from __future__ import division, print_function
from plotter import vtkPlotter
import numpy as np

vp = vtkPlotter()

# generate 4 random sets of N points in space
N = 2000
f = 0.6
noise1 = np.random.rand(N, 3) * f + np.array([1, 1, 0])
noise2 = np.random.rand(N, 3) * f + np.array([1, 0, 1.2])
noise3 = np.random.rand(N, 3) * f + np.array([0, 1, 1])

noise4 = np.random.randn(N, 3) * f / 8 + np.array([1, 1, 1])
noise4 = vp.removeOutliers(noise4, 0.05)

# merge points to lose their identity
pts = noise1.tolist() + noise2.tolist() + noise3.tolist() + noise4.tolist()

# find back their identity through clustering
vp.cluster(pts, radius=0.1)  # returns and stores a vtkAssembly
from __future__ import division, print_function
from plotter import vtkPlotter, ProgressBar

vp = vtkPlotter(title='Spring in viscous medium', verbose=0, axes=3)

l_rest = 0.1  # spring x position at rest
x0 = 0.85  # initial x-coordinate of the block
k = 25  # spring constant
m = 20  # block mass
b = 0.5  # viscosity friction (proportional to velocity)
dt = 0.1  # time step

#initial conditions
v = vp.vector(0, 0, 0.2)
x = vp.vector(x0, 0, 0)
xr = vp.vector(l_rest, 0, 0)
sx0 = vp.vector(-0.8, 0, 0)
offx = vp.vector(0, 0.3, 0), -0.1, 0), length=2.0, width=0.02, height=0.5)  #surface, .15, 0), length=.04, width=0.50, height=0.3)  #wall
block = vp.cube(pos=x, length=0.2, c='t')
spring = vp.helix(sx0, x, r=.06, thickness=.01, texture='metal1')

pb = ProgressBar(0, 500, c='r')
for i in pb.range():
    F = -k * (x - xr) - b * v  # Force and friction
    a = F / m  # acceleration
    v = v + a * dt  # velocity
    x = x + v * dt + 1 / 2 * a * dt**2  # position
v_eu,v_rk = np.array(v), np.array(v)
t = 0
pb = ProgressBar(0, Nsteps, c='blue', ETA=0)
for i in pb.range():
    y_eu, v_eu = euler(y_eu, v_eu, t, dt) 
    y_rk, v_rk = rk4(  y_rk, v_rk, t, dt) 
    t += dt
    positions_eu.append(y_eu)  # store result of integration
    pb.print('Integrate: RK-4 and Euler')

# Visualize the result
vp = vtkPlotter(verbose=0, axes=2) # choose axes type nr.2
vp.ytitle = 'u(x,t)'
vp.ztitle = '' # will not draw z axis

for i in x: vp.point([i, 0, 0], c='green', r=6)
pts_actors_eu = vp.actors # save a copy of the actors list
pts_actors_eu[0].legend = 'Euler method'

vp.actors=[] # clean up the list

for i in x: vp.point([i, 0, 0], c='red', r=6)
pts_actors_rk = vp.actors # save a copy of the actors list
pts_actors_rk[0].legend = 'Runge-Kutta4'

# merge the two lists and set it as the current vtkPlotter actors
vp.actors = pts_actors_eu + pts_actors_rk 
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Example of drawing objects on different windows and/or subwindows
# within the same window
# We split the main window in a 25 subwindows and draw something
# in specific windows numbers
# Then open an independent window and draw on a shape
import plotter

# this is one instance of the class vtkPlotter with 5 raws and 5 columns
vp1 = plotter.vtkPlotter(shape=(5, 5), title='many windows', axes=0)

# set a different background color for a specific subwindow (the last one)
vp1.renderers[24].SetBackground(.8, .9, .9)

# don't hold script execution after the show() is called
vp1.interactive = False

# load the actors and give them a name
a = vp1.load('data/shapes/airboat.vtk', legend='some legend')
b = vp1.load('data/shapes/alfa147.vtk', c='red')
c = vp1.load('data/shapes/atc.ply'), actors=[a, b]), actors=a), actors=b), actors=[b, c]), actors=c)
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division, print_function
from random import uniform as u, gauss
import plotter
import math
# Check for more examples in directory examples/
# Declare an instance of the class
vp = plotter.vtkPlotter(title='first example')
# # shows a help message

