def scale(self, data, w, h, default_format='PNG'):
    """ use our quality setting as pil_quality """
    pil_quality = getQuality()

    # make sure we have valid int's
    size = int(w), int(h)

    original_file = StringIO(data)
    image = PIL.Image.open(original_file)

    if image.format == 'GIF' and size[0] >= image.size[0] \
            and size[1] >= image.size[1]:
            image.seek(image.tell() + 1)
            # original image is animated GIF and no bigger than the scale
            # requested
            # don't attempt to scale as this will lose animation
            return original_file, 'gif'
        except EOFError:
            # image is not animated

    # consider image mode when scaling
    # source images can be mode '1','L,','P','RGB(A)'
    # convert to greyscale or RGBA before scaling
    # preserve palletted mode (but not pallette)
    # for palletted-only image formats, e.g. GIF
    # PNG compression is OK for RGBA thumbnails
    original_mode = image.mode
    img_format = image.format and image.format or default_format
    if img_format in ('TIFF', 'EPS', 'PSD'):
        # non web image format have jpeg thumbnails
        target_format = 'JPEG'
        target_format = img_format

    if original_mode == '1':
        image = image.convert('L')
    elif original_mode == 'P':
        image = image.convert('RGBA')
    elif original_mode == 'CMYK':
        image = image.convert('RGBA')

    image.thumbnail(size, self.pil_resize_algo)
    # decided to only preserve palletted mode
    # for GIF, could also use image.format in ('GIF','PNG')
    if original_mode == 'P' and img_format == 'GIF':
        image = image.convert('P')

    # Avoid - IOError: cannot write mode RGBA as JPEG
    # See https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/2609#issuecomment-313841918
    if original_mode in ('CMYK', 'RGBA', 'LA') and target_format in ('JPG', 'JPEG'):
        target_format = 'PNG'

    thumbnail_file = StringIO()
    # quality parameter doesn't affect lossless formats
    image.save(thumbnail_file, target_format, quality=pil_quality, progressive=True)
    return thumbnail_file, target_format.lower()
def scale(self, data, w, h, default_format='PNG'):
    """ use our quality setting as pil_quality """
    pil_quality = getQuality()

    #make sure we have valid int's
    size = int(w), int(h)

    original_file = StringIO(data)
    image = PIL.Image.open(original_file)

    if image.format == 'GIF' and size[0] >= image.size[0] \
            and size[1] >= image.size[1]:
            image.seek(image.tell() + 1)
            # original image is animated GIF and no bigger than the scale
            # requested
            # don't attempt to scale as this will lose animation
            return original_file, 'gif'
        except EOFError:
            # image is not animated

    # consider image mode when scaling
    # source images can be mode '1','L,','P','RGB(A)'
    # convert to greyscale or RGBA before scaling
    # preserve palletted mode (but not pallette)
    # for palletted-only image formats, e.g. GIF
    # PNG compression is OK for RGBA thumbnails
    original_mode = image.mode
    img_format = image.format and image.format or default_format
    if img_format in ('TIFF', 'EPS', 'PSD'):
        # non web image format have jpeg thumbnails
        target_format = 'JPEG'
        target_format = img_format

    if original_mode == '1':
        image = image.convert('L')
    elif original_mode == 'P':
        image = image.convert('RGBA')
    elif original_mode == 'CMYK':
        image = image.convert('RGBA')

    image.thumbnail(size, self.pil_resize_algo)
    # decided to only preserve palletted mode
    # for GIF, could also use image.format in ('GIF','PNG')
    if original_mode == 'P' and img_format == 'GIF':
        image = image.convert('P')
    thumbnail_file = StringIO()
    # quality parameter doesn't affect lossless formats
    image.save(thumbnail_file, target_format, quality=pil_quality, progressive=True)
    return thumbnail_file, target_format.lower()
 def testQuality(self):
     self.assertEqual(getQuality(), 88)
     settings = getSettings()
     settings.quality = 42
     self.assertEqual(getQuality(), 42)
def plone_app_imaging_scale(self, data, w, h, default_format='PNG'):
    """ use our quality setting as pil_quality """
    pil_quality = getQuality()

    #make sure we have valid int's
    size = int(w), int(h)

    original_file = StringIO(data)
    image = PIL.Image.open(original_file)

    if image.format == 'GIF' and size[0] >= image.size[0] \
            and size[1] >= image.size[1]:
            image.seek(image.tell() + 1)
            # original image is animated GIF and no bigger than the scale
            # requested
            # don't attempt to scale as this will lose animation
            return original_file, 'gif'
        except EOFError:
            # image is not animated

