def test_precision(self): itp_x2 = WaryInterpolator(points=(0, 1, 2), values=(0, 1, 4), precision=0.01, domain=(0, 5)) self.assertRaises(InsufficientPrecisionError, itp_x2, 0.5) xs = np.array([0.485, 0.495, 0.505, 0.515]) itp_x2.add_points(xs, xs**2) self.assertAlmostEqual(itp_x2(0.5), (0.495**2 + 0.505**2)/2)
def test_interpolate(self): itp = WaryInterpolator(if_higher='extrapolate', if_lower='raise', domain=(0, 5)) self.assertRaises(InsufficientPrecisionError, itp, 0) itp.add_points([0, 2, 4], [10, 20, 30]) self.assertEqual(itp(0), 10) self.assertAlmostEqual(itp(1), 15) self.assertAlmostEqual(itp(5), 35) self.assertRaises(OutsideDomainError, itp, -5)
def test_add_points(self): itp1 = WaryInterpolator(domain=[0, 5]) itp1.add_points([0, 4, 2], [10, 30, 20]) itp2 = WaryInterpolator(points=(0, 2, 4), values=(10, 20, 30), domain=[0, 5]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(itp1.points, itp2.points) np.testing.assert_array_equal(itp1.values, itp2.values) itp1.add_point(4, 40) itp2.add_point(4, 40) np.testing.assert_array_equal(itp1.points, itp2.points) np.testing.assert_array_equal(itp1.values, itp2.values)
def __init__(self, statistic, **kwargs): self.statistic = statistic for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) = self.confidence_level self.log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) if self.wrap_interpolator: self.log.debug("Initializing interpolators") if self.fixed_lower_limit is None: self.low_limit_interpolator = WaryInterpolator(precision=10**(-self.precision_digits), domain=self.interpolator_log_domain) if self.fixed_upper_limit is None: self.high_limit_interpolator = WaryInterpolator(precision=10**(-self.precision_digits), domain=self.interpolator_log_domain) # "Joints" of the interpolator must have better precision than required of the interpolator results self.precision_digits += 1 # Dictionary holding "horizontal" intervals: interval on statistic for each precision and hypothesis. self.cached_intervals = {}
class IntervalChoice(object): """Base interval choice method class """ method = 'rank' # 'rank' or 'threshold' threshold = float('inf') precision_digits = 2 use_interval_cache = True wrap_interpolator = True background = 0 confidence_level = 0.9 max_hypothesis = 1e6 interpolator_log_domain = (-1, 3) fixed_upper_limit = None fixed_lower_limit = None # Use only for testing: forbid_exact_computation = False def __init__(self, statistic, **kwargs): self.statistic = statistic for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) = self.confidence_level self.log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) if self.wrap_interpolator: self.log.debug("Initializing interpolators") if self.fixed_lower_limit is None: self.low_limit_interpolator = WaryInterpolator(precision=10**(-self.precision_digits), domain=self.interpolator_log_domain) if self.fixed_upper_limit is None: self.high_limit_interpolator = WaryInterpolator(precision=10**(-self.precision_digits), domain=self.interpolator_log_domain) # "Joints" of the interpolator must have better precision than required of the interpolator results self.precision_digits += 1 # Dictionary holding "horizontal" intervals: interval on statistic for each precision and hypothesis. self.cached_intervals = {} def get_interval_on_statistic(self, hypothesis, precision_digits): """Returns the confidence level interval on self.statistic for the event rate hypothesis The event rate here includes signal as well as identically distributed background. Intervals are inclusive = closed. """ if self.use_interval_cache and (hypothesis, precision_digits) in self.cached_intervals: return self.cached_intervals[(hypothesis, precision_digits)] stat_values, likelihoods = self.statistic.get_values_and_likelihoods(hypothesis, precision_digits=precision_digits) likelihoods = likelihoods / np.sum(likelihoods) # Score each statistic value (method-dependent) stat_value_scores = self.score_stat_values(statistic_values=stat_values, likelihoods=likelihoods, hypothesis=hypothesis) if self.method == 'threshold': # Include all statistic values that score higher than some threshold values_in_interval = stat_values[stat_value_scores > self.get_threshold()] else: # Include the values with highest score first, until we reach the desired confidence level # TODO: wouldn't HIGHEST score first be more user-friendly? ranks = np.argsort(stat_value_scores) train_values_sorted = stat_values[ranks] likelihoods_sorted = likelihoods[ranks] # Find the last value to include # (= first value that takes the included probability over the required confidence level) sum_lhoods = np.cumsum(likelihoods_sorted) last_index = np.where(sum_lhoods >[0][0] # TODO: can fail? values_in_interval = train_values_sorted[:last_index + 1] # Limits = extreme values in the interval. # This means