def clean_token_flood(net, prev_marking, curr_marking, t, remaining_activities, current_remaining_map): """ Cleans the token flood Parameters ------------ net Petri net prev_marking Previous marking of the Petri net curr_marking Current marking of the Petri net t Transition that is fired with missing problems remaining_activities Remaining activities of the trace current_remaining_map Map of remaining tokens (to avoid losing them) Returns ------------ curr_marking Cleaned marking current_remaining_map Map of remaining tokens (to avoid losing them) """ for place in prev_marking: if place in curr_marking: curr_marking_wo_place = copy(curr_marking) if place in curr_marking_wo_place: del curr_marking_wo_place[place] en_t_in_curr_marking = set([ x for x in semantics.enabled_transitions(net, curr_marking) if x.label ]) en_t_in_curr_m_wo_place = set([ x for x in semantics.enabled_transitions( net, curr_marking_wo_place) if x.label ]) en_t_in_curr_marking = en_t_in_curr_marking - en_t_in_curr_m_wo_place en_t_in_curr_marking = en_t_in_curr_marking.intersection( remaining_activities) if len(en_t_in_curr_marking) == 0: if place not in current_remaining_map: current_remaining_map[place] = 0 current_remaining_map[ place] = current_remaining_map[place] + curr_marking[place] del curr_marking[place] return curr_marking, current_remaining_map
def get_visible_transitions_eventually_enabled_by_marking(net, marking): """ Get visible transitions eventually enabled by marking (passing possibly through hidden transitions) Parameters ---------- net Petri net marking Current marking """ all_enabled_transitions = sorted(list( semantics.enabled_transitions(net, marking)), key=lambda x: (str(, id(x))) initial_all_enabled_transitions_marking_dictio = {} all_enabled_transitions_marking_dictio = {} for trans in all_enabled_transitions: all_enabled_transitions_marking_dictio[trans] = marking initial_all_enabled_transitions_marking_dictio[trans] = marking visible_transitions = set() visited_transitions = set() i = 0 while i < len(all_enabled_transitions): t = all_enabled_transitions[i] marking_copy = copy(all_enabled_transitions_marking_dictio[t]) if repr([t, marking_copy]) not in visited_transitions: if t.label is not None: visible_transitions.add(t) else: if semantics.is_enabled(t, net, marking_copy): new_marking = semantics.execute(t, net, marking_copy) new_enabled_transitions = sorted(list( semantics.enabled_transitions(net, new_marking)), key=lambda x: (str(, id(x))) for t2 in new_enabled_transitions: all_enabled_transitions.append(t2) all_enabled_transitions_marking_dictio[ t2] = new_marking visited_transitions.add(repr([t, marking_copy])) i = i + 1 return visible_transitions
def make_enabledlog_alphaminer(log_file_path, output_file_name): ''' Convert XES to XES++ based on alpha miner (event log with enabled activities) (for test) Parameters ---------- log_file_path log's file path to be changed into XES++ output_file_name output file (XES++)'s name ''' log = xes_importer.import_log(log_file_path) net, initial_marking, final_marking = alpha_miner.apply(log) doc = ET.parse(log_file_path) root = doc.getroot() for glob in root.iter("global"): if glob.attrib["scope"] == "event": enabled = ET.SubElement(glob, "string") enabled.set("key", "enabled") enabled.set("value", "enabled") for trace in root.iter("trace"): m = ini.discover_initial_marking(net) for event in trace.iter("event"): for string in event.iter("string"): if string.attrib["key"] == "concept:name": act = string.attrib["value"] # act: current activity in the event log break for trans in net.transitions: if act == trans.label: t = trans break en = semantics.enabled_transitions(net, m) enabled = ET.SubElement(event, "string") enabled.set("key", "enabled") enabled.set("value", en) #write on the XES file if m == final_marking: break m = semantics.execute(t, net, m) doc.write(output_file_name, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True)
