def configuracion(item): from platformcode import platformtools platformtools.show_channel_settings() if config.is_xbmc(): import xbmc xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.Refresh")
def channel_config(item): from platformcode import platformtools import os return platformtools.show_channel_settings( channelpath=os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "channels", item.config) )
def filtro(item): list_controls = [] valores = {} dict_values = None list_controls.append({'id': 'search', 'label': 'Texto a buscar', 'enabled': True, 'color': '0xFFC52020', 'type': 'text', 'default': '', 'visible': True}) list_controls.append({'id': 'tipo', 'label': 'Tipo de búsqueda', 'enabled': True, 'color': '0xFFFF8000', 'type': 'list', 'default': -1, 'visible': True}) list_controls[1]['lvalues'] = ['Aplicación', 'Archivo', 'Documento', 'Imagen', 'Música', 'Vídeo', 'Todos'] valores['tipo'] = ['Application', 'Archive', 'Document', 'Image', 'Music', 'Video', ''] list_controls.append({'id': 'ext', 'label': 'Extensión', 'enabled': True, 'color': '0xFFF4FA58', 'type': 'text', 'default': '', 'visible': True}) list_controls.append({'id': 'tmin', 'label': 'Tamaño mínimo (MB)', 'enabled': True, 'color': '0xFFCC2EFA', 'type': 'text', 'default': '0', 'visible': True}) list_controls.append({'id': 'tmax', 'label': 'Tamaño máximo (MB)', 'enabled': True, 'color': '0xFF2ECCFA', 'type': 'text', 'default': '0', 'visible': True}) # Se utilizan los valores por defecto/guardados web = "copiapop" if "diskokosmiko" in item.extra: web = "diskokosmiko" valores_guardados = config.get_setting("filtro_defecto_" + web, if valores_guardados: dict_values = valores_guardados item.valores = valores from platformcode import platformtools return platformtools.show_channel_settings(list_controls=list_controls, dict_values=dict_values, caption="Filtra la búsqueda", item=item, callback='filtrado')
def searchbycat(item): # Only in xbmc/kodi # Abre un cuadro de dialogo con las categorías en las que hacer la búsqueda categories = ["Películas", "Series", "Anime", "Documentales", "VOS", "Latino"] categories_id = ["movie", "serie", "anime", "documentary", "vos", "latino"] list_controls = [] for i, category in enumerate(categories): control = {'id': categories_id[i], 'type': "bool", 'label': category, 'default': False, 'enabled': True, 'visible': True} list_controls.append(control) control = {'id': "separador", 'type': "label", 'label': '', 'default': "", 'enabled': True, 'visible': True} list_controls.append(control) control = {'id': "torrent", 'type': "bool", 'label': 'Incluir en la búsqueda canales Torrent', 'default': True, 'enabled': True, 'visible': True} list_controls.append(control) return platformtools.show_channel_settings(list_controls=list_controls, caption="Elegir categorías", callback="search_cb", item=item)
def settingCanal(item): channels_path = os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "channels", '*.xml') channel_language = config.get_setting("channel_language") if channel_language == "": channel_language = "all" list_controls = [] for infile in sorted(glob.glob(channels_path)): channel_name = os.path.basename(infile)[:-4] channel_parameters = channeltools.get_channel_parameters(channel_name) # No incluir si es un canal inactivo if channel_parameters["active"] != "true": continue # No incluir si es un canal para adultos, y el modo adulto está desactivado if channel_parameters["adult"] == "true" and config.get_setting("adult_mode") == "0": continue # No incluir si el canal es en un idioma filtrado if channel_language != "all" and channel_parameters["language"] != channel_language: continue # No incluir si en la configuracion del canal no existe "include_in_global_search" include = channel_parameters["include_in_global_search"] if include not in ["", "true"]: continue else: # Se busca en la configuración del canal el valor guardado include_in_global_search = config.get_setting("include_in_global_search", channel_name) # Si no hay valor en la configuración del canal se coloca como True ya que así estaba por defecto if include_in_global_search == "": include_in_global_search = True control = {'id': channel_name, 'type': "bool", 'label': channel_parameters["title"], 'default': include_in_global_search, 'enabled': True, 'visible': True} list_controls.append(control) return platformtools.show_channel_settings(list_controls=list_controls, caption="Canales incluidos en la búsqueda global", callback="save_settings", item=item, custom_button={'visible': False})
def settingCanal(item): channels_path = os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "channels", '*.xml') channel_language = config.get_setting("channel_language") if channel_language == "": channel_language = "all" list_controls = [] for infile in sorted(glob.glob(channels_path)): channel_name = os.path.basename(infile)[:-4] channel_parameters = channeltools.get_channel_parameters(channel_name) # No incluir si es un canal inactivo if channel_parameters["active"] != "true": continue # No incluir si es un canal para adultos, y el modo adulto está desactivado if channel_parameters["adult"] == "true" and config.get_setting("adult_mode") == "false": continue # No incluir si el canal es en un idioma filtrado if channel_language != "all" and channel_parameters["language"] != channel_language: continue # No incluir si en la configuracion del canal no existe "include_in_global_search" include_in_global_search = config.get_setting("include_in_global_search", channel_name) if include_in_global_search == "": continue control = {'id': channel_name, 'type': "bool", 'label': channel_parameters["title"], 'default': include_in_global_search, 'enabled': True, 'visible': True} list_controls.append(control) return platformtools.show_channel_settings(list_controls=list_controls, caption="Canali inclusi nella ricerca globale", callback="save_settings", item=item)
def settingCanal(item): channels_path = os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "channels", '*.xml') channel_language = config.get_setting("channel_language") if channel_language == "": channel_language = "all" list_controls = [] for infile in sorted(glob.glob(channels_path)): channel_id = os.path.basename(infile)[:-4] channel_parameters = channeltools.get_channel_parameters(channel_id) # No incluir si es un canal inactivo if channel_parameters["active"] != "true": continue # No incluir si es un canal para adultos, y el modo adulto está desactivado if channel_parameters["adult"] == "true" and config.get_setting("adult_mode") == "false": continue # No incluir si el canal es en un idioma filtrado if channel_language != "all" and channel_parameters["language"] != channel_language: continue # No incluir si en su configuracion el canal no existe 'include_in_newest' include_in_newest = config.get_setting("include_in_newest_" + item.extra, channel_id) if include_in_newest == "": continue control = {'id': channel_id, 'type': "bool", 'label': channel_parameters["title"], 'default': include_in_newest, 'enabled': True, 'visible': True} list_controls.append(control) caption = "Canales incluidos en Novedades " + item.title.replace("Canales incluidos en: ","- ").strip() return platformtools.show_channel_settings(list_controls=list_controls, callback="save_settings", item=item, caption= caption,custom_button={"visible":False})
def channel_config(item): from platformcode import platformtools return platformtools.show_channel_settings(channelpath=filetools.join( config.get_runtime_path(), "channels", item.config))
def settings(item): return platformtools.show_channel_settings(caption="configuración -- Buscador")
