def resolution(shape,wcs): res = np.min(np.abs(enmap.extent(shape,wcs))/shape[-2:]) return res
def make_geometry(shape=None,wcs=None,hole_radius=None,cmb2d_TEB=None,n2d_IQU=None,context_width=None,n=None,beam2d=None,deproject=True,iau=False,res=None,tot_pow2d=None,store_pcov=False,pcov=None): """ Make covariances for brute force maxlike inpainting of CMB maps. Eq 3 of arXiv:1109.0286 shape,wcs -- enmap geometry of big map cmb2d_TEB -- (ncomp,ncomp,Ny,Nx) 2D CMB power in physical units n2d_IQU -- (ncomp,ncomp,Ny,Nx) 2D noise power in physical units hole_radius in radians context_width in radians or n as number of pixels beam2d -- (Ny,Nx) 2D beam template tot_pow2d -- (ncomp,ncomp,Ny,Nx) 2D total IQU power in physical units (includes CMB, beam and noise). If this argument is provided cmb2d_TEB, n2d_IQU and beam2d will be ignored. deproject -- whether to deproject common mode iau -- whether to use IAU convention for polarization res -- specify resolution in radians instead of inferring from enmap geometry """ # Make a flat stamp geometry if res is None: res = np.min(np.abs(enmap.extent(shape,wcs))/shape[-2:]) if n is None: n = int(context_width/res) # Get the pix-pix covariance on the stamp geometry given CMB theory, beam and 2D noise on the big map if pcov is None: if tot_pow2d is not None: pcov = fcov_to_rcorr(shape,wcs,tot_pow2d,n) else: pcov = stamp_pixcov_from_theory(n,cmb2d_TEB,n2d,beam2d=beam2d,iau=iau) # Do we have polarization? ncomp = pcov.shape[0] assert ncomp==1 or ncomp==2 or ncomp==3 # Select the hole (m1) and context(m2) across all components m1,m2 = get_geometry_regions(ncomp,n,res,hole_radius) # --- Make sure that the pcov is in the right order vector(I,Q,U) --- # It is currently in (ncomp,ncomp,n,n) order # We transpose it to (ncomp,n,ncomp,n) order # so that when it is reshaped into a 2D array, a row/column will correspond to an (I,Q,U) vector pcov = np.transpose(pcov,(0,2,1,3)) pcov = pcov.reshape((ncomp*n**2,ncomp*n**2)) # Invert Cinv = np.linalg.inv(pcov) # Woodbury deproject common mode if deproject: # Deproject I,Q,U common mode separately #u = (np.zeros((n*n,ncomp,ncomp))+np.eye(ncomp)).reshape(n*n*ncomp,ncomp) u = np.zeros((n*n*ncomp,ncomp)) for i in range(ncomp): u[i*n*n:(i+1)*n*n,i] = 1 #u = np.ones((ncomp*n**2,1)) # Deproject mode common to all of I,Q,U Cinvu = np.linalg.solve(pcov,u) precalc =,np.linalg.solve(,Cinvu),u.T)) correction =,Cinv) Cinv -= correction # Get matrices for maxlike solution Eq 3 of arXiv:1109.0286 cslice = Cinv[m1][:,m1] mul2 = Cinv[m1][:,m2] mean_mul = -np.linalg.solve(cslice,mul2) cov = np.linalg.inv(Cinv[m1][:,m1]) cov_root = utils.eigpow(cov,0.5) geometry = {} geometry['covsqrt'] = cov_root geometry['meanmul'] = mean_mul geometry['n'] = n geometry['res'] = res geometry['m1'] = m1 geometry['m2'] = m2 geometry['ncomp'] = ncomp geometry['hole_radius'] = hole_radius if store_pcov: geometry['pcov'] = pcov return geometry