def test_1388055(self): """ """ # This bug is about being able to resume a session despite job database # modification. Let's assume the following session first: # - desired job list: [a] # - run list [a_dep, a] (computed) # - job_repr: {a_dep: checksum} job_a = make_job(id='a', depends='a_dep') job_a_dep = make_job(id='a_dep') state = SessionState([job_a, job_a_dep]) state.update_desired_job_list([job_a]) self.assertEqual(state.run_list, [job_a_dep, job_a]) self.assertEqual(state.desired_job_list, [job_a]) helper = SessionSuspendHelper4() session_dir = None # Mock away the meta-data as we're not testing that with mock.patch.object(helper, '_repr_SessionMetaData') as m: m.return_value = 'mocked' actual = helper._repr_SessionState(state, session_dir) expected = { 'jobs': { job_a_dep.checksum, job_a.checksum, }, 'desired_job_list': [], 'mandatory_job_list': [], 'results': {}, 'metadata': 'mocked' } self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def test_repr_SessionState_typical_session(self): """ verify the representation of a SessionState with some unused jobs Unused jobs should just have no representation. Their checksum should not be mentioned. Their results (empty results) should be ignored. """ used_job = JobDefinition({ "plugin": "shell", "id": "used", "command": "echo 'hello world'", }) unused_job = JobDefinition({ "plugin": "shell", "id": "unused", "command": "echo 'hello world'", }) used_result = MemoryJobResult({ "io_log": [ (0.0, "stdout", b'hello world\n'), ], 'outcome': IJobResult.OUTCOME_PASS }) session_state = SessionState([used_job, unused_job]) session_state.update_desired_job_list([used_job]) session_state.update_job_result(used_job, used_result) data = self.helper._repr_SessionState(session_state, self.session_dir) self.assertEqual( data, { 'jobs': { 'used': ('8c393c19fdfde1b6afc5b79d0a1617ecf7531cd832a16450dc' '2f3f50d329d373') }, 'results': { 'used': [{ 'comments': None, 'execution_duration': None, 'io_log': [[0.0, 'stdout', 'aGVsbG8gd29ybGQK']], 'outcome': 'pass', 'return_code': None }] }, 'desired_job_list': ['used'], 'mandatory_job_list': [], 'metadata': { 'title': None, 'flags': [], 'running_job_name': None, 'app_blob': '', 'app_id': None, 'custom_joblist': False, 'rejected_jobs': [] }, })
class GeneratedJobSuspendTests(TestCase): """ Tests that check how SessionSuspendHelper behaves when faced with generated jobs. This tests sets up the following job hierarchy: __category__ \-> generator \-> generated The "__category__" job is a typical "catter" job that cats an existing job from somewhere else in the filesystem. This type of generated job is used often for category assignment. The "generator" job is a typical non-catter job that actually creates new jobs in some way. In this test it generates a job called "generated". """ def setUp(self): # Crete a "__category__" job self.category_job = JobDefinition({ "plugin": "local", "id": "__category__" }) # Create a "generator" job self.generator_job = JobDefinition({ "plugin": "local", "id": "generator" }) # Keep a variable for the (future) generated job self.generated_job = None # Create a result for the "__category__" job. # It must define a verbatim copy of the "generator" job self.category_result = MemoryJobResult({ "io_log": [ (0.0, "stdout", b'plugin:local\n'), (0.1, "stdout", b'id:generator\n'), ] }) # Create a result for the "generator" job. # It will define the "generated" job self.generator_result = MemoryJobResult({ "io_log": [(0.0, 'stdout', b'id:generated')] }) # Create a session that knows about the two jobs that exist # directly as files (__category__ and generator) self.session_state = SessionState([ self.category_job, self.generator_job]) # Select both of them for execution. self.session_state.update_desired_job_list([ self.category_job, self.generator_job]) # "execute" the "__category__" job by showing the session the result self.session_state.update_job_result( self.category_job, self.category_result) # Ensure that the generator job gained the "via" attribute # This is how we know the code above has no typos or anything. self.assertEqual( self.generator_job.via, self.category_job.checksum) # "execute" the "generator" job by showing the session the result. # Connect the 'on_job_added' signal to a helper function that # extracts the "generated" job def job_added(self, job): self.generated_job = job # Use partial to supply 'self' from the class into the function above self.session_state.on_job_added.connect(partial(job_added, self)) # Show the result of the "generator" job to the session, # this will define the "generated" job, fire the signal # and call our callback self.session_state.update_job_result( self.generator_job, self.generator_result) # Ensure that we got the generated_job variable assigned # (by the event/signal handled above) self.assertIsNot(self.generated_job, None) # Now the stage is