# Load a vtk file as a vtkActor and visualize it.
# The tridimensional shape corresponds to the outer shape of the embryonic mouse limb
# at about 11 days of gestation.
# Choose a tomato color for the internal surface, and no transparency.
vp.load('data/270.vtk', c='b', bc='tomato', alpha=1) # c=(R,G,B), #hex, letter or name             # picks what is automatically stored in vp.actors list
# Press Esc to close the window and exit python session, or q to continue

# Load a vtk file as a vtkActor and visualize it in wireframe style.
act = vp.load('data/290.vtk', wire=1) 
vp.axes = False         # do not draw cartesian axes               # picks what is automatically stored in vp.actors           # same: store act in vp.actors and draws act only
from __future__ import division, print_function
import numpy as np
import plotter

vp = plotter.vtkPlotter(size=(800,800), verbose=0, projection=1)
p1 = [0,0,0]
p2 = [0,0,1]

vers   = [.5,1,-2]
rpoint = [0,0,0] ## point not working in vtk?? currently ignored

actor = vp.helix(p1, p2, r=.1, thickness=.01, c='r')
#actor = vp.arrow(p1, p2, c='r')
#actor = vp.line(p1, p2, lw=2, c='r')
#actor = vp.cylinder([p1, p2], r=.03, c='r')
#actor = vp.cone(p1, r=.1, c='r')

#for i, c in enumerate(actor.coordinates()) :
#    if c[2]>.9999: print(i, c), interactive=1)

vp.arrow(rpoint, np.array(rpoint)+vers, c='g', alpha=.1)#dont change

for i in vp.arange(0,360, 10):
    vp.rotate(actor, 10, vers, rpoint)  ## rotate by 10 deg around vers
    # startPoint, endPoint = actor.orientation() ### get base and tip
    # vp.points([startPoint, endPoint], c='b')
gamma = .1  # some friction
Dt = 0.03  # time step

# Create the initial positions and velocitites (0,0) of the bobs
bob_x = [0]
bob_y = [0]
x_dot = [0] * (N + 1)  #velocities
y_dot = [0] * (N + 1)

for k in range(1, N + 1):
    alpha = np.pi / 5 * k / 10
    bob_x.append(bob_x[k - 1] + np.cos(alpha) + np.random.normal(0, .1))
    bob_y.append(bob_y[k - 1] + np.sin(alpha) + np.random.normal(0, .1))

# Create the bobs
vp = vtkPlotter(title="Multiple Pendulum", axes=0, verbose=0)[0], bob_y[0], 0),
bob = [vp.sphere(pos=(bob_x[0], bob_y[0], 0), r=R / 2, c='gray')]
for k in range(1, N + 1):
    bob.append(vp.cylinder(pos=(bob_x[k], bob_y[k], 0), r=R, height=.3, c=k))

# Create the springs out of N links
link = [0] * N
for k in range(N):
    p0 = bob[k].pos()
    p1 = bob[k + 1].pos()
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Example use of method light()
import plotter

vp = plotter.vtkPlotter()

cow = vp.load('data/cow.g', c='grey', alpha=.7)

vp.plane(pos=[0, -3.6, 0], normal=[0, 1, 0], s=20, texture='grass')

# vp.light() returns a vtkLight object with focal point, fp, to actor cow
# fp can also be explicitly set as fp=[x,y,z]
l = vp.light(pos=[-6, 6, 6], fp=cow, deg=12, showsource=1)

# can be switched on/off this way
## Example
## make a textured floor, a lamp post, and load a mesh of a car
## make copies of the car, rotate and move them in a loop
## vp.render() adds the actor to the list vp.actors
## rate=10 limits the speed of the loop to maximum 10 fps

from __future__ import division, print_function
import plotter

vp = plotter.vtkPlotter(verbose=0, axes=0)

vp.plane(pos=(4, 0, -.45), s=12, texture='metalfloor1')

