def write( self ): slope = ( 1.0 * self.height ) / self.width pixels = numpy.zeros( ( self.height, self.width ), dtype=int ) # # Something similar to's_line_algorithm # but special cased, since I know the lines are mirrored thrice. # actualY = 0 for leftX in range( 0, ( self.width / 2 ) + 1 ): # Precalculating. Math! frac = actualY - int( actualY ) topColor = self.getColor( 1 - frac ) bottomColor = self.getColor( frac ) topY = int( actualY ) bottomY = self.height - topY - 1 rightX = self.width - leftX - 1 # Actual Line (top-left) pixels[ topY, leftX ] = topColor pixels[ topY + 1, leftX ] = bottomColor # Horizontal Flip (top-right) pixels[ topY, rightX ] = topColor pixels[ topY + 1, rightX ] = bottomColor # Vertical Flip (bottom-left) pixels[ bottomY, leftX ] = topColor pixels[ bottomY - 1, leftX ] = bottomColor # 180-degree Rotation pixels[ bottomY, rightX ] = topColor pixels[ bottomY - 1, rightX ] = bottomColor # Increment `actualY` actualY += slope # Worry about the border (avoids another loop) if self.border: pixels[ 0, leftX ] = Placeholder.BACKGROUND pixels[ self.height - 1, leftX ] = Placeholder.BACKGROUND pixels[ 0, rightX ] = Placeholder.BACKGROUND pixels[ self.height - 1, rightX ] = Placeholder.BACKGROUND if leftX > 1: pixels[ 1, leftX ] = Placeholder.FOREGROUND pixels[ self.height - 2, leftX ] = Placeholder.FOREGROUND pixels[ 1, rightX ] = Placeholder.FOREGROUND pixels[ self.height - 2, rightX ] = Placeholder.FOREGROUND if leftX == 1: for y in range( 1, self.height - 1 ): pixels[ y, leftX ] = Placeholder.FOREGROUND pixels[ y, rightX ] = Placeholder.FOREGROUND if self.metadata: self.addMetadata( pixels ) with open( self.out, 'wb' ) as f: w = Writer( self.width, self.height, background=self.colors[0], palette=self.colors, bitdepth=8 ) w.write( f, pixels )
def draw_map(width, height, map, filename, pixel_function): """ Generic function to draw maps with PyPNG """ writer = Writer(width, height) pixels = [reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [pixel_function(elev) for elev in row]) for row in map] with open(filename, 'w') as f: writer.write(f, pixels)
def generate_captcha_response(self, request, uri, headers): ''' Generate a PNG image and return it as captcha mock ''' f = BytesIO() w = Writer(206, 40) pngdata = [[random.randint(0,255) for i in range(206*w.planes)] for i in range(40)] w.write(f, pngdata) headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/png' return (200, headers, f.getvalue())
def _save(self, filename): if type(filename) is not str: raise ValueError("file name must be a string") with open(filename, 'wb') as f: rows, cols = len(self.image_data), len(self.image_data[0]) writer = Writer(cols, rows) pixels = _unbox(self.image_data) writer.write(f, pixels) print(filename, "saved.")
