class LargePlotDialog(wx.Dialog): """ Creates a larger version of the plot as a separate window """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(LargePlotDialog, self).__init__(*args, **kw) #WorldState.Instance() = WorldState.Instance() graph_panel = wx.Panel(self, -1) graph_panel.SetBackgroundColour(_BG_COLOUR) graph_width = int((WorldState.Instance().dispW - 10) / _DPI) graph_height = int(graph_width/_PHI) graph_fig = Figure((graph_width, graph_height)) graph_fig.set_facecolor('white') self.graph_canvas = FigCanvas(graph_panel, -1, graph_fig) self.graph_axes = graph_fig.add_subplot(111) graph_vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) graph_vbox.Add(self.graph_canvas) toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.graph_canvas) graph_vbox.Add(toolbar) graph_panel.SetSizer(graph_vbox) graph_vbox.Fit(self) self.SetSize((WorldState.Instance().dispW - 10, ((WorldState.Instance().dispW) / _PHI) + 50)) self.Centre() self.draw_plot = Plotter(self.graph_axes) self.draw_plot.mpl_legend = True self.draw_plot.plot()
def plot_all_methods(self, word, period, smooth=None): time_series = TimeSeries(word) series = time_series.get_series() original_series = time_series.get_modified_series(series) if smooth != None: series = time_series.smoothify_series(original_series, smooth) else: series = original_series x0 = [i + self.year_range[0] for i in range(self.max_range)] y0 = self.compute_relevance(original_series) y = [] level_peak = LevelPeakDetector(series) y.append(self.compute_relevance(level_peak.get_levels(1))) y.append(self.compute_relevance(level_peak.get_levels(2))) window_peak = WindowPeakDetector(series) y.append(self.compute_relevance(window_peak.compute_peaks(1))) y.append(self.compute_relevance(window_peak.compute_peaks(2))) y.append(self.compute_relevance(window_peak.compute_peaks(3))) double_peak = DoubleChangePeakDetector(series) y.append(double_peak.compute_relevance(0.1)) plotter = Plotter(x0, series, period) plotter.plot_multiple_peaks(word, y, period)
def test_12_plot_stacked_bars(self): image_filename = get_filename_from_frame(inspect.currentframe()) my_plot = Plotter(['bar-data']) my_plot.stacked_bar(x_column='year', y_column='quantity', y_labels='product_name', title='Stacked bars example')
def plot_historical_relevance(self, word, period, method, smooth=None): time_series = TimeSeries(word) series = time_series.get_series() original_series = time_series.get_modified_series(series) if smooth != None: series = time_series.smoothify_series(original_series, smooth) else: series = original_series x0 = [i + self.year_range[0] for i in range(self.max_range)] y0 = self.compute_relevance(original_series) if 'level' in method: level_peak = LevelPeakDetector(series) if method == 'level 1': y = self.compute_relevance(level_peak.get_levels(1)) else: y = self.compute_relevance(level_peak.get_levels(2)) elif 'window' in method: window_peak = WindowPeakDetector(series) if method == 'window 1': y = self.compute_relevance(window_peak.compute_peaks(1)) elif method == 'window 2': y = self.compute_relevance(window_peak.compute_peaks(2)) else: y = self.compute_relevance(window_peak.compute_peaks(3)) elif 'double' in method: double_peak = DoubleChangePeakDetector(series) y = double_peak.compute_relevance(0.1) plotter = Plotter(x0, series, period) plotter.plot_peaks(word, y, method + ' function')
def bootstrapEnsembleSpreadscore(self, ensAnoms, anomalies, tempSmoothedObs, spreadscore, bootstrap_number): print 'Bootstrapping spreadscore' tmpDir = self.tmpDir + 'bootstrap_ensspread/' if not os.path.isdir(tmpDir): os.mkdir(tmpDir) bootstrapList = [] for i in range(0,bootstrap_number): tmp_ensAnoms = dict() tmp_anoms = dict() tmp_obs = dict() for year in self.decadals: choice_year = choice(self.decadals) tmp_ensAnoms[year] = ensAnoms[choice_year] tmp_anoms[year] = anomalies[year] tmp_obs[year] = tempSmoothedObs[year] tmp_ensspread = self.getEnsembleStd(tmp_ensAnoms) tmp_rmse = self.getReferenceStd(tmp_anoms, tmp_obs) tmp_spreadscore = cdo.div(input=' '.join([tmp_ensspread, tmp_rmse]), output=tmpDir+str(i)+'spreadscore_bootstrap') bootstrapList.append(tmp_spreadscore) significance = Significance(self.tmpDir, self.outputPlots) (sig_lon, sig_lat) = significance.checkSignificance(bootstrapList, spreadscore, check_value=1) m = Plotter.plotField(spreadscore, 0, 2, 'RdBu_r', lonlatbox=self.lonlatbox) Plotter.addCrosses(m, sig_lon, sig_lat) Plotter.saveFig(self.outputPlots, spreadscore.split('/')[-1]) return bootstrapList
def test_13_use_colors_instead_of_colormap_stacked_bar(self): image_filename = get_filename_from_frame(inspect.currentframe()) my_plot = Plotter(['bar-data']) my_plot.stacked_bar(x_column='year', y_column='quantity', y_labels='product_name', title='Stacked bars example', colors=['red', 'blue', 'yellow', 'magenta', 'gray'])
def plot_step_by_step(X_all, U_all, Z_all, B_all, EB_all, model): fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 8)) fig.tight_layout() xlim = (-5, 35) ylim = (-5, 30) Plotter.plot_mpc( fig, axes, xlim, ylim, model, X_all, Z_all, B_all, EB_all )
def plot_full(x_all, z_all, b_all): fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.tight_layout() handles = Plotter.plot_trajectory(ax, x_all) handles.extend(Plotter.plot_observed_ball_trajectory(ax, z_all)) handles.extend(Plotter.plot_filtered_trajectory(ax, b_all)) ax.legend(handles=handles, loc='upper left') ax.set_aspect('equal')
def __init__(self): app = wx.PySimpleApp() frame = wx.Frame(None, title="Hello, world.", size=(800, 500)) wavereader = WaveReader('data.wav') plotter = Plotter(frame, wavereader.readframes()) plotter.draw() frame.Show() app.MainLoop()
def qjump_once(*args, **kwargs): dirname = make_results_dir(kwargs.get("dir", DEFAULT_RESULTS_DIR)) kwargs["dir"] = dirname update_qjump_args(kwargs) log_arguments(*args, **kwargs) ping_times = qjump(*args, **kwargs) if ping_times: plotter = Plotter() plotter.plotCDF(ping_times, dir=dirname, figname="pingCDF") print("Results saved to " + dirname)
def run(self): # parameters Sim.scheduler.reset() if "a" in self.debug: Sim.set_debug('AppHandler') if "t" in self.debug: Sim.set_debug('TCP') # setup network networkPlotter = Plotter('out/2-flows-simple') net = Network(config='networks/one-hop.txt',plotter=networkPlotter) net.loss(self.loss) # setup routes n1 = net.get_node('n1') n2 = net.get_node('n2') n1.add_forwarding_entry(address=n2.get_address('n1'),link=n1.links[0]) n2.add_forwarding_entry(address=n1.get_address('n2'),link=n2.links[0]) # setup transport t1 = Transport(n1) t2 = Transport(n2) # setup connection c1 = TCP(t1,n1.get_address('n2'),1,n2.get_address('n1'),1,AppHandler(inputfile=self.inputfile,identifier="c1"),window=self.window,type=self.type,window_size_plot=True,sequence_plot=True) c2 = TCP(t2,n2.get_address('n1'),1,n1.get_address('n2'),1,AppHandler(inputfile=self.inputfile,plot=True,identifier="c2"),window=self.window,type=self.type,receiver_flow_plot=True) c3 = TCP(t1,n1.get_address('n2'),2,n2.get_address('n1'),2,AppHandler(inputfile=self.inputfile,identifier="c3"),window=self.window,type=self.type,window_size_plot=True,sequence_plot=True) c4 = TCP(t2,n2.get_address('n1'),2,n1.get_address('n2'),2,AppHandler(inputfile=self.inputfile,plot=True,identifier="c4"),window=self.window,type=self.type,receiver_flow_plot=True) global tcps tcps = [c1, c2, c3, c4] global original_size f = open(self.inputfile, "rb") try: data = while data != "": original_size += len(data) Sim.scheduler.add(delay=0, event=data, handler=c1.send) Sim.scheduler.add(delay=0, event=data, handler=c3.send) data = finally: f.close() # run the simulation global decisecondEvent decisecondEvent = Sim.scheduler.add(delay=0.1, event=Sim, handler=self.decisecond) networkPlotter.plot(self.sequencefile) plotter.plot(self.sequencefile);
def _plotField(self, fileName, vmin, vmax): """ @deprecated: use the static Plotter class instead Plot any field variable :param fileName: filepath :param vmin: min value for colorbar :param vmax: max value for colorbar """ Plotter.plotField(fileName, vmin, vmax, colormap='', output_folder=self.outputPlots, lonlatbox=self.lonlatbox) Plotter.saveFig(self.outputPlots, fileName.split(self.outputDir)[-1])
def plot_keywords(self, event, words, period): time_series = [] for i in range(len(words)): original_series = TimeSeries(words[i]).get_series() original_series = original_series.get_modified_series(original_series) series = original_series.smoothify_series(original_series, 2) time_series.append(series) x0 = [i + self.year_range[0] for i in range(self.max_range)] plotter = Plotter(x0, [], period) plotter.plot_keywords(event, words, time_series)
def main(): config = "end" num = 5 remove_peg = 11 examples = make_state_space() default_state_space = examples[num] a = Plotter('fig/remove_peg'+str(remove_peg)+'_'+config+'_state_' + str(num) + '.png') action_space = ActionSpace(default_state_space) end_state = action_space.remove_convex(default_state_space,remove_peg) if config == "end": a.plot(end_state) else: a.plot(default_start_state)
