t3 ',fifi[i][0]+j*qsym,fifi[i][1],t1,t2,t3,nom,qnom
						nas[0] += n1
						nas[1] += n2
						nas[2] += n3
						print qnom, n1,n2,n3,nas
					#  To get the correct pixer phi angle has to be taken from the above!!
					pixer[q[0][0]][j] = max_3D_pixel_error(fifi[0], fifi[1], r=radius)

				nom = sqrt(nas[0]**2 + nas[1]**2 + nas[2]**2)

				if(nom < 1.e-6):
					nphi   = 0.0
					ntheta = 0.0
					ntheta = degrees(acos(nas[2]/nom))%360.0
					if(sym>1 and ntheta>90.0):  nphi   = (degrees(atan2( nas[1], nas[0] ))-180.0)%qsym + 180.0
					else:                       nphi   = degrees(atan2( nas[1], nas[0] ))%qsym

				#print   "FIFI     %4d     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f"%(k,fifi[0][0],fifi[0][1],fifi[1][0],fifi[1][1],fifi[2][0],fifi[2][1],nphi,ntheta)
				twod = average2dtransform([fifi[0][2:],fifi[1][2:]])
				avgtrans[q[0][0]][j] = [nphi, ntheta, twod[0], twod[1], twod[2]]

		perr = {}
		tgood = 0
		for q in blocks:
			perr[q] = [True]*chunklengths[q]
			for k in xrange(chunklengths[q]):
				if(pixer[q][k] > thresherr):  perr[q][k] = False
				if  perr[q][k]: tgood += 1
			if(tgood < 4):
				print "  No good images within the pixel error threshold specified"
		print  " tgood ", tgood
		hi = hist_list([pixer[q][k] for q in blocks for k in xrange(chunklengths[q])  ],16)
		for i in xrange(len(hi[0])):
			print  "%4d   %12.3f    %12.0f "%(i,hi[0][i],hi[1][i])
		#  Finished, store average orientation params and table of good images

		#  store lists of good images for each group
		#  blocks is indexed by first letter
		good = [[] for i in xrange(4)]
		bad  = [[] for i in xrange(4)]
		for i,q in enumerate(blocks):
			for k in xrange(chunklengths[q]):
				#deprt = max_3D_pixel_error(params[lefts[i]][k],avgtrans[q][k],r=radius)
				if  perr[q][k]:
					#[chunks[q][k],pixer[q][k],deprt, params[pairs[i][0]][k],params[pairs[i][1]][k],params[lefts[i]][k],avgtrans[q][k] ])
					#[chunks[q][k],pixer[q][k],deprt, params[pairs[i][0]][k],params[pairs[i][1]][k],params[lefts[i]][k],avgtrans[q][k]])
			write_text_file( good[i], os.path.join(outdir,"newgood%01d.txt"%i) )
			write_text_file( bad[i],  os.path.join(outdir,"newbad%01d.txt"%i) )

			#  write out parameters, for those in pairs write out average, for leftouts leave them as they were
			#  These parameters refer to the original X files.
			ll = 0
			for m in xrange(6):
				if params.has_key(q+chr(48+m)):
					prmsgood = []
					prmsbad  = []
						j = lefts.index(q+chr(48+m))
						for k in xrange(chunklengths[q]):
							if  perr[q][k]:
						for k in xrange(chunklengths[q]):
							if  perr[q][k]:
					write_text_row(prmsgood, os.path.join(outdir,"params-newgood%01d%01d.txt"%(i,ll)))
					write_text_row(prmsbad, os.path.join(outdir, "params-newbad%01d%01d.txt"%(i,ll)))
					ll += 1

		#  Generate newlili files from newgood, these contain original numbering of the total single file
		ll = 0
		for i in xrange(3):
			for j in xrange(i+1,4):
				write_text_file( good[i] + good[j], os.path.join(outdir,"newlili%01d.txt"%ll) )
				ll += 1

		#  write out parameters, for those in pairs write out average, for leftouts leave them as they were
		#  These parameters refer to the original X files.
		for i in xrange(6):
			prms = []
			for q in blocks:
				if params.has_key(q+chr(48+i)):
						j = lefts.index(q+chr(48+i))
						prms += params[q+chr(48+i)]
						prms += avgtrans[q]
			write_text_row(prms, os.path.join(outdir,outgrouparms+"%01d.txt"%i))

