    def __init__(self, img=None, ann=None, **kwargs):
        if not img is None:
            self.img = img
        elif "npimg" in kwargs:
            self.img = Image.fromarray(kwargs["npimg"].astype('uint8'))
            self.img = Image.open(kwargs["img_path"])

        if ann is not None: self.ann = ann
        elif "ann_path" in kwargs:
            scale = kwargs.get("scale", None)
            self.sc = scale
            #print("AnnImg scale", scale)
            self.ann = Ann(file=kwargs["ann_path"], scale=scale)
            self.ann = None
 def ann(self, iid):
     ann_path = self.ann_path.format(iid=iid)
     scale = self.scales.get(iid, None)
     if not os.path.exists(ann_path):
         ann_path = None
         return None, iid
         return Ann(file=ann_path, scale=scale), iid
 def fun(timg):
     img, tgt = timg.ssd()
     if cuda: img = img.cuda()
     dets = model.forward(Variable(img))
     dim = img.size(2)
     dets = dets[0].data
     if cuda: dets = dets.cpu()
     ann = Ann(tensor=dets, dim=img.size(2))
     return ann
 def merge(self, fun, d=900, s=800, mimg=None):
     ret = []
     for timg, x, y in self.mtile(mimg, d, s):
         ann = fun(timg)
         if ann is None: continue
         ann.dxy(-x, -y)
     ret = np.concatenate(ret)
     return Ann(dets=ret)
 def posmid(self, d, dist=None):
     if dist is None: dist = 1.5 * d
     pos = list([aimg.np() for cl, aimg in self.crop_ann(d)])
     dets, _ = self.ann.midd(dist)
     ann = Ann(dets=dets)
     print("posmid", len(pos), ann.count)
     aimg = AnnImg(self.img, ann)
     mid = list([aimg.np() for cl, aimg in aimg.crop_ann(d)])
     Xp, Xn = np.stack(pos), np.stack(mid)
     Yp, Yn = np.ones(Xp.shape[0]), np.zeros(Xn.shape[0])
     return np.concatenate([Xp, Xn]), np.concatenate([Yp, Yn]), Xp, Xn
 def neg(self, ratio=1.0, num=None, minn=None):
     if num is None: num = int(self.count * ratio)
     if minn is not None: num = max(num, minn)
     mask = self.neg_mask().inv().np()
     #print("mask", mask.shape)
     y, x = mask[0].nonzero()
     pts = np.stack([x, y], axis=1)
     xy = pts[:num]
     cl = -1 * np.ones((xy.shape[0], 1))
     ann = Ann(dets=np.concatenate([cl, xy], axis=1).astype('int32'))
     return self.wann(ann)
    def nimg(self, d, ratio=1):
        numneg = int(self.count * ratio)
        W, H = self.WH

        arr = []
        steps = 0
        while len(arr) < numneg and steps < 10000:
            steps += 1
            x, y = (randint(0, W), randint(0, H))
            if self.cropdd(x, y, d).count == 0:
                arr.append((-1, x, y))
        ann = Ann(dets=np.array(arr))
        return AnnImg(self.img, ann)
    def hneg(self, ratio=1.0, num=None, minn=None, th=False, conf=10):
        if num is None: num = int(self.count * ratio)
        if minn is not None: num = max(num, minn)
        mask = self.neg_mask().inv().np()
        #print("mask", mask.shape)
        y, x = mask[0].nonzero()
        hm = self.np()[0]
        #print("hm", hm.shape)
        idx = np.argsort(hm[y, x])
        py, px = y[idx], x[idx]
        xy = np.stack([px, py], axis=1)
        cl = -1 * np.ones((xy.shape[0], 1))
        h = hm[xy[:, 1], xy[:, 0]]

        ann = Ann(dets=np.concatenate([cl.reshape(-1, 1), xy], axis=1).astype(
        ann.conf = ((255 - h) * 100) / 255
        ann = ann.fconf(conf)
        if ann.count < num: return self.wann(ann)
        if th: ann = ann.pnms(50)
        return self.wann(ann.take(num))
    def open(cls, img_path, ann_path=None, scale=None):

        ann = None
        if not ann_path is None:
            ann = Ann(file=ann_path, scale=scale)
        return AnnImg(img, ann)
class AnnImg(object):
    def __init__(self, img=None, ann=None, **kwargs):
        if not img is None:
            self.img = img
        elif "npimg" in kwargs:
            self.img = Image.fromarray(kwargs["npimg"].astype('uint8'))
            self.img = Image.open(kwargs["img_path"])