def filtro(item):"pelisalacarta.channels.inkapelis filtro") list_controls = [] valores = {} strings = {} # Se utilizan los valores por defecto/guardados o los del filtro personalizado if not item.values: valores_guardados = config.get_setting("filtro_defecto_peliculas", else: valores_guardados = item.values item.values = "" if valores_guardados: dict_values = valores_guardados else: dict_values = None if dict_values: dict_values["filtro_per"] = 0 list_controls.append( {"id": "texto", "label": "Cadena de búsqueda", "enabled": True, "type": "text", "default": "", "visible": True} ) data = scrapertools.downloadpage(item.url) data = re.sub(r"\n|\r|\t|\s{2}| ", "", data) matches = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(data, 'option value="">([^<]+)</option>(.*?)</select>') i = 1 for filtro_title, values in matches: id = filtro_title.replace("A\xc3\xb1o", "year").lower() filtro_title = filtro_title.replace("A\xc3\xb1o", "Año") list_controls.append( {"id": id, "label": filtro_title, "enabled": True, "type": "list", "default": 0, "visible": True} ) valores[id] = [] valores[id].append("") strings[filtro_title] = [] list_controls[i]["lvalues"] = [] list_controls[i]["lvalues"].append("Cualquiera") strings[filtro_title].append("Cualquiera") patron = '<option value="([^"]+)">([^<]+)</option>' matches_v = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(values, patron) for value, key in matches_v: list_controls[i]["lvalues"].append(key) valores[id].append(value) strings[filtro_title].append(key) i += 1 item.valores = valores item.strings = strings if "Filtro Personalizado" in item.title: return filtrado(item, valores_guardados) list_controls.append( {"id": "espacio", "label": "", "enabled": False, "type": "label", "default": "", "visible": True} ) list_controls.append( { "id": "save", "label": "Establecer como filtro por defecto", "enabled": True, "type": "bool", "default": False, "visible": True, } ) list_controls.append( { "id": "filtro_per", "label": "Guardar filtro en acceso directo...", "enabled": True, "type": "list", "default": 0, "visible": True, "lvalues": ["No guardar", "Filtro 1", "Filtro 2", "Filtro 3"], } ) list_controls.append( { "id": "remove", "label": "Eliminar filtro personalizado...", "enabled": True, "type": "list", "default": 0, "visible": True, "lvalues": ["No eliminar", "Filtro 1", "Filtro 2", "Filtro 3"], } ) from platformcode import platformtools return platformtools.show_channel_settings( list_controls=list_controls, dict_values=dict_values, caption="Filtra los resultados", item=item, callback="filtrado", )
def settings(item): return platformtools.show_channel_settings()
def config_item(item): """ muestra una serie filtrada para su configuración @param item: item @type item: Item """"item %s" % item.tostring()) # OBTENEMOS LOS DATOS DEL JSON dict_series = jsontools.get_node_from_file(item.from_channel, TAG_TVSHOW_FILTER) tvshow = default_lang = '' channel_parameters = channeltools.get_channel_parameters(item.from_channel) list_language = channel_parameters["filter_languages"] try: if channel_parameters["filter_languages"] != '' and len( list_language) > 0: default_lang = list_language[1] except: pass if default_lang == '': platformtools.dialog_notification("FilterTools", "No hay idiomas definidos") return else: lang_selected = dict_series.get(tvshow, {}).get(TAG_LANGUAGE, default_lang) list_quality = dict_series.get(tvshow, {}).get( TAG_QUALITY_ALLOWED, [x.lower() for x in item.list_quality]) #"lang selected {}".format(lang_selected)) #"list quality {}".format(list_quality)) active = True custom_button = {'visible': False} allow_option = False if in dict_series: allow_option = True active = dict_series.get(, {}).get(TAG_ACTIVE, False) custom_button = { 'label': 'Borrar', 'function': 'delete', 'visible': True, 'close': True } list_controls = [] if allow_option: active_control = { "id": "active", "type": "bool", "label": "¿Activar/Desactivar filtro?", "color": "", "default": active, "enabled": allow_option, "visible": allow_option, } list_controls.append(active_control) language_option = { "id": "language", "type": "list", "label": "Idioma", "color": "0xFFee66CC", "default": item.list_language.index(lang_selected), "enabled": True, "visible": True, "lvalues": item.list_language } list_controls.append(language_option) if item.list_quality: list_controls_calidad = [ { "id": "textoCalidad", "type": "label", "label": "Calidad permitida", "color": "0xffC6C384", "enabled": True, "visible": True, }, ] for element in sorted(item.list_quality, key=str.lower): list_controls_calidad.append({ "id": element, "type": "bool", "label": element, "default": (False, True)[element.lower() in list_quality], "enabled": True, "visible": True, }) # concatenamos list_controls con list_controls_calidad list_controls.extend(list_controls_calidad) title = "Filtrado de enlaces para: [COLOR %s]%s[/COLOR]" % (COLOR.get( "selected", "auto"), platformtools.show_channel_settings(list_controls=list_controls, callback='save', item=item, caption=title, custom_button=custom_button)
def settings(item): return platformtools.show_channel_settings( caption="configuración -- Novedades")
def setting_channel(item): channels_path = os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "channels", '*.json') channel_language = config.get_setting("channel_language", default="auto") if channel_language == 'auto': channel_language = auto_filter() list_controls = [] for infile in sorted(glob.glob(channels_path)): channel_id = os.path.basename(infile)[:-5] channel_parameters = channeltools.get_channel_parameters(channel_id) # No incluir si es un canal inactivo if not channel_parameters["active"]: continue # No incluir si es un canal para adultos, y el modo adulto está desactivado if channel_parameters["adult"] and config.get_setting( "adult_mode") == 0: continue # No incluir si el canal es en un idioma filtrado if channel_language != "all" and channel_language not in channel_parameters["language"] \ and "*" not in channel_parameters["language"]: continue # No incluir si en su configuracion el canal no existe 'include_in_newest' include_in_newest = config.get_setting( "include_in_newest_" + item.extra, channel_id) if include_in_newest is None: continue control = { 'id': channel_id, 'type': "bool", 'label': channel_parameters["title"], 'default': include_in_newest, 'enabled': True, 'visible': True } list_controls.append(control) caption = config.get_localized_string(60533) + item.title.replace( config.get_localized_string(60525), "- ").strip() if config.get_setting("custom_button_value_news", custom_button_label = config.get_localized_string(59992) else: custom_button_label = config.get_localized_string(59991) return platformtools.show_channel_settings(list_controls=list_controls, caption=caption, callback="save_settings", item=item, custom_button={ 'visible': True, 'function': "cb_custom_button", 'close': False, 'label': custom_button_label })
def settings(item): return platformtools.show_channel_settings( caption=config.get_localized_string(59993))
def setting_channel_old(item): channels_path = os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "channels", '*.json') channel_language = config.get_setting("channel_language", default="all") list_controls = [] for infile in sorted(glob.glob(channels_path)): channel_name = os.path.basename(infile)[:-5] channel_parameters = channeltools.get_channel_parameters(channel_name) # No incluir si es un canal inactivo if not channel_parameters["active"]: continue # No incluir si es un canal para adultos, y el modo adulto está desactivado if channel_parameters["adult"] and config.get_setting( "adult_mode") == 0: continue # No incluir si el canal es en un idioma filtrado if channel_language != "all" and channel_language not in channel_parameters["language"] \ and "*" not in channel_parameters["language"]: continue # No incluir si en la configuracion del canal no existe "include_in_global_search" include_in_global_search = channel_parameters[ "include_in_global_search"] if not include_in_global_search: continue else: # Se busca en la configuración del canal el valor guardado include_in_global_search = config.get_setting( "include_in_global_search", channel_name) control = { 'id': channel_name, 'type': "bool", 'label': channel_parameters["title"], 'default': include_in_global_search, 'enabled': True, 'visible': True } list_controls.append(control) if config.get_setting("custom_button_value", custom_button_label = config.get_localized_string(59992) else: custom_button_label = config.get_localized_string(59991) return platformtools.show_channel_settings( list_controls=list_controls, caption=config.get_localized_string(59990), callback="save_settings", item=item, custom_button={ 'visible': True, 'function': "cb_custom_button", 'close': False, 'label': custom_button_label })
