    def grid_plan(self, data,local_start, local_goal, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE):
        print('Simple Grid-based Planning selected')
        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(north_offset, east_offset))

        # convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start = ( int(local_start[0]) - north_offset, int(local_start[1]) - east_offset)
        grid_goal = ( int(local_goal[0]) - north_offset, int(local_goal[1]) - east_offset )

        # make sure goal point is not inside an obstacle or safety margin
        if (grid[grid_goal[0]][grid_goal[1]] == 1):
            print("Invalid goal point: Aborting")
        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)

        # Prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        if (args.prune == 'collinearity'):
            print('Pruning path with collinearity check')
            path = collinearity_prune(path)
        elif (args.prune == 'bresenham'):
            print('Pruning path with bresenham')
            path = bresenham_prune(path,grid)
            print('Unrecognized prune option returning full path')

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in path]

        return waypoints
    def run(self):
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        TARGET_ALTITUDE = 0.01
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,
        #         print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(north_offset, east_offset))
        home_lon, home_lat = -122.397450, 37.792480,
        self.global_home = (home_lon, home_lat)
        grid_start = (0 - north_offset, 0 - east_offset)

        grid_goal = (900, 522)
        grid_goal = lontat2grid(
            [-1.22396533e+02, 3.77977389e+01, -1.00000000e-02], north_offset,
            east_offset, self.global_home)

        #         grid_goal = (276 , 116)
        #         grid_goal = lontat2grid([-1.22401189e+02,  3.77921385e+01, -1.00000000e-02], north_offset, east_offset, self.global_home)

        #         grid_goal = (531, 13)
        #         grid_goal = lontat2grid([-1.22402341e+02,  3.77944427e+01, -1.00000000e-02], north_offset, east_offset, self.global_home)

        print("grid_start={}, grid_goal={}".format(grid_start, grid_goal))

        self.grid2lonlat(grid_goal, north_offset, east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE)

        b_show_map = False

        if b_show_map:
            self.show_map(grid, grid_start, grid_goal)

#         path = raw_grid_method(grid, grid_start, grid_goal, check_linear = False)

#         path, skeleton, start_ne, goal_ne = media_axis_method(grid, grid_start, grid_goal, check_linear = False)
#         self.show_media_axis(grid, skeleton, start_ne, goal_ne, path)

        path, edges, start_ne, start_ne_g, goal_ne, goal_ne_g = voronoi_method(
        self.show_voronoi(grid, edges, start_ne, start_ne_g, goal_ne,
                          goal_ne_g, path)

        if len(path) == 0:
            print("failed to find the path!!!")
        self.show_map(grid, grid_start, grid_goal, path)

def create_graph(data, alt, safety_distance):
    returns a graph over open space given occupancy grid
        data - occupancy data
        alt - drone altitude
        safety_distance - safety distance from obstacle
        graph structure over unobstructed space
    # get occupancy grid and offsets.
    grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, alt, safety_distance)

    # find object centers
    centers = get_object_centers(data, (north_offset, east_offset), alt,

    # create Voronoi object
    voronoi = Voronoi(centers)

    # find clear edges
    edges = find_open_edges(voronoi, grid)

    # return graph and offsets
    return (create_graph_from_edges(edges), north_offset, east_offset)
    def __init__(self, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE):


        n_samples = 300

        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,
        print("grid# = {0}".format(len(grid)))
        print("grid shape = {0}".format(grid.shape))
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        with open('colliders.csv') as f:
            first_line = f.readline().strip()
        latlon = first_line.split(',')
        self.lon0 = float(latlon[0].strip().split(' ')[1])
        self.lat0 = float(latlon[1].strip().split(' ')[1])

        self.grid = grid
        self.grid_shape = grid.shape
        self.north_offset = north_offset
        self.east_offset = east_offset
        self.polygons = self.extract_polygons(data)
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        with open('colliders.csv') as f:
            home_pos_data = f.readline().split(",")
        lat0 = float(home_pos_data[0].strip().split(" ")[1])
        lon0 = float(home_pos_data[1].strip().split(" ")[1])
        print(lat0, lon0)
        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)

