def run(self): # print ("Welcome to the Planetoids & Terra World Generator V12") is_exe = hasattr(sys, "frozen") terramode = False if is_exe: import os path = os.path.dirname((sys.executable)) sys.path = [path] + sys.path def draw_chasm(sur, pos, rmin, rmax, amin, amax): points = [ (int(pos[0] + rmin * cos(amin)), int(pos[1] + rmin * sin(amin))), (int(pos[0] + rmin * cos((amin + amax) / 2)), int(pos[1] + rmin * sin((amin + amax) / 2))), (int(pos[0] + rmin * cos(amax)), int(pos[1] + rmin * sin(amax))), (int(pos[0] + rmax * cos(amax)), int(pos[1] + rmax * sin(amax))), (int(pos[0] + rmax * cos((amin + amax) / 2)), int(pos[1] + rmax * sin((amin + amax) / 2))), (int(pos[0] + rmax * cos(amin)), int(pos[1] + rmax * sin(amin)))] pygame.draw.polygon(sur, (233, 233, 233), points) steps = 70, (23, 23, 23), points[-1], 8), (23, 23, 23), points[3], 8) orb = randint(steps // 2, steps) for x in range(steps + 1): x = float(x) cpos = (int(points[0][0] * x / steps + points[-1][0] * (steps - x) / steps), int(points[0][1] * x / steps + points[-1][1] * (steps - x) / steps)) ra = randint(4, 8) #, (32,32,32), cpos, ra, 4) #vines, (23, 23, 23), cpos, ra, 2) #grass, (25, 25, 25), cpos, ra) #ebonstone cpos2 = (int(points[2][0] * x / steps + points[3][0] * (steps - x) / steps), int(points[2][1] * x / steps + points[3][1] * (steps - x) / steps)) ra = randint(4, 8), (32,32,32), cpos2, ra, 4) #vines, (23, 23, 23), cpos2, ra, 2) #grass, (25, 25, 25), cpos2, ra) #ebonstone if x == orb: cpos = (cpos[0] + cpos2[0]) // 2, (cpos[1] + cpos2[1]) // 2, (25, 25, 25), cpos, 3) #ebonstone sur.blit(multis["shadoworb"], (cpos[0] - 1, cpos[1] - 1)) return sur d = if not d == False: name, mode, starttype, sun, atlantis, merch, loot, hard, mirrored, pre = d sizetype = mode[0] terramode = mode[1] else: hard = 0 name = "Planetoids" ## ask the user what kind of world he/she wants. print("Select world type") print("Terra mode only available on large and square") print("1: planetoids") print("2: terra & planetoids; implies large world size") print("3: terra; implies square world size") valid = [1, 2, 3] terramode = 0 while terramode not in valid: try: terramode = int(raw_input("World type:")) except: pass if terramode not in valid: print("Please put in 1,2, or 3 and then hit enter, cant be that hard, right?") print("") terramode -= 1 if not terramode: print("Select world size") print("1: small (4200 x 1200)") print("2: medium (6300 x 1800)") print("3: large (8400 x 2400)") print("4: square (2400 x 2400)") valid = [1, 2, 3, 4] sizetype = 0 while sizetype not in valid: try: sizetype = int(raw_input("World size:")) except: pass if sizetype not in valid: print("Please put in 1,2,3 or 4 and then hit enter, cant be that hard, right?") print("") valid = [1, 2, 3, 4] print("Select start condition") print("1: Day (Standard Terraria)") print("2: Morning") print("3: Night") print("4: Bloodmoon") starttype = 0 while starttype not in valid: try: starttype = int(raw_input("Start condition:")) except: pass if starttype not in valid: print("Please input 1,2,3 or 4, then hit enter.") print("") valid = [1, 2, 3, 4] print("Select extra difficulty, you may select multiple by entering multiple numbers.") print("By entering nothing you play normal") print("1: Darkness! I dont need a puny sun!") print("2: Less loot! I want to keep exploring!") print("3: Atlantis, I want