class IStyledText(Schema): title = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Text Block Title"), required=True, ) body = RichText( title=_(u"Text Block body"), description=_(u"Text to appear within the block"), required=True, ) image = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Select image to be used as the title background"), required=False, vocabulary='', ) form.widget('image', RelatedItemsFieldWidget, vocabulary='', pattern_options={ 'recentlyUsed': True, 'selectableTypes': ['Image'], }) bgcolor = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Background Color"), required=False, vocabulary=SimpleVocabulary.fromItems([ ("White", "white"), ("Blue", "blue"), ("Red", "red"), ("Purple", "purple"), ]), )
class IImageTile(Schema): image = NamedBlobFile(title=_(u'Please, upload an image'), ) title = schema.TextLine(title=_(u'Set optional title'), required=False) widget(scale=RadioFieldWidget) scale = schema.Choice(title=_(u'Select maximum display size'), source=image_scales)
class IViewletManagerTile(Interface): manager = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Name of the viewlet manager."), required=True) view = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Name of the view"), required=False) section = schema.Choice(title=_(u"Section of the page"), values=(u"head", "body"), required=False, default="body") viewlet = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Name of the viewlet"), required=False)
class IRSSTile(Schema): """RSS tile schema interface.""" portlet_title = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Title"), description=_(u"Title of the portlet. If omitted, the title of the " u"feed will be used."), required=False, default=u'') count = schema.Int(title=_(u"Number of items to display"), description=_(u"How many items to list."), required=True, default=5) url = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"URL of RSS feed"), description=_(u"Link of the RSS feed to display."), required=True, default=u'') timeout = schema.Int(title=_(u"Feed reload timeout"), description=_( u"Time in minutes after which the feed should be " u"reloaded."), required=True, default=100)
def get_terms(self, context): # XXX: not working (see below the other XXX) # from zope.globalrequest import getRequest # if hasattr(context, 'REQUEST'): # request = context.REQUEST # else: # request = getRequest() manager = getUtility(IPortletManager, name=PORTLET_MANAGER) # view = context.restrictedTraverse('@@plone') # XXX: not working # manager_renderer = getMultiAdapter( # (context, # request, # view, # manager), # IPortletManagerRenderer # ) # portlets = manager_renderer.addable_portlets() portlets = manager.getAddablePortletTypes() yield SimpleTerm(value=None, token='', title=_(u'-- select type --')) for item in portlets: title = item.title token = value = item.addview yield SimpleTerm(value=value, token=token, title=title)
class IPresentationTile(model.Schema): content_uid = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Select an existing content"), required=True, source=CatalogSource(portal_type=['presentation', 'training_class']), )
class IExistingContentTile(model.Schema): content_uid = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Select an existing contentt"), required=True, vocabulary='', ) form.widget('content_uid', RelatedItemsFieldWidget, vocabulary='', pattern_options={ 'recentlyUsed': True, }) show_title = schema.Bool( title=_(u'Show content title'), default=True, ) show_description = schema.Bool(title=_(u'Show content description'), default=True) show_text = schema.Bool( title=_(u'Show content text'), default=True, ) show_image = schema.Bool( title=_(u'Show content image (if available)'), default=False, required=False, ) image_scale = schema.Choice( title=_(u'Image scale'), vocabulary='', required=False, ) show_comments = schema.Bool( title=_(u'Show content comments count (if enabled)'), default=False, required=False, ) tile_class = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Tile additional styles'), description=_(u'Insert a list of additional CSS classes that will', ' be added to the tile'), default=u'', required=False, )
def image_scales(context): values = [] settings = get_settings() for allowed_size in settings.allowed_sizes: name = allowed_size.split()[0] if name not in ("thumb", "tile", "icon", "listing"): values.append(SimpleTerm(name, name, _(allowed_size))) return SimpleVocabulary(values)
class IHTMLTile(Schema): ignore_querystring('content') primary('content') content = schema.Text( title=_(u'HTML'), required=True, )
class IExistingContentTile(model.Schema): content_uid = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Select an existing content"), required=True, source=CatalogSource(), ) show_title = schema.Bool( title=_(u'Show content title'), default=True ) show_description = schema.Bool( title=_(u'Show content description'), default=True ) show_text = schema.Bool( title=_(u'Show content text'), default=True ) show_image = schema.Bool( title=_(u'Show content image (if available)'), default=False, required=False, ) image_scale = schema.Choice( title=_(u'Image scale'), vocabulary='', required=False, ) show_comments = schema.Bool( title=_(u'Show content comments count (if enabled)'), default=False, required=False, ) tile_class = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Tile additional styles'), description=_( u'Insert a list of additional CSS classes that will', ' be added to the tile'), default=u'', required=False, )