        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        global_pos = [self._longitude, self._latitude, self._altitude]
        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        local_pos = global_to_local(global_pos, self.global_home)
        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(self.global_home, self.global_position,
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows=2)
        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        grid_start = (-north_offset, -east_offset)
        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start = (int(local_pos[0]-north_offset), int(local_pos[1]- east_offset))
	# Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        grid_goal = (-north_offset + 10, -east_offset + 10)
	# TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        goal_pos = global_to_local([-122.400886, 37.795174, self._altitude], self.global_home)
        grid_goal = (int(goal_pos[0]-north_offset), int(goal_pos[1]-east_offset))

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        path = prune_path(path)
	# TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
    def _plan_helix(self):

        # Starting at flying altitude
        # self.target_position[2] = 10

        with open('colliders.csv') as f:
            _, lat0, _, lon0 = f.readline().replace(",", " ").replace("\n", "").split()

        # Set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(float(lon0), float(lat0), 0)

        # To NED
        local_pos = global_to_local(self.global_position, self.global_home)

        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows=2)

        # Is TARGET_ALTITUDE necessary?
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)

        # Define starting point on the grid, grid center
        grid_start = (int(-north_offset + local_pos[0]), int(-east_offset + local_pos[1]))

        # wayps = generate_helix(3, (-north_offset, -east_offset), (0, 0, 200))
        wayps = generate_helix(3, (0, 0), (0, 0, 20))

        print("wayps", wayps)

        # if waypoint list is empty don't do it

        # self.waypoints = []
        self.waypoints = wayps
    def plan_medial_axis(self, data,local_start, local_goal, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE):
        print('Medial-Axis planning')

        # create grid and skeleton
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(north_offset, east_offset))
        skeleton = medial_axis(invert(grid))
        print('Skeleton generated') 

        # calculate the closest start/goal points on the "graph"
        start_ne = ( local_start[0] - north_offset, local_start[1] - east_offset)
        goal_ne = ( local_goal[0] - north_offset, local_goal[1] - east_offset)
        skel_start, skel_goal = find_start_goal(skeleton, start_ne, goal_ne)
        # run A* to search for the goal along the road network
        path, cost = a_star(invert(skeleton).astype(np.int), heuristic, tuple(skel_start), tuple(skel_goal))

        # Prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        if (args.prune == 'collinearity'):
            print('Pruning path with collinearity check')
            path = collinearity_prune(path)
        elif (args.prune == 'bresenham'):
            print('Pruning path with bresenham')
            path = bresenham_prune(path,grid)
            print('Unrecognized prune option returning full path')

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[int(p[0]) + north_offset,int(p[1]) + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in path]

        return waypoints
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")
        TARGET_ALTITUDE = 10
        GOAL_LAT = 37.797638
        GOAL_LON = -122.394808

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='U16', usecols = (0, 1))
        lat0 = np.float64(data[0, 0].split(' ')[1])
        lon0 = np.float64(data[0, 1].split(' ')[2])
        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)
        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        global_pos = self.global_position
        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        local_pos = global_to_local(global_pos, self.global_home)
        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(self.global_home, self.global_position,
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows = 2)
        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start = (int(-north_offset + local_pos[0]), int(-east_offset + local_pos[1]))
        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        local_goal = global_to_local([GOAL_LON, GOAL_LAT, 0], self.global_home)
        grid_goal = (int(-north_offset + local_goal[0]), int(-east_offset + local_goal[1]))

