class CodeBrowser(plugin.Plugin): """Adds a CodeBrowser to the view menu""" plugin.Implements(iface.MainWindowI) def PlugIt(self, parent): """Adds the view menu entry and registers the event handler""" self._mw = parent self._log = wx.GetApp().GetLog() if self._mw != None: self._log("[codebrowser][info] Installing codebrowser plugin") #---- Create File Browser ----# self._codebrowser = cbrowser.CodeBrowserTree(self._mw) mgr = self._mw.GetFrameManager() mgr.AddPane(self._codebrowser, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo().Name(cbrowser.PANE_NAME).\ Caption(_("Editra | CodeBrowser")).\ Top().Right().Layer(0).\ CloseButton(True).MaximizeButton(True).\ BestSize(wx.Size(215, 350))) mgr.Update() def GetMenuHandlers(self): """Pass even handler for menu item to main window for management""" return [(cbrowser.ID_CODEBROWSER, self._codebrowser.OnShowBrowser)] def GetUIHandlers(self): """Pass Ui handlers to main window for management""" return [(cbrowser.ID_CODEBROWSER, self._codebrowser.OnUpdateMenu)]
class Calculator(plugin.Plugin): """Simple Programmer's Calculator""" plugin.Implements(iface.MainWindowI) def PlugIt(self, parent): """Hook the calculator into the menu and bind the event""" util.Log("[calc][info] Installing calculator plugin") # Add Menu viewm = parent.GetMenuBar().GetMenuByName("view") mitem = viewm.InsertAlpha(calc.ID_CALC, _("Calculator"), ("Open Calculator"), wx.ITEM_CHECK, after=ed_glob.ID_PRE_MARK) if calc.CalcFrame.INSTANCE is not None: mitem.Check(calc.CalcFrame.INSTANCE.IsShown()) def GetMenuHandlers(self): """Register the calculators menu event handler with the top level window and the app. """ return [(calc.ID_CALC, calc.ShowCalculator)] def GetUIHandlers(self): """No UpdateUI events are needed to be processed by this plugin so return an empty list. """ return [(calc.ID_CALC, calc.UpdateMenu)]
class PyRun(plugin.Plugin): """Adds a PyRun to the Shelf""" plugin.Implements(iface.ShelfI) ID_PYRUN = wx.NewId() __name__ = u'PyRun' def AllowMultiple(self): """PyRun allows multiple instances""" return True def CreateItem(self, parent): """Returns a PyRun Panel""" self._log = wx.GetApp().GetLog() self._log("[PyRun][info] Creating PyRun instance for Shelf") output = outwin.OutputWindow(parent) window = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow() if getattr(window, '__name__', ' ') == 'MainWindow': ctrl = window.GetNotebook().GetCurrentCtrl() if ctrl.GetLangId() == synglob.ID_LANG_PYTHON: wx.CallLater(100, output.SetScript, ctrl.GetFileName()) return output def GetId(self): return self.ID_PYRUN def GetMenuEntry(self, menu): return wx.MenuItem(menu, self.ID_PYRUN, self.__name__, _("Executes a python script")) def GetName(self): return self.__name__
class FileBrowserPanel(plugin.Plugin): """Adds a filebrowser to the view menu""" plugin.Implements(iface.MainWindowI) def PlugIt(self, parent): """Adds the view menu entry and registers the event handler""" self._mw = parent self._log = wx.GetApp().GetLog() if self._mw != None: self._log("[filebrowser][info] Installing filebrowser plugin") #---- Create File Browser ----# # TODO hook in saved filter from profile self._filebrowser = browser.BrowserPane(self._mw, browser.ID_BROWSERPANE) mgr = self._mw.GetFrameManager() mgr.AddPane(self._filebrowser, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo().Name(browser.PANE_NAME).\ Caption("File Browser").Left().Layer(1).\ CloseButton(True).MaximizeButton(True).\ BestSize(wx.Size(215, 350))) mgr.Update() def GetMenuHandlers(self): """Pass even handler for menu item to main window for management""" return [(browser.ID_FILEBROWSE, self._filebrowser.OnShowBrowser)] def GetUIHandlers(self): """Pass Ui handlers to main window for management""" return [(browser.ID_FILEBROWSE, self._filebrowser.OnUpdateMenu)]
class PyShell(plugin.Plugin): """Adds a PyShell to the Shelf""" plugin.Implements(iface.ShelfI) __name__ = u'PyShell' def AllowMultiple(self): """PyShell allows multiple instances""" return True def CreateItem(self, parent): """Returns a PyShell Panel""" util.Log("[PyShell][info] Creating PyShell instance for Shelf") return EdPyShellBox(parent) def GetBitmap(self): """Get the bitmap for representing this control in the ui @return: wx.Bitmap """ return wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(str(ed_glob.ID_PYSHELL), wx.ART_MENU) def GetId(self): return ed_glob.ID_PYSHELL def GetMenuEntry(self, menu): return wx.MenuItem(menu, ed_glob.ID_PYSHELL, self.__name__, _("Open A Python Shell")) def GetName(self): return self.__name__ def IsStockable(self): return True
class Hello(plugin.Plugin): """Adds Hello World to the View Menu""" plugin.Implements(iface.MainWindowI) def PlugIt(self, parent): """Adds the view menu entry registers the event handler""" if parent: # This will let you use Editra's loggin system self._log = wx.GetApp().GetLog() self._log("[hello][info] Installing Hello World") vm = parent.GetMenuBar().GetMenuByName("view") vm.Append(ID_HELLO, _("Hello World"), _("Open a Hello World Dialog")) else: self._log("[hello][err] Failed to install hello plugin") def GetMenuHandlers(self): """This is used to register the menu handler with the app and associate the event with the parent window. It needs to return a list of ID/Handler pairs for each menu handler that the plugin is providing. """ return [(ID_HELLO, SayHello)] def GetUIHandlers(self): """This is used to register the update ui handler with the app and associate the event with the parent window. This plugin doesn't use the UpdateUI event so it can just return an empty list. """ return list()
class Projects(plugin.Plugin): """Adds a projects pane to the view menu""" plugin.Implements(iface.MainWindowI) def PlugIt(self, parent): """Adds the view menu entry and registers the event handler""" mainw = parent if mainw != None: util.Log("[projects][info] Installing projects plugin") self._projects = ProjectPane(mainw) mgr = mainw.GetFrameManager() mgr.AddPane(self._projects, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo().Name(PANE_NAME).\ Caption(_("Projects")).Left().Layer(1).\ CloseButton(True).MaximizeButton(False).\ BestSize(wx.Size(215, 350))) mgr.Update() def GetMenuHandlers(self): """Returns the menu event handlers""" return [(ProjectPane.ID_PROJECTS, self._projects.OnShowProjects)] def GetMinVersion(self): """Get the minimum version of Editra that this plugin supports""" return "0.6.48" def GetUIHandlers(self): """Returns handlers for UpdateUI events""" return [(ProjectPane.ID_PROJECTS, self._projects.OnUpdateMenu)]
