def training_pipeline(self, **kwargs): ppo_steps = int(300000000) lr = 3e-4 num_mini_batch = 1 update_repeats = 4 num_steps = 128 save_interval = 5000000 log_interval = 10000 gamma = 0.99 use_gae = True gae_lambda = 0.95 max_grad_norm = 0.5 action_strs = ObjectNavTask.class_action_names() non_end_action_inds_set = { i for i, a in enumerate(action_strs) if a != robothor_constants.END } end_action_ind_set = {action_strs.index(robothor_constants.END)} return TrainingPipeline( save_interval=save_interval, metric_accumulate_interval=log_interval, optimizer_builder=Builder(optim.Adam, dict(lr=lr)), num_mini_batch=num_mini_batch, update_repeats=update_repeats, max_grad_norm=max_grad_norm, num_steps=num_steps, named_losses={ "ppo_loss": PPO(**PPOConfig), "grouped_action_imitation": GroupedActionImitation( nactions=len(ObjectNavTask.class_action_names()), action_groups=[ non_end_action_inds_set, end_action_ind_set ], ), }, gamma=gamma, use_gae=use_gae, gae_lambda=gae_lambda, advance_scene_rollout_period=self.ADVANCE_SCENE_ROLLOUT_PERIOD, pipeline_stages=[ PipelineStage( loss_names=["ppo_loss", "grouped_action_imitation"], max_stage_steps=ppo_steps, ) ], lr_scheduler_builder=Builder( LambdaLR, {"lr_lambda": LinearDecay(steps=ppo_steps)}), )
def create_model(cls, **kwargs) -> nn.Module: return ResnetTensorObjectNavActorCritic( action_space=gym.spaces.Discrete(len(ObjectNavTask.class_action_names())), observation_space=kwargs["observation_set"].observation_spaces, goal_sensor_uuid="goal_object_type_ind", rgb_resnet_preprocessor_uuid="rgb_resnet", hidden_size=512, goal_dims=32, )
def _get_sampler_args_for_scene_split( self, scenes_dir: str, process_ind: int, total_processes: int, seeds: Optional[List[int]] = None, deterministic_cudnn: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: path = os.path.join(scenes_dir, "*.json.gz") scenes = [ scene.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] for scene in glob.glob(path) ] if len(scenes) == 0: raise RuntimeError(( "Could find no scene dataset information in directory {}." " Are you sure you've downloaded them? " " If not, see information" " on how this can be done.").format(scenes_dir)) if total_processes > len(scenes): # oversample some scenes -> bias if total_processes % len(scenes) != 0: print( "Warning: oversampling some of the scenes to feed all processes." " You can avoid this by setting a number of workers divisible by the number of scenes" ) scenes = scenes * int(ceil(total_processes / len(scenes))) scenes = scenes[:total_processes * (len(scenes) // total_processes)] else: if len(scenes) % total_processes != 0: print( "Warning: oversampling some of the scenes to feed all processes." " You can avoid this by setting a number of workers divisor of the number of scenes" ) inds = self._partition_inds(len(scenes), total_processes) return { "scenes": scenes[inds[process_ind]:inds[process_ind + 1]], "object_types": self.TARGET_TYPES, "max_steps": self.MAX_STEPS, "sensors": self.SENSORS, "action_space": gym.spaces.Discrete(len(ObjectNavTask.class_action_names())), "seed": seeds[process_ind] if seeds is not None else None, "deterministic_cudnn": deterministic_cudnn, "rewards_config": self.REWARD_CONFIG, }
def _get_sampler_args_for_scene_split( self, scenes_dir: str, process_ind: int, total_processes: int, seeds: Optional[List[int]] = None, deterministic_cudnn: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: path = (scenes_dir + "*.json.gz" if scenes_dir[-1] == "/" else scenes_dir + "/*.json.gz") scenes = [ scene.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] for scene in glob.glob(path) ] if total_processes > len(scenes): # oversample some scenes -> bias if total_processes % len(scenes) != 0: print( "Warning: oversampling some of the scenes to feed all processes." " You can avoid this by setting a number of workers divisible by the number of scenes" ) scenes = scenes * int(ceil(total_processes / len(scenes))) scenes = scenes[:total_processes * (len(scenes) // total_processes)] else: if len(scenes) % total_processes != 0: print( "Warning: oversampling some of the scenes to feed all processes." " You can avoid this by setting a number of workers divisor of the number of scenes" ) inds = self._partition_inds(len(scenes), total_processes) return { "scenes": scenes[inds[process_ind]:inds[process_ind + 1]], "object_types": self.TARGET_TYPES, "max_steps": self.MAX_STEPS, "sensors": self.SENSORS, "action_space": gym.spaces.Discrete(len(ObjectNavTask.class_action_names())), "seed": seeds[process_ind] if seeds is not None else None, "deterministic_cudnn": deterministic_cudnn, "rewards_config": self.REWARD_CONFIG, }