# load and set its position (commands can be concatenated)
vp.load('data/shapes/lamp.vtk').pos([1.7, -0.4, 2])

a = vp.load('data/shapes/porsche.ply', c='r').rotateX(90)
a.normalize()  # set actor at origin and scale size to 1

print('Scene is ready, press q to continue')

for i in range(1, 10):
    b = a.clone(c='aqua', alpha=.04 * i)
    b.rotateX(-20 * i).rotateY(-10 * i).pos([i, i / 2, i / 2])
    vp.render(b, rate=10)  # add actor b, maximum frame rate in hertz
    print(i, 'time:', vp.clock, 's')
RingThickness = 0.3  # thickness of the toroid
RingRadius = 1

k = 1.4E-23  # Boltzmann constant
T = 300  # room temperature
dt = 1E-5


def reflection(p, pos):
    n = vp.norm(pos)
    return - 2 * n * n[:, np.newaxis], p)

vp = plotter.vtkPlotter(title='gas in toroid', verbose=0, axes=0)
vp.ring(c='g', r=RingRadius, thickness=RingThickness, alpha=.1,
        wire=1)  ### <--

Atoms = []
poslist = []
plist, mlist, rlist = [], [], []
mass = Matom * Ratom**3 / Ratom**3
pavg = np.sqrt(2. * mass * 1.5 * k *
               T)  # average kinetic energy p**2/(2mass) = (3/2)kT

for i in range(Natoms):
    alpha = 2 * np.pi * random()
    x = RingRadius * np.cos(alpha) * .9
    y = RingRadius * np.sin(alpha) * .9
    z = 0
from __future__ import division, print_function
import plotter, numpy as np

### send the spring from p12 to q12, keeping its section size

vp = plotter.vtkPlotter(verbose=0, projection=1)

p1 = [-.6, 0.1, -0.5]
p2 = [3, 1, 1]
q1 = [0.9, 0.2, 0.7]
q2 = [2, 0.1, 1]

vp.points([p1, p2])
vp.line(p1, p2, lw=3, c='m')
vp.points([q1, q2])

# actor = vp.helix(p1, p2, r=.2, thickness=.03, c='r')
# actor = vp.arrow(p1, p2, c='r/.2')
# actor = vp.line(p1, p2, c='r')
# actor = vp.cylinder([p1, p2], r=.03, c='r')
actor = vp.cone(p1, r=.1, c='r/.2')

for i in range(314 * 2):
    q2 = np.array(q2) + [np.sin(i / 100) / 500, 0, 0]
    actor.stretch(q1, q2)  ##### <---
from __future__ import division, print_function
from random import uniform as u
from plotter import printc, ProgressBar, vtkPlotter

N = 10  # nr of particles along axis
s = 0.01  # random step size

scene = vtkPlotter(verbose=0, axes=0)
scene.plane(pos=[.44, .44, -.1], texture='wood7')

for i in range(N):  # generate a grid of points
    for j in range(N):
        for k in range(N):
            p = [i / N, j / N, k / N]
            scene.point(p, c=p)  # color point by its own position
printc('Scene is ready, press q to continue', c='green')

pb = ProgressBar(0, 100, c='red')
for t in pb.range():  # loop of 400 steps

    for i in range(1, N * N * N):  # for each particle
        actor = scene.actors[i]
        r = [u(-s, s), u(-s, s), u(-s, s)]  # random step
        p = actor.pos()  # get point position
        q = p + r  # add the noise
        if q[2] < 0: q[2] *= -1  # if bounce on the floor
        actor.pos(q)  # set its new position
# For each point finds the 9 closest ones and fit a sphere
# color points based on the size of the sphere radius
from __future__ import division, print_function
from plotter import vtkPlotter, colorMap, norm

vp = vtkPlotter(verbose=0, axes=0)

s = vp.load('data/shapes/cow.vtk', alpha=0.3)  #.subdivide()

pts1, pts2, vals, cols, lns = [], [], [], [], []

for i, p in enumerate(s.coordinates()):
    pts = s.closestPoint(p, N=12)  # find the N closest points to p
    sph = vp.fitSphere(pts)  # find the fitting sphere
    if sph is None: continue
    if not i % 500: print(i, '/', s.N())

    value = sph.radius * 10
    color = colorMap(value, name='jet')  # map value to a RGB color
    n = norm(p -  # unit vector from sphere center to p
    pts2.append(p + n / 8)

vp.actors = [s]  # reset the list of actors

vp.points(pts1, c=cols)
vp.lines(pts1, pts2, c='black 0.2')
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Example of boolean operations with actors or polydata
import plotter

