def interactive_plot_patients(df, df_label, fs_id1=1, fs_id2=2, class_patient=[1, 3, 5], period=0, display=True): """ df is table_patients_mca df_label is df label This function plots the patients into the plan FS_id1, FS_id2 (factors resulting of the MCA) df_label is a serie which references the label (1=not at risk, 3=risk, 5=psychose) for each patient period (int) refers to the time of the diagnosis. 0 means for t0, 1 means 6 months, etc. It is linked to the index of the columns in the df_label_time_clear period (int, between 0 and 4) is the number of the consultation (0 = T0 ie the first label, 4=T(24mois) ie label_24mois ) """ data_ = [] # data for the plot fs = 'Factor' df_label_color = apply_color_label(df_label.iloc[:, period]) df_label_copy = pd.DataFrame(df_label_color.iloc[:, period]) df_color = pd.DataFrame(df_label_color.loc[:, 'color' + str(period)]) # df_label_copy = pd.concat([df_label_copy, df_color]) df_label_copy = df_label_copy.dropna() df_color = df_color.dropna() points_x = df.loc[(fs, fs_id1)].values points_y = df.loc[(fs, fs_id2)].values labels = df.columns.values # index of patient (1,2,3,...) coordinates_max = max(max(abs(df.loc[(fs, fs_id1)].values)), max(abs(df.loc[(fs, fs_id2)].values))) for i in df_label_copy.index: if df_label_copy.loc[i,][0] in class_patient or str( int(df_label_copy.loc[i][0])) in class_patient: # in order to select just the patient in a class trace = go.Scatter(x=[points_x[i]], y=[points_y[i]], hovertext=str(labels[i]), mode='markers', name='patient {}'.format(i), marker=dict(size=10, color=df_color.loc[i, 'color' + str(period)])) data_.append(trace) layout = go.Layout( title="Coordonnées des patients projetées dans le plan des facteurs " + str(fs_id1) + ' et ' + str(fs_id2), xaxis={"title": "facteur" + str(fs_id1), "range": [-coordinates_max - 0.1, coordinates_max + 0.1]}, yaxis={"title": "facteur" + str(fs_id2), "range": [-coordinates_max - 0.1, coordinates_max + 0.1]}) fig = go.Figure(data=data_, layout=layout) offline.plot(fig, filename='Images/Patients dans le plan des facteurs scores.html', # to save the figure in the repertory auto_open=False) if display: offline.iplot(fig) return None else: return data_, layout
def nanAnalysis(year, unit, dir_name, threshold=0.95): """ This function displays information about the missing values for all customers in a load profile unit year. threshold - float between 0 and 1: user defined value that specifies the percentage of observed hours that must be valid for the profile to be considered useable. The function returns: * two plots with summary statistics of all profiles * the percentage of profiles and measurement days with full observational data above the threshold value. """ data, year, unit, valid_matrix = shapeProfiles(year, unit, dir_name) #prep data fullrows = data.count(axis=1) / data.shape[1] fullcols = data.count(axis=0) / data.shape[0] trace1 = go.Scatter(name='% valid profiles', x=fullrows.index, y=fullrows.values) trace2 = go.Bar(name='% valid hours', x=fullcols.index, y=fullcols.values) # thresh = go.Scatter(x=fullrows.index, y=threshold, mode = 'lines', name = 'threshold', line = dict(color = 'red')) fig = rows=2, cols=1, subplot_titles=[ 'Percentage of ProfileIDs with Valid Observations for each Hour', 'Percentage of Valid Observational Hours for each ProfileID' ], print_grid=False) fig.append_trace(trace1, 1, 1) fig.append_trace(trace2, 2, 1) # fig.append_trace(thresh, 2, 1) fig['layout']['xaxis2'].update(title='ProfileIDs', type='category', exponentformat="none") fig['layout']['yaxis'].update(domain=[0.55, 1]) fig['layout']['yaxis2'].update(domain=[0, 0.375]) fig['layout'].update( title="Visual analysis of valid DLR load profile data for " + str(year) + " readings (units: " + unit + ")", height=850) goodhours = len(fullcols[fullcols > threshold]) / len(fullcols) * 100 goodprofiles = len(fullrows[fullrows > threshold]) / len(fullrows) * 100 print('{:.2f}% of hours have over {:.0f}% fully observed profiles.'.format( goodhours, threshold * 100)) print( '{:.2f}% of profiles have been observed over {:.0f}% of time.'.format( goodprofiles, threshold * 100)) offline.iplot(fig) return
