base_url = sys.argv[0] addon_handle = int(sys.argv[1]) institutionspath = os.path.join(path, 'resources', 'data', "institutions.csv") # local csv = data/institutions.csv mainfanart = os.path.join(path,'fanart.jpg') citiesicon = os.path.join(path, 'resources', 'media', "cities.png") countriesicon = os.path.join(path, 'resources', 'media', "countries.png") #debugfile3 = open(os.path.join(path, 'resources', 'data', "debugfile3.txt"), 'w') #debugfile3.write("splitlist="+str(sl)+"\n\n") #debugfile3.close() # Name of institution, City, Countrycode, Youtube channel ID, abbreviation of institute (for icons and fanart) # Put in in list chi[] chi = [] chi = plugintools.read_local_csv(institutionspath) # Break down chi[]. Set OrganisationName, city, countrycode,YoutubeChannel-ID, abbreviation, local thumb and local fanart for every CH institution chi_name, chi_city, chi_countrycode, chi_countryname, chi_YOUTUBE_CHANNEL, chi_abbrev, chi_twitterHandle, chi_thumb, chi_fanart = ( [] for i in range(9)) # Strip leading and traling blanks from list entries, as well as multiple inner spaces # See for i in range(len(chi)): chi_name.append(" ".join(chi[i][0].split())) chi_city.append(" ".join(chi[i][1].split())) chi_countrycode.append(chi[i][2].strip()) chi_countryname.append( plugintools.lookup_countryname(chi_countrycode[i].strip())) chi_YOUTUBE_CHANNEL.append(chi[i][3].strip()) chi_abbrev.append(chi[i][4].strip()) chi_thumb.append(
import sys import plugintools import xbmcaddon from addon.common.addon import Addon addonID = '' addon = Addon(addonID, sys.argv) local = xbmcaddon.Addon(id=addonID) path = local.getAddonInfo('path') localfilepath = os.path.join(path, 'resources', 'data', "institutions.csv") # local csv = data/institutions.csv # Name of institution, City, Countrycode, Youtube channel ID, abbreviation of institute (for icons and fanart) # Put in in list chi[] chi = [] chi = plugintools.read_local_csv(localfilepath) # Break down chi[]. Set OrganisationName, city, countrycode,YoutubeChannel-ID, abbreviation, local thumb and local fanart for every CH institution chi_name, chi_city, chi_countrycode, chi_countryname, chi_YOUTUBE_CHANNEL, chi_abbrev, chi_twitterHandle, chi_thumb, chi_fanart = ( [] for i in range(9)) # Strip leading and traling blanks from list entries, as well as multiple inner spaces # See for i in range(len(chi)): chi_name.append(" ".join(chi[i][0].split())) chi_city.append(" ".join(chi[i][1].split())) chi_countrycode.append(chi[i][2].strip()) chi_countryname.append( plugintools.lookup_countryname("countrydata.csv", chi_countrycode[i].strip())) chi_YOUTUBE_CHANNEL.append(chi[i][3].strip()) chi_abbrev.append(chi[i][4].strip()) chi_thumb.append(