def show_internals(self, fnum=None): import plottool as pt pt.qtensure() pnum_ = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(nRows=1, nCols=len(self.forests)) for level, forest in enumerate(self.forests): pt.show_nx(forest.to_networkx(), title='level=%r' % (level,), fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_())
def start_qt_interface(infr, loop=True): import guitool as gt from ibeis.viz.viz_graph2 import AnnotGraphWidget from plottool import abstract_interaction import plottool as pt pt.qtensure() gt.ensure_qtapp() # win = AnnotGraphWidget(infr=infr, use_image=False, init_mode='review') win = AnnotGraphWidget(infr=infr, use_image=False, init_mode=None) abstract_interaction.register_interaction(win) if loop: gt.qtapp_loop(qwin=win, freq=10) else: return win
def find_opt_ratio(pblm): """ script to help find the correct value for the ratio threshold >>> from ibeis.algo.verif.vsone import * # NOQA >>> pblm = OneVsOneProblem.from_empty('PZ_PB_RF_TRAIN') >>> pblm = OneVsOneProblem.from_empty('GZ_Master1') """ # Find best ratio threshold pblm.load_samples() infr = pblm.infr edges = ut.emap(tuple, pblm.samples.aid_pairs.tolist()) task = pblm.samples['match_state'] pos_idx = task.class_names.tolist().index(POSTV) config = {'ratio_thresh': 1.0, 'sv_on': False} matches = infr._exec_pairwise_match(edges, config) import plottool as pt pt.qtensure() thresholds = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 100) pos_truth = task.y_bin.T[pos_idx] ratio_fs = [m.local_measures['ratio'] for m in matches] aucs = [] # Given the current correspondences: Find the optimal # correspondence threshold. for thresh in ut.ProgIter(thresholds, 'computing thresh'): scores = np.array([fs[fs < thresh].sum() for fs in ratio_fs]) roc = sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score(pos_truth, scores) aucs.append(roc) aucs = np.array(aucs) opt_auc = aucs.max() opt_thresh = thresholds[aucs.argmax()] if True: pt.plt.plot(thresholds, aucs, 'r-', label='') pt.plt.plot(opt_thresh, opt_auc, 'ro', label='L opt=%r' % (opt_thresh, )) pt.set_ylabel('auc') pt.set_xlabel('ratio threshold') pt.legend()
def get_iters_vs_miou(harn): from pysseg.util import jsonutil import pysseg.backend.iface_caffe as iface harn.prepare_test_model() test_weight_dpaths = harn.find_test_weights_dpaths() # for test_weights_dpath in test_weight_dpaths: # harn.test_weights_dpath = test_weights_dpath # harn.test_weights_fpath = ub.readfrom(join(test_weights_dpath, 'test_weights.caffemodel.lnk')) # # if not exists(join(harn.test_weights_dpath, 'pred')): # results_fpath = join(harn.test_weights_dpath, 'results.json') # if exists(results_fpath): # results = json.load(results_fpath) iter_results = {} for test_weights_dpath in test_weight_dpaths: results_fpath = join(test_weights_dpath, 'results.json') if exists(results_fpath): iterno = iface.snapshot_iterno(test_weights_dpath) results = json.load(open(results_fpath, 'r')) ious = eval(results['ious']) iter_results[iterno] = ious iter_df = pd.DataFrame(iter_results) = 'iterno' = 'class' fpath = join(harn.test_dpath, 'iter_ious.json') jsonutil.write_json(fpath, iter_df) iter_df = iter_df.drop([57], axis=1) iter_df.drop(harn.task.ignore_classnames).mean(axis=0) if False: """ ffmpeg -y -f image2 -i ~/aretha/store/data/work/camvid/arch/segnet_proper/test/input_nqmmrhd/weights_abvroyo_segnet_proper_None_xwfmwfo_00040000/blend_pred/%*.png -crf 25 -vcodec libx264 -vf "setpts=4*PTS" camvid-results.avi ffmpeg -y -f image2 -i out_haul83/%*.png -vcodec mpeg4 -vf "setpts=10*PTS" haul83-results.avi """ # move to computer with plottool iter_df = pd.read_json( '/home/joncrall/aretha/store/data/work/camvid/arch/segnet_proper/test/input_nqmmrhd/iter_ious.json' ) import plottool as pt pt.qtensure() from pysseg.tasks import CamVid task = CamVid() iter_miou = iter_df.drop(task.ignore_classnames).mean(axis=0) iter_miou = iter_miou.sort_index() _set_mpl_rcparams() fig = pt.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(1, 1, 1)) ax = pt.gca() iter_miou.plot(ax=ax) ax.set_xlabel('train iters') ax.set_ylabel('test mIoU') ax.set_title('Reproduced CamVid Results (init using VGG)') ub.ensuredir('result_plots') from pysseg.draw import render_figure_to_image import cv2 cv2.imwrite('result_plots/miou.png', render_figure_to_image(fig, dpi=100, transparent=True)) fig = pt.figure(fnum=2, pnum=(1, 1, 1)) ax = pt.gca() iter_iou = iter_df.drop(task.ignore_classnames).T.sort_index() # sort by results iter_iou = iter_iou[iter_iou.iloc[-1].sort_values().index[::-1]] colors = [ tuple(np.array(v[::-1]) / 255) + (1, ) for v in ub.take(task.class_colors, iter_iou.columns) ] iter_iou.plot(ax=ax, colors=colors, lw=4) ax.set_xlabel('train iters') ax.set_ylabel('test IoU') ax.set_title('Reproduced CamVid Results (init using VGG)') ub.ensuredir('result_plots') from pysseg.draw import render_figure_to_image cv2.imwrite('result_plots/perclass_iou.png', render_figure_to_image(fig, dpi=100, transparent=True))
def ewma(): import plottool as pt import ubelt as ub import numpy as np pt.qtensure() # Investigate the span parameter span = 20 alpha = 2 / (span + 1) # how long does it take for the estimation to hit 0? # (ie, it no longer cares about the initial 1?) # about 93 iterations to get to 1e-4 # about 47 iterations to get to 1e-2 # about 24 iterations to get to 1e-1 # 20 iterations goes to .135 data = ([1] + [0] * 20 + [1] * 40 + [0] * 20 + [1] * 50 + [0] * 20 + [1] * 60 + [0] * 20 + [1] * 165 + [0] * 20 + [0]) mave = [] iter_ = iter(data) current = next(iter_) mave += [current] for x in iter_: current = (alpha * x) + (1 - alpha) * current mave += [current] if False: pt.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) pt.plot(data) pt.plot(mave) np.where(np.array(mave) < 1e-1) import sympy as sym # span, alpha, n = sym.symbols('span, alpha, n') n = sym.symbols('n', integer=True, nonnegative=True, finite=True) span = sym.symbols('span', integer=True, nonnegative=True, finite=True) thresh = sym.symbols('thresh', real=True, nonnegative=True, finite=True) # alpha = 2 / (span + 1) a, b, c = sym.symbols('a, b, c', real=True, nonnegative=True, finite=True) sym.solve(sym.Eq(b**a, c), a) current = 1 x = 0 steps = [] for _ in range(10): current = (alpha * x) + (1 - alpha) * current steps.append(current) alpha = sym.symbols('alpha', real=True, nonnegative=True, finite=True) base = sym.symbols('base', real=True, finite=True) alpha = 2 / (span + 1) thresh_expr = (1 - alpha)**n thresthresh_exprh_expr = base**n n_expr = sym.ceiling(sym.log(thresh) / sym.log(1 - 2 / (span + 1))) sym.pprint(sym.simplify(thresh_expr)) sym.pprint(sym.simplify(n_expr)) print(sym.latex(sym.simplify(n_expr))) # def calc_n2(span, thresh): # return np.log(thresh) / np.log(1 - 2 / (span + 1)) def calc_n(span, thresh): return np.log(thresh) / np.log((span - 1) / (span + 1)) def calc_thresh_val(n, span): alpha = 2 / (span + 1) return (1 - alpha)**n span = np.arange(2, 200) n_frac = calc_n(span, thresh=.5) n = np.ceil(n_frac) calc_thresh_val(n, span) pt.