# declare the instance of the class
vp = plotter.vtkPlotter(shape=(2,2), interactive=0, axes=3)

# build to sphere actors 
s1 = vp.sphere(pos=[-.7,0,0], c='r', alpha=0.5)
s2 = vp.sphere(pos=[0.7,0,0], c='g', alpha=0.5)

# make 3 different possible operations:
b1 = vp.booleanOperation(s1, s2, 'intersect', c='m')
b2 = vp.booleanOperation(s1, s2, 'plus', c='b', wire=True)
b3 = vp.booleanOperation(s1, s2, 'minus', c=None)

# show the result in 4 different subwindows 0->3[s1,s2], at=0, legend='2 spheres'), at=1, legend='intersect'), at=2, legend='plus'), at=3, legend='minus')
vp.addScalarBar() # adds a scalarbar to the last actor
# Example usage of align() method:
# generate two random sets of points as 2 actors
# and align them using vtkIterativeClosestPointTransform.
# Retrieve the vtk transformation matrix.
from __future__ import division, print_function
from random import uniform as u
import plotter

vp = plotter.vtkPlotter(shape=[1, 2], verbose=0, axes=2)

N1 = 15  # number of points of first set
N2 = 10  # number of points of second set
x = 1.  # add some randomness

pts1 = [(u(0, x), u(0, x), u(0, x) + i) for i in range(N1)]
pts2 = [(u(0, x) + 3, u(0, x) + i / 2 + 2, u(0, x) + i + 1) for i in range(N2)]

act1 = vp.points(pts1, c='b', legend='source')
act2 = vp.points(pts2, c='r', legend='target'), interactive=0)

# find best alignment between the 2 sets of points
alpts1 = vp.align(act1, act2).coordinates()

for i in range(N1):  #draw arrows to see where points end up
    vp.arrow(pts1[i], alpts1[i], c='k', s=0.007, alpha=.1), interactive=1)
# Moving Least Squares (MLS) algorithm to project a cloud
# of 20k points to become a smooth surface.
# The parameter f controls the size of the local regression.
# The input actor's polydata is modified by the method
# so more than one pass is possible.
# If showNPlanes>0 an actor is built demonstrating the
# details of the regression for some random points
#  In the second window we show the error estimated for
# each point in color scale (left) or in size scale (right).
from __future__ import division, print_function
from plotter import vtkPlotter, cos, sqrt, colorMap, vector
from random import gauss
import numpy as np

vp1 = vtkPlotter(shape=(1, 4), axes=0)

# Generate a random cloud of 20k points in space
def fnc(p):
    x, y, z = p
    return vector(x, y, z + cos(x * y) / 1.5)  #whatever function..

pts = []
for i in range(20000):
    x, y, z = gauss(0, 1), gauss(0, 1), gauss(0, 1)
    r = sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) / 3
    p = [x / r, y / r, z / r]  #generates a point on a sphere
    pts.append(fnc(p) * gauss(1, 0.07))  #modify and randomize point
# Normal jpg/png images can be loaded and rendered as any vtkImageActor
import plotter

vp = plotter.vtkPlotter(axes=3)

for i in range(5): 
    a = vp.load('data/images/dog.jpg')
    a.scale(1-i/10.)                  # image can be scaled in size
    a.rotateX(20*i).pos([0, 0, 30*i]) # can concatenate methods
# Example of using delaunay2D() and cellCenters()
import plotter

vp = plotter.vtkPlotter(shape=(1,2), interactive=0)

d0 = vp.load('data/250.vtk', edges=1, legend='original mesh').rotateY(-90)