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!
        pruned_path =  copy.deepcopy(path)
        for i in range(1, len(path) - 1):
            p1 = path[i-1]
            p2 = path[i]
            p3 = path[i+1]
            det = p1[0]*(p2[1] - p3[1]) + p2[0]*(p3[1] - p1[1]) + p3[0]*(p1[1] - p2[1])
            if det == 0:
        path = pruned_path
        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        fileptr = open('colliders.csv')
        latitudeLongitudeArr = fileptr.readline().rstrip().replace('lat0','').replace('lon0','').split(',')
        lat0 = float(latitudeLongitudeArr[0])
        lon0 = float(latitudeLongitudeArr[1])
        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)
        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        global_position = self.global_position
        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        north, east, down = global_to_local(global_position,self.global_home)
        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(self.global_home, self.global_position,
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows=2)
        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        grid_start = (int(np.ceil(north - north_offset)), int(np.ceil(east - east_offset)))
        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        if len(self.target_global_position) == 0:
            lon0t = (lon0 + self.targetlongitudeDelta)
            lat0t = (lat0 + self.targetlatitudeDelta)
            print('Target Longitude and latitude: ', lon0t, lat0t)
            northg, eastg, downg = global_to_local([lon0t,lat0t,self.global_home[2]],self.global_home)
            self.target_global_position[2] = self.global_home[2]
            northg, eastg, downg = global_to_local(self.target_global_position,self.global_home)

        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        grid_goal = (int(np.ceil(northg - north_offset)),int(np.ceil(eastg - east_offset)))
        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!
        path = collinearity_prune(path)
        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # Read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        lat0, lon0 = read_home('colliders.csv')

        # Set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)

        # Convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        current_position = [self._longitude, self._latitude, self._altitude]
        self._north, self._east, self._down = global_to_local(
            current_position, self.global_home)
        print('global home: {0}, global pos: {1}, local pos: {2}'.format(
            self.global_home, self.global_position, self.local_position))
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,
        print("North offset: {0}, East offset: {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))

        # Define starting point on the grid
        grid_start = (int(np.ceil(-north_offset + self.local_position[0])),
                      int(np.ceil(-east_offset + self.local_position[1])))

        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        local_target_position = global_to_local(self.global_target_position,
        grid_goal = (int(np.ceil(-north_offset + local_target_position[0])),
                     int(np.ceil(-east_offset + local_target_position[1])))

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)

        # Prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        pruned_path = prune_path(path)
        print('Length of pruned path: {}'.format(len(pruned_path)))

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[
            p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0
        ] for p in path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # Send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
def main():
    data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',
    grid, north_offset, east_offset = planning_utils.create_grid(data, 5, 5)
    print('data: {}'.format(grid.shape))
    #grid_start = (-north_offset, -east_offset)
    # grid_goal   = (-north_offset + 50, -east_offset + 50)
    grid_start = planning_utils.random_free_location_in_grid(grid)
    grid_goal = planning_utils.random_free_location_in_grid(grid)
    print('grid_start: {} grid_goal: {}'.format(grid_start, grid_goal))

    path, path_cost = planning_utils.a_star(grid, planning_utils.heuristic,
                                            grid_start, grid_goal)
    print('path: {} path_cost: {}'.format(len(path), path_cost))
    # path = planning_utils.prune_path(path)
    # print("pruned_path: {}".format(len(path)))
    smoothed_path = planning_utils.smooth_path(grid, path)
    print("smoothed_path: {}".format(len(smoothed_path)))

    greedy_path = planning_utils.greedy_smooth_path(grid, smoothed_path)
    print('greedy_path: {}'.format(len(greedy_path)))

    if True:
        plt.imshow(grid, cmap='Greys', origin='lower')

        for i in range(len(path) - 1):
            p1 = path[i]
            p2 = path[i + 1]
            plt.plot([p1[1], p2[1]], [p1[0], p2[0]], 'b-')

        for i in range(len(smoothed_path) - 1):
            p1 = smoothed_path[i]
            p2 = smoothed_path[i + 1]
            plt.plot([p1[1], p2[1]], [p1[0], p2[0]], 'g-')

        for i in range(len(greedy_path) - 1):
            p1 = greedy_path[i]
            p2 = greedy_path[i + 1]
            plt.plot([p1[1], p2[1]], [p1[0], p2[0]], 'r-')

        # plot in x and y
        plt.plot(grid_start[1], grid_start[0], 'rx')
        plt.plot(grid_goal[1], grid_goal[0], 'gx')

        # plt.plot([grid_start[1], grid_goal[1]], [grid_start[0], grid_goal[0]], 'g-')

        # zoom up to the area
        # plt.xlim((grid_start[1] - 10, grid_goal[1] + 10))
        # plt.ylim((grid_start[0] - 10, grid_goal[0] + 10))

        plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 12, 12
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values

