def model(X, Y, hidden_layers_dims, learning_rate=1.2, num_iter=5000, hidden_activation='relu', print_cost=True): layers_dims = [] layers_dims.append(X_train.shape[0]) layers_dims.extend(hidden_layers_dims) layers_dims.append(Y_train.shape[0]) parameters = initialize_parameters(layers_dims) costs = [] for i in range(num_iter): AL, caches = forward_propagation(X, parameters, hidden_activation) cost = compute_cost(AL, Y) dAL = compute_cost_derivative(AL, Y) grads = backward_propagation(dAL, caches, hidden_activation) parameters = update_parameters(parameters, grads, learning_rate) if print_cost and i % 100 == 0: print('Cost after iteration %d: %f' % (i, cost)) costs.append(cost) # Plot Learning curve plt.plot(costs) plt.ylabel('Cost') plt.xlabel('# of iterations (per 100)') plt.title('Learning rate = ' + str(learning_rate)) # Plot Decision Boundary print('decision boundary') plot_decision_boundary( lambda x: predict(x.T, parameters, hidden_activation), X, Y) return parameters
# TODO: calculate the probability of a student being admitted with score of 45,85 # replace pred_prob = 0 with pred_prob = expression for that probability pred_prob =[1, 45, 85])) print "For a student with 45 on exam 1 and 85 on exam 2, the probability of admission = ", pred_prob # compute accuracy on the training set predy = log_reg1.predict(XX) # TODO: calculate the accuracy of predictions on training set (hint: compare predy and y) accuracy = 1. * sum([predy[i] == y[i] for i in xrange(len(y))]) / len(y) print "Accuracy on the training set = ", accuracy # plot the decision surface plot_utils.plot_decision_boundary(X,y,theta_opt,'Exam 1 score', 'Exam 2 score',['Not Admitted','Admitted']) plt.savefig('fig2.pdf') # Compare with sklearn logistic regression # note the parameters fed into the LogisticRegression call from sklearn import linear_model sk_logreg = linear_model.LogisticRegression(C=1e5,solver='lbfgs',fit_intercept=False),y) print "Theta found by sklearn: ", sk_logreg.coef_ plot_utils.plot_decision_boundary_sklearn(X,y,sk_logreg,'Exam 1 score', 'Exam 2 score',['Not Admitted','Admitted']) plt.savefig('fig2_sk.pdf')
def model(X, Y, hidden_layers_dims, learning_rate, num_epochs, minibatch_size, hidden_activation='relu', lambd=0.0, keep_prob=1.0, optimizer='gd', beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8, print_cost=False, show_plot=False): layers_dims = [] layers_dims.append(X_train.shape[0]) layers_dims.extend(hidden_layers_dims) layers_dims.append(Y_train.shape[0]) parameters = initialize_parameters(layers_dims) if optimizer == 'momentum': v = initialize_momentum(parameters) if optimizer == 'adam': v, s = initialize_adam(parameters) costs = [] t = 0 seed = 10 for i in range(num_epochs): seed = seed + 1 minibatches = hp.random_minibatches(X, Y, minibatch_size, seed) for minibatch in minibatches: (minibatch_X, minibatch_Y) = minibatch AL, caches = forward_propagation(minibatch_X, parameters, hidden_activation, keep_prob) cost = compute_cost(AL, minibatch_Y, parameters, lambd) dAL = compute_cost_derivative(AL, minibatch_Y) grads = backward_propagation(dAL, caches, hidden_activation, lambd, keep_prob) if print_cost and keep_prob == 1.0 and i > 0 and i % 1000 == 0: hp.grad_check( lambda params: forward_prop_and_compute_cost( minibatch_X, minibatch_Y, params, hidden_activation, lambd, keep_prob), parameters, grads) if optimizer == 'gd': parameters = update_parameters(parameters, grads, learning_rate) elif optimizer == 'momentum': parameters, v = update_parameters_momentum( parameters, grads, v, learning_rate, beta1) elif optimizer == 'adam': t = t + 1 parameters, v, s = update_parameters_adam( parameters, grads, v, s, t, learning_rate, beta1, beta2, epsilon) if print_cost and i % 100 == 0: print('Cost after epoch %d: %f' % (i, cost)) costs.append(cost) if show_plot: # Plot Learning curve plt.plot(costs) plt.ylabel('Cost') plt.xlabel('# of iterations (per 100)') plt.title('Learning rate = ' + str(learning_rate)) # Plot Decision Boundary print('Decision Boundary') plot_decision_boundary( lambda x: predict(x.T, parameters, hidden_activation), X, Y) return parameters