coords = d0.coordinates() # get the coordinates of the mesh vertices
# Build a mesh starting from points in space (they must be projectable on the XY plane)
d1 = vp.delaunay2D(coords, c='r', wire=1, legend='delaunay mesh')

cents = vp.cellCenters(d1)
ap = vp.points(cents, legend='cell centers')[d0,d1], at=0) # NB: d0 and d1 are slightly different[d1,ap], at=1, interactive=1)
# - Smoothing applies a gaussian smoothing with a standard deviation
# which is expressed in units of pixels.
# - Backface color is set to violet (bc='v') to spot where the vtk
# reconstruction is (by mistake!) inverting the normals to the surface.
# - If the spacing of the tiff stack is uneven in xyz, this can be
# corrected by setting scaling factors with scaling=[xfac,yfac,zfac]

import plotter

# Read volume data from a tif file:
f = 'data/embryo.tif'

vp = plotter.vtkPlotter(shape=(1, 3), interactive=0)
a0 = vp.load(f,
a1 = vp.load(f,
a2 = vp.load(f, bc='v', smoothing=2, legend='thres=automatic\nsmoothing=2'), at=0), at=1), at=2)
# Takes 2 shapes, source and target, and morphs source on target
# this is obtained by fitting 18 parameters of a non linear,
# quadratic, transformation defined in transform()
#  The fitting minimizes the distance to the target surface
#  using algorithms available in the scipy.optimize package.
from __future__ import division, print_function
import vtk, plotter
    import scipy.optimize as opt
    print('This example needs scipy to run.')

vp = plotter.vtkPlotter(shape=[1, 3], interactive=0)

class Morpher:
    def __init__(self):
        self.source = None = None
        self.bound = 0.1
        self.method = 'SLSQP'  #'SLSQP', 'L-BFGS-B', 'TNC' ...
        self.tolerance = 0.0001
        self.subsample = 200  #pick only subsample pts
        self.allowScaling = False
        self.params = []

        self.msource = None
        self.s_size = ([0, 0, 0], 1)  # ave position and ave size
        self.fitResult = None
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Example of use of function() method.
# Draw a surface representing the 3D function specified as a string
# or as a reference to an external already existing function.
# Red points indicate where the function does not exist.
import math
import plotter

def my_z(x, y):
    return math.sin(2 * x * y) * math.cos(3 * y) / 2

vp = plotter.vtkPlotter(shape=(2, 2), axes=2, sharecam=False)

# draw at renderer nr.0 the first actor, show it with a texture
# an existing function z(x,y) can be passed:
f1 = vp.fxy(my_z, texture='paper'), at=0, interactive=0)

# c=None shows the original z-scalar color scale. No z-level lines.
f2 = vp.fxy(lambda x, y: math.sin(x * y),
            wire=1), at=1)

# red dots are shown where the function does not exist (y>x):
# Example that shows how to draw very large number of 
# spheres (same for points, lines) with different color
# or different radius. Resolution (res) can be specified.
# (vtk versions<8.0 might be slow)
from __future__ import division, print_function
from plotter import vtkPlotter
from random import gauss


vp = vtkPlotter(N=2, axes=3, interactive=0)

cols = range(N) #color numbers
pts  = [(gauss(0,1), gauss(0,2), gauss(0,1)) for i in cols]
rads = [abs(pts[i][1])/10 for i in cols] # radius=0 for y=0
print('..spheres generated:', N)

# all have same radius but different colors:
s0 = vp.spheres(pts, c=cols, r=0.1, res=3) # res=resolution

# all have same color (texture) but different radius along y:
s1 = vp.spheres(pts, r=rads, res=10, texture='gold1') 
print('..spheres rendered:', N*2), at=0), at=1, legend='N='+str(N), interactive=1)

# In this example we modify the mesh of a shape
# by moving the points along the normals to the surface
# and along the radius of a sphere centered at the center of mass.
# At each step we redefine the actor so that the normals are
# recalculated for the underlying polydata.
from __future__ import division, print_function
from plotter import vtkPlotter, norm, mag

vp = vtkPlotter(axes=0)

s = vp.load('data/290.vtk', wire=1)
vp.actors.append(s.clone(c='red 1.0', wire=0))

c = vp.centerOfMass(s)