def interactive_plot_patient_time_follow_3d(list_df, df_label_color, list_patients_to_keep, fs_id1=1, fs_id2=2, fs_id3=3, class_patient=[1, 3, 5], display=True, ): """ :param list_df: list_table_patients_mca_time :param df_label_color: df_color_all_lab :param fs_id1: :param fs_id2: :param fs_id3: :param class_patient: :param display: :param list_patients_to_keep: table_patients_mca.columns.to_list() :return: """ fs = 'Factor' coordinates_max = 0 list_points_x = [] list_points_y = [] list_points_z = [] list_df_copy = [] # cover the list of the df depending on the time to store the coordinates for i, df in enumerate(list_df): df_copy = deepcopy(df) # deepcopy because some columns may be deleted # delete columns (patients) accroding to the list_patients_to_keep list_to_delete = select_list_to_delete_from_list_to_keep(df_copy, list_patients_to_keep) # that is quite ugly but it works # it s due to the fact that the list to delete is composed of int and the columns df in the list_df # can be like 5_t1 (for later period) # Todo remove bare except ! try: df_copy = df_copy.drop(list_to_delete, axis=1) # T0 except: try: list_to_delete_ = [str(i) + "_t0" for i in list_to_delete] # useless df_copy = df_copy.drop(list_to_delete_, axis=1) except: try: list_to_delete_ = [str(i) + "_t1" for i in list_to_delete] # consultation for the 6th month df_copy = df_copy.drop(list_to_delete_, axis=1) except: try: list_to_delete_ = [str(i) + "_t2" for i in list_to_delete] # consultation for the 12th month df_copy = df_copy.drop(list_to_delete_, axis=1) except: try: list_to_delete_ = [str(i) + "_t3" for i in list_to_delete] # consultation for the 18th month df_copy = df_copy.drop(list_to_delete_, axis=1) except: try: list_to_delete_ = [str(i) + "_t4" for i in list_to_delete] # consultation for the 24th month df_copy = df_copy.drop(list_to_delete_, axis=1) except: print("erreur in the index of the columns") list_df_copy.append(df_copy) if i == 0: labels = df_copy.columns.values list_points_x.append(df_copy.loc[(fs, fs_id1)].values) list_points_y.append(df_copy.loc[(fs, fs_id2)].values) list_points_z.append(df_copy.loc[(fs, fs_id3)].values) coordinates_max_temp = max(max(abs(df.loc[(fs, fs_id1)].values)), max(abs(df.loc[(fs, fs_id2)].values)), max(abs(df.loc[(fs, fs_id3)].values))) if coordinates_max_temp > coordinates_max: coordinates_max = coordinates_max_temp fig = go.Figure() dic_nb_patients = {} # nb patients at each period # for step in np.arange(0, 5): df_label_copy = pd.DataFrame( df_label_color.iloc[:, step]) # select the df_label for the patient at the right step (time) df_color = pd.DataFrame(df_label_color.loc[:, 'color' + str(step)]) # select the color from the df label df_label_copy = df_label_copy.dropna() df_color = df_color.dropna() data_ = [] dic_nb_patients[step] = 0 points_x = list_points_x[step] points_y = list_points_y[step] points_z = list_points_z[step] # cover the index and the patients which are the columns of the df at the # time=step where the patients have been selected for i, i_patient in enumerate(list_df_copy[ step].columns): i_patient = int(str(i_patient).split('_')[0]) if df_label_copy.loc[i_patient][0] in class_patient or str( int(df_label_copy.loc[i_patient][0])) in class_patient: # trace the points trace = go.Scatter3d( visible=False, mode='markers', marker=dict(size=10, color=df_color.loc[i_patient, 'color' + str(step)]), name='patient {}'.format(i_patient), x=[points_x[i]], y=[points_y[i]], z=[points_z[i]], hovertext=str(labels[i])) fig.add_trace(trace) dic_nb_patients[step] = dic_nb_patients[step] + 1 # trace the lines if step >= 1: points_x_before = list_points_x[step - 1] points_y_before = list_points_y[step - 1] points_z_before = list_points_z[step - 1] trace_line = go.Scatter3d( visible=False, mode='lines', name='évolution patient {} entre t{} et t{}'.format(i_patient, str(step - 1), str(step)), x=[points_x_before[i], points_x[i]], y=[points_y_before[i], points_y[i]], z=[points_z_before[i], points_z[i]], line=dict(color=df_color.loc[i_patient, 'color' + str(step)], width=4), hovertext='patient {} t{} à t{}'.format(i_patient, str(step - 1), str(step))) fig.add_trace(trace_line) # Make 10th trace visible for i in range(dic_nb_patients[0]):[i].visible = True # Create and add slider steps = [] p_min = 0 # count the number of patient by time p_max = 0 p_start_line = dic_nb_patients[0] for i in range(5): step = dict( method="restyle", args=["visible", [False] * len(], # intitialize all to false ) if i == 0: # no line to trace nb_patients = dic_nb_patients[i] # nb of points (graphs) for a period of time p_max = p_min + nb_patients for j in range(p_min, p_max): step["args"][1][j] = True # Toggle i'th trace to "visible" elif i >= 1: nb_patients = dic_nb_patients[i] * 2 # nb of points (graphs) for a period of time p_max = p_min + nb_patients for j in range(p_min, p_max): # all the data of the current period step["args"][1][j] = True # Toggle i'th trace to "visible" for k in range(p_start_line + 1, p_min, 2): # all the line before, if i==1, no loop, and 2-step to not draw the points step["args"][1][k] = True steps.append(step) p_min = p_max sliders = [dict( active=0, currentvalue={"prefix": "Durée de suivi "}, pad={"t": 50}, steps=steps )] fig.update_layout( sliders=sliders, title="Patients projected in the factor plan 3D", scene=dict( xaxis={"title": "factor" + str(fs_id1), "range": [-coordinates_max - 0.1, coordinates_max + 0.1]}, yaxis={"title": "factor" + str(fs_id2), "range": [-coordinates_max - 0.1, coordinates_max + 0.1]}, zaxis={"title": "factor" + str(fs_id3), "range": [-coordinates_max - 0.1, coordinates_max + 0.1]}), height=600 ) # offline.plot(fig, filename='Images/Patients en fonction du temps dans le plan des facteurs scores.html', # # to save the figure in the repertory # auto_open=False) if display: offline.iplot(fig) return None else: return fig['data'], fig['layout']
def interactive_plot_patient_time_3d(list_patients_to_keep, df, df_label, fs_id1=1, fs_id2=2, fs_id3=3, class_patient=[1, 3, 5], display=True, ): """ :param fs_id1: :param fs_id2: :param fs_id3: :param df: table_patients_mca :param df_label: df_label :param class_patient: :param display: :param list_patients_to_keep: table_patients_mca.columns.to_list() :return: """ df_copy = deepcopy(df) # deepcopy because some columns may be deleted # delete columns (patients) accroding to the list_patients_to_keep list_to_delete = select_list_to_delete_from_list_to_keep(df_copy, list_patients_to_keep) df_copy = df_copy.drop(list_to_delete, axis=1) df_label_color = apply_color_label(df_label) fs = 'Factor' points_x = df_copy.loc[(fs, fs_id1)].values points_y = df_copy.loc[(fs, fs_id2)].values points_z = df_copy.loc[(fs, fs_id3)].values labels = df_copy.columns.values coordinates_max = max(max(abs(df.loc[(fs, fs_id1)].values)), max(abs(df.loc[(fs, fs_id2)].values)), max(abs(df.loc[(fs, fs_id3)].values))) fig = go.Figure() dic_nb_patients = {} for step in np.arange(0, 5): df_label_copy = pd.DataFrame(df_label_color.iloc[:, step]) df_color = pd.DataFrame(df_label_color.loc[:, 'color' + str(step)]) df_label_copy = df_label_copy.dropna() df_color = df_color.dropna() data_ = [] dic_nb_patients[step] = 0 for i, i_patient in enumerate(df_copy.columns): if df_label_copy.loc[i_patient,][0] in