class AuditBatchHandler(BatchRequestHandler): def __init__(self, database_manager: DatabaseManager): super().__init__(database_manager, AUDIT_LEDGER_ID) # TODO: move it to BatchRequestHandler self.tracker = LedgerUncommittedTracker(None, self.ledger.uncommitted_root_hash, self.ledger.size) def post_batch_applied(self, three_pc_batch: ThreePcBatch, prev_handler_result=None): txn = self._add_to_ledger(three_pc_batch) self.tracker.apply_batch(None, self.ledger.uncommitted_root_hash, self.ledger.uncommitted_size) logger.debug("applied audit txn {}; uncommitted root hash is {}; uncommitted size is {}". format(str(txn), self.ledger.uncommitted_root_hash, self.ledger.uncommitted_size)) def post_batch_rejected(self, ledger_id, prev_handler_result=None): _, _, txn_count = self.tracker.reject_batch() self.ledger.discardTxns(txn_count) logger.debug("rejected {} audit txns; uncommitted root hash is {}; uncommitted size is {}". format(txn_count, self.ledger.uncommitted_root_hash, self.ledger.uncommitted_size)) def commit_batch(self, three_pc_batch, prev_handler_result=None): _, _, txns_count = self.tracker.commit_batch() _, committedTxns = self.ledger.commitTxns(txns_count) logger.debug("committed {} audit txns; uncommitted root hash is {}; uncommitted size is {}". format(txns_count, self.ledger.uncommitted_root_hash, self.ledger.uncommitted_size)) return committedTxns def on_catchup_finished(self): self.tracker.set_last_committed(state_root=None, txn_root=self.ledger.uncommitted_root_hash, ledger_size=self.ledger.size) @staticmethod def transform_txn_for_ledger(txn): ''' Makes sure that we have integer as keys after possible deserialization from json :param txn: txn to be transformed :return: transformed txn ''' txn_data = get_payload_data(txn) txn_data[AUDIT_TXN_LEDGERS_SIZE] = {int(k): v for k, v in txn_data[AUDIT_TXN_LEDGERS_SIZE].items()} txn_data[AUDIT_TXN_LEDGER_ROOT] = {int(k): v for k, v in txn_data[AUDIT_TXN_LEDGER_ROOT].items()} txn_data[AUDIT_TXN_STATE_ROOT] = {int(k): v for k, v in txn_data[AUDIT_TXN_STATE_ROOT].items()} return txn def _add_to_ledger(self, three_pc_batch: ThreePcBatch): # if PRE-PREPARE doesn't have audit txn (probably old code) - do nothing # TODO: remove this check after all nodes support audit ledger if not three_pc_batch.has_audit_txn:"Has 3PC batch without audit ledger: {}".format(str(three_pc_batch))) return # 1. prepare AUDIT txn txn_data = self._create_audit_txn_data(three_pc_batch, self.ledger.get_last_txn()) txn = init_empty_txn(txn_type=PlenumTransactions.AUDIT.value) txn = set_payload_data(txn, txn_data) # 2. Append txn metadata self.ledger.append_txns_metadata([txn], three_pc_batch.pp_time) # 3. Add to the Ledger self.ledger.appendTxns([txn]) return txn def _create_audit_txn_data(self, three_pc_batch, last_audit_txn): # 1. general format and (view_no, pp_seq_no) txn = { TXN_VERSION: "1", AUDIT_TXN_VIEW_NO: three_pc_batch.view_no, AUDIT_TXN_PP_SEQ_NO: three_pc_batch.pp_seq_no, AUDIT_TXN_LEDGERS_SIZE: {}, AUDIT_TXN_LEDGER_ROOT: {}, AUDIT_TXN_STATE_ROOT: {}, AUDIT_TXN_PRIMARIES: None } for lid, ledger in self.database_manager.ledgers.items(): if lid == AUDIT_LEDGER_ID: continue # 2. ledger size txn[AUDIT_TXN_LEDGERS_SIZE][lid] = ledger.uncommitted_size # 3. ledger root (either root_hash or seq_no to last changed) # TODO: support setting for multiple ledgers self.