def autoplay_config(item): global autoplay_node dict_values = {} list_controls = [] channel_parameters = channeltools.get_channel_parameters(item.from_channel) channel_name = channel_parameters['title'] if not autoplay_node: # Obtiene el nodo AUTOPLAY desde el json autoplay_node = jsontools.get_node_from_file('autoplay', 'AUTOPLAY') channel_node = autoplay_node.get(item.from_channel, {}) settings_node = channel_node.get('settings', {}) allow_option = True active_settings = { "id": "active", "label": "AutoPlay (activar/desactivar la auto-reproduccion)", "color": "0xffffff99", "type": "bool", "default": False, "enabled": allow_option, "visible": allow_option } list_controls.append(active_settings) dict_values['active'] = settings_node.get('active', False) # Idioma status_language = config.get_setting("filter_languages", item.from_channel) if not status_language: status_language = 0 set_language = { "id": "language", "label": "Idioma para AutoPlay (Opcional)", "color": "0xffffff99", "type": "list", "default": 0, "enabled": "eq(-1,true)", "visible": True, "lvalues": get_languages(item.from_channel) } list_controls.append(set_language) dict_values['language'] = status_language separador = { "id": "label", "label": " " "_________________________________________________________________________________________", "type": "label", "enabled": True, "visible": True } list_controls.append(separador) # Seccion servidores Preferidos server_list = channel_node.get("servers", []) if not server_list: enabled = False server_list = ["No disponible"] else: enabled = "eq(-3,true)" custom_servers_settings = { "id": "custom_servers", "label": " Servidores Preferidos", "color": "0xff66ffcc", "type": "bool", "default": False, "enabled": enabled, "visible": True } list_controls.append(custom_servers_settings) if dict_values['active'] and enabled: dict_values['custom_servers'] = settings_node.get( 'custom_servers', False) else: dict_values['custom_servers'] = False for num in range(1, 4): pos1 = num + 3 default = num - 1 if default > len(server_list) - 1: default = 0 set_servers = { "id": "server_%s" % num, "label": u" \u2665 Servidor Favorito %s" % num, "color": "0xfffcab14", "type": "list", "default": default, "enabled": "eq(-%s,true)+eq(-%s,true)" % (pos1, num), "visible": True, "lvalues": server_list } list_controls.append(set_servers) dict_values["server_%s" % num] = settings_node.get( "server_%s" % num, 0) if settings_node.get("server_%s" % num, 0) > len(server_list) - 1: dict_values["server_%s" % num] = 0 # Seccion Calidades Preferidas quality_list = channel_node.get("quality", []) if not quality_list: enabled = False quality_list = ["No disponible"] else: enabled = "eq(-7,true)" custom_quality_settings = { "id": "custom_quality", "label": " Calidades Preferidas", "color": "0xff66ffcc", "type": "bool", "default": False, "enabled": enabled, "visible": True } list_controls.append(custom_quality_settings) if dict_values['active'] and enabled: dict_values['custom_quality'] = settings_node.get( 'custom_quality', False) else: dict_values['custom_quality'] = False for num in range(1, 4): pos1 = num + 7 default = num - 1 if default > len(quality_list) - 1: default = 0 set_quality = { "id": "quality_%s" % num, "label": u" \u2665 Calidad Favorita %s" % num, "color": "0xfff442d9", "type": "list", "default": default, "enabled": "eq(-%s,true)+eq(-%s,true)" % (pos1, num), "visible": True, "lvalues": quality_list } list_controls.append(set_quality) dict_values["quality_%s" % num] = settings_node.get( "quality_%s" % num, 0) if settings_node.get("quality_%s" % num, 0) > len(quality_list) - 1: dict_values["quality_%s" % num] = 0 # Seccion Prioridades priority_list = ["Servidor y Calidad", "Calidad y Servidor"] set_priority = { "id": "priority", "label": " Prioridad (Indica el orden para Auto-Reproducir)", "color": "0xffffff99", "type": "list", "default": 0, "enabled": True, "visible": "eq(-4,true)+eq(-8,true)+eq(-11,true)", "lvalues": priority_list } list_controls.append(set_priority) dict_values["priority"] = settings_node.get("priority", 0) # Abrir cuadro de dialogo platformtools.show_channel_settings(list_controls=list_controls, dict_values=dict_values, callback='save', item=item, caption='%s - AutoPlay' % channel_name)
def channel_config(item): return platformtools.show_channel_settings(channelpath=os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "channels",
def channel_config(item): return platformtools.show_channel_settings( channelpath=os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "channels",, caption=config.get_localized_string(60598))
def settings(item): ret = platformtools.show_channel_settings( caption=config.get_localized_string(70224)) platformtools.itemlist_refresh() return ret
def conf_tools(item): # Activar o desactivar canales if item.extra == "channels_onoff": import channelselector from core import channeltools channel_list = channelselector.filterchannels("allchannelstatus") channel_language = config.get_setting("channel_language") if channel_language == "": channel_language = "all" excluded_channels = [ 'tengourl', 'buscador', 'libreria', 'configuracion', 'novedades', 'personal', 'ayuda', 'descargas' ] list_controls = [] try: list_controls.append({ 'id': "all_channels", 'type': "list", 'label': "Todos los canales", 'default': 0, 'enabled': True, 'visible': True, 'lvalues': [ '', 'Activar todos', 'Desactivar todos', 'Establecer estado por defecto' ] }) for channel in channel_list: # Si el canal esta en la lista de exclusiones lo saltamos if not in excluded_channels: # Se cargan los ajustes del archivo json del canal jsonchannel = channeltools.get_channel_json( if jsonchannel.get("settings") or jsonchannel.get( "active"): channel_parameters = channeltools.get_channel_parameters( # No incluir si es un canal para adultos, y el modo adulto está desactivado if (channel_parameters["adult"] == "true" and config.get_setting("adult_mode") == "0"): continue # No incluir si el canal es en un idioma filtrado if (channel_language != "all" and channel_parameters["language"] != channel_language): continue status = None xml_status = channel_parameters["active"].replace( "t", "T").replace("f", "F") xml_status = eval(xml_status) if config.get_setting("enabled", status = config.get_setting( "enabled", status = status.replace("t", "T").replace("f", "F") status = eval(status) # + " | Status: " + str(status)) else: status = xml_status # + " | Status (XML): " + str(status)) status_control = "" if not xml_status: status_control = " [COLOR grey](Desactivado por defecto)[/COLOR]" if status is not None: control = { 'id':, 'type': "bool", 'label': channel_parameters["title"] + status_control, 'default': status, 'enabled': True, 'visible': True } list_controls.append(control) else:"Algo va mal con el canal " + else: continue return platformtools.show_channel_settings( list_controls=list_controls, caption="Canales", callback="channel_status", custom_button={"visible": False}) except: import traceback + " | Detalle del error: %s" % traceback.format_exc()) platformtools.dialog_notification( "Error", "Se ha producido un error con el canal %s" % channel.title) # Comprobacion de archivos channel_data.json elif item.extra == "lib_check_datajson": itemlist = [] import channelselector from core import channeltools channel_list = channelselector.filterchannels("allchannelstatus") # Tener una lista de exclusion no tiene mucho sentido por que se comprueba si # el xml tiene "settings", pero por si acaso se deja excluded_channels = ['tengourl', 'configuracion', 'personal', 'ayuda'] try: import os from core import jsontools for channel in channel_list: needsfix = None list_status = None list_controls = None default_settings = None channeljson_exists = None # Se convierte el "" del canal biblioteca para que no de error if == "libreria": = "biblioteca" # Se comprueba si el canal esta en la lista de exclusiones if not in excluded_channels: # Se comprueba que tenga "settings", sino se salta jsonchannel = channeltools.get_channel_json( if not jsonchannel.get("settings"): itemlist.append( Item(channel=CHANNELNAME, title=channel.title + " - No tiene ajustes por defecto", action="", folder=False, thumbnail=channel.thumbnail)) continue # + " SALTADO!") # Se cargan los ajustes del archivo json del canal file_settings = os.path.join( config.get_data_path(), "settings_channels", + "_data.json") dict_settings = {} dict_file = {} if filetools.exists(file_settings): # + " Tiene archivo _data.json") channeljson_exists = "true" # Obtenemos configuracion guardada de ../settings/channel_data.json try: dict_file = jsontools.load_json( open(file_settings, "rb").read()) if isinstance(dict_file, dict) and 'settings' in dict_file: dict_settings = dict_file['settings'] except EnvironmentError:"ERROR al leer el archivo: %s" % file_settings) else: # + " No tiene archivo _data.json") channeljson_exists = "false" if channeljson_exists == "true": try: datajson_size = filetools.getsize(file_settings) except: import traceback + " | Detalle del error: %s" % traceback.format_exc()) else: datajson_size = None # Si el _data.json esta vacio o no existe... if (len(dict_settings) and datajson_size ) == 0 or channeljson_exists == "false": # Obtenemos controles del archivo ../channels/channel.xml needsfix = "true" try: # Se cargan los ajustes por defecto list_controls, default_settings = channeltools.get_channel_controls_settings( # + " | Default: %s" % default_settings) except: import traceback + " | Detalle del error: %s" % traceback.format_exc()) # default_settings = {} # Si _data.json necesita ser reparado o no existe... if needsfix == "true" or