def plot_stacked_funnel(events, steps, col=None, from_date=None, to_date=None, step_interval=0): """ Function used for producing a funnel plot :param events: (DataFrame) events dataframe :param steps: (list) list containing funnel steps as strings :param col: (str) column to be used for grouping the funnel dataframes :return: (plt.figure) funnel plot """ # create list to append each trace to # this will be passed to "go.Figure" at the end data = [] # if col is provided, create a funnel_df for each entry in the "col" if col: # generate dict of funnel dataframes dict_ = group_funnel_dfs(events, steps, col) title = 'Funnel plot per {}'.format(col) else: funnel_df = create_funnel_df(events, steps, from_date=from_date, to_date=to_date, step_interval=step_interval) dict_ = {'Total': funnel_df} title = 'Funnel plot' for t in dict_.keys(): trace = go.Funnel( name=t, y=dict_[t].step.values, x=dict_[t].val.values, textinfo="value+percent previous" ) data.append(trace) layout = go.Layout(margin={"l": 180, "r": 0, "t": 30, "b": 0, "pad": 0}, funnelmode="stack", showlegend=True, hovermode='closest', plot_bgcolor='rgba(228, 222, 239, 0.65)', title='Funnel Plot per {}'.format(col), legend=dict(orientation="h", yanchor="bottom", y=1.02, xanchor="right", x=1, font=dict( size=12, color="black"), bgcolor="LightSteelBlue", bordercolor="Black", borderwidth=2 ) ) return go.Figure(data, layout)
def update_funnel(ad_set1, ad_set2): ''' Function to update funnel visual based on ad set selections Input: (first ad set selection, optional: second ad set selection) Output: Funnel visualization ''' #Identify features to include in funnel visual funnel_features = ["Impressions", "Link Clicks", "Website Leads", "Website Registrations Completed", 'Ad Set Name'] #If only one ad set is selected, update chart title accordingly if not ad_set2: selected_ads = [ad_set1] title = 'Ad Set ' + str(ad_set1) + ' Conversion Cycle' #If two ad sets are selected, update chart title accordingly else: selected_ads = [ad_set1, ad_set2] title = 'Comparison of Ad Sets ' + str(ad_set1) + ' & ' \ + str(ad_set2) + ' Conversion Cycles' #Filter data to only include ad sets selected with drop-downs data = ads[ads['Ad Set Name'].isin(selected_ads)] #Group data by ad set name and sum data = data[funnel_features].groupby('Ad Set Name').sum() #Define figure layout layout = go.Layout(title=dict(text=title, x=0.6), legend_title_text='Ad Set') fig = go.Figure(layout=layout) #Add funnel plot to figure for first add set fig.add_trace(go.Funnel( name = ad_set1, y = data.loc[ad_set1,:].index, x = data.loc[ad_set1,:].values, textinfo = "value+percent initial")) #If second ad set is selected, add another trace to figure for that set if len(selected_ads) > 1: fig.add_trace(go.Funnel( name = ad_set2, y = data.loc[ad_set2,:].index, x = data.loc[ad_set2,:].values, textinfo = "value+percent initial")) return(dcc.Graph(id='funnel-1', figure=fig))
def plot_new_funnel(phases, values): fig = go.Figure(go.Funnel( y = phases, x = values, textposition = "inside", textinfo = "value+percent initial", opacity = 0.85, marker = {"color": colors[:len(phases)], }, connector = {"line": {"color": "royalblue", "dash": "dot", "width": 3}}) )
def funnel_plot(df, steps, col=None): """ Функция для построения воронки с помощью plotly Parameters --------- df : pandas.DataFrame Объект pandas df. steps : list Список исследуемых событий. Список необходимо формировать в порядке воронки, от стартового события, до завершающего. col : str Фича, по которой будет разделение воронки. Например - OS, воронка будет разделена на iOS и Android. Returns ------- fig : plotly.graph_objs._figure.Figure В качестве вывода будет объект Figure библиотеки plotly """ data = [] if col: dict_ = funnel.stacking_funnel(df, steps, col) title = 'Воронка заявки в разрезе {}'.format(col) else: funnel_df = funnel.create_funnel_df(df, steps) dict_ = {'Total': funnel_df} title = 'Воронка заявки' for t in dict_.keys(): trace = go.Funnel( name=t, y=dict_[t].step.values, x=dict_[t].val.values, textinfo='value+percent previous' ) data.append(trace) layout = go.Layout(margin={"l": 180, "r": 0, "t": 30, "b": 0, "pad": 0}, funnelmode="stack", showlegend=True, hovermode='closest', title=title, legend=dict(orientation="v", bgcolor='#E2E2E2', xanchor='left', font=dict( size=12) ) ) fig = go.Figure(data, layout) return fig
