def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION gives GAD inclination at specified (paleo) latitude SYNTAX [command line options]<filename OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -i allows interactive entry of latitude -f file, specifies file name on command line """ if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() elif '-f' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-f') file = sys.argv[ind + 1] f = open(file, 'r') data = f.readlines() elif '-i' not in sys.argv: data = sys.stdin.readlines() if '-i' not in sys.argv: for line in data: rec = line.split() print('%7.1f' % (pmag.pinc(float(rec[0])))) else: while 1: try: lat = input( "Paleolat for converting to inclination: <cntl-D> to quit " ) print('%7.1f' % (pmag.pinc(float(lat)))) except EOFError: print('\n Good-bye \n') sys.exit()
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION gives GAD inclination at specified (paleo) latitude SYNTAX [command line options]<filename OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -i allows interactive entry of latitude -f file, specifies file name on command line """ if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() elif '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') file=sys.argv[ind+1] f=open(file,'r') data=f.readlines() elif '-i' not in sys.argv: data=sys.stdin.readlines() if '-i' not in sys.argv: for line in data: rec=line.split() print('%7.1f'%(pmag.pinc(float(rec[0])))) else: while 1: try: lat=input("Paleolat for converting to inclination: <cntl-D> to quit ") print('%7.1f'%(pmag.pinc(float(lat)))) except EOFError: print('\n Good-bye \n') sys.exit()
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION plots various parameters versus depth or age SYNTAX [command line optins] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -DM NUM: specify data model num, options 2 (legacy) or 3 (default) -f FILE: specify input magic format file from magic,default='pmag_results.txt' supported types=[pmag_specimens, pmag_samples, pmag_sites, pmag_results, magic_web] -obj [sit,sam,all]: specify object to site,sample,all for pmag_result table, default is all -fmt [svg,png,jpg], format for images - default is svg -x [age,pos]: specify whether age or stratigraphic position -y [dec,inc,int,chi,lat,lon,vdm,vadm] (lat and lon are VGP lat and lon) -Iex: plot the expected inc at lat - only available for results with lat info in file -ts TS amin amax: plot the GPTS for the time interval between amin and amax (numbers in Ma) TS: [ck95, gts04] -mcd method_code, specify method code, default is first one encountered -sav save plot and quit NOTES when x and/or y are not specified, a list of possibilities will be presented to the user for choosing """ if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() xaxis, xplotind, yplotind = "", 0, 0 # (0 for strat pos) yaxis, Xinc = "", "" plot = 0 obj = 'all' data_model_num = int(pmag.get_named_arg("-DM", 3)) # 2.5 keys if data_model_num == 2: supported = [ 'pmag_specimens', 'pmag_samples', 'pmag_sites', 'pmag_results', 'magic_web' ] # available file types Depth_keys = [ 'specimen_core_depth', 'specimen_height', 'specimen_elevation', 'specimen_composite_depth', 'sample_core_depth', 'sample_height', 'sample_elevation', 'sample_composite_depth', 'site_core_depth', 'site_height', 'site_elevation', 'site_composite_depth', 'average_height' ] Age_keys = [ 'specimen_inferred_age', 'sample_inferred_age', 