channeljson_exists == "false": if default_settings is not None: # Creamos el channel_data.json default_settings.update(dict_settings) dict_settings = default_settings dict_file['settings'] = dict_settings # Creamos el archivo ../settings/channel_data.json json_data = jsontools.dump_json(dict_file) try: open(file_settings, "wb").write(json_data) # + " - Archivo _data.json GUARDADO!") # El channel_data.json se ha creado/modificado list_status = " - [COLOR red] CORREGIDO!![/COLOR]" except EnvironmentError: "ERROR al salvar el archivo: %s" % file_settings) else: if default_settings is None: list_status = " - [COLOR red] Imposible cargar los ajustes por defecto![/COLOR]" else: # + " - NO necesita correccion!") needsfix = "false" # Si se ha establecido el estado del canal se añade a la lista if needsfix is not None: if needsfix == "true": if channeljson_exists == "false": list_status = " - Ajustes creados" list_colour = "red" else: list_status = " - No necesita correccion" list_colour = "green" else: # Si "needsfix" es "false" y "datjson_size" es None habra # ocurrido algun error if datajson_size is None: list_status = " - Ha ocurrido algun error" list_colour = "red" else: list_status = " - No necesita correccion" list_colour = "green" if list_status is not None: itemlist.append( Item(channel=CHANNELNAME, title=channel.title + list_status, action="", folder=False, thumbnail=channel.thumbnail, text_color=list_colour)) else:"Algo va mal con el canal %s" % # Si el canal esta en la lista de exclusiones lo saltamos else: continue except: import traceback + " | Detalle del error: %s" % traceback.format_exc()) platformtools.dialog_notification( "Error", "Se ha producido un error con el canal %s" % channel.title) return itemlist else: platformtools.dialog_notification("pelisalacarta", "Error!") platformtools.itemlist_update( Item(channel=CHANNELNAME, action="submenu_tools"))
def settingCanal(item): from platformcode import platformtools platformtools.show_channel_settings() platformtools.itemlist_refresh() return
def channel_config(item): return platformtools.show_channel_settings(channelpath=os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "channels",, caption="configuración -- Videoteca")
def cuadro_completar(item): global dict_default dict_default = {} COLOR = ["0xFF8A4B08", "0xFFF7BE81"] # Creamos la lista de campos del infoLabel controls = [("title", "text", "Titolo:"), ("originaltitle", "text", "Titolo originale"), ("year", "text", "Anno"), ("identificadores", "label", "Identificatori:"), ("tmdb_id", "text", " The Movie Database ID"), ("url_tmdb", "text", " URL Tmdb", "+!eq(-1,'')"), ("tvdb_id", "text", " The TVDB ID", "+eq(-7,'Serie')"), ("url_tvdb", "text", " URL TVDB", "+!eq(-1,'')+eq(-8,'Serie')"), ("imdb_id", "text", " IMDb ID"), ("otro_id", "text", " Altro ID", "+eq(-1,'')"), ("urls", "label", "Immagini (urls):"), ("fanart", "text", " Sfondo"), ("thumbnail", "text", " Miniatura")] if item.infoLabels["mediatype"] == "movie": mediatype_default = 0 else: mediatype_default = 1 listado_controles = [{'id': "mediatype", 'type': "list", 'label': "Tipo di contenuto", 'color': COLOR[1], 'default': mediatype_default, 'enabled': True, 'visible': True, 'lvalues': ["Película", "Serie"] }] for i, c in enumerate(controls): color = COLOR[0] dict_default[c[0]] = item.infoLabels.get(c[0], '') enabled = True if i > 0 and c[1] != 'label': color = COLOR[1] enabled = "!eq(-%s,'')" % i if len(c) > 3: enabled += c[3] # default para casos especiales if c[0] == "url_tmdb" and item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"] and 'tmdb' in item.infoLabels["url_scraper"]: dict_default[c[0]] = item.infoLabels["url_scraper"] elif c[0] == "url_tvdb" and item.infoLabels["tvdb_id"] and '' in item.infoLabels["url_scraper"]: dict_default[c[0]] = item.infoLabels["url_scraper"] if not dict_default[c[0]] or dict_default[c[0]] == 'None' or dict_default[c[0]] == 0: dict_default[c[0]] = '' elif isinstance(dict_default[c[0]], (int, float, long)): # Si es numerico lo convertimos en str dict_default[c[0]] = str(dict_default[c[0]]) listado_controles.append({'id': c[0], 'type': c[1], 'label': c[2], 'color': color, 'default': dict_default[c[0]], 'enabled': enabled, 'visible': True}) # logger.debug(dict_default) if platformtools.show_channel_settings(listado_controles, caption="Informazioni complete", item=item, callback="core.scraper.callback_cuadro_completar", custom_button={"visible": False}): return True else: return False
def server_config(item): return platformtools.show_channel_settings(channelpath=filetools.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "servers", item.config))
def configuracion(item): ret = platformtools.show_channel_settings() platformtools.itemlist_refresh() return ret
def conf_tools(item): # Activar o desactivar canales if item.extra == "channels_onoff": import channelselector from core import channeltools channel_list = channelselector.filterchannels("allchannelstatus") excluded_channels = ['url', 'search', 'videolibrary', 'setting', 'news', # 'help', 'downloads'] list_controls = [] try: list_controls.append({'id': "all_channels", 'type': "list", 'label': "Todos los canales", 'default': 0, 'enabled': True, 'visible': True, 'lvalues': ['', 'Activar todos', 'Desactivar todos', 'Establecer estado por defecto']}) for channel in channel_list: # Si el canal esta en la lista de exclusiones lo saltamos if not in excluded_channels: channel_parameters = channeltools.get_channel_parameters( status_control = "" status = config.get_setting("enabled", # si status no existe es que NO HAY valor en _data.json if status is None: status = channel_parameters["active"] logger.debug("%s | Status (XML): %s" % (, status)) if not status: status_control = " [COLOR grey](Desactivado por defecto)[/COLOR]" else: logger.debug("%s | Status: %s" % (, status)) control = {'id':, 'type': "bool", 'label': channel_parameters["title"] + status_control, 'default': status, 'enabled': True, 'visible': True} list_controls.append(control) else: continue except: import traceback logger.error("Error: %s" % traceback.format_exc()) else: return platformtools.show_channel_settings(list_controls=list_controls, item=item.clone(channel_list=channel_list), caption="Canales", callback="channel_status", custom_button={"visible": False}) # Comprobacion de archivos channel_data.json elif item.extra == "lib_check_datajson": itemlist = [] import channelselector from core import channeltools channel_list = channelselector.filterchannels("allchannelstatus") # Tener una lista de exclusion no tiene mucho sentido por que se comprueba si channel.json tiene "settings", # pero por si acaso se deja excluded_channels = ['url', 'setting', 'help'] try: import os from core import jsontools for channel in channel_list: list_status = None default_settings = None # Se comprueba si el canal esta en la lista de exclusiones if not in excluded_channels: # Se comprueba que tenga "settings", sino se salta list_controls, dict_settings = channeltools.get_channel_controls_settings( if not list_controls: itemlist.append(Item(channel=CHANNELNAME, title=channel.title + " - No tiene ajustes por defecto", action="", folder=False, thumbnail=channel.thumbnail)) continue # + " SALTADO!") # Se cargan los ajustes del archivo json del canal file_settings = os.path.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_channels", + "_data.json") dict_settings = {} dict_file = {} if filetools.exists(file_settings): # + " Tiene archivo _data.json") channeljson_exists = True # Obtenemos configuracion guardada de ../settings/channel_data.json try: dict_file = jsontools.load(open(file_settings, "rb").read()) if isinstance(dict_file, dict) and 'settings' in dict_file: dict_settings = dict_file['settings'] except EnvironmentError: logger.error("ERROR al leer el archivo: %s" % file_settings) else: # + " No tiene archivo _data.json") channeljson_exists = False if channeljson_exists == True: try: datajson_size = filetools.getsize(file_settings) except: import traceback logger.error(channel.title + " | Detalle del error: %s" % traceback.format_exc()) else: datajson_size = None # Si el _data.json esta vacio o no existe... if (len(dict_settings) and datajson_size) == 0 or channeljson_exists == False: # Obtenemos controles del archivo ../channels/channel.json needsfix = True try: # Se cargan los ajustes por defecto list_controls, default_settings = channeltools.get_channel_controls_settings( # + " | Default: %s" % default_settings) except: import traceback logger.error(channel.title + " | Detalle del error: %s" % traceback.format_exc()) # default_settings = {} # Si _data.json necesita ser reparado o no existe... if needsfix == True or channeljson_exists == False: if default_settings is not None: # Creamos el channel_data.json default_settings.update(dict_settings) dict_settings = default_settings dict_file['settings'] = dict_settings # Creamos el archivo ../settings/channel_data.json json_data = jsontools.dump(dict_file) try: open(file_settings, "wb").write(json_data) # + " - Archivo _data.json GUARDADO!") # El channel_data.json se ha creado/modificado list_status = " - [COLOR red] CORREGIDO!![/COLOR]" except EnvironmentError: logger.error("ERROR al salvar el archivo: %s" % file_settings) else: if default_settings is None: list_status = " - [COLOR red] Imposible cargar los ajustes por defecto![/COLOR]" else: # + " - NO necesita correccion!") needsfix = False # Si se ha establecido el estado del canal se añade a la lista if needsfix is not None: if needsfix == True: if channeljson_exists == False: list_status = " - Ajustes creados" list_colour = "red" else: list_status = " - No necesita corrección" list_colour = "green" else: # Si "needsfix" es "false" y "datjson_size" es None habra # ocurrido algun error if datajson_size is None: list_status = " - Ha ocurrido algun error" list_colour = "red" else: list_status = " - No necesita corrección" list_colour = "green" if list_status is not None: itemlist.append(Item(channel=CHANNELNAME, title=channel.title + list_status, action="", folder=False, thumbnail=channel.thumbnail, text_color=list_colour)) else: logger.error("Algo va mal con el canal %s" % # Si el canal esta en la lista de exclusiones lo saltamos else: continue except: import traceback logger.error("Error: %s" % traceback.format_exc()) return itemlist
def autoplay_config(item): global autoplay_node dict_values = {} list_controls = [] channel_parameters = channeltools.get_channel_parameters(item.from_channel) channel_name = channel_parameters['title'] if not autoplay_node: # Obtiene el nodo AUTOPLAY desde el json autoplay_node = jsontools.get_node_from_file('autoplay', 'AUTOPLAY') channel_node = autoplay_node.get(item.from_channel, {}) settings_node = channel_node.get('settings', {}) allow_option = True active_settings = { "id": "active", "label": config.get_localized_string(60079), "color": "0xffffff99", "type": "bool", "default": False, "enabled": allow_option, "visible": allow_option } list_controls.append(active_settings) dict_values['active'] = settings_node.get('active', False) # Idioma status_language = config.get_setting("filter_languages", item.from_channel) if not status_language: status_language = 0 set_language = { "id": "language", "label": config.get_localized_string(60080), "color": "0xffffff99", "type": "list", "default": 0, "enabled": "eq(-1,true)", "visible": True, "lvalues": get_languages(item.from_channel) } list_controls.append(set_language) dict_values['language'] = status_language separador = { "id": "label", "label": " " "_________________________________________________________________________________________", "type": "label", "enabled": True, "visible": True } list_controls.append(separador) # Seccion servidores favoritos server_list = channel_node.get("servers", []) if not server_list: enabled = False server_list = ["No disponible"] else: enabled = "eq(-3,true)" custom_servers_settings = { "id": "custom_servers", "label": config.get_localized_string(60081), "color": "0xff66ffcc", "type": "bool", "default": False, "enabled": enabled, "visible": True } list_controls.append(custom_servers_settings) if dict_values['active'] and enabled: dict_values['custom_servers'] = settings_node.get( 'custom_servers', False) else: dict_values['custom_servers'] = False for num in range(1, 4): pos1 = num + 3 default = num - 1 if default > len(server_list) - 1: default = 0 set_servers = { "id": "server_%s" % num, "label": u" \u2665" + config.get_localized_string(60082) % num, "color": "0xfffcab14", "type": "list", "default": default, "enabled": "eq(-%s,true)+eq(-%s,true)" % (pos1, num), "visible": True, "lvalues": server_list } list_controls.append(set_servers) dict_values["server_%s" % num] = settings_node.get( "server_%s" % num, 0) if settings_node.get("server_%s" % num, 0) > len(server_list) - 1: dict_values["server_%s" % num] = 0 # Seccion Calidades favoritas quality_list = channel_node.get("quality", []) if not quality_list: enabled = False quality_list = ["No disponible"] else: enabled = "eq(-7,true)" custom_quality_settings = { "id": "custom_quality", "label": config.get_localized_string(60083), "color": "0xff66ffcc", "type": "bool", "default": False, "enabled": enabled, "visible": True } list_controls.append(custom_quality_settings) if dict_values['active'] and enabled: dict_values['custom_quality'] = settings_node.get( 'custom_quality', False) else: dict_values['custom_quality'] = False for num in range(1, 4): pos1 = num + 7 default = num - 1 if default > len(quality_list) - 1: default = 0 set_quality = { "id": "quality_%s" % num, "label": u" \u2665 Calidad Favorita %s" % num, "color": "0xfff442d9", "type": "list", "default": default, "enabled": "eq(-%s,true)+eq(-%s,true)" % (pos1, num), "visible": True, "lvalues": quality_list } list_controls.append(set_quality) dict_values["quality_%s" % num] = settings_node.get( "quality_%s" % num, 0) if settings_node.get("quality_%s" % num, 0) > len(quality_list) - 1: dict_values["quality_%s" % num] = 0 # Plan B dict_values['plan_b'] = settings_node.get('plan_b', False) enabled = "eq(-4,true)|eq(-8,true)" plan_b = { "id": "plan_b", "label": config.get_localized_string(70172), "color": "0xffffff99", "type": "bool", "default": False, "enabled": enabled, "visible": True } list_controls.append(plan_b) # Seccion Prioridades priority_list = [ config.get_localized_string(70174), config.get_localized_string(70175) ] set_priority = { "id": "priority", "label": config.get_localized_string(60085), "color": "0xffffff99", "type": "list", "default": 0, "enabled": True, "visible": "eq(-5,true)+eq(-9,true)+eq(-12,true)", "lvalues": priority_list } list_controls.append(set_priority) dict_values["priority"] = settings_node.get("priority", 0) # Abrir cuadro de dialogo platformtools.show_channel_settings(list_controls=list_controls, dict_values=dict_values, callback='save', item=item, caption='%s - AutoPlay' % channel_name, custom_button={ 'visible': True, 'function': "reset", 'close': True, 'label': 'Reset' })
def cuadro_completar(item): logger.debug() global dict_default dict_default = {} COLOR = ["0xFF65B3DA", "0xFFFFFFFF"] # We create the list of infoLabel fields controls = [("title", "text", config.get_localized_string(60230)), ("originaltitle", "text", config.get_localized_string(60231)), ("year", "text", config.get_localized_string(60232)), ("identificadores", "label", config.get_localized_string(60233)), ("tmdb_id", "text", config.get_localized_string(60234)), ("url_tmdb", "text", config.get_localized_string(60235), "+!eq(-1,'')"), ("tvdb_id", "text", config.get_localized_string(60236), "+eq(-7,'Serie')"), ("url_tvdb", "text", config.get_localized_string(60237), "+!eq(-1,'')+eq(-8,'Serie')"), ("imdb_id", "text", config.get_localized_string(60238)), ("otro_id", "text", config.get_localized_string(60239), "+eq(-1,'')"), ("urls", "label", config.get_localized_string(60240)), ("fanart", "text", config.get_localized_string(60241)), ("thumbnail", "text", config.get_localized_string(60242))] if item.infoLabels["mediatype"] == "movie": mediatype_default = 0 else: mediatype_default = 1 listado_controles = [{'id': "mediatype", 'type': "list", 'label': config.get_localized_string(60243), 'color': COLOR[1], 'default': mediatype_default, 'enabled': True, 'visible': True, 'lvalues': [config.get_localized_string(60244), config.get_localized_string(70136)] }] for i, c in enumerate(controls): color = COLOR[0] dict_default[c[0]] = item.infoLabels.get(c[0], '') enabled = True if i > 0 and c[1] != 'label': color = COLOR[1] enabled = "!eq(-%s,'')" % i if len(c) > 3: enabled += c[3] # default for special cases if c[0] == "url_tmdb" and item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"] and 'tmdb' in item.infoLabels["url_scraper"]: dict_default[c[0]] = item.infoLabels["url_scraper"] elif c[0] == "url_tvdb" and item.infoLabels["tvdb_id"] and '' in item.infoLabels["url_scraper"]: dict_default[c[0]] = item.infoLabels["url_scraper"] if not dict_default[c[0]] or dict_default[c[0]] == 'None' or dict_default[c[0]] == 0: dict_default[c[0]] = '' elif isinstance(dict_default[c[0]], (int, float)) or (not PY3 and isinstance(dict_default[c[0]], (int, float, long))): # If it is numerical we convert it into str dict_default[c[0]] = str(dict_default[c[0]]) listado_controles.append({'id': c[0], 'type': c[1], 'label': c[2], 'color': color, 'default': dict_default[c[0]], 'enabled': enabled, 'visible': True}) # logger.debug(dict_default) if platformtools.show_channel_settings(list_controls=listado_controles, caption=config.get_localized_string(60246), item=item, callback="core.scraper.callback_cuadro_completar", custom_button={"visible": False}): return True else: return False