we will be conservative if values_in_interval is not continuous. low_lim, high_lim = values_in_interval.min(), values_in_interval.max() # If we included all values given up until a boundary, don't set that boundary as a limit if low_lim == np.min(stat_values): low_lim = 0 if high_lim == np.max(stat_values): high_lim = float('inf') # Cache and return upper and lower limit on the statistic if self.use_interval_cache: self.cached_intervals[(hypothesis, precision_digits)] = low_lim, high_lim return low_lim, high_lim def get_confidence_interval(self, value, precision_digits, search_region, debug=False): """Performs the Neynman construction to get confidence interval on event rate (mu), if the statistic is observed to have value """ log_value = np.log10(value) if self.wrap_interpolator: # Try to interpolate the limit from limits computed earlier self.log.debug("Trying to get values from interpolators") try: if self.fixed_lower_limit is None: low_limit = 10**(self.low_limit_interpolator(log_value)) else: low_limit = self.fixed_lower_limit if self.fixed_upper_limit is None: high_limit = 10**(self.high_limit_interpolator(log_value)) else: high_limit = self.fixed_upper_limit return low_limit, high_limit except InsufficientPrecisionError: self.log.debug("Insuffienct precision achieved by interpolators") if log_value > self.interpolator_log_domain[1]: self.log.debug("Too high value to dare to start Neyman construction... raising exception") # It is not safe to do the Neyman construction: too high statistics raise self.log.debug("Log value %s is below interpolator log domain max %s " "=> starting Neyman construction" % (log_value, self.interpolator_log_domain[1])) except OutsideDomainError: # The value is below the interpolator domain (e.g. 0 while the domain ends at 10**0 = 1) pass if self.forbid_exact_computation: raise RuntimeError("Exact computation triggered") def is_value_in(mu): low_lim, high_lim = self.get_interval_on_statistic(mu + self.background, precision_digits=precision_digits) return low_lim <= value <= high_lim # We first need one value in the interval to bound the limit searches try: true_point, low_search_bound, high_search_bound = search_true_instance(is_value_in, *search_region, precision_digits=precision_digits) except SearchFailedException as e: self.log.debug("Exploratory search could not find a single value in the interval! " "This is probably a problem with search region, or simply a very extreme case." "Original exception: %s" % str(e)) if is_value_in(0): self.log.debug("Oh, ok, only zero is in the interval... Returning (0, 0)") return 0, 0 return 0, float('inf') self.log.debug(">>> Exploratory search completed: %s is in interval, " "search for boundaries in [%s, %s]" % (true_point, low_search_bound, high_search_bound)) if self.fixed_lower_limit is not None: low_limit = self.fixed_lower_limit elif is_value_in(low_search_bound): # If mu=0 can't be excluded, we're apparently only setting an upper limit (mu <= ..) low_limit = 0 else: low_limit = bisect_search(is_value_in, low_search_bound, true_point, precision_digits=precision_digits) self.log.debug(">>> Low limit found at %s" % low_limit) if self.fixed_upper_limit is not None: low_limit = self.fixed_upper_limit elif is_value_in(high_search_bound): # If max_mu can't be excluded, we're apparently only setting a lower limit (mu >= ..) high_limit = float('inf') else: high_limit = bisect_search(is_value_in, true_point, high_search_bound, precision_digits=precision_digits) self.log.debug(">>> High limit found at %s" % high_limit) if self.wrap_interpolator: # Add the values to the interpolator, if they are within the domain # TODO: Think about dealing with inf if self.interpolator_log_domain[0] <= log_value <= self.interpolator_log_domain[1]: if self.fixed_lower_limit is None: self.low_limit_interpolator.add_point(log_value, np.log10(low_limit)) if self.fixed_upper_limit is None: self.high_limit_interpolator.add_point(log_value, np.log10(high_limit)) return low_limit, high_limit def score_stat_values(self, **kwargs): # Return "rank" of each hypothesis. Hypotheses with highest ranks will be included first. raise NotImplementedError() def __call__(self, observation, precision_digits=None, search_region=None): """Perform Neynman construction to get confidence interval on event rate for observation. """ if precision_digits is None: precision_digits = self.precision_digits if search_region is None: search_region = [0, round_to_digits(10 + 3 * len(observation), precision_digits)] if self.statistic.mu_dependent: value = self.statistic(observation, self.statistic.mus) else: value = self.statistic(observation, None) self.log.debug("Statistic evaluates to %s" % value) return self.get_confidence_interval(value, precision_digits=precision_digits, search_region=search_region)