to conquer the world from my sunken planet!") print("4: No merchant at the start, I want to earn him!") dif = input("Difficulty:") if "1" in dif: sun = False else: sun = True if "2" in dif: loot = True else: loot = False if "3" in dif: atlantis = True else: atlantis = False if "4" in dif: merch = False else: merchant = True loadingbar = loadbar.Bar(caption = "Planetoids: startup") sizetype -= 1 starttype -= 1 #people dont like to start counting at 0, so its decremented afterwards #for people used to python this part of code should be obvious #otherwise: [1,2,3][0] returns 1, as that is at part 1 #this is a cpu intense way of doing it, but its the less typing #execution time at this point is also pretty much unimportant is_day = [1, 1, 0, 0][starttype] is_blood = [0, 0, 0, 1][starttype] time = [13000.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0][starttype] size = [(4200, 1200), (6300, 1800), (8400, 2400), (2400, 2400)][sizetype] if terramode: border = 200 spawn = (size[0] // 2, border) superradius = 1200 - border else: spawn = [(2100, 200), (3150, 300), (4200, 400), (1200, 200)][sizetype] if not sun: #if no sun ground = [-1200.0, -1800.0, -2400.0, -2400.0][sizetype] rock = [385.0, 385.0, 385.0, 385.0][sizetype] else: ground = [385.0, 385.0, 385.0, 385.0][sizetype] rock = [487.0, 703.0, 907.0, 907.0][sizetype] if sizetype == 3: #square world has almost the same amount of tiles as small # so in the following code it will be regarded as a small world. sizetype = 0 elif sizetype == 2 and terramode: #large world - terra = contents of medium planetoids sizetype = 1 chestcount = [200, 400, 800][sizetype] #I would prefer [500,1000,1500] chests #but terraria only allows 1000 chests as well as 1000 signs, never forget that limit large_planets = [25, 50, 100][sizetype] dungeon_planets = [5, 10, 20][sizetype] small_planets = [250, 500, 1000][sizetype] stone_planets = [25, 50, 100][sizetype] #header data header = {'spawn': spawn, 'groundlevel': ground, 'is_bloodmoon': is_blood, 'dungeon_xy': spawn, 'worldrect': (0, size[0] * 16, 0, size[1] * 16), 'is_meteor_spawned': 0, 'gob_inv_time': 0, 'rocklevel': rock, 'gob_inv_x': 0.0, 'is_day': is_day, 'shadow_orbs_broken': 0, 'width': size[0], 'version': 39, 'gob_inv_type': 0, 'bosses_slain': (0, 0, 0), "npcs_saved": (0, 0, 0), "special_slain": (0, 0, 0), 'gob_inv_size': 0, 'height': size[1], 'ID': randint(10, 10000000), 'moonphase': 0, 'name': name, "hardmode": int(hard), "altars_broken": 0, 'is_a_shadow_orb_broken': 0, 'time': time} chestfactor = 1 if sizetype == 0: for item, amount in itemdata.items(): itemdata[item] = sum(divmod(amount, 2)) for item, amount in goldlockitemdata.items(): goldlockitemdata[item] = sum(divmod(amount, 2)) for item, amount in shadowlockitemdata.items(): shadowlockitemdata[item] = sum(divmod(amount, 2)) chestfactor /= 2 elif sizetype == 2: for item in itemdata: itemdata[item] = itemdata[item] * 2 for item, amount in goldlockitemdata.items(): goldlockitemdata[item] = amount*2 for item, amount in shadowlockitemdata.items(): shadowlockitemdata[item] = amount*2 chestfactor *= 2 if mirrored: for item in itemdata: itemdata[item] = itemdata[item] // 2 + itemdata[item] % 2 for item, amount in goldlockitemdata.items(): goldlockitemdata[item] = sum(divmod(amount, 2)) for item, amount in shadowlockitemdata.items(): shadowlockitemdata[item] = sum(divmod(amount, 