'site_inferred_age', 'average_age' ] Unit_keys = { 'specimen_inferred_age': 'specimen_inferred_age_unit', 'sample_inferred_age': 'sample_inferred_age_unit', 'site_inferred_age': 'site_inferred_age_unit', 'average_age': 'average_age_unit' } Dec_keys = [ 'measurement_dec', 'specimen_dec', 'sample_dec', 'site_dec', 'average_dec' ] Inc_keys = [ 'measurement_inc', 'specimen_inc', 'sample_inc', 'site_inc', 'average_inc' ] Int_keys = [ 'measurement_magnitude', 'measurement_magn_moment', 'measurement_magn_volume', 'measurement_magn_mass', 'specimen_int', 'specimen_int_rel', 'sample_int', 'sample_int_rel', 'site_int', 'site_int_rel', 'average_int', 'average_int_rel' ] Chi_keys = ['measurement_chi_volume', 'measurement_chi_mass'] Lat_keys = ['sample_lat', 'site_lat', 'average_lat'] VLat_keys = ['vgp_lat'] VLon_keys = ['vgp_lon'] Vdm_keys = ['vdm'] Vadm_keys = ['vadm'] method_col_name = "magic_method_codes" else: # 3.0 keys supported = ["specimens", "samples", "sites", "locations"] # available file types Depth_keys = ["height", "core_depth", "elevation", "composite_depth"] Age_keys = ["age"] Unit_keys = {"age": "age"} Chi_keys = ["susc_chi_volume", "susc_chi_mass"] Int_keys = [ "magn_moment", "magn_volume", "magn_mass", "int_abs", "int_rel" ] Inc_keys = ["dir_inc"] Dec_keys = ["dir_dec"] Lat_Keys = ["lat"] VLat_keys = ["vgp_lat", "pole_lat"] VLon_keys = ["vgp_lon", "pole_lon"] Vdm_keys = ["vdm", "pdm"] Vadm_keys = ["vadm", "padm"] method_col_name = "method_codes" # X_keys = [Age_keys, Depth_keys] Y_keys = [ Dec_keys, Inc_keys, Int_keys, Chi_keys, VLat_keys, VLon_keys, Vdm_keys, Vadm_keys ] method, fmt = "", 'svg' FIG = {'strat': 1} plotexp, pTS = 0, 0 dir_path = pmag.get_named_arg("-WD", ".") # default files if data_model_num == 3: res_file = pmag.get_named_arg("-f", "sites.txt") else: res_file = pmag.get_named_arg("-f", "pmag_results.txt") res_file = pmag.resolve_file_name(res_file, dir_path) if '-fmt' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-fmt') fmt = sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-obj' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-obj') obj = sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-x' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-x') xaxis = sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-y' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-y') yaxis = sys.argv[ind + 1] if yaxis == 'dec': ykeys = Dec_keys if yaxis == 'inc': ykeys = Inc_keys if yaxis == 'int': ykeys = Int_keys if yaxis == 'chi': ykeys = Chi_keys if yaxis == 'lat': ykeys = VLat_keys if yaxis == 'lon': ykeys = VLon_keys if yaxis == 'vdm': ykeys = Vdm_keys if yaxis == 'vadm': ykeys = Vadm_keys if '-mcd' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-mcd') method = sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-ts' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-ts') ts = sys.argv[ind + 1] amin = float(sys.argv[ind + 2]) amax = float(sys.argv[ind + 3]) pTS = 1 if '-Iex' in sys.argv: plotexp = 1 if '-sav' in sys.argv: plot = 1 # # # get data read in Results, file_type = pmag.magic_read(res_file) if file_type not in supported: print("Unsupported file type ({}), try again".format(file_type)) sys.exit() PltObjs = ['all'] if data_model_num == 2: if file_type == 'pmag_results': # find out what to plot for rec in Results: resname = rec['pmag_result_name'].split() if 'Sample' in resname and 'sam' not in PltObjs: PltObjs.append('sam') if 