		#  Write chunklengths
		chunklengths = [len(good[i]) for i in xrange(4)]
		write_text_file(chunklengths, os.path.join(outdir,"chunklengths.txt") )
		#  We do not use consecutive numbering anymore
		#  Generate newx files from newgood, these contain consecutive (with gaps) numbering that allows to generate truncated X files from the previous X files
		ll = 0
		for i in xrange(3):
			firstblock = []
			l = len(perr[blocks[i]])
			for k in xrange(l):
				if  perr[blocks[i]][k]:
			for j in xrange(i+1,4):
				secondblock = []
				for k in xrange(len(perr[blocks[j]])):
					if  perr[blocks[j]][k]:

				write_text_file( firstblock + secondblock, os.path.join(outdir,"goodX%01d.txt"%ll) )
				ll += 1
		del good,bad,firstblock,secondblock,perr

		0   1   2   3   4   5

		A   A   A   =   =   =
		B   =   =   B   B   =
		=   C   =   C   =   C
		=   =   D   =   D   D


	elif options.phase == 4 and len(args) == 1:
		outdir      = args[0]
		bp = 'badparams'
		#outgrouparms= args[1]
		radius = options.ou
		thresherr = options.thresherr
		sym = int(options.sym[1:])
		qsym = 360.0/sym
		#params = [[None for i in xrange(3)] for j in xrange(4)]
		ll = 3 # this is hardwired as we have three groups.  however, I would like to keep the code general.
		for jj in xrange(4):
			params = [None for ii in xrange(ll)]
			newbad = map(int, read_text_file(options.params+"%01d.txt"%jj) )
			nn = len(newbad)
			for ii in xrange(ll):
				params[ii] = read_text_row(os.path.join(outdir,bp+"%01d%01d.txt"%(jj,ii)))
				assert(nn == len(params[ii]) )

			#  Compute average projection params and pixel errors
			avgtrans = [None]*nn
			pixer   = [0.0]*nn
			for j in xrange(nn):
				nas = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
				if( sym == 1):
					#pixer[q[0][0]][j] = max_3D_pixel_error(fifi[0], fifi[1], r=radius)
					for i in xrange(ll):
						n1,n2,n3 = getfvec(params[i][j][0],params[i][j][1])
						nas[0] += n1
						nas[1] += n2
						nas[2] += n3
					m1,m2,m3 = getfvec(params[0][j][0],params[0][j][1])
					nas[0] = m1
					nas[1] = m2
					nas[2] = m3
					for i in xrange(1,ll):
						qnom = -1.e10
						for j in xrange(-1,2,1):
							t1,t2,t3 = getfvec(params[i][j][0]+j*qsym,params[i][j][1])
							nom = t1*m1 + t2*m2 + t3*m3
							if(nom > qnom):
								qnom = nom
							#if(k == 2):
							#	print '  t1,t2,t3 ',fifi[i][0]+j*qsym,fifi[i][1],t1,t2,t3,nom,qnom
						nas[0] += n1
						nas[1] += n2
						nas[2] += n3
						print qnom, n1,n2,n3,nas
					#  To get the correct pixer phi angle has to be taken from the above!!

				nom = sqrt(nas[0]**2 + nas[1]**2 + nas[2]**2)

				if(nom < 1.e-6):
					nphi   = 0.0
					ntheta = 0.0
					ntheta = degrees(acos(nas[2]/nom))%360.0
					if(sym>1 and ntheta>90.0):  nphi   = (degrees(atan2( nas[1], nas[0] ))-180.0)%qsym + 180.0
					else:                       nphi   =  degrees(atan2( nas[1], nas[0] ))%qsym

				#print   "FIFI     %4d     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f"%(k,fifi[0][0],fifi[0][1],fifi[1][0],fifi[1][1],fifi[2][0],fifi[2][1],nphi,ntheta)
				twod = average2dtransform([params[ii][j][2:] for ii in xrange(ll)])
				avgtrans[j] = [nphi, ntheta, twod[0], twod[1], twod[2]]

