def showHist(self): """Show history of the played pieces.""" dom = domino() # Show history self.msgr.prnt({ 'eng': "\n-> This is the played history:", 'por': "\n-> Este é o histórico de jogadas:" }) indPl = self.starts # print(indPl) for ind in self.piecHist: # print(ind) strPrnt = "Pl." + str(indPl) + ": " # print("strPrnt = '"+strPrnt+"'") if ind is None: if self.msgr.lang == 'eng': strPrnt += "Passed." elif self.msgr.lang == 'por': strPrnt += "Passei." else: strPrnt += "None" else: strPrnt += str(dom.getPiecPair(ind)) + " (" + str(ind) + ")" # self.msgr.prnt(strPrnt) indPl = (indPl + 1) % 4
def updtCurrPiec(self, move): """Update current piece. Updates the table's .currPiec attribute and returns None. """ dom = domino() piec, posi, ornt = move if self.currPiec is None: self.currPiec = piec else: piecPair = dom.getPiecPair(piec) currPiecPair = dom.getPiecPair(self.currPiec) if ornt: # True orientation: # greater side exposed, lesser side replaced ppIndx = 1 else: # False orientation: # lesser side exposed, greater side replaced ppIndx = 0 if posi == 0: # left position. Replace lesser side currPiecPair[0] = piecPair[ppIndx] else: # right position. Replace greater side currPiecPair[1] = piecPair[ppIndx] self.currPiec = dom.getPiecNum(currPiecPair)
def showStat(self): """Show current state of the table.""" dom = domino() cp = self.currPiec if cp is not None: self.msgr.prnt({ 'eng': "\n-> This is the current piece " + "(state) in the table:", 'por': "\n-> Esta é a peça atual (estado) " + "do jogo:" }) self.msgr.prnt(str(cp) + " (" + str(dom.getPiecPair(cp)) + ")")
def showHand(self): """Show the player's hands.""" dom = domino() self.msgr.prnt({ 'eng': "\nThese are the players' hands:", 'por': "\nAqui estão as mãos dos jogadores:" }) for pl in range(4): p = self.players[pl] self.msgr.prnt({ 'eng': " Player #" + str(pl) + ":", 'por': " Jogador #" + str(pl) + ":" }) handStr = ' ' for ind in range(len(p.hand)): handStr += str(dom.getPiecPair(p.hand[ind])) + ', ' self.msgr.prnt(handStr)
def specFnshTest(self, move): """Check for special finishings. Special finishings are: - "carroça": for finishing with a double piece such as [3,3]; (this yields 2 points) - "lailot": for finishing at both ends simultaneously; (this yields 3 points) - "cruzado": for finishing with a double piece at both ends; (this yields 4 points) """ self.msgr.prnt({'eng': "\nDONE!", 'por': "\nBATI!"}) dom = domino() piec, _, _ = move piecPair = dom.getPiecPair(piec) # Test for final double piece if piecPair[0] == piecPair[1]: isCarr = True else: isCarr = False # Test for finish at both ends compScor = dom.isComp(piec, self.currPiec) # print(compScor) # 1 & 2, or 4 & 8 isOne, isTwo, isFour, isEig = False, False, False, False if compScor % 2 == 1: isOne = True compScor -= 1 if compScor % 4 == 2: isTwo = True compScor -= 2 if compScor % 8 == 4: isFour = True compScor -= 4 if compScor > 0: isEig = True if (isTwo and isFour) or (isEig and isOne): bothSide = True else: bothSide = False # Final count for points if isCarr: if bothSide: nPtsAdd = 4 self.msgr.prnt("\n----- CRUZADO!! 4 pts! -----") else: nPtsAdd = 2 self.msgr.prnt("\n----- CARROÇA!! 2 pts! -----") else: if bothSide: nPtsAdd = 3 self.msgr.prnt("\n----- LAILOT!! 3 pts! -----") else: nPtsAdd = 1 self.msgr.prnt("\n----- OK! 1 pt. -----") self.nPtsAdd = nPtsAdd
def play(self, isFirst=False): """Put the players to play.""" dom = domino() win = None pl = self.players[self.plays] if not pl.isAuto: self.showTabl() if isFirst: move =, self.piecHist, strtWith=self.strtWith, msgr=self.msgr) else: move =, self.piecHist, msgr=self.msgr) piec, posi, ornt = move self.piecHist.append(piec) if piec is None: # no piece was played. Update the 'hasNot' arrays: thisPiecPair = dom.getPiecPair(self.currPiec) self.hasNot[self.plays, thisPiecPair[0]] = True self.hasNot[self.plays, thisPiecPair[1]] = True else: # Player has played a proper piece if len(pl.hand) == 0: # this player has just finished the game! win = self.plays % 2 self.specFnshTest(move) else: self.updtCurrPiec(move) # # # Deadlock test if len(self.piecHist) > 4 and \ (self.piecHist[-1] is None) and \ (self.piecHist[-2] is None) and \ (self.piecHist[-3] is None) and \ (self.piecHist[-4] is None): ptOdd, ptEvn = 0, 0 for indPl in range(4): for ind in self.players[indPl].hand: pair = dom.getPiecPair(ind) if indPl % 2 == 0: ptEvn += (pair[0] + pair[1]) else: ptOdd += (pair[0] + pair[1]) # TODO: solve the tie condition in a less biased way self.msgr.prnt({'eng': "\nDeadlock!", 'por': "\nTravou!"}) self.showAll() self.msgr.prnt({ 'eng': "\nEven team: " + str(ptEvn) + " points, Odd team: " + str(ptOdd) + " points...", 'por': "\nTime par: " + str(ptEvn) + " pontos, Time ímpar: " + str(ptOdd) + " pontos..." }) if ptEvn <= ptOdd: win = 0 elif ptOdd < ptEvn: win = 1 # # # Next player to play self.plays = (self.plays + 1) % 4 return win