def test___init__(self):
        """Test method :meth:`plugins.doomsday.Date.__init__`


        - The attributes of a valid date are correct after initialization.
        - A ValueError is raised when initializing an invalid date.
        date = doomsday.Date(2015, 5, 13)
        self.assertEqual(date.year, 2015)
        self.assertEqual(date.month, 5)
        self.assertEqual(, 13)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            doomsday.Date(2015, 2, 29)
    def test_is_valid(self):
        """Test method :meth:`plugins.doomsday.Date.is_valid`


        - False is returned for a year below 1583.
        - False is returned for a month below 1.
        - False is returned for a month above 12.
        - False is returned for a day below 1.
        - False is returned for a day above the amount of days in the month.
        - True is returned for a valid day.
        date = doomsday.Date(1583, 1, 1)
        date.year = 1582
        date.year = 2015
        date.month = 0
        date.month = 13
        date.month = 2 = 0
        self.assertFalse(date.is_valid()) = 29
        self.assertFalse(date.is_valid()) = 28
def run():
    """Execute the challenges.011e module."""
    year = int(utils.get_input("Year (1583 - ...) > "))
    month = int(utils.get_input("Month (1 - 12) > "))
    ndays = dd.ndays_in_month(month, year)
    day = int(utils.get_input("Day (1 - {}) > ".format(ndays)))
    date = dd.Date(year, month, day)
    print("{} is a {}.".format(date, date.weekday(h=True)))
    def test_cumulative_day_of_year(self):
        """Test method :meth:`plugins.doomsday.Date.cumulative_day_of_year`


        - The correct cumulative day of the year for the date is returned.
        date = doomsday.Date(2015, 5, 13)
        self.assertEqual(date.cumulative_day_of_year(), 133)
    def test___str__(self):
        """Test method :meth:`plugins.doomsday.Date.__str__`


        - The returned string is correct.
        date = doomsday.Date(2015, 5, 13)
        self.assertEqual(date.__str__(), '2015-5-13')
def run():
    """Execute the challenges.013e module."""
    year = int(utils.get_input("Year (1583 - ...) > "))
    month = int(utils.get_input("Month (1 - 12) > "))
    ndays = dd.ndays_in_month(month, year)
    day = int(utils.get_input("Day (1 - {}) > ".format(ndays)))
    date = dd.Date(year, month, day)
    cumulday = date.cumulative_day_of_year()
    print("{} is day number {} of the year {}.".format(date, cumulday,
    def test_weekday(self):
        """Test method :meth:`plugins.doomsday.Date.weekday`


        - The correct weekday of the date is returned as an integer.
        - The correct weekday of the date is returned as a string.
        date = doomsday.Date(2015, 5, 13)
        self.assertEqual(date.weekday(), 3)
        self.assertEqual(date.weekday(h=True), 'wednesday')