def get_anisotropic_noise(shape,wcs,rms,lknee,alpha,template_file=None,tmin=0,tmax=100): """ This function reads in a 2D PS unredenned template and returns a full 2D noise PS. It doesn't use the template in the most sensible way though. """ ops = get_anisotropic_noise_template(shape,wcs,template_file,tmin,tmax) return rednoise(enmap.modlmap(shape,wcs),rms,lknee,alpha)*ops
def rect_geometry(width_arcmin=None,width_deg=None,px_res_arcmin=0.5,proj="car",pol=False,height_deg=None,height_arcmin=None,xoffset_degree=0.,yoffset_degree=0.,extra=False,**kwargs): """ Get shape and wcs for a rectangular patch of specified size and coordinate center """ if width_deg is not None: width_arcmin = 60.*width_deg if height_deg is not None: height_arcmin = 60.*height_deg hwidth = width_arcmin/2. if height_arcmin is None: vwidth = hwidth else: vwidth = height_arcmin/2. arcmin = utils.arcmin degree = pos = [[-vwidth*arcmin+yoffset_degree*degree,-hwidth*arcmin+xoffset_degree*degree],[vwidth*arcmin+yoffset_degree*degree,hwidth*arcmin+xoffset_degree*degree]] shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=pos, res=px_res_arcmin*arcmin, proj=proj,**kwargs) if pol: shape = (3,)+shape if extra: modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape,wcs) lmax = modlmap.max() ells = np.arange(0,lmax,1.) return shape,wcs,modlmap,ells else: return shape, wcs
def getspec(f, lmin=50, lmax=4000, deltal=20): p2d = enmap.read_map(f) shape, wcs = p2d.shape, p2d.wcs bin_edges = np.arange(lmin, lmax, deltal) modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs) binner = stats.bin2D(modlmap, bin_edges) cents, p1d = binner.bin(p2d) return cents, p1d
def __init__(self, shape, wcs, beams, rmss, lknees, alphas, aniss, inhoms, nsplits, plancks, response_dict, ps_dict, ellmin=100): """ TODO: inhomogenity noise cross covariance """ self.fc = maps.FourierCalc(shape, wcs) self.narrays = len(beams) self.modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs) self.beams = beams self.inhoms = inhoms self.nsplits = nsplits self.plancks = plancks.astype(np.bool) self.ngens = [] antemplate = covtools.get_anisotropic_noise_template(shape, wcs) for rms, lknee, alpha, anis in zip(rmss, lknees, alphas, aniss): if anis: template = antemplate.copy() else: template = 1 p2d = covtools.rednoise(enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs), rms, lknee, alpha) * template p2d[self.modlmap < ellmin] = 0 self.ngens.append(maps.MapGen(shape, wcs, p2d[None, None, ...])) self.fgens = {} assert "cmb" in ps_dict.keys() self.components = ps_dict.keys() for key in ps_dict.keys(): self.fgens[key] = maps.MapGen(shape, wcs, ps_dict[key][None, None, ...]) self.shape = shape self.wcs = wcs self.rdict = response_dict self.ellmin = ellmin
def compute_ps(map1, map2, mask, beamf1, beamf2): """Compute the FFTs, multiply, bin """ kmap1 = enmap.fft(map1 * mask, normalize="phys") kmap2 = enmap.fft(map2 * mask, normalize="phys") power = (kmap1 * np.conj(kmap2)).real bin_edges = np.arange(0, 8000, 40) centers = (bin_edges[1:] + bin_edges[:-1]) / 2. w2 = np.mean(mask**2.) modlmap = enmap.modlmap(map1.shape, map1.wcs) binned_power = bin(power / w2 / beamf1(modlmap) / beamf2(modlmap), modlmap, bin_edges) return centers, binned_power
def mask_kspace(shape, wcs, lxcut=None, lycut=None, lmin=None, lmax=None): # copied from orphics output = np.ones(shape[-2:], dtype=int) if (lmin is not None) or (lmax is not None): modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs) if (lxcut is not None) or (lycut is not None): ly, lx = enmap.laxes(shape, wcs, oversample=1) if lmin is not None: output[np.where(modlmap <= lmin)] = 0 if lmax is not None: output[np.where(modlmap >= lmax)] = 0 if lxcut is not None: output[:, np.where(np.abs(lx) < lxcut)] = 0 if lycut is not None: output[np.where(np.abs(ly) < lycut), :] = 0 return output
def compute_ps(map1, map2, beamf1, beamf2): """Compute the FFTs, multiply, bin """ if args.fft: kmap1 = enmap.fft(map1*mask, normalize="phys") kmap2 = enmap.fft(map2*mask, normalize="phys") power = (kmap1*np.conj(kmap2)).real bin_edges = np.arange(20,8000,40) centers = (bin_edges[1:] + bin_edges[:-1])/2. w2 = np.mean(mask**2.) modlmap = enmap.modlmap(map1.shape,map1.wcs) binned_power = bin(power/w2/beamf1(modlmap)/beamf2(modlmap),modlmap,bin_edges) return centers, binned_power else: ells,cls = pcalc.get_power_scalarXscalar(map1*mask, map2*mask,ret_dl=False) return ells,cls/beamf1(ells)/beamf2(ells)
def get_n2d(ffts, wmaps, plot_fname=None, coadd_estimator=False, dtype=None): assert np.all(np.isfinite(ffts)) assert np.all(np.isfinite(wmaps)) shape, wcs = ffts.shape[-2:], ffts.wcs modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs) Ny, Nx = shape[-2:] nfreqs = ffts.shape[0] npol = ffts.shape[2] ncomps = nfreqs * npol def ncomp_to_freq_pol(index): ifreq = index // 3 ipol = index % 3 return ifreq, ipol n2d = enmap.zeros((ncomps, ncomps, Ny, Nx), wcs, dtype=dtype) # WARNING: type) pols = ['I', 'Q', 'U'] for i in range(ncomps): for j in range(i, ncomps): ifreq, ipol = ncomp_to_freq_pol(i) jfreq, jpol = ncomp_to_freq_pol(j) isplits = ffts[ifreq, :, ipol] iwts = wmaps[ifreq, :, 0] if i != j: jsplits = ffts[jfreq, :, jpol] jwts = wmaps[jfreq, :, 0] else: jsplits = None jwts = None n2d[i, j] = noise_power(isplits, iwts, jsplits, jwts, coadd_estimator=coadd_estimator, pfunc=naive_power) if i != j: n2d[j, i] = n2d[i, j] if plot_fname is not None: plot("%s_%d_%s_%d_%s" \ % (plot_fname,ifreq,pols[ipol], jfreq,pols[jpol]), enmap.enmap(np.arcsinh(np.fft.fftshift(n2d[i,j])),wcs),dg=1,quantile=0) return n2d
def mask_kspace(shape, wcs, lxcut=None, lycut=None, lmin=None, lmax=None): """Produce a Fourier space mask. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple The shape of the array for the geometry of the footprint. Typically (...,Ny,Nx) for Ny pixels in the y-direction and Nx in the x-direction. wcs : :obj:`astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS` The wcs object completing the specification of the geometry of the footprint. lxcut : int, optional The width of a band in number of Fourier pixels to be masked in the lx direction. Default is no masking in this band. lycut : int, optional The width of a band in number of Fourier pixels to be masked in the ly direction. Default is no masking in this band. lmin : int, optional The radial distance in Fourier space below which all Fourier pixels are masked. Default is no masking. lmax : int, optional The radial distance in Fourier space above which all Fourier pixels are masked. Default is no masking. Returns ------- output : (Ny,Nx) ndarray A 2D array containing the Fourier space mask. """ output = np.ones(shape[-2:], dtype=int) if (lmin is not None) or (lmax is not None): modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs) if (lxcut is not None) or (lycut is not None): ly, lx = enmap.laxes(shape, wcs, oversample=1) if lmin is not None: output[np.where(modlmap <= lmin)] = 0 if lmax is not None: output[np.where(modlmap >= lmax)] = 0 if lxcut is not None: output[:, np.where(np.abs(lx) < lxcut)] = 0 if lycut is not None: output[np.where(np.abs(ly) < lycut), :] = 0 return output
