#if os.path.exists(args.disp_path) is False:
    #    raise OSError('Path for disparity image: {0} does not exist'.format(args.disp_path))
    #if os.path.exists(args.config_path) is False:
    #    raise OSError('Path for configuration (.xml) file: {0} does not exist'.format(args.config_path))

    max_ps = int(args.max_ps)
    layers = int(args.layers)
    patch_shape = int(args.patch_shape)
    min_ps = max_ps - layers

    print("Loading the scene: colored image and disparity..")
    print("\ncolored image: found at {0}..".format(args.colorimage_path))
    print("disparity map: found at {0}..".format(args.disp_path))
    lenses = xmlio.load_with_disp(args.colorimage_path, args.disp_path,

    lens_imgs = dict()
    disp_imgs = dict()
    min_d = lenses[0, 0].col_img.shape[0] * 2  # just a high number
    max_d = 0

    for key in lenses:
        lens_imgs[key] = lenses[key].col_img
        disp_imgs[key] = lenses[key].disp_img
        if np.min(np.asarray(disp_imgs[key])) < min_d:
            min_d = np.min(np.asarray(disp_imgs[key]))
        if np.max(np.asarray(disp_imgs[key])) > max_d:
            max_d = np.max(np.asarray(disp_imgs[key]))

    isReal = True
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if os.path.exists(args.output_path) is False:
        raise OSError('Path {0} does not exist'.format(args.output_path))
    if os.path.exists(args.disp_path) is False:
        raise OSError('Path for disparity image: {0} does not exist'.format(
    if os.path.exists(args.config_path) is False:
        raise OSError(
            'Path for configuration (.xml) file: {0} does not exist'.format(

    max_ps = int(args.max_ps)
    layers = int(args.layers)
    min_ps = max_ps - layers
    lenses = xmlio.load_with_disp(args.input_filename[0], args.disp_path,

    lens_imgs = dict()
    disp_imgs = dict()
    min_d = lenses[0, 0].col_img.shape[0] * 2  # just a high number
    max_d = 0

    for key in lenses:
        lens_imgs[key] = lenses[key].col_img
        disp_imgs[key] = lenses[key].disp_img
        if np.min(np.asarray(disp_imgs[key])) < min_d:
            min_d = np.min(np.asarray(disp_imgs[key]))
        if np.max(np.asarray(disp_imgs[key])) > max_d:
            max_d = np.max(np.asarray(disp_imgs[key]))

    isReal = True