 def generate_some(rnd: SimRandom):
     integers = [rnd.integer(-37, 7342) for _ in range(1000)]
     floats = [rnd.float(0.1, 5.5) for _ in range(1000)]
     strings = [rnd.string(10) for _ in range(10)]
     choice = rnd.choice(*integers)
     sample = rnd.sample(integers, 10)
     shuffled = rnd.shuffle(integers)
     return integers, floats, strings, choice, sample, shuffled
def check_view_change_completes_under_normal_conditions(random: SimRandom,
                                                        min_latency, max_latency,
                                                        filtered_msg_types, filter_probability):

    # 1. Create random pool with random initial state
    pool, committed = some_pool(random)
    N = pool.size
    F = (N - 1) // 3

    # 2. set latency
    pool.network.set_latency(min_latency, max_latency)

    # 3. set filter
    # TODO: Uncomment after fix
    # pool.network.set_filter([replica_name_to_node_name(pool.nodes[-1].name)],
    #                         filtered_msg_types, filter_probability)


    # Schedule view change at different time on all nodes
    for node in pool.nodes:
        pool.timer.schedule(random.float(0, 10),
                            partial(node._view_changer.process_need_view_change, NeedViewChange()))

    # CHECK

    # 1. Make sure all nodes complete view change
    pool.timer.wait_for(lambda: all(not node._data.waiting_for_new_view
                                    and node._data.view_no > 0
                                    for node in pool.nodes))

    # 2. check that equal stable checkpoint is set on at least N-F nodes (F nodes may lag behind and will catchup)
    stable_checkpoints = [n._data.stable_checkpoint for n in pool.nodes]
    most_freq_stable_ckeckpoint = Counter(stable_checkpoints).most_common(1)
    stable_checkpoint = most_freq_stable_ckeckpoint[0][0]
    assert most_freq_stable_ckeckpoint[0][1] >= N - F

    # 3. check that equal preprepares is set on all node with the found stable checkpoint
    preprepares = set()
    for n in pool.nodes:
        if n._data.stable_checkpoint >= stable_checkpoint:
    assert len(preprepares) == 1

    # 4. Make sure all nodes end up in same view
    for node_a, node_b in zip(pool.nodes, pool.nodes[1:]):
        assert node_a._data.view_no == node_b._data.view_no
        assert node_a._data.primary_name == node_b._data.primary_name

    # 5. Make sure that all committed reqs are ordered with the same ppSeqNo in the new view:
    committed_above_cp = [c for c in committed if c.pp_seq_no > stable_checkpoint]
    for n in pool.nodes:
        if n._data.stable_checkpoint >= stable_checkpoint:
            for expected_batch, actual_batch in zip(committed_above_cp, n._data.preprepared[:len(committed_above_cp)]):
                assert expected_batch.pp_view_no == actual_batch.pp_view_no
                assert expected_batch.pp_seq_no == actual_batch.pp_seq_no
                assert expected_batch.pp_digest == actual_batch.pp_digest