def __init__(self,shape,wcs,theory,freqs,beams,noises,lknees,alphas,ellmins,ellmaxes): fgn = fg.fgNoises(cosmology.defaultConstants,ksz_file='/home/msyriac/repos/szar/input/ksz_BBPS.txt', ksz_p_file='/home/msyriac/repos/szar/input/ksz_p_BBPS.txt', tsz_cib_file='/home/msyriac/repos/szar/input/sz_x_cib_template.txt', ksz_battaglia_test_csv=None, tsz_battaglia_template_csv="/home/msyriac/repos/szar/input/sz_template_battaglia.csv", rs_template="/home/msyriac/repos/szar/input/fiducial_scalCls_lensed_5_5.txt", rsx_template="/home/msyriac/repos/szar/input/fiducial_scalCls_lensed_1_5.txt", components=['tsz','cibp','cibc','radps'],lmax=20000) self.modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape,wcs) modlmap = self.modlmap self.fgn = fgn lmax = self.modlmap.max() ells = np.arange(0,lmax,1) ps_cmb = theory.lCl('TT',modlmap).reshape((1,1,shape[-2],shape[-1])) self.ps_cmb = ps_cmb ps_y = fgn.tsz_template(ells).reshape((1,1,ells.size))*self.fgn.c['A_tsz']*2.*np.pi*np.nan_to_num(1./ells/(ells+1.)) ps_cibp = (fgn.c['A_cibp'] * ((ells/fgn.c['ell0sec'])) ** 2.0 *2.*np.pi*np.nan_to_num(1./ells/(ells+1.))).reshape((1,1,ells.size)) ps_cibc = (fgn.c['A_cibc'] * ((ells/fgn.c['ell0sec'])) ** (2.-fgn.c['n_cib']) * 2.*np.pi*np.nan_to_num(1./ells/(ells+1.))).reshape((1,1,ells.size)) ps_radps = (fgn.c['A_ps'] * ((ells/fgn.c['ell0sec'])) ** 2 * 2.*np.pi*np.nan_to_num(1./ells/(ells+1.))).reshape((1,1,ells.size)) self.cgen = maps.MapGen(shape[-2:],wcs,ps_cmb) self.tgen = maps.MapGen(shape[-2:],wcs,ps_y) self.cibpgen = maps.MapGen(shape[-2:],wcs,ps_cibp) self.cibcgen = maps.MapGen(shape[-2:],wcs,ps_cibc) self.radpsgen = maps.MapGen(shape[-2:],wcs,ps_radps) self.shape = shape ; self.wcs = wcs self.freqs = freqs self.kbeams = [] self.ngens = [] self.n2ds = [] for ai,nu in enumerate(self.freqs): self.kbeams.append(maps.gauss_beam(fwhm=beams[ai],ell=self.modlmap)) n2d = cosmology.noise_func(self.modlmap,0,noises[ai],lknee=lknees[ai],alpha=alphas[ai],dimensionless=False,TCMB=2.7255e6) n2d[modlmap<ellmins[ai]] = 0 n2d[modlmap>ellmaxes[ai]] = 0 n2dmod = n2d.copy() n2dmod[modlmap>ellmaxes[ai]] = 1e90 n2dmod[modlmap<ellmins[ai]] = 1e90 self.n2ds.append(n2dmod.copy()) ps_noise = n2d.reshape((1,1,shape[-2],shape[-1])) self.ngens.append(maps.MapGen(shape[-2:],wcs,ps_noise)) self.ellmins = ellmins self.ellmaxes = ellmaxes
def get_feed_dict(shape, wcs, theory, noise_t, noise_p, fwhm, gtfunc=None, split_estimator=False, noise_scale=1.): from pixell import enmap import symlens modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs) feed_dict = {} feed_dict['uC_T_T'] = theory.lCl( 'TT', modlmap) if (gtfunc is None) else gtfunc(modlmap) feed_dict['uC_T_E'] = theory.lCl('TE', modlmap) feed_dict['uC_E_E'] = theory.lCl('EE', modlmap) feed_dict['tC_T_T'] = theory.lCl( 'TT', modlmap) + (noise_t * np.pi / 180. / 60.)**2. / symlens.gauss_beam(modlmap, fwhm)**2. feed_dict['tC_T_E'] = theory.lCl('TE', modlmap) feed_dict['tC_E_E'] = theory.lCl( 'EE', modlmap) + (noise_p * np.pi / 180. / 60.)**2. / symlens.gauss_beam(modlmap, fwhm)**2. feed_dict['tC_B_B'] = theory.lCl( 'BB', modlmap) + (noise_p * np.pi / 180. / 60.)**2. / symlens.gauss_beam(modlmap, fwhm)**2. if split_estimator: ntt = 0 npp = 0 else: ntt = noise_scale * (noise_t * np.pi / 180. / 60.)**2. / symlens.gauss_beam(modlmap, fwhm)**2. npp = noise_scale * (noise_p * np.pi / 180. / 60.)**2. / symlens.gauss_beam(modlmap, fwhm)**2. feed_dict['nC_T_T'] = theory.lCl('TT', modlmap) + ntt feed_dict['nC_T_E'] = theory.lCl('TE', modlmap) feed_dict['nC_E_E'] = theory.lCl('EE', modlmap) + npp feed_dict['nC_B_B'] = theory.lCl('BB', modlmap) + npp return feed_dict
def util_bin_FFT_CAR(map1, map2, mask, beam1, beam2, lmax=8000): """Compute the FFTs, multiply, bin Beams are multiplied at bin centers. This is the worst job you could do for calculating power spectra. """ # beam_ells = np.arange(lmax+1) kmap1 = enmap.fft(map1 * mask, normalize="phys") kmap2 = enmap.fft(map2 * mask, normalize="phys") power = (kmap1 * np.conj(kmap2)).real bin_edges = np.arange(0, lmax, 40) centers = (bin_edges[1:] + bin_edges[:-1]) / 2.0 w2 = np.mean(mask**2.0) modlmap = enmap.modlmap(map1.shape, map1.wcs) binned_power = util_bin_FFTspec_CAR(power / w2, modlmap, bin_edges) binned_power *= beam1[centers.astype(int)] binned_power *= beam2[centers.astype(int)] return centers, binned_power
def __init__(self,shape,wcs,groups=None): # Symbolic self.l1x,self.l1y,self.l2x,self.l2y,self.l1,self.l2 = get_ells() self.Lx,self.Ly,self.L = get_Ls() if groups is None: groups = [self.Lx*self.Lx,self.Ly*self.Ly,self.Lx*self.Ly] self._default_groups = groups self.integrands = {} self.ul1s = {} self.ul2s = {} self.ogroups = {} self.ogroup_weights = {} self.ogroup_symbols = {} self.l1funcs = [] self.l2funcs = [] # Diagnostic self.nfft = 0 self.nifft = 0 # Numeric self.shape,self.wcs = shape,wcs self.modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape,wcs) self.lymap,self.lxmap = enmap.lmap(shape,wcs) self.pixarea =,wcs))