        if ann is not None: self.ann = ann
        elif "ann_path" in kwargs:
            scale = kwargs.get("scale", None)
            self.sc = scale
            #print("AnnImg scale", scale)
            self.ann = Ann(file=kwargs["ann_path"], scale=scale)
            self.ann = None

    def open(cls, img_path, ann_path=None, scale=None):

        ann = None
        if not ann_path is None:
            ann = Ann(file=ann_path, scale=scale)
        return AnnImg(img, ann)

    def crop(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, truncate=False, overlap=True):
        img = self.img.crop((x1, y1, x2, y2))
        ann = None
        if self.ann is not None:
            ann = self.ann.crop(x1,
        return AnnImg(img, ann)

    def cropH(self):
        W, H = self.WH
        img1 = self.crop(0, 0, W, H // 2)
        img2 = self.crop(0, H // 2, W, H)
        return img1, img2

    def cropW(self):
        W, H = self.WH
        img1 = self.crop(0, 0, W // 2, H)
        img2 = self.crop(W // 2, 0, W, H)
        return img1, img2

    def cropHW(self):
        W, H = self.WH
        img1, img2 = self.cropW()
        img11, img12 = img1.cropH()
        img21, img22 = img2.cropH()
        return img11, img12, img21, img22

    def fpups(self):
        return AnnImg(self.img, self.ann.fpups())

    def fconf(self, p):
        return AnnImg(self.img, self.ann.fconf(p))

    def kconf(self, p):
        return AnnImg(self.img, self.ann.kconf(p))

    def allNMS(self, th):
        return AnnImg(self.img, self.ann.allNMS(th))

    def counts(self):
        return self.ann.counts

    def count(self):
        return self.ann.count

    def oneclass(self):
        return AnnImg(self.img, self.ann.oneclass())

    def setbox(self, size):
        return AnnImg(self.img, self.ann.setbox(size))

    def cxy(self):
        return self.ann[:, 0], self.ann[:, 1], self.ann[:, 2]

    def hm_pn(self, p=50, bg=None):
        aimg = self
        fp = aimg.hneg(th=True).fconf(p).ann
        #total = aimg.fcenter().ann
        total = aimg.fcenter().hmconf().ann
        tp = total.fconf(p)
        fn = total.kconf(p)
        fn.cl = 4
        plot = None
        ann = tp.append(fn).append(fp)
        if bg is not None: plot = bg.wann(ann).plot(rect=False).img
        else: plot = aimg.wann(ann).plot(rect=False).img
        return ann, plot

    def vor(self, mind=None, maxd=None):
        return self.wann(self.ann.vor(mind, maxd))

    def overlay(self, aimg):
        bg = self
        np1 = bg.np(t=False).copy()
        np2 = aimg.np().transpose((1, 2, 0))
        c = 1
        print(np1.shape, np2.shape)
        #np1 = np[:,:,c]
        np1[np2[:, :, 0] < 100] = (np1[np2[:, :, 0] < 100] * 0.5 +
                                   (np2[np2[:, :, 0] < 100]) * 0.5)
        return AnnImg(npimg=np1)

    def WH(self):
        return self.img.size

    def count(self):
        return self.ann.count

    def cropd(self, x, y, d):
        return self.crop(x, y, x + d, y + d)

    def cropdd(self, x, y, d):
        return self.crop(x - d, y - d, x + d, y + d)

    def rcropdd(self, d):
        W, H = self.WH
        return self.cropdd(randint(0, W), randint(0, H), d)

    def bcropW(aimg, d=100):
        W, H = aimg.WH
        xsort = np.sort(aimg.ann.xy[:, 0])
        w = xsort[xsort.shape[0] // 2]
        return aimg.crop(0, 0, w + d, H), aimg.crop(w - d, 0, W, H), (w / W)

    def bcropH(aimg, d=100):
        W, H = aimg.WH
        ysort = np.sort(aimg.ann.xy[:, 1])
        h = ysort[ysort.shape[0] // 2]
        return aimg.crop(0, 0, W, h + d), aimg.crop(0, h - d, W, H), (h / H)