def configuracion(item): from platformcode import platformtools ret = platformtools.show_channel_settings() platformtools.itemlist_refresh() return ret
def filtro(item):"pelisalacarta.channels.cinefox filtro") list_controls = [] valores = {} strings = {} # Se utilizan los valores por defecto/guardados o los del filtro personalizado if not item.values: valores_guardados = config.get_setting("filtro_defecto_" + item.extra, else: valores_guardados = item.values item.values = "" dict_values = valores_guardados if valores_guardados else None if dict_values: dict_values["filtro_per"] = 0 excluidos = ['País', 'Películas', 'Series', 'Destacar'] data = scrapertools.downloadpage(item.url) matches = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches( data, '<div class="dropdown-sub[^>]+>(\S+)(.*?)</ul>') i = 0 for filtro_title, values in matches: if filtro_title in excluidos: continue filtro_title = filtro_title.replace("Tendencia", "Ordenar por") id = filtro_title.replace("Género", "genero").replace("Año", "year").replace( " ", "_").lower() list_controls.append({ 'id': id, 'label': filtro_title, 'enabled': True, 'type': 'list', 'default': 0, 'visible': True }) valores[id] = [] valores[id].append('') strings[filtro_title] = [] list_controls[i]['lvalues'] = [] if filtro_title == "Ordenar por": list_controls[i]['lvalues'].append('Más recientes') strings[filtro_title].append('Más recientes') else: list_controls[i]['lvalues'].append('Cualquiera') strings[filtro_title].append('Cualquiera') patron = '<li>.*?(?:genre|release|quality|language|order)=([^"]+)">([^<]+)<' matches_v = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(values, patron) for value, key in matches_v: if value == "action-adventure": continue list_controls[i]['lvalues'].append(key) valores[id].append(value) strings[filtro_title].append(key) i += 1 item.valores = valores item.strings = strings if "Filtro Personalizado" in item.title: return filtrado(item, valores_guardados) list_controls.append({ 'id': 'espacio', 'label': '', 'enabled': False, 'type': 'label', 'default': '', 'visible': True }) list_controls.append({ 'id': 'save', 'label': 'Establecer como filtro por defecto', 'enabled': True, 'type': 'bool', 'default': False, 'visible': True }) list_controls.append({ 'id': 'filtro_per', 'label': 'Guardar filtro en acceso directo...', 'enabled': True, 'type': 'list', 'default': 0, 'visible': True, 'lvalues': ['No guardar', 'Filtro 1', 'Filtro 2', 'Filtro 3'] }) list_controls.append({ 'id': 'remove', 'label': 'Eliminar filtro personalizado...', 'enabled': True, 'type': 'list', 'default': 0, 'visible': True, 'lvalues': ['No eliminar', 'Filtro 1', 'Filtro 2', 'Filtro 3'] }) from platformcode import platformtools return platformtools.show_channel_settings(list_controls=list_controls, dict_values=dict_values, caption="Filtra los resultados", item=item, callback='filtrado')
def config_filter(item): """ muestra una serie filtrada para su configuración :param item: item :type item: Item """"[] config_filter")"item {0}".format(item.tostring())) # OBTENEMOS LOS DATOS DEL JSON dict_series = get_filtered_tvshows(item.from_channel) tvshow = lang_selected = dict_series.get(tvshow, {}).get(TAG_LANGUAGE, 'Español') list_quality = dict_series.get(tvshow, {}).get(TAG_QUALITY_NOT_ALLOWED, "") #"lang selected {}".format(lang_selected)) #"list quality {}".format(list_quality)) active = True custom_method = "" allow_option = False if in dict_series: allow_option = True custom_method = "borrar_filtro" active = dict_series.get(, {}).get(TAG_ACTIVE, False) list_controls = [] if allow_option: active_control = { "id": "active", "type": "bool", "label": "¿Activar/Desactivar filtro?", "color": "", "default": active, "enabled": allow_option, "visible": allow_option, } list_controls.append(active_control) language_option = { "id": "language", "type": "list", "label": "Idioma", "color": "0xFFee66CC", "default": item.list_idiomas.index(lang_selected), "enabled": True, "visible": True, "lvalues": item.list_idiomas } list_controls.append(language_option) if item.list_calidad: list_controls_calidad = [ { "id": "textoCalidad", "type": "label", "label": "Calidad NO permitida", "color": "0xffC6C384", "enabled": True, "visible": True, }, ] for element in sorted(item.list_calidad, key=str.lower): list_controls_calidad.append({ "id": element, "type": "bool", "label": element, "default": (False, True)[element.lower() in list_quality], "enabled": True, "visible": True, }) # concatenamos list_controls con list_controls_calidad list_controls.extend(list_controls_calidad) custom_button = {'name': 'Borrar', 'method': custom_method} platformtools.show_channel_settings(list_controls=list_controls, callback='guardar_valores', item=item, caption="Filtrado de enlaces para: [COLOR blue]{0}[/COLOR]".format(, custom_button=custom_button)
def conf_tools(item): # Activar o desactivar canales if item.extra == "channels_onoff": import channelselector from core import channeltools channel_list = channelselector.filterchannels("allchannelstatus") channel_language = config.get_setting("channel_language") if channel_language == "": channel_language = "all" excluded_channels = ['tengourl', 'buscador', 'libreria', 'configuracion', 'novedades', 'personal', 'ayuda', 'descargas'] list_controls = [] try: list_controls.append({'id': "all_channels", 'type': "list", 'label': "Todos los canales", 'default': 0, 'enabled': True, 'visible': True, 'lvalues': ['', 'Activar todos', 'Desactivar todos', 'Establecer estado por defecto']}) for channel in channel_list: # Si el canal esta en la lista de exclusiones lo saltamos if not in excluded_channels: # Se cargan los ajustes del archivo json del canal jsonchannel = channeltools.get_channel_json( if jsonchannel.get("settings") or jsonchannel.get("active"): channel_parameters = channeltools.get_channel_parameters( # No incluir si es un canal para adultos, y el modo adulto está desactivado if (channel_parameters["adult"] == "true" and config.get_setting("adult_mode") == "0"): continue # No incluir si el canal es en un idioma filtrado if (channel_language != "all" and channel_parameters["language"] != channel_language): continue status = None xml_status = channel_parameters["active"].replace("t", "T").replace("f", "F") xml_status = eval(xml_status) if config.get_setting("enabled", status = config.get_setting("enabled", status = status.replace("t", "T").replace("f", "F") status = eval(status) # + " | Status: " + str(status)) else: status = xml_status # + " | Status (XML): " + str(status)) status_control = "" if not xml_status: status_control = " [COLOR grey](Desactivado por defecto)[/COLOR]" if status is not None: control = {'id':, 'type': "bool", 'label': channel_parameters["title"] + status_control, 'default': status, 'enabled': True, 'visible': True} list_controls.append(control) else:"Algo va mal con el canal " + else: continue return platformtools.show_channel_settings(list_controls=list_controls, caption="Canales", callback="channel_status", custom_button={"visible": False}) except: import traceback + " | Detalle del error: %s" % traceback.format_exc()) platformtools.dialog_notification("Error", "Se ha producido un error con el canal %s" % channel.title) # Comprobacion de archivos channel_data.json elif item.extra == "lib_check_datajson": itemlist = [] import channelselector from core import channeltools channel_list = channelselector.filterchannels("allchannelstatus") # Tener una lista de exclusion no tiene mucho sentido por que se comprueba si # el xml tiene "settings", pero por si acaso se deja excluded_channels = ['tengourl', 'configuracion', 'personal', 'ayuda'] try: import os from core import jsontools for channel in channel_list: needsfix = None list_status = None list_controls = None default_settings = None channeljson_exists = None # Se convierte el "" del canal biblioteca para que no de error if == "libreria": = "biblioteca" # Se comprueba si el canal esta en la lista de exclusiones if not in excluded_channels: # Se comprueba que tenga "settings", sino se salta jsonchannel = channeltools.get_channel_json( if not jsonchannel.get("settings"): itemlist.append(Item(channel=CHANNELNAME, title=channel.title + " - No tiene ajustes por defecto", action="", folder=False, thumbnail=channel.thumbnail)) continue # + " SALTADO!") # Se cargan los ajustes del archivo json del canal file_settings = os.path.