class SubplotWidget(QSplitter): """Construct a Widget that helps managing several plots together handled by the same manager Since the plots must be added to the manager before the panels the add_itemlist method can be called after having declared all the subplots """ def __init__(self, manager, parent=None, **kwargs): super(SubplotWidget, self).__init__(parent, **kwargs) self.setOrientation(Qt.Horizontal) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.manager = manager self.plots = [] self.itemlist = None main = QWidget() self.plotlayout = QGridLayout() main.setLayout(self.plotlayout) self.addWidget(main) def add_itemlist(self, show_itemlist=False): self.itemlist = PlotItemList(self) self.itemlist.setVisible(show_itemlist) self.addWidget(self.itemlist) configure_plot_splitter(self) self.manager.add_panel(self.itemlist) def add_subplot(self, plot, i=0, j=0, plot_id=None): """Add a plot to the grid of plots""" self.plotlayout.addWidget(plot, i, j) self.plots.append(plot) if plot_id is None: plot_id = id(plot) self.manager.add_plot(plot, plot_id)
def __init__(self, item, parent_layout): super(MultipleChoiceWidget, self).__init__(item, parent_layout) self.groupbox = = QGroupBox( item.get_prop_value("display", "label")) layout = QGridLayout() self.boxes = [] nx, ny = item.get_prop_value("display", "shape") cx, cy = 0, 0 _choices = item.get_prop_value("data", "choices") for _, choice, _img in _choices: checkbox = QCheckBox(choice) layout.addWidget(checkbox, cx, cy) if nx < 0: cy += 1 if cy >= ny: cy = 0 cx += 1 else: cx += 1 if cx >= nx: cx = 0 cy += 1 self.boxes.append(checkbox) self.groupbox.setLayout(layout)
def __init__(self, item, parent_layout): super(MultipleChoiceWidget, self).__init__(item, parent_layout) self.groupbox = = QGroupBox(item.get_prop_value("display", "label")) layout = QGridLayout() self.boxes = [] nx, ny = item.get_prop_value("display", "shape") cx, cy = 0, 0 _choices = item.get_prop_value("data", "choices") for _, choice, _img in _choices: checkbox = QCheckBox(choice) layout.addWidget(checkbox, cx, cy) if nx < 0: cy += 1 if cy >= ny: cy = 0 cx += 1 else: cx += 1 if cx >= nx: cx = 0 cy += 1 self.boxes.append(checkbox) self.groupbox.setLayout(layout)
def __init__(self, parent): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) layout = QGridLayout() self.setLayout(layout) self.plot1 = ImagePlot(self) layout.addWidget(self.plot1, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.plot2 = ImagePlot(self) layout.addWidget(self.plot2, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.contrast = ContrastAdjustment(self) layout.addWidget(self.contrast, 2, 0, 1, 2) self.itemlist = PlotItemList(self) layout.addWidget(self.itemlist, 0, 1, 2, 1) self.manager = PlotManager(self) for plot in (self.plot1, self.plot2): self.manager.add_plot(plot) for panel in (self.itemlist, self.contrast): self.manager.add_panel(panel)
class Window(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, wintitle): super(Window, self).__init__() self.default_tool = None self.plots = [] self.itemlist = PlotItemList(None) self.contrast = ContrastAdjustment(None) self.xcsw = XCrossSection(None) self.ycsw = YCrossSection(None) self.manager = PlotManager(self) self.toolbar = QToolBar(_("Tools"), self) self.manager.add_toolbar(self.toolbar, "default") self.toolbar.setMovable(True) self.toolbar.setFloatable(True) self.addToolBar(Qt.TopToolBarArea, self.toolbar) frame = QFrame(self) self.setCentralWidget(frame) self.layout = QGridLayout() layout = QVBoxLayout(frame) frame.setLayout(layout) layout.addLayout(self.layout) self.frame = frame self.setWindowTitle(wintitle) self.setWindowIcon(get_icon('plotpy.svg')) def closeEvent(self, event): global _figures, _current_fig, _current_axes figure_title = to_text_string(self.windowTitle()) if _figures.pop(figure_title) == _current_fig: _current_fig = None _current_axes = None self.itemlist.close() self.contrast.close() self.xcsw.close() self.ycsw.close() event.accept() def add_plot(self, i, j, plot): self.layout.addWidget(plot, i, j) self.manager.add_plot(plot) self.plots.append(plot) def replot(self): for plot in self.plots: plot.replot() item = plot.get_default_item() if item is not None: plot.set_active_item(item) item.unselect() def add_panels(self, images=False): self.manager.add_panel(self.itemlist) if images: for panel in (self.ycsw, self.xcsw, self.contrast): panel.hide() self.manager.add_panel(panel) def register_tools(self, images=False): if images: self.manager.register_all_image_tools() else: self.manager.register_all_curve_tools() def display(self): self.replot() self.manager.get_default_tool().activate() self.manager.update_tools_status()
class CurveWidgetMixin(PlotManager): def __init__(self, wintitle="plotpy plot", icon="plotpy.svg", toolbar=False, options=None, panels=None): PlotManager.__init__(self, main=self) self.plot_layout = QGridLayout() if options is None: options = {} self.plot_widget = None self.create_plot(options) if panels is not None: for panel in panels: self.add_panel(panel) self.toolbar = QToolBar(_("Tools")) if not toolbar: self.toolbar.hide() # Configuring widget layout self.setup_widget_properties(wintitle=wintitle, icon=icon) self.setup_widget_layout() # Configuring plot manager self.add_toolbar(self.toolbar, "default") self.register_tools() def setup_widget_layout(self): raise NotImplementedError def setup_widget_properties(self, wintitle, icon): self.setWindowTitle(wintitle) if is_text_string(icon): icon = get_icon(icon) if icon is not None: self.setWindowIcon(icon) self.setMinimumSize(320, 240) self.resize(640, 480) def register_tools(self): """ Register the plotting dialog box tools: the base implementation provides standard, curve-related and other tools - i.e. calling this method is exactly the same as calling :py:meth:`plotpy.plot.CurveDialog.register_all_curve_tools` This method may be overriden to provide a fully customized set of tools """ self.register_all_curve_tools() def create_plot(self, options, row=0, column=0, rowspan=1, columnspan=1): """ Create the plotting widget (which is an instance of class :py:class:`plotpy.plot.BaseCurveWidget`), add it to the dialog box main layout (:py:attr:`plotpy.plot.CurveDialog.plot_layout`) and then add the `item list` panel May be overriden to customize the plot layout (:py:attr:`plotpy.plot.CurveDialog.plot_layout`) """ self.plot_widget = BaseCurveWidget(self, **options) self.plot_layout.addWidget(self.plot_widget, row, column, rowspan, columnspan) # Configuring plot manager self.add_plot(self.plot_widget.plot) self.add_panel(self.plot_widget.itemlist)