def image_scales(context): values = [] if HAS_PLONE_5: settings = get_settings() else: settings = IImagingSchema(getSite()) for allowed_size in settings.allowed_sizes: name = allowed_size.split()[0] if name not in ("thumb", "tile", "icon", "listing"): values.append(SimpleTerm(name, name, _(allowed_size))) return SimpleVocabulary(values)
class INewsTile(Schema): """A tile that displays a listing of content items""" title = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Title'), required=False, ) uid = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Select an existing content"), required=True, vocabulary='', ) directives.widget( 'uid', RelatedItemsFieldWidget, pattern_options={'selectableTypes': ['Collection', 'Folder']}, ) limit = schema.Int( title=_(u'Limit'), description=_(u'Limit Search Results'), required=False, default=8, min=1, ) limit_slider = schema.Int( title=_(u'Limit slider'), description=_(u'Number of element in slider'), required=False, default=4, min=1, )
class IIndexTile(IContentListingTile): image_format = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Choose image format"), description=_(u"Square is used by default"), values=[_(u'Square'), _(u'Landscape')], default=_(u'Square'), required=False ) show_authors = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Show authors"), description=_(u"Show authors by default - according to the design"), default=True, required=True, ) view_template = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Display mode"), source=_(u"Available Index Views"), required=True )
class IRawEmbedTile(Schema): """ Raw Embed Tile """ tile_title = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Title'), description=_(u"""The title will also be used to create identifying class on that tile"""), required=True, ) show_title = schema.Bool( title=_(u'Show tile title'), default=True ) ignore_querystring('html_snippet') html_snippet = schema.SourceText( title=_(u"HTML Snippet"), description=_(u"""Be CAREFUL what you paste here, no security checks or transforms to safe_html will be done!"""), required=False, )
class ISitemapTile(Schema): """A tile which can render the sitemap.""" name = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Title"), description=_(u"The title of the sitemap."), default=u"", required=False)
class ISliderTile(Schema): """ """ collection_uid = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Select an existing content"), required=True, vocabulary="", ) directives.widget( "collection_uid", RelatedItemsFieldWidget, pattern_options={"selectableTypes": ["Collection"]}, ) infinite = schema.Bool(title=_(u"Infinite"), required=False, default=True) dots = schema.Bool(title=_(u"Dots"), required=False, default=True) arrows = schema.Bool(title=_(u"Arrows"), required=False, default=True) centerMode = schema.Bool(title=_(u"Center"), required=False, default=False) fade = schema.Bool(title=_(u"fade"), required=False, default=False) vertical = schema.Bool(title=_(u"vertical mode"), required=False, default=False) autoplay = schema.Bool(title=_(u"Autoplay mode"), required=False, default=False) pauseOnFocus = schema.Bool(title=_(u"pause on focus"), required=False, default=True) cssEase = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"ccsEase"), description=_(u"Use css ease"), required=False, default=_(u"linear"), ) autoplaySpeed = schema.Int( title=_(u"autoplaySpeed"), description=_(u"Speed of autoplay"), required=False, default=2000, ) slidesToShow = schema.Int( title=_(u"Show"), description=_(u"Slides to show"), required=False, default=4, ) slidesToScroll = schema.Int( title=_(u"Scroll"), description=_(u"Slider to scroll"), required=False, default=4, ) speed = schema.Int( title=_(u"Speed"), description=_(u"Speed"), required=False, default=300, min=100, ) limit = schema.Int( title=_(u"Limit"), description=_(u"Limit of slides"), required=False, default=10, ) size = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Image size"), description=_(u"Size of image slider (ex: thumb, large,...)"), required=False, default=_(u"thumb"), ) model.fieldset( 'display', label=_(u'Display options'), fields=[ 'title', 'description', 'date', 'all_button', ], ) title = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Title"), required=False, default=True, ) description = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Description"), required=False, default=True, ) date = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Date"), required=False, default=True, ) all_button = schema.Bool( title=_(u"All button"), required=False, default=True, ) breakpoint_full = schema.Int( title=_(u"breakpoint_full"), description=_(u"What size to display in breakpoint_full"), required=False, default=1024, ) slidesToShow_full = schema.Int( title=_(u"slidesToShow_full"), description=_(u"how many element to display in breakpoint_full"), required=False, default=1, ) slidesToScroll_full = schema.Int( title=_(u"slidesToScroll_full"), description=_(u"how many element scroll in breakpoint_full"), required=False, default=1, ) breakpoint_medium = schema.Int( title=_(u"breakpoint_medium"), description=_(u"What