def save_funnel(self): timeseries = data_obj.timeseries_data() fig = go.Figure(go.Funnel( x = [timeseries['totalconfirmed'].iloc[-1],timeseries['totalrecovered'].iloc[-1], timeseries['totaldeceased'].iloc[-1]], y = ["Total Cases", "Total Recovered", "Deaths"], textposition = "inside", textinfo = "value", opacity = 0.8, marker = {"color": [self.confirmed_color,self.recovered_color,self.death_color], "line": {"width": 2.5, "color": 'Black'}}, connector = {"line": {"color": "navy", "dash": "dot", "width": 2.5}})) fig.update_layout( template="simple_white", title={'text': "COVID19: Pandemic in India",'x':0.5,'y':0.9, 'xanchor': 'center','yanchor': 'top'}) fig.update_layout(height=700, template='simple_white',width=600) return fig
def update_graph_funnel(n_intervals): conn = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="******", db="qpipe") cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('''SELECT COUNT(p.sales_cycle_id) as Total, FROM projects as p RIGHT JOIN sale_cycles as sc ON p.sales_cycle_id = GROUP BY ORDER BY Total DESC''') rows = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() df3 = pd.DataFrame([[ij for ij in i] for i in rows]) df3.rename(columns={0: 'Total', 1: 'Name'}, inplace=True) funnel = [] funnel.append(go.Funnel( y=df3['Name'], x=df3['Total'], )) return { 'data': funnel, }
'displayModeBar': False }, ) ], style={'width': '43%', 'display': 'inline-block','margin-top':'35px','margin-left':'68px'}, className="class_g3"), # ************************************************************************* html.Div([ html.H5(''), dcc.Graph( id='g4', figure=go.Figure(go.Funnel( y = df_Top5_Group['Group'].tolist(), x = df_Top5_Group['Count'].tolist(), ), layout=go.Layout(title='Terrorism By Most Influential Groups') ), config={ 'displayModeBar': False }, ) ], style={'width': '43%', 'display': 'inline-block'}, className="class_g4"), # ###########################################################################
if i == 0: funnel["单一转化率"][i] = 1.0 else: funnel["单一转化率"][i] = funnel["人数"][i] / funnel["人数"][i - 1] print("funnel", funnel) # 绘制漏斗分析图 import as px import plotly.graph_objs as go trace = go.Funnel( y=["点击", "收藏及加入购物车", "购买"], x=[funnel["人数"][0], funnel["人数"][1], funnel["人数"][2]], textinfo="value+percent initial", marker=dict(color=["deepskyblue", "lightsalmon", "tan"]), connector={"line": { "color": "royalblue", "dash": "solid", "width": 3 }}) print("trace", trace) #a dictionary for Funnel with all parameters above data1 = [trace] print("data1", data1) #put funnel in a list fig = go.Figure( data1) #create a webpge and show the figure # # RFM 模型是数据分析中衡量客户价值和客户创利能力的一个重要模型。为什么叫做RFM模型呢? # 因为我们会搜集用户三个方面的数据来综合评定用户的价值等级,而这三项数据分别就是这里的RFM: # R(Recency)——最近一次购买的时间有多远 # F(Frequency)——最近一段时间内的消费频率
md=5, style={'padding':'0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5%'} ) ]), #second row dbc.Row([ dbc.Col( [ dcc.Graph( id='FUN', figure = {'data':[ go.Funnel( y = bytype['type'].unique(), x = bytype['GROSS']) ], 'layout':go.Layout(paper_bgcolor = '#ffffff', plot_bgcolor='#ffffff')} ), html.H5("Part by Role",style={'text-align':'center','padding':'0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5%'}) ], md=6, ), dbc.Col([ dcc.Graph( id='FUN1', figure = {'data':[
y=1.02, yanchor="bottom", x=1, xanchor="right", orientation="h", font=dict(size=10))) fta = dict(data=trace2, layout=layout2) ############################################ #Funnel figure dfp = dfp.reset_index() trace3 = [ go.Funnel( y=dfp["grade"], x=dfp[i], name=i, orientation="h", textposition="inside", textinfo="value+percent total", ) for i in genders ] layout3 = go.Layout(title="Percentage of Degree Classifications by gender", legend=dict(title=None, y=1.02, yanchor="bottom", x=1, xanchor="right", orientation="h", font=dict(size=10))) ftgf = dict(data=trace3, layout=layout3)