def bootstrap(self, crps, crpsRef, tag, crpss, bootstrap_number=500, plot_range=[-1, 1], colorbar='RdBu_r'): """ Bootstrap function to calculate significance crosses for crpss and other metrics. It also plots the fields with significance crosses """ tmpDir = self.outputDir self.outputDir = self.tmpDir + 'bootstrap_' + tag + '/' if not os.path.isdir(self.outputDir): os.mkdir(self.outputDir) poolArgs = self.getPoolArgs(bootstrap_number, self, crps, crpsRef, tag, crpss, range(0, bootstrap_number), '_multiBootstrap') bootstrapList = self.multiProcess(poolArgs) self.outputDir = tmpDir significance = Significance(self.tmpDir, self.outputPlots) if self.fieldmean: (sig_lon, sig_lat) = significance.checkSignificanceFldmean(bootstrapList, crpss) else: (sig_lon, sig_lat) = significance.checkSignificance(bootstrapList, crpss) if self.zonalmean: m = Plotter.plotVerticalProfile(crpss, plot_range[0], plot_range[1], colorbar, lonlatbox=self.lonlatbox) Plotter.addCrossesXY(m, crpss+'_significance_mask') else: m = Plotter.plotField(crpss, plot_range[0], plot_range[1], colorbar, lonlatbox=self.lonlatbox) Plotter.addCrosses(m, sig_lon, sig_lat) Plotter.saveFig(self.outputPlots, crpss.split('/')[-1]) return bootstrapList
def newDataset( self, path, dsIndex ): dsHandle = ServerHandle( self.dvName, self, isListening = False ) yield dsHandle( 'cd', path ) fullPath, name = yield dsHandle( 'open', dsIndex ) plotter = Plotter( name, fullPath, dsHandle, self ) plotter.initDefer.addCallback( lambda _: ) plotter.initDefer.addErrback(self.catchError) delTimer = QtCore.QTimer( self ) delTimer.setSingleShot( True ) delTimer.setInterval( cacheTime ) plotter.finished.connect( lambda result: delTimer.start() ) delTimer.timeout.connect( plotter.deleteLater ) self.datasets[( tuple( path ), dsIndex )] = plotter, delTimer delTimer.timeout.connect( lambda: self.datasets.pop( ( tuple( path ), dsIndex ) ) )
def cleanup(self, config): color_dict = [ROOT.kYellow,ROOT.kBlack,ROOT.kRed,ROOT.kBlue,ROOT.kGreen] plot = Plotter(self.config, self) for roc in self.dut.rocs(): min_axis = numpy.amin([self.vthr_dists[0][roc.number]-self.vthr_dists[step][roc.number] for step in range(1,5)]) max_axis = numpy.amax([self.vthr_dists[0][roc.number]-self.vthr_dists[step][roc.number] for step in range(1,5)]) vthr_stack = ROOT.THStack("%s_%s" %(self.dac, roc.number),"%s dist for each trim bit setting; %s; # pixels" %(self.dac, self.dac)) for step in range(5): self._histos.append(plot.matrix_to_th2(self.vthr_dists[step][roc.number],'Vthr_Map_%s_ROC_%s' %(step, roc.number),'col','row')) if step == 0: continue h_vthr = Plotter.create_th1(self.vthr_dists[0][roc.number]-self.vthr_dists[step][roc.number],'VthrCompDifference_Trim_%s_ROC_%s' %(self.trim_bit[step], roc.number), self.dac, '# pixels', min_axis, max_axis) h_vthr.SetLineColor(color_dict[step]) vthr_stack.Add(h_vthr) self._histos.append(h_vthr) self._histos.append(vthr_stack)
class InputThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, router, plotter=None): super(InputThread, self).__init__() self._plotter = Plotter(router) self._generator = EventGenerator(router) def run(self): while True: try: value = raw_input().split() if len(value) < 1: continue elif value[0] == "q": self._generator.stop_simulation() break elif value[0] == "al": if len(value) != 6: continue self._generator.add_link(value[1], value[2], value[3], int(value[4]), int(value[5])) elif value[0] == "rl": if len(value) != 2: continue self._generator.remove_link(value[1]) elif value[0] == "ud": if len(value) != 3: continue self._generator.update_demand(value[1], int(value[2])) elif value[0] == "gb": if len(value) != 2: continue self._generator.generate_breakdown(value[1]) elif value[0] == "rr": if len(value) == 3 and value[2].endswith(".cfg"): self._generator.reset_router(value[1], filename=value[2]) elif len(value) == 3: self._generator.reset_router(value[1], another_router_id=value[2]) elif len(value) == 4: self._generator.reset_router(value[1], another_router_id=value[2], demand=int(value[3])) elif value[0] == "sg": self._plotter.present_flow() except EOFError: pass thread.interrupt_main()
def __init__(self,isPlayer1=False, loadOldTable=False, overwriteFile = False, epsilon=.20, alpha=0.5, name="Qlearner", plot_freq=0, trainingMode=False): super(BasicQlearnAgent, self).__init__(name) self.p1 = isPlayer1 self.epsilon = epsilon = 0.90 # queue of previous states self.prevStates = [] self.counter = 0 # high self.alpha = 0.1 self.prevGamestate = GameState(-4,0,100,4,0,100) self.prevAction = Actions.doNothing self.bodywidth = 1.0; self.isTraining = False self.possibleXdists = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] if (overwriteFile): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signalHandler) self.actions = [a for a in Actions] self.numActions = len(self.actions) self.actionDic = dict() self.makeActionDic() # sparse feature extractor self.w = {} self.fn = 'savedWeightsp1.txt' self.bindport = 5555 if (not self.p1): self.fn = 'savedWeightsp2.txt' self.bindport=5565 self.ipc_server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0) self.ipc_server.bind((HOST, self.bindport)) self.ipc_client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0) if (not loadOldTable): self.initW() self.epsilon = .1 else: self.retrieveWeightsFromFile(self.fn) # times per second to plot # 0 is 'off', but we add modulo plot_freq + 1, and update # when counter = 1 self.plot_freq = (60/(plot_freq + 1)) self.plot_counter = 0 if plot_freq > 0: self.plotter = Plotter() print("Done initializing!")
def __init__(self): self.A=[] self.b=[][] self.D=[] self.M=[] self.WD=[] self.W=[] ##walkable surface self.plot = Plotter()
def process_data(self): if self.chk_btn_plot.get_active() or self.chk_btn_csv.get_active(): filters = [] paths = [] tags = [] self.liststore.foreach(lambda model, path, iter, user_data: paths.append(path), None) for i in paths: iter = self.liststore.get_iter(i) filters.append([self.liststore.get_value(iter,0),self.liststore.get_value(iter,1)]) tags.append(self.liststore.get_value(iter,0)) if self.entry_interval.get_text().strip() is not '': interval = float(self.entry_interval.get_text()) else: interval = 1 if self.chkbtnOtherTraffic.get_active(): othertrafficfilter = '' for i in filters: othertrafficfilter = othertrafficfilter + '!(' + i[1] + ') and ' othertrafficfilter = othertrafficfilter[:-5] filters.append(['Other',othertrafficfilter]) tags.append('Other') timeline,yvalues = Filterer(str(self.file_chooser.get_filename()).replace(' ','\ '),filters,interval,self.chk_btn_crc.get_active(),self.chk_btn_csv.get_active()).start() self.waiting = False if self.chk_btn_csv.get_active(): dec_sep = self.entry_csv_decimal_sep.get_text() values_sep = self.entry_csv_values_sep.get_text() sep_dec = self.entry_csv_decimal_sep.get_text() sep_val = self.entry_csv_values_sep.get_text() if self.entry_csv_savefile.get_text().strip() is not '': try: savepath = os.path.join(self.fchooser_csv.get_filename(),self.entry_csv_savefile.get_text()) f = open(savepath,'w') f.write('TIME') for i in timeline: f.write(sep_val+str(i).replace('.',sep_dec)) f.write('\n') for i in range(0,len(filters)): f.write(filters[i][0]) for j in yvalues[i]: f.write(sep_val+str(j).replace('.',sep_dec)) f.write('\n') f.close() print("%s succesfully created."%savepath) except Exception,e: print e gtk.gdk.threads_enter() self.window.set_opacity(1) self.win_wait.hide() if self.chk_btn_plot.get_active(): plt = Plotter(timeline,yvalues,tags,self.entry_title.get_text()) if self.combobox_plot_style.get_active() is 0: plt.simpleplot() elif self.combobox_plot_style.get_active() is 1: plt.stackareaplot() else: plt.simpleplot() gtk.gdk.threads_leave()
def cleanup(self, config): '''Convert test result data into histograms for display.''' self.fill_histo() for roc in self.dut.rocs(): plot_dict = {'title':self.test+'_ROC_%s' %roc.number, 'x_title': self.x_title, 'y_title': self.y_title, 'data':[roc.number]} self._results.append(plot_dict) plot = Plotter(self.config, self) #Create PH histograms for every ROC and whole DUT for roc in self.dut.rocs(): ph_adc = numpy.array(self.dut.ph_array[roc.number]) ph_vcal = numpy.array(self.dut.ph_cal_array[roc.number]) PH_ADC = Plotter.create_th1(ph_adc,'PH_ADC_ROC_%s' %roc.number, 'ADC units', '# entries', 0, 255) PH_VCAL = Plotter.create_th1(ph_vcal,'PH_VCAL_ROC_%s' %roc.number, 'Vcal units', '# entries', 0, 255) self._histos.append(PH_ADC) self._histos.append(PH_VCAL) self._histos.extend(plot.histos) #calculating results for roc in self.dut.rocs(): ia = self.tb.get_ia()'%s: ia = %.2f' %(roc, ia)) id = self.tb.get_id()'%s: id = %.2f' %(roc, id)) self._n_rocs = int(config.get('Module','rocs')) sensor_area = self._n_rocs * 52 * 80 * 0.01 * 0.015 #in cm^2 self.logger.debug('number of rocs %s' %self._n_rocs) self.logger.debug('sensor area %s' %round(sensor_area,2)) hits = numpy.sum( trigger_rate = 1.0e6 / (40.0 * self.period) rate = hits / (self.data_taking_time * trigger_rate * 1e3 * 25e-9 * self.scc * 1.0e6 * sensor_area)'data aquisition time %i' %self.data_taking_time)'number of hits %i' %hits)'trigger rate %s kHz' %round(trigger_rate,1))'hit rate %s MHz/cm^2' %round(rate,6))'scc %i ' %self.scc) self._histos.extend([self._dut_histo]) if self.window: self.window.histos.pop()