'Site' in resname and 'sit' not in PltObjs: PltObjs.append('sit') methcodes = [] # need to know all the measurement types from method_codes if "magic_method_codes" in list(Results[0].keys()): for rec in Results: meths = rec["magic_method_codes"].split(":") for meth in meths: if meth.strip() not in methcodes and 'LP' in meth: # look for the lab treatments methcodes.append(meth.strip()) # # initialize some variables X_unit = "" # Unit for age or depth plotting (meters if depth) Xplots, Yplots = [], [] Xunits = [] yplotind, xplotind = 0, 0 # # step through possible plottable keys # if xaxis == "" or yaxis == "": for key in list(Results[0].keys()): for keys in X_keys: for xkeys in keys: if key in xkeys: for ResRec in Results: if ResRec[key] != "": # only plot something if there is something to plot! Xplots.append(key) break for keys in Y_keys: for pkeys in keys: if key in pkeys: for ResRec in Results: if ResRec[key] != "": Yplots.append(key) break X, Y = [], [] for plt in Xplots: if plt in Age_keys and 'age' not in X: X.append('age') if plt in Depth_keys and 'pos' not in X: X.append('pos') for plt in Yplots: if plt in Dec_keys and 'dec' not in Y: Y.append('dec') if plt in Inc_keys and 'inc' not in Y: Y.append('inc') if plt in Int_keys and 'int' not in Y: Y.append('int') if plt in Chi_keys and 'chi' not in Y: Y.append('chi') if plt in VLat_keys and 'lat' not in Y: Y.append('lat') if plt in VLon_keys and 'lon' not in Y: Y.append('lon') if plt in Vadm_keys and 'vadm' not in Y: Y.append('vadm') if plt in Vdm_keys and 'vdm' not in Y: Y.append('vdm') if file_type == 'pmag_results': print('available objects for plotting: ', PltObjs) print('available X plots: ', X) print('available Y plots: ', Y) print('available method codes: ', methcodes) f = open(dir_path + '/.striprc', 'w') for x in X: f.write('x:' + x + '\n') for y in Y: f.write('y:' + y + '\n') for m in methcodes: f.write('m:' + m + '\n') for obj in PltObjs: f.write('obj:' + obj + '\n') sys.exit() if plotexp == 1: for lkey in Lat_keys: for key in list(Results[0].keys()): if key == lkey: lat = float(Results[0][lkey]) Xinc = [pmag.pinc(lat), -pmag.pinc(lat)] break if Xinc == "": print('can not plot expected inc for site - lat unknown') if method != "" and method not in methcodes: print('your method not available, but these are: ') print(methcodes) print('use ', methcodes[0], '? ^D to quit') if xaxis == 'age': for akey in Age_keys: for key in list(Results[0].keys()): if key == akey: Xplots.append(key) Xunits.append(Unit_keys[key]) if xaxis == 'pos': for dkey in Depth_keys: for key in list(Results[0].keys()): if key == dkey: Xplots.append(key) if len(Xplots) == 0: print('desired X axis information not found') sys.exit() if xaxis == 'age': age_unit = Results[0][Xunits[0]] if len(Xplots) > 1: print('multiple X axis keys found, using: ', Xplots[xplotind]) for ykey in ykeys: for key in list(Results[0].keys()): if key == ykey: Yplots.append(key) if len(Yplots) == 0: print('desired Y axis information not found') sys.exit() if len(Yplots) > 1: print('multiple Y axis keys found, using: ', Yplots[yplotind]) # check if age or depth info if len(Xplots) == 0: print("Must have either age or height info to plot ") sys.exit() # # check for variable to plot # # # determine X axis (age or depth) # if xaxis == "age": plotind = "1" if method == "": try: method = methcodes[0] except IndexError: method = "" if xaxis == 'pos': xlab = "Stratigraphic