import os.path sys.path.insert(0,"/home/pi/Desktop/PIKLOK/bin") from playaudio import play_audio_file from speakmessage import speak_text_message_from_redis,delete_spoken_text_from_redis time.sleep(5) while 1: with open('/home/pi/Desktop/PIKLOK/bin/RED-BUTTON-SERVICE-DEFINITION', 'r') as content_file: redbuttonmode = if redbuttonmode == "read-message-now-stop" or redbuttonmode == "": print "calling on redis" redisresult=speak_text_message_from_redis("messagetospeak") if redisresult == 0: time.sleep(15) else: while 1: if os.path.exists("/home/pi/Desktop/PIKLOK/bin/messagetospeakfile.mp3") == True: play_audio_file("/home/pi/Desktop/PIKLOK/bin/messagetospeakfile.mp3") time.sleep(2) else: break else: # We cool this service down for now as it's not active! time.sleep(60)
#!/usr/bin/python from subprocess import check_output import sys sys.path.insert(0, "/home/pi/Desktop/PIKLOK/bin") from playaudio import play_audio_file myipaddr = check_output(['hostname', '-I']) for digit in myipaddr: if digit != ' ' and digit != '\n': if digit == ".": play_audio_file("dot") else: play_audio_file(digit)
from readtime import readtime ## Let's define all the GPIO good stuff here GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # Numbers pins by physical location # PIN 7 we use for BLUE BUTTON, to read the time BUTTON1 = 7 GPIO.setup(BUTTON1, GPIO.IN) # Set pin mode as input # PIN 11 we use for RED BUTTON, to stop remote message repeat BUTTON2 = 11 GPIO.setup(BUTTON2, GPIO.IN) # Set pin mode as input call(["/home/pi/Desktop/PIKLOK/bin/", ""]) play_audio_file("piklok-is-operational.mp3") while 1: if GPIO.input(BUTTON1) == 0: readtime() if GPIO.input(BUTTON2) == 0: #The "functions of the red button with open('/home/pi/Desktop/PIKLOK/bin/RED-BUTTON-SERVICE-DEFINITION', 'r') as content_file: redbuttonmode = if redbuttonmode == "read-message-now-stop" or redbuttonmode == "": # This is the default functionality
def readtime(): sounds = "/home/pi/Desktop/PIKLOK/sounds/" def play_audio_wav_omxplayer(audiofile): call(["/usr/bin/omxplayer", audiofile]) if len(sys.argv) == 1: #READ OUT THE CURRENT TIME print( "No arguments passed - reading the current time. For tests, pass HH MM as parameters, where HH is 0-23" ) timeisnow = time.localtime() #positional arguments are: #time.struct_time(tm_year=2017, tm_mon=8, tm_mday=24, tm_hour=22, tm_min=3, tm_sec=30, tm_wday=3, tm_yday=236, tm_isdst=0) tm_year = timeisnow[0] tm_mon = timeisnow[1] tm_day = timeisnow[2] tm_hour = timeisnow[3] tm_min = timeisnow[4] tm_sec = timeisnow[5] tm_weekday = timeisnow[6] str_tm_year = str(tm_year) str_tm_mon = str(tm_mon) str_tm_day = str(tm_day) str_tm_sec = str(tm_sec) else: #DUMMY RUN - READ OUT THE HH and MM passed as arguments if len(sys.argv) == 3: tm_hour = int(sys.argv[1]) tm_min = int(sys.argv[2]) print("TEST READ: " + sys.argv[1] + ":" + sys.argv[2]) else: print( "For testing you need to pass 3 arguments, HH MM AM/PM, where HH is a number between 0 and 23." ) exit() amorpm = "am" if tm_hour == 0: tm_hour = 12 amorpm = "am" if tm_hour == 12: amorpm = "pm" if tm_hour > 12: tm_hour = tm_hour - 12 amorpm = "pm" str_tm_hour = str(tm_hour) str_tm_hour_next = str(tm_hour + 1) str_tm_min = str(tm_min) #basic or advanced - this for fun to speak the time in more sophisticated ways #timetoread is the variable that holds the output to read MODE = "basic" if MODE == "basic": openingphrase = "thetimeisnow " done = 0 if tm_min == 0: # it's an "o'clock" if amorpm == "am": hourphrase = str_tm_hour + " oclock inthemorning" if amorpm == "pm": if tm_hour > 0 and tm_hour < 6: hourphrase = str_tm_hour + " oclock intheafternoon" print("hourphease is " + hourphrase) if tm_hour > 5 and tm_hour < 9: hourphrase = str_tm_hour + " oclock intheevening" if tm_hour > 8: hourphrase = str_tm_hour + " pm" else: if tm_min < 10: hourphrase = str_tm_hour + " 0 " + str_tm_min + " " + amorpm else: hourphrase = str_tm_hour + " " + str_tm_min + " " + amorpm timetoread = openingphrase + " " + hourphrase if MODE == "advanced": openingphrase = "thetimeisnow " done = 0 if tm_min == 0: # it's an "o'clock" hourphrase = str_tm_hour + " oclock" done = 1 if tm_min == 5: hourphrase = "5 past " + str_tm_hour done = 1 if tm_min == 10: hourphrase = "10 past " + str_tm_hour done = 1 if tm_min == 15: hourphrase = "aquarterpast " + str_tm_hour done = 1 if tm_min == 20: hourphrase = "20 past " + str_tm_hour done = 1 if tm_min == 25: hourphrase = "25 past " + str_tm_hour done = 1 if tm_min == 30: hourphrase = "half past " + str_tm_hour done = 1 if tm_min == 35: hourphrase = "25 to " + str_tm_hour_next done = 1 if tm_min == 40: hourphrase = "20 to " + str_tm_hour_next done = 1 if tm_min == 45: hourphrase = "aquarterto " + str_tm_hour_next done = 1 if tm_min == 50: hourphrase = "10 to " + str_tm_hour_next done = 1 if tm_min == 55: # past the hour hourphrase = "5 to " + str_tm_hour_next done = 1 if done == 0: if tm_min < 10: hourphrase = str_tm_hour + " 0 " + str_tm_min else: hourphrase = str_tm_hour + " " + str_tm_min timetoread = openingphrase + " " + hourphrase + " " + amorpm for word in str.split(timetoread): play_audio_file(word)