def test_activate_activates_existing_virtualenv_no_envs_file( tmp_dir: str, manager: EnvManager, poetry: Poetry, config: Config, mocker: MockerFixture, ): if "VIRTUAL_ENV" in os.environ: del os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"] venv_name = manager.generate_env_name("simple-project", str(poetry.file.parent)) os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmp_dir, f"{venv_name}-py3.7")) config.merge({"virtualenvs": {"path": str(tmp_dir)}}) mocker.patch( "subprocess.check_output", side_effect=check_output_wrapper(), ) mocker.patch( "subprocess.Popen.communicate", side_effect=[("/prefix", None)], ) m = mocker.patch("poetry.utils.env.EnvManager.build_venv", side_effect=build_venv) env = manager.activate("python3.7", NullIO()) m.assert_not_called() envs_file = TOMLFile(Path(tmp_dir) / "envs.toml") assert envs_file.exists() envs = assert envs[venv_name]["minor"] == "3.7" assert envs[venv_name]["patch"] == "3.7.1" assert env.path == Path(tmp_dir) / f"{venv_name}-py3.7" assert env.base == Path("/prefix")
def test_activate_activates_non_existing_virtualenv_no_envs_file( mocker: MockerFixture, tester: CommandTester, venv_cache: Path, venv_name: str, venvs_in_cache_config: None, ): mocker.patch( "subprocess.check_output", side_effect=check_output_wrapper(), ) mock_build_env = mocker.patch( "poetry.utils.env.EnvManager.build_venv", side_effect=build_venv ) tester.execute("3.7") venv_py37 = venv_cache / f"{venv_name}-py3.7" mock_build_env.assert_called_with( venv_py37, executable="/usr/bin/python3.7", flags={"always-copy": False, "system-site-packages": False}, with_pip=True, with_setuptools=True, with_wheel=True, ) envs_file = TOMLFile(venv_cache / "envs.toml") assert envs_file.exists() envs = assert envs[venv_name]["minor"] == "3.7" assert envs[venv_name]["patch"] == "3.7.1" expected = f"""\ Creating virtualenv {} in {venv_py37.parent} Using virtualenv: {venv_py37} """ assert == expected
def test_activate_activates_non_existing_virtualenv_no_envs_file( tmp_dir, manager, poetry, config, mocker): if "VIRTUAL_ENV" in os.environ: del os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"] config.merge({"virtualenvs": {"path": str(tmp_dir)}}) mocker.patch( "subprocess.check_output", side_effect=check_output_wrapper(), ) mocker.patch( "subprocess.Popen.communicate", side_effect=[("/prefix", None), ("/prefix", None)], ) m = mocker.patch("poetry.utils.env.EnvManager.build_venv", side_effect=build_venv) env = manager.activate("python3.7", NullIO()) venv_name = EnvManager.generate_env_name("simple-project", str(poetry.file.parent)) m.assert_called_with( Path(tmp_dir) / "{}-py3.7".format(venv_name), executable="python3.7", flags={ "always-copy": False, "system-site-packages": False }, ) envs_file = TOMLFile(Path(tmp_dir) / "envs.toml") assert envs_file.exists() envs = assert envs[venv_name]["minor"] == "3.7" assert envs[venv_name]["patch"] == "3.7.1" assert env.path == Path(tmp_dir) / "{}-py3.7".format(venv_name) assert env.base == Path("/prefix")
def test_activate_activates_different_virtualenv_with_envs_file( tmp_dir, manager, poetry, config, mocker ): if "VIRTUAL_ENV" in os.environ: del os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"] venv_name = manager.generate_env_name("simple-project", str(poetry.file.parent)) envs_file = TOMLFile(Path(tmp_dir) / "envs.toml") doc = tomlkit.document() doc[venv_name] = {"minor": "3.7", "patch": "3.7.1"} envs_file.write(doc) os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "{}-py3.7".format(venv_name))) config.merge({"virtualenvs": {"path": str(tmp_dir)}}) mocker.patch( "poetry.utils._compat.subprocess.check_output", side_effect=check_output_wrapper(Version.parse("3.6.6")), ) mocker.patch( "poetry.utils._compat.subprocess.Popen.communicate", side_effect=[("/prefix", None), ("/prefix", None), ("/prefix", None)], ) m = mocker.patch("poetry.utils.env.EnvManager.build_venv", side_effect=build_venv) env = manager.activate("python3.6", NullIO()) m.assert_called_with( Path(tmp_dir) / "{}-py3.6".format(venv_name), executable="python3.6" ) assert envs_file.exists() envs = assert envs[venv_name]["minor"] == "3.6" assert envs[venv_name]["patch"] == "3.6.6" assert env.path == Path(tmp_dir) / "{}-py3.6".format(venv_name) assert env.base == Path("/prefix")