def draw_color_map_with_shadow(width, height, map, filename): ELEV_MIN = -1.0 ELEV_MOUNTAIN = 1.0 SHADOW_RADIUS = 4 COAST_COLOR = (203, 237, 128) HILL_COLOR = (65, 69, 28) MOUNTAIN_COLOR = (226, 227, 218) SHALLOW_SEA_COLOR = (128, 237, 235) DEEP_SEA_COLOR = (2, 69, 92) def shadow_color(color, x, y): alt = map[y][x] delta = 0 for dist in range(SHADOW_RADIUS): # To avoid picking unexisting cells if x > dist and y > dist: other = map[y-1-dist][x-1-dist] diff = other-alt if other > ELEV_SEA and other>alt: delta += diff/(1.0+dist) delta = min(0.2, delta) return gradient(delta, 0, 0.2, color, (0, 0, 0)) def elev_to_pixel(elev): if elev > ELEV_HILL: return gradient(elev, ELEV_HILL, ELEV_MOUNTAIN, HILL_COLOR, MOUNTAIN_COLOR) elif elev > ELEV_SEA: return gradient(elev, ELEV_SEA, ELEV_HILL, COAST_COLOR, HILL_COLOR) else: return gradient(elev, ELEV_MIN, ELEV_SEA, DEEP_SEA_COLOR, SHALLOW_SEA_COLOR) writer = Writer(width, height) colors = [[elev_to_pixel(elev) for elev in row] for row in map] for y in range(height): for x in range(width): colors[y][x] = shadow_color(colors[y][x], x, y) pixels = [reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, row) for row in colors] with open(filename, 'w') as f: writer.write(f, pixels)
def getSrcFileName(idx): return ('%s %04d%s' % (SOURCE_NAME, idx, '.png')) if __name__ == '__main__': print("\nPNGMerger by seCOnDatkE 2014.") print("This script is initially written for MarKsCube Prototype.") print("Any problem and suggestion goes to [email protected].") print('') print("\tReading %s..." % getSrcFileName(1)), imageMeta = Reader(getSrcFileName(1)).read() print('ok'); print ("\tGetting file size..."), size = (imageMeta[0], imageMeta[1]) print('ok, %s: width %d, height %d.' % (getSrcFileName(1), size[0], size[1])); print('\tCreating png writer...'), destWriter = Writer(size[0] * DEST_ROWS, size[1] * DEST_COLS, alpha='RGBA', bitdepth=8) print('ok, width %d, height %d.' % (size[0] * DEST_ROWS, size[1] * DEST_COLS)) src_images = [] print("\n\t\tReading empty image data..."), src_images.append([data for data in Reader(EMPTY_FILE).asDirect()[2]]) print('ok') for num in range(1, IMAGE_NUM+1): print('\t\tReading image data "%s"...' % getSrcFileName(num)), src_images.append([data for data in Reader(getSrcFileName(num)).asDirect()[2]]) print('ok') ret_image = [] getImage = (lambda x : src_images[(lambda : 0 if x > IMAGE_NUM else x)()]) print('') for row in range(1, DEST_COLS * DEST_ROWS, DEST_ROWS):
p = 1.0 return int(p * 255) def clamp_scale3(p): return [clamp_scale(x) for x in p] inputfile = 'testcard.png' outputfile_coded = (lambda x: x[0] + '-encoded.' + x[1])(inputfile.split('.', 1)) outputfile_decoded = (lambda x: x[0] + '-decoded.' + x[1])(inputfile.split('.', 1)) width, height, pixels, meta = Reader(inputfile).asRGB8() coded = open(outputfile_coded, 'wb') decodedf = open(outputfile_decoded, 'wb') coded_writer = Writer(width, height, greyscale=True) decoded_writer = Writer(width, height) # how many counts of Fsc width_ratio = width / (Fsc / Fline) # ~ 2.69 delta_wt = math.pi / width_ratio # we only get 312 lines height_ratio = height / 312.0 print 'Files:\n input picture: %s (%dx%d)\n encoded picture: %s\n decoded picture: %s' %\ (inputfile, width, height, outputfile_coded, outputfile_decoded) print 'Modem parameters:\n Fsc=%10.4fHz\n Line frequency=%5fHz\n Width to Fsc ratio=%3.3f' % (Fsc, Fline, width_ratio)
