def xping(neighbor,tryUntilSuccess=False,src=None): xpingcmd = '/home/cmu_xia/fedora-bin/xia-core/bin/xping' if src: xpingcmd = '%s -s "%s"' % (xpingcmd, src) while True: s = '%s -t 5 "%s"' % (xpingcmd, neighbor) while True: try: printtime(s) out = check_output(s) printtime(out) stat = "%.3f" % float(out[0].split("\n")[-2].split('=')[1].split('/')[1]) break except: pass s = '%s -t 30 -i %s -c %s "%s"' % (xpingcmd, XPING_INTERVAL, XPING_COUNT, neighbor) while True: try: printtime(s) out = check_output(s) break except: if not tryUntilSuccess: break printtime(out) try: l = sorted([float(x.split('time=')[1].split(' ')[0]) for x in out[0].split('\n') if 'time=' in x])[:5] print l stat = sum(l) / len(l) #stat = "%.3f" % float(out[0].split("\n")[-2].split('=')[1].split('/')[1]) except: stat = -1 stat = "%.3f" % stat stat = -1 if stat == '=' else stat return stat
def test_lisod_file(self): self.print_str('\n\n----- Testing make -----') commit = self.resolve_tag() path = self.get_path() if not path: path = self.find_path('Makefile', commit.tree) os.chdir(path) check_output('make') self.pAssertTrue(os.path.exists('./lisod'))
def test_bw(self): print '(----- Testing BW -----' check_output('echo "----- Testing BW ----" >> %s' % self.grader.results) commit = self.resolve_tag() self.git_checkout(commit.hex) name = self.run_lisod(commit.tree) time.sleep(1) self.pAssertEqual(0, os.system('curl -m 10 -o /dev/null 2>> %s' % (self.port, self.grader.results)))
def test_apache_bench(self): print '----- Testing Apache Bench -----' check_output('echo "----- Testing Apache Bench ----" >> %s' % self.grader.results) check_output('echo "ab -kc 800 -n 100000" >> %s' % (self.port, self.grader.results)) commit = self.resolve_tag() self.git_checkout(commit.hex) name = self.run_lisod(commit.tree) time.sleep(3) cmd = 'ab -kc 800 -n 100000 >> %s' % (self.port, self.grader.results) self.pAssertEqual(0, os.system(cmd))
def setUp(self): super(Checkpoint3Test, self).setUp() # save a copy of src for moss if not os.path.exists(self.grader.moss_dir): os.makedirs(self.grader.moss_dir) if not os.path.exists('%s/%s' % (self.grader.moss_dir, self.grader.andrewid)): print 'Saving copy of source for moss in %s/%s' % (self.grader.moss_dir, self.grader.andrewid) os.makedirs('%s/%s' % (self.grader.moss_dir, self.grader.andrewid)) check_output('cp -r . %s/%s/' % (self.grader.moss_dir, self.grader.andrewid))
def setUp(self): super(Checkpoint3Test, self).setUp() # save a copy of src for moss if not os.path.exists(self.grader.moss_dir): os.makedirs(self.grader.moss_dir) if not os.path.exists('%s/%s' % (self.grader.moss_dir, self.grader.andrewid)): print 'Saving copy of source for moss in %s/%s' % ( self.grader.moss_dir, self.grader.andrewid) os.makedirs('%s/%s' % (self.grader.moss_dir, self.grader.andrewid)) check_output('cp -r . %s/%s/' % (self.grader.moss_dir, self.grader.andrewid))
def test_bw(self): print '(----- Testing BW -----' check_output('echo "----- Testing BW ----" >> %s' % self.grader.results) commit = self.resolve_tag() self.git_checkout(commit.hex) name = self.run_lisod(commit.tree) time.sleep(1) self.pAssertEqual( 0, os.system( 'curl -m 10 -o /dev/null 2>> %s' % (self.port, self.grader.results)))
def exposed_gather_browser_stats(self, type): # write to etc/hosts.xia check_output('echo "%s %s" > %s' % (BROWSER_ADDR, rpc(MASTER_SERVER, 'get_neighbor_webserver', (type,)), ETC_HOSTS)) print check_output('cat %s' % ETC_HOSTS) while True: try: check_output('ps -e | grep') break except: if type == 'tunneling': Popen(PROXY_CMD, shell=True) else: proxy_dag = rpc(MASTER_SERVER, 'exposed_get_proxy_address', (type,)) print 'proxy going to start' print proxy_dag Popen('%s "%s"' % (PROXY_CMD, proxy_dag), shell=True) time.sleep(1) time.sleep(3) print 'running browser cmd' p = Popen(BROWSER_CMD,shell=True) p.wait() time.sleep(3) while True: (out, rc) = check_both(BROWSER_CMD, check=False) if rc == 1: raise Execption("BROWSER_CMD failed") if rc == 0: break time.sleep(1) out = out[0].split('\n')[-2].split(' ')[-1] rpc(MASTER_SERVER, 'browser_stats', (out,type)) check_output('killall')
def test_apache_bench(self): print '----- Testing Apache Bench -----' check_output('echo "----- Testing Apache Bench ----" >> %s' % self.grader.results) check_output( 'echo "ab -kc 800 -n 100000" >> %s' % (self.port, self.grader.results)) commit = self.resolve_tag() self.git_checkout(commit.hex) name = self.run_lisod(commit.tree) time.sleep(3) cmd = 'ab -kc 800 -n 100000 >> %s' % ( self.port, self.grader.results) self.pAssertEqual(0, os.system(cmd))