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_channels", + "_data.json") dict_settings = {} dict_file = {} if filetools.exists(file_settings): # + " Tiene archivo _data.json") channeljson_exists = "true" # Obtenemos configuracion guardada de ../settings/channel_data.json try: dict_file = jsontools.load_json(open(file_settings, "rb").read()) if isinstance(dict_file, dict) and 'settings' in dict_file: dict_settings = dict_file['settings'] except EnvironmentError:"ERROR al leer el archivo: %s" % file_settings) else: # + " No tiene archivo _data.json") channeljson_exists = "false" if channeljson_exists == "true": try: datajson_size = filetools.getsize(file_settings) except: import traceback + " | Detalle del error: %s" % traceback.format_exc()) else: datajson_size = None # Si el _data.json esta vacio o no existe... if (len(dict_settings) and datajson_size) == 0 or channeljson_exists == "false": # Obtenemos controles del archivo ../channels/channel.xml needsfix = "true" try: # Se cargan los ajustes por defecto list_controls, default_settings = channeltools.get_channel_controls_settings( # + " | Default: %s" % default_settings) except: import traceback + " | Detalle del error: %s" % traceback.format_exc()) # default_settings = {} # Si _data.json necesita ser reparado o no existe... if needsfix == "true" or channeljson_exists == "false": if default_settings is not None: # Creamos el channel_data.json default_settings.update(dict_settings) dict_settings = default_settings dict_file['settings'] = dict_settings # Creamos el archivo ../settings/channel_data.json json_data = jsontools.dump_json(dict_file) try: open(file_settings, "wb").write(json_data) # + " - Archivo _data.json GUARDADO!") # El channel_data.json se ha creado/modificado list_status = " - [COLOR red] CORREGIDO!![/COLOR]" except EnvironmentError:"ERROR al salvar el archivo: %s" % file_settings) else: if default_settings is None: list_status = " - [COLOR red] Imposible cargar los ajustes por defecto![/COLOR]" else: # + " - NO necesita correccion!") needsfix = "false" # Si se ha establecido el estado del canal se añade a la lista if needsfix is not None: if needsfix == "true": if channeljson_exists == "false": list_status = " - Ajustes creados" list_colour = "red" else: list_status = " - No necesita correccion" list_colour = "green" else: # Si "needsfix" es "false" y "datjson_size" es None habra # ocurrido algun error if datajson_size is None: list_status = " - Ha ocurrido algun error" list_colour = "red" else: list_status = " - No necesita correccion" list_colour = "green" if list_status is not None: itemlist.append(Item(channel=CHANNELNAME, title=channel.title + list_status, action="", folder=False, thumbnail=channel.thumbnail, text_color=list_colour)) else:"Algo va mal con el canal %s" % # Si el canal esta en la lista de exclusiones lo saltamos else: continue except: import traceback + " | Detalle del error: %s" % traceback.format_exc()) platformtools.dialog_notification("Error", "Se ha producido un error con el canal %s" % channel.title) return itemlist else: platformtools.dialog_notification("pelisalacarta", "Error!") platformtools.itemlist_update(Item(channel=CHANNELNAME, action="submenu_tools"))
def settingCanal(item): if config.OLD_PLATFORM: config.open_settings() else: return platformtools.show_channel_settings()
def config_item(item): """ displays a filtered series for your setup @param item: item @type item: Item """"item %s" % item.tostring()) # WE GET THE JSON DATA dict_series = jsontools.get_node_from_file(item.from_channel, TAG_TVSHOW_FILTER) tvshow = default_lang = '' channel_parameters = channeltools.get_channel_parameters(item.from_channel) list_language = channel_parameters["filter_languages"] try: if channel_parameters["filter_languages"] != '' and len( list_language) > 0: default_lang = list_language[1] except: pass if default_lang == '': platformtools.dialog_notification("FilterTools", "There are no defined languages") return else: lang_selected = dict_series.get(tvshow, {}).get(TAG_LANGUAGE, default_lang) list_quality = dict_series.get(tvshow, {}).get( TAG_QUALITY_ALLOWED, [x.lower() for x in item.list_quality]) #"lang selected {}".format(lang_selected)) #"list quality {}".format(list_quality)) active = True custom_button = {'visible': False} allow_option = False if in dict_series: allow_option = True active = dict_series.get(, {}).get(TAG_ACTIVE, False) custom_button = { 'label': config.get_localized_string(60437), 'function': 'delete', 'visible': True, 'close': True } list_controls = [] if allow_option: active_control = { "id": "active", "type": "bool", "label": config.get_localized_string(60438), "color": "", "default": active, "enabled": allow_option, "visible": allow_option, } list_controls.append(active_control) language_option = { "id": "language", "type": "list", "label": config.get_localized_string(60439), # "color": "0xFFee66CC", "default": item.list_language.index(lang_selected), "enabled": True, "visible": True, "lvalues": item.list_language } list_controls.append(language_option) if item.list_quality: list_controls_calidad = [ { "id": "textoCalidad", "type": "label", "label": "Calidad permitida", "color": "0xffC6C384", "enabled": True, "visible": True, }, ] for element in sorted(item.list_quality, key=str.lower): list_controls_calidad.append({ "id": element, "type": "bool", "label": element, "default": (False, True)[element.lower() in list_quality], "enabled": True, "visible": True, }) # we concatenate list_controls with list_controls_quality list_controls.extend(list_controls_calidad) title = config.get_localized_string(60441) % (COLOR.get( "selected", "auto"), platformtools.show_channel_settings(list_controls=list_controls, callback='save', item=item, caption=title, custom_button=custom_button)
def filtro(item): list_controls = [] valores = {} dict_values = None list_controls.append({ 'id': 'search', 'label': 'Texto a buscar', 'enabled': True, 'color': '0xFFC52020', 'type': 'text', 'default': '', 'visible': True }) list_controls.append({ 'id': 'tipo', 'label': 'Tipo de búsqueda', 'enabled': True, 'color': '0xFFFF8000', 'type': 'list', 'default': -1, 'visible': True }) list_controls[1]['lvalues'] = [ 'Aplicación', 'Archivo', 'Documento', 'Imagen', 'Música', 'Vídeo', 'Todos' ] valores['tipo'] = [ 'Application', 'Archive', 'Document', 'Image', 'Music', 'Video', '' ] list_controls.append({ 'id': 'ext', 'label': 'Extensión', 'enabled': True, 'color': '0xFFF4FA58', 'type': 'text', 'default': '', 'visible': True }) list_controls.append({ 'id': 'tmin', 'label': 'Tamaño mínimo (MB)', 'enabled': True, 'color': '0xFFCC2EFA', 'type': 'text', 'default': '0', 'visible': True }) list_controls.append({ 'id': 'tmax', 'label': 'Tamaño máximo (MB)', 'enabled': True, 'color': '0xFF2ECCFA', 'type': 'text', 'default': '0', 'visible': True }) # Se utilizan los valores por defecto/guardados web = "kbagi" if "diskokosmiko" in item.extra: web = "diskokosmiko" valores_guardados = config.get_setting("filtro_defecto_" + web, if valores_guardados: dict_values = valores_guardados item.valores = valores from platformcode import platformtools return platformtools.show_channel_settings(list_controls=list_controls, dict_values=dict_values, caption="Filtra la búsqueda", item=item, callback='filtrado')
def filtro(item):"pelisalacarta.channels.cinefox filtro") list_controls = [] valores = {} strings = {} # Se utilizan los valores por defecto/guardados o los del filtro personalizado if not item.values: valores_guardados = config.get_setting("filtro_defecto_" + item.extra, else: valores_guardados = item.values item.values = "" dict_values = valores_guardados if valores_guardados else None if dict_values: dict_values["filtro_per"] = 0 excluidos = ['País', 'Películas', 'Series', 'Destacar'] data = scrapertools.downloadpage(item.url) matches = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(data, '<div class="dropdown-sub[^>]+>(\S+)(.*?)</ul>') i = 0 for filtro_title, values in matches: if filtro_title in excluidos: continue filtro_title = filtro_title.replace("Tendencia", "Ordenar por") id = filtro_title.replace("Género", "genero").replace("Año", "year").replace(" ", "_").lower() list_controls.append({'id': id, 'label': filtro_title, 'enabled': True, 'type': 'list', 'default': 0, 'visible': True}) valores[id] = [] valores[id].append('') strings[filtro_title] = [] list_controls[i]['lvalues'] = [] if filtro_title == "Ordenar por": list_controls[i]['lvalues'].append('Más recientes') strings[filtro_title].append('Más recientes') else: list_controls[i]['lvalues'].append('Cualquiera') strings[filtro_title].append('Cualquiera') patron = '<li>.*?(?:genre|release|quality|language|order)=([^"]+)">([^<]+)<' matches_v = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(values, patron) for value, key in matches_v: if value == "action-adventure": continue list_controls[i]['lvalues'].append(key) valores[id].append(value) strings[filtro_title].append(key) i += 1 item.valores = valores item.strings = strings if "Filtro Personalizado" in item.title: return filtrado(item, valores_guardados) list_controls.append({'id': 'espacio', 'label': '', 'enabled': False, 'type': 'text', 'default': '', 'visible': True}) list_controls.append({'id': 'save', 'label': 'Establecer como filtro por defecto', 'enabled': True, 'type': 'bool', 'default': False, 'visible': True}) list_controls.append({'id': 'filtro_per', 'label': 'Guardar filtro en acceso directo...', 'enabled': True, 'type': 'list', 'default': 0, 'visible': True, 'lvalues': ['No guardar', 'Filtro 1', 'Filtro 2', 'Filtro 3']}) list_controls.append({'id': 'remove', 'label': 'Eliminar filtro personalizado...', 'enabled': True, 'type': 'list', 'default': 0, 'visible': True, 'lvalues': ['No eliminar', 'Filtro 1', 'Filtro 2', 'Filtro 3']}) from platformcode import platformtools return platformtools.show_channel_settings(list_controls=list_controls, dict_values=dict_values, caption="Filtra los resultados", item=item, callback='filtrado')
