def main():
    g = gclib.py()  #make an instance of the gclib python class

        print('gclib version:', g.GVersion())

        #  Connect
        g.GOpen(' --direct -s ALL')
        #g.GOpen(' --direct -s ALL')
        #g.GOpen('COM1 --direct')

        #Motion Complete

        c = g.GCommand

        c('AB')  #abort motion and program
        c('MO')  #turn off all motors
        c('SH')  #servo on

        #you should put some logic here or somewhere else that makes it always start at the same encoder position for each axis,
        #it seems like wherever it is right now when it turns on is set as the 0 position.

        location = "UCSB"
        cbody = "Sun"

        az, el = planets.getlocation(location, cbody)

        #figure out how to put this into a seperate script and call it, because ill need to redo this after every horizontal scan
        #the issue is putting gclib stuff in a seperate script
        degtoctsAZ = 1024000 / 360
        degtoctsE = 4096 / 360

        #where you are currently
        P1AZ = float(c('TPX'))
        P1E = float(c('TPY'))
        print 'AZ_0:', P1AZ % 1024000 / degtoctsAZ, 'Elev_0:', P1E % 4096 / degtoctsE

        #az el you want to go to
        AZ = az
        E = el
        #convert to cts
        P2AZ = AZ % 360 * degtoctsAZ
        P2E = E % 360 * degtoctsE

        #azimuth settings
        azSP = 90 * degtoctsAZ  # 90 deg/sec
        azD = (P2AZ - P1AZ)  # move to desired az

        #elevation settings
        elevSP = 180 * degtoctsE  # x degrees/sec
        elevD = (P2E - P1E)  # move to desired elev

        c('SPA=' + str(azSP))  #speed, cts/sec
        c('PRA=' + str(azD))  #relative move
        print(' Starting Motion...')
        c('BGA')  #begin motion

        c('SPB=' + str(elevSP))  #elevation speed
        c('PRB=' + str(elevD))  # change the elevation by x deg
        print(' done.')

        #count += 1

        print 'AZ_f:', P2AZ / degtoctsAZ, 'Elev_f:', P2E / degtoctsE

        #P2A = float(c('TPX'))
        #deltaA = (P2A - P1A) / degtoctsA
        #print 'delta A:', deltaA

        del c  #delete the alias

    # except handler
    except gclib.GclibError as e:
        print('Unexpected GclibError:', e)

        g.GClose()  #don't forget to close connections!

def linearScan(location, cbody, numAzScans, MinAz, MaxAz, c):

        #print('gclib version:', g.GVersion())
        #g.GOpen('COM1 --direct')

        c = c

        # deg to ct conversion for each motor
        degtoctsAZ = config.degtoctsAZ
        degtoctsEl = config.degtoctsEl

        #azimuth scan settings
        azSP = config.azSP  # az scan speed, 90 deg/sec
        azAC = config.azAC  # acceleration
        azDC = config.azDC  # deceleration

        #gclib/galil commands to set az axis motor motion
        c('ACA=' + str(azAC))  #acceleration, cts/sec
        c('DCA=' + str(azDC))  #deceleration, cts/sec

        MinCT = MinAz * degtoctsAZ  # min az scanned to
        MaxCT = MaxAz * degtoctsAZ  # max az scanned to

        #loop through back and forth azimuth scans
        for i in range(0, numAzScans):

            #find az, el of various sky objects
            az, el = planets.getlocation(location, cbody)

            print('%s az, el: ' % cbody, az, el)

            #keep the telescope from pointing below the horizon
            if el < 0. or el > 180.:
                    'Warning, this elevation is below the horizon, your going to break the telescope...'

            #forward scan
            if (i % 2) == 0:

                moveto.location(az + MinAz, el, c)

                #gclib/galil commands to move az axis motor
                c('SPA=' + str(azSP))  #speed, cts/sec
                c('PRA=' + str(MaxCT - MinCT))  #relative move
                print(' Starting forward pass: '******'BGA')  #begin motion

                #if it hasnt reached its intended position,
                #its because I stopped it and the function should end
                if c('MG _SCA') != '1.0000':

                #c('AMA') # wait for motion to complete

                #g.GMotionComplete('A') # I don't know what this does
                print(' done.')

            #backwards scan

                moveto.location(az + MaxAz, el, c)

                #gclib/galil commands to move az axis motor
                c('SPA=' + str(azSP))  #speed, cts/sec
                c('PRA=' +
                  str(MinCT -
                      MaxCT))  #relative move, 1024000 cts = 360 degrees
                print(' Starting backward pass: '******'BGA')  #begin motion
                #c('AMA') #wait for motion to complete

                #if it hasnt reached its intended position,
                #its because I stopped it and the function should end
                if c('MG _SCA') != '1.0000':

                print(' done.')

        del c  #delete the alias

    # except handler
    except gclib.GclibError as e:

        print('Unexpected GclibError:', e)