Height (meters)" else: xlab = "Age (" + age_unit + ")" Xkey = Xplots[xplotind] Ykey = Yplots[yplotind] ylab = Ykey # # collect the data for plotting XY = [] isign = 1. # if float(Results[0][Xkey])/float(Results[-1][Xkey])>0 and float(Results[0][Xkey])<0: # isign=-1. # x axis all same sign and negative, take positive (e.g.,for depth in core) # xlab="Stratigraphic Position (meters)" # else: # isign=1. for rec in Results: if "magic_method_codes" in list(rec.keys()): meths = rec["magic_method_codes"].split(":") if method in meths: # make sure it is desired lab treatment step if obj == 'all' and rec[Xkey].strip() != "": XY.append([isign * float(rec[Xkey]), float(rec[Ykey])]) elif rec[Xkey].strip() != "": name = rec['pmag_result_name'].split() if obj == 'sit' and "Site" in name: XY.append([isign * float(rec[Xkey]), float(rec[Ykey])]) if obj == 'sam' and "Sample" in name: XY.append([isign * float(rec[Xkey]), float(rec[Ykey])]) elif method == "": if obj == 'all' and rec[Xkey].strip() != "": XY.append([isign * float(rec[Xkey]), float(rec[Ykey])]) elif rec[Xkey].strip() != "": name = rec['pmag_result_name'].split() if obj == 'sit' and "Site" in name: XY.append([isign * float(rec[Xkey]), float(rec[Ykey])]) if obj == 'sam' and "Sample" in name: XY.append([isign * float(rec[Xkey]), float(rec[Ykey])]) else: print("Something wrong with your plotting choices") break XY.sort() title = "" if "er_locations_names" in list(Results[0].keys()): title = Results[0]["er_location_names"] if "er_locations_name" in list(Results[0].keys()): title = Results[0]["er_location_name"] labels = [xlab, ylab, title] pmagplotlib.plot_init(FIG['strat'], 10, 5) pmagplotlib.plot_strat(FIG['strat'], XY, labels) # plot them if plotexp == 1: pmagplotlib.plot_hs(FIG['strat'], Xinc, 'b', '--') if yaxis == 'inc' or yaxis == 'lat': pmagplotlib.plot_hs(FIG['strat'], [0], 'b', '-') pmagplotlib.plot_hs(FIG['strat'], [-90, 90], 'g', '-') if pTS == 1: FIG['ts'] = 2 pmagplotlib.plot_init(FIG['ts'], 10, 5) pmagplotlib.plot_ts(FIG['ts'], [amin, amax], ts) files = {} for key in list(FIG.keys()): files[key] = key + '.' + fmt if pmagplotlib.isServer: black = '#000000' purple = '#800080' files = {} files['strat'] = xaxis + '_' + yaxis + '_.' + fmt files['ts'] = 'ts.' + fmt titles = {} titles['strat'] = 'Depth/Time Series Plot' titles['ts'] = 'Time Series Plot' FIG = pmagplotlib.add_borders(FIG, titles, black, purple) pmagplotlib.save_plots(FIG, files) elif plot == 1: pmagplotlib.save_plots(FIG, files) else: pmagplotlib.draw_figs(FIG) ans = input(" S[a]ve to save plot, [q]uit without saving: ") if ans == "a": pmagplotlib.save_plots(FIG, files)
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION plots various parameters versus depth or age SYNTAX [command line optins] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -DM NUM: specify data model num, options 2 (legacy) or 3 (default) -f FILE: specify input magic format file from magic,default='pmag_results.txt' supported types=[pmag_specimens, pmag_samples, pmag_sites, pmag_results, magic_web] -obj [sit,sam,all]: specify object to site,sample,all for pmag_result table, default is all -fmt [svg,png,jpg], format for images - default is svg -x [age,pos]: specify whether age or stratigraphic position -y [dec,inc,int,chi,lat,lon,vdm,vadm] (lat and lon are VGP lat and lon) -Iex: plot the expected inc at lat - only available for results with lat info in file -ts TS amin amax: plot the