Niter = 4
for t in range(Niter):
    print('iteration', t)
    coords = s.coordinates()
    normals = s.normals()
    aves = vp.averageSize(s) * 1.5

    for i in range(s.N()):
        n = normals[i]
        p = coords[i]
        q = norm(p - c) * aves + c
        dp = mag(q - p)
        alongn = n * dp
        alongr = q - p  # bias normal
# ################################################################
# Example usage of colorMap(value, name)
# This method returns a color from a float in the range [0,1]
# by looking it up in matplotlib database of colormaps
# ################################################################
from __future__ import division, print_function
from plotter import vtkPlotter, colorMap

mapkeys = [
    'copper', 'gray', 'binary', 'cool', 'rainbow', 'winter', 'jet', 'paired',
    'hot', 'afmhot', 'bone'

vp = vtkPlotter(shape=(3, 4), axes=3, verbose=0, interactive=0)

#load actor and subdivide mesh to increase the nr of vertex points
act = vp.load('data/shapes/mug.ply', c='gray/0.1', wire=1).subdivide()
pts = act.coordinates()
print('range in y is:', act.ybounds())

for i, key in enumerate(mapkeys):  # for each available color map name

    # make a list of colors based on the y position of point p
    cols = [colorMap(p[1] / .087, name=key) for p in pts]

    apts = vp.points(pts, cols)[act, apts], at=i, legend=key)
# In this example we fit spheres to a region of a surface defined by
# N points that are closest to a given point of the surface.
# For some of these point we show the fitting sphere.
# Red lines join the center of the sphere to the surface point.
# Blue points are the N points used for fitting.
# Green histogram is the distribution of residuals from the fitting.
# Red histogram is the distribution of the curvatures (1/r**2).
# Fitted radius can be accessed from attribute actor.radius

from __future__ import division, print_function
import plotter

vp = plotter.vtkPlotter(verbose=0)

# load mesh and increase by a lot (N=2) the nr of surface vertices
s = vp.load('data/shapes/cow.vtk').alpha(0.3).subdivide(N=2)

reds, invr = [], []
for i, p in enumerate(s.coordinates()):
    if i%1000: continue           # skip most points
    pts = s.closestPoint(p, N=16) # find the N closest points to p
    sph = vp.fitSphere(pts, alpha=0.05) # find the fitting sphere
    if sph is None: continue # may fail if all points sit on a plane
    vp.line(, p, lw=2)

h1 = vp.histogram(reds, title='residue', bins=12, c='g', corner=3)
h2 = vp.histogram(invr, title='1/r**2',  bins=12, c='r', corner=4)
    grid_reco = clm.expand(lmax=lmax)  # cut "high frequency" components
    agrid_reco = grid_reco.to_array()
    pts = []
    for i, longs in enumerate(agrid_reco):
        ilat = grid_reco.lats()[i]
        for j, value in enumerate(longs):
            ilong = grid_reco.lons()[j]
            th = (90 - ilat) / 57.3
            ph = ilong / 57.3
            r = value + rbias
            p = np.array([sin(th) * cos(ph), sin(th) * sin(ph), cos(th)]) * r
    return pts

vp = plotter.vtkPlotter(shape=[2, 2], verbose=0, axes=3, interactive=0)

shape1 = vp.sphere(alpha=0.2)
shape2 = vp.load('data/shapes/icosahedron.vtk', edges=1).normalize()

agrid1, actorpts1 = makegrid(shape1, N), actors=[shape1, actorpts1])

agrid2, actorpts2 = makegrid(shape2, N), actors=[shape2, actorpts2])
vp.interactive = False

clm1 = pyshtools.SHGrid.from_array(agrid1).expand()
clm2 = pyshtools.SHGrid.from_array(agrid2).expand()
# clm1.plot_spectrum2d() # plot the value of the sph harm. coefficients
# The difference between one time point and the next is shown as
# a blue component.
from __future__ import division, print_function
from plotter import vector, vtkPlotter, ProgressBar
import numpy as np