class PyShell(plugin.Plugin): """Adds a PyShell to the Shelf""" plugin.Implements(iface.ShelfI) ID_PYSHELL = wx.NewId() __name__ = u'PyShell' def __SetupFonts(self): """Create the font settings for the shell""" fonts = { 'size': 11, 'lnsize': 10, 'backcol': '#FFFFFF', 'calltipbg': '#FFFFB8', 'calltipfg': '#404040', } font = Profile_Get( 'FONT1', 'font', wx.Font(11, wx.FONTFAMILY_MODERN, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL)) if font.IsOk() and len(font.GetFaceName()): fonts['mono'] = font.GetFaceName() fonts['size'] = font.GetPointSize() if fonts['size'] < 11: fonts['size'] = 11 fonts['lnsize'] = fonts['size'] - 1 font = Profile_Get( 'FONT2', 'font', wx.Font(11, wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL)) if font.IsOk() and len(font.GetFaceName()): fonts['times'] = font.GetFaceName() fonts['helv'] = font.GetFaceName() fonts['other'] = font.GetFaceName() return fonts def AllowMultiple(self): """PyShell allows multiple instances""" return True def CreateItem(self, parent): """Returns a PyShell Panel""" self._log = wx.GetApp().GetLog() self._log("[pyshell][info] Creating PyShell instance for Shelf") pyshell = shell.Shell(parent, locals=dict()) pyshell.setStyles(self.__SetupFonts()) return pyshell def GetId(self): return self.ID_PYSHELL def GetMenuEntry(self, menu): return wx.MenuItem(menu, self.ID_PYSHELL, self.__name__, _("Open A Python Shell")) def GetName(self): return self.__name__
class Launch(plugin.Plugin): """Script Launcher and output viewer""" plugin.Implements(iface.ShelfI) ID_LAUNCH = wx.NewId() INSTALLED = False SHELF = None @property def __name__(self): return u'Launch' def AllowMultiple(self): """Launch allows multiple instances""" return True def CreateItem(self, parent): """Create a Launch panel""" util.Log("[Launch][info] Creating Launch instance for Shelf") return launch.LaunchWindow(parent) def GetId(self): """The unique identifier of this plugin""" return self.ID_LAUNCH def GetMenuEntry(self, menu): """This plugins menu entry""" return wx.MenuItem(menu, self.ID_LAUNCH, self.__name__, _("Run script from current buffer")) def GetMinVersion(self): return "3.15" def GetName(self): """The name of this plugin""" return self.__name__ def InstallComponents(self, mainw): """Install extra menu components param mainw: MainWindow Instance """ tmenu = mainw.GetMenuBar().GetMenuByName("tools") tmenu.Insert(0, ed_glob.ID_RUN_LAUNCH, _("Run") + \ EdMenuBar.keybinder.GetBinding(ed_glob.ID_RUN_LAUNCH), _("Run the file associated with the current buffer in Launch")) mainw.AddMenuHandler(ed_glob.ID_RUN_LAUNCH, OnRequestHandler) mainw.AddUIHandler(ed_glob.ID_RUN_LAUNCH, OnUpdateMenu) tmenu.Insert(1, wx.ID_SEPARATOR) def IsInstalled(self): """Check whether launch has been installed yet or not @note: overridden from Plugin @return bool """ return Launch.INSTALLED def IsStockable(self): return True
class EnigmaPlugin(plugin.Plugin): """Text encoder/decoder context menu plugin""" plugin.Implements(iface.MainWindowI) def PlugIt(self, parent): util.Log("[Enigma][info] PlugIt called") # Note: multiple subscriptions are ok it will only be # called once. ed_msg.Subscribe(self.OnContextMenu, ed_msg.EDMSG_UI_STC_CONTEXT_MENU) def GetMenuHandlers(self): """Not needed by this plugin""" return list() def GetUIHandlers(self): """Not needed by this plugin""" return list() def GetMinVersion(self): return u"0.7.00" #---- Implementation ----# @staticmethod def OnContextMenu(msg): """EdMsg Handler for customizing the buffers context menu""" menumgr = msg.GetData() menu = menumgr.GetMenu() if menu: # Build Submenu subMen = wx.Menu() b16enc = subMen.Append(ID_BASE16_ENC, _("Base16 Encode")) b32enc = subMen.Append(ID_BASE32_ENC, _("Base32 Encode")) b64enc = subMen.Append(ID_BASE64_ENC, _("Base64 Encode")) b64encUn = subMen.Append(ID_BASE64_ENC_UNIX, _("Base64 Encode with Unix EOL")) subMen.AppendSeparator() b16dec = subMen.Append(ID_BASE16_DEC, _("Base16 Decode")) b32dec = subMen.Append(ID_BASE32_DEC, _("Base32 Decode")) b64dec = subMen.Append(ID_BASE64_DEC, _("Base64 Decode")) menu.InsertMenu(0, ID_ENIGMA, u"Enigma", subMen) menu.InsertSeparator(1) buf = menumgr.GetUserData('buffer') if buf: # Only enable the menu item if there is a selection in the # buffer. has_sel = buf.HasSelection() for item in (b16enc, b32enc, b64enc, b64encUn, b16dec, b32dec, b64dec): item.Enable(has_sel) menumgr.AddHandler(item.Id, OnEnDe)
class CrystalTheme(plugin.Plugin): """Represents the Crystal Icon theme for Editra""" plugin.Implements(ed_theme.ThemeI) def __LoadBitmapData(self, path): """Loads image data into a bitmap, returns None if there is a failure""" try: data = __loader__.get_data(os.path.join(__path__[0], path)) except IOError: pass else: bmp = wx.ImageFromStream(cStringIO.StringIO(data), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) return bmp.ConvertToBitmap() def GetName(self): return u'Crystal' def GetMenuBitmap(self, bmp_id): if bmp_id in ed_theme.ART: path = MENU_PATH + ed_theme.ART[bmp_id] bmp = self.__LoadBitmapData(path) if bmp is not None: return bmp else: return self.GetFileBitmap(bmp_id) return wx.NullBitmap def GetFileBitmap(self, bmp_id): bmp = None if bmp_id in ed_theme.MIME_ART: path = MIME_PATH + ed_theme.MIME_ART[bmp_id] bmp = self.__LoadBitmapData(path) if bmp is not None: return bmp if bmp is None and bmp_id in syntax.SyntaxIds(): # Fail back to plain text bitmap bkup = MIME_PATH + ed_theme.MIME_ART[synglob.ID_LANG_TXT] bmp = self.__LoadBitmapData(bkup) if bmp is not None: return bmp return wx.NullBitmap def GetToolbarBitmap(self, bmp_id): if bmp_id in ed_theme.ART: path = TOOL_PATH + ed_theme.ART[bmp_id] bmp = self.__LoadBitmapData(path) if bmp is not None: return bmp return wx.NullBitmap
