def do_work(file,mintime,wayness,lariat_dict): retval=(None,None,None,None,None) res=plot.get_data(file,mintime,wayness,lariat_dict) if (res is None): return retval (ts, ld, tmid, read_rate, write_rate, stall_rate, clock_rate, avx_rate, sse_rate, inst_rate, meta_rate, l1_rate, l2_rate, l3_rate, load_rate, read_frac, stall_frac) = res # return (scipy.stats.tmean(stall_frac), # scipy.stats.tmean((load_rate - (l1_rate + l2_rate + # l3_rate))/load_rate)) mean_mem_rate=scipy.stats.tmean(read_rate+write_rate)*64.0 ename=ld.exc.split('/')[-1] ename=tspl_utils.string_shorten(ld.comp_name(ename,ld.equiv_patterns),8) if ename=='unknown': return retval flag=False if mean_mem_rate < 75.*1000000000./16.: flag=True return (scipy.stats.tmean(stall_frac), scipy.stats.tmean((load_rate - (l1_rate))/load_rate), scipy.stats.tmean(clock_rate/inst_rate),ename, flag)
def do_work(file, mintime, wayness, lariat_dict): bad_retval = (None, None, None, None, None, None, None) res = plot.get_data(file, mintime, wayness, lariat_dict) if (res is None): return bad_retval (ts, ld, tmid, read_rate, write_rate, stall_rate, clock_rate, avx_rate, sse_rate, inst_rate, meta_rate, l1_rate, l2_rate, l3_rate, load_rate, read_frac, stall_frac) = res mean_mem_rate = scipy.stats.tmean(read_rate + write_rate) * 64.0 ename = ld.exc.split('/')[-1] if ename == 'unknown': return bad_retval ename = ld.comp_name(ename, ld.equiv_patterns) (s, m, cpi) = (scipy.stats.tmean(stall_frac), scipy.stats.tmean((load_rate - (l1_rate)) / load_rate), scipy.stats.tmean(clock_rate / inst_rate)) return (s, m, cpi, ename,, ts.owner,
def do_work(file,mintime,wayness,lariat_dict): bad_retval=(None,None,None,None,None,None,None) res=plot.get_data(file,mintime,wayness,lariat_dict) if (res is None): return bad_retval (ts, ld, tmid, read_rate, write_rate, stall_rate, clock_rate, avx_rate, sse_rate, inst_rate, meta_rate, l1_rate, l2_rate, l3_rate, load_rate, read_frac, stall_frac) = res mean_mem_rate=scipy.stats.tmean(read_rate+write_rate)*64.0 ename=ld.exc.split('/')[-1] if ename=='unknown': return bad_retval ename=ld.comp_name(ename,ld.equiv_patterns) (s, m, cpi) = (scipy.stats.tmean(stall_frac), scipy.stats.tmean((load_rate - (l1_rate))/load_rate), scipy.stats.tmean(clock_rate/inst_rate)) return (s,m,cpi,ename,,ts.owner,
def index(): response = make_response(get_data().to_csv(), 200) response.mimetype = "text/plain" return response
matplotlib.use('Agg') plt.figure(figsize=(17.5, 4.25), frameon=False) CI_level = 0.6 dir_List = [ ('paper/lbdqn/alien-rews', 5000000), ('paper/lbdqn/stargunner-rews', 20000000), ('paper/lbdqn/zaxxon-rews', 15000000), ] lines = [] for fig_id, dir_entry in enumerate(dir_List): dir_id, length = dir_entry title, final_flag = None, False length //= 50000 data, data_path = get_data(dir_id, final_flag, args.smooth) for task in data.keys():'seaborn-whitegrid') plt.rc('font', family='Times New Roman') plt.subplot(1, 3, fig_id + 1) # matplotlib.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True ax = plt.gca() ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['left'].set_color('black') ax.spines['bottom'].set_color('black') if not (title is None): plt.title(title, size=24.0) else: plt.title(task, size=24.0)
