def additional_nodes(connecting_points):

    #Create pointset
    extra_nodes = Pointset(3)

    for i in range(len(connecting_points)):
        for j in range(len(connecting_points)):
            if 0 < connecting_points[i].Distance(connecting_points[j]) < 4:
                #Merge points
                    (connecting_points[i] + connecting_points[j]) / 2)

    for i in range(len(connecting_points)):

        #Create copy
        connecting_points_copy = connecting_points.Copy()

        #Remove all from copy to avoid distance = 0.

        if np.sum(
            (connecting_points[i].Distance(connecting_points_copy)) < 4) == 0:

    new_nodes = extra_nodes

    return new_nodes
def convert_2d_point_to_3d_point(center_point, vec1, vec2, pointset_2d_points):
    Given a pointset containing 2D points (y,x), a center point (z,y,x), and two vectors which
    describe the orientation of the slice inside the 3D volume, the algorithm 
    will convert the 2D points to 3D points.

    if pointset_2d_points.__class__ == Point:
        temp = Pointset(2)
        pointset_2d_points = temp

    #Pointset to store 3D points
    pointset_3d_points = Pointset(3)

    for i in range(len(pointset_2d_points)):

        #Shift from point 127.5,127.5 which is the rotation point
        y_shift = pointset_2d_points[i][1] - 127.5
        x_shift = pointset_2d_points[i][0] - 127.5

        center = Point(center_point[2], center_point[1], center_point[0])
        point_3d = center + y_shift * vec1 + x_shift * vec2
        point_3d = Point(point_3d[2], point_3d[1], point_3d[0])

    return pointset_3d_points
def check_for_possible_bifurcation(average_radius, center_point_3d_with_radius,\
    rotation_point ,found_bifurcation, global_direction):
    This function tracks the radius of the stent. If the radius drops to less
    than 75%, the bifurcation might have been found. If so, two new starting points will be 

    #Initially no new starting positions.
    new_starting_positions = []

    #Easier notation in rotation matrix
    gd = global_direction

    #To avoid wrong predictions on an early error in radius
    if len(average_radius) > 10:
        if 0.75*np.mean(average_radius) > center_point_3d_with_radius.r \
        and not found_bifurcation:

            if center_point_3d_with_radius.Distance(
                    rotation_point) > 0.25 * np.mean(average_radius):

                #found bifurcation
                found_bifurcation = True

                #calculate new starting points.
                new_starting_positions = Pointset(3)

                #vector of first branch
                fb_vector = np.mat(
                    [[center_point_3d_with_radius[2] - rotation_point[2]],
                     [center_point_3d_with_radius[1] - rotation_point[1]],
                     [center_point_3d_with_radius[0] - rotation_point[0]]])

                #Create rotation matrix to rotate vector
                rotation_matrix = np.mat(
                    [[2 * gd[0]**2 - 1, 2 * gd[0] * gd[1], 2 * gd[0] * gd[2]],
                     [2 * gd[1] * gd[2], 2 * gd[1]**2 - 1, 2 * gd[1] * gd[2]],
                     [2 * gd[2] * gd[0], 2 * gd[1] * gd[2], 2 * gd[2]**2 - 1]])

                #second branch
                sb = rotation_matrix * fb_vector

                sb_center_point = rotation_point + Point(sb[2], sb[1], sb[0])

                #Return new starting positions

    #Add radius to list with radia
    if not center_point_3d_with_radius.r == []:

    return average_radius, found_bifurcation, new_starting_positions
def check_for_nodes(connecting_points, slice_i_plus_1):
    Given a set of stent points, the algorithm checks whether there are any 
    duplicates. A duplicate would mean that that point was found by two stent 
    points and could therefore be a node. An additional check is done to check 
    whether there are no connecting points above the potential node. If this is 
    the case, than the point is not a node.

    #Pointset to store 2D nodes
    point_nodes = Pointset(2)

    #Pointset to store point which need to be removed
    point_remove = Pointset(2)

    #points in slice_i_plus_1
    points_check = stentPoints2d.detect_points(slice_i_plus_1)

    #For every connecting point
    for i in range(len(connecting_points)):
        for j in range(len(connecting_points)):

            #if points are the same
            if connecting_points[i].Distance(
                    connecting_points[j]) <= 3 and i != j:

                #check if this point would find a connecting point
                point = Pointset(2)
                node_check, unused = find_connecting_points(
                    point, points_check)

                #Only add node once.
                if not node_check:
                    if not point_nodes:
                            (connecting_points[i] + connecting_points[j]) / 2)
                    elif point_nodes.Contains(connecting_points[i]) == False:
                            (connecting_points[i] + connecting_points[j]) / 2)

                    #The connecting points need to be removed later

    return point_nodes, point_remove
def find_connecting_points(pointset_slice_i, pointset_slice_i_plus_1):
    Given a set of points in slice i, the algorithm will calculate distances 
    between these points and the points in slice i+1. If this distance is less 
    than a certain distance, the point in slice i+1 is returned as connecting
    point. If there is no connecting point found, a virtual point is created.