class CssOptimizer(plugin.Plugin): """ Optimizes Css Files """ plugin.Implements(generator.GeneratorI) def Generate(self, txt_ctrl): """Generate an optimized version of the given css file. If the file does note appear to be css it will return the input verbatim. """ stc = txt_ctrl eol = stc.GetEOLChar() if stc.GetLexer() == or \ (len(stc.filename) > 3 and stc.filename[-3:] == "css"): # Optimize the text lines = [stc.GetLine(x) for x in xrange(stc.GetLineCount() + 1)] to_pop = list() # First Pass compact everything for x in xrange(len(lines)): line = lines[x].strip() if u':' in line: line = line.split(u':') for y in xrange(len(line)): line[y] = line[y].strip() line = u':'.join(line) if u"{" in line: line = line.split(u'{') for y in xrange(len(line)): line[y] = line[y].strip() line = u'{'.join(line) if len(line) and line[-1] == u'}': line += eol lines[x] = line # Finally remove all comments txt = "".join(lines) cmt_pat = re.compile("\/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*\/") if, txt): txt = re.sub(cmt_pat, u'', txt) ret = ('css', txt) else: ret = ('txt', stc.GetText()) return ret def GetId(self): """Returns the identifing Id of this generator""" return ID_CSS_OPTIMIZER def GetMenuEntry(self, menu): """Returns the MenuItem entry for this generator""" mi = wx.MenuItem(menu, ID_CSS_OPTIMIZER, _("Optimize %s") % u"CSS", _("Generate an optimized version of the css")) mi.SetBitmap(wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(str(ID_LANG_CSS), wx.ART_MENU)) return mi
class ProjectsModList(plugin.Plugin): """Shelf interface implementation for the Repo Modification List""" plugin.Implements(iface.ShelfI) @property def __name__(self): return u'Source Control' def AllowMultiple(self): """ModList allows multiple instances""" return True def CreateItem(self, parent): """Returns a log viewer panel""" modbox = RepoModBox(parent) modbox.SetFileOpenerHook(wx.GetApp().MacOpenFile) return modbox def GetBitmap(self): """Get the tab icon @return: wx.Bitmap """ return FileIcons.getScUpdateBitmap() def GetId(self): """Plugin menu identifier ID""" return ID_MODLIST def GetMenuEntry(self, menu): """Get the menu entry for the log viewer @param menu: the menu items parent menu """ item = wx.MenuItem(menu, ID_MODLIST, _("Source Control"), _("Open the Projects source control summary list")) item.SetBitmap(self.GetBitmap()) return item def GetName(self): """Return the name of this control""" return self.__name__ def IsStockable(self): """ModList can be saved in the shelf preference stack""" return True
class MacroManager(plugin.Plugin): """Manage macros""" plugin.Implements([iface.ShelfI]) def AllowMultiple(self): """This method is used to check if multiple instances of this item are allowed to be open at one time. @return: True/False @rtype: boolean """ return False def CreateItem(self, parent): """This is them method used to open the item in the L{Shelf} It should return an object that is a Panel or subclass of a Panel. @param parent: The would be parent window of this panel @return: wx.Panel """ def GetId(self): """Return the id that identifies this item (same as the menuid) @return: Item ID @rtype: int """ return ID_MACRO_MAN def GetMenuEntry(self, menu): """Returns the menu entry for the Macro Manager @param menu: The menu this entry will be added to @return: wx.MenuItem """ return wx.MenuItem(menu, ID_MACRO_MAN, _("Macro Manager"), _("View and Edit Macros")) def GetName(self): """Return the name of this shelf item. This should be the same as the MenuEntry's label. @return: name of item @rtype: string """ return _(u"Macro Manager")
class EdLogViewer(plugin.Plugin): """Shelf interface implementation for the log viewer""" plugin.Implements(iface.ShelfI) __name__ = u'Editra Log' @staticmethod def AllowMultiple(): """EdLogger allows multiple instances""" return True @staticmethod def CreateItem(parent): """Returns a log viewr panel""" return LogViewer(parent) def GetBitmap(self): """Get the log viewers tab icon @return: wx.Bitmap """ bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(str(self.GetId()), wx.ART_MENU) return bmp @staticmethod def GetId(): """Plugin menu identifier ID""" return ed_glob.ID_LOGGER @staticmethod def GetMenuEntry(menu): """Get the menu entry for the log viewer @param menu: the menu items parent menu """ return wx.MenuItem(menu, ed_glob.ID_LOGGER, _("Editra Log"), _("View Editra's console log")) def GetName(self): """Return the name of this control""" return self.__name__ @staticmethod def IsStockable(): """EdLogViewer can be saved in the shelf preference stack""" return True
class FileBrowserPanel(plugin.Plugin): """Adds a filebrowser to the view menu""" plugin.Implements(ed_main.MainWindowI) def PlugIt(self, parent): """Adds the view menu entry and registers the event handler""" self._mw = parent self._log = wx.GetApp().GetLog() if self._mw != None: self._log("[filebrowser] Installing filebrowser plugin") #---- Create File Browser ----# self._filebrowser = BrowserPane(self._mw, ID_BROWSERPANE) mgr = self._mw.GetFrameManager() mgr.AddPane(self._filebrowser, wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo().Name(PANE_NAME).\ Caption("Editra | File Browser").Left().Layer(1).\ CloseButton(True).MaximizeButton(False).\ BestSize(wx.Size(215, 350))) if Profile_Get('SHOW_FB', 'bool', False): mgr.GetPane(PANE_NAME).Show() else: mgr.GetPane(PANE_NAME).Hide() mgr.Update() # Event Handlers self._mw.Bind(wx.aui.EVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE, self.OnPaneClose) def GetMenuHandlers(self): return [(ID_FILEBROWSE, self._filebrowser.OnShowBrowser)] def GetUIHandlers(self): return list() def OnPaneClose(self, evt): """Handles when the pane is closed to update the profile""" if evt.GetPane().name == PANE_NAME: Profile_Set('SHOW_FB', False) else: evt.Skip()