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) ydatas = ut.odict([('thresh=%f' % thresh, np.ceil(calc_n(span, thresh=thresh))) for thresh in [1e-3, .01, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5]]) pt.multi_plot( span, ydatas, xlabel='span', ylabel='n iters to acheive thresh', marker='', # num_xticks=len(span), fnum=1) pt.gca().set_aspect('equal') def both_sides(eqn, func): return sym.Eq(func(eqn.lhs), func(eqn.rhs)) eqn = sym.Eq(thresh_expr, thresh) n_expr = sym.solve(eqn, n)[0].subs(base, (1 - alpha)).subs(alpha, (2 / (span + 1))) eqn = both_sides(eqn, lambda x: sym.log(x, (1 - alpha))) lhs = eqn.lhs from sympy.solvers.inequalities import solve_univariate_inequality def eval_expr(span_value, n_value): return np.array( [thresh_expr.subs(span, span_value).subs(n, n_) for n_ in n_value], dtype=np.float) eval_expr(20, np.arange(20)) def linear(x, a, b): return a * x + b def sigmoidal_4pl(x, a, b, c, d): return d + (a - d) / (1 + (x / c)**b) def exponential(x, a, b, c): return a + b * np.exp(-c * x) import scipy.optimize # Determine how to choose span, such that you get to .01 from 1 # in n timesteps thresh_to_span_to_n = [] thresh_to_n_to_span = [] for thresh_value in ub.ProgIter([.0001, .001, .01, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5]): print('') test_vals = sorted([2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) n_to_span = [] for n_value in ub.ProgIter(test_vals): # In n iterations I want to choose a span that the expression go # less than a threshold constraint = thresh_expr.subs(n, n_value) < thresh_value solution = solve_univariate_inequality(constraint, span) try: lowbound = np.ceil(float(solution.args[0].lhs)) highbound = np.floor(float(solution.args[1].rhs)) assert lowbound <= highbound span_value = lowbound except AttributeError: span_value = np.floor(float(solution.rhs)) n_to_span.append((n_value, span_value)) # Given a threshold, find a minimum number of steps # that brings you up to that threshold given a span test_vals = sorted(set(list(range(2, 1000, 50)) + [2, 3, 4, 5, 6])) span_to_n = [] for span_value in ub.ProgIter(test_vals): constraint = thresh_expr.subs(span, span_value) < thresh_value solution = solve_univariate_inequality(constraint, n) n_value = solution.lhs span_to_n.append((span_value, n_value)) thresh_to_n_to_span.append((thresh_value, n_to_span)) thresh_to_span_to_n.append((thresh_value, span_to_n)) thresh_to_params = [] for thresh_value, span_to_n in thresh_to_span_to_n: xdata, ydata = [np.array(_, dtype=np.float) for _ in zip(*span_to_n)] p0 = (1 / np.diff((ydata - ydata[0])[1:]).mean(), ydata[0]) func = linear popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(func, xdata, ydata, p0) # popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(exponential, xdata, ydata) if False: yhat = func(xdata, *popt) pt.