    #Maximum distance for which a point is seen as connecting
    max_distance = ssdf._stent_tracking_params.max_dist

    #Pointsets to store points
    connecting_points = Pointset(2)
    virtual_points = Pointset(2)

    #for each point in slice i
    for i in range(len(pointset_slice_i)):

        distances = pointset_slice_i[i, :] - pointset_slice_i_plus_1[:, :]

        #for all distances from this point
        for j in range(len(distances)):

            #if distance is smaller or equal to the max distance
            if abs(distances[j, 0]) + abs(distances[j, 1]) <= max_distance:

                #make the point a connecting point

        #if the point from slice i has no connecting point
        if len(
                    abs(distances[:, 0]) +
                    abs(distances[:, 1]) <= max_distance)[0]) == 0:

            #change the point from slice i into a virtual point

    return connecting_points, virtual_points
def select_stent(volnr, params=None):
    This functions calls the stent extration function. It contains seed points
    for each dataset

    if params is None:
        params = getDefaultParams()
    ssdf._stent_tracking_params = params

    if volnr == 1:
        #vol 1
        vol, sampling, origin = load_volume(1)
        seed_points = Pointset(3)
        seed_points.Append(60, 110, 133)
        seed_points.Append(100, 75, 150)
        seed_points.Append(160, 70, 148)
        node_points_stent, center_points_stent, stent_points_stent = stent_detection(
            vol, sampling, origin, seed_points)
    elif volnr == 2:
        #vol 2
        vol, sampling, origin = load_volume(2)
        seed_points = Pointset(3)
        seed_points.Append(60, 175, 155)
        seed_points.Append(100, 150, 170)
        seed_points.Append(165, 140, 167)
        node_points_stent, center_points_stent, stent_points_stent = stent_detection(
            vol, sampling, origin, seed_points)
    elif volnr == 3:
        #vol 3
        vol, sampling, origin = load_volume(3)
        seed_points = Pointset(3)
        seed_points.Append(47, 160, 140)
        seed_points.Append(80, 145, 130)
        seed_points.Append(130, 130, 128)
        node_points_stent, center_points_stent, stent_points_stent = stent_detection(
            vol, sampling, origin, seed_points)
    elif volnr == 4:
        #vol 4
        vol, sampling, origin = load_volume(4)
        seed_points = Pointset(3)
        seed_points.Append(40, 160, 160)
        seed_points.Append(140, 145, 135)
        seed_points.Append(150, 150, 150)
        node_points_stent, center_points_stent, stent_points_stent = stent_detection(
            vol, sampling, origin, seed_points)
    elif volnr == 5:
        #vol 5
        vol, sampling, origin = load_volume(5)
        seed_points = Pointset(3)
        seed_points.Append(34, 150, 170)
        seed_points.Append(60, 135, 180)
        seed_points.Append(130, 140, 180)
        node_points_stent, center_points_stent, stent_points_stent = stent_detection(
            vol, sampling, origin, seed_points)
    elif volnr == 6:
        #vol 6
        vol, sampling, origin = load_volume(6)
        seed_points = Pointset(3)
        seed_points.Append(40, 170, 175)
        seed_points.Append(70, 160, 180)
        seed_points.Append(140, 142, 168)
        node_points_stent, center_points_stent, stent_points_stent = stent_detection(
            vol, sampling, origin, seed_points)
    elif volnr == 7:
        #vol 7
        vol, sampling, origin = load_volume(7)
        seed_points = Pointset(3)
        seed_points.Append(40, 180, 160)
        seed_points.Append(110, 160, 160)
        node_points_stent, center_points_stent, stent_points_stent = stent_detection(
            vol, sampling, origin, seed_points)
    elif volnr == 8:
        #vol 8
        vol, sampling, origin = load_volume(8)
        seed_points = Pointset(3)
        seed_points.Append(60, 130, 190)
        seed_points.Append(80, 110, 180)
        seed_points.Append(120, 112, 140)
        node_points_stent, center_points_stent, stent_points_stent = stent_detection(
            vol, sampling, origin, seed_points)

    elif volnr == 18:
        #vol 18
        vol, sampling, origin = load_volume(18)
        seed_points = Pointset(3)
        seed_points.Append(70, 170, 140)
        seed_points.Append(135, 150, 160)
        node_points_stent, center_points_stent, stent_points_stent = stent_detection(
            vol, sampling, origin, seed_points)
        raise ValueError('Invalid volnr')