2)) chestcount //= 2 chestfactor /= 2 if loot: for item in itemdata: itemdata[item] = itemdata[item] // 2 + itemdata[item] % 2 for item, amount in goldlockitemdata.items(): goldlockitemdata[item] = sum(divmod(amount, 2)) for item, amount in shadowlockitemdata.items(): shadowlockitemdata[item] = sum(divmod(amount, 2)) chestfactor /= 2 itemtotal = 0 for item in itemdata: itemtotal += itemdata[item] target = itemtotal // chestcount loadingbar.set_progress(5, "Planetoids: generating base content") #initialize a texture to hold all tile data #could have used an array as well, like numpy, but I am more familiarized with pygame than numpy surface = pygame.surface.Surface(size) if atlantis: #if waterworld surface.fill((254, 0, 255)) pygame.draw.rect(surface, (54, 54, 54), ((0, size[0]), (-1 + size[1] - size[1] // 6, size[1] // 6))) pygame.draw.rect(surface, (255, 255, 255), ((0, size[0]), (size[1] - size[1] // 6, size[1] // 6))) else: surface.fill((255, 255, 255)) def on_radius(rad): pos = size[0] // 2, size[1] // 2 angle = random() * 2 * pi return (int(pos[0] + rad * cos(angle)), int(pos[1] + rad * sin(angle))) def terrapick(radius): #picks randomly items for a chest fradius = float(radius) current = 0 content = [] types = [choice((accessoires, weapons)), choice((other, potions))] for typ in types: while 1: item = choice(list(typ.keys())) #print item, fradius/superradius if typ[item] > fradius / superradius: break content.append((randint(1, db.itemlist[item]), item)) for x in range(randint(*healthperchest)): content.append((1, "Life Crystal")) stars = randint(*starsperchest) if stars: content.append((stars, "Fallen Star")) content.append((1, "Acorn")) for x in range(20 - len(content)): #chests always have 20 slots content.append((0, None)) return (on_radius(radius), content) def pad_chest(content): for x in range(20 - len(content)): #chests always have 20 slots content.append((0, None)) return content def pick(items, targetnumber): #picks randomly items for a chest planetoids current = 0 content = [] while targetnumber > current: item = choice(tuple(items.keys())) if item in db.itemlist: amount = randint(1, min(db.itemlist[item], items[item], targetnumber - current)) else: amount = randint(1, min(3, items[item], targetnumber - current)) items[item] -= amount if items[item] < 1: del (items[item]) content.append((amount, item)) current += amount if len(content) > 19: break return pad_chest(content), current, items multis = get_multis() goldlockedsurf = multis["goldlockchest"] shadowlockedsurf = multis["shadowlockchest"] chestnames = ("woodchest", "goldchest", "shadowchest", "barrelchest", "canchest", "ebonwoodchest", "mahoganywoodchest", "bonechest", "ivychest", "icechest", "livingwoodchest", "skychest", "shadewoodchest", "webbedchest",) chestsurflist = {} for entry in chestnames: chestsurflist[entry] = multis[entry] loadingbar.set_progress(10, "Planetoids: filling chests") chests = [] if terramode: rad = superradius // 50 step = (float(superradius) - superradius // 16 - 30) / terrachestcount while len(chests) < terrachestcount: rad += step pos, content = terrapick(rad) chests.append((pos, content, choice(chestnames))) chestcontents = [] while itemtotal > 0: # fill those chests with something useful.. or not, angel statue ftw. i, c, itemdatabase = pick(itemdata, min(target, itemtotal)) chestcontents.append(i) itemtotal -= c def fill_special_chests(itemsperchest, chestcontents, extra_items = ()): items = [] for item,amount in chestcontents.items(): items.extend([item]*amount) shuffle(items) while items: ch = items[:itemsperchest] items = items[itemsperchest:] content = [(1, item) for item in ch] content.extend([(amount, item) for item, amount in extra_items]) yield pad_chest(content) goldchests = [] shadowchests = [] special_chest_contents = {"goldlockchest" : goldchests, "shadowlockchest" : shadowchests, "blockedjunglechest" : [pad_chest([(1, "Piranha Gun")])], "blockedcorruptionchest" : [pad_chest([(1, "Scourge of the Corruptor")])], "blockedcrimsonchest" : [pad_chest([(1, "Vampire Knives")])], "blockedhallowedchest" : [pad_chest([(1, "Rainbow Gun")])], "blockedicechest" : [pad_chest([(1, "Staff of the Frost Hydra")])], } [goldchests.append(content) for content in fill_special_chests(itemspergoldchest, goldlockitemdata, goldlockextra)] [shadowchests.append(content) for content in fill_special_chests(itemspershadowchest, shadowlockitemdata, shadowlockextra)] special_chests = [] for chestmulti, chs in special_chest_contents.items(): for ch in chs: special_chests.append((chestmulti, ch)) center_pos = complex(header["spawn"][0], header["spawn"][1] + 50) #mid of spawn planet shadoworbpos = [] def make_planet(c, rmin=20, rmax=50, surround=None, value = False): # function to literally draw the planets onto the world r = randint(rmin, rmax) if terramode: if randint(0, 1) or mirrored: pos = (randint(50, size[0] // 2 - border // 2 - superradius), randint(50, size[1] - 50)) else: pos = (randint(size[0] // 2 + border // 2 + superradius, size[0] - 50), randint(50, size[1] - 50)) else: if mirrored: pos = (randint(50, size[0] // 2 - 50), randint(50, size[1] - 50)) while abs(complex(pos[0], pos[1]) - center_pos) < r + 200: pos = (randint(50, size[0] // 2 - 50), randint(50, size[1] - 50)) else: pos = (randint(50, size[0] - 50), randint(50, size[1] - 50)) while abs(complex(pos[0], pos[1]) - center_pos) < r + 200: pos = (randint(50, size[0] - 50), randint(50, size[1] - 50)) if c == 25:#ebonstone dire = random() * 2 * pi radius = randint(10, r) shadoworbpos.append((int(pos[0] + radius * cos(dire)), int(pos[1]+ radius * sin(dire)))) # a few special planets.. like glass, jungle donuts etc. if c == 59:, (c, c, c), pos, r), (60, 60, 60), pos, r, 1) #jungle grass, (255, 255, 255), pos, r - 30), (60, 60, 60), pos, r - 30, 1) #jungle grass for _ in range(10): draw_valuable(r-25, r-5,pos,(211,211,211),randint(3,7)) elif c == 54:, (c, c, c), pos, r), (254, randint(0, 1), 255), pos, r - 2) elif c == 53:, (40, 40, 40), (pos[0], pos[1] + 1), r), (c, c, c), pos, r) elif c == 0:, (c, c, c), pos, r), (2, 2, 2), pos, r, 1), (30, 30, 30), pos, r - 3, 1) if value: draw_valuable(r-2, r,pos,choice(valuable),randint(3,7)) elif c == -1: c = dungeon_map[surround], (surround, surround, surround), pos, r + 7), (252, c, 0), pos, r) if value: draw_valuable(min(10, r), r,pos,choice(valuable),randint(3,7)) else: if surround != None:, (surround, surround, surround), pos, r + 7), (c, c, c), pos, r) if value: draw_valuable(min(10, r), r,pos,choice(valuable),randint(3,7)) return (pos[0] - 1, pos[1] - 1) def make_hub_planet(): r = randint(75, 125) if terramode: if randint(0, 1): pos = (randint(50, size[0] // 2 - border // 2 - superradius), randint(50, size[1] - 50)) else: pos = (randint(size[0] // 2 + border // 2 + superradius, size[0] - 50), randint(50, size[1] - 50)) else: if mirrored: pos = (randint(50, size[0] // 2 - 50), randint(50, size[1] - 50)) while abs(complex(pos[0], pos[1]) - center_pos) < r + 200: pos = (randint(50, size[0] // 2 - 50), randint(50, size[1] - 50)) else: pos = (randint(50, size[0] - 50), randint(50, size[1] - 50)) while abs(complex(pos[0], pos[1]) - center_pos) < r + 200: pos = (randint(50, size[0] - 50), randint(50, size[1] - 50)) valuables = (r // 25) ** 2, (0, 0, 0), pos, r) #dirt, (1, 1, 1), pos, r // 3) #stone, (2, 2, 2), pos, r, 2) #grassring, (30, 30, 30), pos, r - 3, 2) #woodring for x in range(valuables * 5): rad = randint(1, 10) npos = get_randrad(pos, r - 10 - rad), (252, 2, 252), npos, rad) #air for x in range(valuables): rad = randint(4, 7) npos = get_randrad(pos, r - 5 - rad), choice(valuable), npos, rad) return pos def get_randrad(pos, radius): radius = random() * radius angle = random() * 2 * pi return (int(pos[0] + radius * cos(angle)), int(pos[1] + radius * sin(angle))) def get_randradrange(pos, minradius, maxradius): radius = randint(minradius, maxradius) angle = random() * 2 * pi return (int(pos[0] + radius * cos(angle)), int(pos[1] + radius * sin(angle))) def draw_valuable(min_radius, max_radius, planetpos, material, size): r = random() * 2 * pi radius = randint(min_radius, max_radius) pos = ( int(planetpos[0] + radius * cos(r)), int(planetpos[1]+ radius * sin(r))), material, pos, size) def make_terra(surface, size): pos = (size[0] // 2, size[1] // 2) r = superradius valuables = (r // 25) ** 2, (0, 0, 0), pos, r) #dirt, (30, 30, 30), pos, 3 * r // 4, r // 100) #wood, (1, 1, 1), pos, r // 2) #stone, (59, 59, 59), pos, r // 5) #jungle, (2, 2, 2), pos, r, 2) #grassring for name, minradius, maxradius, amount, size in planetdata: minradius = int(r * minradius) maxradius = int(r * maxradius) for x in range(int(amount * valuables)): npos = get_randradrange(pos, minradius, maxradius) c = db.ntiles[name] usize = randint(size[0], size[1]) if usize > 1:, (c, c, c), npos, usize) #air else: surface.set_at(npos, (c, c, c)) #caverns for x in range(int(caverns * valuables)): npos = get_randradrange(pos, r * 0.25, r * 0.75), (255, 255, 255), npos, randint(*cavernsize)) for x in range(int(dirtcaverns * valuables)): npos = get_randradrange(pos, r * 0.75, r * 0.9), (252, 2, 255), npos, randint(*dirtcavernsize)) #liquids for x in range(int(water * valuables)): npos = get_randradrange(pos, r // 3, r * 0.9), (254, 0, 255), npos, randint(watersize[0], watersize[1])) for x in range(int(lava * valuables)): npos = get_randradrange(pos, r // 4, r // 3), (254, 1, 255), npos, randint(lavasize[0], lavasize[1])) for x in range(chasms): if x == 0: a = random() * pi + pi while abs(a - 1.5 * pi) < 0.2 * pi: a = random() * pi + pi else: a = random() * pi * 2 while abs(a - 1.5 * pi) < 0.2 * pi: a = random() * pi + pi #corruption deep = randint(chasmdeepness[0], chasmdeepness[1]) * 0.01 * r surface = draw_chasm(surface, pos, deep, r + 5, a, a + chasmthickness), "mask2.png") ##jungle for x in range(int(valuables * jcircle)): npos = get_randradrange(pos, 5, r // 5), (255, 255, 255), npos, randint(*jcirclesize)), (60,60,60), npos, randint(*jcirclesize), 1) for x in range(int(valuables * jrect)): rect = pygame.rect.Rect((0, 0), (randint(*jrectsize), randint(*jrectsize))) = get_randradrange(pos, 5, r // 4) pygame.draw.rect(surface, (254, 1, 255), rect) for x in range(int(valuables * jdot)): npos = get_randradrange(pos, 5, r // 5) surface.set_at(npos, (48, 48, 48)) for x in range(int(valuables * jarc)): npos = get_randradrange(pos, r // 10, r // 5), (60, 60, 60), npos, randint(*jarcsize), 1) ##trees for x in range(trees): a = random() * pi + pi npos = (int(pos[0] + r * cos(a)), int(pos[1] + r * sin(a))) while npos[1] > border + 100: a = random() * pi + pi npos = (int(pos[0] + r * cos(a)), int(pos[1] + r * sin(a))) h = randint(5, 25) surface.blit(make_tree(h), (npos[0] - 1, npos[1] - h - 1)) s = pygame.surface.Surface((5, 2)) s.fill((2, 2, 2)) surface.blit(s, (npos[0] - 2, npos[1] - 1)) ##altars for x in range(altar_count): npos = get_randradrange(pos, r // 5, r // 2) surface.blit(multis["altar"], npos) loadingbar.set_progress(20, "Planetoids: drawing some circles") chestpos = [] if mirrored: stone_planets //= 2 large_planets //= 2 small_planets //= 2 mul = 3 else: mul = 5 if not terramode or sizetype == 1: for x in range(stone_planets): chestpos.append(make_hub_planet()) for x in range(large_planets): chestpos.append(make_planet(*choice(data1), value=True)) for x in range(0, (sizetype + 1) * mul): for d in data1: chestpos.append(make_planet(*d)) for x in range(dungeon_planets): chestpos.append(make_planet(*choice(data3))) for x in range(0, (sizetype + 1) * mul): for d in data2: chestpos.append(make_planet(*d)) for x in range(small_planets): chestpos.append(make_planet(*choice(data2))) if mirrored: mirror = surface.subsurface(0, 0, size[0] // 2, size[1]) mirror = pygame.transform.flip(mirror, 1, 0) surface.blit(mirror, (size[0] // 2, 0)) if terramode: if atlantis:, (255, 255, 255), (header["spawn"][0], header["spawn"][1]), 50), (54, 54, 54), (header["spawn"][0], header["spawn"][1]), 50, 2) make_terra(surface, size) else: #spawnplanet items = [(50, "Torch"), (25, "Acorn"), (5, "Daybloom Seeds"), (5, "Moonglow Seeds"), (5, "Blinkroot Seeds"), (5, "Waterleaf Seeds"), (5, "Fireblossom Seeds"), (5, "Deathweed Seeds"), (5, "Shiverthorn Seeds"), (1, "Life Crystal"), (2, "Mana Crystal"), (50, "Book"), (200, "Cobweb"), (5, "Mushroom Grass Seeds"), (1, "Snow Globe"), (10, "Mud Block"), (250, "Dirt Block"), (250, "Dirt Block"), (1, "Shiny Red Balloon"), ] for x in range(20 - len(items)): items.append((0, None)) # draw the spawn planet radius = 100 center = header["spawn"][0], header["spawn"][1] + 50 if atlantis:, (255, 255, 255), center, radius + 50), (54, 54, 54), center, radius + 50, 2), (52, 52, 52), center, radius), (2, 2, 2), center, radius), (0, 0, 0), center, radius - 2), (1, 1, 1), center, radius // 2), (30, 30, 30), center, radius // 4) for _ in range(3):#sand draw_valuable(20, 40, center, (53,53,53), 7) for _ in range(2):#clay draw_valuable(20,50, center, (40,40,40), 7) for _ in range(2):#iron draw_valuable(20,30, center, (6,6,6), 4) for _ in range(3):#copper draw_valuable(20, 30, center, (7,7,7), 5) chests.append(((header["spawn"][0] - 1, header["spawn"][1] + 49), items, choice(chestnames))) header["spawn"] = header["spawn"][0], header["spawn"][1] - radius + 50 surface.blit(make_tree(25), (header["spawn"][0] + 1, header["spawn"][1] - 25)) surface.blit(multis["altar"], (header["spawn"][0] - 2, header["spawn"][1] - 