# Load (with numpy) an existing set of mesh points and a list
# of scalars that represent the concentration of a substance
mesh, conc, cgradfac = np.load('data/turing_data.npy', encoding='latin1')
conc = conc / 1000.  # normalize concentrations read from file
nc, n = conc.shape  # nc= nr. of time points, n= nr. of vertices

# Create the vtkPlotter instance and position the camera.
# (values can be copied in the code by pressing C in the rendering window)
vp = vtkPlotter(verbose=0, axes=0, interactive=0), -239, 1034), 0.0, 10.0), -0.479, 0.539)

pb = ProgressBar(0, nc, c='g')  # a green progress bar
for t1 in pb.range():  # for each time point
    t2 = t1 + 1
    if t1 == nc - 1: t2 = t1  # avoid index overflow with last time point

    vp.actors = []  # clean up the list of actors at each iteration
    vp.cylinder([0, 0, -15], r=260, height=10, texture='marble', res=60)
    vp.cylinder([0, 0, 10], r=260, height=50, wire=1, c='gray', res=60)

    pts, cols = [], []
    for i, p in enumerate(mesh):  # for each vertex in the mesh
# particle in a swarm of small particles in 2D motion.
# The spheres collide elastically with themselves and
# with the walls of the box. The masses of the spheres
# are proportional to their radius**3 (as in 3D).
# Adapted by M. Musy from E. Velasco (2009)
from __future__ import division, print_function
import random, plotter
import numpy as np

screen_w = 600
screen_h = 600

vp = plotter.vtkPlotter(title="Brownian Motion",
                        size=(screen_w, screen_h),

# Constants and time step
Nsp = 200  # Number of small spheres
Rb = screen_w / 32  # Radius of the big sphere
Rs = Rb * 0.43  # Radius of small spheres
Ms = (Rs / Rb)**3  # Mass of the small spheres (Mbig=1)
Dt = 0.03  # Time step

LBox = (screen_w / 2, screen_h / 2)  # Size of the box = 2LBox[0].2LBox[1]
Lb0 = LBox[0] - Rb
Lb1 = LBox[1] - Rb
Ls0 = LBox[0] - Rs
Ls1 = LBox[1] - Rs
from __future__ import division, print_function
from plotter import vtkPlotter, mag
import numpy as np

scene = vtkPlotter(title='Lorenz attractor', axes=2)
scene.verbose = 0

dt = 0.001
y = [25, -10, -7]  # Starting point (initial condition)
pts, cols = [], []
scene.point(y, r=20, c='g', alpha=0.3)

for t in np.linspace(0, 20, int(20 / dt)):
    # Integrate a funny differential equation
    dydt = np.array([
        -8 / 3 * y[0] + y[1] * y[2], -10 * (y[1] - y[2]),
        -y[1] * y[0] + 28 * y[1] - y[2]
    y = y + dydt * dt

    c = np.clip([mag(dydt) * 0.005], 0, 1)[0]  # color by speed
    cols.append([c, 0, 1 - c])

scene.points(pts, cols, r=2)
# Example to show how to use recoSurface() to reconstruct a surface from points.
# 1. An object is loaded and noise is added to its vertices.
# 2. the point cloud is smoothened with MLS (see
# 3. cleanPolydata imposes a minimum distance among points where 
#    'tol' is the fraction of the actor size.
# 4. a triangular mesh is extracted from this set of sparse points
#    'bins' is the number of voxels of the subdivision
# NB: recoSurface only works with vtk version >7
from __future__ import division, print_function
from plotter import vtkPlotter
import numpy as np

vp = vtkPlotter(shape=(1,4), axes=0)

act = vp.load('data/shapes/pumpkin.vtk'), at=0)

noise = np.random.randn(act.N(), 3)*0.05

act_pts0 = vp.points(act.coordinates()+noise, r=3) #add noise
act_pts1 = act_pts0.clone()   #make a copy to modify, at=1, legend='noisy cloud')

vp.smoothMLS(act_pts1, f=0.4) #smooth cloud

print('Nr of points before cleanPolydata:', act_pts1.N())
vp.cleanPolydata(act_pts1, tol=0.01) #impose a min distance among points
print('             after  cleanPolydata:', act_pts1.N())