class TheDailyWtf(plugin.Plugin): """Adds Submit to The DailyWtf context menu""" plugin.Implements(iface.MainWindowI) def PlugIt(self, parent): util.Log("[thedailywtf][info] PlugIt called") # Note: multiple subscriptions are ok it will only be # called once. ed_msg.Subscribe(self.OnContextMenu, ed_msg.EDMSG_UI_STC_CONTEXT_MENU) def GetMenuHandlers(self): """Not needed by this plugin""" return list() def GetUIHandlers(self): """Not needed by this plugin""" return list() def GetMinVersion(self): return u"0.5.86" #---- Implementation ----# @staticmethod def OnContextMenu(msg): """EdMsg Handler for customizing the buffers context menu""" menumgr = msg.GetData() menu = menumgr.GetMenu() if menu: menu.AppendSeparator() item = menu.Append(ID_TDWTF, _("Submit to TDWTF")) item.SetBitmap(WTFICON.GetBitmap()) buf = menumgr.GetUserData('buffer') if buf: # Only enable the menu item if there is a selection in the # buffer. hassel = buf.HasSelection() item.Enable(hassel) menumgr.AddHandler(ID_TDWTF, OnSubmit)
class Hello(plugin.Plugin): """Adds Hello World to the View Menu""" plugin.Implements(ed_main.MainWindowI) def PlugIt(self, parent): """Adds the view menu entry registers the event handler""" mw = parent if mw: self._log = wx.GetApp().GetLog() self._log("[hello] Installing Hello World") mb = mw.GetMenuBar() hm = mb.GetMenuByName("view") hm.Append(ID_HELLO, _("Hello World"), _("Open a Hello World Dialog")) else: self._log("[hello][err] Failed to install hello plugin") def GetMenuHandlers(self): return [(ID_HELLO, SayHello)] def GetUIHandlers(self): return list()
class Calculator(plugin.Plugin): """Simple Programmer's Calculator""" plugin.Implements(ed_main.MainWindowI) def PlugIt(self, parent): """Hook the calculator into the menu and bind the event""" self._log = wx.GetApp().GetLog() self._log("[calc] Installing calculator plugin") # Add Menu mb = parent.GetMenuBar() vm = mb.GetMenuByName("view") mi = vm.InsertAlpha(calc.ID_CALC, _("Calculator"), ("Open Calculator"), wx.ITEM_CHECK, after=ed_glob.ID_PRE_MARK) if calc.CalcFrame.INSTANCE is not None: mi.Check(calc.CalcFrame.INSTANCE.IsShown()) def GetMenuHandlers(self): return [(calc.ID_CALC, calc.ShowCalculator)] def GetUIHandlers(self): return list()
class Terminal(plugin.Plugin): """Adds a Terminal to the Shelf""" plugin.Implements(iface.ShelfI) ID_TERM = wx.NewId() __name__ = u'Terminal' def AllowMultiple(self): """Terminal allows multiple instances""" return True def CreateItem(self, parent): """Returns a Terminal Panel""" self._log = wx.GetApp().GetLog() self._log("[term][info] Creating Terminal instance for Shelf") return terminal.Xterm(parent, wx.ID_ANY) def GetId(self): return self.ID_TERM def GetMenuEntry(self, menu): return wx.MenuItem(menu, self.ID_TERM, self.__name__, _("Open A Terminal")) def GetName(self): return self.__name__
class Launch(plugin.Plugin): """Script Launcher and output viewer""" plugin.Implements(iface.ShelfI) ID_LAUNCH = wx.NewId() @property def __name__(self): return u'Launch' def AllowMultiple(self): """Launch allows multiple instances""" return True def CreateItem(self, parent): """Create a Launch panel""" self._log = wx.GetApp().GetLog() self._log("[Launch][info] Creating Launch instance for Shelf") output = launch.LaunchWindow(parent) return output def GetId(self): """The unique identifier of this plugin""" return self.ID_LAUNCH def GetMenuEntry(self, menu): """This plugins menu entry""" return wx.MenuItem(menu, self.ID_LAUNCH, self.__name__, _("Run script from current buffer")) def GetName(self): """The name of this plugin""" return self.__name__ def IsStockable(self): return True
class EdLogViewer(plugin.Plugin): """Shelf interface implementation for the log viewer""" plugin.Implements(iface.ShelfI) ID_LOGGER = wx.NewId() @property def __name__(self): return u'Editra Log' def AllowMultiple(self): """EdLogger allows multiple instances""" return True def CreateItem(self, parent): """Returns a log viewr panel""" return LogViewer(parent) def GetId(self): """Plugin menu identifier ID""" return self.ID_LOGGER def GetMenuEntry(self, menu): """Get the menu entry for the log viewer @param menu: the menu items parent menu """ return wx.MenuItem(menu, self.ID_LOGGER, _("Editra Log"), _("View Editra's console log")) def GetName(self): """Return the name of this control""" return self.__name__ def IsStockable(self): """EdLogViewer can be saved in the shelf preference stack""" return True
class EdFindResults(plugin.Plugin): """Shelf interface implementation for the find results""" plugin.Implements(iface.ShelfI) SUBSCRIBED = False RESULT_SCREENS = list() def __init__(self, pmgr): """Create the FindResults plugin @param pmgr: This plugins manager """ if not EdFindResults.SUBSCRIBED: ed_msg.Subscribe(EdFindResults.StartResultsScreen, ed_msg.EDMSG_START_SEARCH) EdFindResults.SUBSCRIBED = True # def __del__(self): # if EdFindResults.SUBSCRIBED: # print "UNSUBSCRIBE" # ed_msg.Unsubscribe(self.StartResultsScreen) @property def __name__(self): return u'Find Results' def AllowMultiple(self): """Find Results allows multiple instances""" return True def CreateItem(self, parent): """Returns a log viewr panel""" screen = SearchResultScreen(parent) EdFindResults.RESULT_SCREENS.append(screen) return screen def GetBitmap(self): """Get the find results bitmap @return: wx.Bitmap """ bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(str(ed_glob.ID_FIND), wx.ART_MENU) return bmp def GetId(self): """Plugin menu identifier ID""" return ed_glob.ID_FIND_RESULTS def GetMenuEntry(self, menu): """Get the menu entry for the log viewer @param menu: the menu items parent menu """ return None def GetName(self): """Return the name of this control""" return self.__name__ def IsStockable(self): """EdLogViewer can be saved in the shelf preference stack""" return False @classmethod def StartResultsScreen(cls, msg): """Start a search in an existing window or open a new one @param cls: this class @param msg: message object """ win = wx.GetApp().GetActiveWindow() # Cleanup window list for dead objects to_pop = list() for idx, item in enumerate(list(EdFindResults.RESULT_SCREENS)): if not isinstance(item, SearchResultScreen): to_pop.append(idx) for idx in reversed(to_pop): EdFindResults.RESULT_SCREENS.pop(idx) # Try to find an empty existing window to use for the new search screen = None if win is not None: shelf = win.GetShelf() s_mw = shelf.GetOwnerWindow() shelf_nb = shelf.GetWindow() for item in EdFindResults.RESULT_SCREENS: if item.GetDisplayedLines() < 3 and \ s_mw is win and item.GetParent() is shelf_nb: screen = shelf.RaiseWindow(item) break if screen is None: shelf.PutItemOnShelf(ed_glob.ID_FIND_RESULTS) screen = shelf_nb.GetCurrentPage() # Fire off the search job data = msg.GetData() if len(data) > 1: # Doing a file search operation screen.StartSearch(data[0], *data[1], **data[2]) else: # Doing a buffer find operation (in memory) screen.StartSearch(data[0])