GPTS for the time interval between amin and amax (numbers in Ma) TS: [ck95, gts04] -mcd method_code, specify method code, default is first one encountered -sav save plot and quit NOTES when x and/or y are not specified, a list of possibilities will be presented to the user for choosing """ if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() xaxis, xplotind, yplotind = "", 0, 0 # (0 for strat pos) yaxis, Xinc = "", "" plot = 0 obj = 'all' data_model_num = int(pmag.get_named_arg("-DM", 3)) # 2.5 keys if data_model_num == 2: supported = ['pmag_specimens', 'pmag_samples', 'pmag_sites', 'pmag_results', 'magic_web'] # available file types Depth_keys = ['specimen_core_depth', 'specimen_height', 'specimen_elevation', 'specimen_composite_depth', 'sample_core_depth', 'sample_height', 'sample_elevation', 'sample_composite_depth', 'site_core_depth', 'site_height', 'site_elevation', 'site_composite_depth', 'average_height'] Age_keys = ['specimen_inferred_age', 'sample_inferred_age', 'site_inferred_age', 'average_age'] Unit_keys = {'specimen_inferred_age': 'specimen_inferred_age_unit', 'sample_inferred_age': 'sample_inferred_age_unit', 'site_inferred_age': 'site_inferred_age_unit', 'average_age': 'average_age_unit'} Dec_keys = ['measurement_dec', 'specimen_dec', 'sample_dec', 'site_dec', 'average_dec'] Inc_keys = ['measurement_inc', 'specimen_inc', 'sample_inc', 'site_inc', 'average_inc'] Int_keys = ['measurement_magnitude', 'measurement_magn_moment', 'measurement_magn_volume', 'measurement_magn_mass', 'specimen_int', 'specimen_int_rel', 'sample_int', 'sample_int_rel', 'site_int', 'site_int_rel', 'average_int', 'average_int_rel'] Chi_keys = ['measurement_chi_volume', 'measurement_chi_mass'] Lat_keys = ['sample_lat', 'site_lat', 'average_lat'] VLat_keys = ['vgp_lat'] VLon_keys = ['vgp_lon'] Vdm_keys = ['vdm'] Vadm_keys = ['vadm'] method_col_name = "magic_method_codes" else: # 3.0 keys supported = ["specimens", "samples", "sites", "locations"] # available file types Depth_keys = [ "height", "core_depth", "elevation", "composite_depth" ] Age_keys = [ "age" ] Unit_keys = { "age": "age" } Chi_keys = [ "susc_chi_volume", "susc_chi_mass" ] Int_keys = [ "magn_moment", "magn_volume", "magn_mass", "int_abs", "int_rel" ] Inc_keys = [ "dir_inc" ] Dec_keys = [ "dir_dec" ] Lat_Keys = [ "lat" ] VLat_keys = [ "vgp_lat", "pole_lat" ] VLon_keys = [ "vgp_lon", "pole_lon" ] Vdm_keys = [ "vdm", "pdm" ] Vadm_keys = [ "vadm", "padm" ] method_col_name = "method_codes" # X_keys = [Age_keys, Depth_keys] Y_keys = [Dec_keys, Inc_keys, Int_keys, Chi_keys, VLat_keys, VLon_keys, Vdm_keys, Vadm_keys] method, fmt = "", 'svg' FIG = {'strat': 1} plotexp, pTS = 0, 0 dir_path = pmag.get_named_arg("-WD", ".") # default files if data_model_num == 3: res_file = pmag.get_named_arg("-f", "sites.txt") else: res_file = pmag.get_named_arg("-f", "pmag_results.txt") res_file = pmag.resolve_file_name(res_file, dir_path) if '-fmt' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-fmt') fmt = sys.argv[ind+1] if '-obj' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-obj') obj = sys.argv[ind+1] if '-x' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-x') xaxis = sys.argv[ind+1] if '-y' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-y') yaxis = sys.argv[ind+1] if yaxis == 'dec': ykeys = Dec_keys if yaxis == 'inc': ykeys = Inc_keys if yaxis == 'int': ykeys = Int_keys if yaxis == 'chi': ykeys = Chi_keys if yaxis == 