def test_lens_recon(): from orphics import lensing, io, cosmology, maps from enlib import bench deg = 10. px = 2.0 tellmin = 100 tellmax = 3000 kellmin = 40 kellmax = 3000 grad_cut = None bin_width = 80 beam_arcmin = 0.01 noise_uk_arcmin = 0.01 theory = cosmology.default_theory(lpad=30000) shape, wcs = s.rect_geometry(width_deg=deg, px_res_arcmin=px) flsims = lensing.FlatLensingSims(shape, wcs, theory, beam_arcmin, noise_uk_arcmin) kbeam = flsims.kbeam modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs) fc = maps.FourierCalc(shape, wcs) n2d = (noise_uk_arcmin * np.pi / 180. / 60.)**2. / flsims.kbeam**2. tmask = s.mask_kspace(shape, wcs, lmin=tellmin, lmax=tellmax) kmask = s.mask_kspace(shape, wcs, lmin=kellmin, lmax=kellmax) with"orphics init"): qest = lensing.qest(shape, wcs, theory, noise2d=n2d, kmask=tmask, kmask_K=kmask, pol=False, grad_cut=grad_cut, unlensed_equals_lensed=True, bigell=30000) bin_edges = np.arange(kellmin, kellmax, bin_width) binner = s.bin2D(modlmap, bin_edges) i = 0 unlensed, kappa, lensed, beamed, noise_map, observed = flsims.get_sim( seed_cmb=(i, 1), seed_kappa=(i, 2), seed_noise=(i, 3), lens_order=5, return_intermediate=True) kmap = enmap.fft(observed, normalize="phys") # _,kmap,_ = fc.power2d(observed) with"orphics"): kkappa = qest.kappa_from_map("TT", kmap / kbeam, alreadyFTed=True, returnFt=True) pir2d, kinput = fc.f1power(kappa, kkappa) pii2d = fc.f2power(kinput, kinput) prr2d = fc.f2power(kkappa, kkappa) cents, pir1d = binner.bin(pir2d) cents, pii1d = binner.bin(pii2d) cents, prr1d = binner.bin(prr2d) feed_dict = {} cltt = theory.lCl('TT', modlmap) feed_dict['uC_T_T'] = theory.lCl('TT', modlmap) feed_dict['tC_T_T'] = cltt + n2d feed_dict['X'] = kmap / kbeam feed_dict['Y'] = kmap / kbeam with"symlens init"): Al = s.A_l(shape, wcs, feed_dict, "hdv", "TT", xmask=tmask, ymask=tmask) Nl = s.N_l_from_A_l_optimal(shape, wcs, Al) with"symlens"): ukappa = s.unnormalized_quadratic_estimator(shape, wcs, feed_dict, "hdv", "TT", xmask=tmask, ymask=tmask) nkappa = Al * ukappa pir2d2 = fc.f2power(nkappa, kinput) cents, pir1d2 = binner.bin(pir2d2) cents, Nlkk = binner.bin(qest.N.Nlkk['TT']) cents, Nlkk2 = binner.bin(Nl) pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='linlog') pl.add(cents, pii1d, color='k', lw=3) pl.add(cents, pir1d, label='orphics') pl.add(cents, pir1d2, label='hdv symlens') pl.add(cents, Nlkk, ls="--", label='orphics') pl.add(cents, Nlkk2, ls="-.", label='symlens') pl.done("ncomp.png")
def get_maps(self, rot_angle1, rot_angle2, compts=None, use_sht=True, ret_alm=True, transfer=None, load_processed=False, save_processed=False, flux_cut=None): if compts is None: compts = self.compts shape, wcs = self.geometry nshape = (len(compts),) + shape[-2:] ret = enmap.zeros(nshape, wcs) if load_processed and not ret_alm: for i, compt_idx in enumerate(compts): input_file = self.get_fits_path(self.processed_dir, rot_angle1, rot_angle2, compt_idx) print("loading", input_file) temp = enmap.read_map(input_file) ret[i, ...] = enmap.extract(temp, shape, wcs).copy() del temp return ret else: for i, compt_idx in enumerate(compts): input_file = self.get_fits_path(self.input_dir, rot_angle1, rot_angle2, compt_idx) print("loading", input_file) alm = np.complex128(hp.read_alm(input_file, hdu=(1))) ret[i, ...] = curvedsky.alm2map(alm, enmap.zeros(nshape[1:], wcs)) del alm if compt_idx in self.highflux_cats: print("adding high flux cats") hiflux_cat = np.load(self.get_highflux_cat_path(compt_idx)) hiflux_cat[:, :2] = car2hp_coords(hiflux_cat[:, :2]) mat_rot, _, _ = hp.rotator.get_rotation_matrix( (rot_angle1 * * -1, rot_angle2 *, 0)) uvec = hp.ang2vec(hiflux_cat[:, 0], hiflux_cat[:, 1]) rot_vec = np.inner(mat_rot, uvec).T temppos = hp.vec2ang(rot_vec) rot_pos = np.zeros(hiflux_cat[:, :2].shape) rot_pos[:, 0] = temppos[0] rot_pos[:, 1] = temppos[1] rot_pos = hp2car_coords(rot_pos) del temppos rot_pix = np.round(enmap.sky2pix(nshape[-2:], wcs, rot_pos.T).T).astype( loc = np.where((rot_pix[:, 0] >= 0) & (rot_pix[:, 0] < nshape[-2]) & (rot_pix[:, 1] >= 0.) & ( rot_pix[:, 1] < nshape[-1])) hiflux_cat = hiflux_cat[loc[0], 2] rot_pix = rot_pix[loc[0], :] hiflux_map = enmap.zeros(nshape[-2:], wcs) hiflux_map[rot_pix[:, 0], rot_pix[:, 1]] = hiflux_cat if flux_cut is not None: tmin = flux_cut * 1e-3 * jysr2thermo(148) loc = np.where(hiflux_map > tmin) hiflux_map[loc] = 0 hiflux_map = hiflux_map / enmap.pixsizemap(shape, wcs) ret[i, ...] = ret[i, ...] + hiflux_map del hiflux_map alms = None if transfer is not None: l, f = transfer interp_func = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(l, f, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.) if use_sht: l_intp = np.arange(self.lmax + 1) f_int = interp_func(l_intp) alms = curvedsky.map2alm(ret, lmax=self.lmax, spin=0) for i in range(len(compts)): alms[i] = hp.almxfl(alms[i], f_int) ret = curvedsky.alm2map(alms, ret, spin=0) else: ftmap = enmap.fft(ret) f_int = interp_func(enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs).ravel()) ftmap = ftmap * np.reshape(f_int, (shape[-2:])) ret = enmap.ifft(ftmap).real; del ftmap if save_processed: raise NotImplemented() if ret_alm and alms is None: alms = curvedsky.map2alm(ret, lmax=self.lmax, spin=0) return ret if not ret_alm else (ret, alms)
def get_maps(self, rot_angle1, rot_angle2, compts=None, use_sht=True, ret_alm=True, transfer=None, load_processed=False, save_processed=False, flux_cut=None): if compts is None: compts = self.compts shape, wcs = self.geometry nshape = (len(compts),) + shape[-2:] ret = enmap.zeros(nshape, wcs) if load_processed and not ret_alm: for i, compt_idx in enumerate(compts): input_file = self.get_fits_path(self.processed_dir, rot_angle1, rot_angle2, compt_idx) print("loading", input_file) temp = enmap.read_map(input_file) ret[i, ...] = enmap.extract(temp, shape, wcs).copy() del temp return ret else: for i, compt_idx in enumerate(compts): if "pts" not in compt_idx: input_file = self.get_fits_path(self.input_dir, rot_angle1, rot_angle2, compt_idx) print("loading", input_file) alm = np.complex128(hp.read_alm(input_file, hdu=(1))) ret[i, ...] = curvedsky.alm2map(alm, enmap.zeros(nshape[1:], wcs)) else: input_file = self.get_fits_path(self.input_dir, rot_angle1, rot_angle2, compt_idx, fits_type="enmap") print("loading", input_file) temp = enmap.read_map(input_file) ret[i, ...] = enmap.extract(temp, shape, wcs).copy() del temp alms = None if transfer is not None: l, f = transfer interp_func = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(l, f, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.) if use_sht: l_intp = np.arange(self.lmax + 1) f_int = interp_func(l_intp) alms = curvedsky.map2alm(ret, lmax=self.lmax, spin=0) for i in range(len(compts)): alms[i] = hp.almxfl(alms[i], f_int) ret = curvedsky.alm2map(alms, ret, spin=0) else: ftmap = enmap.fft(ret) f_int = interp_func(enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs).ravel()) ftmap = ftmap * np.reshape(f_int, (shape[-2:])) ret = enmap.ifft(ftmap).real; del ftmap if save_processed: raise NotImplemented() if flux_cut is not None: flux_map = flux_cut / enmap.pixsizemap(shape, wcs) flux_map *= 1e-3 * jysr2thermo(148) for i, compt_idx in enumerate(compts): if "pts" not in compt_idx: continue loc = np.where(ret[i] > flux_map) ret[i][loc] = 0. del flux_map if ret_alm and alms is None: alms = curvedsky.map2alm(ret, lmax=self.lmax, spin=0) return ret if not ret_alm else (ret, alms)