def run_lisod(self, tree): path = self.get_path() liso = self.liso_name() port = self.get_port() tls_port = self.get_tls_port() if not path: path = self.find_path('Makefile', tree) print 'switching to: %s' % path os.chdir(path) check_both('make clean', False, False) check_output('make') self.ran = True resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK, (resource.RLIM_INFINITY, resource.RLIM_INFINITY)) cmd = '%s %d %d %slisod.log %slisod.lock %s %s %s %s&' % (liso, port, tls_port, self.grader.tmp_dir, self.grader.tmp_dir, self.grader.www[:-1], self.grader.cgi, self.grader.priv_key, self.grader.cert) #cmd = 'nohup ' + cmd #cmd = cmd + " > /dev/null" print cmd self.pAssertEqual(0, os.system(cmd)) return liso
def run_lisod(self, tree): path = self.get_path() liso = self.liso_name() port = self.get_port() tls_port = self.get_tls_port() if not path: path = self.find_path('Makefile', tree) print 'switching to: %s' % path os.chdir(path) check_both('make clean', False, False) check_output('make') self.ran = True resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK, (resource.RLIM_INFINITY, resource.RLIM_INFINITY)) cmd = '%s %d %d %slisod.log %slisod.lock %s %s %s %s&' % ( liso, port, tls_port, self.grader.tmp_dir, self.grader.tmp_dir, self.grader.www[:-1], self.grader.cgi, self.grader.priv_key, self.grader.cert) #cmd = 'nohup ' + cmd #cmd = cmd + " > /dev/null" print cmd self.pAssertEqual(0, os.system(cmd)) return liso
def traceroute(neighbor, gateway=False): out = check_output('sudo traceroute -I -w 1 %s' % neighbor) print out if gateway: out = out[0].split('\n') z = my_name.split('.')[-2] stat = -1 for o in out: stat = int(o.strip().split(' ')[0]) if z in o else stat else: stat = int(out[0].split("\n")[-2].strip().split(' ')[0]) stat = -1 if stat is 30 else stat return stat
def xtraceroute(neighbor,tryUntilSuccess=True, src=None): cmd = '/home/cmu_xia/fedora-bin/xia-core/bin/xtraceroute -t 30' if src: cmd = '%s -s "%s"' % (cmd, src) cmd = '%s "%s"' % (cmd, neighbor) while tryUntilSuccess: try: printtime(cmd) out = check_output(cmd) printtime(out) break except Exception, e: printtime('%s' % e) pass
def exposed_get_neighbors(self): xr_out = check_output(XROUTE) neighbors = [] for xline in xr_out[0].split('\n'): try: neighbors.append(re.split(' *',xline)[4].split(':')[1]) except: pass neighbors = list(set(neighbors)) neighbors = [neighbor.lower() for neighbor in neighbors] myHID = self.exposed_get_hid() if myHID in neighbors: neighbors.remove(myHID) if BROADCAST_HID in neighbors: neighbors.remove(BROADCAST_HID) return neighbors
def run(self): while FINISH_EVENT.isSet(): try: printtime('<<<<DISCOVERY>>>>') nodes_to_check = rpc(MASTER_SERVER, 'get_nodes_to_check', ()) for node in nodes_to_check: if check_neighbor(node) == "": continue cmd = 'ab http://%s:%d/test | grep "Transfer rate"' % (node, HTTP_PORT) out = check_output(cmd)[0] printtime(out) stats = (node, int(float(out.split(':')[1].split('[')[0].strip()))) rpc(MASTER_SERVER, 'discovery_stats', (stats,)) except Exception, e: print e pass time.sleep(DISCOVERY_PERIOD)
def exposed_check_httpd(self): check_output('pgrep httpd', False)
def start_httpd(conf_file = HTTPD_CONF_TOP): printtime('Starting httpd') check_output('sudo cp %s %s' % (conf_file, HTTPD_CONF)) check_output(HTTP_START)
MASTER_SERVER = 'GS11698.SP.CS.CMU.EDU' #'' BEAT_PERIOD = 3 DISCOVERY_PERIOD = 3 HTTP_PORT = 8881 CDN_DIR = '/home/cmu_xia/cdn/' HTTPD_CONF_TOP = CDN_DIR + '' HTTPD_CONF_CACHE = CDN_DIR + 'httpd.conf.cache' HTTPD_TEMP = CDN_DIR + 'httpd.conf.temp' HTTPD_CONF = '/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf' HTTP_START = 'sudo /usr/sbin/httpd -k graceful' my_name = check_output("hostname")[0].strip() #ForwardingTable = {} FINISH_EVENT = threading.Event() def check_neighbor(neighbor): try: printtime('checking on: %s' % neighbor) return rpc(neighbor, 'check_httpd', ()) except: return "" def start_httpd(conf_file = HTTPD_CONF_TOP): printtime('Starting httpd') check_output('sudo cp %s %s' % (conf_file, HTTPD_CONF))
def try_xroute(self): return check_output(XROUTE)
def test_make(self): #if self.testsuite.scores['test_git'] <= 0: # self.skipTest("Not a git repo, skip rest of the test.") check_both('make clean', False, False) check_output('make') self.testsuite.scores['test_make'] = 1
def exposed_soft_restart(self, neighbor): xianetcmd = rpc(MASTER_SERVER, 'get_xianet', (neighbor, )) check_output(KILL_XIANET) printtime('running %s' % xianetcmd) exec(xianetcmd) return xianetcmd