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) pt.plot(xdata, ydata, label='measured') pt.plot(xdata, yhat, label='predicteed') pt.legend() # slope = np.diff(ydata).mean() # pt.plot(d) thresh_to_params.append((thresh_value, popt)) # pt.plt.plot(*zip(*thresh_to_slope), 'x-') # for thresh_value=.01, we get a rough line with slop ~2.302, # for thresh_value=.5, we get a line with slop ~34.66 # if we want to get to 0 in n timesteps, with a thresh_value of # choose span=f(thresh_value) * (n + 2)) # f is some inverse exponential # 0.0001, 460.551314197147 # 0.001, 345.413485647860, # 0.01, 230.275657098573, # 0.1, 115.137828549287, # 0.2, 80.4778885203347, # 0.3, 60.2031233261536, # 0.4, 45.8179484913827, # 0.5, 34.6599400289520 # Seems to be 4PL symetrical sigmoid # f(x) = -66500.85 + (66515.88 - -66500.85) / (1 + (x/0.8604672)^0.001503716) # f(x) = -66500.85 + (66515.88 - -66500.85)/(1 + (x/0.8604672)^0.001503716) def f(x): return -66500.85 + (66515.88 - -66500.85) / (1 + (x / 0.8604672)**0.001503716) # return (10000 * (-6.65 + (13.3015) / (1 + (x/0.86) ** 0.00150))) # f(.5) * (n - 1) # f( solve_rational_inequalities(thresh_expr < .01, n)
def do_infr_test(ccs, edges, new_edges): """ Creates a graph with `ccs` + `edges` and then adds `new_edges` """ # import networkx as nx import plottool as pt infr = demo.make_demo_infr(ccs, edges) if ut.show_was_requested(): pt.qtensure() # Preshow fnum = 1 if ut.show_was_requested(): infr.set_node_attrs('shape', 'circle'), 1, 1), fnum=fnum, show_unreviewed_edges=True, show_reviewed_cuts=True, splines='spline', show_inferred_diff=True, groupby='name_label', show_labels=True, pickable=True) pt.set_title('pre-review') pt.gca().set_aspect('equal') infr.set_node_attrs('pin', 'true') # fig1 = pt.gcf() # fig1.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', ut.partial(on_pick, infr=infr)) infr1 = infr infr2 = infr.copy() for new_edge in new_edges: aid1, aid2, data = new_edge evidence_decision = data['evidence_decision'] infr2.add_feedback((aid1, aid2), evidence_decision) infr2.relabel_using_reviews(rectify=False) infr2.apply_nondynamic_update() # Postshow if ut.show_was_requested():, 1, 2), fnum=fnum, show_unreviewed_edges=True, show_inferred_diff=True, show_labels=True) pt.gca().set_aspect('equal') pt.set_title('post-review') # fig2 = pt.gcf() # if fig2 is not fig1: # fig2.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', ut.partial(on_pick, infr=infr2)) class Checker(object): """ Asserts pre and post test properties of the graph """ def __init__(self, infr1, infr2): self._errors = [] self.infr1 = infr1 self.infr2 = infr2 def __call__(self, infr, u, v, key, val, msg): data = infr.get_nonvisual_edge_data((u, v)) if data is None: assert infr.graph.has_edge(u, v), ('uv=%r, %r does not exist' % (u, v)) got = data.get(key) if got != val: msg1 = 'key=%s %r!=%r, ' % (key, got, val) errmsg = ''.join([ msg1, msg, '\nedge=', ut.repr2((u, v)), '\n', infr.repr_edge_data(data) ]) self._errors.append(errmsg) def custom_precheck(self, func): try: func(self.infr1) except AssertionError as ex: self._errors.append(str(ex)) def after(self, errors=[]): """ Delays error reporting until after visualization prints errors, then shows you the graph, then finally if any errors were discovered they are raised """ errors = errors + self._errors if errors: ut.cprint('PRINTING %d FAILURE' % (len(errors)), 'red') for msg in errors: print(msg) ut.cprint('HAD %d FAILURE' % (len(errors)), 'red') if ut.show_was_requested(): pt.all_figures_tile(percent_w=.5) ut.show_if_requested() if errors: raise AssertionError('There were errors') check = Checker(infr1, infr2) return infr1, infr2, check