size to display in breakpoint_medium"), required=False, default=600, ) slidesToShow_medium = schema.Int( title=_(u"slidesToShow_medium"), description=_(u"how many element to display in breakpoint_medium"), required=False, default=1, ) slidesToScroll_medium = schema.Int( title=_(u"slidesToScroll_medium"), description=_(u"how many element scroll in breakpoint_medium"), required=False, default=1, ) breakpoint_small = schema.Int( title=_(u"breakpoint_small"), description=_(u"What size to display in breakpoint_small"), required=False, default=480, ) slidesToShow_small = schema.Int( title=_(u"slidesToShow_small"), description=_(u"how many element to display in breakpoint_small"), required=False, default=1, ) slidesToScroll_small = schema.Int( title=_(u"slidesToScroll_small"), description=_(u"how many element scroll in breakpoint_small"), required=False, default=1, )
class IAttachmentTile(Schema): widget(files=MultiFileFieldWidget) files = schema.List(title=_(u'Upload files'), value_type=NamedBlobFile( title=_(u"Please upload a file"), required=True))
class IContentListingTile(Schema): """A tile that displays a listing of content items""" title = schema.TextLine(title=_(u'label_title', default=u'Title'), required=False) description = schema.Text( title=_(u'label_description', default=u'Summary'), description=_(u'help_description', default=u'Used in item listings and search results.'), required=False, missing_value=u'', ) widget(query=QueryStringFieldWidget) query = schema.List( title=_(u"Search terms"), value_type=schema.Dict(value_type=schema.Field(), key_type=schema.TextLine()), description=_(u'Define the search terms for the items ' u'you want to list by choosing what to match on. The ' u'list of results will be dynamically updated'), required=False) sort_on = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'label_sort_on', default=u'Sort on'), description=_(u'Sort the collection on this index'), required=False, ) sort_reversed = schema.Bool( title=_(u'label_sort_reversed', default=u'Reversed order'), description=_(u'Sort the results in reversed order'), required=False, ) limit = schema.Int( title=_(u'Limit'), description=_(u'Limit Search Results'), required=False, default=100, min=1, ) view_template = schema.Choice(title=_(u'Display mode'), source=_(u'Available Listing Views'), required=True)
class IEmbedTile(Schema): """ Embed tile. """ media_url = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Media URL"), required=True)
class INavigationTile(Schema): """A tile which can render the navigation tree.""" name = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Title'), description=_(u'The title of the navigation tree.'), default=u'', required=False, ) root = schema.Choice( title=_(u'Root node'), description=_( u'You may search for and choose a folder to act as the root ' u'of the navigation tree. Leave blank to use the Plone site ' u'root.' ), source=CatalogSource(), required=False, ) includeTop = schema.Bool( title=_(u'Include top node'), description=_( u'Whether or not to show the top, or "root", node in the ' u'navigation tree. This is affected by the "Start level" ' u'setting.' ), default=False, required=False, ) currentFolderOnly = schema.Bool( title=_(u'Only show the contents of the current folder.'), description=_( u'If selected, the navigation tree will only show the current ' u'folder and its children at all times.' ), default=False, required=False, ) topLevel = schema.Int( title=_(u'Start level'), description=_( u'An integer value that specifies the number of folder levels ' u'below the site root that must be exceeded before the ' u'navigation tree will display. 0 means that the navigation ' u'tree should be displayed everywhere including pages in the ' u'root of the site. 1 means the tree only shows up inside ' u'folders located in the root and downwards, never showing at ' u'the top level.' ), default=0, required=False, ) bottomLevel = schema.Int( title=_(u'Navigation tree depth'), description=_( u'How many folders should be included before the navigation ' u'tree stops. 0 means no limit. 1 only includes the root ' u'folder.' ), default=0, required=False, )
class IThreecolumnsTile(IExistingContentTile): show_text = schema.Bool(title=_(u"Show content text"), default=False) show_comments = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Show content comments count (if enabled)"), default=False, required=False, ) show_image = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Show content image (if available)"), default=True, required=False, ) image_scale = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Image scale"), vocabulary="", required=False, default=u"large") tile_class = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Tile additional styles"), description=_(u"Insert a list of additional CSS classes that will" + u" be added to the tile"), default=u"", required=False) description_alternative = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Replace the description with a custom text"), description= _(u"The item's description will be replaced with the text on this field" ), default=u"", required=False) contact = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Contact"), description=_(u"Contact"), default=u"", required=False) linkedin = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"LinkedIn"), description=_(u"LinkedIn"), default=u"", required=False) picture_credits = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Foto credits"), description=_(u"Foto credits"), default=u"", required=False) view_template = schema.Choice(title=_(u'Display mode'), source=_(u'Available Threecolumns Views'), required=True) use_only_two = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Use only the last two columns"), default=False, required=False, ) form.omitted('show_text') form.omitted('show_comments') form.omitted('tile_class')
