def scatterplot(dataframe, headers, diag, size, height, width, title, **kwargs): """ Refer to FigureFactory.create_scatterplotmatrix() for docstring Returns fig for scatterplotmatrix without index """ dim = len(dataframe) fig = make_subplots(rows=dim, cols=dim, print_grid=False) trace_list = [] # Insert traces into trace_list for listy in dataframe: for listx in dataframe: if (listx == listy) and (diag == "histogram"): trace = graph_objs.Histogram(x=listx, showlegend=False) elif (listx == listy) and (diag == "box"): trace = graph_objs.Box(y=listx, name=None, showlegend=False) else: if "marker" in kwargs: kwargs["marker"]["size"] = size trace = graph_objs.Scatter( x=listx, y=listy, mode="markers", showlegend=False, **kwargs ) trace_list.append(trace) else: trace = graph_objs.Scatter( x=listx, y=listy, mode="markers", marker=dict(size=size), showlegend=False, **kwargs ) trace_list.append(trace) trace_index = 0 indices = range(1, dim + 1) for y_index in indices: for x_index in indices: fig.append_trace(trace_list[trace_index], y_index, x_index) trace_index += 1 # Insert headers into the figure for j in range(dim): xaxis_key = "xaxis{}".format((dim * dim) - dim + 1 + j) fig["layout"][xaxis_key].update(title=headers[j]) for j in range(dim): yaxis_key = "yaxis{}".format(1 + (dim * j)) fig["layout"][yaxis_key].update(title=headers[j]) fig["layout"].update(height=height, width=width, title=title, showlegend=True) hide_tick_labels_from_box_subplots(fig) return fig
def make_non_outlier_interval(d1, d2): """ Returns the scatterplot fig of most of a violin plot. """ return graph_objs.Scatter( x=[0, 0], y=[d1, d2], name="", mode="lines", line=graph_objs.scatter.Line(width=1.5, color="rgb(0,0,0)"), )
def make_median(q2): """ Formats the 'median' hovertext for a violin plot. """ return graph_objs.Scatter( x=[0], y=[q2], text=["median: " + "{:0.2f}".format(q2)], mode="markers", marker=dict(symbol="square", color="rgb(255,255,255)"), hoverinfo="text", )
def make_violin_rugplot(vals, pdf_max, distance, color="#1f77b4"): """ Returns a rugplot fig for a violin plot. """ return graph_objs.Scatter( y=vals, x=[-pdf_max - distance] * len(vals), marker=graph_objs.scatter.Marker(color=color, symbol="line-ew-open"), mode="markers", name="", showlegend=False, hoverinfo="y", )
def make_quartiles(q1, q3): """ Makes the upper and lower quartiles for a violin plot. """ return graph_objs.Scatter( x=[0, 0], y=[q1, q3], text=[ "lower-quartile: " + "{:0.2f}".format(q1), "upper-quartile: " + "{:0.2f}".format(q3), ], mode="lines", line=graph_objs.scatter.Line(width=4, color="rgb(0,0,0)"), hoverinfo="text", )
def make_half_violin(x, y, fillcolor="#1f77b4", linecolor="rgb(0, 0, 0)"): """ Produces a sideways probability distribution fig violin plot. """ text = [ "(pdf(y), y)=(" + "{:0.2f}".format(x[i]) + ", " + "{:0.2f}".format(y[i]) + ")" for i in range(len(x)) ] return graph_objs.Scatter( x=x, y=y, mode="lines", name="", text=text, fill="tonextx", fillcolor=fillcolor, line=graph_objs.scatter.Line(width=0.5, color=linecolor, shape="spline"), hoverinfo="text", opacity=0.5, )