    plot = True
    if plot:
        points = Pointset(3)
        for i in range(len(node_points_stent)):
            points.Append(node_points_stent[i][2], node_points_stent[i][1],

        points_2 = Pointset(3)
        for i in range(len(stent_points_stent)):
            points_2.Append(stent_points_stent[i][2], stent_points_stent[i][1],

        vv.plot(points_2, ls='', ms='.', mc='g', mw=4, alpha=0.5)
        vv.plot(points, ls='', ms='.', mc='b', mw=4, alpha=0.9)

    graph = from_nodes_to_graph(node_points_stent)

    return graph
def stent_detection(vol, sampling, origin, seed_points):
    This is the function that will be called in order to extract the stent
    from the CT data. 

    #Point set where the final points will be stored. In node, the 4th number
    #indicates the ring number, the 5th indicates the direction where it is found
    node_points_stent = Pointset(5)
    center_points_stent = Pointset(3)
    stent_points_stent = Pointset(3)

    #Initially, the bifurcation is not found
    found_bifurcation = False
    average_radius = []

    #start with ring 1
    ring = 1

    #Weighting factor alpha
    alpha = ssdf._stent_tracking_params.weighting_factor
    distance = ssdf._stent_tracking_params.distance

    #From seed point to seed point except for the last seed point, where the
    #bifurcation needs to be found.
    for i in range(len(seed_points) - 2):

        round = 0

        #Don't look for the bifurcation when not connecting points in the last
        #part of the stent
        look_for_bifurcation = False

        #Get initial center point and direction using the seed points
        center_point, global_direction = initial_center_point(
            vol, seed_points[i], seed_points[i + 1], sampling, origin, alpha)

        #While the center point has not passed the seed point
        while center_point[0] < seed_points[i + 1][0] and round < 10:

            #Find stent, node and center points for a certain stent ring
            node_points_ring, stent_points_ring, center_points_ring, \
            jump_location, jump_direction, found_bifurcation, new_starting_positions, \
            ring = searching_for_ring(vol, sampling, center_point, global_direction,\
            look_for_bifurcation, average_radius, alpha, ring)

            #Set new starting center point inside the new ring
            center_point = jump_location + distance * Point(
                jump_direction[2], jump_direction[1], jump_direction[0])
            global_direction = jump_direction

            #Add points to point sets

            round = round + 1

    #For the last part of the stent where the bifurcation needs to be found
    for i in range(len(seed_points) - 2, len(seed_points) - 1):

        #Reset round to zero
        round = 0

        look_for_bifurcation = True

        center_point, global_direction = initial_center_point(vol, seed_points[i],\
        seed_points[i+1], sampling, origin, alpha)

        #While the bifurcation is not found
        while found_bifurcation == False and round < 10:

            node_points_ring, stent_points_ring, center_points_ring, \
            jump_location, jump_direction, found_bifurcation, new_starting_positions, \
            ring = searching_for_ring(vol, sampling, center_point, global_direction, \
            look_for_bifurcation, average_radius, alpha, ring)

            center_point = jump_location + distance * Point(
                jump_direction[2], jump_direction[1], jump_direction[0])
            global_direction = jump_direction

            #Add points to point sets

            round = round + 1

    #Store new starting positions in another poitset, because algorithm will
    #return [] as new_starting_positions.
    starting_positions = Pointset(3)

    #For the case where there is no bifurcation present
        )  # + distance * Point(jump_direction[2],jump_direction[1],jump_direction[0]))
        )  # + distance * Point(jump_direction[2],jump_direction[1],jump_direction[0]))
    except IndexError:

    alpha = ssdf._stent_tracking_params.weighting_factor_bif

    #Now points after the bifurcation will be found
    for i in range(len(starting_positions)):

        center_point = starting_positions[i]

        look_for_bifurcation = False

        round = 0

        while round < 4:

            node_points_ring, stent_points_ring, center_points_ring, \
            jump_location, jump_direction, found_bifurcation, new_starting_positions, \
            ring = searching_for_ring(vol, sampling, center_point, global_direction, \
            look_for_bifurcation, average_radius, alpha, ring)

            center_point = jump_location + distance * Point(
                jump_direction[2], jump_direction[1], jump_direction[0])
            global_direction = jump_direction

            if 255 < center_point[0]:

            #Add points to point sets

            round = round + 1

    return node_points_stent, center_points_stent, stent_points_stent
def connecting_stent_points(vol, sampling, center_point, global_direction, look_for_bifurcation, \
    average_radius, direction, expected_amount_of_nodes, points_in_slice, found_bifurcation, alpha, ring):
    This algorithm uses the earlier stated functions in order to connect points
    and define nodes. 