'lat': ykeys = VLat_keys if yaxis == 'lon': ykeys = VLon_keys if yaxis == 'vdm': ykeys = Vdm_keys if yaxis == 'vadm': ykeys = Vadm_keys if '-mcd' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-mcd') method = sys.argv[ind+1] if '-ts' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-ts') ts = sys.argv[ind+1] amin = float(sys.argv[ind+2]) amax = float(sys.argv[ind+3]) pTS = 1 if '-Iex' in sys.argv: plotexp = 1 if '-sav' in sys.argv: plot = 1 # # # get data read in Results, file_type = pmag.magic_read(res_file) if file_type not in supported: print("Unsupported file type ({}), try again".format(file_type)) sys.exit() PltObjs = ['all'] if data_model_num == 2: if file_type == 'pmag_results': # find out what to plot for rec in Results: resname = rec['pmag_result_name'].split() if 'Sample' in resname and 'sam' not in PltObjs: PltObjs.append('sam') if 'Site' in resname and 'sit' not in PltObjs: PltObjs.append('sit') methcodes = [] # need to know all the measurement types from method_codes if "magic_method_codes" in list(Results[0].keys()): for rec in Results: meths = rec["magic_method_codes"].split(":") for meth in meths: if meth.strip() not in methcodes and 'LP' in meth: # look for the lab treatments methcodes.append(meth.strip()) # # initialize some variables X_unit = "" # Unit for age or depth plotting (meters if depth) Xplots, Yplots = [], [] Xunits = [] yplotind, xplotind = 0, 0 # # step through possible plottable keys # if xaxis == "" or yaxis == "": for key in list(Results[0].keys()): for keys in X_keys: for xkeys in keys: if key in xkeys: for ResRec in Results: if ResRec[key] != "": # only plot something if there is something to plot! Xplots.append(key) break for keys in Y_keys: for pkeys in keys: if key in pkeys: for ResRec in Results: if ResRec[key] != "": Yplots.append(key) break X, Y = [], [] for plt in Xplots: if plt in Age_keys and 'age' not in X: X.append('age') if plt in Depth_keys and 'pos' not in X: X.append('pos') for plt in Yplots: if plt in Dec_keys and 'dec' not in Y: Y.append('dec') if plt in Inc_keys and 'inc' not in Y: Y.append('inc') if plt in Int_keys and 'int' not in Y: Y.append('int') if plt in Chi_keys and 'chi' not in Y: Y.append('chi') if plt in VLat_keys and 'lat' not in Y: Y.append('lat') if plt in VLon_keys and 'lon' not in Y: Y.append('lon') if plt in Vadm_keys and 'vadm' not in Y: Y.append('vadm') if plt in Vdm_keys and 'vdm' not in Y: Y.append('vdm') if file_type == 'pmag_results': print('available objects for plotting: ', PltObjs) print('available X plots: ', X) print('available Y plots: ', Y) print('available method codes: ', methcodes) f = open(dir_path+'/.striprc', 'w') for x in X: f.write('x:'+x+'\n') for y in Y: f.write('y:'+y+'\n') for m in methcodes: f.write('m:'+m+'\n') for obj in PltObjs: f.write('obj:'+obj+'\n') sys.exit() if plotexp == 1: for lkey in Lat_keys: for key in list(Results[0].keys()): if key == lkey: lat = float(Results[0][lkey]) Xinc = [pmag.pinc(lat), -pmag.pinc(lat)] break if Xinc == "": print('can not plot expected inc for site - lat unknown') if method != "" and method not in methcodes: print('your method not available, but these are: ') print(methcodes) print('use ', methcodes[0], '? ^D to quit') if xaxis == 'age': for akey in Age_keys: for key in list(Results[0].keys()): if key == akey: Xplots.append(key) Xunits.append(Unit_keys[key]) if xaxis == 'pos': for dkey in Depth_keys: for key in list(Results[0].keys()): if