def test_deactivate_activated(tmp_dir, manager, poetry, config, mocker): if "VIRTUAL_ENV" in os.environ: del os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"] venv_name = manager.generate_env_name("simple-project", str(poetry.file.parent)) version = Version.parse(".".join(str(c) for c in sys.version_info[:3])) other_version = Version.parse( "3.4") if version.major == 2 else version.next_minor (Path(tmp_dir) / "{}-py{}.{}".format(venv_name, version.major, version.minor)).mkdir() (Path(tmp_dir) / "{}-py{}.{}".format(venv_name, other_version.major, other_version.minor)).mkdir() envs_file = TOMLFile(Path(tmp_dir) / "envs.toml") doc = tomlkit.document() doc[venv_name] = { "minor": "{}.{}".format(other_version.major, other_version.minor), "patch": other_version.text, } envs_file.write(doc) config.merge({"virtualenvs": {"path": str(tmp_dir)}}) mocker.patch( "subprocess.check_output", side_effect=check_output_wrapper(), ) manager.deactivate(NullIO()) env = manager.get() assert env.path == Path(tmp_dir) / "{}-py{}.{}".format( venv_name, version.major, version.minor) assert Path("/prefix") envs = assert len(envs) == 0
def test_activate_with_in_project_setting_does_not_fail_if_no_venvs_dir( manager, poetry, config, tmp_dir, mocker): if "VIRTUAL_ENV" in os.environ: del os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"] config.merge({ "virtualenvs": { "path": str(Path(tmp_dir) / "virtualenvs"), "in-project": True, } }) mocker.patch( "subprocess.check_output", side_effect=check_output_wrapper(), ) mocker.patch( "subprocess.Popen.communicate", side_effect=[("/prefix", None), ("/prefix", None)], ) m = mocker.patch("poetry.utils.env.EnvManager.build_venv") manager.activate("python3.7", NullIO()) m.assert_called_with( poetry.file.parent / ".venv", executable="python3.7", flags={ "always-copy": False, "system-site-packages": False }, with_pip=True, with_setuptools=True, with_wheel=True, ) envs_file = TOMLFile(Path(tmp_dir) / "virtualenvs" / "envs.toml") assert not envs_file.exists()
def deactivate(self, io): # type: (IO) -> None venv_path = self._poetry.config.get("virtualenvs.path") if venv_path is None: venv_path = Path(CACHE_DIR) / "virtualenvs" else: venv_path = Path(venv_path) name = name = self.generate_env_name(name, str(self._poetry.file.parent)) envs_file = TOMLFile(venv_path / self.ENVS_FILE) if envs_file.exists(): envs = env = envs.get(name) if env is not None: io.write_line( "Deactivating virtualenv: <comment>{}</comment>".format( venv_path / (name + "-py{}".format(env["minor"])) ) ) del envs[name] envs_file.write(envs)
def test_activate_activates_non_existing_virtualenv_no_envs_file( mocker, tester, venv_cache, venv_name, venvs_in_cache_config ): mocker.patch( "subprocess.check_output", side_effect=check_output_wrapper(), ) mock_build_env = mocker.patch( "poetry.utils.env.EnvManager.build_venv", side_effect=build_venv ) tester.execute("3.7") venv_py37 = venv_cache / "{}-py3.7".format(venv_name) mock_build_env.assert_called_with( venv_py37, executable="python3.7", flags={"always-copy": False, "system-site-packages": False}, ) envs_file = TOMLFile(venv_cache / "envs.toml") assert envs_file.exists() envs = assert envs[venv_name]["minor"] == "3.7" assert envs[venv_name]["patch"] == "3.7.1" expected = """\ Creating virtualenv {} in {} Using virtualenv: {} """.format(, venv_py37.parent, venv_py37, ) assert expected ==
def test_remove_also_deactivates(tmp_dir, manager, poetry, config, mocker): config.merge({"virtualenvs": {"path": str(tmp_dir)}}) venv_name = manager.generate_env_name("simple-project", str(poetry.file.parent)) (Path(tmp_dir) / "{}-py3.7".format(venv_name)).mkdir() (Path(tmp_dir) / "{}-py3.6".format(venv_name)).mkdir() mocker.patch( "poetry.utils._compat.subprocess.check_output", side_effect=check_output_wrapper(Version.parse("3.6.6")), ) envs_file = TOMLFile(Path(tmp_dir) / "envs.toml") doc = tomlkit.document() doc[venv_name] = {"minor": "3.6", "patch": "3.6.6"} envs_file.write(doc) venv = manager.remove("python3.6") assert (Path(tmp_dir) / "{}-py3.6".format(venv_name)) == venv.path assert not (Path(tmp_dir) / "{}-py3.6".format(venv_name)).exists() envs = assert venv_name not in envs