def __init__(self): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() self.MAX_LINES = 100 self.dataSource = emptyGenerator() self.input = [] self.totalLines = 0 self.curve = collections.defaultdict(self.createCurveData) self.nextCurveId = 0 self.maxValue = 1 self.plot = Plotter() self.plot.setDataGetter(self.mainPlotGetter) self.plot.setCurveGetter(self.curveGetter) self.plot.setMouseTracking(True) self.plotScroller = PlotScroller() self.plotScroller.setDataGetter(self.plotScrollerGetter) self.plotScroller.setCurveGetter(self.curveGetter) self.plotScroller.selectionChanged.connect(self.onScrollerChanged) self.inputView = LogViewer() self.inputView.setMaxLineCount(500) self.parsersPanel = input_parsers_gui.ParserListPanel() self.parsersPanel.itemsChanged.connect(self.onParsersChanged) self.rightPanel = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.rightPanel.addWidget(self.parsersPanel) self.rightPanel.setStretch(1, 1) self.leftPanel = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.leftPanel.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("Details graph")) self.leftPanel.setStretch(0, 0) self.leftPanel.addWidget(self.plot) self.leftPanel.setStretch(1, 1) self.leftPanel.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("Input graph (left-click: select range, right click: move range):")) self.leftPanel.setStretch(2, 0) self.leftPanel.addWidget(self.plotScroller) self.leftPanel.setStretch(3, 1) self.leftPanel.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("Input lines:")) self.leftPanel.setStretch(4, 0) self.leftPanel.addWidget(self.inputView) self.leftPanel.setStretch(5, 1) self.layout = QtGui.QGridLayout(self) self.layout.addLayout(self.leftPanel, 0, 0) self.layout.addLayout(self.rightPanel, 0, 1) self.layout.setColumnStretch(0, 1) self.resize(600, 500) self.startTimer(50) self.oldSelection = None
def cleanup(self, config): '''Convert test result data into histograms for display.''' for roc in self.dut.rocs(): plot_dict = {'title':self.test+'_ROC_%s' %roc.number, 'x_title': self.x_title, 'y_title': self.y_title, 'data':} self._results.append(plot_dict) plot = Plotter(self.config, self) for roc in self.dut.rocs(): th1 = Plotter.create_th1(,self.test+'_Distribution_ROC_%s' %(roc.number), 'Projection of test', '# pixels') self._histos.append(th1) self._histos.extend(plot.histos) self.fill_histo() self._histos.append(self._dut_histo)
def cleanup(self, config): color_dict = [1,13,15,17,2] #TODO decide what is important to the user plot = Plotter(self.config, self) for roc in self.dut.rocs(): #save data min_axis = numpy.amin(self.vcal_dists) max_axis = numpy.amax(self.vcal_dists) vcal_stack = ROOT.THStack("Vcal %s" %roc.number,"Vcal dist for each trimming step; Vcal; # pixels") trim_stack = ROOT.THStack("TrimBits %s" %roc.number,"Trim bits for each trimming step; TrimBit; # pixels") try: self._histos.append(plot.matrix_to_th2(self.dut_VthrComp_map[roc.number],'Vthr_Map_ROC_%s'%roc.number,'col','row')) self._histos.append(plot.matrix_to_th2(self.dut_Noise_map[roc.number],'Noise_Map_ROC_%s'%roc.number,'col','row')) except AttributeError: pass for step in range(self.n_steps+1): self._histos.append(plot.matrix_to_th2(self.vcal_dists[step][roc.number],'Vcal_Map_%s_ROC_%s' %(step, roc.number),'col','row')) self._histos.append(plot.matrix_to_th2(self.trim_dists[step][roc.number],'Trim_Map_%s_ROC_%s' %(step, roc.number),'col','row')) h_vcal = Plotter.create_th1(self.vcal_dists[step][roc.number],'%s_%s_ROC_%s' %('Vcal_Distribution', step, roc.number), self.dac, '# pixels', min_axis, max_axis) h_vcal.SetLineColor(color_dict[step]) vcal_stack.Add(h_vcal) h_trim = Plotter.create_th1(self.trim_dists[step][roc.number],'%s_%s_ROC_%s' %('Trim_Distribution', step, roc.number), 'Trim bit', '# pixels', self._min_trim_bit, self._max_trim_bit) h_trim.SetLineColor(color_dict[step]) trim_stack.Add(h_trim) if step == 4: h_trim.SetFillStyle(3002) h_trim.SetFillColor(color_dict[step]) h_vcal.SetFillStyle(3002) h_vcal.SetFillColor(color_dict[step]) self._histos.append(h_vcal) self._histos.append(h_trim) self._histos.append(trim_stack) self._histos.append(vcal_stack)
def getValues(self,save=False,trend=False): print 'save: ' + `save` print 'TEST CLICK' self.x_var = self.vars[0].get() self.y_var = [] # reset the y var list for i in range(len(self.y_en)): if self.y_en[i].get() == 1: print 'got a 1, adding to vars' self.y_var.append(self.vars[i+1].get()) if self.rangex.get() == 1: self.x_min = float(self.ex_min.get()) self.x_max = float(self.ex_max.get()) else: self.x_min = None self.x_max = None if self.rangey.get() == 1: self.y_min = float(self.ey_min.get()) self.y_max = float(self.ey_max.get()) else: self.y_min = None self.y_max = None cc = [] if self.con1.get() == 1: cc.append((self.con1_var.get(),float(self.con1_min.get()),float(self.con1_max.get()))) if self.con2.get() == 1: cc.append((self.con2_var.get(),float(self.con2_min.get()),float(self.con2_max.get()))) if self.con3.get() == 1: cc.append((self.con3_var.get(),float(self.con3_min.get()),float(self.con3_max.get()))) test_plotter = Plotter(self.x_var,self.y_var,self.x_min,self.x_max,self.y_min,self.y_max,cc) test_plotter.plot(save,trend) '''
def qjump_all(*args, **kwargs): """Runs all three tests for Figure 3a. Replaces 'iperf' and 'qjump' arguments with its own.""" dirname = make_results_dir(kwargs.get("dir", DEFAULT_RESULTS_DIR)) kwargs["dir"] = dirname update_qjump_args(kwargs) log_arguments(*args, **kwargs) clean_up() print("*** Test for ping alone ***\n") os.mkdir(os.path.join(dirname, "ping-alone")) kwargs.update(dict(iperf=False, qjump=False, dir=os.path.join(dirname, "ping-alone"))) ping_alone = qjump(*args, **kwargs) clean_up() print("\n*** Test for ping + iperf without QJump ***\n") os.mkdir(os.path.join(dirname, "ping-iperf-noqjump")) kwargs.update(dict(iperf=True, qjump=False, dir=os.path.join(dirname, "ping-iperf-noqjump"))) ping_noQjump = qjump(*args, **kwargs) clean_up() print("\n*** Test for ping + iperf with QJump ***\n") os.mkdir(os.path.join(dirname, "ping-iperf-qjump")) kwargs.update(dict(iperf=True, qjump=True, dir=os.path.join(dirname, "ping-iperf-qjump"))) ping_Qjump = qjump(*args, **kwargs) ping_alone = filter_out_dropped_pings(ping_alone, "with ping alone") ping_noQjump = filter_out_dropped_pings(ping_noQjump, "with ping and iperf, without QJump") ping_Qjump = filter_out_dropped_pings(ping_Qjump, "with ping and iperf, without QJump") plotter = Plotter() plotter.plotCDFs(ping_alone, ping_noQjump, ping_Qjump, dir=dirname, figname="pingCDFs") print("\nResults all saved to " + dirname)
def on_realize(self, widget=None): self.realized = True winctx = self.window.cairo_create() if self.plotbuffer is None: self.plotsize = (1600, 960) self.plotbuffer = winctx.get_target().create_similar(cairo.CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, self.plotsize[0], self.plotsize[1]) self.plotter = Plotter(self.plotbuffer, self.plotsize, self.datastore, self.xAxis, self.yAxis, self.profiles) overlaysize = self.size self.overlaybuffer = winctx.get_target().create_similar(cairo.CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, self.size[0], self.size[1]) self.overlayplotter = OverlayPlotter(self.overlaybuffer, overlaysize, self.xAxis, self.yAxis) self.overlayplotter.draw()
def bootstrap(self, crps, crpsRef, tag, crpss, bootstrap_number=500, plot_range=[-1,1], colorbar='RdBu_r'): tmpDir = self.outputDir self.outputDir = self.tmpDir + 'bootstrap_' + tag + '/' if not os.path.isdir(self.outputDir): os.mkdir(self.outputDir) poolArgs = self.getPoolArgs(bootstrap_number,self,crps,crpsRef,tag,crpss,range(0,bootstrap_number),'_multiBootstrap') bootstrapList = self.multiProcess(poolArgs) self.outputDir = tmpDir significance = Significance(self.tmpDir, self.outputPlots) (sig_lon, sig_lat) = significance.checkSignificance(bootstrapList, crpss) # if tag == 'ens-vs-ref_': # m = Plotter.plotField(crpss, -0.5, 0.5, 'RdBu_r', lonlatbox=self.lonlatbox) # else: # m = Plotter.plotField(crpss, -1, 1, 'RdBu_r', lonlatbox=self.lonlatbox) m = Plotter.plotField(crpss, plot_range[0], plot_range[1], colorbar, lonlatbox=self.lonlatbox) Plotter.addCrosses(m, sig_lon, sig_lat) Plotter.saveFig(self.outputPlots, crpss.split('/')[-1]) return bootstrapList
def _calcSignificance(self, bootstrap_folders, output_folder, plot_folder, file_to_check): ''' Caluclate the significance for the intput field (file_to_check) The field is also plotted with significance crosses :param bootstrap_folder: path of bootstraped data :param output_folder: path :param plot_folder: path :param file_to_check: fn ''' fn = file_to_check file_to_check = self.extractFilename(file_to_check) b_array_list = list() for folder in bootstrap_folders: b_array_list.append(folder+file_to_check) significance = Significance(self.tmpDir, self.outputPlots) (sig_lon, sig_lat) = significance.checkSignificance(b_array_list, fn) m = Plotter.plotField(fn, -1, 1, colormap='RedBlu', lonlatbox=self.lonlatbox) Plotter.addCrosses(m, sig_lon, sig_lat) Plotter.saveFig(plot_folder, fn.split(output_folder)[-1])