set for testing. Let's create the suspend helper # and use the data we've defined so far to create JSON-friendly # description of the session state. self.helper = SessionSuspendHelper1() = self.helper._repr_SessionState(self.session_state) def test_state_tracked_for_all_jobs(self): """ verify that 'state' keeps track of all three jobs """ self.assertIn(,['jobs']) self.assertIn(,['jobs']) self.assertIn(,['jobs']) def test_category_job_result_is_saved(self): """ verify that the 'category' job result was saved """ # This result is essential to re-create the association # with the 'generator' job. In theory we could get it from # the 'via' attribute but that is only true for category assignment # where the child job already exists and is defined on the # filesystem. This would not work in the case of truly generated jobs # so for consistency it is done the same way. self.assertEqual(['results']['__category__'], [{ 'comments': None, 'execution_duration': None, 'outcome': None, 'return_code': None, 'io_log': [ [0.0, 'stdout', 'cGx1Z2luOmxvY2FsCg=='], [0.1, 'stdout', 'aWQ6Z2VuZXJhdG9yCg=='] ] }] ) def test_generator_job_result_is_saved(self): """ verify that the 'generator' job result was saved """ self.assertEqual(['results']['generator'], [{ 'comments': None, 'execution_duration': None, 'outcome': None, 'return_code': None, 'io_log': [ [0.0, 'stdout', 'aWQ6Z2VuZXJhdGVk'], ] }] ) def test_generated_job_result_is_saved(self): """ verify that the 'generated' job result was saved """ # This is the implicit "empty" result that all jobs have self.assertEqual(['results']['generated'], [{ 'comments': None, 'execution_duration': None, 'outcome': None, 'return_code': None, 'io_log': [] }] ) def test_sanity_check(self): """ verify that the whole suspend data looks right """ # This test is pretty much a "eyeball" inspection test # where we can see everything at a glance and not have to # deduce how each part looks like from the tests above. # # All the data below is verbatim copy of the generated suspend data # that was created when this test was written. The only modification # was wrapping of the checksums in ( ) to make them wrap correctly # so that the file can stay PEP-8 clean self.maxDiff = None self.assertEqual(, { 'jobs': { '__category__': ( 'e2475434e4c0b2c825541430e526fe0565780dfeb67' '050f3b7f3453aa3cc439b'), 'generator': ( 'b2aa7b7c4298678cebfdbe30f4aae5be97d320910a5' 'b4dd312606099f35c03b6'), 'generated': ( '57b395e91bb4af94143eb19586bd18e4013efc5e60d' '6050d9ec0bea15dd19489'), }, 'results': { '__category__': [{ 'comments': None, 'execution_duration': None, 'io_log': [ [0.0, 'stdout', 'cGx1Z2luOmxvY2FsCg=='], [0.1, 'stdout', 'aWQ6Z2VuZXJhdG9yCg==']], 'outcome': None, 'return_code': None, }], 'generator': [{ 'comments': None, 'execution_duration': None, 'io_log': [ [0.0, 'stdout', 'aWQ6Z2VuZXJhdGVk']], 'outcome': None, 'return_code': None, }], 'generated': [{ 'comments': None, 'execution_duration': None, 'io_log': [], 'outcome': None, 'return_code': None, }] }, 'desired_job_list': ['__category__', 'generator'], 'metadata': { 'flags': [], 'running_job_name': None, 'title': None }, })
class GeneratedJobSuspendTests(TestCase): """ Tests that check how SessionSuspendHelper behaves when faced with generated jobs. This tests sets up the following job hierarchy: __category__ \-> generator \-> generated The "__category__" job is a typical "catter" job that cats an existing job from somewhere else in the filesystem. This type of generated job is used often for category assignment. The "generator" job is a typical non-catter job that actually creates new jobs in some way. In this test it generates a job called "generated". """ def setUp(self): # Crete a "__category__" job self.category_job = JobDefinition({ "plugin": "local", "name": "__category__" }) # Create a "generator" job self.generator_job = JobDefinition({ "plugin": "local", "name": "generator" }) # Keep a variable for the (future) generated job self.generated_job = None # Create a result for the "__category__" job. # It must define a verbatim copy of the "generator" job self.category_result = MemoryJobResult({ "io_log": [ (0.0, "stdout", b'plugin:local\n'), (0.1, "stdout", b'name:generator\n'), ] }) # Create a result for the "generator" job. # It will define the "generated" job self.generator_result = MemoryJobResult({ "io_log": [(0.0, 'stdout', b'name:generated')] }) # Create a session that knows about the two jobs that exist # directly as files (__category__ and generator) self.session_state = SessionState([ self.category_job, self.generator_job]) # Select both of them for execution. self.session_state.update_desired_job_list([ self.category_job, self.generator_job]) # "execute" the "__category__" job by showing the session the result self.session_state.update_job_result( self.category_job, self.category_result) # Ensure that the generator job gained