class_patient or str( int(df_label_copy.loc[i_patient][0])) in class_patient: trace = go.Scatter3d( visible=False, mode='markers', marker=dict(size=10, color=df_color.loc[i_patient, 'color' + str(step)]), name='patient {}'.format(i_patient), x=[points_x[i]], y=[points_y[i]], z=[points_z[i]], hovertext=str(labels[i])) fig.add_trace(trace) dic_nb_patients[step] = dic_nb_patients[step] + 1 # Make 10th trace visible for i in range(dic_nb_patients[0]):[i].visible = True # Create and add slider steps = [] p_min = 0 # count the number of patient by time p_max = 0 for i in range(5): nb_patients = dic_nb_patients[i] # nb of points (graphs) for a period of time p_max = p_min + nb_patients step = dict( method="restyle", args=["visible", [False] * len(], # intitialize all to false ) for j in range(p_min, p_max): step["args"][1][j] = True # Toggle i'th trace to "visible" steps.append(step) p_min = p_max sliders = [dict( active=0, currentvalue={"prefix": "Durée de suivi "}, pad={"t": 50}, steps=steps )] fig.update_layout( sliders=sliders, title="Coordonnées des patients projetés dans le plan 3D des facteurs " + str(fs_id1) + ', ' + str( fs_id2) + ' et ' + str(fs_id3), scene=dict( xaxis={"title": "facteur" + str(fs_id1), "range": [-coordinates_max - 0.1, coordinates_max + 0.1]}, yaxis={"title": "facteur" + str(fs_id2), "range": [-coordinates_max - 0.1, coordinates_max + 0.1]}, zaxis={"title": "facteur" + str(fs_id3), "range": [-coordinates_max - 0.1, coordinates_max + 0.1]}), height=600 ) offline.plot(fig, filename='Images/Patients en fonction du temps dans le plan des facteurs scores.html', # to save the figure in the repertory auto_open=False) if display: offline.iplot(fig) return None else: return fig['data'], fig['layout']
def interactive_plot_variable_by_variable(table, table_explained_mca, fs_id1, fs_id2, display, square=False, significant_only=False): """ Categories of the disjunctive data frame in the factor plan. The axis can be modified to chose the factor you want (integer between 1 and 10) Each variable is represented as a point (using scatter) and they can be removed of the graph in order to focus just on some variables significant_only is a bool, if false, display all the modalities, if true, only those outside the square (contribution>weight) The variables are represented in blue, the label is in red Display (bool) : if true, the graph is directly plot, if False, this returns data_ and layout (usefull for the dash) The graph is automatically saved as html in the repository current_repository/Images """ # todo table is table_modalities_mca: see what impact fs = 'Factor' list_name_col_plot = [str(table.columns[i][0]) + ' | ' + str(table.columns[i][1]) for i in range(len(table.columns))] data_col = [] data_lab = [] coordinates_max = max(max(abs(table.loc[(fs, fs_id1)].values)), max(abs(table.loc[(fs, fs_id2)].values))) for i in range(table.shape[1] - 3): if significant_only: # if we plot only the significant modalities ie outside the saquare if abs(table.iloc[fs_id1 - 1, i]) > math.sqrt(table_explained_mca.loc[fs_id1, 'Zλ']) and \ abs(table.iloc[fs_id2 - 1, i]) > math.sqrt(table_explained_mca.loc[fs_id2, 'Zλ']): cols_table = go.Scatter(x=[table.iloc[fs_id1 - 1, i]], y=[table.iloc[fs_id2 - 1, i]], hovertext=[list_name_col_plot[i]], mode='markers', name='variable {}'.format(list_name_col_plot[i]), marker=dict(size=10, color="rgba(0,0,255,0.7)")) data_col.append(cols_table) elif significant_only == False: cols_table = go.Scatter(x=[table.iloc[fs_id1 - 1, i]], y=[table.iloc[fs_id2 - 1, i]], hovertext=[list_name_col_plot[i]], mode='markers', name='variable {}'.format(list_name_col_plot[i]), marker=dict(size=10, color="rgba(0,0,255,0.7)")) data_col.append(cols_table) for j in range(1, 4): # the last columns of the table are label ('aps de