        # TODO: set home position to (lat0, lon0, 0)

        # TODO: retrieve current global position

        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()

        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(
            self.global_home, self.global_position, self.local_position))
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',
        # Determine offsets between grid and map
        north_offset = int(np.abs(np.min(data[:, 0])))
        east_offset = int(np.abs(np.min(data[:, 1])))

        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        grid_start = (north_offset, east_offset)
        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        #start = (int(current_local_pos[0]+north_offset), int(current_local_pos[1]+east_offset))

        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        grid_goal = (north_offset + 10, east_offset + 10)
        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)

        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [(p[0] - north_offset, p[1] - east_offset,
                      TARGET_ALTITUDE + 1) for p in path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        colliders_file = 'colliders.csv'

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        lat0, lon0 = read_home(colliders_file)
        print(f'Home lat : {lat0}, lon : {lon0}')

        # # # TODO: set home position to (lat0, lon0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)

        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        local_north, local_east, local_down = global_to_local(self.global_position, self.global_home)
        print(f'Local => north : {local_north}, east : {local_east}, down : {local_down}')

        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(self.global_home, self.global_position,
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt(colliders_file, delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows=3)

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        grid_start_north = int(np.ceil(local_north - north_offset))
        grid_start_east = int(np.ceil(local_east - east_offset))
        grid_start = (grid_start_north, grid_start_east)

        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        goal_north, goal_east, goal_alt = global_to_local(self.goal_global_position, self.global_home)
        grid_goal = (int(np.ceil(goal_north - north_offset)), int(np.ceil(goal_east - east_offset)))
        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)

        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        path = collinearity_prune(path)
        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!
        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[int(p[0] + north_offset), int(p[1] + east_offset), TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        lat_lon_data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', usecols=(0, 1), delimiter=',', dtype='str')

        # read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        lat0 = float(lat_lon_data[0,0][5:])
        lon0 = float(lat_lon_data[0,1][5:])
        # set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)

        # retrieve current global position
        current_global_position = self.global_position

        # convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        current_local_position = global_to_local(current_global_position, self.global_home)
        print("current local position: ", current_local_position[0], " ", current_local_position[1])

        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(self.global_home, self.global_position,
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows=2)

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(north_offset, east_offset))

        # convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start = (int(current_local_position[0])-north_offset, int(current_local_position[1])-east_offset)

        # set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        lon_goal = -122.3961
        lat_goal = 37.7940

        goal_global = np.array([lon_goal, lat_goal, 0])
        goal_local = global_to_local(goal_global, self.global_home)
        grid_goal = (int(goal_local[0])-north_offset, int(goal_local[1])-east_offset)

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        # prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        pruned_path = prune_path(path)

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in pruned_path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        file = open('colliders.csv', 'r')
        reader = csv.reader(file)
        header = next(reader)
        lat0, lon0 = [float(header[i].split()[1]) for i, j in enumerate(header)]
        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        global_home = (lon0, lat0, 0)
        print("global home is ", global_home)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)

        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        global_position = (self._longitude, self._latitude, self._altitude)
        # print(global_position)
        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        local_position = global_to_local(global_position, global_home)
        local_north, local_east, local_down = local_position
        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(self.global_home, self.global_position,
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows=2)
        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start = (-north_offset + int(local_north), -east_offset + int(local_east))
        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid

        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        goal_north, goal_east, goal_alt = global_to_local([-122.400150, 37.796005, TARGET_ALTITUDE], self.global_home)
        grid_goal = (int(np.ceil((-north_offset + goal_north))), int(np.ceil(-east_offset + goal_east)))
        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        pruned_path = prune_path(path)
        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in pruned_path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
    def plan_path(self):
        print("Searching for a path ...")
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        self.target_position[2] = self.TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # Read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values, and set home position
        with open('colliders.csv', 'r') as f:
            latlon_string = f.readline()

        m = re.search('lat0 (?P<lat>-*\d+.\d+), lon0 (?P<lon>-*\d+.\d+)\n',
        lat0, lon0 = [m.group('lat'), m.group('lon')]
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)

