def copy_items(portal_type=None, uid=None, endpoint=None, **kw):
    """ copy items

    # disable CSRF

    # try to find the requested objects
    objects = find_objects(uid=uid)

    # No objects could be found, bail out
    if not objects:
        fail(404, "No Objects could be found")

    # We support only to copy a single object
    if len(objects) > 1:
        fail(400, "Can only copy one object at a time")

    # We don't want to copy the portal object
    if filter(lambda o: is_root(o), objects):
        fail(400, "Can not copy the portal object")

    # cut the object
    obj = objects[0]
    request = req.getRequest()
    obj.aq_parent.manage_copyObjects(obj.getId(), REQUEST=request)
    request.response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
    info = IInfo(obj)()

    return [info]
def update_sharing_for(brain_or_object, sharing):
    """Perform a sharing update

    :param brain_or_object: A single catalog brain or content object
    :type brain_or_object: ATContentType/DexterityContentType/CatalogBrain
    :param sharing: The sharing dictionary as returned from the API
    :type sharing: dict
    :returns: change status
    :rtype: boolean

    obj = get_object(brain_or_object)
    view = get_sharing_view_for(obj)

    # 1. Update inherit settings for this object
    inherit = sharing.get("inherit", _marker)
    if inherit is not _marker:

    def fix_role_settings(settings):
        # transform the roles to be compatible with the sharing views API
        roles = settings.get("roles", {})
        settings["roles"] = [k for (k, v) in roles.items() if v]
        return settings

    # 2. Prepare data for the sharing view API
    role_settings = sharing.get("role_settings", [])
    settings = map(fix_role_settings, role_settings)

    # disable CSRF

    # 3. Update sharing settings
    return view.update_role_settings(settings)
def delete_items(portal_type=None, uid=None, endpoint=None, **kw):
    """ delete items

    1. If the uid is given, we can ignore the request body and delete the
       object with the given uid (if the uid was valid).
    2. If no uid is given, the user wants to delete more than one item.
       => go through each item and extract the uid. Delete it afterwards.
       // we should do this kind of transaction base. So if we can not get an
       // object for an uid, no item will be deleted.
    3. we could check if the portal_type matches, just to be sure the user
       wants to delete the right content.

    # disable CSRF

    # try to find the requested objects
    objects = find_objects(uid=uid)

    # We don't want to delete the portal object
    if filter(lambda o: is_root(o), objects):
        fail(400, "Can not delete the portal object")

    results = []
    for obj in objects:
        info = IInfo(obj)()
        info["deleted"] = delete_object(obj)

    if not results:
        fail(404, "No Objects could be found")

    return results
def update_sharing_for(brain_or_object, sharing):
    """Perform a sharing update

    :param brain_or_object: A single catalog brain or content object
    :type brain_or_object: ATContentType/DexterityContentType/CatalogBrain
    :param sharing: The sharing dictionary as returned from the API
    :type sharing: dict
    :returns: change status
    :rtype: boolean

    obj = get_object(brain_or_object)
    view = get_sharing_view_for(obj)

    # 1. Update inherit settings for this object
    inherit = sharing.get("inherit", _marker)
    if inherit is not _marker:

    def fix_role_settings(settings):
        # transform the roles to be compatible with the sharing views API
        roles = settings.get("roles", {})
        settings["roles"] = [k for (k, v) in roles.items() if v]
        return settings

    # 2. Prepare data for the sharing view API
    role_settings = sharing.get("role_settings", [])
    settings = map(fix_role_settings, role_settings)

    # disable CSRF

    # 3. Update sharing settings
    return view.update_role_settings(settings)
def create_items(portal_type=None, uid=None, endpoint=None, **kw):
    """ create items

    1. If the uid is given, get the object and create the content in there
       (assumed that it is folderish)
    2. If the uid is 0, the target folder is assumed the portal.
    3. If there is no uid given, the payload is checked for either a key
        - `parent_uid`  specifies the *uid* of the target folder
        - `parent_path` specifies the *physical path* of the target folder

    # disable CSRF

    # destination where to create the content
    container = uid and get_object_by_uid(uid) or None

    # extract the data from the request
    records = req.get_request_data()

    results = []
    for record in records:
        if container is None:
            # find the container for content creation
            container = find_target_container(record)

        if portal_type is None:
            # try to fetch the portal type out of the request data
            portal_type = record.pop("portal_type", None)

        # Check if we have a container and a portal_type
        if not all([container, portal_type]):
            fail(400, "Please provide a container path/uid and portal_type")

        # create the object and pass in the record data
        obj = create_object(container, portal_type, **record)

    if not results:
        fail(400, "No Objects could be created")

    return make_items_for(results, endpoint=endpoint)
def update_items(portal_type=None, uid=None, endpoint=None, **kw):
    """ update items

    1. If the uid is given, the user wants to update the object with the data
       given in request body
    2. If no uid is given, the user wants to update a bunch of objects.
       -> each record contains either an UID, path or parent_path + id

    # disable CSRF

    # the data to update
    records = req.get_request_data()

    # we have an uid -> try to get an object for it
    obj = get_object_by_uid(uid)
    if obj:
        record = records[0]  # ignore other records if we got an uid
        obj = update_object_with_data(obj, record)
        return make_items_for([obj], endpoint=endpoint)

    # no uid -> go through the record items
    results = []
    for record in records:
        obj = get_object_by_record(record)

        # no object found for this record
        if obj is None:

        # update the object with the given record data
        obj = update_object_with_data(obj, record)

    if not results:
        fail(400, "No Objects could be updated")

    return make_items_for(results, endpoint=endpoint)
def paste_items(portal_type=None, uid=None, endpoint=None, **kw):
    """ paste items

    # disable CSRF

    # try to find the requested objects
    objects = find_objects(uid=uid)

    # No objects could be found, bail out
    if not objects:
        fail(404, "No Objects could be found")

    # check if the cookie is there
    cookie = req.get_cookie("__cp")
    if cookie is None:
        fail(400, "No data found to paste")

    # We support only to copy a single object
    if len(objects) > 1:
        fail(400, "Can only paste to one location")

    # cut the object
    obj = objects[0]

    # paste the object
    results = obj.manage_pasteObjects(cookie)

    out = []
    for result in results:
        new_id = result.get("new_id")
        pasted = obj.get(new_id)
        if pasted:

    return out