    def __init__(self, W, H, K):
        # main classes
        self.mapp = Map()

        # params
        self.W, self.H = W, H
        self.K = K
 def __init__(self, W, H, K):
     # main classes
     self.mapp = Map()
     # params
     self.W, self.H = W, H
     self.K = K
     self.distances = []
     self.tracker = Tracker(self.mapp)
 def __init__(self, video_camera):
     self.track_len = 10
     self.detect_interval = 15
     self.tracks = []
     self.cam = video_camera
     self.mapp = Map()
     self._init_ = 5999
     self._frame_id = 0
     self.prev_gray = None
     self._initial_frame = None
     self.counter = 0
     self.color_id = 0
     self.c = 0
class SLAM(object):
    def __init__(self, W, H, K):
        # main classes
        self.mapp = Map()

        # params
        self.W, self.H = W, H
        self.K = K

    def process_frame(self, img, pose=None):
        start_time = time.time()
        assert img.shape[0:2] == (self.H, self.W)
        frame = Frame(self.mapp, img, self.K)

        if frame.id == 0:

        f1 = self.mapp.frames[-1]
        f2 = self.mapp.frames[-2]

        idx1, idx2, Rt = match_frames(f1, f2)

        # add new observations if the point is already observed in the previous frame
        # TODO: consider tradeoff doing this before/after search by projection
        for i, idx in enumerate(idx2):
            if f2.pts[idx] is not None and f1.pts[idx1[i]] is None:
                f2.pts[idx].add_observation(f1, idx1[i])

        if frame.id < 5 or True:
            # get initial positions from fundamental matrix
            f1.pose = np.dot(Rt, f2.pose)
            # kinematic model (not used)
            velocity = np.dot(f2.pose,
            f1.pose = np.dot(velocity, f2.pose)

        # pose optimization
        if pose is None:
            pose_opt = self.mapp.optimize(local_window=1, fix_points=True)
            print("Pose:     %f" % pose_opt)
            # have ground truth for pose
            f1.pose = pose

        sbp_pts_count = 0

        # search by projection
        if len(self.mapp.points) > 0:
            # project *all* the map points into the current frame
            map_points = np.array([p.homogeneous() for p in self.mapp.points])
            projs = np.dot(np.dot(K, f1.pose[:3]), map_points.T).T
            projs = projs[:, 0:2] / projs[:, 2:]

            # only the points that fit in the frame
            good_pts = (projs[:, 0] > 0) & (projs[:, 0] < self.W) & \
                       (projs[:, 1] > 0) & (projs[:, 1] < self.H)

            for i, p in enumerate(self.mapp.points):
                if not good_pts[i]:
                    # point not visible in frame
                if f1 in p.frames:
                    # we already matched this map point to this frame
                    # TODO: understand this better
                for m_idx in f1.kd.query_ball_point(projs[i], 2):
                    # if point unmatched
                    if f1.pts[m_idx] is None:
                        b_dist = p.orb_distance(f1.des[m_idx])
                        # if any descriptors within 64
                        if b_dist < 64.0:
                            p.add_observation(f1, m_idx)
                            sbp_pts_count += 1

        # triangulate the points we don't have matches for
        good_pts4d = np.array([f1.pts[i] is None for i in idx1])

        # do triangulation in global frame
        pts4d = triangulate(f1.pose, f2.pose, f1.kps[idx1], f2.kps[idx2])
        good_pts4d &= np.abs(pts4d[:, 3]) != 0
        pts4d /= pts4d[:, 3:]  # homogeneous 3-D coords

        # adding new points to the map from pairwise matches
        new_pts_count = 0
        for i, p in enumerate(pts4d):
            if not good_pts4d[i]:

            # check parallax is large enough
            # TODO: learn what parallax means
      r1 = np.dot(f1.pose[:3, :3], add_ones(f1.kps[idx1[i]]))
      r2 = np.dot(f2.pose[:3, :3], add_ones(f2.kps[idx2[i]]))
      parallax = r1.dot(r2) / (np.linalg.norm(r1) * np.linalg.norm(r2))
      if parallax >= 0.9998:

            # check points are in front of both cameras
            pl1 = np.dot(f1.pose, p)
            pl2 = np.dot(f2.pose, p)
            if pl1[2] < 0 or pl2[2] < 0:

            # reproject
            pp1 = np.dot(K, pl1[:3])
            pp2 = np.dot(K, pl2[:3])

            # check reprojection error
            pp1 = (pp1[0:2] / pp1[2]) - f1.kpus[idx1[i]]
            pp2 = (pp2[0:2] / pp2[2]) - f2.kpus[idx2[i]]
            pp1 = np.sum(pp1**2)
            pp2 = np.sum(pp2**2)
            if pp1 > 2 or pp2 > 2:

            # add the point
            color = img[int(round(f1.kpus[idx1[i], 1])),
                        int(round(f1.kpus[idx1[i], 0]))]
            pt = Point(self.mapp, p[0:3], color)
            pt.add_observation(f2, idx2[i])
            pt.add_observation(f1, idx1[i])
            new_pts_count += 1

        print("Adding:   %d new points, %d search by projection" %
              (new_pts_count, sbp_pts_count))

        # optimize the map
        if frame.id >= 4 and frame.id % 5 == 0:
            err = self.mapp.optimize()  #verbose=True)
            print("Optimize: %f units of error" % err)

        print("Map:      %d points, %d frames" %
              (len(self.mapp.points), len(self.mapp.frames)))
        print("Time:     %.2f ms" % ((time.time() - start_time) * 1000.0))
文件: main.py 项目: OlssonTim/TimSlam
import cv2
from display import Display
from extractor import Frame, denormalize, match_frames, IRt, add_ones
import time
import numpy as np
import g2o
from pointmap import Map, Point

# Camera intrinsics
W, H = 1920 // 2, 1080 // 2
F = 270
K = np.array(([F, 0, W // 2], [0, F, H // 2], [0, 0, 1]))
Kinv = np.linalg.inv(K)

display = Display(W, H)
mapp = Map()

def triangulate(pose1, pose2, pts1, pts2):
    ret = np.zeros((pts1.shape[0], 4))
    pose1 = np.linalg.inv(pose1)
    pose2 = np.linalg.inv(pose2)
    for i, p in enumerate(zip(add_ones(pts1), add_ones(pts2))):
        A = np.zeros((4, 4))
        A[0] = p[0][0] * pose1[2] - pose1[0]
        A[1] = p[0][1] * pose1[2] - pose1[1]
        A[2] = p[1][0] * pose2[2] - pose2[0]
        A[3] = p[1][1] * pose2[2] - pose2[1]
        _, _, vt = np.linalg.svd(A)
        ret[i] = vt[3]
 def __init__(self, W, H, K):
     # Create Map object
     self.mapp = Map()
     # Set class parameters: image width, image height
     self.W, self.H, self.K = W, H, K
class Tracker():
    def __init__(self, video_camera):
        self.track_len = 10
        self.detect_interval = 15
        self.tracks = []
        self.cam = video_camera
        self.mapp = Map()
        self._init_ = 5999
        self._frame_id = 0
        self.prev_gray = None
        self._initial_frame = None
        self.counter = 0
        self.color_id = 0
        self.c = 0

    def __process_frame__(self):

        while True:

            # select which part of the video to start
            if self._frame_id < self._init_:
                self._frame_id = self._init_
                self.cam.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, self._frame_id)

            # read the frames
            _ret, frame = self.cam.read()

            # remove distortions
            #frame = undistort(frame,cameraMatrix, distCoeffs)
            vis = frame.copy()
            frame_gray = cv.cvtColor(frame, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

            if len(self.tracks) > 0:

                p0 = np.float32([tr[-1]
                                 for tr in self.tracks]).reshape(-1, 1, 2)

                frame_obj = Frame(self._initial_frame,

                if frame_obj.id == 0:
                    self._initial_frame = frame


                img0, img1 = self.prev_gray, frame_gray

                #f1 = self.mapp.frames[-2]
                #f2 = self.mapp.frames[-1]