def test_get_prefers_explicitly_activated_virtualenvs_over_env_var( tester, current_python, venv_cache, venv_name, venvs_in_cache_config ): os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"] = "/environment/prefix" python_minor = ".".join(str(v) for v in current_python[:2]) python_patch = ".".join(str(v) for v in current_python[:3]) venv_dir = venv_cache / "{}-py{}".format(venv_name, python_minor) venv_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) envs_file = TOMLFile(venv_cache / "envs.toml") doc = tomlkit.document() doc[venv_name] = {"minor": python_minor, "patch": python_patch} envs_file.write(doc) tester.execute(python_minor) expected = """\ Using virtualenv: {} """.format( venv_dir ) assert expected ==
def test_validate(): complete = TOMLFile(fixtures_dir / "complete.toml") content =["tool"]["poetry"] assert Factory.validate(content) == {"errors": [], "warnings": []}
def handle(self) -> int | None: from pathlib import Path from poetry.core.pyproject.exceptions import PyProjectException from poetry.core.toml.file import TOMLFile from poetry.config.file_config_source import FileConfigSource from poetry.factory import Factory from poetry.locations import CONFIG_DIR config = Factory.create_config( config_file = TOMLFile(Path(CONFIG_DIR) / "config.toml") try: local_config_file = TOMLFile(self.poetry.file.parent / "poetry.toml") if local_config_file.exists(): config.merge( except (RuntimeError, PyProjectException): local_config_file = TOMLFile(Path.cwd() / "poetry.toml") if self.option("local"): config.set_config_source(FileConfigSource(local_config_file)) if not config_file.exists(): config_file.path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) config_file.touch(mode=0o0600) if self.option("list"): self._list_configuration(config.all(), config.raw()) return 0 setting_key = self.argument("key") if not setting_key: return 0 if self.argument("value") and self.option("unset"): raise RuntimeError( "You can not combine a setting value with --unset") # show the value if no value is provided if not self.argument("value") and not self.option("unset"): m = re.match(r"^repos?(?:itories)?(?:\.(.+))?", self.argument("key")) value: str | dict[str, Any] if m: if not value = {} if config.get("repositories") is not None: value = config.get("repositories") else: repo = config.get(f"repositories.{}") if repo is None: raise ValueError( f"There is no {} repository defined") value = repo self.line(str(value)) else: if setting_key not in self.unique_config_values: raise ValueError(f"There is no {setting_key} setting.") value = config.get(setting_key) if not isinstance(value, str): value = json.dumps(value) self.line(value) return 0 values: list[str] = self.argument("value") unique_config_values = self.unique_config_values if setting_key in unique_config_values: if self.option("unset"): config.config_source.remove_property(setting_key) return None return self._handle_single_value( config.config_source, setting_key, unique_config_values[setting_key], values, ) # handle repositories m = re.match(r"^repos?(?:itories)?(?:\.(.+))?", self.argument("key")) if m: if not raise ValueError( "You cannot remove the [repositories] section") if self.option("unset"): repo = config.get(f"repositories.{}") if repo is None: raise ValueError( f"There is no {} repository defined") config.config_source.remove_property( f"repositories.{}") return 0 if len(values) == 1: url = values[0] config.config_source.add_property( f"repositories.{}.url", url) return 0 raise ValueError( "You must pass the url. " "Example: poetry config") # handle auth m = re.match(r"^(http-basic|pypi-token)\.(.+)", self.argument("key")) if m: from poetry.utils.password_manager import PasswordManager password_manager = PasswordManager(config) if self.option("unset"): if == "http-basic": password_manager.delete_http_password( elif == "pypi-token": password_manager.delete_pypi_token( return 0 if == "http-basic": if len(values) == 1: username = values[0] # Only username, so we prompt for password password = self.secret("Password:"******"Expected one or two arguments " f"(username, password), got {len(values)}") else: username = values[0] password = values[1] password_manager.set_http_password(, username, password) elif == "pypi-token": if len(values) != 1: raise ValueError( f"Expected only one argument (token), got {len(values)}" ) token = values[0] password_manager.set_pypi_token(, token) return 0 # handle certs m = re.match(r"(?:certificates)\.([^.]+)\.(cert|client-cert)", self.argument("key")) if m: if self.option("unset"): config.auth_config_source.remove_property( f"certificates.{}.{}") return 0 if len(values) == 1: config.auth_config_source.add_property( f"certificates.{}.{}", values[0]) else: raise ValueError("You must pass exactly 1 value") return 0 raise ValueError(f"Setting {self.argument('key')} does not exist")
