def __init__(self, max_len, input_size, size, num_layers, max_gradient_norm, batch_size, learning_rate, learning_rate_decay_factor): """Create the network. A simplified network that handles only sorting. Args: max_len: maximum length of the model. input_size: size of the inputs data. size: number of units in each layer of the model. num_layers: number of layers in the model. max_gradient_norm: gradients will be clipped to maximally this norm. batch_size: the size of the batches used during training; the model construction is independent of batch_size, so it can be changed after initialization if this is convenient, e.g., for decoding. learning_rate: learning rate to start with. learning_rate_decay_factor: decay learning rate by this much when needed. """ self.batch_size = batch_size self.learning_rate = tf.Variable(float(learning_rate), trainable=False) self.learning_rate_decay_op = self.learning_rate.assign( self.learning_rate * learning_rate_decay_factor) self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.GRUCell(size) if num_layers > 1: cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([single_cell] * num_layers) self.encoder_inputs = [] self.decoder_inputs = [] self.decoder_targets = [] self.target_weights = [] for i in range(max_len): self.encoder_inputs.append( tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, input_size], name="EncoderInput%d" % i)) for i in range(max_len + 1): self.decoder_inputs.append( tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, input_size], name="DecoderInput%d" % i)) self.decoder_targets.append( tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, max_len + 1], name="DecoderTarget%d" % i)) # one hot self.target_weights.append( tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, 1], name="TargetWeight%d" % i)) # Encoder # Need for attention encoder_outputs, final_state = tf.nn.rnn(cell, self.encoder_inputs, dtype=tf.float32) # Need a dummy output to point on it. End of decoding. encoder_outputs = [tf.zeros([FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.rnn_size]) ] + encoder_outputs # First calculate a concatenation of encoder outputs to put attention on. top_states = [ tf.reshape(e, [-1, 1, cell.output_size]) for e in encoder_outputs ] attention_states = tf.concat(1, top_states) with tf.variable_scope("decoder"): outputs, states, _ = pointer_decoder(self.decoder_inputs, final_state, attention_states, cell) with tf.variable_scope("decoder", reuse=True): predictions, _, inps = pointer_decoder(self.decoder_inputs, final_state, attention_states, cell, feed_prev=True) self.predictions = predictions self.outputs = outputs self.inps = inps
def __init__(self, max_len, input_size, size, num_layers, max_gradient_norm, batch_size, learning_rate, learning_rate_decay_factor): """Create the network. A simplified network that handles only sorting. Args: max_len: maximum length of the model. input_size: size of the inputs data. size: number of units in each layer of the model. num_layers: number of layers in the model. max_gradient_norm: gradients will be clipped to maximally this norm. batch_size: the size of the batches used during training; the model construction is independent of batch_size, so it can be changed after initialization if this is convenient, e.g., for decoding. learning_rate: learning rate to start with. learning_rate_decay_factor: decay learning rate by this much when needed. """ self.batch_size = batch_size self.learning_rate = tf.Variable(float(learning_rate), trainable=False) self.learning_rate_decay_op = self.learning_rate.assign( self.learning_rate * learning_rate_decay_factor) self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) cell = rnn_cell.GRUCell(size) if num_layers > 1: cell = rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([single_cell] * num_layers) self.encoder_inputs = [] self.decoder_inputs = [] self.decoder_targets = [] self.target_weights = [] for i in range(max_len): self.encoder_inputs.append(tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [batch_size, input_size], name="EncoderInput%d" % i)) for i in range(max_len + 1): self.decoder_inputs.append(tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [batch_size, input_size], name="DecoderInput%d" % i)) self.decoder_targets.append(tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [batch_size, max_len + 1], name="DecoderTarget%d" % i)) # one hot self.target_weights.append(tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [batch_size, 1], name="TargetWeight%d" % i)) # Encoder # Need for attention encoder_outputs, final_state = rnn.rnn(cell, self.encoder_inputs, dtype=tf.float32) # Need a dummy