def _model_data_flow_to_networkx(model_info): layers = model_info['layer'] import networkx as nx G = nx.DiGraph() prev = None # Stores last node with the data for this layer in it prev_map = {} SHOW_LOOPS = False for layer in layers: name = layer.get('name') print('name = {!r}'.format(name)) G.add_node(name) bottom = set(layer.get('bottom', [])) top = set(layer.get('top', [])) both = top.intersection(bottom) if both: if prev is None: prev = both for b in both: prev_map[b] = name for b in prev: print(' * b = {!r}'.format(b)) G.add_edge(b, name, constraint=False) for b in both: print(' * b = {!r}'.format(b)) kw = {} if not G.has_edge(b, name): kw['color'] = 'red' G.add_edge(b, name, constraint=True, **kw) prev = [name] else: prev = None # for b in (bottom - both): for b in bottom: print(' * b = {!r}'.format(b)) constraint = True G.add_edge(prev_map.get(b, b), name, constraint=constraint) if SHOW_LOOPS: G.add_edge(b, name) # for t in (bottom - top): for t in top: print(' * t = {!r}'.format(t)) constraint = True G.add_edge(name, prev_map.get(t, t), constraint=constraint) if SHOW_LOOPS: G.add_edge(name, t) G.remove_edges_from(list(G.selfloop_edges())) import plottool as pt pt.qtensure() pt.show_nx(G, arrow_width=1) pt.adjust_subplots(left=0, right=1, top=1, bottom=0) pt.pan_factory() pt.zoom_factory() list(nx.topological_sort(G))
def demo_classes(pblm): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.verif.vsone demo_classes --saveparts --save=classes.png --clipwhite python -m ibeis.algo.verif.vsone demo_classes --saveparts --save=figures/classes.png --clipwhite --dpath=~/latex/crall-iccv-2017 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.verif.vsone import * # NOQA >>> pblm = OneVsOneProblem.from_empty(defaultdb='PZ_PB_RF_TRAIN') >>> pblm.load_features() >>> pblm.load_samples() >>> pblm.build_feature_subsets() >>> pblm.demo_classes() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ task_key = 'match_state' labels = pblm.samples.subtasks[task_key] pb_labels = pblm.samples.subtasks['photobomb_state'] classname_offset = { POSTV: 0, NEGTV: 0, INCMP: 0, } class_name = POSTV class_name = NEGTV class_name = INCMP feats = pblm.samples.X_dict['learn(sum,glob)'] offset = 0 class_to_edge = {} for class_name in labels.class_names: print('Find example of %r' % (class_name, )) # Find an example of each class (that is not a photobomb) pbflags = pb_labels.indicator_df['notpb'] flags = labels.indicator_df[class_name] assert np.all(pbflags.index == flags.index) flags = flags & pbflags ratio = feats['sum(ratio)'] if class_name == INCMP: # flags &= feats['global(delta_yaw)'] > 3 flags &= feats['global(delta_view)'] > 2 # flags &= feats['sum(ratio)'] > 0 if class_name == NEGTV: low = ratio[flags].max() flags &= feats['sum(ratio)'] >= low if class_name == POSTV: low = ratio[flags].median() / 2 high = ratio[flags].median() flags &= feats['sum(ratio)'] < high flags &= feats['sum(ratio)'] > low # flags &= pblm.samples.simple_scores[flags]['score_lnbnn_1vM'] > 0 idxs = np.where(flags)[0] print('Found %d candidates' % (len(idxs))) offset = classname_offset[class_name] idx = idxs[offset] series = labels.indicator_df.iloc[idx] assert series[class_name] edge = class_to_edge[class_name] = edge import plottool as pt import guitool as gt gt.ensure_qapp() pt.qtensure() fnum = 1 pt.