risque', 'a risque', 'psychose') if j == 1: # psychose color_label = "rgba(255,0,0,0.7)" elif j == 2: # a risque color_label = 'rgba(200,180,40,0.9)' elif j == 3: # pas de risque color_label = 'rgba(0,220,0,0.7)' label_table = go.Scatter(x=[table.iloc[fs_id1 - 1, -j]], y=[table.iloc[fs_id2 - 1, -j]], mode='markers', hovertext=[list_name_col_plot[-j]], name='{}'.format(list_name_col_plot[-j]), marker=dict(size=10, color=color_label)) data_lab.append(label_table) data_ = data_col + data_lab if square == True: data = data_ + prepare_square_plotly(fs_id1, fs_id2, table_explained_mca) # if the option 'square limit' is active # it will plot a square else: data = data_ layout = go.Layout(title="Coordonnées des modalités selon les facteurs " + str(fs_id1) + ' et ' + str(fs_id2), xaxis={"title": "factor" + str(fs_id1), "range": [-coordinates_max - 0.1, coordinates_max + 0.1]}, # "gridcolor":"rgba(150,150,150,0.7)", "color":"rgba(100,100,100,0.7)"}, yaxis={"title": "factor" + str(fs_id2), "range": [-coordinates_max - 0.1, coordinates_max + 0.1]} # "gridcolor":"rgba(150,150,150,0.7)", "color":"rgba(100,100,100,0.7)"} ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) # offline.plot(fig, filename='Images/Variables dans le plan des facteurs scores.html', # # to save the figure in the repertory # auto_open=False) if display: offline.iplot(fig) return None else: return data, layout
def interactive_plot_patient_modality(variable, df_var, table_patients_mca, table_modalities_mca, df_data, fs_id1=1, fs_id2=2, display=True): """ This function plots the patients into the plan FS_id1, FS_id2 (factors resulting of the MCA) The color depends of the value of the feature you selected """ color_ = ['rgba(235,205,40,0.7)', 'rgba(235,0,180,0.7)', 'rgba(0,255,40,0.7)', 'rgba(25,205,40,0.7)', 'rgba(2,205,150,0.7)', 'rgba(235,105,80,0.7)', 'rgba(150,105,80,0.7)', 'rgba(55,105,180,0.7)', 'rgba(25,105,230,0.7)', 'rgba(2,105,230,0.7)', 'rgba(5,10,180,0.7)', 'rgba(145,15,180,0.7)', 'rgba(75,105,180,0.7)', 'rgba(5,105,0,0.7)', 'rgba(5,5,180,0.7)'] list_color_pat = [0 for i in range(df_var.shape[0])] data_ = [] # data for the plot # define color for the patients and create data for the features to plot for j, modality in enumerate(df_var[variable].columns): trace_var = go.Scatter(x=[table_modalities_mca.loc[('Factor', fs_id1), (variable, modality)]], y=[table_modalities_mca.loc[('Factor', fs_id2), (variable, modality)]], hovertext=[variable + ': ' + modality], mode='markers', name=variable + ': ' + modality, marker=dict(size=10, color="rgba(0,0,255,0.7)")) data_.append(trace_var) for i in range(df_var.shape[0]): # if df_var[variable].iloc[i,j]==1: if df_var.loc[i, (variable, modality)] == 1: list_color_pat[i] = color_[j] fs = 'Factor' points_x = table_patients_mca.loc[(fs, fs_id1)].values points_y = table_patients_mca.loc[(fs, fs_id2)].values labels = table_patients_mca.columns.values # index of patient (1,2,3,...) coordinates_max = max(max(abs(table_patients_mca.loc[(fs, fs_id1)].values)), max(abs(table_patients_mca.loc[(fs, fs_id2)].values))) # plot the patients for i in df_var.index: trace = go.Scatter(x=[points_x[i]], y=[points_y[i]], hovertext=str(labels[i]), mode='markers', name='patient {}, valeur :{} '.format(i, df_data.loc[i, variable]), marker=dict(size=10, color=list_color_pat[i])) data_.append(trace) layout = go.Layout( title="Coordonnées des patients projetées dans le plan des facteurs " + str(fs_id1) + ' et ' + str( fs_id2) + ' pour la variable ' + variable, xaxis={"title": "facteur" + str(fs_id1), "range": [-coordinates_max - 0.1, coordinates_max + 0.1]}, yaxis={"title": "facteur" + str(fs_id2), "range": [-coordinates_max - 0.1, coordinates_max + 0.1]}) fig = go.Figure(data=data_, layout=layout) # offline.plot(fig, filename='Images/Patients dans le plan des facteurs scores.html', # # to save the figure in the repertory # auto_open=False) if display: offline.iplot(fig) return None else: return data_, layout