def scatterplot_theme( dataframe, headers, diag, size, height, width, title, index, index_vals, endpts, colormap, colormap_type, **kwargs ): """ Refer to FigureFactory.create_scatterplotmatrix() for docstring Returns fig for scatterplotmatrix with both index and colormap picked """ # Check if index is made of string values if isinstance(index_vals[0], str): unique_index_vals = [] for name in index_vals: if name not in unique_index_vals: unique_index_vals.append(name) n_colors_len = len(unique_index_vals) # Convert colormap to list of n RGB tuples if colormap_type == "seq": foo = clrs.color_parser(colormap, clrs.unlabel_rgb) foo = clrs.n_colors(foo[0], foo[1], n_colors_len) theme = clrs.color_parser(foo, clrs.label_rgb) if colormap_type == "cat": # leave list of colors the same way theme = colormap dim = len(dataframe) fig = make_subplots(rows=dim, cols=dim, print_grid=False) trace_list = [] legend_param = 0 # Work over all permutations of list pairs for listy in dataframe: for listx in dataframe: # create a dictionary for index_vals unique_index_vals = {} for name in index_vals: if name not in unique_index_vals: unique_index_vals[name] = [] c_indx = 0 # color index # Fill all the rest of the names into the dictionary for name in sorted(unique_index_vals.keys()): new_listx = [] new_listy = [] for j in range(len(index_vals)): if index_vals[j] == name: new_listx.append(listx[j]) new_listy.append(listy[j]) # Generate trace with VISIBLE icon if legend_param == 1: if (listx == listy) and (diag == "histogram"): trace = graph_objs.Histogram( x=new_listx, marker=dict(color=theme[c_indx]), showlegend=True, ) elif (listx == listy) and (diag == "box"): trace = graph_objs.Box( y=new_listx, name=None, marker=dict(color=theme[c_indx]), showlegend=True, ) else: if "marker" in kwargs: kwargs["marker"]["size"] = size kwargs["marker"]["color"] = theme[c_indx] trace = graph_objs.Scatter( x=new_listx, y=new_listy, mode="markers", name=name, showlegend=True, **kwargs ) else: trace = graph_objs.Scatter( x=new_listx, y=new_listy, mode="markers", name=name, marker=dict(size=size, color=theme[c_indx]), showlegend=True, **kwargs ) # Generate trace with INVISIBLE icon else: if (listx == listy) and (diag == "histogram"): trace = graph_objs.Histogram( x=new_listx, marker=dict(color=theme[c_indx]), showlegend=False, ) elif (listx == listy) and (diag == "box"): trace = graph_objs.Box( y=new_listx, name=None, marker=dict(color=theme[c_indx]), showlegend=False, ) else: if "marker" in kwargs: kwargs["marker"]["size"] = size kwargs["marker"]["color"] = theme[c_indx] trace = graph_objs.Scatter( x=new_listx, y=new_listy, mode="markers", name=name, showlegend=False, **kwargs ) else: trace = graph_objs.Scatter( x=new_listx, y=new_listy, mode="markers", name=name, marker=dict(size=size, color=theme[c_indx]), showlegend=False, **kwargs ) # Push the trace into dictionary unique_index_vals[name] = trace if c_indx >= (len(theme) - 1): c_indx = -1 c_indx += 1 trace_list.append(unique_index_vals) legend_param += 1 trace_index = 0 indices = range(1, dim + 1) for y_index in indices: for x_index in indices: for name in sorted(trace_list[trace_index].keys()): fig.append_trace(trace_list[trace_index][name], y_index, x_index) trace_index += 1 # Insert headers into the figure for j in range(dim): xaxis_key = "xaxis{}".format((dim * dim) - dim + 1 + j) fig["layout"][xaxis_key].update(title=headers[j]) for j in range(dim): yaxis_key = "yaxis{}".format(1 + (dim * j)) fig["layout"][yaxis_key].update(title=headers[j]) hide_tick_labels_from_box_subplots(fig) if diag == "histogram": fig["layout"].update( height=height, width=width, title=title, showlegend=True, barmode="stack", ) return fig elif diag == "box": fig["layout"].update( height=height, width=width, title=title, showlegend=True ) return fig else: fig["layout"].update( height=height, width=width, title=title, showlegend=True ) return fig else: if endpts: intervals = utils.endpts_to_intervals(endpts) # Convert colormap to list of n RGB tuples if colormap_type == "seq": foo = clrs.color_parser(colormap, clrs.unlabel_rgb) foo = clrs.n_colors(foo[0], foo[1], len(intervals)) theme = clrs.color_parser(foo, clrs.label_rgb) if colormap_type == "cat": # leave list of colors the same way theme = colormap dim = len(dataframe) fig = make_subplots(rows=dim, cols=dim, print_grid=False) trace_list = [] legend_param = 0 # Work over all permutations of list pairs for listy in dataframe: for listx in dataframe: interval_labels = {} for interval in intervals: interval_labels[str(interval)] = [] c_indx = 0 # color index # Fill all the rest of the names into the dictionary for interval in intervals: new_listx = [] new_listy = [] for j in range(len(index_vals)): if interval[0] < index_vals[j] <= interval[1]: new_listx.append(listx[j]) new_listy.append(listy[j]) # Generate trace with VISIBLE icon if legend_param == 1: if (listx == listy) and (diag == "histogram"): trace = graph_objs.Histogram( x=new_listx, marker=dict(color=theme[c_indx]), showlegend=True, ) elif (listx == listy) and (diag == "box"): trace = graph_objs.Box( y=new_listx, name=None, marker=dict(color=theme[c_indx]), showlegend=True, ) else: if "marker" in kwargs: kwargs["marker"]["size"] = size (kwargs["marker"]["color"]) = theme[c_indx] trace = graph_objs.Scatter( x=new_listx, y=new_listy, mode="markers", name=str(interval), showlegend=True, **kwargs ) else: trace = graph_objs.Scatter( x=new_listx, y=new_listy, mode="markers", name=str(interval), marker=dict(size=size, color=theme[c_indx]), showlegend=True, **kwargs ) # Generate trace with INVISIBLE icon else: if (listx == listy) and (diag == "histogram"): trace = graph_objs.Histogram( x=new_listx, marker=dict(color=theme[c_indx]), showlegend=False, ) elif (listx == listy) and (diag == "box"): trace = graph_objs.Box( y=new_listx, name=None, marker=dict(color=theme[c_indx]), showlegend=False, ) else: if "marker" in kwargs: kwargs["marker"]["size"] = size (kwargs["marker"]["color"]) = theme[c_indx] trace = graph_objs.Scatter( x=new_listx, y=new_listy, mode="markers", name=str(interval), showlegend=False, **kwargs ) else: trace = graph_objs.Scatter( x=new_listx, y=new_listy, mode="markers", name=str(interval), marker=dict(size=size, color=theme[c_indx]), showlegend=False, **kwargs ) # Push the trace into dictionary interval_labels[str(interval)] = trace if c_indx >= (len(theme) - 1): c_indx = -1 c_indx += 1 trace_list.append(interval_labels) legend_param += 1 trace_index = 0 indices = range(1, dim + 1) for y_index in indices: for x_index in indices: for interval in intervals: fig.append_trace( trace_list[trace_index][str(interval)], y_index, x_index ) trace_index += 1 # Insert headers into the figure for j in range(dim): xaxis_key = "xaxis{}".format((dim * dim) - dim + 1 + j) fig["layout"][xaxis_key].update(title=headers[j]) for j in range(dim): yaxis_key = "yaxis{}".format(1 + (dim * j)) fig["layout"][yaxis_key].update(title=headers[j]) hide_tick_labels_from_box_subplots(fig) if diag == "histogram": fig["layout"].update( height=height, width=width, title=title, showlegend=True, barmode="stack", ) return fig elif diag == "box": fig["layout"].update( height=height, width=width, title=title, showlegend=True ) return fig else: fig["layout"].update( height=height, width=width, title=title, showlegend=True ) return fig else: theme = colormap # add a copy of rgb color to theme if it contains one color if len(theme) <= 1: theme.append(theme[0]) color = [] for incr in range(len(theme)): color.append([1.0 / (len(theme) - 1) * incr, theme[incr]]) dim = len(dataframe) fig = make_subplots(rows=dim, cols=dim, print_grid=False) trace_list = [] legend_param = 0 # Run