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(1, 3, 1)) pnum_ = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(1, 3) # classname_alias = { # POSTV: 'positive', # NEGTV: 'negative', # INCMP: 'incomparable', # } ibs = pblm.infr.ibs for class_name in class_to_edge.keys(): edge = class_to_edge[class_name] aid1, aid2 = edge # alias = classname_alias[class_name] print('class_name = %r' % (class_name, )) annot1 = ibs.annots([aid1])[0]._make_lazy_dict() annot2 = ibs.annots([aid2])[0]._make_lazy_dict() vt.matching.ensure_metadata_normxy(annot1) vt.matching.ensure_metadata_normxy(annot2) match = vt.PairwiseMatch(annot1, annot2) cfgdict = pblm.hyper_params.vsone_match.asdict() match.apply_all(cfgdict) pt.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_()), show_ori=False)
def opt_crf(): from clab.torch.urban_pred import get_snapshot, urban_mapper_eval_dataset, PredictHarness # NOQA from clab.torch.sseg_train import task_datasets, get_task, SSegInputsWrapper # NOQA from clab import util import ubelt as ub # train_dpath = ub.truepath( # '~/remote/aretha/data/work/urban_mapper/arch/unet/train/input_4214-yxalqwdk/solver_4214-yxalqwdk_unet_vgg_nttxoagf_a=1,n_ch=5,n_cl=3') # load_path = get_snapshot(train_dpath, epoch=202) datasets = task_datasets(get_task('urban_mapper_3d')) test_dataset = datasets['test'] test_dataset.with_gt = False test_dataset.inputs.make_dumpsafe_names() test_dataset.center_inputs = test_dataset._original_urban_mapper_normalizer() test_dataset.tag = 'test' prob_folder = ub.truepath( '~/remote/aretha/data/work/urban_mapper/test/input_4224-rwyxarza/solver_4214-yxalqwdk_unet_vgg_nttxoagf_a=1,n_ch=5,n_cl=3/_epoch_00000202/log_probs') import glob subset = slice(300, 310) prob_paths = test_dataset.inputs.align(glob.glob(prob_folder + '/*.npz'))[subset] gt_paths = test_dataset.inputs.gt_paths[subset] im_paths = test_dataset.inputs.im_paths[subset] import numpy as np imgs = [util.imread(p) for p in ub.ProgIter(im_paths)] probs = [np.load(p)['arr_0'] for p in ub.ProgIter(prob_paths)] gts = [util.imread(p) for p in ub.ProgIter(gt_paths)] from .torch import filters # true = gts[4] import optml class_median_weights = test_dataset.class_weights() class_weights = class_median_weights / class_median_weights.sum() class CRFModel(optml.models.Model): __model_module__ = 'sklearn' # hack def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs def get_params(self, deep=False): return self.kwargs def fit(self, X, y=None): pass def predict(self, X): return [filters.crf_posterior(imgs[i], probs[i], **self.kwargs).argmax(axis=0) for i in ub.ProgIter(X, label='predicting')] def clf_score(y_true, y_pred): from .metrics import confusion_matrix, jaccard_score_from_confusion # NOQA cfsn = np.zeros((3, 3)) for i, pred in zip(y_true, y_pred): true = gts[i] cfsn += confusion_matrix(true.ravel(), pred.ravel(), [0, 1, 2]) ious = jaccard_score_from_confusion(cfsn) weighted_miou = ((ious * class_weights)[0:2]).sum() return weighted_miou from optml.bayesian_optimizer import BayesianOptimizer model = CRFModel() params = [ # w1 = kwargs.get('w1', 4) # w2 = kwargs.get('w2', 3) # sigma_alpha = kwargs.get('sigma_alpha', 100) # sigma_beta = kwargs.get('sigma_beta', 3) # sigma_gamma = kwargs.get('sigma_gamma', 3) # n_iters = kwargs.get('n_iters', 