        # Convert current posiiton to local frame
        local_position = global_to_local(self.global_position,

        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(
            self.global_home, self.global_position, self.local_position))

        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data,
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))

        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        grid_start = local_to_grid(local_position, north_offset, east_offset)

        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        local_goal = global_to_local(self.GOAL_LATLON, self.global_home)
        grid_goal = local_to_grid(local_goal, north_offset, east_offset)

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        pruned_path = prune(path)

        # Convert path to waypoints
        print("Path computed, publishing waypoints...")
        waypoints = [[
            p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, self.TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0
        ] for p in pruned_path]

        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
    def plan_path(self):
        def local_to_grid(local_coord):
            Convert a local frame to a grid frame location
            return (int(np.ceil(local_coord[0] - north_offset)),
                    int(np.ceil(local_coord[1] - east_offset)))

        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        local = global_to_local(self.global_position, self.global_home)

        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(
            self.global_home, self.global_position, self.local_position))
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid
        grid_start = local_to_grid(local)

        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        grid_goal = (grid_start[0] + 10, grid_start[1] - 10
                     )  #(-north_offset + 10, -east_offset + 10)
        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[
            p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0
        ] for p in path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        with open('colliders.csv') as f:
            first_line = f.readline()
        items = first_line.split(',')

        lat0 = float(items[0].split()[1])
        lon0 = float(items[1].split()[1])

        # set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)
        # retrieve current global position
        print ("current global position:", self.global_position)

        local_pos = global_to_local(self.global_position, self.global_home)
        print("current local position", local_pos)
        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(self.global_home, self.global_position,
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows=2)

        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(north_offset, east_offset))
        # Set goal: latitude / longitude
        goal_lon = -122.398470
        goal_lat = 37.793445
        local_goal = global_to_local((goal_lon, goal_lat, 0), self.global_home)
        grid_start = (int(local_pos[0])-north_offset, int(local_pos[1])-east_offset)
        grid_goal = (int(local_goal[0]-north_offset), int(local_goal[1]-east_offset))

        # Adapt to set goal as position and convert

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        if grid_start[0] != grid_goal[0] or grid_start[1] != grid_goal[1]:
            path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)

            # prune path to minimize number of waypoints
            pruned_path = self.prune_path(path)
            print ("prunned path is :", pruned_path)
            if len(pruned_path):
                # Convert path to waypoints
                waypoints = [[p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in pruned_path]
                # Set self.waypoints
                self.waypoints = waypoints
                # send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE
        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        lat_lon = pd.read_csv('colliders.csv')
        lat = float(lat_lon.columns[0][5:])
        lon = float(lat_lon.columns[1][6:])
        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position = (lon, lat, 0)
        print("home position set to {0}, {1}".format(lon,lat))
        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        local_north, local_east, local_down = global_to_local(self.global_position, self.global_home)
        print("local position set to {0}, {1}, {2}".format(local_north,local_east,local_down))       
        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        local_coordinates_NED = global_to_local( self.global_position, self.global_home)
        print('local_coordinates_NED {0}'.format(local_coordinates_NED))

        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(self.global_home, self.global_position,
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='Float64',skiprows=2)
        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        #grid_start = (-north_offset, -east_offset)
        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start = (int(np.ceil(local_north - north_offset)), int(np.ceil(local_east - east_offset)))
        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        goal = global_to_local(self.goal_position,self.global_home)
        grid_goal = ( int(np.ceil(goal[0]-north_offset)), int(np.ceil(goal[1]-east_offset)))
        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert

        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        print('path: ',path)
        pruned_path = prune_path(path)
        print('pruned path: ',pruned_path)
        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!
        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in pruned_path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
def test():
    data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',
    grid, _, _ = create_grid(data, 5, 5)
    grid_start = (316, 445)
    grid_goal = (268, 790)
    find_path_using_grid(grid, grid_start, grid_goal)
    find_path_using_graph(grid, grid_start, grid_goal)
    def _get_grid_and_centers(self, drone_altitude):
        grid, _ = create_grid(self._cdata.data, drone_altitude,

        centers = self._cdata.data[:, 0:2].tolist()
        height = self._cdata.data[:,
                                  2] + self._cdata.data[:,
                                                        5] + self._safety_distance
        centers = list(compress(centers, (height > drone_altitude).tolist()))

        return grid, centers
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")
        TARGET_ALTITUDE = 20
        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # Setting the home position based on the latitude and longitude given
        # on the first line of colliders.csv
        file = 'colliders.csv'
        latlon = []
        latlon = open(file).readline().split()
        lat_h, lon_h = float(latlon[1].replace(',', '')), float(latlon[3])
        self.set_home_position(lon_h, lat_h, 0.0)
        global_position = self.global_position