through all permutations of list pairs for listy in dataframe: for listx in dataframe: # Generate trace with VISIBLE icon if legend_param == 1: if (listx == listy) and (diag == "histogram"): trace = graph_objs.Histogram( x=listx, marker=dict(color=theme[0]), showlegend=False ) elif (listx == listy) and (diag == "box"): trace = graph_objs.Box( y=listx, marker=dict(color=theme[0]), showlegend=False ) else: if "marker" in kwargs: kwargs["marker"]["size"] = size kwargs["marker"]["color"] = index_vals kwargs["marker"]["colorscale"] = color kwargs["marker"]["showscale"] = True trace = graph_objs.Scatter( x=listx, y=listy, mode="markers", showlegend=False, **kwargs ) else: trace = graph_objs.Scatter( x=listx, y=listy, mode="markers", marker=dict( size=size, color=index_vals, colorscale=color, showscale=True, ), showlegend=False, **kwargs ) # Generate trace with INVISIBLE icon else: if (listx == listy) and (diag == "histogram"): trace = graph_objs.Histogram( x=listx, marker=dict(color=theme[0]), showlegend=False ) elif (listx == listy) and (diag == "box"): trace = graph_objs.Box( y=listx, marker=dict(color=theme[0]), showlegend=False ) else: if "marker" in kwargs: kwargs["marker"]["size"] = size kwargs["marker"]["color"] = index_vals kwargs["marker"]["colorscale"] = color kwargs["marker"]["showscale"] = False trace = graph_objs.Scatter( x=listx, y=listy, mode="markers", showlegend=False, **kwargs ) else: trace = graph_objs.Scatter( x=listx, y=listy, mode="markers", marker=dict( size=size, color=index_vals, colorscale=color, showscale=False, ), showlegend=False, **kwargs ) # Push the trace into list trace_list.append(trace) legend_param += 1 trace_index = 0 indices = range(1, dim + 1) for y_index in indices: for x_index in indices: fig.append_trace(trace_list[trace_index], y_index, x_index) trace_index += 1 # Insert headers into the figure for j in range(dim): xaxis_key = "xaxis{}".format((dim * dim) - dim + 1 + j) fig["layout"][xaxis_key].update(title=headers[j]) for j in range(dim): yaxis_key = "yaxis{}".format(1 + (dim * j)) fig["layout"][yaxis_key].update(title=headers[j]) hide_tick_labels_from_box_subplots(fig) if diag == "histogram": fig["layout"].update( height=height, width=width, title=title, showlegend=True, barmode="stack", ) return fig elif diag == "box": fig["layout"].update( height=height, width=width, title=title, showlegend=True ) return fig else: fig["layout"].update( height=height, width=width, title=title, showlegend=True ) return fig
def scatterplot_dict( dataframe, headers, diag, size, height, width, title, index, index_vals, endpts, colormap, colormap_type, **kwargs ): """ Refer to FigureFactory.create_scatterplotmatrix() for docstring Returns fig for scatterplotmatrix with both index and colormap picked. Used if colormap is a dictionary with index values as keys pointing to colors. Forces colormap_type to behave categorically because it would not make sense colors are assigned to each index value and thus implies that a categorical approach should be taken """ theme = colormap dim = len(dataframe) fig = make_subplots(rows=dim, cols=dim, print_grid=False) trace_list = [] legend_param = 0 # Work over all permutations of list pairs for listy in dataframe: for listx in dataframe: # create a dictionary for index_vals unique_index_vals = {} for name in index_vals: if name not in unique_index_vals: unique_index_vals[name] = [] # Fill all the rest of the names into the dictionary for name in sorted(unique_index_vals.keys()): new_listx = [] new_listy = [] for j in range(len(index_vals)): if index_vals[j] == name: new_listx.append(listx[j]) new_listy.append(listy[j]) # Generate trace with VISIBLE icon if legend_param == 1: if (listx == listy) and (diag == "histogram"): trace = graph_objs.Histogram( x=new_listx, marker=dict(color=theme[name]), showlegend=True ) elif (listx == listy) and (diag == "box"): trace = graph_objs.Box( y=new_listx, name=None, marker=dict(color=theme[name]), showlegend=True, ) else: if "marker" in kwargs: kwargs["marker"]["size"] = size kwargs["marker"]["color"] = theme[name] trace = graph_objs.Scatter( x=new_listx, y=new_listy, mode="markers", name=name, showlegend=True, **kwargs ) else: trace = graph_objs.Scatter( x=new_listx, y=new_listy, mode="markers", name=name, marker=dict(size=size, color=theme[name]), showlegend=True, **kwargs ) # Generate trace with INVISIBLE icon else: if (listx == listy) and (diag == "histogram"): trace = graph_objs.Histogram( x=new_listx, marker=dict(color=theme[name]), showlegend=False, ) elif (listx == listy) and (diag == "box"): trace = graph_objs.Box( y=new_listx, name=None, marker=dict(color=theme[name]), showlegend=False, ) else: if "marker" in kwargs: kwargs["marker"]["size"] = size kwargs["marker"]["color"] = theme[name] trace = graph_objs.Scatter( x=new_listx, y=new_listy, mode="markers", name=name, showlegend=False, **kwargs ) else: trace = graph_objs.Scatter( x=new_listx, y=new_listy, mode="markers", name=name, marker=dict(size=size, color=theme[name]), showlegend=False, **kwargs ) # Push the trace into dictionary unique_index_vals[name] = trace trace_list.append(unique_index_vals) legend_param += 1 trace_index = 0 indices = range(1, dim + 1) for y_index in indices: for x_index in indices: for name in sorted(trace_list[trace_index].keys()): fig.append_trace(trace_list[trace_index][name], y_index, x_index) trace_index += 1 # Insert headers into the figure for j in range(dim): xaxis_key = "xaxis{}".format((dim * dim) - dim + 1 + j) fig["layout"][xaxis_key].update(title=headers[j]) for j in range(dim): yaxis_key = "yaxis{}".format(1 + (dim * j)) fig["layout"][yaxis_key].update(title=headers[j]) hide_tick_labels_from_box_subplots(fig) if diag == "histogram": fig["layout"].update( height=height, width=width, title=title, showlegend=True, barmode="stack" ) return fig else: fig["layout"].update(height=height, width=width, title=title, showlegend=True) return fig
def violin_colorscale( data, data_header, group_header, colors, use_colorscale, group_stats, rugplot, sort, height, width, title, ): """ Refer to FigureFactory.create_violin() for docstring. Returns fig for violin plot with colorscale. """ # collect all group names group_name = [] for name in data[group_header]: if name not in group_name: group_name.append(name) if sort: group_name.sort() # make sure all group names are keys in group_stats for group in group_name: if group not in group_stats: raise exceptions.PlotlyError("All values/groups in the index " "column must be represented " "as a key in group_stats.") gb = data.groupby([group_header]) L = len(group_name) fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=L, shared_yaxes=True, horizontal_spacing=0.025, print_grid=False) # prepare low and high color for colorscale lowcolor = clrs.color_parser(colors[0], clrs.unlabel_rgb) highcolor = clrs.color_parser(colors[1], clrs.unlabel_rgb) # find min and max values in group_stats group_stats_values = [] for key in group_stats: group_stats_values.append(group_stats[key]) max_value = max(group_stats_values) min_value = min(group_stats_values) for k, gr in enumerate(group_name): vals = np.asarray(gb.get_group(gr)[data_header], np.float) # find