def __calculate_prefix_alignment_for_next_event(process_net, sync_net, initial_marking, final_marking, marking_after_prefix_alignment, cost_function, skip, prefix_alignment, trace, activity_key, window_size, debug_print=False): start_time = time.time() event_to_align = trace[len(trace) - 1] activity_name = event_to_align.get_dict()[activity_key] if debug_print: print("Next Event: ", activity_name) if window_size > 0: prefix_alignment_reverted = [] marking_after_prefix_alignment = initial_marking cost_so_far = 0 upper_limit_for_search = 1999 if len(prefix_alignment) > 0: upper_limit_for_search = prefix_alignment[-1]['cost_so_far'] + 1999 # revert prefix alignment by window size prefix_alignment_reverted = prefix_alignment[:-window_size] if len(prefix_alignment_reverted) > 0: marking_after_prefix_alignment = prefix_alignment_reverted[-1][ "marking_after_transition"] cost_so_far = prefix_alignment_reverted[-1]['cost_so_far'] # cost for log move = 1000 plus 999 to allow to execute 999 times arbitrary silent transitions else: marking_after_prefix_alignment = initial_marking cost_so_far = 0 if debug_print: print("START FROM SCRATCH Reverted Marking") gviz = petri_net_visualization_factory.apply( sync_net, marking_after_prefix_alignment, final_marking, parameters={ 'debug': True, "format": "svg" }) petri_net_visualization_factory.view(gviz) res = __search(sync_net, marking_after_prefix_alignment, final_marking, cost_function, skip, cost_so_far, upper_limit_for_search=upper_limit_for_search) return { 'alignment': prefix_alignment_reverted + res['alignment'], 'cost': res['cost'], 'visited_states': res['visited_states'], 'queued_states': res['queued_states'], 'traversed_arcs': res['traversed_arcs'], 'total_computation_time': time.time() - start_time, 'heuristic_computation_time': res['heuristic_computation_time'], 'number_solved_lps': res['number_solved_lps'] } if len(prefix_alignment) > 0: cost_so_far = prefix_alignment[-1]['cost_so_far'] upper_limit_for_search = prefix_alignment[-1]['cost_so_far'] + 1999 else: cost_so_far = 0 upper_limit_for_search = math.inf # check if there is a model move/ synchronous move transition that is labelled equally to event_to_align for t in process_net.transitions: if t.label == activity_name: # there is a corresponding transition in the process net synchronous_move_transition = None for t_s in sync_net.transitions: if t_s.label[0] == t_s.label[1] == activity_name and \ t_s in enabled_transitions(sync_net, marking_after_prefix_alignment): # there is a corresponding activated synchronous move transition in the synchronous product net synchronous_move_transition = t_s break if synchronous_move_transition: # ADD SYNCHRONOUS MOVE if debug_print: print("ADD SYNCHRONOUS MOVE ") new_marking = petri.semantics.execute( synchronous_move_transition, sync_net, marking_after_prefix_alignment) cost_of_synchronous_move = cost_function[ synchronous_move_transition] if len(prefix_alignment) > 0: cost_prefix_alignment = cost_so_far + cost_of_synchronous_move else: # first step in alignment cost_prefix_alignment = cost_of_synchronous_move # add sync move to alignment prefix_alignment = prefix_alignment + [{ "marking_before_transition": marking_after_prefix_alignment, "label": synchronous_move_transition.label, "name":, "cost_so_far": cost_so_far + cost_function[synchronous_move_transition], "marking_after_transition": new_marking }] return { 'alignment': prefix_alignment, 'cost': cost_prefix_alignment, 'visited_states': 0, 'queued_states': 0, 'traversed_arcs': 0, 'total_computation_time': time.time() - start_time, 'heuristic_computation_time': 0, 'number_solved_lps': 0 } else: # USE A* TO FIND NEW OPTIMAL ALIGNMENT if debug_print: print("START FROM SCRATCH -> A*") res = __search(sync_net, initial_marking, final_marking, cost_function, skip, 0, upper_limit_for_search=upper_limit_for_search) return { 'alignment': res['alignment'], 'cost': res['cost'], 'visited_states': res['visited_states'], 'queued_states': res['queued_states'], 'traversed_arcs': res['traversed_arcs'], 'total_computation_time': time.time() - start_time, 'heuristic_computation_time': res['heuristic_computation_time'], 'number_solved_lps': res['number_solved_lps'] } # no corresponding transition found -> ADD LOG MOVE if debug_print: print("ADD LOG MOVE") for t in sync_net.transitions: if is_log_move(t, skip) and t.label[0] == activity_name and \ petri.semantics.is_enabled(t, sync_net, marking_after_prefix_alignment): new_marking = petri.semantics.execute( t, sync_net, marking_after_prefix_alignment) prefix_alignment = prefix_alignment + [ { "marking_before_transition": marking_after_prefix_alignment, "label": t.label, "name":, "cost_so_far": 1000 + cost_so_far, "marking_after_transition": new_marking } ] return { 'alignment': prefix_alignment, 'cost': 1000 + cost_so_far, 'visited_states': 0, 'queued_states': 0, 'traversed_arcs': 0, 'total_computation_time': time.time() - start_time, 'heuristic_computation_time': 0, 'number_solved_lps': 0 } raise Exception('No corresponding log move transition found in sync net')