def integrate(shape, wcs, feed_dict, expr, xmask=None, ymask=None, cache=True, validate=True, groups=None, pixel_units=False): """ Integrate an arbitrary expression after factorizing it. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple The shape of the array for the geometry of the footprint. Typically (...,Ny,Nx) for Ny pixels in the y-direction and Nx in the x-direction. wcs : :obj:`astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS` The wcs object completing the specification of the geometry of the footprint. feed_dict: dict Mapping from names of custom symbols to numpy arrays. expr: :obj:`sympy.core.symbol.Symbol` A sympy expression containing recognized symbols (see docs) xmask: (Ny,Nx) ndarray,optional Fourier space 2D mask for the l1 part of the integral. Defaults to ones. ymask: (Ny,Nx) ndarray, optional Fourier space 2D mask for the l2 part of the integral. Defaults to ones. cache: boolean, optional Whether to store in memory and reuse repeated terms. Defaults to true. validate: boolean,optional Whether to check that the final expression and the original agree. Defaults to True. groups: list,optional Group all terms such that they have common factors of the provided list of expressions to reduce the number of FFTs. pixel_units: boolean,optional Whether the input is in pixel units or not. Returns ------- result : (Ny,Nx) ndarray The numerical result of the integration of the expression after factorization. """ # Geometry modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs) lymap, lxmap = enmap.lmap(shape, wcs) pixarea =, wcs)) feed_dict['L'] = modlmap feed_dict['Ly'] = lymap feed_dict['Lx'] = lxmap shape = shape[-2:] ones = np.ones(shape, dtype=np.float32) val = 0. if xmask is None: xmask = ones if ymask is None: ymask = ones # Expression syms = expr.free_symbols l1funcs = [] l2funcs = [] for sym in syms: strsym = str(sym) if strsym[-3:] == "_l1": l1funcs.append(sym) elif strsym[-3:] == "_l2": l2funcs.append(sym) integrands,ul1s,ul2s, \ ogroups,ogroup_weights, \ ogroup_symbols = factorize_2d_convolution_integral(expr,l1funcs=l1funcs,l2funcs=l2funcs, validate=validate,groups=groups) def _fft(x): return fft(x + 0j) def _ifft(x): return ifft(x + 0j) if cache: cached_u1s = [] cached_u2s = [] for u1 in ul1s: l12d = evaluate(u1, feed_dict) * ones cached_u1s.append(_ifft(l12d * xmask)) for u2 in ul2s: l22d = evaluate(u2, feed_dict) * ones cached_u2s.append(_ifft(l22d * ymask)) # For each term, the index of which group it belongs to def get_l1l2(term): if cache: ifft1 = cached_u1s[term['l1index']] ifft2 = cached_u2s[term['l2index']] else: l12d = evaluate(term['l1'], feed_dict) * ones ifft1 = _ifft(l12d * xmask) l22d = evaluate(term['l2'], feed_dict) * ones ifft2 = _ifft(l22d * ymask) return ifft1, ifft2 if ogroups is None: for i, term in enumerate(integrands): ifft1, ifft2 = get_l1l2(term) ot2d = evaluate(term['other'], feed_dict) * ones ffft = _fft(ifft1 * ifft2) val += ot2d * ffft else: vals = np.zeros((len(ogroup_symbols), ) + shape, dtype=np.float32) + 0j for i, term in enumerate(integrands): ifft1, ifft2 = get_l1l2(term) gindex = ogroups[i] vals[gindex, ...] += ifft1 * ifft2 * ogroup_weights[i] for i, group in enumerate(ogroup_symbols): ot2d = evaluate(ogroup_symbols[i], feed_dict) * ones ffft = _fft(vals[i, ...]) val += ot2d * ffft mul = 1 if pixel_units else 1. / pixarea return val * mul
def calculate_yy(bin_edges,arrays,region,version,cov_versions,beam_version, effective_freq,overwrite,maxval,unsanitized_beam=False,do_weights=False, pa1_shift = None, pa2_shift = None, pa3_150_shift = None, pa3_090_shift = None, no_act_color_correction=False, ccor_exp = -1, sim_splits=None,unblind=False,all_analytic=False,beta_samples=None): """ We calculate the yy power spectrum as follows. We restrict the Fourier modes in our analysis to those within bin_edges. This way we don't carry irrelevant pixels and thus speed up the ability to MC. We accept two covariance versions in cov_versions, which correspond to [act_covariance_from_split_0,act_covariance_from_split_1,other_covs]. Thus the ACT auto covariances are pre-calculated """ arrays = arrays.split(',') narrays = len(arrays) if sim_splits is not None: assert not(unblind) def warn(): print("WARNING: no bandpass file found. Assuming array ",dm.c['id']," has no response to CMB, tSZ and CIB.") aspecs = tutils.ASpecs().get_specs bandpasses = not(effective_freq) savedir = tutils.get_save_path(version,region) assert len(cov_versions)==3 covdirs = [tutils.get_save_path(cov_versions[i],region) for i in range(3)] for covdir in covdirs: assert os.path.exists(covdir) if not(overwrite): assert not(os.path.exists(savedir)), \ "This version already exists on disk. Please use a different version identifier." try: os.makedirs(savedir) except: if overwrite: pass else: raise mask = enmap.read_map(covdir+"tilec_mask.fits") from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter as smooth pm = enmap.read_map("/scratch/r/rbond/msyriac/data/planck/data/pr2/COM_Mask_Lensing_2048_R2.00_car_deep56_interp_order0.fits") wcs = pm.wcs mask = enmap.enmap(smooth(pm,sigma=10),wcs) * mask shape,wcs = mask.shape,mask.wcs Ny,Nx = shape modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape,wcs) omodlmap = modlmap.copy() ells = np.arange(0,modlmap.max()) minell = maps.minimum_ell(shape,wcs) sel = np.where(np.logical_and(modlmap>=bin_edges[0]-minell,modlmap<=bin_edges[-1]+minell)) modlmap = modlmap[sel] bps = [] lbeams = [] kbeams = [] shifts = [] cfreqs = [] lmins = [] lmaxs = [] names = [] for i,qid in enumerate(arrays): dm = sints.models[sints.arrays(qid,'data_model')](region=mask,calibrated=True) if'act_mr3': season,array1,array2 = sints.arrays(qid,'season'),sints.arrays(qid,'array'),sints.arrays(qid,'freq') array = '_'.join([array1,array2]) elif'planck_hybrid': season,patch,array = None,None,sints.arrays(qid,'freq') else: raise ValueError