    # consider image mode when scaling
    # source images can be mode '1','L,','P','RGB(A)'
    # convert to greyscale or RGBA before scaling
    # preserve palletted mode (but not pallette)
    # for palletted-only image formats, e.g. GIF
    # PNG compression is OK for RGBA thumbnails
    original_mode = image.mode
    img_format = image.format and image.format or default_format
    if img_format in ('TIFF', 'EPS', 'PSD'):
        # non web image format have jpeg thumbnails
        target_format = 'JPEG'
        target_format = img_format

    if original_mode == '1':
        image = image.convert('L')
    elif original_mode == 'P':
        image = image.convert('RGBA')
    elif original_mode == 'CMYK':
        image = image.convert('RGBA')

    #### custom code ######
    #does not work for sizes='instanceMethod' since we don't have an instance here
    availableSizes = self.getAvailableSizes(None)

    if safe_hasattr(self, 'crop_scales'):
        #if our field defines crop_scales let's see if the current sizes shall be cropped
        if size in [availableSizes[name] for name in self.crop_scales]:
            image = crop(image, size)
    #### custom code #######

    image.thumbnail(size, self.pil_resize_algo)
    # decided to only preserve palletted mode
    # for GIF, could also use image.format in ('GIF','PNG')
    if original_mode == 'P' and img_format == 'GIF':
        image = image.convert('P')
    thumbnail_file = StringIO()
    # quality parameter doesn't affect lossless formats
    image.save(thumbnail_file, target_format, quality=pil_quality, progressive=True)
    return thumbnail_file, target_format.lower()
def plone_app_imaging_scale(self, data, w, h, default_format='PNG'):
    """ use our quality setting as pil_quality """
    pil_quality = getQuality()

    #make sure we have valid int's
    size = int(w), int(h)

    original_file = StringIO(data)
    image = PIL.Image.open(original_file)

    if image.format == 'GIF' and size[0] >= image.size[0] \
            and size[1] >= image.size[1]:
            image.seek(image.tell() + 1)
            # original image is animated GIF and no bigger than the scale
            # requested
            # don't attempt to scale as this will lose animation
            return original_file, 'gif'
        except EOFError:
            # image is not animated

    # consider image mode when scaling
    # source images can be mode '1','L,','P','RGB(A)'
    # convert to greyscale or RGBA before scaling
    # preserve palletted mode (but not pallette)
    # for palletted-only image formats, e.g. GIF
    # PNG compression is OK for RGBA thumbnails
    original_mode = image.mode
    img_format = image.format and image.format or default_format
    if img_format in ('TIFF', 'EPS', 'PSD'):
        # non web image format have jpeg thumbnails
        target_format = 'JPEG'
        target_format = img_format

    if original_mode == '1':
        image = image.convert('L')
    elif original_mode == 'P':
        image = image.convert('RGBA')
    elif original_mode == 'CMYK':
        image = image.convert('RGBA')

    #### custom code ######
    #does not work for sizes='instanceMethod' since we don't have an instance here
    availableSizes = self.getAvailableSizes(None)

    if safe_hasattr(self, 'crop_scales'):
        #if our field defines crop_scales let's see if the current sizes shall be cropped
        if size in [availableSizes[name] for name in self.crop_scales]:
            image = crop(image, size)
    #### custom code #######

    image.thumbnail(size, self.pil_resize_algo)
    # decided to only preserve palletted mode
    # for GIF, could also use image.format in ('GIF','PNG')
    if original_mode == 'P' and img_format == 'GIF':
        image = image.convert('P')
    thumbnail_file = StringIO()
    # quality parameter doesn't affect lossless formats
    return thumbnail_file, target_format.lower()
 def testQuality(self):
     self.assertEqual(getQuality(), 88)
     # change and test again
     iprops = self.portal.portal_properties.imaging_properties
     self.assertEqual(getQuality(), 42)
 def testQuality(self):
     self.assertEqual(getQuality(), 88)
     # change and test again
     iprops = self.portal.portal_properties.imaging_properties
     self.assertEqual(getQuality(), 42)
 def testQuality(self):
     self.assertEqual(getQuality(), 88)
     settings = getSettings()
     settings.quality = 42
     self.assertEqual(getQuality(), 42)