def filtro(item): list_controls = [] valores = {} strings = {} # Se utilizan los valores por defecto/guardados o los del filtro personalizado if not item.values: valores_guardados = config.get_setting("filtro_defecto_peliculas", else: valores_guardados = item.values item.values = "" if valores_guardados: dict_values = valores_guardados else: dict_values = None if dict_values: dict_values["filtro_per"] = 0 list_controls.append({ 'id': 'texto', 'label': 'Cadena de búsqueda', 'enabled': True, 'type': 'text', 'default': '', 'visible': True }) data = httptools.downloadpage(item.url).data data = re.sub(r"\n|\r|\t|\s{2}| ", "", data) matches = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches( data, 'option value="">([^<]+)</option>(.*?)</select>') i = 1 for filtro_title, values in matches: id = filtro_title.replace("A\xc3\xb1o", "year").lower() filtro_title = filtro_title.replace("A\xc3\xb1o", "Año") list_controls.append({ 'id': id, 'label': filtro_title, 'enabled': True, 'type': 'list', 'default': 0, 'visible': True }) valores[id] = [] valores[id].append('') strings[filtro_title] = [] list_controls[i]['lvalues'] = [] list_controls[i]['lvalues'].append('Cualquiera') strings[filtro_title].append('Cualquiera') patron = '<option value="([^"]+)">([^<]+)</option>' matches_v = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(values, patron) for value, key in matches_v: list_controls[i]['lvalues'].append(key) valores[id].append(value) strings[filtro_title].append(key) i += 1 item.valores = valores item.strings = strings if "Filtro Personalizado" in item.title: return filtrado(item, valores_guardados) list_controls.append({ 'id': 'espacio', 'label': '', 'enabled': False, 'type': 'label', 'default': '', 'visible': True }) list_controls.append({ 'id': 'save', 'label': 'Establecer como filtro por defecto', 'enabled': True, 'type': 'bool', 'default': False, 'visible': True }) list_controls.append({ 'id': 'filtro_per', 'label': 'Guardar filtro en acceso directo...', 'enabled': True, 'type': 'list', 'default': 0, 'visible': True, 'lvalues': ['No guardar', 'Filtro 1', 'Filtro 2', 'Filtro 3'] }) list_controls.append({ 'id': 'remove', 'label': 'Eliminar filtro personalizado...', 'enabled': True, 'type': 'list', 'default': 0, 'visible': True, 'lvalues': ['No eliminar', 'Filtro 1', 'Filtro 2', 'Filtro 3'] }) from platformcode import platformtools return platformtools.show_channel_settings(list_controls=list_controls, dict_values=dict_values, caption="Filtra los resultados", item=item, callback='filtrado')
def filtro(item): list_controls = [] valores = {} strings = {} # Se utilizan los valores por defecto/guardados o los del filtro personalizado if not item.values: valores_guardados = config.get_setting("filtro_defecto_peliculas", else: valores_guardados = item.values item.values = "" if valores_guardados: dict_values = valores_guardados else: dict_values = None if dict_values: dict_values["filtro_per"] = 0 list_controls.append({'id': 'texto', 'label': 'Cadena de búsqueda', 'enabled': True, 'type': 'text', 'default': '', 'visible': True}) data = httptools.downloadpage(item.url).data data = re.sub(r"\n|\r|\t|\s{2}| ", "", data) matches = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(data, 'option value="">([^<]+)</option>(.*?)</select>') i = 1 for filtro_title, values in matches: id = filtro_title.replace("A\xc3\xb1o", "year").lower() filtro_title = filtro_title.replace("A\xc3\xb1o", "Año") list_controls.append({'id': id, 'label': filtro_title, 'enabled': True, 'type': 'list', 'default': 0, 'visible': True}) valores[id] = [] valores[id].append('') strings[filtro_title] = [] list_controls[i]['lvalues'] = [] list_controls[i]['lvalues'].append('Cualquiera') strings[filtro_title].append('Cualquiera') patron = '<option value="([^"]+)">([^<]+)</option>' matches_v = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(values, patron) for value, key in matches_v: list_controls[i]['lvalues'].append(key) valores[id].append(value) strings[filtro_title].append(key) i += 1 item.valores = valores item.strings = strings if "Filtro Personalizado" in item.title: return filtrado(item, valores_guardados) list_controls.append({'id': 'espacio', 'label': '', 'enabled': False, 'type': 'label', 'default': '', 'visible': True}) list_controls.append({'id': 'save', 'label': 'Establecer como filtro por defecto', 'enabled': True, 'type': 'bool', 'default': False, 'visible': True}) list_controls.append({'id': 'filtro_per', 'label': 'Guardar filtro en acceso directo...', 'enabled': True, 'type': 'list', 'default': 0, 'visible': True, 'lvalues': ['No guardar', 'Filtro 1', 'Filtro 2', 'Filtro 3']}) list_controls.append({'id': 'remove', 'label': 'Eliminar filtro personalizado...', 'enabled': True, 'type': 'list', 'default': 0, 'visible': True, 'lvalues': ['No eliminar', 'Filtro 1', 'Filtro 2', 'Filtro 3']}) from platformcode import platformtools return platformtools.show_channel_settings(list_controls=list_controls, dict_values=dict_values, caption="Filtra los resultados", item=item, callback='filtrado')
def settingCanal(item): platformtools.show_channel_settings() #platformtools.itemlist_refresh() return
def settings(item): ret = platformtools.show_channel_settings( caption="configuración -- Descargas") platformtools.itemlist_refresh() return ret
def channel_config(item): return platformtools.show_channel_settings(channelpath=os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(),"channels",
def config_item(item): """ muestra una serie filtrada para su configuración :param item: item :type item: Item """"item {0}".format(item.tostring())) # OBTENEMOS LOS DATOS DEL JSON dict_series = get_tvshows(item.from_channel) tvshow = lang_selected = dict_series.get(tvshow, {}).get(TAG_LANGUAGE, 'Español') list_quality = dict_series.get(tvshow, {}).get(TAG_QUALITY_NOT_ALLOWED, "") #"lang selected {}".format(lang_selected)) #"list quality {}".format(list_quality)) active = True custom_button = {'visible': False} allow_option = False if in dict_series: allow_option = True active = dict_series.get(, {}).get(TAG_ACTIVE, False) custom_button = {'label': 'Borrar', 'function': 'borrar_filtro', 'visible': True, 'close': True} list_controls = [] if allow_option: active_control = { "id": "active", "type": "bool", "label": "¿Activar/Desactivar filtro?", "color": "", "default": active, "enabled": allow_option, "visible": allow_option, } list_controls.append(active_control) language_option = { "id": "language", "type": "list", "label": "Idioma", "color": "0xFFee66CC", "default": item.list_idiomas.index(lang_selected), "enabled": True, "visible": True, "lvalues": item.list_idiomas } list_controls.append(language_option) if item.list_calidad: list_controls_calidad = [ { "id": "textoCalidad", "type": "label", "label": "Calidad NO permitida", "color": "0xffC6C384", "enabled": True, "visible": True, }, ] for element in sorted(item.list_calidad, key=str.lower): list_controls_calidad.append({ "id": element, "type": "bool", "label": element, "default": (False, True)[element.lower() in list_quality], "enabled": True, "visible": True, }) # concatenamos list_controls con list_controls_calidad list_controls.extend(list_controls_calidad) title = "Filtrado de enlaces para: [COLOR {0}]{1}[/COLOR]".format(COLOR.get("selected", "auto"), platformtools.show_channel_settings(list_controls=list_controls, callback='guardar_valores', item=item, caption=title, custom_button=custom_button)