def main(): plotter = Plotter() print('read polygon.csv') plot_polygon() print('read input.csv') point_list() print('categorize points') rca() print('write output.csv') output() print('plot polygon and points') m = mbr() p = plot_polygon() plotter.add_polygon(p[1], p[2]) plt.plot(m[0], m[1]) p = rca() for i in range(len(p[0])): plotter.add_point(p[1][i], p[2][i], p[3][i])
def algorithm(self, operand): data = [] # bias x y out if operand == 'AND': data = [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0], [1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0], [1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0]] elif operand == 'XOR': data = [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0], [1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0], [1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0]] weights = np.random.rand(len(data[0]) - 1, 1) error_min = len(data) * 2 error_this_epoch = 1 w_min = weights error_per_epoch = [] plotter = Plotter() for epoch in range(self.iterations): # COTA del ppt if error_this_epoch > 0: total_error = 0 #if (epoch % 100 == 0): # weights = np.random.rand(len(data[0]) - 1, 1) for i in range( len(data)): # tamano del conjunto de entrenamiento sumatoria = self.get_sum( data[i][:-1], weights ) # dame toda la fila menos el ultimo elemento => x_i => x0, x1, x2, ... activation = self.get_activation(sumatoria) error = data[i][ -1] - activation # y(1,i_x) - activacion del ppt fixed_diff = self.alpha * error for j in range(len(weights)): weights[j] = weights[j] + (fixed_diff * data[i][j]) total_error += error**2 error_this_epoch = self.error_function(total_error) error_per_epoch.append(error_this_epoch) if self.adaptive and epoch % 10 == 0: self.adjust_learning_rate(error_per_epoch) if error_this_epoch < error_min: error_min = error_this_epoch w_min = weights else: break print('Linear data post analysis:') print('epochs: {}'.format(epoch + 1)) print('Initial alpha: {}'.format(self.initial_alpha)) print('End alpha: {}'.format(self.alpha)) print('Best ever error: {}'.format(error_min)) if len(w_min) != 0 or w_min != None: plotter.create_plot_ej1(data, w_min, operand) else: plotter.create_plot_ej1(data, weights, operand) return
def Select(population, MSR, RV, BI_size, population_K ,nsol, new_msr, new_rv,new_bisize, new_K, generation,self_population,Zdt_definitions,PPlotter,PProblem,EEvolution,population_label,children_label): if (Zdt_definitions is None) and (PPlotter is None) and (PProblem is None) and (EEvolution is None): zdt_definitions = ZDT3Definitions() plotter = Plotter(zdt_definitions) problem = ZDT(zdt_definitions) evolution = Evolution(problem, 1, len(population)) evolution.register_on_new_generation(plotter.plot_population_best_front) evolution.register_on_new_generation(collect_metrics) else: zdt_definitions=Zdt_definitions plotter=PPlotter problem=PProblem evolution=EEvolution new_pop,objectives,self_population,Final_label,K= evolution.evolve(population,MSR, RV, BI_size, population_K,nsol, new_msr, new_rv, new_bisize, new_K,generation,self_population,population_label,children_label) return new_pop,objectives,self_population,zdt_definitions,plotter,problem,evolution,Final_label,K
def _createPlotterProc(self): saveFigPath = None if self._keyboardListener.saveFlag: saveFigPath = self._fileIO.filePath[:-4] + self._figExtention plotter = Plotter() proc = Process(target=plotter.plot, kwargs={ 'axesNames': self._plotAxes, 'labelNames': self._plotLabels, 'engineeringFormat': self._plotEngineeringFormat, 'figSize': self._plotFigSize, 'markersize': self._plotMarkerSize, 'plotLabelFormat': self._plotLabelFormat, 'updateInterval': self._plotUpdateInterval, 'saveFigPath': saveFigPath, 'keepFig': self._keepFig }) proc.start() return plotter, proc
def testDayPlot(self): granularity = 86400 end_time_str = '2016-01-01 12:00:00.000000' end_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_time_str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') duration = granularity * 300 start_time = end_time - timedelta(seconds=duration) range_df =, end_time, granularity) range_df['time'] = range_df.index print (range_df.head(20)) plot = Plotter.showPlot(range_df) assert(True)
def main(): config = "end" num = 5 remove_peg = 11 examples = make_state_space() default_state_space = examples[num] a = Plotter('fig/remove_peg' + str(remove_peg) + '_' + config + '_state_' + str(num) + '.png') action_space = ActionSpace(default_state_space) end_state = action_space.remove_convex(default_state_space, remove_peg) if config == "end": a.plot(end_state) else: a.plot(default_start_state)
class QAobject(Pobj): _global = obj() _global.dynamic_methods_objects = [] plotter = Plotter() opt_methods = set(['opt', 'linear', 'cslinear']) def __init__(self): return #end def __init__ @staticmethod def condense_name(name): return name.strip().lower().replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_').replace( '__', '_') #end def condense_name def _register_dynamic_methods(self): QAobject._global.dynamic_methods_objects.append(self) return #end def _register_dynamic_methods def _unlink_dynamic_methods(self): for o in QAobject._global.dynamic_methods_objects: o._unset_dynamic_methods() #end for return #end def _unlink_dynamic_methods def _relink_dynamic_methods(self): for o in QAobject._global.dynamic_methods_objects: o._reset_dynamic_methods() #end for return
def initialize_plotting(hyperparameter_space: dict): # Initialize video object DEFAULT_VIDEO_DIR = "videos" if not os.path.exists('figures'): os.makedirs('figures') if not os.path.exists(DEFAULT_VIDEO_DIR): os.makedirs(DEFAULT_VIDEO_DIR) if not os.path.exists('logs'): os.makedirs('logs') if not os.path.exists('results'): os.makedirs('results') video = VideoRecorder(DEFAULT_VIDEO_DIR if hyperparameter_space.get('save_video') else None) # Init the Plotter plotter = Plotter(hyperparameter_space.get('episodes')) video.init() recording_interval = hyperparameter_space.get('recording_interval') return video, plotter, recording_interval
def t_sweep(self): t = self.time() g=self.gain() max_voltage = float(gains[str(g)]) data_pts = [] time_pts = [] ch = dc= self.duty_cycle() run_adapwm(, 0) time.sleep(1) start_time = time.time() run_adapwm(ch, dc) while time.time()-start_time < t: data_pts.append(self.adaadc().read_adc(0, gain=g)) time_pts.append(time.time()) discharge_t = time.time() run_adapwm(, 0) while time.time() - discharge_t < 4: data_pts.append(self.adaadc().read_adc(0, gain=g)) time_pts.append(time.time()) max_voltage = float(gains[str(g)]) voltages = np.array(data_pts)*max_voltage/2**15 times = np.array(time_pts) - start_time file = open(str(, "w") file.write("Time [s] \t Voltage \t Gain=" + str(max_voltage) + "\n") for i in range(voltages.size): file.write(str(times[i]) + "\t" + str(voltages[i])+"\n") file.close() Plotter("time sweep", x_axis="time [s]", y_axis="Voltage [V]")
class TestBasicPlotter: plotter = Plotter() def test_virtual(self): assert self.plotter.virtual == True def test_status_report(self): self.plotter.status() def test_defaults_of_default_plotter(self): assert (self.plotter.angles_to_pw_1 == self.plotter.naive_angles_to_pulse_widths_1) assert (self.plotter.angles_to_pw_2 == self.plotter.naive_angles_to_pulse_widths_2) assert self.plotter.get_pulse_widths() == (1500, 1500) def test_can_land_at_0_degrees(self): self.plotter.set_angles(0, 0) assert (self.plotter.angle_1, self.plotter.angle_2) == (0, 0) def test_xy(self): self.plotter.xy(0, 6)
def main(): lv = LaunchVehicle() plotter = Plotter() # Initialise state time_s = 0.0 dt = 0.0005 # Run simulation print("Simulating flight...") while(time_s < 4.0 or lv.state.pos > 0.0): lv.update(time_s, dt) plotter.serialise(time_s, lv) time_s += dt # Show results print("Complete.") plotter.display_results(lv._motor.motor_name+".png")
def simulation(): real_mu = 0 * np.pi model_mu = 0 * np.pi model_rho = -0.35 * np.pi stime = 50000 rng = np.random.RandomState() plotter = Plotter(time_window=stime) # init the generative model (agent) and the generative process # (environment) gprocess = Env(rng) gmodel = Model(rng, mu=model_mu, rho=model_rho) state = gprocess.reset(mu=real_mu) for t in range(stime): # Update model via gradient descent and get action action = gmodel.update(state) # Generated fake sensory state from model gstate = gmodel.gstate # do action state = gprocess.step(action) # update plot every n steps plotter.append_mu(, if t % 1000 == 0 or t == stime - 1: plotter.sensed_arm.update(state[0], state[1:]) plotter.real_arm.update(gprocess.istate[0], gprocess.istate[1:]) plotter.generated_arm.update(gstate[0], gstate[1:]) plotter.target_arm.update(gmodel.rho, g(gmodel.rho)) plotter.update() input("Press any button to close.")