def interactive_plot_3D_features(fs_id1, fs_id2, fs_id3, table, display=True): # table is table_modalities_mca """ Plot an interactive graph in 3D of the modalities """ table_transposed = table.T fs = 'Factor' list_name_col_plot = [str(table.columns[i][0]) + ' | ' + str(table.columns[i][1]) for i in range(len(table.columns))] data_col = [] data_lab = [] coordinates_max = max(max(abs(table.loc[(fs, fs_id1)].values)), max(abs(table.loc[(fs, fs_id2)].values)) , max(abs(table.loc[(fs, fs_id3)].values))) for i in range(table.shape[1] - 3): cols_table = go.Scatter3d(x=[table_transposed[('Factor', fs_id1)][i]], y=[table_transposed[('Factor', fs_id2)][i]], z=[table_transposed[('Factor', fs_id3)][i]], hovertext=[list_name_col_plot[i]], mode='markers', name='variable {}'.format(list_name_col_plot[i]), marker=dict(size=10, color="rgba(0,0,255,0.7)")) data_col.append(cols_table) for j in range(1, 4): # the last columns of the table are label ('aps de risque', 'a risque', 'psychose') if j == 1: # psychose color_label = "rgba(255,0,0,0.7)" elif j == 2: # a risque color_label = 'rgba(200,180,40,0.9)' elif j == 3: # pas de risque color_label = 'rgba(0,220,0,0.7)' label_table = go.Scatter3d(x=[table_transposed[('Factor', fs_id1)][-j]], y=[table_transposed[('Factor', fs_id2)][-j]], z=[table_transposed[('Factor', fs_id3)][-j]], mode='markers', hovertext=[list_name_col_plot[-j]], name='{}'.format(list_name_col_plot[-j]), marker=dict(size=10, color=color_label)) data_lab.append(label_table) data_ = data_col + data_lab layout = go.Layout(title="Variables dans le plan 3D des facteurs plans", scene=dict( xaxis={"title": "factor" + str(fs_id1), "range": [-coordinates_max - 0.1, coordinates_max + 0.1]}, yaxis={"title": "factor" + str(fs_id2), "range": [-coordinates_max - 0.1, coordinates_max + 0.1]}, zaxis={"title": "factor" + str(fs_id3), "range": [-coordinates_max - 0.1, coordinates_max + 0.1]}) ) if display: offline.iplot({"data": data_, "layout": layout}) return None else: return data_, layout
def show_map(M, start=None, goal=None, path=None): G = M._graph # pos = nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'pos') edge_trace = Scatter(x=[], y=[], line=Line(width=0.5, color='#888'), hoverinfo='text', mode='lines') for edge in G.edges(): x0, y0 = G.node[edge[0]]['pos'] x1, y1 = G.node[edge[1]]['pos'] edge_trace['x'] += [x0, x1, None] edge_trace['y'] += [y0, y1, None] edge_trace['text'] = 'whoopee' node_trace = Scatter( x=[], y=[], text=[], mode='markers', hoverinfo='text', marker=Marker( showscale=False, # colorscale options # 'Greys' | 'Greens' | 'Bluered' | 'Hot' | 'Picnic' | 'Portland' | # Jet' | 'RdBu' | 'Blackbody' | 'Earth' | 'Electric' | 'YIOrRd' | 'YIGnBu' colorscale='Hot', reversescale=True, color=[], size=10, colorbar=dict(thickness=15, title='Node Connections', xanchor='left', titleside='right'), line=dict(width=2))) for node in G.nodes(): x, y = G.node[node]['pos'] node_trace['x'].append(x) node_trace['y'].append(y) for node, adjacencies in enumerate(G.adjacency_list()): color = 0 if path and node in path: color = 1 if node == start: color = 3 elif node == goal: color = 2 # node_trace['marker']['color'].append(len(adjacencies)) node_trace['marker']['color'].append(color) node_info = "Intersection " + str(node) node_trace['text'].append(node_info) fig = Figure(data=Data([edge_trace, node_trace]), layout=Layout(title='<br>Network graph made with Python', titlefont=dict(size=16), showlegend=False, hovermode='closest', margin=dict(b=20, l=5, r=5, t=40), xaxis=XAxis(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False), yaxis=YAxis(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False))) iplot(fig)