key == dkey: Xplots.append(key) if len(Xplots) == 0: print('desired X axis information not found') sys.exit() if xaxis == 'age': age_unit = Results[0][Xunits[0]] if len(Xplots) > 1: print('multiple X axis keys found, using: ', Xplots[xplotind]) for ykey in ykeys: for key in list(Results[0].keys()): if key == ykey: Yplots.append(key) if len(Yplots) == 0: print('desired Y axis information not found') sys.exit() if len(Yplots) > 1: print('multiple Y axis keys found, using: ', Yplots[yplotind]) # check if age or depth info if len(Xplots) == 0: print("Must have either age or height info to plot ") sys.exit() # # check for variable to plot # # # determine X axis (age or depth) # if xaxis == "age": plotind = "1" if method == "": try: method = methcodes[0] except IndexError: method = "" if xaxis == 'pos': xlab = "Stratigraphic Height (meters)" else: xlab = "Age ("+age_unit+")" Xkey = Xplots[xplotind] Ykey = Yplots[yplotind] ylab = Ykey # # collect the data for plotting XY = [] isign = 1. # if float(Results[0][Xkey])/float(Results[-1][Xkey])>0 and float(Results[0][Xkey])<0: # isign=-1. # x axis all same sign and negative, take positive (e.g.,for depth in core) # xlab="Stratigraphic Position (meters)" # else: # isign=1. for rec in Results: if "magic_method_codes" in list(rec.keys()): meths = rec["magic_method_codes"].split(":") if method in meths: # make sure it is desired lab treatment step if obj == 'all' and rec[Xkey].strip() != "": XY.append([isign*float(rec[Xkey]), float(rec[Ykey])]) elif rec[Xkey].strip() != "": name = rec['pmag_result_name'].split() if obj == 'sit' and "Site" in name: XY.append([isign*float(rec[Xkey]), float(rec[Ykey])]) if obj == 'sam' and "Sample" in name: XY.append([isign*float(rec[Xkey]), float(rec[Ykey])]) elif method == "": if obj == 'all' and rec[Xkey].strip() != "": XY.append([isign*float(rec[Xkey]), float(rec[Ykey])]) elif rec[Xkey].strip() != "": name = rec['pmag_result_name'].split() if obj == 'sit' and "Site" in name: XY.append([isign*float(rec[Xkey]), float(rec[Ykey])]) if obj == 'sam' and "Sample" in name: XY.append([isign*float(rec[Xkey]), float(rec[Ykey])]) else: print("Something wrong with your plotting choices") break XY.sort() title = "" if "er_locations_names" in list(Results[0].keys()): title = Results[0]["er_location_names"] if "er_locations_name" in list(Results[0].keys()): title = Results[0]["er_location_name"] labels = [xlab, ylab, title] pmagplotlib.plot_init(FIG['strat'], 10, 5) pmagplotlib.plot_strat(FIG['strat'], XY, labels) # plot them if plotexp == 1: pmagplotlib.plot_hs(FIG['strat'], Xinc, 'b', '--') if yaxis == 'inc' or yaxis == 'lat': pmagplotlib.plot_hs(FIG['strat'], [0], 'b', '-') pmagplotlib.plot_hs(FIG['strat'], [-90, 90], 'g', '-') if pTS == 1: FIG['ts'] = 2 pmagplotlib.plot_init(FIG['ts'], 10, 5) pmagplotlib.plot_ts(FIG['ts'], [amin, amax], ts) files = {} for key in list(FIG.keys()): files[key] = key+'.'+fmt if pmagplotlib.isServer: black = '#000000' purple = '#800080' files = {} files['strat'] = xaxis+'_'+yaxis+'_.'+fmt files['ts'] = 'ts.'+fmt titles = {} titles['strat'] = 'Depth/Time Series Plot' titles['ts'] = 'Time Series Plot' FIG = pmagplotlib.add_borders(FIG, titles, black, purple) pmagplotlib.save_plots(FIG, files) elif plot == 1: pmagplotlib.save_plots(FIG, files) else: pmagplotlib.draw_figs(FIG) ans = input(" S[a]ve to save plot, [q]uit without saving: ") if ans == "a": pmagplotlib.save_plots(FIG, files)