__fill_ledger_root_hash(txn, three_pc_batch, lid, last_audit_txn) # 4. state root hash txn[AUDIT_TXN_STATE_ROOT][three_pc_batch.ledger_id] = Ledger.hashToStr(three_pc_batch.state_root) # 5. set primaries field self.__fill_primaries(txn, three_pc_batch, last_audit_txn) return txn def __fill_ledger_root_hash(self, txn, three_pc_batch, lid, last_audit_txn): target_ledger_id = three_pc_batch.ledger_id last_audit_txn_data = get_payload_data(last_audit_txn) if last_audit_txn is not None else None # 1. ledger is changed in this batch => root_hash if lid == target_ledger_id: txn[AUDIT_TXN_LEDGER_ROOT][lid] = Ledger.hashToStr(three_pc_batch.txn_root) # 2. This ledger is never audited, so do not add the key elif last_audit_txn_data is None or lid not in last_audit_txn_data[AUDIT_TXN_LEDGER_ROOT]: return # 3. ledger is not changed in last batch => delta = delta + 1 elif isinstance(last_audit_txn_data[AUDIT_TXN_LEDGER_ROOT][lid], int): txn[AUDIT_TXN_LEDGER_ROOT][lid] = last_audit_txn_data[AUDIT_TXN_LEDGER_ROOT][lid] + 1 # 4. ledger is changed in last batch but not changed now => delta = 1 elif last_audit_txn_data: txn[AUDIT_TXN_LEDGER_ROOT][lid] = 1 def __fill_primaries(self, txn, three_pc_batch, last_audit_txn): last_audit_txn_data = get_payload_data(last_audit_txn) if last_audit_txn is not None else None last_txn_value = last_audit_txn_data[AUDIT_TXN_PRIMARIES] if last_audit_txn_data else None current_primaries = three_pc_batch.primaries # 1. First audit txn if last_audit_txn_data is None: txn[AUDIT_TXN_PRIMARIES] = current_primaries # 2. Previous primaries field contains primary list # If primaries did not changed, we will store seq_no delta # between current txn and last persisted primaries, i.e. # we can find seq_no of last actual primaries, like: # last_audit_txn_seq_no - last_audit_txn[AUDIT_TXN_PRIMARIES] elif isinstance(last_txn_value, Iterable): if last_txn_value == current_primaries: txn[AUDIT_TXN_PRIMARIES] = 1 else: txn[AUDIT_TXN_PRIMARIES] = current_primaries # 3. Previous primaries field is delta elif isinstance(last_txn_value, int) and last_txn_value < self.ledger.uncommitted_size: last_primaries_seq_no = get_seq_no(last_audit_txn) - last_txn_value last_primaries = get_payload_data( self.ledger.get_by_seq_no_uncommitted(last_primaries_seq_no))[AUDIT_TXN_PRIMARIES] if isinstance(last_primaries, Iterable): if last_primaries == current_primaries: txn[AUDIT_TXN_PRIMARIES] = last_txn_value + 1 else: txn[AUDIT_TXN_PRIMARIES] = current_primaries else: raise LogicError('Value, mentioned in primaries field must be a ' 'seq_no of a txn with primaries') # 4. That cannot be else: raise LogicError('Incorrect primaries field in audit ledger (seq_no: {}. value: {})'.format( get_seq_no(last_audit_txn), last_txn_value))
def on_batch_created(utxo_cache, tracker: LedgerUncommittedTracker, ledger: Ledger, state_root): tracker.apply_batch(state_root, ledger.uncommitted_size) utxo_cache.create_batch_from_current(state_root)