lmin,lmax,hybrid,radial,friend,cfreq,fgroup,wrfit = aspecs(qid) lmins.append(lmin) lmaxs.append(lmax) names.append(qid) cfreqs.append(cfreq) if bandpasses: try: fname = dm.get_bandpass_file_name(array) bps.append("data/"+fname) if (pa1_shift is not None) and 'PA1' in fname: shifts.append(pa1_shift) elif (pa2_shift is not None) and 'PA2' in fname: shifts.append(pa2_shift) elif (pa3_150_shift is not None) and ('PA3' in fname) and ('150' in fname): shifts.append(pa3_150_shift) elif (pa3_090_shift is not None) and ('PA3' in fname) and ('090' in fname): shifts.append(pa3_90_shift) else: shifts.append(0) except: warn() bps.append(None) else: try: bps.append(cfreq) except: warn() bps.append(None) kbeam = tutils.get_kbeam(qid,modlmap,sanitize=not(unsanitized_beam),version=beam_version,planck_pixwin=True) if'act_mr3': lbeam = tutils.get_kbeam(qid,ells,sanitize=not(unsanitized_beam),version=beam_version,planck_pixwin=False) # note no pixwin but doesnt matter since no ccorr for planck elif'planck_hybrid': lbeam = None else: raise ValueError lbeams.append(lbeam) kbeams.append(kbeam.copy()) # Make responses responses = {} def _get_response(comp,param_override=None): if bandpasses: if no_act_color_correction: r = tfg.get_mix_bandpassed(bps, comp, bandpass_shifts=shifts, param_dict_override=param_override) else: r = tfg.get_mix_bandpassed(bps, comp, bandpass_shifts=shifts, ccor_cen_nus=cfreqs, ccor_beams=lbeams, ccor_exps = [ccor_exp] * narrays, param_dict_override=param_override) else: r = tfg.get_mix(bps, comp,param_dict_override=param_override) return r for comp in ['tSZ','CMB','CIB']: responses[comp] = _get_response(comp,None) from tilec.utils import is_planck ilcgens = [] okcoadds = [] for splitnum in range(2): covdir = covdirs[splitnum] kcoadds = [] for i,qid in enumerate(arrays): lmin = lmins[i] lmax = lmaxs[i] if is_planck(qid): dm = sints.models[sints.arrays(qid,'data_model')](region=mask,calibrated=True) _,kcoadd,_ = kspace.process(dm,region,qid,mask, skip_splits=True, splits_fname=sim_splits[i] if sim_splits is not None else None, inpaint=False,fn_beam = None, plot_inpaint_path = None, split_set=splitnum) else: kcoadd_name = covdir + "kcoadd_%s.npy" % qid kcoadd = enmap.enmap(np.load(kcoadd_name),wcs) kmask = maps.mask_kspace(shape,wcs,lmin=lmin,lmax=lmax) dtype = kcoadd.dtype kcoadds.append((kcoadd.copy()*kmask)[sel]) kcoadds = enmap.enmap(np.stack(kcoadds),wcs) okcoadds.append(kcoadds.copy()) # Read Covmat ctheory = ilc.CTheory(modlmap) nells = kcoadds[0].size cov = np.zeros((narrays,narrays,nells)) for aindex1 in range(narrays): for aindex2 in range(aindex1,narrays): qid1 = names[aindex1] qid2 = names[aindex2] if is_planck(names[aindex1]) or is_planck(names[aindex2]) or all_analytic: lmin,lmax,hybrid,radial,friend,f1,fgroup,wrfit = aspecs(qid1) lmin,lmax,hybrid,radial,friend,f2,fgroup,wrfit = aspecs(qid2) # If both are Planck and same array, get white noise from last bin icov = ctheory.get_theory_cls(f1,f2,a_cmb=1,a_gal=0.8)*kbeams[aindex1]*kbeams[aindex2] if aindex1==aindex2: pcov = enmap.enmap(np.load(covdirs[2]+"tilec_hybrid_covariance_%s_%s.npy" % (names[aindex1],names[aindex2])),wcs) pbin_edges = np.append(np.arange(500,3000,200) ,[3000,4000,5000,5800]) pbinner = stats.bin2D(omodlmap,pbin_edges) w = pbinner.bin(pcov)[1][-1] icov = icov + w else: icov = np.load(covdir+"tilec_hybrid_covariance_%s_%s.npy" % (names[aindex1],names[aindex2]))[sel] if aindex1==aindex2: icov[modlmap<lmins[aindex1]] = maxval icov[modlmap>lmaxs[aindex1]] = maxval cov[aindex1,aindex2] = icov cov[aindex2,aindex1] = icov assert np.all(np.isfinite(cov)) ilcgen = ilc.HILC(modlmap,np.stack(kbeams),cov=cov,responses=responses,invert=True) ilcgens.append(ilcgen) solutions = ['tSZ','tSZ-CMB','tSZ-CIB'] ypowers = {} w2 = np.mean(mask**2.) binner = stats.bin2D(modlmap,bin_edges) np.random.seed(100) blinding = np.random.uniform(0.8,1.2) if not(unblind) else 1 def _get_ypow(sname,dname,dresponse=None,dcmb=False): if dresponse is not None: assert dname is not None for splitnum in range(2): ilcgens[splitnum].add_response(dname,dresponse) ykmaps = [] for splitnum in range(2): if dcmb: assert dname is not None ykmap = ilcgens[splitnum].multi_constrained_map(okcoadds[splitnum],sname,[dname,"CMB"]) else: if dname is None: ykmap = ilcgens[splitnum].standard_map(okcoadds[splitnum],sname) else: ykmap = ilcgens[splitnum].constrained_map(okcoadds[splitnum],sname,dname) ykmaps.append(ykmap.copy()) ypower = (ykmaps[0]*ykmaps[1].conj()).real / w2 return binner.bin(ypower)[1] * blinding # The usual solutions for solution in solutions: sols = solution.split('-') if len(sols)==2: sname = sols[0] dname = sols[1] elif len(sols)==1: sname = sols[0] dname = None else: raise ValueError ypowers[solution] = _get_ypow(sname,dname,dresponse=None) # The CIB SED samples if beta_samples is not None: y_bsamples = [] y_bsamples_cmb = [] for beta in beta_samples: pdict = tfg.default_dict.copy() pdict['beta_CIB'] = beta response = _get_response("CIB",param_override=pdict) y_bsamples.append( _get_ypow("tSZ","iCIB",dresponse=response,dcmb=False) ) y_bsamples_cmb.append( _get_ypow("tSZ","iCIB",dresponse=response,dcmb=True) ) else: y_bsamples = None y_bsamples_cmb = None return binner.centers,ypowers,y_bsamples,y_bsamples_cmb
def build_and_save_ilc(arrays,region,version,cov_version,beam_version, solutions,beams,chunk_size, effective_freq,overwrite,maxval,unsanitized_beam=False,do_weights=False, pa1_shift = None, pa2_shift = None, pa3_150_shift = None, pa3_090_shift = None, no_act_color_correction=False, ccor_exp = -1, isotropize=False, isotropize_width=20): print("Chunk size is ", chunk_size*64./8./1024./1024./1024., " GB.") def warn(): print("WARNING: no bandpass file found. Assuming array ",dm.c['id']," has no response to CMB, tSZ and CIB.") aspecs = tutils.ASpecs().get_specs bandpasses = not(effective_freq) savedir = tutils.get_save_path(version,region) covdir = tutils.get_save_path(cov_version,region) assert os.path.exists(covdir) if not(overwrite): assert not(os.path.exists(savedir)), \ "This version already exists on disk. Please use a different version identifier." try: os.makedirs(savedir) except: if overwrite: pass else: raise mask = enmap.read_map(covdir+"tilec_mask.fits") shape,wcs = mask.shape,mask.wcs Ny,Nx = shape modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape,wcs) arrays = arrays.split(',') narrays = len(arrays) kcoadds = [] kbeams = [] bps = [] names = [] lmins = [] lmaxs = [] shifts = [] cfreqs = [] lbeams = [] ells = np.arange(0,modlmap.max()) for i,qid in enumerate(arrays): dm = sints.models[sints.arrays(qid,'data_model')](region=mask,calibrated=True) lmin,lmax,hybrid,radial,friend,cfreq,fgroup,wrfit = aspecs(qid) cfreqs.append(cfreq) lmins.append(lmin) lmaxs.append(lmax) names.append(qid) if'act_mr3': season,array1,array2 = sints.arrays(qid,'season'),sints.arrays(qid,'array'),sints.arrays(qid,'freq') array = '_'.join([array1,array2]) elif'planck_hybrid': season,patch,array = None,None,sints.arrays(qid,'freq') else: raise ValueError kcoadd_name = covdir + "kcoadd_%s.npy" % qid kmask = maps.mask_kspace(shape,wcs,lmin=lmin,lmax=lmax) kcoadd = enmap.enmap(np.load(kcoadd_name),wcs) dtype = kcoadd.dtype kcoadds.append(kcoadd.copy()*kmask) kbeam = tutils.get_kbeam(qid,modlmap,sanitize=not(unsanitized_beam),version=beam_version,planck_pixwin=True) if'act_mr3': lbeam = tutils.get_kbeam(qid,ells,sanitize=not(unsanitized_beam),version=beam_version,planck_pixwin=False) # note no pixwin but doesnt matter since no ccorr for planck elif'planck_hybrid': lbeam = None else: raise ValueError lbeams.append(lbeam) kbeams.append(kbeam.copy()) if bandpasses: try: fname = dm.get_bandpass_file_name(array) bps.append("data/"+fname) if (pa1_shift is not None) and 'PA1' in fname: shifts.append(pa1_shift) elif (pa2_shift is not None) and 'PA2' in fname: shifts.append(pa2_shift) elif (pa3_150_shift is not None) and ('PA3' in fname) and ('150' in fname): shifts.append(pa3_150_shift) elif (pa3_090_shift is not None) and ('PA3' in fname) and ('090' in fname): shifts.append(pa3_90_shift) else: shifts.append(0) except: warn() bps.append(None) else: try: bps.append(cfreq) except: warn() bps.append(None) kcoadds = enmap.enmap(np.stack(kcoadds),wcs) # Read Covmat cov = maps.SymMat(narrays,shape[-2:]) for aindex1 in range(narrays): for aindex2 in range(aindex1,narrays): icov = enmap.enmap(np.load(covdir+"tilec_hybrid_covariance_%s_%s.npy" % (names[aindex1],names[aindex2])),wcs) if isotropize: bin_edges = np.append([0.],np.arange(min(lmins),modlmap.max(),isotropize_width)) binner = stats.bin2D(modlmap,bin_edges) ls,c1d = binner.bin(icov) icov = maps.interp(ls,c1d)(modlmap) if aindex1==aindex2: icov[modlmap<lmins[aindex1]] = maxval icov[modlmap>lmaxs[aindex1]] = maxval cov[aindex1,aindex2] = icov = enmap.enmap(,wcs,copy=False) covfunc = lambda sel: cov.to_array(sel,flatten=True) assert[0]==((narrays*(narrays+1))/2) # FIXME: generalize assert np.all(np.isfinite( # Make responses responses = {} for comp in ['tSZ','CMB','CIB']: if bandpasses: if no_act_color_correction: responses[comp] = tfg.get_mix_bandpassed(bps, comp, bandpass_shifts=shifts) else: responses[comp] = tfg.get_mix_bandpassed(bps, comp, bandpass_shifts=shifts, ccor_cen_nus=cfreqs, ccor_beams=lbeams, ccor_exps = [ccor_exp] * narrays) else: responses[comp] = tfg.get_mix(bps, comp) ilcgen = ilc.chunked_ilc(modlmap,np.stack(kbeams),covfunc,chunk_size,responses=responses,invert=True) # Initialize containers solutions = solutions.split(',') data = {} kcoadds = kcoadds.reshape((narrays,Ny*Nx)) for solution in solutions: data[solution] = {} comps = solution.split('-') data[solution]['comps'] = comps if len(comps)<=2: data[solution]['noise'] = enmap.zeros((Ny*Nx),wcs) if len(comps)==2: data[solution]['cnoise'] = enmap.zeros((Ny*Nx),wcs) data[solution]['kmap'] = enmap.zeros((Ny*Nx),wcs,dtype=dtype) # FIXME: reduce dtype? if do_weights and len(comps)<=2: for qid in arrays: data[solution]['weight_%s' % qid] = enmap.zeros((Ny*Nx),wcs) for chunknum,(hilc,selchunk) in enumerate(ilcgen): print("ILC on chunk ", chunknum+1, " / ",int(modlmap.size/chunk_size)+1," ...") for solution in solutions: comps = data[solution]['comps'] if len(comps)==1: # GENERALIZE data[solution]['noise'][selchunk] = hilc.standard_noise(comps[0]) if do_weights: weight = hilc.standard_weight(comps[0]) data[solution]['kmap'][selchunk] = hilc.standard_map(kcoadds[...,selchunk],comps[0]) elif len(comps)==2: data[solution]['noise'][selchunk] = hilc.constrained_noise(comps[0],comps[1]) data[solution]['cnoise'][selchunk] = hilc.cross_noise(comps[0],comps[1]) ret = hilc.constrained_map(kcoadds[...,selchunk],comps[0],comps[1],return_weight=do_weights) if do_weights: data[solution]['kmap'][selchunk],weight = ret else: data[solution]['kmap'][selchunk] = ret elif len(comps)>2: data[solution]['kmap'][selchunk] = np.nan_to_num(hilc.multi_constrained_map(kcoadds[...,selchunk],comps[0],*comps[1:])) if len(comps)<=2 and do_weights: for qind,qid in enumerate(arrays): data[solution]['weight_%s' % qid][selchunk] = weight[qind] del ilcgen,cov # Reshape into maps name_map = {'CMB':'cmb','tSZ':'comptony','CIB':'cib'} beams = beams.split(',') for solution,beam in zip(solutions,beams): comps = "tilec_single_tile_"+region+"_" comps = comps + name_map[data[solution]['comps'][0]]+"_" if len(data[solution]['comps'])>1: comps = comps + "deprojects_"+ '_'.join([name_map[x] for x in data[solution]['comps'][1:]]) + "_" comps = comps + version if do_weights and len(data[solution]['comps'])<=2: for qind,qid in enumerate(arrays): enmap.write_map("%s/%s_%s_weight.fits" % (savedir,comps,qid), enmap.enmap(data[solution]['weight_%s' % qid].reshape((Ny,Nx)),wcs)) try: noise = enmap.enmap(data[solution]['noise'].reshape((Ny,Nx)),wcs) enmap.write_map("%s/%s_noise.fits" % (savedir,comps),noise) except: pass try: cnoise = enmap.enmap(data[solution]['cnoise'].reshape((Ny,Nx)),wcs) enmap.write_map("%s/%s_cross_noise.fits" % (savedir,comps),cnoise) except: pass ells = np.arange(0,modlmap.max(),1) try: fbeam = float(beam) kbeam = maps.gauss_beam(modlmap,fbeam) lbeam = maps.gauss_beam(ells,fbeam) except: qid = beam bfunc = lambda x: tutils.get_kbeam(qid,x,version=beam_version,sanitize=not(unsanitized_beam),planck_pixwin=False) kbeam = bfunc(modlmap) lbeam = bfunc(ells) kmap = enmap.enmap(data[solution]['kmap'].reshape((Ny,Nx)),wcs) smap = enmap.ifft(kbeam*kmap,normalize='phys').real enmap.write_map("%s/%s.fits" % (savedir,comps),smap) io.save_cols("%s/%s_beam.txt" % (savedir,comps),(ells,lbeam),header="ell beam") enmap.write_map(savedir+"/tilec_mask.fits",mask)