class IFrontpageTile(IExistingContentTile): show_text = schema.Bool(title=_(u"Show content text"), default=False) show_comments = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Show content comments count (if enabled)"), default=False, required=False, ) show_icon = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Show De Gevangenpoort icon (small version)"), default=True, required=False, ) show_image = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Show content image (if available)"), default=True, required=False, ) image_scale = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Image scale"), vocabulary="", required=False, default=u"large") tile_class = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Tile additional styles"), description=_(u"Insert a list of additional CSS classes that will" + u" be added to the tile"), default=u"", required=False) description_alternative = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Replace the description with a custom text"), description= _(u"The item's description will be replaced with the text on this field" ), default=u"", required=False) view_template = schema.Choice(title=_(u'Display mode'), source=_(u'Available Frontpage Views'), required=True) form.omitted('show_text') form.omitted('show_comments') form.omitted('tile_class')
class IPortletManagerTile(Interface): manager = schema.TextLine(title=u'Name of the portlet manager to render.', required=True) view = schema.TextLine(title=_(u'Name of the view'), required=False)
class IFrontpageTile(IExistingContentTile): show_text = schema.Bool(title=_(u"Show content text"), default=False) show_comments = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Show content comments count (if enabled)"), default=False, required=False, ) show_image = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Show content image (if available)"), default=True, required=False, ) show_author = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Show the authors (if item is a Product)"), default=True, required=False, ) show_price = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Show the price (if item is a Product)"), default=True, required=False, ) show_buttons = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Show the buttons (if item is a Product)"), default=True, required=False, ) show_as_header = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Show content has header"), default=False, required=False, ) image_scale = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Image scale"), vocabulary="", required=False, default=u"large") tile_class = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Tile additional styles"), description=_(u"Insert a list of additional CSS classes that will" + u" be added to the tile"), default=u"", required=False) description_alternative = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Replace the description with a custom text"), description= _(u"The item's description will be replaced with the text on this field" ), default=u"", required=False) video_id = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Video ID"), description=_(u"Item will show a video if an id is added"), default=u"", required=False) video_thumb_url = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Video first frame URL"), description=_(u"The first frame will be shown before the video loads"), default=u"", required=False) view_template = schema.Choice(title=_(u'Display mode'), source=_(u'Available Frontpage Views'), required=True) form.omitted('show_text') form.omitted('show_comments') form.omitted('tile_class')
class IMultipleitemsTile(IContentListingTile): show_url = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"show_url", default=u"Show more url"), description=_( u"If an url is added the 'Show more' button will be shown"), required=False, ) image_format = schema.Choice(title=_(u"Choose image format"), description=_(u"Square is used by default"), values=[_(u'Square'), _(u'Landscape')], default=_(u'Square'), required=False) background_color = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Choose background color"), description=_(u"White by default"), values=[_(u'White'), _(u'Purple'), _(u'Red')], default=_(u'White'), required=False) show_description = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Show description for each item in the listing."), description=_( u"Does not show description by default - according to the design"), default=False, required=False, ) use_awards_view = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Use awards view (show description on top of image)"), default=False, required=False, ) view_template = schema.Choice(title=_(u"Display mode"), source=_(u"Available Multiple items Views"), required=True)