class StaticFeesReqHandler(FeeReqHandler): write_types = FeeReqHandler.write_types.union({SET_FEES, FEE_TXN}) query_types = FeeReqHandler.query_types.union({GET_FEES, GET_FEE}) set_fees_validator_cls = SetFeesMsg get_fee_validator_cls = GetFeeMsg state_serializer = JsonSerializer() def __init__(self, ledger, state, token_ledger, token_state, utxo_cache, domain_state, bls_store, node, write_req_validator, ts_store=None): super().__init__(ledger, state, domain_state, idrCache=node.idrCache, upgrader=node.upgrader, poolManager=node.poolManager, poolCfg=node.poolCfg, write_req_validator=node.write_req_validator, bls_store=bls_store, ts_store=ts_store) self.token_ledger = token_ledger self.token_state = token_state self.utxo_cache = utxo_cache self.domain_state = domain_state self.bls_store = bls_store self.write_req_validator = write_req_validator self._add_query_handler(GET_FEES, self.get_fees) self._add_query_handler(GET_FEE, self.get_fee) # Tracks count of transactions paying sovtokenfees while a batch is being # processed. Reset to zero once a batch is created (not committed) self.fee_txns_in_current_batch = 0 # Tracks amount of deducted sovtokenfees for a transaction self.deducted_fees = {} self.token_tracker = LedgerUncommittedTracker( token_state.committedHeadHash, token_ledger.uncommitted_root_hash, token_ledger.size) @property def fees(self): return self._get_fees(is_committed=False) @staticmethod def get_ref_for_txn_fees(ledger_id, seq_no): return '{}:{}'.format(ledger_id, seq_no) def get_txn_fees(self, request) -> int: return self.fees.get(request.operation[TXN_TYPE], 0) # TODO: Fix this to match signature of `FeeReqHandler` and extract # the params from `kwargs` def deduct_fees(self, request, cons_time, ledger_id, seq_no, txn): txn_type = request.operation[TXN_TYPE] fees_key = "{}#{}".format(txn_type, seq_no) if txn_type != XFER_PUBLIC and FeesAuthorizer.has_fees(request): inputs, outputs, signatures = getattr(request, f.FEES.nm) # This is correct since FEES is changed from config ledger whose # transactions have no fees fees = FeesAuthorizer.calculate_fees_from_req( self.utxo_cache, request) sigs = {i[ADDRESS]: s for i, s in zip(inputs, signatures)} txn = { OPERATION: { TXN_TYPE: FEE_TXN, INPUTS: inputs, OUTPUTS: outputs, REF: self.get_ref_for_txn_fees(ledger_id, seq_no), FEES: fees, }, f.SIGS.nm: sigs, f.REQ_ID.nm: get_req_id(txn), f.PROTOCOL_VERSION.nm: 2, } txn = reqToTxn(txn) self.token_ledger.append_txns_metadata([txn], txn_time=cons_time) _, txns = self.token_ledger.appendTxns( [TokenReqHandler.transform_txn_for_ledger(txn)]) self.updateState(txns) self.fee_txns_in_current_batch += 1 self.deducted_fees[fees_key] = fees return txn def doStaticValidation(self, request: Request): operation = request.operation if operation[TXN_TYPE] in (SET_FEES, GET_FEES, GET_FEE): try: if operation[TXN_TYPE] == SET_FEES: self.set_fees_validator_cls(**request.operation) elif operation[TXN_TYPE] == GET_FEE: self.get_fee_validator_cls(**request.operation) except TypeError as exc: raise InvalidClientRequest(request.identifier, request.reqId, exc) else: super().doStaticValidation(request) def _fees_specific_validation(self, request: Request): operation = request.operation current_fees = self._get_fees() constraint = self.get_auth_constraint(operation) wrong_aliases = [] self._validate_metadata(self.fees, constraint, wrong_aliases) if len(wrong_aliases) > 0: raise InvalidClientMessageException( request.identifier, request.reqId, "Fees alias(es) {} does not exist in current fees {}. " "Please add the alias(es) via SET_FEES transaction first.". format(", ".join(wrong_aliases), current_fees)) def _validate_metadata(self, current_fees, constraint: AuthConstraint, wrong_aliases): if constraint.constraint_id != ConstraintsEnum.ROLE_CONSTRAINT_ID: for constr in constraint.auth_constraints: self._validate_metadata(current_fees, constr, wrong_aliases) else: meta_alias = constraint.metadata.get(FEES_FIELD_NAME, None) if meta_alias and meta_alias not in current_fees: wrong_aliases.append(meta_alias) def validate(self, request: Request): operation = request.operation if operation[TXN_TYPE] == SET_FEES: return self.write_req_validator.validate(request, [ AuthActionEdit( txn_type=SET_FEES, field="*", old_value="*", new_value="*") ]) else: super().validate(request) if operation[TXN_TYPE] == AUTH_RULE: # metadata validation self._fees_specific_validation(request) def updateState(self, txns, isCommitted=False): for txn in txns: self._update_state_with_single_txn(txn, is_committed=isCommitted) super().updateState(txns, isCommitted=isCommitted) def get_fees(self, request: Request): fees, proof = self._get_fees(is_committed=True, with_proof=True) result = { f.IDENTIFIER.nm: request.identifier, f.REQ_ID.nm: request.reqId, FEES: fees } if proof: result[STATE_PROOF] = proof result.update(request.operation) return result def get_fee(self, request: Request): alias = request.operation.get(ALIAS) fee, proof = self._get_fee(alias, is_committed=True, with_proof=True) result = { f.IDENTIFIER.nm: request.identifier, f.REQ_ID.nm: request.reqId, FEE: fee } if proof: result[STATE_PROOF] = proof result.update(request.operation) return result def post_batch_created(self, ledger_id, state_root): # it mean, that all tracker thins was done in onBatchCreated phase for TokenReqHandler self.token_tracker.apply_batch(self.token_state.headHash, self.token_ledger.uncommitted_root_hash, self.token_ledger.uncommitted_size) if ledger_id == TOKEN_LEDGER_ID: return if self.fee_txns_in_current_batch > 0: state_root = self.token_state.headHash TokenReqHandler.on_batch_created(self.utxo_cache, state_root) # ToDo: Needed investigation about affection of removing setting this var into 0 self.fee_txns_in_current_batch = 0 def post_batch_rejected(self, ledger_id): uncommitted_hash, uncommitted_txn_root, txn_count = self.token_tracker.reject_batch( ) if ledger_id == TOKEN_LEDGER_ID: # TODO: Need to improve this logic for case, when we got a XFER txn with fees # All of other txn with fees it's a 2 steps, "apply txn" and "apply fees" # But for XFER txn with fees we do only "apply fees with transfer too" return if txn_count == 0 or self.token_ledger.uncommitted_root_hash == uncommitted_txn_root or \ self.token_state.headHash == uncommitted_hash: return 0 self.token_state.revertToHead(uncommitted_hash) self.token_ledger.discardTxns(txn_count) count_reverted = TokenReqHandler.on_batch_rejected(self.utxo_cache)"Reverted {} txns with fees".format(count_reverted)) def post_batch_committed(self, ledger_id, pp_time, committed_txns, state_root, txn_root): token_state_root, token_txn_root, _ = self.token_tracker.commit_batch() if ledger_id == TOKEN_LEDGER_ID: return committed_seq_nos_with_fees = [ get_seq_no(t) for t in committed_txns if get_type(t) != XFER_PUBLIC and "{}#{}".format( get_type(t), get_seq_no(t)) in self.deducted_fees ] if len(committed_seq_nos_with_fees) > 0: r = TokenReqHandler.