    #Nodes that are found for the current direction
    node_points_direction = Pointset(3)

    #Other pointsets to store points
    center_points = Pointset(3)
    stent_points = Pointset(3)
    node_points = Pointset(5)

    #Set round to 0 for the case that the amount of nodes criterion is not met.
    round = 0

    new_starting_positions = []

    #connecting points
    while len(node_points_direction) < expected_amount_of_nodes and round < 12:

        #Get slice
        slice, center_point, global_direction, rotation_point, vec1, vec2, \
        center_point_3d_with_radius = centerline_tracking.get_slice(vol, sampling, \
        center_point, global_direction, look_for_bifurcation, alpha)

        #If looking for the bifurcation, check radius
        if look_for_bifurcation and direction == 1:
            if not found_bifurcation:
                average_radius, found_bifurcation, new_starting_positions \
                = check_for_possible_bifurcation(average_radius, center_point_3d_with_radius, \
                rotation_point, found_bifurcation, global_direction)
            new_starting_positions = []

        #Find points
        points_in_next_slice = stentPoints2d.detect_points(slice)

        #Find connecting points. Change not connecting points into virtual points
        connecting_points, virtual_points = find_connecting_points(points_in_slice, \

        #Check if virtual points should be converted into connecting points
        connecting_points, temp_slice = check_virtual_points(virtual_points, \
        connecting_points, center_point, vol, sampling,  global_direction, alpha)

        #Check for nodes
        point_nodes_2d, point_remove = check_for_nodes(connecting_points,

        #If nodes are found, these points should be deleted from the connecting points list
        connecting_points = delete_nodes_from_list(connecting_points,

        #Convert 2d points into 3d points
        connecting_points_3d = convert_2d_point_to_3d_point(center_point, vec1,\
        vec2, connecting_points)
        point_nodes_3d = convert_2d_point_to_3d_point(center_point, vec1, vec2,\

        #Add 3d points to their list
        for i in range(len(point_nodes_3d)):
                Point(point_nodes_3d[i][0], point_nodes_3d[i][1],
                      point_nodes_3d[i][2], ring, direction))

        #Set connecting points as new base points
        points_in_slice = connecting_points

        #Next round
        round = round + 1

        #If there are three nodes found, do first one more run.
        if len(node_points_direction) > 2:
            diff = 10 - round
            if diff > 0:
                round = round + diff

        if round == 12:
            new_nodes = additional_nodes(connecting_points_3d)
            for i in range(len(new_nodes)):
                    Point(new_nodes[i][0], new_nodes[i][1], new_nodes[i][2],
                          ring, direction))

    return center_points, stent_points, node_points, global_direction, found_bifurcation, new_starting_positions, ring
def from_nodes_to_graph(node_points_stent):
    Given a set of nodes it creates a graph. The node set contains a ring number 
    (4th dimension) and direction (5th dimension)

    graph = Graph()

    #Min and maximum distance when connecting nodes
    min = 10
    max = 18

    for i in range(len(node_points_stent)):

        #Take point
        point = Point(node_points_stent[i][2], node_points_stent[i][1],

        #Add node to graph

        #Pointset to store possible matches
        possible_match = Pointset(3)

        for j in range(len(node_points_stent)):
            if node_points_stent[j][3] == node_points_stent[i][
                    3] and node_points_stent[j][4] != node_points_stent[i][4]:
                if min < point.Distance(
                        Point(node_points_stent[j][2], node_points_stent[j][1],
                              node_points_stent[j][0])) < max:
                        Point(node_points_stent[j][2], node_points_stent[j][1],

        if len(possible_match) == 0:
        elif len(possible_match) == 1:
            graph.CreateEdge(graph[np.size(graph) - 2],
                             graph[np.size(graph) - 1])
        elif len(possible_match) == 2:
            graph.CreateEdge(graph[np.size(graph) - 1],
                             graph[np.size(graph) - 3])
            graph.CreateEdge(graph[np.size(graph) - 2],
                             graph[np.size(graph) - 3])
            while True:
                sorted = False
                for j in range(len(possible_match) - 1):
                    if point.Distance(possible_match[j]) > point.Distance(
                            possible_match[j + 1]):
                        possible_match[j], possible_match[
                            j + 1] = possible_match[j + 1], possible_match[j]
                        sorted = True
                if not sorted:
            graph.CreateEdge(graph[np.size(graph) - 1],
                             graph[np.size(graph) - 3])
            graph.CreateEdge(graph[np.size(graph) - 2],
                             graph[np.size(graph) - 3])

    return graph