                #f1 = self.mapp.frames[-1]
                #f2 = self.mapp.frames[-2]


                # p1 : points matching from previous image and the new one, using last points p0
                p1, _st, _err = feature_extraction_KLT(img0, img1, p0,

                # p0r : points matching from new image and the previous image, using new points p1
                p0r, _st, _err = feature_extraction_KLT(
                    img1, img0, p1, lk_params)

                # check the axis distance between those points (Not actulally a distance )
                d = abs(p0 - p0r).reshape(-1, 2).max(-1)

                # requirement to keep following a track

                good = (d < 0.00899) & (d > 0)

                new_tracks = []

                for tr, (x, y), good_flag in copy(
                        zip(self.tracks, p1.reshape(-1, 2), good)):
                    if not good_flag:

                    tr.append((x, y))

                    if len(tr) > self.track_len:
                        del tr[0]

                    cv.circle(vis, (x, y), 2, (0, 255, 0), -1)

                self.tracks = new_tracks

                cv.polylines(vis, [np.int32(tr) for tr in self.tracks], False,
                             color[self.color_id])  #(0, 255, 0)
                draw_str(vis, (20, 20), 'track count: %d' % len(self.tracks))

            if self._frame_id % self.detect_interval == 0:

                # mask is the region of interest where the feature should be detected
                mask = np.zeros_like(frame_gray)

                mask[:] = 255

                for x, y in [np.int32(tr[-1]) for tr in self.tracks]:
                    cv.circle(mask, (x, y), 5, 0, -1)

                p, _, _ = featureExtraction(frame_gray, mask)

                if p is not None:
                    for x, y in np.float32(p).reshape(-1, 2):

                        self.tracks.append([(x, y)])

                self.color_id += 1

            # key board stroke
            ks = cv2.waitKey(1)
            if ks & 0xFF == ord('q'):


            if ks == 27:

            cv2.imshow('Display', vis)

            self._frame_id += 1
            self.prev_gray = frame_gray
            self._initial_frame = frame
文件: slam.py 项目: herozxb/xSlam
import cv2
from display import Display
from frame import Frame, denormalize, match_frames, IRt
import numpy as np
import g2o
from pointmap import Map, Point

# camera intrinsics
W, H = 1920 // 2, 1080 // 2
F = 270
K = np.array([[F, 0, W // 2], [0, F, H // 2], [0, 0, 1]])
Kinv = np.linalg.inv(K)

# main classes
mapp = Map()
disp = Display(W, H) if os.getenv("D2D") is not None else None

def triangulate(pose1, pose2, pts1, pts2):
    ret = np.zeros((pts1.shape[0], 4))
    pose1 = np.linalg.inv(pose1)
    pose2 = np.linalg.inv(pose2)
    for i, p in enumerate(zip(pts1, pts2)):
        A = np.zeros((4, 4))
        A[0] = p[0][0] * pose1[2] - pose1[0]
        A[1] = p[0][1] * pose1[2] - pose1[1]
        A[2] = p[1][0] * pose2[2] - pose2[0]
        A[3] = p[1][1] * pose2[2] - pose2[1]
        _, _, vt = np.linalg.svd(A)
        ret[i] = vt[3]
class SLAM(object):
    def __init__(self, W, H, K):
        # main classes
        self.mapp = Map()
        # params
        self.W, self.H = W, H
        self.K = K
        self.distances = []
        self.tracker = Tracker(self.mapp)

    def triangulate(self, frame_1, frame_2, idx1, idx2):
        # triangulate the points we don't have matches for
        good_pts4d = np.array([frame_1.pts[i] is None for i in idx1])
        # do triangulation in global frame
        pts4d = triangulate(frame_1.pose, frame_2.pose, frame_1.kps[idx1],
        good_pts4d &= np.abs(pts4d[:, 3]) != 0
        pts4d /= pts4d[:, 3:]  # homogeneous 3-D coords
        return pts4d, good_pts4d

    def match_points(self, pts4d, good_pts4d, frame_1, frame_2, idx1, idx2,
                     img, new_pts_count):
        for i, p in enumerate(pts4d):
            if not good_pts4d[i]:

            # check parallax is large enough
            # TODO: learn what parallax means
            r1 = np.dot(frame_1.pose[:3, :3], add_ones(frame_1.kps[idx1[i]]))
            r2 = np.dot(frame_2.pose[:3, :3], add_ones(frame_2.kps[idx2[i]]))
            parallax = r1.dot(r2) / (np.linalg.norm(r1) * np.linalg.norm(r2))
            if parallax >= 0.9998:

            # check points are in front of both cameras
            pl1 = np.dot(frame_1.pose, p)
            pl2 = np.dot(frame_2.pose, p)
            if pl1[2] < 0 or pl2[2] < 0:

            # reproject
            pp1 = np.dot(self.K, pl1[:3])
            pp2 = np.dot(self.K, pl2[:3])

            # check reprojection error
            pp1 = (pp1[0:2] / pp1[2]) - frame_1.key_points[idx1[i]]
            pp2 = (pp2[0:2] / pp2[2]) - frame_2.key_points[idx2[i]]
            pp1 = np.sum(pp1**2)
            pp2 = np.sum(pp2**2)
            if pp1 > 2 or pp2 > 2:

            # add the point
                color = img[int(round(frame_1.key_points[idx1[i], 1])),
                            int(round(frame_1.key_points[idx1[i], 0]))]
            except IndexError:
                color = (255, 0, 0)
            pt = Point(self.mapp, p[0:3], color)
            connect_frame_point(frame_2, pt, idx2[i])
            connect_frame_point(frame_1, pt, idx1[i])
            new_pts_count += 1

    def reoptimize(self, idx1, idx2, img):
        sbp_pts_count = self.mapp.search_by_projection(self.tracker.frame_1,
                                                       self.K, self.W, self.H)
        # adding new points to the map from pairwise matches
        new_pts_count = 0
        pts4d, good_pts4d = self.triangulate(self.tracker.frame_1,
                                             self.tracker.frame_2, idx1, idx2)
        self.match_points(pts4d, good_pts4d, self.tracker.frame_1,
                          self.tracker.frame_2, idx1, idx2, img, new_pts_count)
        return new_pts_count, sbp_pts_count

    def process_frame(self, img, pose=None, verts=None):
        assert img.shape[0:2] == (self.H, self.W)
        start_time = time.time()
        self.tracker.image_to_track(img, verts, self.K)
        self.tracker.frame_1.id = self.mapp.add_frame(self.tracker.frame_1)
        if self.tracker.frame_1.id == 0:
            idx1, idx2, rotation_matrix = self.tracker.track()
            frame_1 = self.tracker.make_initial_pose(rotation_matrix)
                                           self.tracker.frame_2, idx1, idx2)
            frame_1 = self.mapp.optimise_pose(pose, frame_1)
            new_pts_count, sbp_pts_count = self.reoptimize(idx1, idx2, img)
            # optimize the map
            if frame_1.id >= 4 and frame_1.id % 5 == 0:
                err = self.mapp.optimize()  #verbose=True)
                logger.info("Optimize: %f units of error" % err)

        except NoFrameMatchError as e:
            raise e
        # pose_matrix = np.linalg.inv(frame_1.pose)
        # previous_pose_matrix = np.linalg.inv(frame_2.pose)
        # distance = pose_matrix[:3,3] - previous_pose_matrix[:3,3]
        # if frame_1.id > 5:
        #     self.distances.append(distance)
        #     plt.plot(self.distances)
        #     plt.show()
        movement = cv2.absdiff(frame_1.img, self.tracker.frame_2.img)
        logger.info("Adding:   %d new points, %d search by projection" %
                    (new_pts_count, sbp_pts_count))
        logger.info("Map:      %d points, %d frames" %
                    (len(self.mapp.points), len(self.mapp.frames)))
        logger.info("Time:     %.2f ms" %
                    ((time.time() - start_time) * 1000.0))
        return dict(movement=movement)