intermediate color from colorscale intermed = (group_stats[gr] - min_value) / (max_value - min_value) intermed_color = clrs.find_intermediate_color(lowcolor, highcolor, intermed) plot_data, plot_xrange = violinplot( vals, fillcolor="rgb{}".format(intermed_color), rugplot=rugplot) layout = graph_objs.Layout() for item in plot_data: fig.append_trace(item, 1, k + 1) fig["layout"].update( {"xaxis{}".format(k + 1): make_XAxis(group_name[k], plot_xrange)}) # add colorbar to plot trace_dummy = graph_objs.Scatter( x=[0], y=[0], mode="markers", marker=dict( size=2, cmin=min_value, cmax=max_value, colorscale=[[0, colors[0]], [1, colors[1]]], showscale=True, ), showlegend=False, ) fig.append_trace(trace_dummy, 1, L) # set the sharey axis style fig["layout"].update({"yaxis{}".format(1): make_YAxis("")}) fig["layout"].update( title=title, showlegend=False, hovermode="closest", autosize=False, height=height, width=width, ) return fig
def create_2d_density( x, y, colorscale="Earth", ncontours=20, hist_color=(0, 0, 0.5), point_color=(0, 0, 0.5), point_size=2, title="2D Density Plot", height=600, width=600, ): """ Returns figure for a 2D density plot :param (list|array) x: x-axis data for plot generation :param (list|array) y: y-axis data for plot generation :param (str|tuple|list) colorscale: either a plotly scale name, an rgb or hex color, a color tuple or a list or tuple of colors. An rgb color is of the form 'rgb(x, y, z)' where x, y, z belong to the interval [0, 255] and a color tuple is a tuple of the form (a, b, c) where a, b and c belong to [0, 1]. If colormap is a list, it must contain the valid color types aforementioned as its members. :param (int) ncontours: the number of 2D contours to draw on the plot :param (str) hist_color: the color of the plotted histograms :param (str) point_color: the color of the scatter points :param (str) point_size: the color of the scatter points :param (str) title: set the title for the plot :param (float) height: the height of the chart :param (float) width: the width of the chart Examples -------- Example 1: Simple 2D Density Plot >>> from plotly_study.figure_factory create_2d_density >>> import numpy as np >>> # Make data points >>> t = np.linspace(-1,1.2,2000) >>> x = (t**3)+(0.3*np.random.randn(2000)) >>> y = (t**6)+(0.3*np.random.randn(2000)) >>> # Create a figure >>> fig = create_2D_density(x, y) >>> # Plot the data >>> Example 2: Using Parameters >>> from plotly_study.figure_factory create_2d_density >>> import numpy as np >>> # Make data points >>> t = np.linspace(-1,1.2,2000) >>> x = (t**3)+(0.3*np.random.randn(2000)) >>> y = (t**6)+(0.3*np.random.randn(2000)) >>> # Create custom colorscale >>> colorscale = ['#7A4579', '#D56073', 'rgb(236,158,105)', ... (1, 1, 0.2), (0.98,0.98,0.98)] >>> # Create a figure >>> fig = create_2D_density(x, y, colorscale=colorscale, ... hist_color='rgb(255, 237, 222)', point_size=3) >>> # Plot the data >>> """ # validate x and y are filled with numbers only for array in [x, y]: if not all(isinstance(element, Number) for element in array): raise plotly_study.exceptions.PlotlyError( "All elements of your 'x' and 'y' lists must be numbers.") # validate x and y are the same length if len(x) != len(y): raise plotly_study.exceptions.PlotlyError( "Both lists 'x' and 'y' must be the same length.") colorscale = clrs.validate_colors(colorscale, "rgb") colorscale = make_linear_colorscale(colorscale) # validate hist_color and point_color hist_color = clrs.validate_colors(hist_color, "rgb") point_color = clrs.validate_colors(point_color, "rgb") trace1 = graph_objs.Scatter( x=x, y=y, mode="markers", name="points", marker=dict(color=point_color[0], size=point_size, opacity=0.4), ) trace2 = graph_objs.Histogram2dContour( x=x, y=y, name="density", ncontours=ncontours, colorscale=colorscale, reversescale=True, showscale=False, ) trace3 = graph_objs.Histogram(x=x, name="x density", marker=dict(color=hist_color[0]), yaxis="y2") trace4 = graph_objs.Histogram(y=y, name="y density", marker=dict(color=hist_color[0]), xaxis="x2") data = [trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4] layout = graph_objs.Layout( showlegend=False, autosize=False, title=title, height=height, width=width, xaxis=dict(domain=[0, 0.85], showgrid=False, zeroline=False), yaxis=dict(domain=[0, 0.85], showgrid=False, zeroline=False), margin=dict(t=50), hovermode="closest", bargap=0, xaxis2=dict(domain=[0.85, 1], showgrid=False, zeroline=False), yaxis2=dict(domain=[0.85, 1], showgrid=False, zeroline=False), ) fig = graph_objs.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) return fig
def create_streamline( x, y, u, v, density=1, angle=math.pi / 9, arrow_scale=0.09, **kwargs ): """ Returns data for a streamline plot. :param (list|ndarray) x: 1 dimensional, evenly spaced list or array :param (list|ndarray) y: 1 dimensional, evenly spaced list or array :param (ndarray) u: 2 dimensional array :param (ndarray) v: 2 dimensional array :param (float|int) density: controls the density of streamlines in plot. This is multiplied by 30 to scale similiarly to other available streamline functions such as matplotlib. Default = 1 :param (angle in radians) angle: angle of arrowhead. Default = pi/9 :param (float in [0,1]) arrow_scale: value to scale length of arrowhead Default = .09 :param kwargs: kwargs passed through plotly_study.graph_objs.Scatter for more information on valid kwargs call help(plotly_study.graph_objs.Scatter) :rtype (dict): returns a representation of streamline figure. Example 1: Plot simple streamline and increase arrow size >>> from plotly_study.figure_factory import create_streamline >>> import numpy as np >>> import math >>> # Add data >>> x = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100) >>> y = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100) >>> Y, X = np.meshgrid(x, y) >>> u = -1 - X**2 + Y >>> v = 1 + X - Y**2 >>> u = u.T # Transpose >>> v = v.T # Transpose >>> # Create streamline >>> fig = create_streamline(x, y, u, v, arrow_scale=.1) >>> Example 2: from >>> from plotly_study.figure_factory import create_streamline >>> import numpy as np >>> import math >>> # Add data >>> N = 50 >>> x_start, x_end = -2.0, 2.0 >>> y_start, y_end = -1.0, 1.0 >>> x = np.linspace(x_start, x_end, N) >>> y = np.linspace(y_start, y_end, N) >>> X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) >>> ss = 5.0 >>> x_s, y_s = -1.0, 0.0 >>> # Compute the velocity field on the mesh grid >>> u_s = ss/(2*np.pi) * (X-x_s)/((X-x_s)**2 + (Y-y_s)**2) >>> v_s = ss/(2*np.pi) * (Y-y_s)/((X-x_s)**2 + (Y-y_s)**2) >>> # Create streamline >>> fig = create_streamline(x, y, u_s, v_s, density=2, name='streamline') >>> # Add source point >>> point = Scatter(x=[x_s], y=[y_s], mode='markers', ... marker=Marker(size=14), name='source point') >>> fig['data'].append(point) >>> """ utils.validate_equal_length(x, y) utils.validate_equal_length(u, v) validate_streamline(x, y) utils.validate_positive_scalars(density=density, arrow_scale=arrow_scale) streamline_x, streamline_y = _Streamline( x, y, u, v, density, angle, arrow_scale ).sum_streamlines() arrow_x, arrow_y = _Streamline( x, y, u, v, density, angle, arrow_scale ).get_streamline_arrows() streamline = graph_objs.Scatter( x=streamline_x + arrow_x, y=streamline_y + arrow_y, mode="lines", **kwargs ) data = [streamline] layout = graph_objs.Layout(hovermode="closest") return graph_objs.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