def remove(self, python: str) -> "Env": venv_path = self._poetry.config.get("virtualenvs.path") if venv_path is None: venv_path = Path(CACHE_DIR) / "virtualenvs" else: venv_path = Path(venv_path) cwd = self._poetry.file.parent envs_file = TOMLFile(venv_path / self.ENVS_FILE) base_env_name = self.generate_env_name(, str(cwd)) if python.startswith(base_env_name): venvs = self.list() for venv in venvs: if == python: # Exact virtualenv name if not envs_file.exists(): self.remove_venv(venv.path) return venv venv_minor = ".".join( str(v) for v in venv.version_info[:2]) base_env_name = self.generate_env_name(, str(cwd)) envs = current_env = envs.get(base_env_name) if not current_env: self.remove_venv(venv.path) return venv if current_env["minor"] == venv_minor: del envs[base_env_name] envs_file.write(envs) self.remove_venv(venv.path) return venv raise ValueError( '<warning>Environment "{}" does not exist.</warning>'.format( python)) try: python_version = Version.parse(python) python = "python{}".format(python_version.major) if python_version.precision > 1: python += ".{}".format(python_version.minor) except ValueError: # Executable in PATH or full executable path pass try: python_version = decode( subprocess.check_output( list_to_shell_command([ python, "-c", "\"import sys; print('.'.join([str(s) for s in sys.version_info[:3]]))\"", ]), shell=True, )) except CalledProcessError as e: raise EnvCommandError(e) python_version = Version.parse(python_version.strip()) minor = "{}.{}".format(python_version.major, python_version.minor) name = "{}-py{}".format(base_env_name, minor) venv = venv_path / name if not venv.exists(): raise ValueError( '<warning>Environment "{}" does not exist.</warning>'.format( name)) if envs_file.exists(): envs = current_env = envs.get(base_env_name) if current_env is not None: current_minor = current_env["minor"] if current_minor == minor: del envs[base_env_name] envs_file.write(envs) self.remove_venv(venv) return VirtualEnv(venv)
def get(self, reload: bool = False) -> Union["VirtualEnv", "SystemEnv"]: if self._env is not None and not reload: return self._env python_minor = ".".join([str(v) for v in sys.version_info[:2]]) venv_path = self._poetry.config.get("virtualenvs.path") if venv_path is None: venv_path = Path(CACHE_DIR) / "virtualenvs" else: venv_path = Path(venv_path) cwd = self._poetry.file.parent envs_file = TOMLFile(venv_path / self.ENVS_FILE) env = None base_env_name = self.generate_env_name(, str(cwd)) if envs_file.exists(): envs = env = envs.get(base_env_name) if env: python_minor = env["minor"] # Check if we are inside a virtualenv or not # Conda sets CONDA_PREFIX in its envs, see # env_prefix = os.environ.get("VIRTUAL_ENV", os.environ.get("CONDA_PREFIX")) conda_env_name = os.environ.get("CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV") # It's probably not a good idea to pollute Conda's global "base" env, since # most users have it activated all the time. in_venv = env_prefix is not None and conda_env_name != "base" if not in_venv or env is not None: # Checking if a local virtualenv exists if self._poetry.config.get("") is not False: if (cwd / ".venv").exists() and (cwd / ".venv").is_dir(): venv = cwd / ".venv" return VirtualEnv(venv) create_venv = self._poetry.config.get("virtualenvs.create", True) if not create_venv: return SystemEnv(Path(sys.prefix)) venv_path = self._poetry.config.get("virtualenvs.path") if venv_path is None: venv_path = Path(CACHE_DIR) / "virtualenvs" else: venv_path = Path(venv_path) name = "{}-py{}".format(base_env_name, python_minor.strip()) venv = venv_path / name if not venv.exists(): return SystemEnv(Path(sys.prefix)) return VirtualEnv(venv) if env_prefix is not None: prefix = Path(env_prefix) base_prefix = None else: prefix = Path(sys.prefix) base_prefix = self.get_base_prefix() return VirtualEnv(prefix, base_prefix)