        # creating a 2D grid from the colliders.csv
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',
        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,

        # Acquiring start and goal position
        grid_start_latlon = (self._longitude, self._latitude, self._altitude)
        grid_start_l = global_to_local(grid_start_latlon, self.global_home)
        grid_start = (int(grid_start_l[0]) - north_offset,
                      int(grid_start_l[1]) - east_offset)

        goal_lon = input('Goal longitude: ')  #goal_lon = -122.396071
        goal_lat = input('Goal latitude: ')  #goal_lat = 37.793077
        goal_position = (float(goal_lon), float(goal_lat), 0.0)
        grid_goal_l = global_to_local(goal_position, self.global_home)
        grid_goal = (int(grid_goal_l[0]) - north_offset,
                     int(grid_goal_l[1]) - east_offset)

        print('Local Start: ', grid_start)
        print('Local Goal: ', grid_goal)

        # path planning and pruning using collinearity check and bresenham
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        pruned_path = prune_path(path, grid)
        print('Path length: ', len(pruned_path))
        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[
            p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0
        ] for p in pruned_path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values        
        lat0, lon0 = self.get_global_home_from_file()
        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0)
        # TODO: retrieve current global position        
        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        local_position = global_to_local(self.global_position, self.global_home)        
        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(self.global_home, self.global_position,
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows=2)
        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start = (int(local_position[0])-north_offset, int(local_position[1])-east_offset)        
        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        # grid_goal = (grid_start[0] + 10, grid_start[1] + 10)
        # TODO: adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        goal_geo = np.array([-122.401763, 37.795809, 0])
        local_goal = global_to_local(goal_geo, self.global_home)
        grid_goal = (int(local_goal[0])-north_offset, int(local_goal[1])-east_offset)
        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        print('Path length: {0}'.format(len(path)))
        # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!
        I have implemented both Collinearity and Bresenham methods to prune the path.
        You can call either below to test
        # pruned_path = prune_coll(path)
        pruned_path = prune_bres(path, grid)
        print('Pruned-path length: {0}'.format(len(pruned_path)))
        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in pruned_path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
    def get_grid_start_and_goal_position(
        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = plu.create_grid(
            input_data, target_altitude, safety_distance)

        # retrieve current global position
        current_global_position = [
            self._longitude, self._latitude, self._altitude

        # convert to current local position relative to new global home based on colliders.csv using global_to_local()
        curr_local_position_rel_new_global_home = global_to_local(
            current_global_position, self.global_home)

        # Define starting point on the grid
        grid_start = (int(np.floor(

        if use_gedoetic_frame_for_goal_position:
            goal_position_valid = False
            count = 0
            max_proposals_allowed = 30
            while not goal_position_valid or count < max_proposals_allowed:
                goal_lon = np.random.uniform(-122.42, -122.3)
                goal_lat = np.random.uniform(37.7, 37.82)
                goal_position_valid, local_goal_position = self.is_goal_position_within_grid_boundaries(
                    goal_lon, goal_lat, 0.0, north_offset, east_offset)

                if (goal_position_valid):
                    grid_goal = (int(np.floor(local_goal_position[0])),
                    count += 1
            if not goal_position_valid:
                print("no valid goal position found")
            # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
            goal_north_position = np.random.randint(0, 2 * abs(north_offset))
            goal_east_position = np.random.randint(0, 2 * abs(east_offset))
            grid_goal = (goal_north_position, goal_east_position,

        return grid, north_offset, east_offset, grid_start, grid_goal
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values