def main(): comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD id= comm.Get_rank() wsize= comm.Get_size() tstart = MPI.Wtime() fsky = open("skymap.png","r") reader = Reader(fsky) skypixelwidth, skypixelheight, skypixels, metadata=reader.read_flat() pixelwidth = int(argv[1]) pixelheight = int(argv[2]) tskymapstart = MPI.Wtime() telepixels = np.zeros((pixelwidth*pixelheight*3),dtype=np.uint8) colorpixels = np.zeros((pixelwidth*pixelheight),dtype=np.uint8) skystartall = np.zeros((pixelwidth*pixelheight),dtype=np.uint32) telestartall = np.zeros((pixelwidth*pixelheight),dtype=np.uint32) colorall = np.zeros((pixelwidth*pixelheight),dtype=np.uint8) totnstepsall=np.zeros((wsize),dtype=np.uint32) tskymapend = MPI.Wtime() tskymap = tskymapend-tskymapstart tmin = 1.e6 tpercparmin=1.e6 hinit=1.e-1 #h=1.e-4 Router = 1000. Rplane = 700. Rs = 2. every = 1 deltalamb = 1.e-1 imagewidth = 50; imageheight = 50; tiny = 1.e-30 epsilon=1.e-8 eccentricity = 0.2 Rfac = 1.+1.e-10 heps = 1.e-14 semilatusr = 10.0 tstartpp=MPI.Wtime() #percent parallelized numperprocess = pixelheight*pixelwidth/wsize skystart=np.zeros((numperprocess),dtype=np.int32) telestart=np.zeros((numperprocess),dtype=np.int32) color = np.zeros((numperprocess),dtype=np.int8) totnsteps=np.zeros((numperprocess),dtype=np.int32) trk4all=np.zeros((numperprocess),dtype=np.float) ttelestop = MPI.Wtime() ttele = ttelestop-tstartpp trk4=float("inf") for index in range(numperprocess): ypix = int((id*numperprocess+index)/pixelwidth) xpix = (id*numperprocess+index)%pixelwidth tstartrk4=MPI.Wtime() totnsteps[index],skystart[index],telestart[index],color[index]=integrateNullGeodesic(xpix, ypix, pixelheight,pixelwidth, skypixelheight,skypixelwidth,imagewidth,imageheight,Rs,Router,Rplane,eccentricity, semilatusr, epsilon, tiny, hinit,Rfac,heps) tendrk4=MPI.Wtime() trk4=min(trk4,(tendrk4-tstartrk4)/float(totnsteps[index])) totnstepsmax=max(totnsteps) tstoppp = MPI.Wtime() tpercpar=tstoppp-tstartpp comm.Barrier() if id==0: totnstepsmaxall=0 else: totnstepsmaxall=None comm.Barrier() totnstepsmaxall=comm.reduce(totnstepsmax,op=MPI.MAX,root=0) tskymapall = comm.reduce(tskymap, op=MPI.MAX, root=0) tteleall = comm.reduce(ttele,op=MPI.MAX,root=0) comm.Gatherv(skystart,skystartall,root=0) comm.Gatherv(telestart, telestartall, root=0) comm.Gatherv(color,colorall, root=0) trk4min=comm.reduce(trk4,op=MPI.MIN,root=0) comm.Barrier() tend = MPI.Wtime() tall = tend-tstart if id==0: tindexstart = MPI.Wtime() for index in range(pixelheight*pixelwidth): if(colorall[index]==1): telepixels[telestartall[index]:telestartall[index]+3]=skypixels[skystartall[index]:skystartall[index]+3] else: telepixels[telestartall[index]]=255 #leave other two indices zero,red tindexend = MPI.Wtime() tindex = tindexend-tindexstart if id==0: twritestart = MPI.Wtime() ftele = open('teleview_{pw}_{ph}_{ws}.png'.format(pw=pixelwidth,ph=pixelheight,ws=wsize), "w") telewrite=Writer(width=pixelwidth,height=pixelheight,greyscale=False,alpha=False) telewrite.write_array(ftele,telepixels) ftele.close() twriteend=MPI.Wtime() twrite = twriteend-twritestart fsky.close() comm.Barrier() tmax = comm.reduce(tall,MPI.MAX,root=0) tpercparmin = comm.reduce(tpercpar/tall,op=MPI.MIN,root=0) comm.Barrier() if (id==0): # print("Telescope dimensions in M", 2.*imagewidth, 2.*imageheight) # print("Telescope resolution", pixelwidth, pixelheight) # print("Skymap resolution", skypixelwidth, skypixelheight) # print("Schwarzschild radius in M", 2.*Rs) # print("Outer radius in M", 2.*Router) # print("Telescope radius in M", 2.*Rplane) # print("Number of processes = ",wsize) # print("Maximum number of integration steps taken is",totnstepsmaxall) # print("The time for a single step of the RK4 is",trk4min) # print("Total runtime = ",tmax) # print("Fraction parallel = ", tpercparmin) print pixelwidth,pixelheight,wsize,totnstepsmaxall,trk4min,tmax,tpercparmin, tindex, twrite, tskymapall, tteleall MPI.Finalize()