def noise_average(n2d,dfact=(16,16),lmin=300,lmax=8000,wnoise_annulus=500,bin_annulus=20, lknee_guess=3000,alpha_guess=-4,nparams=None,modlmap=None, verbose=False,method="fft",radial_fit=True, oshape=None,upsample=True,fill_lmax=None,fill_lmax_width=100): """Find the empirical mean noise binned in blocks of dfact[0] x dfact[1] . Preserves noise anisotropy. Most arguments are for the radial fitting part. A radial fit is divided out before downsampling (by default by FFT) and then multplied back with the radial fit. Watch for ringing in the final output. n2d noise power """ assert np.all(np.isfinite(n2d)) shape,wcs = n2d.shape,n2d.wcs minell = maps.minimum_ell(shape,wcs) if modlmap is None: modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape,wcs) Ny,Nx = shape[-2:] if radial_fit: if nparams is None: if verbose: print("Radial fitting...") nparams = fit_noise_1d(n2d,lmin=lmin,lmax=lmax,wnoise_annulus=wnoise_annulus, bin_annulus=bin_annulus,lknee_guess=lknee_guess,alpha_guess=alpha_guess) wfit,lfit,afit = nparams nfitted = rednoise(modlmap,wfit,lfit,afit) else: nparams = None nfitted = 1. nflat = enmap.enmap(np.nan_to_num(n2d/nfitted),wcs) # flattened 2d noise power if fill_lmax is not None: fill_avg = nflat[np.logical_and(modlmap>(fill_lmax-fill_lmax_width),modlmap<=fill_lmax)].mean() nflat[modlmap>fill_lmax] = fill_avg if oshape is None: oshape = (Ny//dfact[0],Nx//dfact[1]) if verbose: print("Resampling...") nint = enmap.resample(enmap.enmap(nflat,wcs), oshape, method=method) if not(upsample): if radial_fit: nshape,nwcs = nint.shape,nint.wcs modlmap = enmap.modlmap(nshape,nwcs) nfitted = rednoise(modlmap,wfit,lfit,afit) ndown = nint else: ndown = enmap.enmap(enmap.resample(nint,shape,method=method),wcs) outcov = ndown*nfitted outcov[modlmap<minell] = 0 #np.inf if fill_lmax is not None: outcov[modlmap>fill_lmax] = 0 # res,_ = curve_fit(ntemplatefunc,cents,dn1d,p0=[lknee_guess,alpha_guess],bounds=([lknee_min,alpha_min],[lknee_max,alpha_max])) # bad_ells = modlmap[np.isnan(outcov)] # for ell in bad_ells: # print(ell) # print(maps.minimum_ell(shape,wcs)) # from orphics import io # # io.hplot(enmap.enmap(np.fft.fftshift(np.log(n2d)),wcs),"fitnoise_npower.png") # # io.hplot(enmap.enmap(np.fft.fftshift(np.log(outcov)),wcs),"fitnoise_ndown.png") # io.plot_img(enmap.enmap(np.fft.fftshift(np.log(n2d)),wcs),"fitnoise_npower_lowres.png",aspect='auto')#,lim=[-20,-16]) # io.plot_img(enmap.enmap(np.fft.fftshift(np.log(ndown)),wcs),"fitnoise_ndown_lowres.png",aspect='auto')#,lim=[-20,-16]) # io.plot_img(enmap.enmap(np.fft.fftshift(np.log(outcov)),wcs),"fitnoise_outcov_lowres.png",aspect='auto')#,lim=[-20,-16]) # import time # t = time.time() # fbin_edges = np.arange(lmin,lmax,bin_annulus) # fbinner = stats.bin2D(modlmap,fbin_edges) # cents, n1d = fbinner.bin(n2d) # cents,dn1d = fbinner.bin(outcov) # pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='linlog',xlabel='l',ylabel='D',scalefn=lambda x: x**2./2./np.pi) # pl.add(cents,n1d) # pl.add(cents,dn1d,ls="--") # pl.done(os.environ['WORK']+"/fitnoise2_%s.png" % t) # sys.exit() assert not(np.any(np.isnan(outcov))) return outcov,nfitted,nparams
def test_pol(): from orphics import lensing, io, cosmology, maps est = "hu_ok" pols = ['TT', 'EE', 'TE', 'EB', 'TB'] # est = "hdv" # pols = ['TT','EE','TE','ET','EB','TB'] deg = 5. px = 2.0 tellmin = 30 tellmax = 3000 pellmin = 30 pellmax = 5000 kellmin = 10 kellmax = 5000 bin_width = 40 beam_arcmin = 1.5 noise_uk_arcmin = 10.0 theory = cosmology.default_theory(lpad=30000) shape, wcs = s.rect_geometry(width_deg=deg, px_res_arcmin=px) modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs) kbeam = s.gauss_beam(modlmap, beam_arcmin) n2d = (noise_uk_arcmin * np.pi / 180. / 60.)**2. / kbeam**2. tmask = s.mask_kspace(shape, wcs, lmin=tellmin, lmax=tellmax) pmask = s.mask_kspace(shape, wcs, lmin=pellmin, lmax=pellmax) kmask = s.mask_kspace(shape, wcs, lmin=kellmin, lmax=kellmax) bin_edges = np.arange(kellmin, kellmax, bin_width) binner = s.bin2D(modlmap, bin_edges) feed_dict = {} cltt = theory.lCl('TT', modlmap) clee = theory.lCl('EE', modlmap) clbb = theory.lCl('BB', modlmap) clte = theory.lCl('TE', modlmap) feed_dict['uC_T_T'] = cltt feed_dict['tC_T_T'] = (cltt + n2d) feed_dict['uC_E_E'] = clee feed_dict['tC_E_E'] = (clee + n2d * 2.) feed_dict['uC_B_B'] = clbb feed_dict['tC_B_B'] = (clbb + n2d * 2.) feed_dict['uC_T_E'] = clte feed_dict['tC_T_E'] = clte ells = np.arange(0, 10000, 1) pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglog') pl.add(ells, theory.gCl('kk', ells)) imask = {'T': tmask, 'E': pmask, 'B': pmask} for pol in pols: print(pol) X, Y = pol cents, Nl = binner.bin( s.N_l(shape, wcs, feed_dict, est, pol, xmask=imask[X], ymask=imask[Y])) pl.add(cents, Nl, label=pol) pl._ax.set_xlim(10, kellmax) pl.done("nls.png")
def getmodlmap(self, shape, wcs): return enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs)
def auto(self, Lmin, Lmax, delta_L): """ Get cutout reconstructed kappa auto-power or cross-power with input cutout kappa """ # for statistics st = stats.Stats() # Initialize upper-left pixel corner iy, ix = 0, 0 for itile in range(self.ntiles): # Get bottom-right pixel corner ey = iy + self.npix ex = ix + self.npix # Slice both cmb maps cut_cmb1 = self.cmb1[iy:ey, ix:ex] cut_cmb2 = self.cmb2[iy:ey, ix:ex] # Get geometry of the cutouts, I assume cut_cmb1 and cut_cmb2 have same geometry cut_shape = cut_cmb1.shape cut_wcs = cut_cmb1.wcs cut_modlmap = enmap.modlmap(cut_shape, cut_wcs) ells = np.arange(0, cut_modlmap.max() + 1, 1) ctt = self.theory.lCl('TT', ells) # Get taper for appodization taper, w2 = maps.get_taper_deg(cut_shape, cut_wcs) # Define feed_dict for symlens feed_dict = {} feed_dict['uC_T_T'] = utils.interp(ells, ctt)(cut_modlmap) feed_dict['tC_T_T'] = utils.interp(ells, ctt)(cut_modlmap) + ( self.nlev_t * np.pi / 180. / 60.)**2. / utils.gauss_beam( cut_modlmap, self.beam_arcmin)**2 # Get cmb mask cmask = utils.mask_kspace(cut_shape, cut_wcs, lmin=self.ellmin, lmax=self.ellmax) # Get mask for reconstruction kmask = utils.mask_kspace(cut_shape, cut_wcs, lmin=Lmin, lmax=Lmax) # Stride across the map, horizontally first and # increment vertically when at the end of a row if (itile + 1) % self.num_x != 0: ix = ix + self.npix else: ix = 0 iy = iy + self.npix # Apodize cutout CMB maps cut_cmb1 = taper * cut_cmb1 cut_cmb2 = taper * cut_cmb2 # Get the Fourier maps cut_cmb1_k = enmap.fft(cut_cmb1, normalize='phys') cut_cmb2_k = enmap.fft(cut_cmb2, normalize='phys') # Reconstruct kappa fourier maps cut_reckap1, noise_2d = cutout_rec(cut_shape, cut_wcs, feed_dict, cmask, kmask, cut_cmb1_k, cut_cmb1_k) cut_reckap2, noise_2d = cutout_rec(cut_shape, cut_wcs, feed_dict, cmask, kmask, cut_cmb2_k, cut_cmb2_k) # Get auto powerspectra center_L, cut_reckap1_x_reckap1 = powspec(cut_reckap1, cut_reckap1, taper, 4, cut_modlmap, Lmin, Lmax, delta_L) center_L, cut_reckap2_x_reckap2 = powspec(cut_reckap2, cut_reckap2, taper, 4, cut_modlmap, Lmin, Lmax, delta_L) # Get bias bias = (cut_reckap2_x_reckap2 - cut_reckap1_x_reckap1) / cut_reckap1_x_reckap1 # Add to stats st.add_to_stats('reckap1 x reckap1', cut_reckap1_x_reckap1) st.add_to_stats('reckap2 x reckap2', cut_reckap2_x_reckap2) st.add_to_stats('bias', bias) # Get spectra and bias statistics st.get_stats() return center_L, st
