def parse_molecule_traj(file_traj): """ Read Molecules from the *.traj file. """ mols = manyXYZ(file_traj) # Last geometry corresponds to the optimized structure opt_mol = mols[-1] plams_mol = Molecule() for at in opt_mol: symb = at.symbol cs = plams_mol.add_atom(Atom(symbol=symb, coords=tuple(cs))) return plams_mol
def rdkit2plams(rdkit_mol): """ Translate an RDKit molecule into a PLAMS molecule type """ plams_mol = Molecule() total_charge = 0 Chem.Kekulize(rdkit_mol) conf = rdkit_mol.GetConformer() for atom in rdkit_mol.GetAtoms(): pos = conf.GetAtomPosition(atom.GetIdx()) ch = atom.GetFormalCharge() plams_mol.add_atom( Atom(atom.GetAtomicNum(), coords=(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z), charge=ch)) total_charge += ch for bond in rdkit_mol.GetBonds(): at1 = plams_mol.atoms[bond.GetBeginAtomIdx()] at2 = plams_mol.atoms[bond.GetEndAtomIdx()] plams_mol.add_bond(Bond(at1, at2, bond.GetBondTypeAsDouble())) plams_mol.charge = total_charge for propname in rdkit_mol.GetPropNames():[propname] = rdkit_mol.GetProp(propname) return plams_mol
def string_array_to_molecule(parser_fun, file_name): """ Convert a Numpy string array like: [['C', '-1.487460', '-0.028670', '-0.000060'], ['O', '0.376340', '0.028670', '-0.000060'], ['H', '-1.818910', '-1.067060', '-0.000060'], ['H', '-1.866470', '0.473700', '0.889930'], ['H', '-1.866470', '0.473700', '-0.890040'], ['H', '0.756720', '-0.950010', '-0.000060']] To a plams ``Molecule``. """ string_array_to_float = np.vectorize(float) mols = parse_file(parser_fun, file_name).asList() last_mol = np.array(mols[-1]) elems = last_mol[:, 0] coords = string_array_to_float(last_mol[:, 1:]) plams_mol = Molecule() for e, c in zip(elems, coords): plams_mol.add_atom(Atom(symbol=e, coords=tuple(c))) return plams_mol