the "via" attribute # This is how we know the code above has no typos or anything. self.assertEqual( self.generator_job.via, self.category_job.get_checksum()) # "execute" the "generator" job by showing the session the result. # Connect the 'on_job_added' signal to a helper function that # extracts the "generated" job def job_added(self, job): self.generated_job = job # Use partial to supply 'self' from the class into the function above self.session_state.on_job_added.connect(partial(job_added, self)) # Show the result of the "generator" job to the session, # this will define the "generated" job, fire the signal # and call our callback self.session_state.update_job_result( self.generator_job, self.generator_result) # Ensure that we got the generated_job variable assigned # (by the event/signal handled above) self.assertIsNot(self.generated_job, None) # Now the stage is set for testing. Let's create the suspend helper # and use the data we've defined so far to create JSON-friendly # description of the session state. self.helper = SessionSuspendHelper() = self.helper._repr_SessionState(self.session_state) def test_state_tracked_for_all_jobs(self): """ verify that 'state' keeps track of all three jobs """ self.assertIn(,['jobs']) self.assertIn(,['jobs']) self.assertIn(,['jobs']) def test_category_job_result_is_saved(self): """ verify that the 'category' job result was saved """ # This result is essential to re-create the association # with the 'generator' job. In theory we could get it from # the 'via' attribute but that is only true for category assignment # where the child job already exists and is defined on the # filesystem. This would not work in the case of truly generated jobs # so for consistency it is done the same way. self.assertEqual(['results']['__category__'], [{ 'comments': None, 'execution_duration': None, 'outcome': None, 'return_code': None, 'io_log': [ [0.0, 'stdout', 'cGx1Z2luOmxvY2FsCg=='], [0.1, 'stdout', 'bmFtZTpnZW5lcmF0b3IK'] ] }] ) def test_generator_job_result_is_saved(self): """ verify that the 'generator' job result was saved """ self.assertEqual(['results']['generator'], [{ 'comments': None, 'execution_duration': None, 'outcome': None, 'return_code': None, 'io_log': [ [0.0, 'stdout', 'bmFtZTpnZW5lcmF0ZWQ='], ] }] ) def test_generated_job_result_is_saved(self): """ verify that the 'generated' job result was saved """ # This is the implicit "empty" result that all jobs have self.assertEqual(['results']['generated'], [{ 'comments': None, 'execution_duration': None, 'outcome': None, 'return_code': None, 'io_log': [] }] ) def test_sanity_check(self): """ verify that the whole suspend data looks right """ # This test is pretty much a "eyeball" inspection test # where we can see everything at a glance and not have to # deduce how each part looks like from the tests above. # # All the data below is verbatim copy of the generated suspend data # that was created when this test was written. The only modification # was wrapping of the checksums in ( ) to make them wrap correctly # so that the file can stay PEP-8 clean self.maxDiff = None self.assertEqual(, { 'jobs': { '__category__': ( '5267192a5eac9288d144242d800b981eeca476c17e0' 'dd32a09c4b3ea0a14f955'), 'generator': ( '7e67e23b7e7a6a5803721a9f282c0e88c7f40bae470' '950f880e419bb9c7665d8'), 'generated': ( 'bfee8c57b6adc9f0f281b59fe818de2ed98b6affb78' '9cf4fbf282d89453190d3'), }, 'results': { '__category__': [{ 'comments': None, 'execution_duration': None, 'io_log': [ [0.0, 'stdout', 'cGx1Z2luOmxvY2FsCg=='], [0.1, 'stdout', 'bmFtZTpnZW5lcmF0b3IK']], 'outcome': None, 'return_code': None, }], 'generator': [{ 'comments': None, 'execution_duration': None, 'io_log': [ [0.0, 'stdout', 'bmFtZTpnZW5lcmF0ZWQ=']], 'outcome': None, 'return_code': None, }], 'generated': [{ 'comments': None, 'execution_duration': None, 'io_log': [], 'outcome': None, 'return_code': None, }] }, 'desired_job_list': ['__category__', 'generator'], 'metadata': { 'flags': [], 'running_job_name': None, 'title': None }, })
class GeneratedJobSuspendTests(TestCase): """ Tests that check how SessionSuspendHelper behaves when faced with generated jobs. This tests sets up the following job hierarchy: __category__ \-> generator \-> generated The "__category__" job is a typical "catter" job that cats an existing job from somewhere else in the filesystem. This type of generated job is used often for category assignment. The "generator" job is a typical non-catter job that actually creates new jobs in some way. In this test it generates a job called "generated". """ def setUp(self): # Crete a "__category__" job self.category_job = JobDefinition({ "plugin": "local", "id": "__category__" }) # Create a "generator" job self.generator_job = JobDefinition({ "plugin": "local", "id": "generator" }) # Keep a variable for the (future) generated job self.generated_job = None # Create