        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        if (self.set_home):
            self.set_home_position(self.init_long, self.init_lat, 0)
        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        global_position = self.global_position

        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        north, east, att = global_to_local(self.global_position,
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',
        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE,

        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
            north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        grid_start = (-north_offset, -east_offset)

        # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start = (int(north - north_offset), int(east - east_offset))

        #new_start=self.sub_plan(grid_start, -122.397632,37.793108,2,data)
        #point2=self.sub_plan(new_start, -122.398017,37.795503,100,data)
        #point3=self.sub_plan(point2, -122.394965,37.796663,200,data)
        old_start = grid_start
        alt = 2
        for i in range(len(self.points)):
            new_start = self.sub_plan(old_start, self.points[i][0],
                                      self.points[i][1], self.alts[i], data)
            alt = alt + 100
            old_start = new_start
        #new_start=self.sub_plan(grid_start, self.points[0][0],self.points[0][1],2,data)
        #point2=self.sub_plan(new_start, self.points[1][0],self.points[1][1],100,data)
        #point3=self.sub_plan(point2, self.points[2][0],self.points[2][1],200,data)

        self.old_start = old_start
def loadGrid(safetyDistance=5, targetAltitude=3):
    # Read in obstacle map
    data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv',
    # Determine offsets between grid and map
    north_offset = int(np.abs(np.min(data[:, 0])))
    east_offset = int(np.abs(np.min(data[:, 1])))
    print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
        north_offset, east_offset))
    # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
    grid = create_grid(data, targetAltitude, safetyDistance)
    return grid, east_offset, north_offset
def get_main_plan(global_home,
     returns a medial axis global plan.
     also returns data, north_offset & east_offset for reuse later
    # Read in obstacle map
    data = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows=2)
    # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
    grid, nmin, emin = create_grid(data, target_altitude, safety_distance)
    north_offset = -1 * nmin
    east_offset = -1 * emin
    print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(
        north_offset, east_offset))
    # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
    # TODO: convert start position to current position rather than map center
    grid_start = (int(current_local_pos[0] + north_offset),
                  int(current_local_pos[1] + east_offset))
    local_goal = global_to_local((goal_lon, goal_lat, 0), global_home)
    grid_goal = (int(local_goal[0] + north_offset),
                 int(local_goal[1] + east_offset))

    print("Local Goal: {0}" % local_goal)
    # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
    # TODO: add diagonal motions with a cost of sqrt(2) to your A* implementation
    # see planning_utils.py
    print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
    # Medial Axis
    path, _ = get_medial_axis_path(grid, grid_goal, grid_start)
    # TODO: prune path to minimize number of waypoints
    # TODO (if you're feeling ambitious): Try a different approach altogether!
    # step 1: prune collinear points from path
    print("number of waypoints: %d" % len(path))
    path = prune_path(path)
    print("number of waypoints after pruning: %d" % len(path))
    print("number of waypoints after collinearity pruning: %d" % len(path))
    path = prune_path_using_raytracing(grid, path)
    print("number of waypoints after raytracing pruning: %d" % len(path))
    # Convert path to waypoints
    waypoints = [[p[0] - north_offset, p[1] - east_offset, target_altitude, 0]
                 for p in path]
    return waypoints, data, north_offset, east_offset
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")
        TARGET_ALTITUDE = 20
        SAFETY_DISTANCE = 10

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        #initial localtion in world coordinate frame
        global_home =(-122.397450,37.792480)
        lat0 ,lon0 = global_home[1],global_home[0]
        #intialize the drone position to the global home then that is going to referance the local frame from there local_home (0,0,0)
        global_loc = self.global_position
        local_position = global_to_local(global_loc , global_home)
        print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(self.global_home, self.global_position,
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows=2)
        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(north_offset, east_offset))
        # Define starting point on the grid (this is just grid center)
        grid_start = (-north_offset, -east_offset)

        grid_start=(int(local_position[0] - north_offset) ,int(local_position[1] -east_offset) )
        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        grid_goal = (-north_offset + 750, -east_offset + 370)
        grid_goal =(int(750) ,int( 370) )