			perr =  errors_per_image(params, avgtrans, thresherr, radius )
			rescued = []
			rejects = []
			for j in xrange(nn):
				#print  chr(65+jj),j,perr[j][0],[[params[m][j][i] for i in xrange(2)] for m in xrange(ll)]
				if( perr[j][0] <= thresherr ):  rescued.append([newbad[j],j])
				else:							rejects.append([newbad[j],j])
			if( len(rescued) == 0 ):    write_text_row([-1,-1],  os.path.join(outdir,"rescued%01d.txt"%jj))
			else:                  		write_text_row(rescued,  os.path.join(outdir,"rescued%01d.txt"%jj))
			#  We also have to write params.
			if( len(rescued) != 0 ):
				for ii in xrange(ll):  write_text_row([params[ii][rescued[k][1]] for k in xrange(len(rescued))]  ,  os.path.join(outdir,"params-rescued%01d%01d.txt"%(jj,ii)))
			if( len(rejects) == 0 ):    write_text_row([-1,-1],  os.path.join(outdir,'rejects'+"%01d.txt"%jj))
			else:                  		write_text_row(rejects,  os.path.join(outdir,'rejects'+"%01d.txt"%jj))
			if( len(rejects) != 0 ):
				for ii in xrange(ll):  write_text_row([params[ii][rejects[k][1]] for k in xrange(len(rejects))]  ,  os.path.join(outdir,"params-rejects%01d%01d.txt"%(jj,ii)))

			hi = hist_list([perr[j][0]  for j in xrange(nn)  ], 16)
			print  "Pixel errors for BAD GROUP  ",chr(65+jj)
			for ii in xrange(len(hi[0])):
				print  "%4d   %12.3f    %12.0f "%(ii,hi[0][ii],hi[1][ii])

	elif options.phase == 5 and len(args) == 1:
		#  This version is for meridien refinement.  There are simply three full sets of params.
		outdir      = args[0]
		bp = 'badparams'
		#outgrouparms= args[1]
		radius = options.ou
		thresherr = options.thresherr
		sym = int(options.sym[1:])
		qsym = 360.0/sym
		#params = [[None for i in xrange(3)] for j in xrange(4)]
		ll = 3 # this is hardwired as we have three groups.  however, I would like to keep the code general.
		for jj in xrange(1):
			params = [None for ii in xrange(ll)]
			#newbad = map(int, read_text_file(options.params+"%01d.txt"%jj) )
			#nn = len(newbad)
			for ii in xrange(ll):
				params[ii] = read_text_row(os.path.join(outdir,"params%01d.txt"%(ii)))
				#assert(nn == len(params[ii]) )
			nn = len(params[0])
			newbad = range(nn)
			#  Compute average projection params and pixel errors
			avgtrans = [None]*nn
			pixer   = [0.0]*nn
			for j in xrange(nn):
				nas = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
				if( sym == 1):
					#pixer[q[0][0]][j] = max_3D_pixel_error(fifi[0], fifi[1], r=radius)
					for i in xrange(ll):
						n1,n2,n3 = getfvec(params[i][j][0],params[i][j][1])
						nas[0] += n1
						nas[1] += n2
						nas[2] += n3
					m1,m2,m3 = getfvec(params[0][j][0],params[0][j][1])
					nas[0] = m1
					nas[1] = m2
					nas[2] = m3
					for i in xrange(1,ll):
						qnom = -1.e10
						for j in xrange(-1,2,1):
							t1,t2,t3 = getfvec(params[i][j][0]+j*qsym,params[i][j][1])
							nom = t1*m1 + t2*m2 + t3*m3
							if(nom > qnom):
								qnom = nom
							#if(k == 2):
							#	print '  t1,t2,t3 ',fifi[i][0]+j*qsym,fifi[i][1],t1,t2,t3,nom,qnom
						nas[0] += n1
						nas[1] += n2
						nas[2] += n3
						print qnom, n1,n2,n3,nas
					#  To get the correct pixer phi angle has to be taken from the above!!

				nom = sqrt(nas[0]**2 + nas[1]**2 + nas[2]**2)

				if(nom < 1.e-6):
					nphi   = 0.0
					ntheta = 0.0
					ntheta = degrees(acos(nas[2]/nom))%360.0
					if(sym>1 and ntheta>90.0):  nphi   = (degrees(atan2( nas[1], nas[0] ))-180.0)%qsym + 180.0
					else:                       nphi   =  degrees(atan2( nas[1], nas[0] ))%qsym