2)) #draw the lower border of the world. Falling into the void was fun in minecraft, #not su much here, as it will just make "splat" pygame.draw.rect(surface, (57, 57, 57), ((0, size[1] - 100), (size[0], 100))) pygame.draw.rect(surface, (254, 1, 255), ((0, size[1] - 150), (size[0], 50))) #not pure terra mode if terramode != 2: #ocean planetoids, (53, 53, 53), (0, 500), 500), (54, 54, 54), (0, 500), 500, 1), (253, 0, 255), (0, 301), 300), (53, 53, 53), (size[0], 500), 500), (54, 54, 54), (size[0], 500), 500, 1), (253, 0, 255), (size[0], 301), 300) a = len(chestcontents) if sizetype == 0:b = max_altar_planet//2 elif sizetype == 2:b = max_altar_planet*2 elif sizetype == 1:b = max_altar_planet else: raise IndexError("Invalid world size") if mirrored: double = chestcontents[:] for pos in chestpos: pos = size[0] - pos[0], pos[1] tile = surface.get_at(pos)[0] if tile == 25 or tile == 23: surface.blit(multis["shadoworb"], pos) #place shadoworb into corruption elif tile == 58: #hellfurnace into hellstone surface.blit(multis["hellfurnace"], pos) elif b: b -= 1 surface.blit(multis["altar"], pos) elif a: chests.append((pos, chestcontents.pop(), choice(chestnames))) #place chests a -= 1 else: print("Warning, could not place all content!") break # we usually have more planets than chests, so lets get out of here chestcontents = double a = len(chestcontents) b = max_altar_planet for pos in chestpos: tile = surface.get_at(pos)[0] if tile == 25 or tile == 23: surface.blit(multis["shadoworb"], pos) #place shadoworb into corruption elif tile == 58: #hellfurnace into hellstone surface.blit(multis["hellfurnace"], pos) elif special_chests: multi, content = special_chests.pop() chests.append((pos, content, multi)) elif b: b -= 1 surface.blit(multis["altar"], pos) elif a: chests.append((pos, chestcontents.pop(), choice(chestnames))) #place chests a -= 1 else: break # we usually have more planets than chests, so lets get out of here if a: print("------------------Warning: {} unallocated chests------------------".format(a)) import time time.sleep(1) loadingbar.set_progress(30, "Planetoids: hiding goodies") for shadoworb in shadoworbpos: surface.blit(multis["shadoworb"], shadoworb) for chest in chests: #draw the chests into the world texture surface.blit(multis[chest[2]], chest[0]) # below is to make sure every chest stands on something, so they dont glitch d = surface.get_at((chest[0][0], chest[0][1] + 2))[0] if d > 250 or d == 51: surface.set_at((chest[0][0], chest[0][1] + 2), (0, 0, 0)) d = surface.get_at((chest[0][0] + 1, chest[0][1] + 2))[0] if d > 250 or d == 51: surface.set_at((chest[0][0] + 1, chest[0][1] + 2), (0, 0, 0)) # save the "source" of the world. Helped plenty with debugging., "mask.png") for x in range(1000 - len(chests)): #fill in nonechests, as terraria always has 1000 chests chests.append(None) self.header = header z = header["width"] * header["height"] #tileamount total = z #list of tiles : walls walls = defaultdict(lambda: None, {0: 2, 25: 3, 9: 11, 8: 10, 7: 12, 30: 4, 58: 13, 21: 2, 31: 3, 51: 62,#cobweb gets spider nest wall 40: 6, }) def count(checks): c = {} for t_id in checks: c[t_id] = 0 for x in range(size[0]): for y in range(size[1]): tid = surface.get_at((x, y))[0] if tid in c: c[tid] += 1 for tid in c: amount = c[tid] print("%-10s : %d" % (db.tiles[tid], amount)) loadingbar.set_progress(50, "Planetoids: writing tile data") self.tiles = write_tiles(surface, header, walls, True, callback = loadingbar) self.chests = chests self.signs = [None] * 1000 self.names = db.names self.npcs = [('Guide', (header["spawn"][0] * 16, (header["spawn"][1] - 3) * 16), 1, (header["spawn"][0], header["spawn"][1] - 3)), ('Old Man', (header["spawn"][0] * 16 - 16, (header["spawn"][1] - 3) * 16), 1, (header["spawn"][0], header["spawn"][1] - 3))] if merch: self.npcs.append( ('Merchant', (header["spawn"][0] * 16 - 16, (header["spawn"][1] - 3) * 16), 1, (header["spawn"][0], header["spawn"][1] - 3))) self.loadingbar = loadingbar
def make_terra(surface, size): pos = (size[0] // 2, size[1] // 2) r = superradius valuables = (r // 25) ** 2, (0, 0, 0), pos, r) #dirt, (30, 30, 30), pos, 3 * r // 4, r // 100) #wood, (1, 1, 1), pos, r // 2) #stone, (59, 59, 59), pos, r // 5) #jungle, (2, 2, 2), pos, r, 2) #grassring for name, minradius, maxradius, amount, size in planetdata: minradius = int(r * minradius) maxradius = int(r * maxradius) for x in range(int(amount * valuables)): npos = get_randradrange(pos, minradius, maxradius) c = db.ntiles[name] usize = randint(size[0], size[1]) if usize > 1:, (c, c, c), npos, usize) #air else: surface.set_at(npos, (c, c, c)) #caverns for x in range(int(caverns * valuables)): npos = get_randradrange(pos, r * 0.25, r * 0.75), (255, 255, 255), npos, randint(*cavernsize)) for x in range(int(dirtcaverns * valuables)): npos = get_randradrange(pos, r * 0.75, r * 0.9), (252, 2, 255), npos, randint(*dirtcavernsize)) #liquids for x in range(int(water * valuables)): npos = get_randradrange(pos, r // 3, r * 0.9), (254, 0, 255), npos, randint(watersize[0], watersize[1])) for x in range(int(lava * valuables)): npos = get_randradrange(pos, r // 4, r // 3), (254, 1, 255), npos, randint(lavasize[0], lavasize[1])) for x in range(chasms): if x == 0: a = random() * pi + pi while abs(a - 1.5 * pi) < 0.2 * pi: a = random() * pi + pi else: a = random() * pi * 2 while abs(a - 1.5 * pi) < 0.2 * pi: a = random() * pi + pi #corruption deep = randint(chasmdeepness[0], chasmdeepness[1]) * 0.01 * r surface = draw_chasm(surface, pos, deep, r + 5, a, a + chasmthickness), "mask2.png") ##jungle for x in range(int(valuables * jcircle)): npos = get_randradrange(pos, 5, r // 5), (255, 255, 255), npos, randint(*jcirclesize)), (60,60,60), npos, randint(*jcirclesize), 1) for x in range(int(valuables * jrect)): rect = pygame.rect.Rect((0, 0), (randint(*jrectsize), randint(*jrectsize))) = get_randradrange(pos, 5, r // 4) pygame.draw.rect(surface, (254, 1, 255), rect) for x in range(int(valuables * jdot)): npos = get_randradrange(pos, 5, r // 5) surface.set_at(npos, (48, 48, 48)) for x in range(int(valuables * jarc)): npos = get_randradrange(pos, r // 10, r // 5), (60, 60, 60), npos, randint(*jarcsize), 1) ##trees for x in range(trees): a = random() * pi + pi npos = (int(pos[0] + r * cos(a)), int(pos[1] + r * sin(a))) while npos[1] > border + 100: a = random() * pi + pi npos = (int(pos[0] + r * cos(a)), int(pos[1] + r * sin(a))) h = randint(5, 25) surface.blit(make_tree(h), (npos[0] - 1, npos[1] - h - 1)) s = pygame.surface.Surface((5, 2)) s.fill((2, 2, 2)) surface.blit(s, (npos[0] - 2, npos[1] - 1)) ##altars for x in range(altar_count): npos = get_randradrange(pos, r // 5, r // 2) surface.blit(multis["altar"], npos)