10) optml.Parameter(name='w1', param_type='integer', lower=1, upper=100), optml.Parameter(name='sigma_alpha', param_type='integer', lower=1, upper=150), optml.Parameter(name='sigma_beta', param_type='integer', lower=1, upper=150), optml.Parameter(name='w2', param_type='integer', lower=3, upper=3), optml.Parameter(name='sigma_gamma', param_type='integer', lower=3, upper=3), optml.Parameter(name='n_iters', param_type='integer', lower=10, upper=10), # optml.Parameter(name='param3', param_type='categorical', possible_values=['val1','val2','val3']) ] optimizer = BayesianOptimizer(model=model, hyperparams=params, eval_func=clf_score) # optimizer.model = model X_train = np.arange(len(prob_paths)) # dummy y_train = np.arange(len(X_train)) # Add some good values to help out initial model seed_params = [ # Best known so far {'n_iters': 10, 'sigma_alpha': 100, 'sigma_beta': 3, 'w1': 4, 'w2': 3, 'sigma_gamma': 3}, {'n_iters': 10, 'sigma_alpha': 100, 'sigma_beta': 4, 'w1': 4, 'w2': 3, 'sigma_gamma': 3}, {'n_iters': 10, 'sigma_alpha': 100, 'sigma_beta': 2, 'w1': 4, 'w2': 3, 'sigma_gamma': 3}, {'n_iters': 10, 'sigma_alpha': 100, 'sigma_beta': 3, 'w1': 5, 'w2': 3, 'sigma_gamma': 3}, {'n_iters': 10, 'sigma_alpha': 100, 'sigma_beta': 3, 'w1': 3, 'w2': 3, 'sigma_gamma': 3}, {'n_iters': 10, 'sigma_alpha': 105, 'sigma_beta': 3, 'w1': 4, 'w2': 3, 'sigma_gamma': 3}, {'n_iters': 10, 'sigma_alpha': 95, 'sigma_beta': 3, 'w1': 4, 'w2': 3, 'sigma_gamma': 3}, {'n_iters': 10, 'sigma_alpha': 101, 'sigma_beta': 3, 'w1': 4, 'w2': 3, 'sigma_gamma': 3}, {'n_iters': 10, 'sigma_alpha': 99, 'sigma_beta': 3, 'w1': 4, 'w2': 3, 'sigma_gamma': 3}, {'n_iters': 10, 'sigma_alpha': 61, 'sigma_beta': 11, 'w1': 4, 'w2': 3, 'sigma_gamma': 3}, {'n_iters': 10, 'sigma_alpha': 139, 'sigma_beta': 1, 'w1': 50, 'w2': 3, 'sigma_gamma': 3}, {'n_iters': 10, 'sigma_alpha': 139, 'sigma_beta': 3, 'w1': 50, 'w2': 3, 'sigma_gamma': 3}, {'n_iters': 10, 'sigma_alpha': 139, 'sigma_beta': 3, 'w1': 4, 'w2': 3, 'sigma_gamma': 3}, ] seed_params = [ # Best known so far {'n_iters': 5, 'sigma_alpha': 100, 'sigma_beta': 3, 'w1': 4, 'w2': 3, 'sigma_gamma': 3}, {'n_iters': 20, 'sigma_alpha': 100, 'sigma_beta': 3, 'w1': 4, 'w2': 3, 'sigma_gamma': 3}, # {'n_iters': 10, 'sigma_alpha': 100, 'sigma_beta': 3, 'w1': 4, 'w2': 1, 'sigma_gamma': 1}, # {'n_iters': 10, 'sigma_alpha': 100, 'sigma_beta': 3, 'w1': 4, 'w2': 2, 'sigma_gamma': 2}, # {'n_iters': 10, 'sigma_alpha': 100, 'sigma_beta': 3, 'w1': 4, 'w2': 4, 'sigma_gamma': 4}, ] for seed in seed_params: print('seed = {}'.format(ub.repr2(seed, nl=0, precision=2))) print(optimizer._try_params(seed, X_train, y_train, X_train, y_train)) bayes_best_params, bayes_best_model =, y_train=y_train, n_iters=10, verbose=True) names = [ for p in optimizer.hyperparams] names = ['w1', 'sigma_alpha', 'sigma_beta'] xs = np.array([list(ub.take(params, names)) for score, params in optimizer.hyperparam_history]) ys = np.array([score for score, params in optimizer.hyperparam_history]) xs.T[0] import plottool as pt pt.qtensure() pt.plt.clf() for i in range(len(names)): pt.plt.plot(xs.T[i], ys, 'o', label=names[i]) pt.plt.legend()