def activate(self, python: str, io: IO) -> "Env": venv_path = self._poetry.config.get("virtualenvs.path") if venv_path is None: venv_path = Path(CACHE_DIR) / "virtualenvs" else: venv_path = Path(venv_path) cwd = self._poetry.file.parent envs_file = TOMLFile(venv_path / self.ENVS_FILE) try: python_version = Version.parse(python) python = "python{}".format(python_version.major) if python_version.precision > 1: python += ".{}".format(python_version.minor) except ValueError: # Executable in PATH or full executable path pass try: python_version = decode( subprocess.check_output( list_to_shell_command([ python, "-c", "\"import sys; print('.'.join([str(s) for s in sys.version_info[:3]]))\"", ]), shell=True, )) except CalledProcessError as e: raise EnvCommandError(e) python_version = Version.parse(python_version.strip()) minor = "{}.{}".format(python_version.major, python_version.minor) patch = python_version.text create = False is_root_venv = self._poetry.config.get("") # If we are required to create the virtual environment in the root folder, # create or recreate it if needed if is_root_venv: create = False venv = self._poetry.file.parent / ".venv" if venv.exists(): # We need to check if the patch version is correct _venv = VirtualEnv(venv) current_patch = ".".join( str(v) for v in _venv.version_info[:3]) if patch != current_patch: create = True self.create_venv(io, executable=python, force=create) return self.get(reload=True) envs = tomlkit.document() base_env_name = self.generate_env_name(, str(cwd)) if envs_file.exists(): envs = current_env = envs.get(base_env_name) if current_env is not None: current_minor = current_env["minor"] current_patch = current_env["patch"] if current_minor == minor and current_patch != patch: # We need to recreate create = True name = "{}-py{}".format(base_env_name, minor) venv = venv_path / name # Create if needed if not venv.exists() or venv.exists() and create: in_venv = os.environ.get("VIRTUAL_ENV") is not None if in_venv or not venv.exists(): create = True if venv.exists(): # We need to check if the patch version is correct _venv = VirtualEnv(venv) current_patch = ".".join( str(v) for v in _venv.version_info[:3]) if patch != current_patch: create = True self.create_venv(io, executable=python, force=create) # Activate envs[base_env_name] = {"minor": minor, "patch": patch} envs_file.write(envs) return self.get(reload=True)
def create_poetry( self, cwd: Path | None = None, io: IO | None = None, disable_plugins: bool = False, disable_cache: bool = False, ) -> Poetry: if io is None: io = NullIO() base_poetry = super().create_poetry(cwd) locker = Locker(base_poetry.file.parent / "poetry.lock", base_poetry.local_config) # Loading global configuration with warnings.catch_warnings(): # this is preserved to ensure export plugin tests pass in ci, # once poetry-plugin-export version is updated to use one that do not # use Factory.create_config(), this can be safely removed. warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) config = self.create_config() # Loading local configuration local_config_file = TOMLFile(base_poetry.file.parent / "poetry.toml") if local_config_file.exists(): if io.is_debug(): io.write_line( f"Loading configuration file {local_config_file.path}") config.merge( # Load local sources repositories = {} existing_repositories = config.get("repositories", {}) for source in base_poetry.pyproject.poetry_config.get("source", []): name = source.get("name") url = source.get("url") if name and url and name not in existing_repositories: repositories[name] = {"url": url} config.merge({"repositories": repositories}) poetry = Poetry( base_poetry.file.path, base_poetry.local_config, base_poetry.package, locker, config, ) # Configuring sources self.configure_sources( poetry, poetry.local_config.get("source", []), config, io, disable_cache=disable_cache, ) plugin_manager = PluginManager(, disable_plugins=disable_plugins) plugin_manager.load_plugins() poetry.set_plugin_manager(plugin_manager) plugin_manager.activate(poetry, io) return poetry
