def plot_pathes(pathes, storedir): # For easy data loading, you could use the data_loader utilities loader = data_loader.loader() # You really should reduce the benchmarks loaded by defining only_benchs # which will cause the loader to load only xyz data loader.load_pathes(pathes, only_benchs=['xyz']) data = loader.get_data() # Also have a look to get_filtered_data for data filtered by arguments/monitors # Somehow reformat data to be able to plot it # You can use plot_utils to plot to mathplotlib # The following call will not succeed because the data is not correctly # formated for plot_bar_chart. See for information about # the format # Alternative: plot_line_chart(data) plot_utils.plot_bar_chart(data) # After this call the plot can be found in matplotlib's main plot
def plot_bench(bench): tgt = os.path.join(store_dir, bench) if not os.path.exists(tgt): os.mkdir(tgt) loader = data_loader.loader() loader.load_pathes(pathes, only_benchs=[bench]) # get the argvariations between all arguments. Use this to filter the # data for the plots args = loader.get_arg_variation(bench) if len(args) > 0: max_args_differ = 0 for i in args: max_args_differ = max(max_args_differ, max([len(k) for k in i])) else: max_args_differ = 0 max_depth = 2 max_args_differ = min(max_depth, max_args_differ) data = {} monitor = {} # iterate through all detected arg combinations and gather the data and reformat it for argsetting in args: pre_args = argsetting[0] args = argsetting[1] post_args = argsetting[2] pre_filters = arg_to_filter(pre_args) filters = arg_to_filter(args) post_filters = arg_to_filter(post_args) dat = loader.get_filtered_data(bench=bench, pre_filters=pre_filters, filters=filters, post_filters=post_filters, no_regex=True) if dat == None: print("Error: Didn't find data for the given args") continue depth = 0 path = [] # create a hierarchy path for this argument combination, we have 3 # hierarchy level, the last one is used for the system, so 2 remaining for i in argsetting[0] + argsetting[1] + argsetting[2]: if depth >= max_depth: if isinstance(i, list): path[max_depth] += ' '.join(i) else: path[max_depth] += i break depth += 1 if isinstance(i, list): path.append(' '.join(i)) else: path.append(i) while len(path) < max_args_differ: path.append('N/A') if len(dat) != 1: print("Error: we filtered " + str(len(dat.values())) + " instances instead of 1") print("Filters:") print(pre_args) print(args) print(post_args) continue # The first level in the dat dictionary holds the instancename, # the previous check shows that this has only one element... dat = list(dat.values())[0] for k,v in dat.items(): r = {} mondat = {} for run in v['instance']['runs']: t = generic_data_colapser(run['results']) for tk, tv in t.items(): if tk not in r: r[tk] = tv else: if isinstance(r[tk], list): r[tk].append(tv) else: r[tk] = [r[tk], tv] for monname, mon in run['monitors'].items(): row = {} for m in mon['data']: t = generic_data_colapser(m['values']) for tk, tv in t.items(): if tk not in row: row[tk] = [[m['time'], tv]] else: row[tk].append([m['time'], tv]) if monname not in mondat: mondat[monname] = {} for rk, rv in row.items(): if rk not in mondat[monname]: mondat[monname][rk] = [] mondat[monname][rk].append(rv) for rk, rv in r.items(): dptr = data cmpl_path = [rk] + path + [k] for i in cmpl_path[:-1]: if i not in dptr: dptr[i] = {} dptr = dptr[i] dptr[cmpl_path[-1]] = rv for mk, mv in mondat.items(): for mk2, mv2 in mv.items(): dptr = monitor cmpl_path = [mk, mk2] + path + [k] for i in cmpl_path[:-1]: if i not in dptr: dptr[i] = {} dptr = dptr[i] dptr[cmpl_path[-1]] = mv2 dat = None result_tgt = os.path.join(tgt, 'results') if not os.path.exists(result_tgt): os.mkdir(result_tgt) monitor_tgt = os.path.join(tgt, 'monitors') if not os.path.exists(monitor_tgt): os.mkdir(monitor_tgt) for k,v in data.items(): plot_utils.plot_bar_chart(v) plt.title(bench + ' ' + k) plt.grid(axis='y') _savefig(os.path.join(result_tgt, k)) def plot_mon(path, data, try_level_colapse=False): plot_it = False level_colapse = False if try_level_colapse and isinstance(data, dict) and isinstance(list(data.values())[0], dict) and isinstance(list(list(data.values())[0].values())[0], list): max_l1 = len(data) max_l2 = 0 max_combos_to_plot = 15 for k,v in data.items(): max_l2 = max(max_l2, len(v)) if max_l1 * max_l2 < max_combos_to_plot: plot_it = True level_colapse = True if not plot_it: for k,v in data.items(): if isinstance(v, list): plot_it = True break plot_mon(path + '_' + k, v, try_level_colapse) if not plot_it: return if level_colapse: tmp = {} for k,v in data.items(): for k2,v2 in v.items(): tmp[k+' '+k2] = v2 data = tmp else: if try_level_colapse: return max_times = [] for k,v in data.items(): for ri in range(0, len(v)): row = v[ri] starttime = row[0][0] for i in range(0, len(row)): row[i][0] -= starttime if ri >= len(max_times): max_times.append(0) max_times[ri] = max(max_times[ri], row[-1][0] + 1) ct = 0 for i in range(0, len(max_times)): tmp = ct ct += max_times[i] max_times[i] = tmp for k in data.keys(): tmp = [] for ri in range(0, min(monitor_plot_max_runs, len(data[k]))): row = data[k][ri] if len(tmp) > 0: tmp.append([tmp[-1][0]+1, row[0][1]]) for i in row: tmp.append((i[0]+max_times[ri], i[1])) data[k] = tmp last_tmp = tmp plot_utils.plot_line_chart(data) plt.grid(axis='y') _savefig(path) for k,v in monitor.items(): t = os.path.join(monitor_tgt, k) if not os.path.exists(t): os.mkdir(t) t = os.path.join(t, 'mon') plot_mon(t, copy.deepcopy(v), try_level_colapse=True) plot_mon(t, v, try_level_colapse=False)