    def listdir(self, path):
        Modification of the function

        ctx = self.storage._ctx
        path = webutil.cleanpath(self.storage._repo, path)
        mf = ctx.manifest()
        node = ctx.node()
        substate = ctx.substate

        def fullviewpath(base, node, file):
            # XXX this needs to be some kind of resolution method
            view = 'file'
            return '%s/%s/%s/%s' % (base, view, node, file)

        if path in mf:
            raise PathNotDirError('path is dir: ' + path)

        files = {}
        dirs = {}
        subrepos = []

        if path and path[-1] != "/":
            path += "/"
        l = len(path)
        abspath = "/" + path

        for f, n in mf.iteritems():
            if f[:l] != path:
            remain = f[l:]
            elements = remain.split('/')
            if len(elements) == 1:
                files[remain] = f
                h = dirs # need to retain ref to dirs (root)
                for elem in elements[0:-1]:
                    if elem not in h:
                        h[elem] = {}
                    h = h[elem]
                    if len(h) > 1:
                h[None] = None # denotes files present

        if mf and not files and not dirs:
            raise PathNotFoundError('path not found: ' + path)

        subrepos = list_subrepo(substate, abspath)

        def listdir():

            if not path == '':
                yield self.format(**{
                    'permissions': 'drwxr-xr-x',
                    'contenttype': None,
                    'node': self.rev,
                    'date': '',
                    'size': '',
                    'path': '%s..' % path,
                    'desc': '',
                    'contents': '',  # XXX
                    # 'emptydirs': '/'.join(emptydirs),
            for n, v in sorted(subrepos):
                p = ''
                url, rev, repotype = v
                if v[0] is None:
                    # can't really link it anywhere...
                    p = '%s%s' % (path, n)
                    # XXX 'file' is specific to PMR2, bitbucket uses
                    # 'src' to access the human friendly view.
                    p = '%s/file/%s' % (url, rev)
                result = self.format(**{
                    'permissions': 'lrwxrwxrwx',
                    'contenttype': repotype,
                    'node': self.rev,
                    'date': '',
                    'size': '',
                    'path': p,
                    'desc': '',
                    'contents': '',  # XXX
                    # 'emptydirs': '/'.join(emptydirs),
                # need to "fix" some values
                result['basename'] = n  # name
                result['fullpath'] = p  # full url
                yield result

            for d in sorted(dirs):
                emptydirs = []
                h = dirs[d]
                while isinstance(h, dict) and len(h) == 1:
                    k, v = h.items()[0]
                    if v:
                    h = v

                p = '%s%s' % (path, d)
                yield self.format(**{
                    'permissions': 'drwxr-xr-x',
                    'contenttype': 'folder',
                    'node': self.rev,
                    'date': '',
                    'size': '',
                    'path': p,
                    'desc': '',
                    'contents': '',  # XXX
                    # 'emptydirs': '/'.join(emptydirs),

            for f in sorted(files):
                full = files[f]
                fctx = ctx.filectx(full)
                yield self.format(**{
                    'permissions': '-rw-r--r--',
                    'contenttype': 'file',
                    'node': self.rev,
                    'date': filter(fctx.date(), self.datefmtfilter),
                    'size': str(fctx.size()),
                    'path': full,
                    'desc': fctx.description(),
                    # XXX if self.rev changes, this can result in inconsistency
                    'contents': lambda: self.file(p),

        return listdir()