def create_poetry( self, cwd=None, io=None): # type: (Optional[Path], Optional[IO]) -> Poetry if io is None: io = NullIO() base_poetry = super(Factory, self).create_poetry(cwd) locker = Locker(base_poetry.file.parent / "poetry.lock", base_poetry.local_config) # Loading global configuration config = self.create_config(io) # Loading local configuration local_config_file = TOMLFile(base_poetry.file.parent / "poetry.toml") if local_config_file.exists(): if io.is_debug(): io.write_line("Loading configuration file {}".format( local_config_file.path)) config.merge( # Load local sources repositories = {} existing_repositories = config.get("repositories", {}) for source in base_poetry.pyproject.poetry_config.get("source", []): name = source.get("name") url = source.get("url") if name and url: if name not in existing_repositories: repositories[name] = {"url": url} config.merge({"repositories": repositories}) poetry = Poetry( base_poetry.file.path, base_poetry.local_config, base_poetry.package, locker, config, ) # Configuring sources sources = poetry.local_config.get("source", []) for source in sources: repository = self.create_legacy_repository(source, config) is_default = source.get("default", False) is_secondary = source.get("secondary", False) if io.is_debug(): message = "Adding repository {} ({})".format(, repository.url) if is_default: message += " and setting it as the default one" elif is_secondary: message += " and setting it as secondary" io.write_line(message) poetry.pool.add_repository(repository, is_default, secondary=is_secondary) # Always put PyPI last to prefer private repositories # but only if we have no other default source if not poetry.pool.has_default(): has_sources = bool(sources) poetry.pool.add_repository(PyPiRepository(), not has_sources, has_sources) else: if io.is_debug(): io.write_line("Deactivating the PyPI repository") return poetry
def __init__(self, lock: str | Path, local_config: dict[str, Any]) -> None: self._lock = TOMLFile(lock) self._local_config = local_config self._lock_data: TOMLDocument | None = None self._content_hash = self._get_content_hash()
def test_activate_activates_recreates_for_different_patch( tmp_dir: str, manager: EnvManager, poetry: "Poetry", config: "Config", mocker: "MockerFixture", ): if "VIRTUAL_ENV" in os.environ: del os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"] venv_name = manager.generate_env_name("simple-project", str(poetry.file.parent)) envs_file = TOMLFile(Path(tmp_dir) / "envs.toml") doc = tomlkit.document() doc[venv_name] = {"minor": "3.7", "patch": "3.7.0"} envs_file.write(doc) os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmp_dir, f"{venv_name}-py3.7")) config.merge({"virtualenvs": {"path": str(tmp_dir)}}) mocker.patch( "subprocess.check_output", side_effect=check_output_wrapper(), ) mocker.patch( "subprocess.Popen.communicate", side_effect=[ ("/prefix", None), ('{"version_info": [3, 7, 0]}', None), ("/prefix", None), ("/prefix", None), ("/prefix", None), ], ) build_venv_m = mocker.patch( "poetry.utils.env.EnvManager.build_venv", side_effect=build_venv ) remove_venv_m = mocker.patch( "poetry.utils.env.EnvManager.remove_venv", side_effect=EnvManager.remove_venv ) env = manager.activate("python3.7", NullIO()) build_venv_m.assert_called_with( Path(tmp_dir) / f"{venv_name}-py3.7", executable="/usr/bin/python3.7", flags={"always-copy": False, "system-site-packages": False}, with_pip=True, with_setuptools=True, with_wheel=True, ) remove_venv_m.assert_called_with(Path(tmp_dir) / f"{venv_name}-py3.7") assert envs_file.exists() envs = assert envs[venv_name]["minor"] == "3.7" assert envs[venv_name]["patch"] == "3.7.1" assert env.path == Path(tmp_dir) / f"{venv_name}-py3.7" assert env.base == Path("/prefix") assert (Path(tmp_dir) / f"{venv_name}-py3.7").exists()
def __init__(self): self._lock = TOMLFile(Path.cwd().joinpath("poetry.lock")) self._locked = True self._content_hash = self._get_content_hash()
def venv_activate_37(venv_cache: "Path", venv_name: str) -> None: envs_file = TOMLFile(venv_cache / "envs.toml") doc = tomlkit.document() doc[venv_name] = {"minor": "3.7", "patch": "3.7.0"} envs_file.write(doc)
def __init__(self, lock: Union[str, Path], local_config: dict) -> None: self._lock = TOMLFile(lock) self._local_config = local_config self._lock_data = None self._content_hash = self._get_content_hash()
def __init__(self, lock, local_config): # type: (Path, dict) -> None self._lock = TOMLFile(lock) self._local_config = local_config self._lock_data = None self._content_hash = self._get_content_hash()