def __init__(self): """ create a new game """ self.board = core.new_board() self.firsthand = player.Human(core.FIRST_HAND) self.lasthand = player.Bot(core.LAST_HAND)
def _addBotPlayers(self): '''Adds additional bot players into the game''' if self.numHumanPlayers >= self.maxPlayers: return botsToAdd = self.maxPlayers - self.numHumanPlayers for index in range(botsToAdd): newBot = player.Bot("Bot", 1) self._addPlayer(newBot)
def play_single_player(player_one_name): bot_name = "Bot Player" board = Board(player_one_name, bot_name) player1 = player.Player(player_one_name, "Cross", board, start=True) player2 = player.Bot(bot_name, "Circle", board, start=False) player1.set_opponent(player2) player2.set_opponent(player1) cm = clickManager.ClickManager(board, player1, player2) player2.add_click_manager(cm) board.gui.mainloop()
def __init__(self): """ create a new game """ Tk.__init__(self) self.board = app.App().create_hexes_board(app.App().initGrid( 20, 20, 18)) self.firsthand = player.Human(player.FIRST_HAND) self.lasthand = player.Bot(player.LAST_HAND) self.can = Tk.Canvas(self, width=650, height=550, bg="#60ace6") self.size = 18
def add_player(self, uid, lvl = 1): """add player to engine and return uid lvl indicates difficulty 0 for human, 1, 2, 3, ... for bot""" if uid is None: print("Cannot have more than 256 players, skipping.") return None if not lvl: print("-> ", uid, "player") self.players[uid] = player.Player() else: print("-> ", uid, "bot") self.players[uid] = player.Bot()
def initialize(self): if (input("do you would like to take the first hand?(y/n)") == 'n'): self.firsthand = player.Bot(core.FIRST_HAND) self.lasthand = player.Human(core.LAST_HAND)
def get_bots(self, num): bots = set() while len(bots) < num: bots.add(player.Bot(len(bots)+1)) return list(sorted(list(bots), key=lambda bot: bot.order))
def test_bot(self): bot1 = player.Bot(1) self.assertIn(, player.BOT_NAMES)
def fightLoop(settings): # Store the match settings lives = settings[0] characters = settings[1] playertypes = settings[2] botdiffs = settings[3] stage = settings[4] return_to_title = False # Create a sprite group for the objects in the world environment # OrderedUpdates type to make sure everything updates and draws in the order they were appended to the group world = pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates() if stage == 4: stage = random.randint(0, 3) if stage == 0: # Add the stage background as part of the world environment world.add(environment.Scenery(assets.srr_bg)) # Add platforms as part of the world environment (has collision) world.add(environment.Platform(assets.srr_pl_s, 50, 700)) world.add(environment.Platform(assets.srr_pl_t, 50, 500, True)) world.add(environment.Platform(assets.srr_pl_t, 510, 500, True)) spawnpoints = [(170, 500), (630, 500)] # Load the stage music, 'Green_Stage.mp3')) elif stage == 1: # Add the stage background as part of the world environment world.add(environment.Scenery(assets.cc_bg)) # Add platforms as part of the world environment (has collision) world.add(environment.Platform(assets.cc_pl_s, 50, 700)) world.add(environment.Platform(assets.cc_pl_s, 280, 700)) world.add(environment.Platform(assets.cc_pl_s, 510, 700)) world.add(environment.Platform(assets.cc_pl_t, 150, 500, True)) spawnpoints = [(170, 700), (630, 700)] # Load the stage music os.path.join(cfg.music_dir, 'Crystal_stage.mp3')) elif stage == 2: # Add the stage background as part of the world environment world.add(environment.Scenery(assets.rv_bg)) # Add platforms as part of the world environment (has collision) world.add(environment.Platform(assets.rv_pl_s, 50, 700)) spawnpoints = [(150, 700), (650, 700)] # Load the stage music, 'Fire_Stage.mp3')) elif stage == 3: # Add the stage background as part of the world environment world.add(environment.Scenery(assets.at_bg)) # Add platforms as part of the world environment (has collision) world.add(environment.Platform(assets.at_pl_s, 150, 700)) world.add(environment.Platform(assets.at_pl_t, -50, 532, True)) world.add(environment.Platform(assets.at_pl_t, 650, 532, True)) spawnpoints = [(50, 532), (750, 532)] # Load the stage music, 'Sand_Stage.mp3')) # Play the stage music if cfg.sound: # Create the camera (used for updating the offset values used for drawing objects to the screen) camera = environment.Camera() # Create a sprite group for on-screen entities # OrderedUpdates type to make sure everything draws in the order they were appended to the group entities = pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates() # Create a list of players humans = [] bots = [] for plyr in range(0, len(characters)): # If the player chose random, then generate a random character index if characters[plyr] == 4: characters[plyr] = random.randint(0, 3) settings[1] = characters # Set the current player's character to Pebble with the specified amount of lives if characters[plyr] == 0: char = character.Pebble(lives, spawnpoints[plyr]) # Set the current player's character to Crystal with the specified amount of lives elif characters[plyr] == 1: char = character.Crystal(lives, spawnpoints[plyr]) # Set the current player's character to Magma with the specified amount of lives elif characters[plyr] == 2: char = character.Magma(lives, spawnpoints[plyr]) # Set the current player's character to Pharaoh with the specified amount of lives elif characters[plyr] == 3: char = character.Pharaoh(lives, spawnpoints[plyr]) entities.add(char) try: joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick(plyr) joystick.init() except pygame.error: joystick = None if plyr == 0: keyboard = [ pygame.K_w, # Up pygame.K_s, # Down pygame.K_a, # Left pygame.K_d, # Right pygame.K_t, # Up attack pygame.K_g, # Down attack pygame.K_f, # Left attack pygame.K_h # Right attack ] elif plyr == 1: keyboard = [ pygame.K_i, # Up pygame.K_k, # Down pygame.K_j, # Left pygame.K_l, # Right pygame.K_UP, # Up attack pygame.K_DOWN, # Down attack pygame.K_LEFT, # Left attack pygame.K_RIGHT # Right attack ] else: keyboard = None if playertypes[plyr] == 'Human': humans.append(player.Human(keyboard, joystick, char)) else: bots.append(player.Bot(char, botdiffs[plyr])) # # Load the font for the HUD # dbgfont = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 25) # Countdown timer that lasts 181 frames (~3 seconds at 60fps) countdown = 181 # Render the font for the countdown in advance text_1 = assets.countdown_font.render('1', True, (255, 255, 255)) text_2 = assets.countdown_font.render('2', True, (255, 255, 255)) text_3 = assets.countdown_font.render('3', True, (255, 255, 255)) text_go = assets.countdown_font.render('GO!', True, (255, 255, 255)) # Start the loop running = True while running: # Event Loop for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_ESCAPE]: return_to_title = menu.Options("Fight") if return_to_title: running = False loser = "" if countdown < 0: for human in humans: human.updateInputs() for bot in bots: bot.updateInputs(entities.sprites(), stage) # Update the camera offsets according to the position of on-screen entities camera.updatePos(entities.sprites()) # Update the position of the world objects relative to the camera position world.update(camera) # Draw the environment sprites to the screen world.draw(cfg.window) # Update the state of every entity entities.update(camera, world.sprites(), entities.sprites()) # Draw the entities to the screen entities.draw(cfg.window) # Draw the in-game HUD interface.Display(entities.sprites()) if countdown > -30: countdown -= 1 if countdown == 180: if cfg.sound: pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(cfg.voice_dir, '3.ogg')).play() elif countdown == 120: if cfg.sound: pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(cfg.voice_dir, '2.ogg')).play() elif countdown == 60: if cfg.sound: pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(cfg.voice_dir, '1.ogg')).play() elif countdown == 0: if cfg.sound: pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(cfg.voice_dir, 'Go.ogg')).play() if 121 < countdown <= 180: cfg.window.blit( text_3, (cfg.width / 2 - pygame.Surface.get_width(text_3) / 2, cfg.height / 2 - pygame.Surface.get_height(text_3) / 2)) elif 61 < countdown <= 120: cfg.window.blit( text_2, (cfg.width / 2 - pygame.Surface.get_width(text_2) / 2, cfg.height / 2 - pygame.Surface.get_height(text_2) / 2)) elif 0 < countdown <= 60: cfg.window.blit( text_1, (cfg.width / 2 - pygame.Surface.get_width(text_1) / 2, cfg.height / 2 - pygame.Surface.get_height(text_1) / 2)) elif -30 < countdown <= 0: cfg.window.blit( text_go, (cfg.width / 2 - pygame.Surface.get_width(text_go) / 2, cfg.height / 2 - pygame.Surface.get_height(text_go) / 2)) # # Draw collision boxes (DEBUG) # for e in entities.sprites(): # pygame.draw.rect(cfg.window, (0,255,0), e.hurtbox, 1) # pygame.draw.rect(cfg.window, (0,0,255), e.rect, 1) # for attack in e.active_attacks: # for hitbox in attack.active_hitboxes: # pygame.draw.rect(cfg.window, (255,0,0), hitbox.rect, 1) # for p in world.sprites(): # pygame.draw.rect(cfg.window, (0,255,0), p.rect, 1) # # Render and draw text to the screen (DEBUG) # cfg.window.blit(dbgfont.render('x: ' + str(humans[0].character.x) + ' y: ' + str(humans[0].character.y), True, (255,255,255)), (10, 10)) # cfg.window.blit(dbgfont.render('rx: ' + str(humans[0].character.hurtbox.x) + ' ry: ' + str(humans[0].character.hurtbox.y), True, (255,255,255)), (10, 30)) # cfg.window.blit(dbgfont.render('cx: ' + str(camera.x_offset) + ' cy: ' + str(camera.y_offset), True, (255,255,255)), (10, 50)) # cfg.window.blit(dbgfont.render('airbourne: ' + str(humans[0].character.airbourne), True, (255,255,255)), (10, 70)) # cfg.window.blit(dbgfont.render('xv: ' + str(humans[0].character.x_vel) + ' yv: ' + str(humans[0].character.y_vel), True, (255,255,255)), (10, 90)) # cfg.window.blit(dbgfont.render('attacking: ' + str(humans[0].character.attacking), True, (255,255,255)), (10, 110)) # cfg.window.blit(dbgfont.render('fps: ' + str(cfg.clock.get_fps()), True, (255,255,255)), (10, 130)) # try: # for a in range(0, humans[0].joystick.get_numaxes()): # cfg.window.blit(dbgfont.render(str(a) + ': ' + str(humans[0].joystick.get_axis(a)), True, (255,255,255)), (10, 150 + a * 20)) # for b in range(0, humans[0].joystick.get_numbuttons()): # cfg.window.blit(dbgfont.render(str(b) + ': ' + str(humans[0].joystick.get_button(b)), True, (255,255,255)), (300, 10 + b * 20)) # except AttributeError: # pass # Check if anyone has no lives. If so, end the game for e in entities.sprites(): if e.lives <= 0: running = False loser = entities.sprites().index(e) # Update the screen pygame.display.flip() cfg.clock.tick(60) #print("ok1") if cfg.sound: pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(cfg.voice_dir, 'Game_Over.ogg')).play() while pygame.mixer.get_busy(): pass #print("ok2") if return_to_title: next_scene = "Title Screen" else: next_scene = "Results" #print("ok3") return next_scene, settings, loser