def plot_diff_xy(ax, var, rel=False, lim=None): if rel: if lim is not None: bplt.plot_xy(ax, geom, np.abs((dump1[var] - dump2[var])/dump1[var]), vmin=0, vmax=lim, label=var, cbar=False, arrayspace=USEARRSPACE) else: bplt.plot_xy(ax, geom, np.abs((dump1[var] - dump2[var])/dump1[var]), label=var, cbar=False, arrayspace=USEARRSPACE) else: if lim is not None: bplt.plot_xy(ax, geom, np.log10(np.abs(dump1[var] - dump2[var])), vmin=log_floor, vmax=lim, label=var, cbar=False, arrayspace=USEARRSPACE) else: bplt.plot_xy(ax, geom, np.log10(np.abs(dump1[var] - dump2[var])), vmin=log_floor, vmax=0, label=var, cbar=False, arrayspace=USEARRSPACE)
def plot(n): imname = os.path.join(frame_dir, 'frame_%08d.png' % n) tdump = io.get_dump_time(files[n]) if (tstart is not None and tdump < tstart) or (tend is not None and tdump > tend): return print("{} / {}".format((n+1),len(files))) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(FIGX, FIGY)) if movie_type not in ["simplest", "simpler", "simple"]: dump = io.load_dump(files[n], hdr, geom, derived_vars=True, extras=False) #fig.suptitle("t = %d"%dump['t']) # TODO put this at the bottom somehow? else: # Simple movies don't need derived vars dump = io.load_dump(files[n], hdr, geom, derived_vars=False, extras=False) # Put the somewhat crazy rho values from KORAL dumps back in plottable range if np.max(dump['RHO']) < 1e-10: dump['RHO'] *= 1e15 # Zoom in for small problems if geom['r'][-1,0,0] > 100: window = [-100,100,-100,100] nlines = 20 rho_l, rho_h = -3, 2 iBZ = i_of(geom,100) # most MADs rBZ = 100 else: window = [-50,50,-50,50] nlines = 5 rho_l, rho_h = -4, 1 iBZ = i_of(geom,40) # most SANEs rBZ = 40 if movie_type == "simplest": # Simplest movie: just RHO ax_slc = [plt.subplot(1,2,1), plt.subplot(1,2,2)] bplt.plot_xz(ax_slc[0], geom, np.log10(dump['RHO']), label="", vmin=rho_l, vmax=rho_h, window=window, xlabel=False, ylabel=False, xticks=False, yticks=False, cbar=False, cmap='jet') bplt.plot_xy(ax_slc[1], geom, np.log10(dump['RHO']), label="", vmin=rho_l-0.5, vmax=rho_h-0.5, window=window, xlabel=False, ylabel=False, xticks=False, yticks=False, cbar=False, cmap='jet') pad = 0.0 plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0, left=pad, right=1-pad, bottom=pad, top=1-pad) elif movie_type == "simpler": # Simpler movie: RHO and phi gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, height_ratios=[6, 1], width_ratios=[16,17]) ax_slc = [fig.subplot(gs[0,0]), fig.subplot(gs[0,1])] ax_flux = [fig.subplot(gs[1,:])] bplt.plot_slices(ax_slc[0], ax_slc[1], geom, dump, np.log10(dump['RHO']), label=r"$\log_{10}(\rho)$", vmin=rho_l, vmax=rho_h, window=window, overlay_field=False, cmap='jet') bplt.diag_plot(ax_flux[0], diag, 'phi_b', dump['t'], ylabel=r"$\phi_{BH}$", logy=LOG_PHI, xlabel=False) elif movie_type == "simple": # Simple movie: RHO mdot phi gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 2, height_ratios=[4, 1, 1]) ax_slc = [fig.subplot(gs[0,0]), fig.subplot(gs[0,1])] ax_flux = [fig.subplot(gs[1,:]), fig.subplot(gs[2,:])] bplt.plot_slices(ax_slc[0], ax_slc[1], geom, dump, np.log10(dump['RHO']), label=r"$\log_{10}(\rho)$", vmin=rho_l, vmax=rho_h, window=window, cmap='jet') bplt.diag_plot(ax_flux[0], diag, 'mdot', dump['t'], ylabel=r"$\dot{M}$", logy=LOG_MDOT) bplt.diag_plot(ax_flux[1], diag, 'phi_b', dump['t'], ylabel=r"$\phi_{BH}$", logy=LOG_PHI) elif movie_type == "radial": # TODO just record these in analysis output... rho_r = eht_profile(geom, dump['RHO'], jmin, jmax) B_r = eht_profile(geom, np.sqrt(dump['bsq']), jmin, jmax) uphi_r = eht_profile(geom, dump['ucon'][:,:,:,3], jmin, jmax) Pg = (hdr['gam']-1.)*dump['UU'] Pb = dump['bsq']/2 Pg_r = eht_profile(geom, Pg, jmin, jmax) Ptot_r = eht_profile(geom, Pg + Pb, jmin, jmax) betainv_r = eht_profile(geom, Pb/Pg, jmin, jmax) ax_slc = lambda i: plt.subplot(2, 3, i) bplt.radial_plot(ax_slc(1), geom, rho_r, ylabel=r"$<\rho>$", logy=True, ylim=[1.e-2, 1.e0]) bplt.radial_plot(ax_slc(2), geom, Pg_r, ylabel=r"$<P_g>$", logy=True, ylim=[1.e-6, 1.e-2]) bplt.radial_plot(ax_slc(3), geom, B_r, ylabel=r"$<|B|>$", logy=True, ylim=[1.e-4, 1.e-1]) bplt.radial_plot(ax_slc(4), geom, uphi_r, ylabel=r"$<u^{\phi}>$", logy=True, ylim=[1.e-3, 1.e1]) bplt.radial_plot(ax_slc(5), geom, Ptot_r, ylabel=r"$<P_{tot}>$", logy=True, ylim=[1.e-6, 1.e-2]) bplt.radial_plot(ax_slc(6), geom, betainv_r, ylabel=r"$<\beta^{-1}>$", logy=True, ylim=[1.e-2, 1.e1]) elif movie_type == "fluxes_cap": axes = [plt.subplot(2, 2, i) for i in range(1,5)] bplt.plot_thphi(axes[0], geom, np.log10(d_fns['FE'](dump)[iBZ,:,:]), iBZ, vmin=-8, vmax=-4, label =r"FE $\theta-\phi$ slice") bplt.plot_thphi(axes[1], geom, np.log10(d_fns['FM'](dump)[iBZ,:,:]), iBZ, vmin=-8, vmax=-4, label =r"FM $\theta-\phi$ slice") bplt.plot_thphi(axes[2], geom, np.log10(d_fns['FL'](dump)[iBZ,:,:]), iBZ, vmin=-8, vmax=-4, label =r"FL $\theta-\phi$ slice") bplt.plot_thphi(axes[3], geom, np.log10(dump['RHO'][iBZ,:,:]), iBZ, vmin=-4, vmax=1, label =r"\rho $\theta-\phi$ slice") for i,axis in enumerate(axes): if i == 0: overlay_thphi_contours(axis, geom, diag, legend=True) else: overlay_thphi_contours(axis, geom, diag) max_th = geom['n2']//2 x = bplt.loop_phi(geom['x'][iBZ,:max_th,:]) y = bplt.loop_phi(geom['y'][iBZ,:max_th,:]) prep = lambda var : bplt.loop_phi(var[:max_th,:]) axis.contour(x,y, prep(geom['th'][iBZ]), [1.0], colors='k') axis.contour(x,y, prep(d_fns['betagamma'](dump)[iBZ]), [1.0], colors='k') axis.contour(x,y, prep(d_fns['sigma'](dump)[iBZ]), [1.0], colors='xkcd:green') axis.contour(x,y, prep(d_fns['FE'](dump)[iBZ]), [0.0], colors='xkcd:pink') axis.contour(x,y, prep(d_fns['Be_nob'](dump)[iBZ]), [0.02], colors='xkcd:red') axis.contour(x,y, prep(d_fns['mu'](dump)[iBZ]), [2.0], colors='xkcd:blue') elif movie_type == "rho_cap": # Note cmaps are different between left 2 and right plot, due to the latter being far away from EH bplt.plot_slices(plt.subplot(1,3,1), plt.subplot(1,3,2), geom, dump, np.log10(dump['RHO']), label=r"$\log_{10}(\rho)$", vmin=-3, vmax=2, cmap='jet') bplt.overlay_contours(plt.subplot(1,3,1), geom, geom['r'], [rBZ], color='k') bplt.plot_thphi(plt.subplot(1,3,3), geom, np.log10(dump['RHO'][iBZ,:,:]), iBZ, vmin=-4, vmax=1, label=r"$\log_{10}(\rho)$ $\theta-\phi$ slice r="+str(rBZ)) elif movie_type == "funnel_wall": rKH = 20 iKH = i_of(geom, rKH) win=[0,rBZ/2,0,rBZ] gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 3, width_ratios=[1,1,1]) axes = [plt.subplot(gs[0,i]) for i in range(3)] bplt.plot_xz(axes[0], geom, np.log10(dump['RHO']), label=r"$\log_{10}(\rho)$", vmin=-3, vmax=2, cmap='jet', window=win, shading='flat') bplt.plot_xz(axes[1], geom, np.log10(dump['ucon'][:,:,:,3]), label=r"$\log_{10}(u^{\phi})$", vmin=-3, vmax=0, cmap='Reds', window=win, cbar=False, shading='flat') bplt.plot_xz(axes[1], geom, np.log10(-dump['ucon'][:,:,:,3]), label=r"$\log_{10}(u^{\phi})$", vmin=-3, vmax=0, cmap='Blues', window=win, cbar=False, shading='flat') bplt.plot_xz(axes[2], geom, np.log10(dump['beta'][:,:,:,3]), label=r"$\log_{10}(u_{\phi})$", vmin=-3, vmax=3, window=win, shading='flat') for axis in axes: bplt.overlay_field(axis, geom, dump, nlines=nlines*4) # bplt.plot_thphi(axes[2], geom, np.log10(dump['RHO'][iKH,:,:]), iKH, # label=r"$\log_{10}(\rho)$ $\theta-\phi$ slice r="+str(rKH), vmin=-4, vmax=1, cmap='jet', shading='flat') elif movie_type == "kh_radii": if True: # Half-theta (one jet) switch awindow = [0,1,0.5,1] bwindow = [0,rBZ/2,0,rBZ] else: awindow = [0,1,0,1] bwindow = [0,rBZ/2,-rBZ/2,rBZ/2] rlevels = [10, 20, 40, 80] axes = [plt.subplot(2,3,1), plt.subplot(2,3,2), plt.subplot(2,3,4), plt.subplot(2,3,5)] bigaxis = plt.subplot(1,3,3) for ax,rlevel in zip(axes, rlevels): bplt.plot_thphi(ax, geom, np.log10(dump['RHO'][i_of(geom, rlevel),:,:]), i_of(geom, rlevel), label=r"$\log_{10}(\rho) (r = "+str(rlevel)+")$", vmin=-3, vmax=2, cmap='jet', shading='flat', arrayspace=True, window=awindow) # bplt.plot_xz(bigaxis, geom, np.log10(dump['RHO']), label=r"$\log_{10}(\rho) (\phi slice)$", # vmin=-3, vmax=2, cmap='jet', shading='flat', window=bwindow) bplt.plot_xz(bigaxis, geom, np.log10(dump['ucon'][:,:,:,3]), label="", vmin=-3, vmax=0, cmap='Reds', window=bwindow, cbar=False, shading='flat') bplt.plot_xz(bigaxis, geom, np.log10(-dump['ucon'][:,:,:,3]), label=r"$\log_{10}(u^{\phi})$", vmin=-3, vmax=0, cmap='Blues', window=bwindow, shading='flat') bplt.overlay_field(bigaxis, geom, dump) bplt.overlay_contours(bigaxis, geom, geom['r'][:,:,0], levels=rlevels, color='r') else: # All other movie types share a layout ax_slc = lambda i: plt.subplot(2, 4, i) ax_flux = lambda i: plt.subplot(4, 2, i) if movie_type == "traditional": # Usual movie: RHO beta fluxes # CUTS bplt.plot_slices(ax_slc(1), ax_slc(2), geom, dump, np.log10(dump['RHO']), label=r"$\log_{10}(\rho)$", vmin=-3, vmax=2, cmap='jet') bplt.plot_slices(ax_slc(5), ax_slc(6), geom, dump, np.log10(dump['beta']), label=r"$\beta$", vmin=-2, vmax=2, cmap='RdBu_r') # FLUXES bplt.diag_plot(ax_flux(2), diag, 'mdot', dump['t'], ylabel=r"$\dot{M}$", logy=LOG_MDOT) bplt.diag_plot(ax_flux(4), diag, 'phi_b', dump['t'], ylabel=r"$\phi_{BH}$", logy=LOG_PHI) # Mixins: # Zoomed in RHO bplt.plot_slices(ax_slc(7), ax_slc(8), geom, dump, np.log10(dump['RHO']), label=r"$\log_{10}(\rho)$", vmin=-3, vmax=2, window=[-10,10,-10,10], field_overlay=False) # Bsq # bplt.plot_slices(ax_slc[6], ax_slc[7], geom, dump, np.log10(dump['bsq']), # label=r"$b^2$", vmin=-5, vmax=0, cmap='Blues') # Failures: all failed zones, one per nonzero pflag # bplt.plot_slices(ax_slc[6], ax_slc[7], geom, dump, dump['fail'] != 0, # label="Failed zones", vmin=0, vmax=20, cmap='Reds', int=True) #, arrspace=True) # 2D histograms # bplt.hist_2d(ax_slc[6], np.log10(dump['RHO']), np.log10(dump['UU']),r"$\log_{10}(\rho)$", r"$\log_{10}(U)$", logcolor=True) # bplt.hist_2d(ax_slc[7], np.log10(dump['UU']), np.log10(dump['bsq']),r"$\log_{10}(U)$", r"$b^2$", logcolor=True) # Extra fluxes: # bplt.diag_plot(ax_flux[1], diag, dump, 'edot', r"\dot{E}", logy=LOG_PHI) elif movie_type == "e_ratio": # Energy ratios: difficult places to integrate, with failures bplt.plot_slices(ax_slc(0), ax_slc(1), geom, dump, np.log10(dump['UU']/dump['RHO']), label=r"$\log_{10}(U / \rho)$", vmin=-3, vmax=3, average=True) bplt.plot_slices(ax_slc(2), ax_slc(3), geom, dump, np.log10(dump['bsq']/dump['RHO']), label=r"$\log_{10}(b^2 / \rho)$", vmin=-3, vmax=3, average=True) bplt.plot_slices(ax_slc(4), ax_slc(5), geom, dump, np.log10(1/dump['beta']), label=r"$\beta^{-1}$", vmin=-3, vmax=3, average=True) bplt.plot_slices(ax_slc(6), ax_slc(7), geom, dump, dump['fail'] != 0, label="Failures", vmin=0, vmax=20, cmap='Reds', int=True) #, arrspace=True) elif movie_type == "conservation": # Continuity plots to verify local conservation of energy, angular + linear momentum # Integrated T01: continuity for momentum conservation bplt.plot_slices(ax_slc[0], ax_slc[1], geom, dump, Tmixed(dump, 1, 0), label=r"$T^1_0$ Integrated", vmin=0, vmax=600, arrspace=True, integrate=True) # integrated T00: continuity plot for energy conservation bplt.plot_slices(ax_slc[4], ax_slc[5], geom, dump, np.abs(Tmixed(dump, 0, 0)), label=r"$T^0_0$ Integrated", vmin=0, vmax=3000, arrspace=True, integrate=True) # Usual fluxes for reference bplt.diag_plot(ax_flux[1], diag, 'mdot', dump['t'], ylabel=r"$\dot{M}$", logy=LOG_MDOT) #bplt.diag_plot(ax_flux[3], diag, 'phi_b', dump['t'], ylabel=r"$\phi_{BH}$", logy=LOG_PHI) # Radial conservation plots E_r = sum_shell(geom,Tmixed(geom, dump, 0,0)) Ang_r = sum_shell(geom,Tmixed(geom, dump, 0,3)) mass_r = sum_shell(dump['ucon'][:,:,:,0]*dump['RHO']) # TODO arrange legend better -- add labels when radial/diag plotting bplt.radial_plot(ax_flux[3], geom, np.abs(E_r), 'Conserved vars at R', ylim=(0,1000), rlim=(0,20), arrayspace=True) bplt.radial_plot(ax_flux[3], geom, np.abs(Ang_r)/10, '', ylim=(0,1000), rlim=(0,20), col='r', arrayspace=True) bplt.radial_plot(ax_flux[3], geom, np.abs(mass_r), '', ylim=(0,1000), rlim=(0,20), col='b', arrayspace=True) # Radial energy accretion rate Edot_r = sum_shell(geom, Tmixed(geom, dump,1,0)) bplt.radial_plot(ax_flux[5], geom, np.abs(Edot_r), 'Edot at