				#print   "FIFI     %4d     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f"%(k,fifi[0][0],fifi[0][1],fifi[1][0],fifi[1][1],fifi[2][0],fifi[2][1],nphi,ntheta)
				twod = average2dtransform([params[ii][j][2:] for ii in xrange(ll)])
				avgtrans[j] = [nphi, ntheta, twod[0], twod[1], twod[2]]

			write_text_row(avgtrans,  os.path.join(outdir,"avgtrans.txt"))
			perr =  errors_per_image(params, avgtrans, thresherr, radius )
			rescued = []
			rejects = []
			for j in xrange(nn):
				#print  chr(65+jj),j,perr[j][0],[[params[m][j][i] for i in xrange(2)] for m in xrange(ll)]
				if( perr[j][0] <= thresherr ):  rescued.append([newbad[j],j])
				else:							rejects.append([newbad[j],j])
			if( len(rescued) == 0 ):    write_text_row([-1,-1],  os.path.join(outdir,"rescued%01d.txt"%jj))
			else:                  		write_text_row(rescued,  os.path.join(outdir,"rescued%01d.txt"%jj))
			#  We also have to write params.
			if( len(rescued) != 0 ):
				for ii in xrange(ll):  write_text_row([params[ii][rescued[k][1]] for k in xrange(len(rescued))]  ,  os.path.join(outdir,"params-rescued%01d%01d.txt"%(jj,ii)))
			if( len(rejects) == 0 ):    write_text_row([-1,-1],  os.path.join(outdir,'rejects'+"%01d.txt"%jj))
			else:                  		write_text_row(rejects,  os.path.join(outdir,'rejects'+"%01d.txt"%jj))
			if( len(rejects) != 0 ):
				for ii in xrange(ll):  write_text_row([params[ii][rejects[k][1]] for k in xrange(len(rejects))]  ,  os.path.join(outdir,"params-rejects%01d%01d.txt"%(jj,ii)))

			hi = hist_list([perr[j][0]  for j in xrange(nn)  ], 16)
			print  "Pixel errors for BAD GROUP  ",chr(65+jj)
			for ii in xrange(len(hi[0])):
				print  "%4d   %12.3f    %12.0f "%(ii,hi[0][ii],hi[1][ii])

		print "Usage: "
		print """
		Phase 1:   sxconsistency.py  --phase=1  bdb:data  outdir
			output files are:
			  in directory outdir: lili0.txt to lili5.txt contain indices of images in resampled six groups
			  bdb:dataX0 to bdb:dataX5 are metafiles containing six resampled groups of images derived from bdb:data

		Phase 2    sxconsistency.py  --phase=2  outdir  --ndigits=1  --params=paramsb howmanythesame.txt
			  outdir - directory containing files lili0.txt to lili5.txt produced in phase 1
			  --params=master/main/params - Root of of six parameter file names with refinement results, the actual names should be
											  master/main/params0.txt  to master/main/params5.txt
			output files:
				howmanythesame.txt - contains one number, a ratio of number of images  that did not change orientations
				                                            to the total number of images

		Phase 3:   sxconsistency.py --phase=3 outdir --ou=133 --thresherr=3.0 --params=paramsa outgrouparms

			input files:
			  outdir - directory containing files lili0.txt to lili5.txt produced in phase 1
			  --params=master/main/params - Root of of six parameter file names with refinement results, the actual names should be
											  master/main/params0.txt  to master/main/params5.txt
			output files:
			  outgrouparms*.txt - Root of of six parameters files with average 3D orientation parameters computed from six runs, can be imported into bdb:data
                   The next two files contain the original image numbers refering to the top bdb.
			  outdir/newgood.txt    - Text file with indices of images whose orientation parameters arrors are below specified thresherr (to be kept)
			  outdir/bad.txt        - Text file with indices of images whose orientation parameters arrors are above specified thresherr (to be rejected)

		Phase 4:   sxconsistency.py --phase=4 outdir --ou=133 --thresherr=3.0 --params=master/main001/newbad

			input files:
			  outdir - directory containing files badparamsij.txt i= 0,3, j=0,2, which resulted from three alignments of four badchunk images
			  --params= - Root of four files with original indices of bad images, they will be read and a subset corresponding to rescued ones will be outputed
			output files:
			  rescued*.txt - four files with indices of accepted images from badchunk.
			  rejects*.txt - four files with indices of rejected images from badchunk.
			  					There are two columns: [number in original bdb:chunk, number in bdb:newbad] 
		print "Please run '" + progname + " -h' for detailed options"

	global_def.BATCH = False