def exp4_plot(): datadir = Path("data", "exp4") zlearner = plot.get_data(Path(datadir, "data00")) qlearner = plot.get_data(Path(datadir, "data01")) zlearner_na = plot.get_data(Path(datadir, "data02")) qlearner_na = plot.get_data(Path(datadir, "data03")) data = [zlearner, qlearner] data_na = [zlearner_na, qlearner_na] basestyle = dict(c="k", lw=0.7) refstyle = dict(basestyle, c="r", ls="--") zstyle = dict(basestyle, c="y", ls="-") qstyle = dict(basestyle, c="b", ls="-.") # Figure common setup cfg = linear.cfg linear.load_config() t_range = (0, cfg.final_time) # All in inches subsize = (4.05, 0.946) width = 4.94 top = 0.2 bottom = 0.671765 left = 0.5487688 hspace = 0.2716 # ================= # States and inputs # ================= figsize, pos = plot.posing(5, subsize, width, top, bottom, left, hspace) plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = plot.subplot(pos, 0) [plot.vector_by_index(d, "x", 0)[0] for d in data] plt.ylabel(r"$x_1$") # plt.ylim(-2, 2) plt.legend() plot.subplot(pos, 1, sharex=ax) [plot.vector_by_index(d, "x", 1) for d in data] plt.ylabel(r"$x_2$") # plt.ylim(-2, 2) plot.subplot(pos, 2, sharex=ax) [plot.vector_by_index(d, "u", 0) for d in data] plt.ylabel(r'$u$') # plt.ylim(-80, 80) # ==================== # Parameter estimation # ==================== ax = plot.subplot(pos, 3) plot.all(qlearner, "K", style=dict(refstyle, label="True")) for d in data: plot.all( d, "K", is_agent=True, style=dict(marker="o", markersize=2) ) plt.ylabel(r"$\hat{K}$") plt.legend() # plt.ylim(-70, 30) plot.subplot(pos, 4, sharex=ax) plot.all(qlearner, "P", style=dict(, c="r", ls="--")) for d in data: plot.all( d, "P", is_agent=True, style=dict(marker="o", markersize=2) ) plt.ylabel(r"$\hat{P}$") # plt.ylim(-70, 30) plt.xlabel("Time, sec") plt.xlim(t_range) for ax in plt.gcf().get_axes(): ax.label_outer() # ================================== # States and inputs (Non-Admissible) # ================================== figsize, pos = plot.posing(5, subsize, width, top, bottom, left, hspace) plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = plot.subplot(pos, 0) [plot.vector_by_index(d, "x", 0)[0] for d in data_na] plt.ylabel(r"$x_1$") # plt.ylim(-2, 2) plt.legend() plot.subplot(pos, 1, sharex=ax) [plot.vector_by_index(d, "x", 1) for d in data_na] plt.ylabel(r"$x_2$") # plt.ylim(-2, 2) plot.subplot(pos, 2, sharex=ax) [plot.vector_by_index(d, "u", 0) for d in data_na] plt.ylabel(r'$u$') # plt.ylim(-80, 80) # ===================================== # Parameter estimation (Non-Admissible) # ===================================== ax = plot.subplot(pos, 3) plot.all(qlearner_na, "K", style=dict(refstyle, label="True")) for d in data_na: plot.all( d, "K", is_agent=True, style=dict(marker="o", markersize=2) ) plt.ylabel(r"$\hat{K}$") plt.legend() # plt.ylim(-70, 30) plot.subplot(pos, 4, sharex=ax) plot.all(qlearner_na, "P", style=refstyle) for d in data_na: plot.all( d, "P", is_agent=True, style=dict(marker="o", markersize=2) ) plt.ylabel(r"$\hat{P}$") # plt.ylim(-70, 30) plt.xlabel("Time, sec") plt.xlim(t_range) for ax in plt.gcf().get_axes(): ax.label_outer() imgdir = Path("img", datadir.relative_to("data")) imgdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) plt.figure(1) plt.savefig(Path(imgdir, "figure_1.pdf"), bbox_inches="tight") plt.figure(2) plt.savefig(Path(imgdir, "figure_2.pdf"), bbox_inches="tight")