import numpy as np import sys from plotter import Plotter x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 201) to_plot = [ { "title": "Example 1", "type": "plot", "data": [x, np.sin(x)] }, { "title": "Example 2", "type": "matrix", "data": np.random.random((100, 100)) }, ] pl = Plotter(to_plot, figsuptitle="Multi-plot")
netD.cuda() netG.cuda() netT.cuda() criterion_D.cuda() criterion_G.cuda() criterion_T.cuda() inputs, label = inputs.cuda(), label.cuda() noise, fixed_noise = noise.cuda(), fixed_noise.cuda() # fixed_noise = Variable(fixed_noise) # Plotters plot_gan_loss = Plotter("%s/gan_loss.jpeg" % (opt.plotdir), num_lines=2, legends=["g_loss", "d_loss"], xlabel="Number of iterations", ylabel="Loss", title="GAN Loss vs Iterations(%s->%s)" % (opt.sourceDataset, opt.targetDataset)) plot_clf_loss = Plotter("%s/%s_clf_loss.jpeg" % (opt.plotdir, opt.sourceDataset), num_lines=1, legends=[""], xlabel="Number of iterations", ylabel="Loss", title="Classifier loss vs Iterations(%s->%s)" % (opt.sourceDataset, opt.targetDataset)) plot_source_acc = Plotter("%s/%s_clf_acc.jpeg" % (opt.plotdir, opt.sourceDataset),
return 'q' elif link_length.isdigit(): link_length = int(link_length) link_lengths.append(link_length) else: print("Invalid input!") link_length = None return link_lengths while True: plotter = Plotter() link_lengths = None start_cood = None end_cood = None obs_coods = None ga_genr_2 = 250 ga_genr_3 = 20 ga_genr = None ga_pop_sz = 40 ga_mut_ratio = 0.05 ga_xov_ratio = 0.30 ga_mu_2 = [0.5,0.5] ga_mu_3 = [0.4,0.3,0.3] ga_mu = None
def plot(self, fig, flag=True): """plot grafica la solución actual.""" if flag: pt = Plotter(self.locations, self.facilities, self.p, self.travel_cost) pt.plot_results(fig)
"x3": np.random.sample(1000), "x4": np.random.randint(10, size=1000).tolist() }) y = df.apply(lambda row: set_target(row), axis=1) print(y.value_counts()) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(df, y, random_state=seed) # --- Model Training model = LogisticRegression(random_state=random.seed(seed)), y_train) test_score = model.score(X_test, y_test) print(test_score) # --- SHAP explainer = shap.LinearExplainer(model, X_train) shap_values = explainer.shap_values(X_train) shap.summary_plot(shap_values, X_train, plot_type="bar") # --- DOE dx = DoeXai(x_data=X_train, y_data=y_train, model=model, feature_names=list(df.columns)) cont = dx.find_feature_contribution( user_list=[["x1", "x2", "x3"], ["x1", "x2"], ["x1", "x3"], ["x3", "x2"]]) print(cont) # --- Plot p = Plotter(X_train) p.plot_doe_feature_contribution(cont)
print(args) # wavelengths seperation between elements and reference phi_domain = np.linspace(args.phi_min, args.phi_max, args.phi_points) Z = np.zeros((args.phi_points, args.phi_points)) if args.array_geometry_file: arr = antenna_array.AntennaArray.mk_from_config(args.array_geometry_file) else: if args.with_ref_element == True: arr = antenna_array.AntennaArray.mk_circular_with_ref( args.radius, args.elements) else: arr = antenna_array.AntennaArray.mk_circular(args.radius, args.elements) for antenna in arr.antennas: print("{x}, {y}".format(x=antenna.x, y=antenna.y)) for phi_idx, phi_val in enumerate(phi_domain): ref = arr.each_pair_phase_difference_at_angle(phi_val, args.freq) corr = Correlator(ref, arr) response = corr.many_directions(args.phi_min, args.phi_max, args.phi_points, args.freq) y = response.keys() y.sort() for i_idx, i_val in enumerate(y): Z[phi_idx, i_idx] = response[i_val] Plotter(phi_domain, y, Z).colourmap() #plotter.Plotter(x_domain, y, Z).surface()
class elmanUi(Tk): def __init__(self): Tk.__init__(self) self.updatesQueue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue() self.plotter = Plotter(self.updatesQueue) self.elman = None self.title("HW7") self.arch = Entry(self) self.backRate = Entry(self) self.learningRate = Entry(self) self.batchSize = Entry(self) self.seriesNum = Entry(self) self.stepNum = Entry(self) self.networkAddress = Entry(self) self.errorFunc = StringVar() def add_entry(self): Label(self, text="Add Parameter for Elman learning").grid(row=0) Label(self, text="Architecture").grid(row=3) Label(self, text="BakhpropagationRates").grid(row=4) Label(self, text="LearningRates").grid(row=5) Label(self, text="BatchSize").grid(row=6) Label(self, text="SeriesNum").grid(row=7) Label(self, text="StepsNum").grid(row=8) Label(self, text="NetworkAdress").grid(row=9) Button(self, text="Train", command=self.train).grid(row=19, column=0, sticky=W, pady=4) # Button(self, text="Save Weights", command=self.save_weights).grid(row=11, column=1, sticky=W, pady=4) self.arch.grid(row=3, column=1) self.backRate.grid(row=4, column=1) self.learningRate.grid(row=5, column=1) self.batchSize.grid(row=6, column=1) self.seriesNum.grid(row=7, column=1) self.stepNum.grid(row=8, column=1) self.networkAddress.grid(row=9, column=1) self.arch.insert(0, "1,1,1") self.backRate.insert(0, 1) self.learningRate.insert(0, 0.01) self.batchSize.insert(0, 1) self.seriesNum.insert(0, 1) self.stepNum.insert(0, 1) Radiobutton(self, text="MSE", padx=20, variable=self.errorFunc, value="MSE").grid(row=11, column=0, sticky=W, pady=4) Radiobutton(self, text="MAE", padx=20, variable=self.errorFunc, value="MAE").grid(row=12, column=0, sticky=W, pady=4) Radiobutton(self, text="RMAE", padx=20, variable=self.errorFunc, value="RMAE").grid(row=13, column=0, sticky=W, pady=4) Radiobutton(self, text="PI", padx=20, variable=self.errorFunc, value="PI").grid(row=14, column=0, sticky=W, pady=4) def train(self): arch = [int(c) for c in str(self.arch.get()).strip().split(',')] backR = float(self.backRate.get()) learnR = float(self.learningRate.get()) bs = int(self.batchSize.get()) serie = int(self.seriesNum.get()) step = int(self.stepNum.get()) errFunc = self.errorFunc.get() if not self.plotter.is_alive(): self.plotter.start() if self.elman is not None: if self.elman.exitcode != 0: print 'Another learner is working.' return self.elman.terminate() self.elman = elmanNet.Elman(self.updatesQueue, 1, 1, 1) self.elman.start()
def main(): plotter = Plotter() print("read polygon.csv") # Init polygen_points to store points in the polygen polygen_points = [] # Read polygon.csv with open('polygon.csv', 'r') as f: for line in f: if not line.startswith('id'): id = line.split(',')[0].strip() x = float(line.split(',')[1].strip()) y = float(line.split(',')[2].strip()) # Init a Point object point = Point(id, x, y) # Add the Point object to the list of points polygen_points.append(point) # Init a Polygon object polygen = Polygon('polygen', polygen_points) print("read input.csv") # Init test_points to store points to be tested test_points = [] # Read input.csv with open('input.csv', 'r') as f: for line in f: if not line.startswith('id'): id = line.split(',')[0].strip() x = float(line.split(',')[1].strip()) y = float(line.split(',')[2].strip()) # Init a Point object point = Point(id, x, y) # Add the Point object to the list of test points test_points.append(point) print("categorize points") test_points_categories = [] for id, test_point in enumerate(test_points): category = find_category(polygen, test_point) test_points_categories.append(category) print("write output.csv") with open('output.csv', 'w') as f: f.write('id,category\n') for i, category in enumerate(test_points_categories): f.write(f'{i+1},{category}\n') print("plot polygon and points") polygen_points = polygen.get_points() xs = [] ys = [] for polygen_point in polygen_points: xs.append(polygen_point.get_x()) ys.append(polygen_point.get_y()) plotter.add_polygon(xs, ys) for id, test_point in enumerate(test_points): plotter.add_point(test_point.get_x(), test_point.get_y(), test_points_categories[id])
1: f1, 2: f2, 3: f3, 4: f4, 5: f5, 6: f6, 7: f7, 8: f8, 9: f9, 10: f10 } f, side = switcher.get(fnumber), int(argv[sideidx]) (first_xys, first_zs) = train_data(side, f, False) if argv[1] == "view": points = first_xys + ast.literal_eval(argv[4]) trip = Trip(f, (0, 0), points, probe(f, points), 100, Plotter('surface'), 0) trip.select_kernel() trip.plot_pred(argv[5]) exit(0) plot, seedval, time_limit, nb, budget, alg, online = argv[1].startswith( 'plot'), int(argv[2]), float(argv[3]), int(argv[4]), int( argv[6]), argv[8], argv[9] == 'on' # Initial settings. seed(seedval) (TSxy, TSz), depot = test_data(f), (-0.00001, -0.00001) plotter = Plotter('surface') if plot else None # Create initial model with kernel selected by cross-validation.