a result for the "__category__" job. # It must define a verbatim copy of the "generator" job self.category_result = MemoryJobResult({ "io_log": [ (0.0, "stdout", b'plugin:local\n'), (0.1, "stdout", b'id:generator\n'), ] }) # Create a result for the "generator" job. # It will define the "generated" job self.generator_result = MemoryJobResult( {"io_log": [(0.0, 'stdout', b'id:generated')]}) # Create a session that knows about the two jobs that exist # directly as files (__category__ and generator) self.session_state = SessionState( [self.category_job, self.generator_job]) # Select both of them for execution. self.session_state.update_desired_job_list( [self.category_job, self.generator_job]) # "execute" the "__category__" job by showing the session the result self.session_state.update_job_result(self.category_job, self.category_result) # Ensure that the generator job gained the "via" attribute # This is how we know the code above has no typos or anything. self.assertEqual(self.generator_job.via, self.category_job.checksum) # "execute" the "generator" job by showing the session the result. # Connect the 'on_job_added' signal to a helper function that # extracts the "generated" job def job_added(self, job): self.generated_job = job # Use partial to supply 'self' from the class into the function above self.session_state.on_job_added.connect(partial(job_added, self)) # Show the result of the "generator" job to the session, # this will define the "generated" job, fire the signal # and call our callback self.session_state.update_job_result(self.generator_job, self.generator_result) # Ensure that we got the generated_job variable assigned # (by the event/signal handled above) self.assertIsNot(self.generated_job, None) # Now the stage is set for testing. Let's create the suspend helper # and use the data we've defined so far to create JSON-friendly # description of the session state. self.helper = SessionSuspendHelper1() = self.helper._repr_SessionState(self.session_state) def test_state_tracked_for_all_jobs(self): """ verify that 'state' keeps track of all three jobs """ self.assertIn(,['jobs']) self.assertIn(,['jobs']) self.assertIn(,['jobs']) def test_category_job_result_is_saved(self): """ verify that the 'category' job result was saved """ # This result is essential to re-create the association # with the 'generator' job. In theory we could get it from # the 'via' attribute but that is only true for category assignment # where the child job already exists and is defined on the # filesystem. This would not work in the case of truly generated jobs # so for consistency it is done the same way. self.assertEqual(['results']['__category__'], [{ 'comments': None, 'execution_duration': None, 'outcome': None, 'return_code': None, 'io_log': [[0.0, 'stdout', 'cGx1Z2luOmxvY2FsCg=='], [0.1, 'stdout', 'aWQ6Z2VuZXJhdG9yCg==']] }]) def test_generator_job_result_is_saved(self): """ verify that the 'generator' job result was saved """ self.assertEqual(['results']['generator'], [{ 'comments': None, 'execution_duration': None, 'outcome': None, 'return_code': None, 'io_log': [ [0.0, 'stdout', 'aWQ6Z2VuZXJhdGVk'], ] }]) def test_generated_job_result_is_saved(self): """ verify that the 'generated' job result was saved """ # This is the implicit "empty" result that all jobs have self.assertEqual(['results']['generated'], [{ 'comments': None, 'execution_duration': None, 'outcome': None, 'return_code': None, 'io_log': [] }]) def test_sanity_check(self): """ verify that the whole suspend data looks right """ # This test is pretty much a "eyeball" inspection test # where we can see everything at a glance and not have to # deduce how each part looks like from the tests above. # # All the data below is verbatim copy of the generated suspend data # that was created when this test was written. The only modification # was wrapping of the checksums in ( ) to make them wrap correctly # so that the file can stay PEP-8 clean self.maxDiff = None self.assertEqual(, { 'jobs': { '__category__': ('e2475434e4c0b2c825541430e526fe0565780dfeb67' '050f3b7f3453aa3cc439b'), 'generator': ('b2aa7b7c4298678cebfdbe30f4aae5be97d320910a5' 'b4dd312606099f35c03b6'), 'generated': ('57b395e91bb4af94143eb19586bd18e4013efc5e60d' '6050d9ec0bea15dd19489'), }, 'results': { '__category__': [{ 'comments': None, 'execution_duration': None, 'io_log': [[0.0, 'stdout', 'cGx1Z2luOmxvY2FsCg=='], [0.1, 'stdout', 'aWQ6Z2VuZXJhdG9yCg==']], 'outcome': None, 'return_code': None, }], 'generator': [ { 'comments': None, 'execution_duration': None, 'io_log': [[0.0, 'stdout', 'aWQ6Z2VuZXJhdGVk']], 'outcome': None, 'return_code': None, } ], 'generated': [{ 'comments': None, 'execution_duration': None, 'io_log': [], 'outcome': None, 'return_code': None, }] }, 'desired_job_list': ['__category__', 'generator'], 'metadata': { 'flags': [], 'running_job_name': None, 'title': None }, })