R', ylim=(0,200), rlim=(0,20), arrayspace=True) # Radial integrated failures bplt.radial_plot(ax_flux[7], geom, (dump['fail'] != 0).sum(axis=(1,2)), 'Fails at R', arrayspace=True, rlim=[0,50], ylim=[0,1000]) elif movie_type == "floors": # TODO add measures of all floors' efficacy. Record ceilings in header or extras? bplt.plot_slices(ax_flux[0], ax_flux[1], geom, dump['bsq']/dump['RHO'] - 100, vmin=-100, vmax=100, cmap='RdBu_r') bplt.diag_plot(ax, diag, dump, 'sigma_max', 'sigma_max') elif movie_type in d_fns: # Hail mary for plotting new functions one at a time axes = [plt.subplot(1,2,1), plt.subplot(1,2,2)] win=[l*2 for l in window] var = d_fns[movie_type](dump) bplt.plot_slices(axes[0], axes[1], geom, dump, np.log10(var), vmin=-3, vmax=3, cmap='Reds', window=win) bplt.plot_slices(axes[0], axes[1], geom, dump, np.log10(-var), vmin=-3, vmax=3, cmap='Blues', window=win) else: print("Movie type not known!") exit(1) # Extra padding for crowded 4x2 plots pad = 0.03 plt.subplots_adjust(left=pad, right=1-pad, bottom=pad, top=1-pad) plt.savefig(imname, dpi=1920/FIGX) # TODO the group projector is like 4:3 man plt.close(fig) dump.clear() del dump
def make_snap(dfnam, vnam, coords, size, cmap, logplot, savefig, label, vmin, vmax, index=None, geom=None): if not os.path.exists(dfnam): print('ERROR File ' + dfnam + ' does not exist!') sys.exit() import matplotlib if savefig is not None and savefig: matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import plot as bplt import hdf5_to_dict as io import numpy as np font = {'size': 16} matplotlib.rc('font', **font) hdr = io.load_hdr(dfnam) if geom is None: geom = io.load_geom(hdr) dump = io.load_dump(dfnam, geom=geom) if not vnam in dump.keys(): print('ERROR Variable ' + vnam + ' is not contained in dump file!') print('Available variables are:') for key in dump.keys(): if type(dump[key]) is np.ndarray: if (len(dump[key].shape) == 3 and dump[key].shape[0] == hdr['N1'] and dump[key].shape[1] == hdr['N2'] and dump[key].shape[2] == hdr['N3']): print(key, end=' ') print('') sys.exit() IS_3D = hdr['N3'] > 1 var = dump[vnam] if index is not None: var = var[..., index] if logplot: var = np.log10(var) if label is None: label = vnam if index is not None: label += '[{}]'.format(index) if IS_3D: if coords == 'mks': fig, (a0, a1) = plt.subplots(1, 2, gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [1, 1]}, figsize=(12, 6)) elif coords == 'cart': fig, (a0, a1) = plt.subplots(1, 2, gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [1, 1]}, figsize=(13, 7)) ax = a0 if coords == 'mks': bplt.plot_X1X2(ax, geom, var, dump, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cbar=False, label=label, ticks=None, shading='gouraud') elif coords == 'cart': bplt.plot_xz(ax, geom, var, dump, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cbar=False, label=label, ticks=None, shading='gouraud') ax.set_xlim([-size, size]) ax.set_ylim([-size, size]) ax = a1 if coords == 'mks': bplt.plot_X1X3(ax, geom, var, dump, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cbar=True, label=label, ticks=None, shading='gouraud') elif