class LaTeX(plugin.Plugin): """Creates a LaTeX document object from the contents of the supplied document reference. @todo: performance improvements and wordwrap in generated document """ plugin.Implements(GeneratorI) def __init__(self, plgmgr): """Initializes the LaTeX object @param plgmgr: pluginmanger for this object """ plugin.Plugin.__init__(self) # Attributes self._stc = None self._id = ed_glob.ID_TEX_GEN self._dstyle = StyleItem() self._cmds = dict() def CreateCmdName(self, name): """Creates and returns a proper cmd name @param name: name to construct command from @return: latex formated command string """ name = name.replace('_', '') tmp = list() alpha = "ABCDEFGHIJ" for char in name: if char.isdigit(): tmp.append(alpha[int(char)]) else: tmp.append(char) return "".join(tmp) def GenDoc(self): """Generates the document body of the LaTeX document @returns: the main body of the reference document marked up with latex """ tex = list() tmp = u'' start = parse_pos = 0 last_pos = self._stc.GetLineEndPosition(self._stc.GetLineCount()) # Define the default style self.RegisterStyleCmd('default_style', \ self._stc.GetItemByName('default_style')) # Get Document start point info last_id = self._stc.GetStyleAt(parse_pos) tmp = self.TransformText( self._stc.GetTextRange(parse_pos, parse_pos + 1)) tag = self._stc.FindTagById(last_id) if tag != wx.EmptyString: self.RegisterStyleCmd(tag, self._stc.GetItemByName(tag)) # Optimizations stc = self._stc GetStyleAt = stc.GetStyleAt GetTextRange = stc.GetTextRange TransformText = self.TransformText # Build LaTeX for parse_pos in xrange(last_pos + 1): curr_id = GetStyleAt(parse_pos) if parse_pos > 1: # This is the performance bottleneck, changeing the text # collection to when the style changes is much faster as # it only needs to be done once per style section instead # of once per character. Doing that however causes problems # with the style and resulting document formatting. tmp = TransformText(GetTextRange((parse_pos - 1), parse_pos)) if curr_id == 0 and GetStyleAt(parse_pos + 1) == last_id: curr_id = last_id # If style region has changed close section if curr_id != last_id or tmp[-1] == "\n": tmp_tex = TransformText(GetTextRange(start, parse_pos)) # tmp_tex = u"".join(tmp) if tag == "operator_style" or \ (tag == "default_style" and \ tmp_tex.isspace() and len(tmp_tex) <= 2): tex.append(tmp_tex) else: if "\\\\\n" in tmp_tex: tmp_tex = tmp_tex.replace("\\\\\n", "") tmp2 = "\\%s{%s}\\\\\n" else: tmp2 = "\\%s{%s}" cmd = self.CreateCmdName(tag) if cmd in [None, wx.EmptyString]: cmd = "defaultstyle" tex.append(tmp2 % (cmd, tmp_tex)) last_id = curr_id tag = stc.FindTagById(last_id) if tag not in [None, wx.EmptyString]: self.RegisterStyleCmd(tag, stc.GetItemByName(tag)) tmp = list() start = parse_pos # Case for unstyled documents if tex == wx.EmptyString: tex.append(self.TransformText(stc.GetText())) return "\\begin{document}\n%s\n\\end{document}" % "".join(tex) def Generate(self, stc_doc): """Generates the LaTeX document @param stc_doc: text control to generate latex from @return: the reference document marked up in LaTeX. """ self._stc = stc_doc default_si = self._stc.GetItemByName('default_style') self._dstyle.SetBack(default_si.GetBack().split(',')[0]) self._dstyle.SetFore(default_si.GetFore().split(',')[0]) self._dstyle.SetFace(default_si.GetFace().split(',')[0]) self._dstyle.SetSize(default_si.GetSize().split(',')[0]) body = self.GenDoc() preamble = self.GenPreamble() return ("tex", u"".join([preamble, body])) def GenPreamble(self): """Generates the Preamble of the document @return: the LaTeX document preamble """ # Preamble template pre = ( "%% \iffalse meta-comment\n" "%%\n%% Generated by Editra %s\n" "%% This is generator is Very Experimental.\n" "%% The code should compile in most cases but there may\n" "%% be some display issues when rendered.\n" "%%\n%%\n\n" "\\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{article}\n" "\\usepackage[a4paper, margin=2cm]{geometry}\n" "\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}\n" # "\\usepackage{ucs}\n" # "\\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\n" "\\usepackage{color}\n" "\\usepackage{alltt}\n" "\\usepackage{times}\n") % ed_glob.VERSION # Set the background color pre += ("\\pagecolor[rgb]{%s}\n" % \ self.HexToRGB(self._dstyle.GetBack())) pre += "\\parindent=0in\n\n" # Insert all styling commands pre += "%% Begin Styling Command Definitions" for cmd in self._cmds: pre += ("\n" + self._cmds[cmd]) pre += "\n%% End Styling Command Definitions\n\n" return pre def GetId(self): """Returns the menu identifier for the LaTeX generator @return: id of that identifies this generator """ return self._id def GetMenuEntry(self, menu): """Returns the Menu control for the LaTeX generator @param menu: menu to create MenuItem for """ return wx.MenuItem(menu, self._id, _("Generate %s") % u"LaTeX", _("Generate an %s version of the " \ "current document") % u"LaTeX") def HexToRGB(self, hex_str): """Returns a comma separated rgb string representation of the input hex string. 