def comp(sqldir, klmdir): # Data 001 ~ Data 002 sql = plot.get_data(Path(datadir, sqldir)) klm = plot.get_data(Path(datadir, klmdir)) data = [sql, klm] # data_na = [] basestyle = dict(c="k", lw=0.7) refstyle = dict(basestyle, c="r", ls="--") klm_style = dict(basestyle, c="y", ls="-") sql_style = dict(basestyle, c="b", ls="-.") # # # Figure common setup t_range = (0,["cfg"].env_kwargs.max_t) # All in inches subsize = (4.05, 0.946) width = 4.94 top = 0.2 bottom = 0.671765 left = 0.5487688 hspace = 0.2716 # ================= # States and inputs # ================= figsize, pos = plot.posing(3, subsize, width, top, bottom, left, hspace) plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = plot.subplot(pos, 0) [plot.vector_by_index(d, "x", 0)[0] for d in data] plt.ylabel(r"$x_1$") # plt.ylim(-2, 2) plt.legend() plot.subplot(pos, 1, sharex=ax) [plot.vector_by_index(d, "x", 1) for d in data] plt.ylabel(r"$x_2$") # plt.ylim(-2, 2) plot.subplot(pos, 2, sharex=ax) [plot.vector_by_index(d, "x", 2) for d in data] plt.ylabel(r'$x_3$') # plt.ylim(-80, 80) plt.xlabel("Time, sec") plt.xlim(t_range) for ax in plt.gcf().get_axes(): ax.label_outer() # ==================== # Parameter estimation # ==================== figsize, pos = plot.posing(3, subsize, width, top, bottom, left, hspace) plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = plot.subplot(pos, 0) [plot.vector_by_index(d, "u", 0) for d in data] plt.ylabel(r'$\delta_t$') plot.subplot(pos, 1, sharex=ax) plot.all(sql, "K", style=dict(refstyle, label="True")) for d in data: plot.all(d, "K", is_agent=True, style=dict(marker="o", markersize=2)) plt.ylabel(r"$\hat{K}$") plt.legend() # plt.ylim(-70, 30) plot.subplot(pos, 2, sharex=ax) plot.all(sql, "P", style=dict(, c="r", ls="--")) for d in data: plot.all(d, "P", is_agent=True, style=dict(marker="o", markersize=2)) plt.ylabel(r"$\hat{P}$") # plt.ylim(-70, 30) plt.xlabel("Time, sec") plt.xlim(t_range) for ax in plt.gcf().get_axes(): ax.label_outer()
matplotlib.use('Agg') fig_cnt = len(experiments_set[]) if fig_cnt==8: fig_w, fig_h = 4, 2 elif fig_cnt==4: if'7_slide': fig_w, fig_h = 2, 2 else: fig_w, fig_h = 4, 1 else: fig_w, fig_h = (fig_cnt-1)%3+1, (fig_cnt-1)//3+1 size_w, size_h = size_dict[(fig_w,fig_h)] plt.figure(figsize=(size_w,size_h),frameon=False) CI_level = args.CI legend_id, legend_cnt, lines = 0, 0, [] for fig_id, experiment in enumerate(experiments_set[]): alg_cnt = 0 data, _ = get_data(final_id[experiment][0]) if len(list(data.keys()))==0: continue task = list(data.keys())[0] for alg in list(final_colors[].keys()): if alg in data[task].keys(): alg_cnt += 1 if alg_cnt>legend_cnt: legend_cnt = alg_cnt legend_id = fig_id for fig_id, experiment in enumerate(experiments_set[]): if[0]=='9': lines = [] data, _ = get_data(final_id[experiment][0]) plt.subplot(fig_h, fig_w, fig_id+1) if in ['6_2']: plt.title(final_id[experiment][1],size=16.0)
# Get Video vidObj = cv2.VideoCapture( '/Users/rachelzhou/Research/build_opencv/opencv/samples/python/single/bee6.avi' ) vidObj.set(1, 50) ret, frame = sec = [] for x in plot.x: x = x / 23.39 sec.append(x) t = np.array(sec) x = np.array(plot.get_data(5)) y = np.array(plot.get_data(0)) z = np.array(plot.get_data(3)) # Configure subplots fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 2, sharex='col') # Initialize the line plots axs[0, 0].plot(t, x) axs[0, 0].set_ylabel('velocity' + '\n' + '(pixels per second)') axs[1, 0].plot(t, y) axs[1, 0].set_ylabel('angle between' + '\n' + ' antennae (degrees)') axs[2, 0].plot(t, z) axs[2, 0].set_ylabel('airflow (meters' + '\n' + ' per second)')