def create_quiver(x, y, u, v, scale=0.1, arrow_scale=0.3, angle=math.pi / 9, scaleratio=None, **kwargs): """ Returns data for a quiver plot. :param (list|ndarray) x: x coordinates of the arrow locations :param (list|ndarray) y: y coordinates of the arrow locations :param (list|ndarray) u: x components of the arrow vectors :param (list|ndarray) v: y components of the arrow vectors :param (float in [0,1]) scale: scales size of the arrows(ideally to avoid overlap). Default = .1 :param (float in [0,1]) arrow_scale: value multiplied to length of barb to get length of arrowhead. Default = .3 :param (angle in radians) angle: angle of arrowhead. Default = pi/9 :param (positive float) scaleratio: the ratio between the scale of the y-axis and the scale of the x-axis (scale_y / scale_x). Default = None, the scale ratio is not fixed. :param kwargs: kwargs passed through plotly_study.graph_objs.Scatter for more information on valid kwargs call help(plotly_study.graph_objs.Scatter) :rtype (dict): returns a representation of quiver figure. Example 1: Trivial Quiver >>> from plotly_study.figure_factory import create_quiver >>> import math >>> # 1 Arrow from (0,0) to (1,1) >>> fig = create_quiver(x=[0], y=[0], u=[1], v=[1], scale=1) >>> Example 2: Quiver plot using meshgrid >>> from plotly_study.figure_factory import create_quiver >>> import numpy as np >>> import math >>> # Add data >>> x,y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, 2, .2), np.arange(0, 2, .2)) >>> u = np.cos(x)*y >>> v = np.sin(x)*y >>> #Create quiver >>> fig = create_quiver(x, y, u, v) >>> Example 3: Styling the quiver plot >>> from plotly_study.figure_factory import create_quiver >>> import numpy as np >>> import math >>> # Add data >>> x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-np.pi, math.pi, .5), ... np.arange(-math.pi, math.pi, .5)) >>> u = np.cos(x)*y >>> v = np.sin(x)*y >>> # Create quiver >>> fig = create_quiver(x, y, u, v, scale=.2, arrow_scale=.3, angle=math.pi/6, ... name='Wind Velocity', line=dict(width=1)) >>> # Add title to layout >>> fig['layout'].update(title='Quiver Plot') >>> Example 4: Forcing a fix scale ratio to maintain the arrow length >>> from plotly_study.figure_factory import create_quiver >>> import numpy as np >>> # Add data >>> x,y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0.5, 3.5, .5), np.arange(0.5, 4.5, .5)) >>> u = x >>> v = y >>> angle = np.arctan(v / u) >>> norm = 0.25 >>> u = norm * np.cos(angle) >>> v = norm * np.sin(angle) >>> # Create quiver with a fix scale ratio >>> fig = create_quiver(x, y, u, v, scale = 1, scaleratio = 0.5) >>> """ utils.validate_equal_length(x, y, u, v) utils.validate_positive_scalars(arrow_scale=arrow_scale, scale=scale) if scaleratio is None: quiver_obj = _Quiver(x, y, u, v, scale, arrow_scale, angle) else: quiver_obj = _Quiver(x, y, u, v, scale, arrow_scale, angle, scaleratio) barb_x, barb_y = quiver_obj.get_barbs() arrow_x, arrow_y = quiver_obj.get_quiver_arrows() quiver_plot = graph_objs.Scatter(x=barb_x + arrow_x, y=barb_y + arrow_y, mode="lines", **kwargs) data = [quiver_plot] if scaleratio is None: layout = graph_objs.Layout(hovermode="closest") else: layout = graph_objs.Layout(hovermode="closest", yaxis=dict(scaleratio=scaleratio, scaleanchor="x")) return graph_objs.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)