1.0 = White, 0.0 = Black. @param hex_str: hex string to convert to latex rgb format """ r_hex = hex_str if r_hex[0] == u"#": r_hex = r_hex[1:] ldiff = 6 - len(r_hex) r_hex += ldiff * u"0" # Convert hex values to integer red = round(float(float(int(r_hex[0:2], 16)) / 255), 2) green = round(float(float(int(r_hex[2:4], 16)) / 255), 2) blue = round(float(float(int(r_hex[4:], 16)) / 255), 2) return "%s,%s,%s" % (str(red), str(green), str(blue)) def RegisterStyleCmd(self, cmd_name, s_item): """Registers and generates a command from the supplied StyleItem. @param cmd_name: name of command @param s_item: style item to create command for @postcondition: new styling command is created and registered for use """ cmd_name = self.CreateCmdName(cmd_name) # If we already made a command for this style return if cmd_name in self._cmds: return # Templates uline_tmp = u"\\underline{%s}" ital_tmp = u"\\emph{%s}" bold_tmp = u"\\textbf{%s}" fore_tmp = u"\\textcolor[rgb]{%s}{%s}" back_tmp = u"\\colorbox[rgb]{%s}{#1}" cmd_tmp = u"\\newcommand{%s}[1]{%s}" # Get Style Attributes fore = s_item.GetFore() if fore == wx.EmptyString: fore = self._dstyle.GetFore() back = s_item.GetBack() if back == wx.EmptyString: back = self._dstyle.GetBack() face = s_item.GetFace() if face == wx.EmptyString: face = self._dstyle.GetFace() size = s_item.GetSize() if size == wx.EmptyString: size = self._dstyle.GetSize() back = back_tmp % self.HexToRGB(back.split(u',')[0]) fore = fore_tmp % (self.HexToRGB(fore.split(u',')[0]), back) if u"bold" in unicode(s_item): fore = bold_tmp % fore if u"underline" in unicode(s_item): fore = uline_tmp % fore if u"italic" in unicode(s_item): fore = ital_tmp % fore cmd = cmd_tmp % ( (u"\\" + cmd_name), u"\\texttt{\\ttfamily{%s}}" % fore) self._cmds[cmd_name] = cmd def TransformText(self, txt): """Transforms the given text into LaTeX format, by escaping all special characters and sequences. @param txt: text to transform @return: txt with all special characters transformed """ ch_map = { "#": "\\#", "$": "\\$", "^": "\\^", "%": "\\%", "&": "\\&", "_": "\\_", "{": "\\{", "}": "\\}", "~": "\\~", "\\": "$\\backslash$", "\n": "\\\\\n", "@": "$@$", "<": "$<$", ">": "$>$", "-": "$-$", "|": "$|$" } tmp = list() for char in txt: tmp.append(ch_map.get(char, char)) return u''.join(tmp)
class Rtf(plugin.Plugin): """Generates a fully styled RTF document from the given text controls contents. @todo: add support for bold/italic/underline and multiple fonts """ plugin.Implements(GeneratorI) def __init__(self, mgr): """Initializes and declares the attribute values for this generator. @param mgr: plugin manager of this object """ plugin.Plugin.__init__(self) # Attributes self._stc = None self._id = ed_glob.ID_RTF_GEN self._colortbl = RtfColorTbl() def __str__(self): """Returns the RTF object as a string @return: rtf object as a string """ return self._GenRtf() #---- Protected Member Functions ----# def _GenRtf(self): """Generates the RTF equivalent of the displayed text in the current stc document window. @precondition: self._stc must have been set by a call to Generate @return: generated rtf marked up text """ # Buffer hasn't been set if self._stc is None: return u'' # Optimizations stc = self._stc def_fore = stc.GetDefaultForeColour(as_hex=True) self._colortbl.AddColor(def_fore) def_back = stc.GetDefaultBackColour(as_hex=True) self._colortbl.AddColor(def_back) last_pos = stc.GetLineEndPosition(stc.GetLineCount()) parse_pos = 0 last_id = None last_fore = None last_back = None start = end = 0 tmp_txt = list() font_tmp = "\\f0" fore_tmp = "\\cf%d" back_tmp = "\\cb%d" AddColor = self._colortbl.AddColor GetColorIndex = self._colortbl.GetColorIndex GetStyleAt = stc.GetStyleAt # Parse all characters/style bytes in document for parse_pos in xrange(last_pos + 1): sty_id = GetStyleAt(parse_pos) end = parse_pos # If style has changed build the previous section if sty_id != last_id: tag = stc.FindTagById(last_id) s_item = stc.GetItemByName(tag) AddColor(s_item.GetFore()) AddColor(s_item.GetBack()) tplate = font_tmp fid = GetColorIndex(s_item.GetFore()) if fid != last_fore: last_fore = fid tplate = tplate + (fore_tmp % fid) bid = GetColorIndex(s_item.GetBack()) if bid != last_back: last_back = bid tplate = tplate + (back_tmp % bid) tmp_txt.append(tplate + " " + \ self.TransformText(stc.GetTextRange(start, end))) start = end last_id = sty_id head = "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0 %s;}}" % \ stc.GetDefaultFont().GetFaceName() return u"%s%s%s}" % (head, self._colortbl, "".join(tmp_txt)) #---- End Protected Member Functions ----# def Generate(self, stc_doc): """Implements the GeneratorI's Generator Function by returning the RTF equvialent of the given stc_doc @param stc_doc: document to generate text from @return: document marked up in rtf """ self._stc = stc_doc return ('rtf', self._GenRtf()) def GetId(self): """Implements the GeneratorI's GetId function by returning the identifier for this generator. @return: identifier for this generator """ return self._id def GetMenuEntry(self, menu): """Implements the GeneratorI's GetMenuEntry function by returning the MenuItem to associate with this object. @return: menu entry item for this generator """ return wx.MenuItem(menu, self._id, _("Generate %s") % u"RTF", _("Generate a %s version of the " \ "current document") % u"RTF") def TransformText(self, text): """Transforms the given text by converting it to RTF format @param text: text to transform @return: text with all special characters transformed """ chmap = { "\t": "\\tab ", "{": "\\{", "}": "\\}", "\\": "\\\\", "\n": "\\par\n", "\r": "\\par\n" } text = text.replace('\r\n', '\n') tmp = u'' for char in text: tmp = tmp + chmap.get(char, char) return tmp
class Html(plugin.Plugin): """Transforms the text from a given Editra stc to a fully styled html page. Inline CSS is generated and inserted into the head of the Html to style the text regions by default unless requested to generate a separate sheet. """ plugin.Implements(GeneratorI) def __init__(self, mgr): """Creates the Html object from an Editra stc text control @param mgr: This generators plugin manager """ plugin.Plugin.__init__(self) # Attributes self._id = ed_glob.ID_HTML_GEN = None self.head = wx.EmptyString self.css = dict() self.body = wx.EmptyString def __str__(self): """Returns the string of html @return: string version of html object """ # Assemble the embedded html style = "<style type=\"text/css\">\n%s</style>" css = wx.EmptyString for key in self.css: css += str(self.css[key]) + "\n" css = css % style = style % css # Insert the css into the head head = self.head.replace('</head>', style + "\n</head>") # Assemble the body of the html html = "<html>\n%s\n%s\n</html>" html = html % (head, self.body) return html def Unicode(self): """Returns the html as unicode @return: unicode string of html """ return unicode(self.__str__()) def Generate(self, stc_ctrl): """Generates and returns the document @param stc_ctrl: text control to get text from """ = stc_ctrl self.head = self.GenerateHead() self.body = self.GenerateBody() return ("html", self.