output to point on it. End of decoding. encoder_outputs = [tf.zeros([FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.rnn_size])] + encoder_outputs # First calculate a concatenation of encoder outputs to put attention on. top_states = [tf.reshape(e, [-1, 1, cell.output_size]) for e in encoder_outputs] attention_states = tf.concat(1, top_states) with tf.variable_scope("decoder"): outputs, states, _ = pointer_decoder( self.decoder_inputs, final_state, attention_states, cell) with tf.variable_scope("decoder", reuse=True): predictions, _, inps = pointer_decoder( self.decoder_inputs, final_state, attention_states, cell, feed_prev=True) self.predictions = predictions self.outputs = outputs self.inps = inps
def __init__(self, max_len, input_size, size, num_layers, batch_size, learning_rate): """Create the network. Args: max_len: maximum length of the model. input_size: size of the inputs data. size: number of units in each layer of the model. num_layers: number of layers in the model. batch_size: the size of the batches used during training; the model construction is independent of batch_size, so it can be changed after initialization if this is convenient, e.g., for decoding. learning_rate: learning rate to start with. """ self.max_len = max_len self.batch_size = batch_size self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell( size, initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer(-0.08, 0.08)) if num_layers > 1: cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([cell] * num_layers) self.encoder_inputs = [] self.decoder_inputs = [] self.decoder_targets = [] self.target_weights = [] for i in range(max_len): self.encoder_inputs.append( tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, input_size], name="EncoderInput%d" % i)) for i in range(max_len + 1): self.decoder_inputs.append( tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, input_size], name="DecoderInput%d" % i)) self.decoder_targets.append( tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, max_len + 1], name="DecoderTarget%d" % i)) # one hot self.target_weights.append( tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, 1], name="TargetWeight%d" % i)) # Need for attention encoder_outputs, final_state = tf.nn.rnn(cell, self.encoder_inputs, dtype=tf.float32) # Need a dummy output to point on it. End of decoding. encoder_outputs = [tf.zeros([batch_size, size])] + encoder_outputs # First calculate a concatenation of encoder outputs to put attention on. top_states = [ tf.reshape(e, [-1, 1, cell.output_size]) for e in encoder_outputs ] attention_states = tf.concat(1, top_states) #For training with tf.variable_scope("decoder"): outputs, states, _ = pointer_decoder( self.decoder_inputs, final_state, attention_states, cell, feed_prev=False, pointer_type=FLAGS.pointer_type) #For inference with tf.variable_scope("decoder", reuse=True): predictions, _, inps = pointer_decoder( self.decoder_inputs, final_state, attention_states, cell, feed_prev=True, pointer_type=FLAGS.pointer_type) self.predictions = predictions self.outputs = outputs self.inps = inps
def __init__(self, max_len, input_size, size, num_layers, max_gradient_norm, batch_size, learning_rate, learning_rate_decay_factor, inter_dim, fc_dim, use_cnn, resnet_cnn, image_dim, vgg_dim, bidirect): """Create the network. A simplified network that handles only sorting. Args: max_len: maximum length of the model. input_size: size of the inputs data. size: number of units in each layer of the model. num_layers: number of layers in the model. max_gradient_norm: gradients will be clipped to maximally this norm. batch_size: the size of the batches used during training; the model construction is independent of batch_size, so it can be changed after initialization if this is convenient, e.g., for decoding. learning_rate: learning rate to start with. learning_rate_decay_factor: decay learning rate by this much when needed. """ self.init = tf.contrib.layers.variance_scaling_initializer() self.batch_size = batch_size self.learning_rate = tf.Variable(float(learning_rate), trainable=False) self.learning_rate_decay_op = self.learning_rate.assign( self.learning_rate * learning_rate_decay_factor) self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) self.keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="dropout_pbty") cell, cell_fw, cell_bw = None, None, None # if num_layers == 1: if bidirect: cell_fw, cell_bw = self.getCell(size), self.getCell(size) decoder_cell = self.getCell(size * 2) else: cell = self.getCell(size) decoder_cell = self.getCell(size) elif num_layers > 1: if bidirect: cell_fw = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell( [self.getCell(size) for _ in range(num_layers)], state_is_tuple=True) cell_bw = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell( [self.getCell(size) for _ in range(num_layers)], state_is_tuple=True) decoder_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell( [self.getCell(size * 2) for _ in range(num_layers)], state_is_tuple=True) else: cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell( [self.getCell(size) for _ in range(num_layers)], state_is_tuple=True) decoder_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell( [self.getCell(size) for _ in range(num_layers)], state_is_tuple=True) self.encoder_inputs = [] self.decoder_inputs = [] self.decoder_targets = [] self.target_weights = [] for i in range(max_len): i_size = [batch_size, input_size] if not use_cnn else [ batch_size, image_dim, image_dim, 3 ] self.encoder_inputs.append( tf.placeholder(tf.float32, i_size, name="EncoderInput%d" % i)) for i in range(max_len + 1): i_size = [batch_size, input_size] if not use_cnn else [ batch_size, image_dim, image_dim, 3 ] if i > 0: self.decoder_inputs.append( tf.placeholder(tf.float32, i_size, name="DecoderInput%d" % i)) self.decoder_targets.append( tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, max_len + 1], name="DecoderTarget%d" % i)) # one hot self.target_weights.append( tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, 1], name="TargetWeight%d" % i)) # Encoder trainable_init_state = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(i_size), "trainable_init_state") self.decoder_inputs_updated = [trainable_init_state ] + self.decoder_inputs # Neeed to pass both encode inputs and everything through a dense layer. if use_cnn: # Encoder if resnet_cnn: cnn_f_extractor = cnn_resnet.CNN_FeatureExtractor() else: cnn_f_extractor = cnn.CNN_FeatureExtractor() all_inps = [] num_encoder = len(self.encoder_inputs) all_inps.extend(self.encoder_inputs) all_inps.extend(self.decoder_inputs_updated) stacked_ins = tf.stack(all_inps) stacked_ins = tf.reshape(stacked_ins, [-1, image_dim, image_dim, 3]) if resnet_cnn: inputfn, features = cnn_f_extractor.getCNNFeatures( stacked_ins, fc_dim, self.init) else: inputfn, features = cnn_f_extractor.getCNNFeatures( stacked_ins, vgg_dim, fc_dim, self.init) self.print_out = features[0] self.inputfn = inputfn features = tf.reshape(features, [-1, batch_size, fc_dim]) all_out = tf.unstack(features) self.proj_encoder_inputs = all_out[:num_encoder] self.proj_decoder_inputs = all_out[num_encoder:] else: with vs.variable_scope("projector_scope"): W1 = vs.get_variable("W1", [input_size, inter_dim]) b1 = vs.get_variable("b1", [inter_dim]) W2 = vs.get_variable("W2", [inter_dim, fc_dim]) b2 = vs.get_variable("b2", [fc_dim]) self.proj_encoder_inputs = [] for inp in self.encoder_inputs: out = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(inp, W1) + b1) out = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(out, W2) + b2) self.proj_encoder_inputs.append(out) with vs.variable_scope("projector_scope", reuse=True): W1 = vs.get_variable("W1", [input_size, inter_dim]) b1 = vs.get_variable("b1", [inter_dim]) W2 = vs.get_variable("W2", [inter_dim, fc_dim]) b2 = vs.get_variable("b2", [fc_dim]) self.proj_decoder_inputs = [] for inp in self.decoder_inputs: out = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(inp, W1) + b1) out = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(out, W2) + b2) self.proj_decoder_inputs.append(out) # Need for attention if not bidirect: encoder_outputs, final_state = tf.contrib.rnn.static_rnn( cell, self.proj_encoder_inputs, dtype=tf.float32) #if num_layers > 1 : final_state = final_state[-1] else: encoder_outputs, output_state_fw, output_state_bw = tf.contrib.rnn.static_bidirectional_rnn( cell_fw, cell_bw, self.proj_encoder_inputs, dtype=tf.float32) if num_layers > 1: final_state = [] for ind, fw in enumerate(output_state_fw): bw = output_state_bw[ind] final_state.append(tf.concat([fw, bw], axis=1)) #output_state_fw, output_state_bw = output_state_fw[-1], output_state_bw[-1] if FLAGS.cell_type == "LSTM": # DOESN'T WORK FOR NUM_LAYERS > 1 if num_layers == 1: output_state_fw, output_state_bw = [output_state_fw ], [output_state_bw] final_state = [] for ind, fw in enumerate(output_state_fw): bw = output_state_bw[ind] o_fw_c, o_fw_m = tf.unstack(fw, axis=0) o_bw_c, o_bw_m = tf.unstack(bw, axis=0) o_c = tf.concat([o_fw_c, o_bw_c], axis=1) o_m = tf.concat([o_fw_m, o_bw_m], axis=1) final_state.append(tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMStateTuple(o_c, o_m)) if num_layers == 1: final_state = final_state[0] elif num_layers <= 1: final_state = tf.concat([output_state_fw, output_state_bw], axis=1) output_size = size if not bidirect else 2 * size #output_size = output_size*num_layers # Need a dummy output to point on it. End of decoding. encoder_outputs = [ tf.zeros([FLAGS.batch_size, output_size]) ] + encoder_outputs #[tf.zeros([FLAGS.batch_size, output_size])] + encoder_outputs # First calculate a concatenation of encoder outputs to put attention on. #print(encoder_outputs[1].get_shape(), output_state_fw.get_shape(), output_size) top_states = [ tf.reshape(e, [-1, 1, output_size]) for e in encoder_outputs ] attention_states = tf.concat(axis=1, values=top_states) with tf.variable_scope("decoder"): outputs, states, _, _ = pointer_decoder( self.proj_decoder_inputs, final_state, attention_states, decoder_cell, cell_type=FLAGS.cell_type, num_glimpses=FLAGS.num_glimpses, num_layers=num_layers) #print("DECODING") with tf.variable_scope("decoder", reuse=True): predictions, _, inps, cp = pointer_decoder( self.proj_decoder_inputs, final_state, attention_states, decoder_cell, feed_prev=True, one_hot=FLAGS.encoder_attn_1hot, cell_type=FLAGS.cell_type, num_glimpses=FLAGS.num_glimpses, num_layers=num_layers) self.predictions = predictions #self.cps = tf.transpose(tf.stack(cp), (1, 0)) self.outputs = outputs self.inps = inps
def __init__(self,max_len,input_size,size,num_layers,max_gradient_norm,batch_size,learning_rate,learning_reate_decay_factor): ''' Create a simple network that handles only sorting :param max_len: maximum length of model :param input_size:size of input data :param size:number of units in each layer in the model :param num_layers:number of layers in the model :param max_gradient_norm:gradients will be clipped to maximally this norm. :param batch_size: the size of the batches used during training; the model construction is independent of batch_size, so it can be changed after initialization if this is convenient, e.g., for decoding. :param learning_rate:learning rate to start with. :param learning_reate_decay_factor:decay learning rate by this much when needed. ''' self.batch_size=batch_size self.learning_rate=tf.Variable(float(learning_rate),trainable=True) self.learning_rate_decay_op=self.learning_rate.assign( self.learning_rate*learning_reate_decay_factor ) self.global_step=tf.Variable(0,trainable=False) # with tf.variable_scope(name_or_scope='cell',reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): # if num_layers>1: with tf.variable_scope('cell',reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): #cell=tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(size) cell=tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicRNNCell(size) #注意:这里一旦num_layers不为1 就报维度错误,具体原因不清楚 if num_layers>1: cell=tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([cell for _ in range(num_layers)]) # init_state = cell.zero_state(batch_size, dtype=tf.float32) #cell=tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([self.get_cell(size)],state_is_tuple=True) # else: # cell=self.get_cell(size) self.encoder_inputs=[] self.decoder_inputs=[] self.decoder_targets=[] # weights后面传入的值其实全为1,并没有太大的意义 self.target_weights=[] # 这样写的目的是为了可以输入到RNN模型中,而不用再次执行split操作 for i in range(max_len): self.encoder_inputs.append(tf.placeholder( tf.float32,[batch_size,input_size],name='EncoderInput%d'%i )) for i in range(max_len+1): self.decoder_inputs.append(tf.placeholder( tf.float32,[batch_size,input_size],name='DecoderInput%i'%i)) self.decoder_targets.append(tf.placeholder( tf.float32,[batch_size,max_len+1],name='DecoderTarget%d'%i)) # one hot self.target_weights.append(tf.placeholder( tf.float32,[batch_size,1],name='TargetWeight%d'%i)) # Encoder # Need for attention encoder_outputs,final_state=tf.contrib.rnn.static_rnn(cell,self.encoder_inputs,dtype=tf.float32) # Need a dummy ouput to point on it. End of decoding # 相当与在0位置添加了一种选择,当选择到了0位置以后,即可结束decoder部分 encoder_outputs=[tf.zeros((FLAGS.batch_size,FLAGS.rnn_size))]+encoder_outputs print('encoder_ouputs:',encoder_outputs) # First calculate a concatenation of encoder outputs to put attention on top_state=[tf.reshape(e,[-1,1,cell.output_size]) for e in encoder_outputs] # attention_states:shape:(batch_size,max_len+1,rnn_size) attention_states=tf.concat(values=top_state,axis=1) with tf.variable_scope('decoder'): outputs,states,_=pointer_decoder( self.decoder_inputs,final_state,attention_states,cell) # 这个代码测试写的比较简单,用的就是训练集做为测试 with tf.variable_scope('decoder',reuse=True): predictions, _, inps = pointer_decoder( self.decoder_inputs, final_state, attention_states, cell, feed_prev=True) # predictions:list,每个元素为(30,11) #final state:(30,32) self.predictions=predictions self.outputs=outputs self.inps=inps