def draw(name, diagram, column_variables, row_variables): rows = list(get_rows(diagram, column_variables, row_variables, transform=int)) writer = Writer(width=screen_width, height=screen_height, greyscale=isinstance(diagram, Diagram)) with open("visual/{}.png".format(name), "w") as outfile: writer.write(outfile, rows)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Writer.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.fITS = False self.qANT = False self.nANS = False
def ico2png(data): """Convert the bytestring data of an ICO file to PNG-format data as a bytestring.""" # try to extract the 6-byte ICO header try: header = unpack('<3H', data[0:6]) except: raise TypeError # data is not an ICO if header[:2] != (0,1): raise TypeError # data is not an ICO # the number of images in the file is header[2] image_count = header[2] # collect the icon directories directories = [] for i in xrange(image_count): directory = list(unpack('<4B2H2I', data[6 + 16 * i : 6 + 16 * i + 16])) for j in xrange(3): if not directory[j]: directory[j] = 256 directories.append(directory) # select "best" icon (??) directory = max(directories, key=(lambda x:x[0:3])) # get data of that image width = directory[0] height = directory[1] offset = directory[7] result = { 'width':width, 'height':height, 'colors':directory[2], 'bytes':directory[6], 'offset':offset, } if data[offset:offset+16] == "\211PNG\r\n\032\n": # looks like a PNG, so return the data from here out. return data[offset:] else: dib_size = unpack('<I', data[offset:offset+4])[0] if dib_size != 40: raise TypeError # don't know how to handle an ICO where the DIB isn't 40 bytes else: dib = unpack('<L2l2H2L2l2L', data[offset:offset+dib_size]) bits_per_pixel = dib[4] bmp_data_bytes = dib[6] if bmp_data_bytes == 0: bmp_data_bytes = width * height * bits_per_pixel / 8 if bits_per_pixel <= 8: # assemble the color palette color_count = 2 ** bits_per_pixel raw_colors = [ unpack('BBBB', data[offset + dib_size + 4 * i : offset + dib_size + 4 * i + 4]) for i in xrange(0,color_count) ] # the RGBQUAD for each palette color is (blue, green, red, reserved) palette = [ tuple([color[x] for x in (2, 1, 0)]) for color in raw_colors ] # get the XorMap bits xor_data_bits = [ bit for byte in data[ offset + dib_size + color_count * 4 : offset + dib_size + color_count * 4 + bmp_data_bytes ] for bit in _bitlist(unpack('B',byte)[0]) ] # get the AndMap bits and_row_size = ((width + 31) >> 5) << 2 and_data_bits = [ bit for byte in data[ offset + dib_size + color_count * 4 + bmp_data_bytes : offset + dib_size + color_count * 4 + bmp_data_bytes + and_row_size * height ] for bit in _bitlist(unpack('B',byte)[0]) ] # assemble the combined image (with transparency) def get_pixel(x,y): if and_data_bits[(height - y - 1) * and_row_size * 8 + x] == 1: # transparent return (0,0,0,0) else: # use the xor value, made solid return palette[_bitlistvalue( xor_data_bits[ bits_per_pixel * ((height - y - 1) * width + x) : bits_per_pixel * ((height - y - 1) * width + x) + bits_per_pixel ] )] + (255,) pixels = [ [ c for x in xrange(result['width']) for c in get_pixel(x,y) ] for y in xrange(result['height']) ] elif bits_per_pixel == 32: raw_pixels = [ [ unpack('BBBB', data[offset + dib_size + 4 * (y * width + x) : offset + dib_size + 4 * (y * width + x) + 4]) for x in xrange(width) ] for y in xrange(height-1, -1, -1) ] pixels = [ [ c for px in row for c in (px[2], px[1], px[0], px[3]) ] for row in raw_pixels ] elif bits_per_pixel == 24: raw_pixels = [ [ unpack('BBB', data[offset + dib_size + 3 * (y * width + x) : offset + dib_size + 3 * (y * width + x) + 3]) for x in xrange(width) ] for y in xrange(height-1, -1, -1) ] pixels = [ [ c for px in row for c in (px[2], px[1], px[0], 255) ] for row in raw_pixels ] else: raise TypeError # don't know how to handle the pixel depth value out = StringIO() w = PNGWriter(result['width'],result['height'],alpha=True) w.write(out, pixels) return out.getvalue()