__str__()) def GenerateHead(self): """Generates the html head block @return: html header information @rtype: string """ return "<head>\n<title>%s</title>\n" \ "<meta name=\"Generator\" content=\"Editra/%s\">\n" \ "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; " \ "charset=utf-8\">" \ "\n</head>" % (ebmlib.GetFileName(, ed_glob.VERSION) def GenerateBody(self): """Generates the body of the html from the stc's content. To do this it does a character by character parse of the stc to determine style regions and generate css and and styled spans of html in order to generate an 'exact' html reqresentation of the stc's window. @return: the body section of the html generated from the text control """ html = list() parse_pos = 0 style_start = 0 style_end = 0 last_pos = + 1 # Get Document start point info last_id = tag = if tag != wx.EmptyString: s_item = StyleItem() s_item.SetAttrFromStr( self.css[tag] = CssItem(tag.split('_')[0], s_item) # Optimizations stc = GetStyleAt = stc.GetStyleAt # Build Html while parse_pos < last_pos: parse_pos += 1 curr_id = GetStyleAt(parse_pos) style_end = parse_pos # If style region has changed close section if curr_id == 0 and GetStyleAt(parse_pos + 1) == last_id: curr_id = last_id if curr_id != last_id or parse_pos == last_pos: tmp = stc.GetTextRange(style_start, style_end) tmp = self.TransformText(tmp) if tmp.isspace() or tag in ["default_style", "operator_style"]: html.append(tmp) else: tmp2 = "<span class=\"%s\">%s</span>" html.append(tmp2 % (tag.split('_')[0], tmp)) last_id = curr_id style_start = style_end tag = stc.FindTagById(last_id) if tag not in self.css: s_item = StyleItem() s_item.SetAttrFromStr(stc.GetStyleByName(tag)) self.css[tag] = CssItem(tag.split('_')[0], s_item) # Case for unstyled documents if len(html) == 0: s_item = StyleItem() s_item.SetAttrFromStr(stc.GetStyleByName('default_style')) self.css['default_style'] = CssItem('default', s_item) html.append(self.TransformText(stc.GetText())) else: self.OptimizeCss() return "<body class=\"default\">\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n</body>" % \ "".join(html) def GetId(self): """Returns the menu identifier for the HTML generator @return: id of this object """ return self._id def GetMenuEntry(self, menu): """Returns the Menu control for the HTML generator @return: menu entry for this generator """ return wx.MenuItem(menu, self._id, _("Generate %s") % u"HTML", _("Generate a %s version of the " \ "current document") % u"HTML") def OptimizeCss(self): """Optimizes the CSS Set @postcondition: css is optimized to remove any redundant entries """ # Must have the default style defined if 'default_style' not in self.css: return # Don't style operators. This is to optimize the html size if 'operator_style' in self.css: self.css.pop('operator_style') # All other css elements will inheirit from the default default = self.css['default_style'] for key in self.css: if key == 'default_style': continue if default.GetFont() == self.css[key].GetFont(): self.css[key].SetFont(wx.EmptyString) if default.GetFontSize() == self.css[key].GetFontSize(): self.css[key].SetFontSize(wx.EmptyString) if default.GetBackground() == self.css[key].GetBackground(): self.css[key].SetBackground(wx.EmptyString) if default.GetColor() == self.css[key].GetColor(): self.css[key].SetColor(wx.EmptyString) for item in default.GetDecorators(): if item in self.css[key].GetDecorators(): self.css[key].RemoveDecorator(item) def TransformText(self, text): """Does character substitution on a string and returns the html equivlant of the given string. @param text: text to transform @return: text with all special characters transformed """ text = text.replace('&', "&") # Ampersands text = text.replace('<', "<") # Less Than Symbols text = text.replace('>', ">") # Greater Than Symbols text = text.replace("\"", """) return text
class TangoTheme(plugin.Plugin): """Represents the Tango Icon theme for Editra""" plugin.Implements(ThemeI) name = u'Tango' def __GetArtPath(self, client, mime=False): """Gets the path of the resource directory to get the bitmaps from. @param client: wx.ART_MENU/wx.ART_TOOLBAR @keyword mime: is this a filetype icon lookup @return: path of art resource @rtype: string """ clients = { wx.ART_MENU: u"menu", wx.ART_TOOLBAR: u"toolbar", wx.ART_OTHER: u"other" } # Get the path if ed_glob.CONFIG['THEME_DIR'] == u'': theme = util.ResolvConfigDir(os.path.join(u"pixmaps", u"theme")) ed_glob.CONFIG['THEME_DIR'] = theme if mime: path = os.path.join(ed_glob.CONFIG['THEME_DIR'], Profile_Get('ICONS'), u'mime') else: path = os.path.join(ed_glob.CONFIG['THEME_DIR'], self.GetName(), clients.get(client, u"menu")) path += os.sep if os.path.exists(path): return path else: return None def GetName(self): """Get the name of this theme @return: string """ return def GetMenuBitmap(self, bmp_id): """Get a menu bitmap @param bmp_id: Id of bitmap to look for """ if bmp_id in ART: path = self.__GetArtPath(wx.ART_MENU, mime=False) if path is not None: path = path + ART[bmp_id] if os.path.exists(path): return wx.Bitmap(path, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) else: return self.GetFileBitmap(bmp_id) return wx.NullBitmap def GetFileBitmap(self, bmp_id): """Get a mime type bitmap from the theme @param bmp_id: Id of filetype bitmap to look up @see: L{syntax.synglob} """ path = self.__GetArtPath(wx.ART_MENU, mime=True) if path is not None and bmp_id in SYNTAX_IDS: if bmp_id in MIME_ART: req = path + MIME_ART[bmp_id] if os.path.exists(req): return wx.Bitmap(req, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) # Try to fall back to bmp for plain text when above is not found bkup = path + MIME_ART[synglob.ID_LANG_TXT] if os.path.exists(bkup): return wx.Bitmap(bkup, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) return wx.NullBitmap def GetOtherBitmap(self, bmp_id): """Get a other catagory bitmap. @param bmp_id: Id of art resource """ if bmp_id in ART: path = self.__GetArtPath(wx.ART_OTHER, mime=False) if path is not None: path = path + ART[bmp_id] if os.path.exists(path): return wx.Bitmap(path, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) return wx.NullBitmap def GetToolbarBitmap(self, bmp_id): """Get a toolbar bitmap @param bmp_id: Id of bitmap to look for @return: wx.NullBitmap or a 32x32 bitmap """ if bmp_id in ART: # size = Profile_Get('ICON_SZ', default=(24, 24)) path = self.__GetArtPath(wx.ART_TOOLBAR, mime=False) if path is not None: # tpath = os.path.join(path, '24', ART[bmp_id]) # if size[0] == 24 and os.path.exists(tpath): # path = tpath # else: path = path + ART[bmp_id] if os.path.exists(path): return wx.Bitmap(path, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) return wx.NullBitmap
