def do_show(path, action='show'):
    content = None
    rev_info = None
    lock_info = None

    # Handle help document
    if path.startswith(HELP_PREFIX):
        if action not in ('render', 'show'):
            raise InvalidRequest()

        # Get document data
            mimetype, size, content = get_help(path[len(HELP_PREFIX):])
            mimetype, size, content = None

        if action == 'render':
            return render_document(content)
            return Response(render_template('wiki/show.html', content=content, immutable=True),
                404 if content is None else 200)

    # Check for file document
    is_file = path.startswith(FILE_PREFIX)

    # Unlock document if needed
    if request.args.get('discard'):
        lock_document(path, (session.get('login'), session.get('id')), unlock=True)
        return redirect(url_for('index', path=path))
    elif action == 'edit' and request.args.get('force'):
        lock_document(path, (session.get('login'), session.get('id')), unlock=True, force=True)
        return redirect(url_for('index', path=path, do='edit'))

    # Lock document for edition
    if action == 'edit':
        lock_info = lock_document(path, (session.get('login'), session.get('id')))

    # Get document data
        mimetype, size, meta, content = get_document(path, request.args.get('rev'),
            meta=(action == 'edit'), preview=is_file)
    except DocumentNotFound:
        mimetype, size, meta, content = None, 0, None, None

    if action == 'edit':
        meta = None

    # Handle normal documents
    if action == 'edit' and 'data' in request.form:
        content = request.form.get('data')
        if content is not None:
            # Get last revision information
            rev_info = get_history(path, rev=request.args.get('rev', -1))
        elif is_file and not path[len(FILE_PREFIX):]:
            # Force edition if unnamed file
            action = 'edit'

    # Render document and exit if needed
    if action == 'render':
        return render_document(content)

    response = Response(render_template('wiki/%s.html' % action, is_file=is_file, mimetype=mimetype,
        meta=meta, content=content, rev_info=rev_info, lock_info=lock_info), 404 if content is None else 200)

    if action == 'edit':
        response.cache_control.no_cache = True

    return response
文件: app.py 项目: vbatoufflet/plume
def filter_render(data, toc=False):
    return Markup(render_document(data, toc))