__commit__( self.utxo_cache, self.token_ledger, self.token_state, len(committed_seq_nos_with_fees), token_state_root, txn_root_serializer.serialize(token_txn_root), pp_time) i = 0 for txn in committed_txns: if get_seq_no(txn) in committed_seq_nos_with_fees: txn[FEES] = r[i] i += 1 self.fee_txns_in_current_batch = 0 def _get_fees(self, is_committed=False, with_proof=False): result = self._get_fee_from_state(is_committed=is_committed, with_proof=with_proof) if with_proof: fees, proof = result return (fees, proof) if fees is not None else ({}, proof) else: return result if result is not None else {} def _get_fee(self, alias, is_committed=False, with_proof=False): return self._get_fee_from_state(fees_alias=alias, is_committed=is_committed, with_proof=with_proof) def _get_fee_from_state(self, fees_alias=None, is_committed=False, with_proof=False): fees = None proof = None try: fees_key = build_path_for_set_fees(alias=fees_alias) if with_proof: proof, serz = self.state.generate_state_proof(fees_key, serialize=True, get_value=True) if serz: serz = rlp_decode(serz)[0] root_hash = self.state.committedHeadHash if is_committed else self.state.headHash encoded_root_hash = state_roots_serializer.serialize( bytes(root_hash)) multi_sig = self.bls_store.get(encoded_root_hash) if multi_sig: encoded_proof = proof_nodes_serializer.serialize(proof) proof = { MULTI_SIGNATURE: multi_sig.as_dict(), ROOT_HASH: encoded_root_hash, PROOF_NODES: encoded_proof } else: proof = {} else: serz = self.state.get(fees_key, isCommitted=is_committed) if serz: fees = self.state_serializer.deserialize(serz) except KeyError: pass if with_proof: return fees, proof return fees def _set_to_state(self, key, val): val = self.state_serializer.serialize(val) key = key.encode() self.state.set(key, val) def _update_state_with_single_txn(self, txn, is_committed=False): typ = get_type(txn) if typ == SET_FEES: payload = get_payload_data(txn) fees_from_req = payload.get(FEES) current_fees = self._get_fees() current_fees.update(fees_from_req) for fees_alias, fees_value in fees_from_req.items(): self._set_to_state(build_path_for_set_fees(alias=fees_alias), fees_value) self._set_to_state(build_path_for_set_fees(), current_fees) elif typ == FEE_TXN: for utxo in txn[TXN_PAYLOAD][TXN_PAYLOAD_DATA][INPUTS]: TokenReqHandler.spend_input(state=self.token_state, utxo_cache=self.utxo_cache, address=utxo[ADDRESS], seq_no=utxo[SEQNO], is_committed=is_committed) seq_no = get_seq_no(txn) for output in txn[TXN_PAYLOAD][TXN_PAYLOAD_DATA][OUTPUTS]: TokenReqHandler.add_new_output(state=self.token_state, utxo_cache=self.utxo_cache, output=Output( output[ADDRESS], seq_no, output[AMOUNT]), is_committed=is_committed) @staticmethod def _handle_incorrect_funds(sum_inputs, sum_outputs, expected_amount, required_fees, request): if sum_inputs < expected_amount: error = 'Insufficient funds, sum of inputs is {} ' \ 'but required is {} (sum of outputs: {}, ' \ 'fees: {})'.format(sum_inputs, expected_amount, sum_outputs, required_fees) raise InsufficientFundsError(request.identifier, request.reqId, error) if sum_inputs > expected_amount: error = 'Extra funds, sum of inputs is {} ' \ 'but required is: {} -- sum of outputs: {} ' \ '-- fees: {})'.format(sum_inputs, expected_amount, sum_outputs, required_fees) raise ExtraFundsError(request.identifier, request.reqId, error) @staticmethod def transform_txn_for_ledger(txn): """ Some transactions need to be updated before they can be stored in the ledger """ return txn def postCatchupCompleteClbk(self): self.token_tracker.set_last_committed( self.token_state.committedHeadHash, self.token_ledger.uncommitted_root_hash, self.token_ledger.size)