class TangoTheme(plugin.Plugin): """Represents the Nuovo Icon theme for Editra""" plugin.Implements(ThemeI) def __GetArtPath(self, client, mime=False): """Gets the path of the resource directory to get the bitmaps from. @return: path of art resource @rtype: string """ clients = {wx.ART_MENU: u"menu", wx.ART_TOOLBAR: u"toolbar"} if ed_glob.CONFIG['THEME_DIR'] == u'': theme = util.ResolvConfigDir(os.path.join("pixmaps", "theme")) ed_glob.CONFIG['THEME_DIR'] = theme if mime: path = ed_glob.CONFIG['THEME_DIR'] + util.GetPathChar() + \ Profile_Get('ICONS') + util.GetPathChar() + \ u'mime' + util.GetPathChar() else: path = ed_glob.CONFIG['THEME_DIR'] + util.GetPathChar() + \ Profile_Get('ICONS') + util.GetPathChar() + \ clients.get(client, u"menu") + util.GetPathChar() if os.path.exists(path): return path else: return None def GetName(self): return u'Tango' def GetMenuBitmap(self, bmp_id): if ART.has_key(bmp_id): path = self.__GetArtPath(wx.ART_MENU, mime=False) if path is not None: path = path + ART[bmp_id] if os.path.exists(path): return wx.Bitmap(path, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) else: return self.GetFileBitmap(bmp_id) return wx.NullBitmap def GetFileBitmap(self, bmp_id): path = self.__GetArtPath(wx.ART_MENU, mime=True) if path is not None and bmp_id in SyntaxIds(): if MIME_ART.has_key(bmp_id): req = path + MIME_ART[bmp_id] if os.path.exists(req): return wx.Bitmap(req, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) # Try to fall back to bmp for plain text when above is not found bkup = path + MIME_ART[synglob.ID_LANG_TXT] if os.path.exists(bkup): return wx.Bitmap(bkup, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) return wx.NullBitmap def GetToolbarBitmap(self, bmp_id): if ART.has_key(bmp_id): path = self.__GetArtPath(wx.ART_TOOLBAR, mime=False) if path is not None: path = path + ART[bmp_id] if os.path.exists(path): return wx.Bitmap(path, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) return wx.NullBitmap
class CodeTemplater(plugin.Plugin): """Adds an interface to add Code Templates""" plugin.Implements(iface.MainWindowI) templates = {} currentlang = synglob.ID_LANG_TXT def PlugIt(self, parent): """Implements MainWindowI's PlugIt Method""" self._log = wx.GetApp().GetLog() self._log("[codetemplater][info] Starting codetemplater") self.templates = load_templates() self.currentlang = synglob.ID_LANG_TXT self.templatemenu = submenu = EdMenu() popupshortcut = Profile_Get(PROFILE_KEY_POPUP) submenu.Append(ID_SHOW_TEMPLATES, _("Show Code Templates") + u'\t' + popupshortcut) submenu.AppendSeparator() submenu.Append( ID_EDIT_TEMPLATES, _("Edit Templates..."), _("Open a Dialog to Edit the Templates Currently in Use")) toolmenu = parent.GetMenuBar().GetMenuByName("tools") toolmenu.AppendSubMenu(submenu, _("Code Templates"), _("Insert Code Templates into Document")) Subscribe(self.OnTemplate, EDMSG_UI_STC_USERLIST_SEL) Subscribe(self.OnLexerChange, EDMSG_UI_STC_LEXER) Subscribe(self.OnPageChange, EDMSG_UI_NB_CHANGED) self._log("[codetemplater][info] Finished loading codetemplater") def GetMenuHandlers(self): return [(ID_EDIT_TEMPLATES, self.OnEdit), (ID_SHOW_TEMPLATES, self.OnShow)] def GetUIHandlers(self): return [] def OnShow(self, evt): if evt.GetId() == ID_SHOW_TEMPLATES: lst = self.templates[self.currentlang].keys() if len(lst) == 0: self._log( "[codetemplater][info] Tried to show template list, but no templates present" ) else: lst.sort() self._log("[codetemplater][info] Showing template list: " + u','.join(lst)) cbuff = wx.GetApp().GetCurrentBuffer() oldsep = cbuff.AutoCompGetSeparator() try: cbuff.AutoCompSetSeparator(ord(u'\n')) cbuff.UserListShow(1, u'\n'.join(lst)) except wx.PyAssertionError, msg: self._log( "[codetemplater][err] Fail to show user list: %s" % str(msg)) finally: cbuff.AutoCompSetSeparator(oldsep)
class EdBookmarks(plugin.Plugin): """Shelf interface implementation for the bookmark manager""" plugin.Implements(iface.ShelfI) __name__ = u'Bookmarks' @staticmethod def AllowMultiple(): """EdBookmark only allows one instance""" return False @staticmethod def CreateItem(parent): """Returns a bookmark panel""" return BookmarkWindow(parent) def GetBitmap(self): """Get the log viewers tab icon @return: wx.Bitmap """ bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(str(ed_glob.ID_ADD_BM), wx.ART_MENU) return bmp @staticmethod def GetId(): """Plugin menu identifier ID""" return ed_glob.ID_BOOKMARK_MGR @staticmethod def GetMenuEntry(menu): """Get the menu entry for the bookmark viewer @param menu: the menu items parent menu """ item = wx.MenuItem(menu, ed_glob.ID_BOOKMARK_MGR, _("Bookmarks"), _("View all bookmarks")) bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(str(ed_glob.ID_ADD_BM), wx.ART_MENU) item.SetBitmap(bmp) return item def GetName(self): """Return the name of this control""" return self.__name__ @staticmethod def IsStockable(): """EdBookmark can be saved in the shelf preference stack""" return True # Bookmark storage _marks = list() @classmethod def OnStoreBM(cls, msg): data = msg.GetData() buf = data.get('stc') line = data.get('line') mark = Bookmark() mark.Filename = buf.GetFileName() mark.Line = line if data.get('added', False): if mark not in cls._marks: # Store the stc bookmark handle mark.Handle = data.get('handle', None) # Store an alias for the bookmark name = u"" cline = buf.GetCurrentLine() if line == cline: name = buf.GetSelectedText() if not name: name = buf.GetLine(line) mark.Name = name.strip() cls._marks.append(mark) else: if mark in cls._marks: idx = cls._marks.index(mark) cls._marks.pop(idx) @classmethod def GetMarks(cls): return cls._marks