coords == 'cart': bplt.plot_xy(ax, geom, var, dump, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cbar=True, label=label, ticks=None, shading='gouraud') ax.set_xlim([-size, size]) ax.set_ylim([-size, size]) else: if coords == 'mks': fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 10)) bplt.plot_X1X2(ax, geom, var, dump, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cbar=True, label=label, ticks=None, shading='gouraud') elif coords == 'cart': fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7, 10)) bplt.plot_xz(ax, geom, var, dump, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cbar=True, label=label, ticks=None, shading='gouraud') ax.set_xlim([0, size]) ax.set_ylim([-size, size]) if savefig == False: else: plt.savefig(savefig, bbox_inches='tight') plt.cla() plt.clf() plt.close()
def plot(args): n = args print '%08d / ' % (n + 1) + '%08d' % len(files) diag = io.load_diag(path) dump = io.load_dump(files[n], geom) #hdr = dump['hdr'] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(FIGX, FIGY)) # GET SHELL AVERAGES Thetae_sadw = np.zeros(hdr['N1']) sigma = np.zeros(hdr['N1']) mdot = np.zeros(hdr['N1']) for i in xrange(hdr['N1']): vol = 0. for j in xrange(hdr['N2']): for k in xrange(hdr['N3']): Thetae_sadw[i] += dump['Thetae'][i, j, k] * dump['RHO'][ i, j, k] * geom['gdet'][i, j] * hdr['dx1'] * hdr['dx2'] * hdr['dx3'] sigma[i] += dump['RHO'][i, j, k] * hdr['dx2'] * geom['gdet'][i, j] mdot[i] += dump['RHO'][ i, j, k] * hdr['dx2'] * hdr['dx3'] * geom['gdet'][i, j] vol += dump['RHO'][i, j, k] * geom['gdet'][ i, j] * hdr['dx1'] * hdr['dx2'] * hdr['dx3'] sigma[i] /= (hdr['N2'] * hdr['N3']) Thetae_sadw[i] /= vol ax = plt.subplot(3, 3, 1) bplt.plot_xz(ax, geom, np.log10(dump['RHO']), dump, vmin=-4, vmax=0, label='RHO', ticks=[-4, -3, -2, -1, 0]) ax.set_xlim([-SIZE, SIZE]) ax.set_ylim([-SIZE, SIZE]) ax.set_xticks([-SIZE, -SIZE / 2, 0, SIZE / 2, SIZE]) ax.set_yticks([-SIZE, -SIZE / 2, 0, SIZE / 2, SIZE]) ax = plt.subplot(3, 3, 2) bplt.plot_xz(ax, geom, np.log10(dump['Thetae']), dump, vmin=-2, vmax=2, label='Thetae', cmap='RdBu_r', ticks=[-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]) ax.set_xlim([-SIZE, SIZE]) ax.set_ylim([-SIZE, SIZE]) ax.set_xticks([-SIZE, -SIZE / 2, 0, SIZE / 2, SIZE]) ax.set_yticks([-SIZE, -SIZE / 2, 0, SIZE / 2, SIZE]) ax = plt.subplot(3, 3, 3) ax.plot(geom['r'][:, 0, 0], sigma, color='b', label='Sigma') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlim([1, SIZE]) ax.set_ylim([1.e-2, 1.e2]) ax.set_aspect(np.log(SIZE / 1) / np.log(1.e2 / 1.e-2)) ax.plot(geom['r'][:, 0, 0], Thetae_sadw, color='r', label='SADW Thetae') ax.legend(loc=2, fontsize=10) ax.set_xlabel('r/M') ax = plt.subplot(3, 3, 4) bplt.plot_xy(ax, geom, np.log10(dump['RHO']), dump, vmin=-4, vmax=0, label='RHO', ticks=[-4, -3, -2, -1, 0]) ax.set_xlim([-SIZE, SIZE]) ax.set_ylim([-SIZE, SIZE]) ax.set_xticks([-SIZE, -SIZE / 2, 0, SIZE / 2, SIZE]) ax.set_yticks([-SIZE, -SIZE / 2, 0, SIZE / 2, SIZE]) ax = plt.subplot(3, 3, 5) bplt.plot_xy(ax, geom, np.log10(dump['Thetae']), dump, vmin=-2, vmax=2, label='Thetae', cmap='RdBu_r', ticks=[-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]) ax.set_xlim([-SIZE, SIZE]) ax.set_ylim([-SIZE, SIZE]) ax.set_xticks([-SIZE, -SIZE / 2, 0, SIZE / 2, SIZE]) ax.set_yticks([-SIZE, -SIZE / 2, 0, SIZE / 2, SIZE]) ax = plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) ax.plot(diag['t'], diag['mdot'], color='k') ax.axvline(dump['t'], color='k', linestyle='--') ax.set_xlim([0, dump['hdr']['tf']]) ax.set_xlabel('t/M') ax.set_ylabel('mdot') ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.set_ylabel('phi') plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.25) #ax.pcolormesh(dump['X1'][:,:,0], dump['X2'][:,:,0], dump['RHO'][:,:,0]) plt.savefig(os.path.join(FRAMEDIR, 'frame_%08d.png' % n), bbox_inches='tight', dpi=100) plt.close(fig)
def plot(args): n = args imname = 'frame_%08d.png' % n imname = os.path.join(FRAMEDIR, imname) print '%08d / ' % (n + 1) + '%08d' % len(files) print imname # Ignore if frame already exists if os.path.isfile(imname): return dump = io.load_dump(files[n], geom) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(FIGX, FIGY)) fig.suptitle('t = %05.2g' % dump['t']) ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) bplt.plot_xz(ax, geom, np.log10(dump['RHO']), dump, vmin=-4, vmax=0, label='RHO') bplt.overlay_field(ax, geom, dump, NLEV=10) ax.set_xlim([-SIZE, SIZE]) ax.set_ylim([-SIZE, SIZE]) ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) bplt.plot_xz(ax, geom, np.log10(dump['beta']), dump, vmin=-2, vmax=2, label='beta', cmap='RdBu_r') bplt.overlay_field(ax, geom, dump, NLEV=10) ax.set_xlim([-SIZE, SIZE]) ax.set_ylim([-SIZE, SIZE]) ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) bplt.plot_xy(ax, geom, np.log10(dump['RHO']), dump, vmin=-4, vmax=0, label='RHO') ax.set_xlim([-SIZE, SIZE]) ax.set_ylim([-SIZE, SIZE]) ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) bplt.plot_xy(ax, geom, np.log10(dump['beta']), dump, vmin=-2, vmax=2, label='beta', cmap='RdBu_r') ax.set_xlim([-SIZE, SIZE]) ax.set_ylim([-SIZE, SIZE]) #ax.pcolormesh(dump['X1'][:,:,0], dump['X2'][:,:,0], dump['RHO'][:,:,0]) plt.savefig(imname, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=100) plt.close(fig)
plt.plot(dump[var + '_bins'][:-1], dump[var]) plt.title("PDF of " + var[:-4]) plt.xlabel("Log10 value") plt.ylabel("Probability") plt.savefig(name + ".png", dpi=100) plt.close(fig) exit() # Plot XY differently for vectors, scalars if var in ['jcon', 'ucon', 'ucov', 'bcon', 'bcov']: axes = [plt.subplot(2, 2, i) for i in range(1, 5)] for n in range(4): bplt.plot_xy(axes[n], geom, np.log10(dump[var][:, :, :, n]), arrayspace=USEARRSPACE, window=window) elif var not in ['divE2D', 'divB2D']: # TODO allow specifying vmin/max, average from command line or above ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) bplt.plot_xy(ax, geom, dump[var], arrayspace=USEARRSPACE, window=window, vmin=1e10, vmax=1e12) plt.tight_layout()