if nsims > 0: bin_edges = np.arange(40, 8000, 40) p1ds = [] for i in range(nsims): print("Sim %d of %d ..." % (i + 1, nsims)) with"simgen"): sims = ngen.generate_sim(season=season, patch=patch, array=array, seed=i, mask_patch=mask_patch) print(sims.nbytes / 1024. / 1024. / 1024., " GB", sims.shape, sims.dtype) if args.extract_mask is not None: ivars2 = enmap.extract(ivars, eshape, ewcs) modlmap = enmap.modlmap(eshape, ewcs) else: ivars2 = ivars if args.debug and i == 0: noise.plot(pout + "_sims", sims) if not (args.no_write): ngen.save_sims(i, sims, season, patch, array, coadd=coadd, mask_patch=mask_patch) n2d_sim = noise.get_n2d_data(sims, ivars2, emask,
def test_hdv_huok_planck(): from orphics import lensing, io, cosmology, maps shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(shape=(512, 512), res=2.0 * putils.arcmin, pos=(0, 0)) modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs) theory = cosmology.default_theory() ells = np.arange(0, 3000, 1) ctt = theory.lCl('TT', ells) # ps,_ = powspec.read_camb_scalar("tests/Aug6_highAcc_CDM_scalCls.dat") # ells = range(ps.shape[-1]) ## Build HuOk TT estimator f = s.Ldl1 * s.e('uC_T_T_l1') + s.Ldl2 * s.e('uC_T_T_l2') F = f / 2 / s.e('tC_T_T_l1') / s.e('tC_T_T_l2') expr1 = f * F feed_dict = {} feed_dict['uC_T_T'] = s.interp(ells, ctt)(modlmap) feed_dict['tC_T_T'] = s.interp(ells, ctt)(modlmap) + ( 33. * np.pi / 180. / 60.)**2. / s.gauss_beam(modlmap, 7.0)**2. tellmin = 10 tellmax = 3000 xmask = s.mask_kspace(shape, wcs, lmin=tellmin, lmax=tellmax) integral = s.integrate(shape, wcs, feed_dict, expr1, xmask=xmask, ymask=xmask).real Nl = modlmap**4. / integral / 4. bin_edges = np.arange(10, 3000, 40) binner = s.bin2D(modlmap, bin_edges) cents, nl1d = binner.bin(Nl) ## Build HDV TT estimator F = s.Ldl1 * s.e('uC_T_T_l1') / s.e('tC_T_T_l1') / s.e('tC_T_T_l2') expr1 = f * F integral = s.integrate(shape, wcs, feed_dict, expr1, xmask=xmask, ymask=xmask).real Nl = modlmap**4. / integral / 4. cents, nl1d2 = binner.bin(Nl) cents, nl1d3 = binner.bin( s.N_l_cross(shape, wcs, feed_dict, "hu_ok", "TT", "hu_ok", "TT", xmask=xmask, ymask=xmask)) cents, nl1d4 = binner.bin( s.N_l_cross(shape, wcs, feed_dict, "hdv", "TT", "hdv", "TT", xmask=xmask, ymask=xmask)) cents, nl1d5 = binner.bin( s.N_l(shape, wcs, feed_dict, "hu_ok", "TT", xmask=xmask, ymask=xmask)) cents, nl1d6 = binner.bin( s.N_l(shape, wcs, feed_dict, "hdv", "TT", xmask=xmask, ymask=xmask)) clkk = theory.gCl('kk', ells) pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='linlog') pl.add(cents, nl1d) pl.add(cents, nl1d2) # pl.add(cents,nl1d3) pl.add(cents, nl1d4) pl.add(cents, nl1d5) pl.add(cents, nl1d6) pl.add(ells, clkk) pl.done("plcomp.png")
lmax=lmax_A) #Leg1, Leg2, for estimator B LoadB = u.LoadfftedMaps(mapsObj=mapsObjB, WR=WR, ConvertingObj=C, changemap=changemap, getfft=u.fft, lmax=lmax_B) if i == iMin: #Get shape and wcs shape = LoadA.read_shape() lonCenter, latCenter = 0, 0 shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(shape=shape, res=1. * putils.arcmin, pos=(lonCenter, latCenter)) modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs) #Binner Binner = u.Binner(shape, wcs, lmin=10, lmax=4000, deltal=deltal, log=logmode, nBins=nlogBins) feed_dict = u.Loadfeed_dict(pathlib.Path(spectra_path), field_names_A, field_names_B, modlmap) #NOTE, THIS SHOULD BE OUTSIDE THE IF #BUT IF iMax = iMin+1 , then it should be fine, will make code a bit faster
def test_shear(): from orphics import lensing, io, cosmology, maps deg = 20. px = 2.0 tellmin = 30 tellmax = 3500 kellmin = 10 kellmax = 3000 bin_width = 20 beam_arcmin = 1.4 noise_uk_arcmin = 7.0 theory = cosmology.default_theory(lpad=30000) shape, wcs = s.rect_geometry(width_deg=deg, px_res_arcmin=px) flsims = lensing.FlatLensingSims(shape, wcs, theory, beam_arcmin, noise_uk_arcmin) kbeam = flsims.kbeam modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs) fc = maps.FourierCalc(shape, wcs) n2d = (noise_uk_arcmin * np.pi / 180. / 60.)**2. / flsims.kbeam**2. tmask = s.mask_kspace(shape, wcs, lmin=tellmin, lmax=tellmax) kmask = s.mask_kspace(shape, wcs, lmin=kellmin, lmax=kellmax) bin_edges = np.arange(kellmin, kellmax, bin_width) binner = s.bin2D(modlmap, bin_edges) i = 0 unlensed, kappa, lensed, beamed, noise_map, observed = flsims.get_sim( seed_cmb=(i, 1), seed_kappa=(i, 2), seed_noise=(i, 3), lens_order=5, return_intermediate=True) _, kmap, _ = fc.power2d(observed) pii2d, kinput, _ = fc.power2d(kappa) feed_dict = {} cltt = theory.lCl('TT', modlmap) feed_dict['uC_T_T'] = theory.lCl('TT', modlmap) feed_dict['tC_T_T'] = (cltt + n2d) feed_dict['X'] = kmap / kbeam feed_dict['Y'] = kmap / kbeam ells = np.arange(0, 10000, 1) ucltt = theory.lCl('TT', ells) feed_dict['duC_T_T'] = s.interp(ells, np.gradient(np.log(ucltt), np.log(ells)))(modlmap) sAl = s.A_l(shape, wcs, feed_dict, "shear", "TT", xmask=tmask, ymask=tmask) sNl = s.N_l(shape, wcs, feed_dict, "shear", "TT", xmask=tmask, ymask=tmask, Al=sAl) sukappa = s.unnormalized_quadratic_estimator(shape, wcs, feed_dict, "shear", "TT", xmask=tmask, ymask=tmask) snkappa = sAl * sukappa pir2d3 = fc.f2power(snkappa, kinput) cents, pir1d3 = binner.bin(pir2d3) cents, pii1d = binner.bin(pii2d) cents, prr1d = binner.bin(fc.f2power(snkappa, snkappa)) cents, Nlkk3 = binner.bin(sNl) pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglog') pl.add(ells, theory.gCl('kk', ells)) pl.add(cents, pii1d, color='k', lw=3) pl.add(cents, pir1d3, label='shear') pl.add(cents, prr1d) pl.add(cents, Nlkk3, ls=":") pl._ax.set_xlim(10, 3500) pl.done("ncomp.png")