def ico2png(data): """Convert the bytestring data of an ICO file to PNG-format data as a bytestring.""" # try to extract the 6-byte ICO header try: header = unpack('<3H', data[0:6]) except: raise TypeError # data is not an ICO if header[:2] != (0, 1): raise TypeError # data is not an ICO # the number of images in the file is header[2] image_count = header[2] # collect the icon directories directories = [] for i in xrange(image_count): directory = list(unpack('<4B2H2I', data[6 + 16 * i:6 + 16 * i + 16])) for j in xrange(3): if not directory[j]: directory[j] = 256 directories.append(directory) # select "best" icon (??) directory = max(directories, key=(lambda x: x[0:3])) # get data of that image width = directory[0] height = directory[1] offset = directory[7] result = { 'width': width, 'height': height, 'colors': directory[2], 'bytes': directory[6], 'offset': offset, } if data[offset:offset + 16] == "\211PNG\r\n\032\n": # looks like a PNG, so return the data from here out. return data[offset:] else: dib_size = unpack('<I', data[offset:offset + 4])[0] if dib_size != 40: raise TypeError # don't know how to handle an ICO where the DIB isn't 40 bytes else: dib = unpack('<L2l2H2L2l2L', data[offset:offset + dib_size]) bits_per_pixel = dib[4] bmp_data_bytes = dib[6] if bmp_data_bytes == 0: bmp_data_bytes = width * height * bits_per_pixel / 8 if bits_per_pixel <= 8: # assemble the color palette color_count = 2**bits_per_pixel raw_colors = [ unpack( 'BBBB', data[offset + dib_size + 4 * i:offset + dib_size + 4 * i + 4]) for i in xrange(0, color_count) ] # the RGBQUAD for each palette color is (blue, green, red, reserved) palette = [ tuple([color[x] for x in (2, 1, 0)]) for color in raw_colors ] # get the XorMap bits xor_data_bits = [ bit for byte in data[offset + dib_size + color_count * 4:offset + dib_size + color_count * 4 + bmp_data_bytes] for bit in _bitlist(unpack('B', byte)[0]) ] # get the AndMap bits and_row_size = ((width + 31) >> 5) << 2 and_data_bits = [ bit for byte in data[offset + dib_size + color_count * 4 + bmp_data_bytes:offset + dib_size + color_count * 4 + bmp_data_bytes + and_row_size * height] for bit in _bitlist(unpack('B', byte)[0]) ] # assemble the combined image (with transparency) def get_pixel(x, y): if and_data_bits[(height - y - 1) * and_row_size * 8 + x] == 1: # transparent return (0, 0, 0, 0) else: # use the xor value, made solid return palette[_bitlistvalue( xor_data_bits[bits_per_pixel * ( (height - y - 1) * width + x):bits_per_pixel * ((height - y - 1) * width + x) + bits_per_pixel])] + (255, ) pixels = [[ c for x in xrange(result['width']) for c in get_pixel(x, y) ] for y in xrange(result['height'])] elif bits_per_pixel == 32: raw_pixels = [[ unpack( 'BBBB', data[offset + dib_size + 4 * (y * width + x):offset + dib_size + 4 * (y * width + x) + 4]) for x in xrange(width) ] for y in xrange(height - 1, -1, -1)] pixels = [[ c for px in row for c in (px[2], px[1], px[0], px[3]) ] for row in raw_pixels] elif bits_per_pixel == 24: raw_pixels = [[ unpack( 'BBB', data[offset + dib_size + 3 * (y * width + x):offset + dib_size + 3 * (y * width + x) + 3]) for x in xrange(width) ] for y in xrange(height - 1, -1, -1)] pixels = [[ c for px in row for c in (px[2], px[1], px[0], 255) ] for row in raw_pixels] else: raise TypeError # don't know how to handle the pixel depth value out = StringIO() w = PNGWriter(result['width'], result['height'], alpha=True) w.write(out, pixels) return out.getvalue()