def _get_sampler_args_for_scene_split( self, scenes: List[str], process_ind: int, total_processes: int, seeds: Optional[List[int]] = None, deterministic_cudnn: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: if total_processes > len(scenes): if total_processes % len(scenes) != 0: print( "Warning: oversampling some of the scenes to feed all processes." " You can avoid this by setting a number of workers divisible by the number of scenes" ) scenes = scenes * int(ceil(total_processes / len(scenes))) scenes = scenes[:total_processes * (len(scenes) // total_processes)] else: if len(scenes) % total_processes != 0: print( "Warning: oversampling some of the scenes to feed all processes." " You can avoid this by setting a number of workers divisor of the number of scenes" ) inds = self._partition_inds(len(scenes), total_processes) return { "scenes": scenes[inds[process_ind]:inds[process_ind + 1]], "object_types": self.TARGET_TYPES, "max_steps": self.MAX_STEPS, "sensors": self.SENSORS, "action_space": gym.spaces.Discrete(len(ObjectNavTask.class_action_names())), "seed": seeds[process_ind] if seeds is not None else None, "deterministic_cudnn": deterministic_cudnn, "rewards_config": { "step_penalty": -0.01, "goal_success_reward": 10.0, "failed_stop_reward": 0.0, "shaping_weight": 1.0, # applied to the decrease in distance to target }, }
def create_model(cls, **kwargs) -> nn.Module: has_rgb = any(isinstance(s, RGBSensor) for s in cls.SENSORS) has_depth = any(isinstance(s, DepthSensor) for s in cls.SENSORS) goal_sensor_uuid = next( (s.uuid for s in cls.SENSORS if isinstance(s, GoalObjectTypeThorSensor)), None, ) return ResnetTensorObjectNavActorCritic( action_space=gym.spaces.Discrete( len(ObjectNavTask.class_action_names())), observation_space=kwargs["sensor_preprocessor_graph"]. observation_spaces, goal_sensor_uuid=goal_sensor_uuid, rgb_resnet_preprocessor_uuid="rgb_resnet" if has_rgb else None, depth_resnet_preprocessor_uuid="depth_resnet" if has_depth else None, hidden_size=512, goal_dims=32, )
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.REWARD_CONFIG["shaping_weight"] = 0 self.SENSORS = [ RGBSensorThor( height=self.SCREEN_SIZE, width=self.SCREEN_SIZE, use_resnet_normalization=True, uuid="rgb_lowres", ), GoalObjectTypeThorSensor(object_types=self.TARGET_TYPES, ), ExpertActionSensor(nactions=len( ObjectNavTask.class_action_names()), ), ] self.PREPROCESSORS = [ Builder( ResnetPreProcessorHabitat, { "input_height": self.SCREEN_SIZE, "input_width": self.SCREEN_SIZE, "output_width": 7, "output_height": 7, "output_dims": 512, "pool": False, "torchvision_resnet_model": models.resnet18, "input_uuids": ["rgb_lowres"], "output_uuid": "rgb_resnet", "parallel": False, }, ), ] self.OBSERVATIONS = [ "rgb_resnet", "goal_object_type_ind", "expert_action", ]
class ObjectNaviThorRGBDAggerExperimentConfig( ObjectNavRoboThorBaseConfig, ObjectNavMixInDAggerConfig, ObjectNavMixInResNetGRUConfig, ): """An Object Navigation experiment configuration in RoboThor with RGB input.""" SENSORS = [ RGBSensorThor( height=ObjectNavRoboThorBaseConfig.SCREEN_SIZE, width=ObjectNavRoboThorBaseConfig.SCREEN_SIZE, use_resnet_normalization=True, uuid="rgb_lowres", ), GoalObjectTypeThorSensor( object_types=ObjectNavRoboThorBaseConfig.TARGET_TYPES, ), ExpertActionSensor(nactions=len(ObjectNavTask.class_action_names()), ), ] @classmethod def tag(cls): return "Objectnav-RoboTHOR-RGB-ResNetGRU-DAgger"
def _get_sampler_args_for_scene_split( self, scenes_dir: str, process_ind: int, total_processes: int, devices: Optional[List[int]], seeds: Optional[List[int]], deterministic_cudnn: bool, include_expert_sensor: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: path = os.path.join(scenes_dir, "*.json.gz") scenes = [ scene.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] for scene in glob.glob(path) ] if len(scenes) == 0: raise RuntimeError(( "Could find no scene dataset information in directory {}." " Are you sure you've downloaded them? " " If not, see information" " on how this can be done.").format(scenes_dir)) oversample_warning = ( f"Warning: oversampling some of the scenes ({scenes}) to feed all processes ({total_processes})." " You can avoid this by setting a number of workers divisible by the number of scenes" ) if total_processes > len(scenes): # oversample some scenes -> bias if total_processes % len(scenes) != 0: get_logger().warning(oversample_warning) scenes = scenes * int(ceil(total_processes / len(scenes))) scenes = scenes[:total_processes * (len(scenes) // total_processes)] elif len(scenes) % total_processes != 0: get_logger().warning(oversample_warning) inds = self._partition_inds(len(scenes), total_processes) return { "scenes": scenes[inds[process_ind]:inds[process_ind + 1]], "object_types": self.TARGET_TYPES, "max_steps": self.MAX_STEPS, "sensors": [ s for s in self.SENSORS if (include_expert_sensor or not isinstance(s, ExpertActionSensor)) ], "action_space": gym.spaces.Discrete(len(ObjectNavTask.class_action_names())), "seed": seeds[process_ind] if seeds is not None else None, "deterministic_cudnn": deterministic_cudnn, "rewards_config": self.REWARD_CONFIG, "env_args": { **self.ENV_ARGS, "x_display": (f"0.{devices[process_ind % len(devices)]}" if devices is not None and len(devices) > 0 and devices[process_ind % len(devices)] >= 0 else None), }, }