 def test_make_open(self):
     buf = bytearray(range(32))  # Start with junk in the buffer.
     seq = 79
     drive = b'A'
     filename = b'REALTIME.000'
     p = stentura._make_open(buf, seq, drive, filename)
     for_crc = [seq, 20 + len(filename), 0, stentura._OPEN, 0, ord(drive),
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
     crc = stentura._crc(for_crc)
     data_crc = stentura._crc(filename)
     expected = bytearray([1] + for_crc + [crc & 0xFF, crc >> 8])
     expected.extend([data_crc & 0xFF, data_crc >> 8])
     self.assertEqual(p, expected)
 def test_make_open(self):
     buf = array.array('B', [3] * 18)  # Start with junk in the buffer.
     seq = 79
     drive = 'A'
     filename = 'REALTIME.000'
     p = stentura._make_open(buf, seq, drive, filename)
     for_crc = [seq, 20 + len(filename), 0, stentura._OPEN, 0, ord(drive),
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
     crc = stentura._crc(for_crc)
     data_crc = stentura._crc(filename)
     expected = ([1] + for_crc + [crc & 0xFF, crc >> 8] +
                 [ord(b) for b in filename] +
                 [data_crc & 0xFF, data_crc >> 8])
     self.assertSequenceEqual(p, [chr(b) for b in expected])
 def test_make_open(self):
     buf = bytearray(range(32))  # Start with junk in the buffer.
     seq = 79
     drive = b'A'
     filename = b'REALTIME.000'
     p = stentura._make_open(buf, seq, drive, filename)
     for_crc = [seq, 20 + len(filename), 0, stentura._OPEN, 0, ord(drive),
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
     crc = stentura._crc(for_crc)
     data_crc = stentura._crc(filename)
     expected = bytearray([1] + for_crc + [crc & 0xFF, crc >> 8])
     expected.extend([data_crc & 0xFF, data_crc >> 8])
     self.assertEqual(p, expected)
 def test_make_open(self):
     buf = array.array('B', [3] * 18)  # Start with junk in the buffer.
     seq = 79
     drive = 'A'
     filename = 'REALTIME.000'
     p = stentura._make_open(buf, seq, drive, filename)
     for_crc = [
         seq, 20 + len(filename), 0, stentura._OPEN, 0,
         ord(drive), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
     crc = stentura._crc(for_crc)
     data_crc = stentura._crc(filename)
     expected = ([1] + for_crc + [crc & 0xFF, crc >> 8] +
                  for b in filename] + [data_crc & 0xFF, data_crc >> 8])
     self.assertSequenceEqual(p, [chr(b) for b in expected])