def execute_with_collision(my_world): pltr = Plotter() for robot in my_world.robots: pltr.draw_start_end(robot) makespan = max(robot.trajectory[0] for robot in my_world.robots) for t in range(100): for robot in my_world.robots: if robot.trajectory[0] >= t * makespan / 100: pltr.plotting(robot.trajectory[1](t * makespan / 100), robot.trajectory[2](t * makespan / 100), 'k') for robot in my_world.robots: robot.pose[2] = math.atan2(robot.trajectory[4](0), robot.trajectory[3](0)) print robot.pose[2] exit() completed = set() while True: for robot in my_world.robots: del_x = robot.goal[0] - robot.pose[0] del_y = robot.goal[1] - robot.pose[1] rho = math.sqrt(del_x**2 + del_y**2) if abs(rho) < 0.25: completed.add( continue t = my_world.time.time() vel = (robot.trajectory[3](t)**2 + robot.trajectory[4](t)**2)**0.5 curv = curvature(robot.trajectory[1], robot.trajectory[2], t) robot.cmd_vel(vel, curv * vel) robot.update_step(my_world.time.dt) pltr.plotting(robot.pose[0], robot.pose[1], robot.color, s=5) pltr.mark_time(my_world.time.time()) pltr.sleep(0.001) my_world.time.step() if completed == set([ for r in my_world.robots]): pltr.sleep(1) pltr.close('all') metric(my_world) break
def execute_wo_collision(my_world): pltr = Plotter() for robot in my_world.robots: pltr.draw_start_end(robot) makespan = max(robot.trajectory[0] for robot in my_world.robots) for t in range(100): for robot in my_world.robots: if robot.trajectory[0] >= t * makespan / 100: pltr.plotting(robot.trajectory[1](t * makespan / 100), robot.trajectory[2](t * makespan / 100), 'k') path_len = 0 for robot in my_world.robots: for dt in range(1000): if dt == 0: continue t = robot.trajectory[0] * dt / 1000 t_1 = robot.trajectory[0] * (dt - 1) / 1000 dx = robot.trajectory[1](t) - robot.trajectory[1](t_1) dy = robot.trajectory[2](t) - robot.trajectory[2](t_1) path_len += (dx**2 + dy**2)**0.5 # print "Total path length", path_len for robot in my_world.robots: robot.pose[2] = math.atan2(robot.trajectory[4](0), robot.trajectory[3](0)) completed = set() total_time = 0 while True: for robot in my_world.robots: del_x = robot.goal[0] - robot.pose[0] del_y = robot.goal[1] - robot.pose[1] rho = math.sqrt(del_x**2 + del_y**2) if abs(rho) < 0.25: if not in completed: completed.add( total_time += my_world.time.time() continue t = my_world.time.time() for pt_id, pt in enumerate(robot.collision_points): # print ((robot.pose[0] - pt[0])**2 + (robot.pose[1] - pt[1])**2)**0.5 if ((robot.pose[0] - pt[0])**2 + (robot.pose[1] - pt[1])**2)**0.5 < 1: print, " has changed its speed." if robot.collision_priority[pt_id] == 'inc': scaling_polynomial = np.poly1d([2, -t]) else: scaling_polynomial = np.poly1d([0.5, t / 2]) robot.trajectory[1] = np.polyval(robot.trajectory[1], scaling_polynomial) robot.trajectory[2] = np.polyval(robot.trajectory[2], scaling_polynomial) robot.trajectory[3], robot.trajectory[4] = np.polyder( robot.trajectory[1]), np.polyder(robot.trajectory[2]) del (robot.collision_points[pt_id]) del (robot.collision_priority[pt_id]) # del(robot.collision_with[pt_id]) if len(robot.collision_points) != len(robot.collision_impending): r2 = robot.collision_with[0] if ((r2.pose[0] - robot.pose[0])**2 + (r2.pose[1] - robot.pose[1])**2)**0.5 > 2.3: print, " is back to its original speed." if < scaling_polynomial = np.poly1d([0.5, t / 2]) else: scaling_polynomial = np.poly1d([2, -t]) robot.trajectory[1] = np.polyval(robot.trajectory[1], scaling_polynomial) robot.trajectory[2] = np.polyval(robot.trajectory[2], scaling_polynomial) robot.trajectory[3], robot.trajectory[4] = np.polyder( robot.trajectory[1]), np.polyder(robot.trajectory[2]) del (robot.collision_impending[0]) del (robot.collision_with[0]) x_der = np.polyder(robot.trajectory[1]) y_der = np.polyder(robot.trajectory[2]) vel = (x_der(t)**2 + y_der(t)**2)**0.5 curv = curvature(robot.trajectory[1], robot.trajectory[2], t) robot.cmd_vel(vel, curv * vel) robot.update_step(my_world.time.dt) pltr.plotting(robot.pose[0], robot.pose[1], robot.color, s=5) pltr.mark_time(my_world.time.time()) pltr.sleep(0.001) my_world.time.step() if completed == set([ for r in my_world.robots]): pltr.sleep(1) pltr.close('all') print "Makespan: ", my_world.time.time() print "Total time: ", total_time print "Total path len: ", path_len break
return new_weights def run_generation(self, initial_bots): bots = [] new_weights = [] for bot1, bot2 in combinations(initial_bots, 2): new_weights.extend(self.reproduce(bot1, bot2, 20)) print(len(new_weights)) for weights in new_weights: bots.append((weights, self.run_test(weights))) return bots if __name__ == "__main__": factory = BotFactory(default_settings) plotter = Plotter() bots = [] if factory.settings.initial_seed is not None: initial_bot_weights = repeat(factory.settings.initial_seed, 10) for weights in initial_bot_weights: bots.append((weights, 99.0)) else: initial_bot_weights = (2 * random((10, 10))) - 1 for weights in initial_bot_weights: bots.append((weights, factory.run_test(weights))) for i in range(factory.settings.generation_amount): sorted_bots = sorted(bots, key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True)[:2] bots = [value[0] for value in sorted_bots] print("------------")
class MasterBoardTask: def __init__(self, trajectory_queue): #Instatiate Master Board and the plotter self.plotter = Plotter(f"Trapeze velocity profile | kp = {}, kd = {Config.kd}, current saturation = {Config.current_saturation} A") self.master_board = MasterBoard(self.plotter) #Initiate global variables self.trajectory_queue = trajectory_queue self.trajectory = None self.num_joints = Config.num_joints self.encoder_readings = [] self._running = True self._should_print = False #Initiate plots for i in range(Config.num_joints): self.plotter.create_plot(f"Joint {i}, Position Reference", "Position Reference [rad]") self.plotter.create_plot(f"Joint {i}, Position Reading", "Position Reading [rad]") self.plotter.create_plot(f"Joint {i}, Velocity Reference", "Velocity Reference [rad/s]") self.plotter.create_plot(f"Joint {i}, Velocity Reading", "Velocity Reading [rad/s]") self.plotter.create_plot(f"Joint {i}, Current Reference", "Current Reference [Ampere]") #self.plotter.create_plot(f"Joint {i}, Position Error", "Position Error [rad]") def run(self): print("Master board task started") #Initiate local variables t = 0 timeout = False last = perf_counter() q = self.master_board.get_state()[0] q_prime = np.zeros(8) #Main loop #Executes every time step untill keyboardinterrupt or master_board sets timeout = True while(not timeout and self._running): elapsed_time = perf_counter() - last if (elapsed_time >= Config.dt): #Enter this if statement every timestep last = perf_counter() t += Config.dt if self.trajectory != None: #Currently following a trajectory, just get the new values and send them q, q_prime = self.trajectory.step(t) self.master_board.set_reference(q, q_prime) position_reading, velocity_reading = self.master_board.get_state() #Then check if that was the last step, i.e. the trajectory is finished if self.trajectory.Done(): #If the trajectory is finished, set it to None so that the next pass will fetch the next trajectory #print("Trajectory finished, waiting for next...") #self.set_points.append(q[0]) self.encoder_readings.append(position_reading[0]) self.trajectory = None else: #Not currently following a trajectory, so try to fetch the next one from the queue try: self.trajectory = self.trajectory_queue.get(block=False) self.trajectory.set_initial_conditions(q, t) #Last reference sent and current time will be the intitial conditions for the trajectory except Empty: self.trajectory = None position_reading, velocity_reading = self.master_board.get_state() for i in range(self.num_joints): self.plotter.add_data(f"Joint {i}, Position Reference", q[i]) self.plotter.add_data(f"Joint {i}, Position Reading", position_reading[i]) self.plotter.add_data(f"Joint {i}, Velocity Reference", q_prime[i]) self.plotter.add_data(f"Joint {i}, Velocity Reading", velocity_reading[i]) #If a new reference was set, this will make the masterboard track that reference #If not, it will keep tracking its previous reference #This needs to be called every pass, even though there is no new trajectory, in case the actual position of the joints are changed, e.g. by gravity timeout = self.master_board.follow_trajectory() self.plotter.add_time(t) #Should print is set by InputTask whenever "Position" is input to the terminal #This is in an elif block, so that it doesn't increase the duration of a step elif self._should_print: self.print_current_position(q) #shut down the board correctly if the while loop breaks for any reason self.master_board.terminate() print("\nENCODER READINGS\n") for value in self.encoder_readings: output = np.degrees(value) output = str(output) output = output.replace(".", ",") print(output) print() for i in range(Config.num_joints): self.plotter.create_axis([f"Joint {i}, Velocity Reading"]) self.plotter.create_axis([f"Joint {i}, Position Reading"]) self.plotter.create_axis([f"Joint {i}, Current Reference"]) self.plotter.create_axis([f"Joint {i}, Velocity Reference"]) self.plotter.create_axis([f"Joint {i}, Position Reference"]) self.plotter.plot() def print_current_position(self, current_pos_ref): #Prints the current reference and position of all the motors #Meant to be called by the InputTask through the use of synchronized bools np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) print(f"\nPosition Reference: \n{np.degrees(current_pos_ref).round(5)}\n") print(f"Current Position: \n{self.master_board.get_state()[0]}") print(f"Position Error: \n{np.degrees(current_pos_ref.round(5) - self.master_board.get_state()[0]).round(5)}") self._should_print = False def terminate(self): self._running = False def set_print(self): self._should_print = True