        # or move to a different search space such as a graph (not done here)
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        cleared_path = prune_path(path)

        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in cleared_path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
    def plan_path(self):
        self.flight_state = States.PLANNING
        print("Searching for a path ...")

        self.target_position[2] = TARGET_ALTITUDE

        # TODO: read lat0, lon0 from colliders into floating point values
        pos = open("colliders.csv").readline().split(",")
        lat0 = float(pos[0].replace("lat0 ",""))
        lon0 = float(pos[1].replace("lon0 ",""))
        # TODO: set home position to (lon0, lat0, 0)
        self.set_home_position(lon0, lat0, 0.0)
        # TODO: retrieve current global position
        #print('global position {}'.format(self.global_position))
        # TODO: convert to current local position using global_to_local()
        local_pos = global_to_local(self.global_position, self.global_home)

        print('global home {0}, \n position {1}, \n local position {2}'.format(self.global_home, self.global_position,
        # Read in obstacle map
        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows=2)
        # Define a grid for a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
        print("North offset = {0}, east offset = {1}".format(north_offset, east_offset))
        # convert start position to current position rather than map center
        grid_start  = [int(np.ceil(local_pos[0] - north_offset)), int(np.ceil(local_pos[1] - east_offset))]
        # Set goal as some arbitrary position on the grid
        #grid_goal = (-north_offset + 300, -east_offset + 300)
        # adapt to set goal as latitude / longitude position and convert
        local_goal_pos = global_to_local(self.global_goal_position, self.global_home)
        grid_goal  = (int(np.ceil(local_goal_pos[0] - north_offset)), int(np.ceil(local_goal_pos[1] - east_offset)))
        # Run A* to find a path from start to goal
        print('Local Start and Goal: ', grid_start, grid_goal)
        path, _ = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal)
        # prune path to minimize number of waypoints
        reduced_path = prune_path(path)
        # Convert path to waypoints
        waypoints = [[p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in reduced_path]
        # Set self.waypoints
        self.waypoints = waypoints
        # TODO: send waypoints to sim (this is just for visualization of waypoints)
def create_graph(data, drone_altitude, safety_distance):#STARTHERE
    Returns a graph from the colliders `data`.
    # Find grid and offsets.
    grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, drone_altitude, safety_distance)

    # Find object centers.
    centers = get_object_centers(data, north_offset, east_offset, drone_altitude, safety_distance)

    # Create Voronoid from centers
    voronoi = Voronoi(centers)

    # Find open edges
    edges = find_open_edges_voronoi(voronoi, grid)

    # Create graph.
    return (create_graph_from_edges(edges), north_offset, east_offset)
    def probabilistic_roadmap(self,grid_start,grid_goal):


        SAMPLE_NUMBER =30

        data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows=2)            
        grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)

        print("random x" , np.random.choice(grid.shape[0],SAMPLE_NUMBER))
        print("random y" , np.random.choice(grid.shape[1],SAMPLE_NUMBER))

        print("Generating random points")
        random_points = [ (x,y) for x in np.random.choice(grid.shape[0],SAMPLE_NUMBER) for y in np.random.choice(grid.shape[1],SAMPLE_NUMBER)]
        print("random_points = ",random_points)
        print("length of random_points = ",len(random_points))
        print("Filtering to free space points")
        free_space_random_points = [ p for p in random_points if grid[p[0],p[1]] == 0 ]
        print("free_space_random_points = " , free_space_random_points)
        print("length of free_space_random_points = " , len(free_space_random_points))   

        print("Generating valid actions map")
        valid_actions_map ={}
        for p in free_space_random_points:
            valid_actions_map[p] = []

        for p in free_space_random_points:
            for q in free_space_random_points:
                if p != q:
                    pathClear = True
                    cells = list(bresenham(p[0], p[1], q[0], q[1]))
                    for cell in cells:
                        if grid[ cell[0],cell[1] ] == 1:
                            pathClear = False
                    if pathClear:
                        valid_actions_map[p].append( [ q[0]-p[0] , q[1]-p[1] , np.sqrt( (q[0]-p[0])**2 +  (q[1]-p[1])**2  ) ] )
        return valid_actions_map