class AuditBatchHandler(BatchRequestHandler): def __init__(self, database_manager: DatabaseManager): super().__init__(database_manager, AUDIT_LEDGER_ID) # TODO: move it to BatchRequestHandler self.tracker = LedgerUncommittedTracker(None, self.ledger.size) def post_batch_applied(self, three_pc_batch: ThreePcBatch, prev_handler_result=None): self._add_to_ledger(three_pc_batch) self.tracker.apply_batch(None, self.ledger.uncommitted_size) def post_batch_rejected(self, ledger_id, prev_handler_result=None): _, txn_count = self.tracker.reject_batch() self.ledger.discardTxns(txn_count) def commit_batch(self, ledger_id, txn_count, state_root, txn_root, pp_time, prev_result=None): _, txns_count = self.tracker.commit_batch() _, committedTxns = self.ledger.commitTxns(txns_count) return committedTxns def _add_to_ledger(self, three_pc_batch: ThreePcBatch): # if PRE-PREPARE doesn't have audit txn (probably old code) - do nothing # TODO: remove this check after all nodes support audit ledger if not three_pc_batch.has_audit_txn: return # 1. prepare AUDIT txn txn_data = self._create_audit_txn_data(three_pc_batch, self.ledger.get_last_txn()) txn = init_empty_txn(txn_type=PlenumTransactions.AUDIT.value) txn = set_payload_data(txn, txn_data) # 2. Append txn metadata self.ledger.append_txns_metadata([txn], three_pc_batch.pp_time) # 3. Add to the Ledger self.ledger.appendTxns([txn]) def _create_audit_txn_data(self, three_pc_batch, last_audit_txn): # 1. general format and (view_no, pp_seq_no) txn = { TXN_VERSION: "1", AUDIT_TXN_VIEW_NO: three_pc_batch.view_no, AUDIT_TXN_PP_SEQ_NO: three_pc_batch.pp_seq_no, AUDIT_TXN_LEDGERS_SIZE: {}, AUDIT_TXN_LEDGER_ROOT: {}, AUDIT_TXN_STATE_ROOT: {} } for lid, ledger in self.database_manager.ledgers.items(): if lid == AUDIT_LEDGER_ID: continue # 2. ledger size txn[AUDIT_TXN_LEDGERS_SIZE][str(lid)] = ledger.uncommitted_size # 3. ledger root (either root_hash or seq_no to last changed) # TODO: support setting for multiple ledgers self.__fill_ledger_root_hash(txn, three_pc_batch, lid, last_audit_txn) # 4. state root hash txn[AUDIT_TXN_STATE_ROOT][str( three_pc_batch.ledger_id)] = Ledger.hashToStr( three_pc_batch.state_root) return txn def __fill_ledger_root_hash(self, txn, three_pc_batch, lid, last_audit_txn): target_ledger_id = three_pc_batch.ledger_id last_audit_txn_data = get_payload_data( last_audit_txn) if last_audit_txn is not None else None # 1. ledger is changed in this batch => root_hash if lid == target_ledger_id: txn[AUDIT_TXN_LEDGER_ROOT][str(lid)] = Ledger.hashToStr( three_pc_batch.txn_root) # 2. This ledger is never audited, so do not add the key elif last_audit_txn_data is None or str( lid) not in last_audit_txn_data[AUDIT_TXN_LEDGER_ROOT]: return # 3. ledger is not changed in last batch => the same audit seq no elif isinstance(last_audit_txn_data[AUDIT_TXN_LEDGER_ROOT][str(lid)], int): txn[AUDIT_TXN_LEDGER_ROOT][str( lid)] = last_audit_txn_data[AUDIT_TXN_LEDGER_ROOT][str(lid)] # 4. ledger is changed in last batch but not changed now => seq_no of last audit txn elif last_audit_txn_data: txn[AUDIT_TXN_LEDGER_ROOT][str(lid)] = get_seq_no(last_audit_txn)