def sweep(self): g=self.gain() max_voltage = float(gains[str(g)]) scale_fac = max_voltage/2**15 samples = self.duty_cycles() data_array = np.zeros([self.__trials, self.N()]) grounds_array = np.zeros([self.__trials, self.N()]) references_array = np.zeros([self.__trials, self.N()]) print("collectiing data...") print('|trial| point | V | GND | REF |'.format(*range(3))) print('-' * 37) for i in range(self.__trials): run_adapwm(0, 0) time.sleep(3) for j in range(len(samples)): run_adapwm(0, samples[j]) time.sleep(2) # Data pin: A0, ground pin: A1, reference voltage pin: A2. data_array[i][j] = self.adaadc().read_adc(0, gain=g, data_rate=8)*scale_fac grounds_array[i][j] = self.adaadc().read_adc(1, gain=g, data_rate=8) references_array[i][j] = self.adaadc().read_adc(2, gain=g, data_rate=8) print(str(i) + " " + str(j)+"\t" + str(data_array[i][j]) + "\t" + str(grounds_array[i][j]) + "\t" + str(references_array[i][j]) +"\n") print("Finished collectiing data") mean_ref = references_array.mean()*scale_fac if "%.3f" % mean_ref== self.reference(): print("The ADC measured the reference voltage as " + self.reference() + ", as expected.") else: print("The mean reference voltage measured by the ADC was " + str(references_array.mean()*scale_fac) + ", but expected " + self.reference()) means = np.zeros(self.N()) stds = np.zeros(self.N()) for k in range(self.N()): means[k] = data_array.T[k].mean() stds[k] = data_array.T[k].std() # writing the files! off_tick_scale_fac = 4095./100. mean_file = open("means_" +, "w") mean_file.write("Duty cycle off_tick" + "\tmean_voltage[V]" + "\tstd dev[V]" + "\tINFO: gain="+str(max_voltage) + "\treference=" + self.reference() + "\ttrials="+str(self.__trials)+"\n") for l in range(self.N()): mean_file.write(str(samples[l]*off_tick_scale_fac) + "\t" + str(means[l]) + "\t" + str(stds[l]) + "\n") mean_file.close() raw_file = open("raw_", "w") raw_file.write("\nraw_voltage_data\n") for m in data_array: for mi in range(m.size): raw_file.write(str(m[mi]) + " ") raw_file.write("\n") raw_file.write("\nraw_ground_pin_data\n") for n in grounds_array: for ni in range(n.size): raw_file.write(str(n[ni]) + " ") raw_file.write("\n") raw_file.write("\nraw_ref_voltage_data\n") for o in references_array: for oi in range(o.size): raw_file.write(str(o[oi]) + " ") raw_file.write("\n") Plotter("means_""PWM sweep", x_axis="PWM off tick", y_axis="Voltage [V]")
class Renderer: """The default software renderer of the game""" def __init__(self): self.SCREEN = pygame.display.set_mode(settings.SCREEN_SIZE) self.plotter = Plotter() current_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) wall_texture_folder_path = os.path.join(current_directory, "assets/textures/surfaces") sprite_texture_folder_path = os.path.join(current_directory, "assets/textures/objects") self.WALL_TEXTURES = asset_loader.get_textures( wall_texture_folder_path) self.SPRITE_TEXTURES = asset_loader.get_textures( sprite_texture_folder_path) # init the z buffer to the size of the screen. This is faster than using append() and clear() self._wall_z_buffer = [None] * settings.SCREEN_WIDTH def _darken(self, surface): "This method takes in a surface and drops its brightness in half" # we create a new rectangle with the same dimensions as the texture darkened_surface = pygame.Surface(surface.get_size()) # we set the brightness of this surface to 128/half (255 is max) darkened_surface.set_alpha(128) # Apply the darken mask to the original surface from its origin (x:0, y:0) surface.blit(darkened_surface, (0, 0)) def _draw_ui(self, player, fps): if (__debug__): start_position = Vector2(10, 5) self._draw_debug(player, fps, start_position) def _draw_debug_text(self, font, text, position): text = font.render(text, True, colors.YELLOW) self.SCREEN.blit(text, (position.x, position.y)) position.y = position.y + 35 def _draw_debug(self, player, fps, start_position): basicfont = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 48) fps_text = f'fps: {fps}' player_x_text = f'x: {player.position.x:.2f}' player_y_text = f'y: {player.position.y:.2f}' player_rotation_text = f'rotation: {player.get_rotation_degrees():.0f}' self._draw_debug_text(basicfont, fps_text, start_position) self._draw_debug_text(basicfont, player_x_text, start_position) self._draw_debug_text(basicfont, player_y_text, start_position) self._draw_debug_text(basicfont, player_rotation_text, start_position) def _draw_floor(self): # fill screen with back buffer color and then draw the ceiling/sky. self.SCREEN.fill(colors.FLOOR_GRAY) def _draw_wall_line(self, x, start, height, image_slice, side=Side.TopOrBottom): # figure out the position and size of the vertical line we want to draw on screen scale_rect = pygame.Rect(x, start, 1, height) # put the area of the image we want into the space we want to put on screen scaled = pygame.transform.scale(image_slice, scale_rect.size) # draw the scaled line where we want to on the screen. if (side == Side.LeftOrRight): self._darken(scaled) self.SCREEN.blit(scaled, scale_rect) def _get_wall_texture_slice(self, ray_direction, wall_x_percentage_across, texture, side): # wall x will be somewhere between 0 and 1 (eg, 25% across will be 0.25) # figure out how many pixels across the texture to be in x # we cast to an int to floor the value as we cannot start drawing at a non integral # x value texture_x = int(wall_x_percentage_across * texture.get_width()) # get the width of the texture where column 1 = 0, col 2 = 1 and so on. zero_indexed_width = texture.get_width() - 1 # if side is left/right and we are travelling right, we have hit a LEFT side # draw the texture from right to left (NOT left to right as normal) # as otherwise we will draw the texture backwards like we are behind it. if side == Side.LeftOrRight and ray_direction.x > 0: texture_x = zero_indexed_width - texture_x # if side is top/bottom and we are travelling down, we have hit a TOP side. # draw the texture from right to left (NOT left to right as normal) # as otherwise we will draw the texture backwards like we are behind it. if side == Side.TopOrBottom and ray_direction.y < 0: texture_x = zero_indexed_width - texture_x # get the part of the image we want to draw from the texture image_location = pygame.Rect(texture_x, 0, 1, texture.get_height()) image_slice = texture.subsurface(image_location) return image_slice def _perform_dda(self, distance_to_side, distance_delta, step, side, map_pos): # jump to next map square, OR in x-direction, OR in y-direction - whichever is the closest side. if distance_to_side.x < distance_to_side.y: # increase the distance to side x by 1 map unit in x on the direction of this vector. # This means we will go from touching the next left/right side wall the the wall 1 unit after that. distance_to_side.x += distance_delta.x # increase the mapX index by 1/-1 depending on direction. map_pos.x += step.x # we are moving in x, so the current side to check is the left or right side. side = Side.LeftOrRight else: # increase the distance to side x by 1 map unit in y on the direction of this vector. # This means we will go from touching the next top/bottom side wall the the wall 1 unit after that. distance_to_side.y += distance_delta.y # increase the mapY index by 1/-1 depending on direction. map_pos.y += step.y # we are moving in y, so the current side to check is the top or bottom side. side = Side.TopOrBottom # Check if ray has hit a wall map_tile = settings.MAP[int(map_pos.x)][int(map_pos.y)] # we return two values here to get around the immutability of ints in python (an enum is basically an int!) if map_tile > 0 and map_tile < 10: return True, side else: return False, side def _get_wall_texture_for_block(self, map_pos): # get wall texture to use. -1 so we can start at index 0 of texture array texture_index = settings.MAP[int(map_pos.x)][int(map_pos.y)] - 1 texture_index = max(0, texture_index) return self.WALL_TEXTURES[texture_index] def _draw_walls(self, player): for x in range(0, settings.SCREEN_WIDTH): # which box of the map we're in map_pos = Vector2() map_pos.x = int(player.position.x) map_pos.y = int(player.position.y) ray_direction = self.plotter.get_ray_direction(x, player) distance_delta = self.plotter.get_distance_delta(ray_direction) # length of ray from current position to next x or y-side distance_to_side = self.plotter.get_distance_to_side( player.position, map_pos, ray_direction, distance_delta) # what direction to step in x or y-direction (either +1 or -1) step = Vector2() step.x = -1 if ray_direction.x < 0 else 1 step.y = -1 if ray_direction.y < 0 else 1 side = Side.LeftOrRight # was a NS or a EW wall hit? # perform DDA hit = False while not hit: hit, side = self._perform_dda(distance_to_side, distance_delta, step, side, map_pos) # Calculate distance projected on camera direction (oblique distance will give fisheye effect!) perceptual_wall_distance = self.plotter.get_perceptual_wall_distance( side, player, map_pos, step, ray_direction) # Calculate height of line to draw on screen # we bring this into screen space by calculating as distance 1 (at the same point as the camera plane) = screenheight. Distance 2 = 1/2 screenheight. Distance 0.5 = 2 * screenheight. # This makes sure the further away we are the smaller the line is and the closer the taller the line is, making sure the screen is filled by objects in the same place as the camera. line_height = self.plotter.get_object_size_based_on_distance( perceptual_wall_distance) # calculate lowest and highest pixel to fill in current stripe # a start of a line can be through of as half the line up (-y) from the center of the screen in y (screen height /2). draw_start = (-line_height / 2) + settings.HALF_SCREEN_HEIGHT texture = self._get_wall_texture_for_block(map_pos) wall_x_across_percentage = self.plotter.get_wall_x_across_percentage( side, player.position, ray_direction, perceptual_wall_distance) # get which pixel in x from the texture we want to use # it's too expensive to set each pixel directly so we # map the line we want from the texture and draw that directly # to the screens surface. texture_slice = self._get_wall_texture_slice( ray_direction, wall_x_across_percentage, texture, side) self._draw_wall_line(x, draw_start, line_height, texture_slice, side) # add this to z buffer self._wall_z_buffer[x] = (perceptual_wall_distance) def _get_sprite_positions(self, player): # find all sprites on the map! sprite_positions = [] for column in range(len(settings.MAP)): for y in range(len(settings.MAP[column])): value = settings.MAP[column][y] if value > 10 and value < 20: # ignore non sprite objects sprite_pos = Vector2(column + 0.5, y + 0.5) distance_from_player = abs( (player.position - sprite_pos).length()) sprite = Sprite(value, sprite_pos, distance_from_player) sprite_positions.append(sprite) # sort sprite positions so the ones furthest away are drawn first sprite_positions.sort(key=lambda column: column.distance_from_player, reverse=True) return sprite_positions def _draw_sprite_columns(self, distance_from_player, sprite_draw_start, sprite_texture): current_width = sprite_texture.get_width() current_height = sprite_texture.get_height() for column in range(current_width): # check z buffer (clamp index first) x_check = int(sprite_draw_start.x + column) x_check = max(x_check, 0) x_check = min(x_check, settings.SCREEN_WIDTH - 1) if self._wall_z_buffer[x_check] > distance_from_player: # draw sprite vertical line location = pygame.Rect(column, 0, 1, current_height) slice = sprite_texture.subsurface(location) sprite_image_location = (sprite_draw_start.x + column, sprite_draw_start.y) self.SCREEN.blit(slice, sprite_image_location) def _draw_sky(self, player): # load the sky texture current_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) sky_texture_folder_path = os.path.join( current_directory, "assets/textures/skies/sky1.png") sky_texture = pygame.image.load(sky_texture_folder_path) # calculate how much of the sky texture should be on screen # based on how much the current FOV fov_over_circle_ratio = settings.FOV / constants.FULL_CIRCLE_IN_RADIANS sky_texture_window_width = sky_texture.get_width( ) * fov_over_circle_ratio sky_texture_window_width = sky_texture_window_width * ( constants.HALF_CIRCLE_IN_RADIANS / settings.FOV) # avoid a divide by zero player_rotation_in_degrees = max(player.get_rotation_degrees(), 1) # use degrees here to avoid a negative value (player radian rotation can be negative) portion = player_rotation_in_degrees / 360 x_start_pos = portion * sky_texture_window_width # get the part of the image we want to draw from the texture image_location = pygame.Rect(x_start_pos, 0, sky_texture_window_width, sky_texture.get_height()) sky_texture_slice = sky_texture.subsurface(image_location) # scale that slice so it will fit the top half of the screen sky_texture_slice_scaled = pygame.transform.scale( sky_texture_slice, (int(settings.SCREEN_WIDTH), int(settings.HALF_SCREEN_HEIGHT))) #the sky texture scaled slice should be draw from the top left (x = 0, y = 0) self.SCREEN.blit(sky_texture_slice_scaled, (0, 0)) def render(self, player, fps): """This method draws everything to the screen""" self._draw_floor() self._draw_sky(player) self._draw_walls(player) self._draw_ui(player, fps) # Go ahead and update the screen with what we've drawn. # This MUST happen after all the other drawing commands. pygame.display.update()
from datetime import datetime from agent import * max_score = 0 acc_score = 0 mean_score = 0 mean_rewards = 0 num_episodes_played = 0 num_moves_played = 0 t_counter = 0 t_max_count = 0 replaybuffer = ReplayBuffer(1000000) agent = DQNAgent((20, 10, 1), len(TetrisEnvironment.actions)) plotter = Plotter("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S")) def draw_training_info(tetris_environment, reward, actionidx): print('') print('==== LEARNING STUFF ====') print('last action = {}'.format(TetrisEnvironment.actions[actionidx])) print('last reward = {}'.format(reward)) print('epsilon = {}'.format(agent.epsilon)) print('num moves played = {}'.format(num_moves_played)) print('num episodes played = {}'.format(num_episodes_played)) print('max score = {}'.format(max_score)) print('mean score = {}'.format(mean_score)) print('mean rewards last 1000 = {}'.format(mean_rewards))
def __init__(self): Plotter.__init__(self) self.smdata_list = filter(self.is_skymap, self.srtdata_list)
def main(): london = 'london.csv' points = 'england_points.csv' plotter = Plotter() # calculate and plot the MBR polygon polygon_points = import_csv(london) poly = list(zip(polygon_points[1], polygon_points[2])) MBR_values = MBR(polygon_points) mbr = MBR_values.mbr_coordinates() plotter.add_polygon(polygon_points[1], polygon_points[2]) plotter.add_poly_outline(mbr[0], mbr[1]) # import the individual points raw_points = import_csv(points) points_id, points = raw_points[0], [raw_points[1], raw_points[2]] points_tuple = list(zip(raw_points[1], raw_points[2])) original_points = [points_id, points_tuple] # Test whether these points are within the Polygon's MBR poly_mbr = InsideMBR(points, mbr[0], mbr[1]) mbr_ = poly_mbr.is_inside() coord_inside_mbr, coord_outside_mbr = mbr_[0], mbr_[1] # return the points on the vertex of the geometry test = Boundary(coord_inside_mbr, poly) vertex_points = test.on_vertex() res = test.points_on_line() coord_boundary, not_classified = res[0], res[1] # Enter the non classified points into the RCA final_round = RayCasting(not_classified, poly) rca = final_round.rca() rca_inside, rca_outside = rca[0], rca[1] # plot and append all points to individual classified lists outside_points, boundary_points, inside_points = [], [], [] for i in range(len(vertex_points)): plotter.add_point(vertex_points[i][0], vertex_points[i][1], 'boundary') boundary_points.append(vertex_points[i]) for i in range(len(coord_outside_mbr)): plotter.add_point(coord_outside_mbr[i][0], coord_outside_mbr[i][1], 'outside') outside_points.append(coord_outside_mbr[i]) for i in range(len(coord_boundary)): plotter.add_point(coord_boundary[i][0], coord_boundary[i][1], 'boundary') boundary_points.append(coord_boundary[i]) for i in range(len(rca_outside)): plotter.add_point(rca_outside[i][0], rca_outside[i][1], 'outside') outside_points.append(rca_outside[i]) for i in range(len(rca_inside)): plotter.add_point(rca_inside[i][0], rca_inside[i][1], 'inside') inside_points.append(rca_inside[i]) # this provides a third list with the points classification boundary = [boundary_points, ['boundary'] * len(boundary_points)] inside = inside_points, ['inside'] * len(inside_points) outside = outside_points, ['outside'] * len(outside_points) # join all the points together in one list boundary[0].extend(inside[0]) boundary[1].extend(inside[1]) boundary[0].extend(outside[0]) boundary[1].extend(outside[1]) # Combining the original ID, X and Y, with the classification list. original_points = [(y, x) for x, y in zip(original_points[0], original_points[1])] id_, classification, xs, ys = [], [], [], [] for point, flag in original_points: index = boundary[0].index(point) x, y = point id_.append(flag) classification.append( boundary[1][index] ) # returns the classification with the same coordinates as ID xs.append(x) ys.append(y) out_path = 'classified_london_points.csv' exportcsv(out_path, id_, classification, xs, ys)'London Points.png') # opening up the CSV with pandas df = pd.read_csv('classified_london_points.csv') # turn the POINTS X, Y coordinates into point classes london_points = df.apply(lambda row: Point(row.x, row.y), axis=1) = {'init': 'epsg:27700'} # Plots the points with geopandas and matplotlib points = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry=london_points) temp = points.to_crs(epsg=3857) ax = temp.plot(column=points.classification, categorical=True, markersize=100, legend=True, cmap='tab20') ctx.add_basemap(ax) plt.ylabel('Northing') plt.xlabel('Easting') plt.title('Are your points inside or outside London?')