def mnist_demo(): """ CommandLine: python -m clab.torch.fit_harness mnist_demo Example: >>> mnist_demo() """ from clab.torch import models from clab.torch import hyperparams root = os.path.expanduser('~/data/mnist/') transform = torchvision.transforms.Compose([ torchvision.transforms.ToTensor(), torchvision.transforms.Normalize((0.1307, ), (0.3081, )) ]) datasets = { 'train': torchvision.datasets.MNIST(root, transform=transform, train=True, download=True), 'test': torchvision.datasets.MNIST(root, transform=transform, train=False, download=True), } batch_size = 128 n_classes = 10 xpu = xpu_device.XPU.from_argv(min_memory=4000) model = models.MnistNet(n_channels=1, n_classes=n_classes) hyper = hyperparams.HyperParams( optimizer=torch.optim.Adam, criterion=torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss, other={ 'n_classes': n_classes, # 'n_channels': n_channels, }) train_dpath = os.path.expanduser('~/data/work/mnist/harness/mnist-net') harn = FitHarness( model=model, datasets=datasets, batch_size=batch_size, train_dpath=train_dpath, xpu=xpu, hyper=hyper, ) labels = np.arange(n_classes) def custom_metrics(harn, output, label): # ignore_label = datasets['train'].ignore_label # labels = datasets['train'].task.labels metrics_dict = metrics._clf_metrics(output, label, labels=labels) return metrics_dict harn.add_metric_hook(custom_metrics) if False: import plottool as pt pt.qtensure() ims, gts = next(iter(harn.loaders['train'])) pic = im_loaders.rgb_tensor_to_imgs(ims, norm=False)[0] pt.clf() pt.imshow(pic, norm=True, cmap='viridis', data_colorbar=True) with pt.RenderingContext() as render: tensor_data = datasets['train'][0][0][None, :] pic = im_loaders.rgb_tensor_to_imgs(tensor_data, norm=False)[0] pt.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) pt.imshow(pic, norm=True, cmap='viridis', data_colorbar=True, fnum=1) render.image
def demo_refresh(): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.graph.refresh demo_refresh \ --num_pccs=40 --size=2 --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.graph.refresh import * # NOQA >>> demo_refresh() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ from ibeis.algo.graph import demo demokw = ut.argparse_dict({'num_pccs': 50, 'size': 4}) refreshkw = ut.argparse_funckw(RefreshCriteria) # make an inference object infr = demo.demodata_infr(size_std=0, **demokw) edges = list(infr.dummy_verif.find_candidate_edges(K=100)) scores = np.array(infr.dummy_verif.predict_edges(edges)) sortx = scores.argsort()[::-1] edges = ut.take(edges, sortx) scores = scores[sortx] ys = infr.match_state_df(edges)[POSTV].values y_remainsum = ys[::-1].cumsum()[::-1] # Do oracle reviews and wait to converge refresh = RefreshCriteria(**refreshkw) xdata = [] pprob_any = [] rfrac_any = [] for count, (edge, y) in enumerate(zip(edges, ys)): refresh.add(y, user_id='user:oracle') rfrac_any.append(y_remainsum[count] / y_remainsum[0]) pprob_any.append(refresh.prob_any_remain()) xdata.append(count + 1) if refresh.check(): break xdata = xdata ydatas = ut.odict([ ('Est. probability any remain', pprob_any), ('Fraction remaining', rfrac_any), ]) ut.quit_if_noshow() import plottool as pt pt.qtensure() from ibeis.scripts.thesis import TMP_RC import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams.update(TMP_RC) pt.multi_plot( xdata, ydatas, xlabel='# manual reviews', rcParams=TMP_RC, marker='', ylim=(0, 1), use_legend=False, ) demokw = ut.map_keys({'num_pccs': '#PCC', 'size': 'PCC size'}, demokw) thresh = refreshkw.pop('thresh') refreshkw['span'] = refreshkw.pop('window') pt.relative_text((.02, .58 + .0), ut.get_cfg_lbl(demokw, sep=' ')[1:], valign='bottom') pt.relative_text((.02, .68 + .0), ut.get_cfg_lbl(refreshkw, sep=' ')[1:], valign='bottom') legend = pt.gca().legend() legend.get_frame().set_alpha(1.0) pt.plt.plot([xdata[0], xdata[-1]], [thresh, thresh], 'g--', label='thresh')