def get_wall_sequence(self, origin: Point):
        """Succession of points against the wall starting from a given point"""
        sequence = [origin]
        if all([self.is_wall(p) for p in origin.adjacent_points()]):
            # the origin point is surrounded by walls
            return sequence

        loop_done = False
        curr = origin

        # get the direction where the wall is
        wall_dir = LEFT if self.is_wall(curr.adj(LEFT)) \
            else UP if self.is_wall(curr.adj(UP)) \
            else RIGHT if self.is_wall(curr.adj(RIGHT)) \
            else DOWN if self.is_wall(curr.adj(DOWN)) \
            else LEFT if self.is_wall(curr.adj(UP).adj(LEFT)) \
            else UP if self.is_wall(curr.adj(UP).adj(RIGHT)) \
            else RIGHT if self.is_wall(curr.adj(DOWN).adj(RIGHT)) \
            else DOWN

        while not loop_done:
            # get the next point against the wall
            p = curr.adj(Point.next_dir(wall_dir))
            while self.is_wall(p):
                # changes the run direction if a wall is found
                wall_dir = Point.next_dir(wall_dir)
                p = curr.adj(Point.next_dir(wall_dir))

            loop_done = (p == sequence[0])
            curr = p
            if not self.is_wall(curr.adj(wall_dir)):
                wall_dir = Point.prev_dir(wall_dir)
        return sequence
 def possible_dirs(self, point: Point, pipe_id: int) -> list:
     return [
         adj for adj in point.adjacent_points()
         if self.universe[adj.x,
                          adj.y] == '.' or adj == self.pipe_ends[pipe_id][1]