    def bcrop(aimg, d=100):
        w1, w2, ww = aimg.bcropW(d)
        h1, h2, hh = aimg.bcropH(d)
        if (abs(0.5 - ww) < abs(0.5 - hh)): return w1, w2
        else: return h1, h2

    def collate_cls(self, cl, limit=8):
        ret = []
        for c, ai in self.crop_ann():
            if c == cl:
            if len(ret) == 8: break
        if len(ret) == 0: return None
        return AnnImg(npimg=np.concatenate(ret, axis=1)).img

    def collate(self, limit=8):
        ret = []
        for i in range(5):
            a = self.collate_cls(i, limit)
            if a is not None: ret.append((i, a))
        return ret

    def nimg(self, d, ratio=1):
        numneg = int(self.count * ratio)
        W, H = self.WH

        arr = []
        steps = 0
        while len(arr) < numneg and steps < 10000:
            steps += 1
            x, y = (randint(0, W), randint(0, H))
            if self.cropdd(x, y, d).count == 0:
                arr.append((-1, x, y))
        ann = Ann(dets=np.array(arr))
        return AnnImg(self.img, ann)

    def crop_ann(self, d=None, cls=None):
        for cl, conf, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax in self.ann.gen_dets():
            if cls is not None and cls != cl: continue
            if d is not None:
                yield cl, self.cropdd((xmin + xmax) // 2, (ymin + ymax) // 2,
                yield cl, self.crop(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)

    def siamese(self, d, cl1, cl2, cnt=2):
        for clx, x in list(self.crop_ann(d, cl1)):
            for cly, y in islice(self.crop_ann(d, cl2), cnt):
                yield x, y, clx == cly

    def siamese23(self, d):
        return chain(self.siamese(d, 2, 2), self.siamese(d, 2, 3),
                     self.siamese(d, 3, 2), self.siamese(d, 3, 3))

    def blank(self, r=5, ratio=1):
        img = Image.new('RGBA', self.img.size, (0, 0, 0, 255))
        if r is None:
            return AnnImg(img, self.ann).plot(rect=False,
                                              color=(255, 255, 255),
            return AnnImg(img, self.ann).plotc(color=(255, 255, 255, 255), r=r)

    def clear(self, clr=(0, 0, 0, 255)):
        return AnnImg(Image.new('RGBA', self.img.size, (0, 0, 0, 255)),

    def crop_neg(self, d, num):
        while num > 0:
            aimg = self.rcropdd(d)
            if aimg.count == 0:
                num -= 1
                yield aimg

    def neg_mask(self, ratio=1):
        return AnnImg(npimg=self.blank(None, ratio=ratio).np()[0])

    def mergeW(x, y):
        return AnnImg(
            npimg=np.concatenate([x.np(t=False), y.np(t=False)], axis=1))

    def crop_posneg(self, d=None):
        cnt = 0
        Wmax = 0
        for cl, aimg in self.crop_ann(d):
            cnt += 1
            W, H = aimg.WH
            Wmax = max(Wmax, W)
            yield cl, aimg
        for aimg in self.crop_neg(Wmax // 2, max(cnt, 50)):
            yield -1, aimg

    def cropc(self, d):
        x, y = self.WH
        x, y = x // 2, y // 2
        return self.crop(x - d, y - d, x + d, y + d)

    def bound(self):
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.ann.bound()
        return self.crop(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)

    def posmid(self, d, dist=None):
        if dist is None: dist = 1.5 * d
        pos = list([aimg.np() for cl, aimg in self.crop_ann(d)])
        dets, _ = self.ann.midd(dist)
        ann = Ann(dets=dets)
        print("posmid", len(pos), ann.count)
        aimg = AnnImg(self.img, ann)
        mid = list([aimg.np() for cl, aimg in aimg.crop_ann(d)])
        Xp, Xn = np.stack(pos), np.stack(mid)
        Yp, Yn = np.ones(Xp.shape[0]), np.zeros(Xn.shape[0])
        return np.concatenate([Xp, Xn]), np.concatenate([Yp, Yn]), Xp, Xn

    def dbox(self, d):
        Increase the size of boxes by 2*d
        return self.wann(self.ann.dbox(d))

    def posneg(self, d):
        pos = list([aimg.np() for cl, aimg in self.crop_ann(d)])
        cl = list([cl for cl, aimg in self.crop_ann(d)])
        #for i in range(len(pos)):
        neg = []
        while len(neg) < len(pos):
            aimg = self.rcropdd(d)
            if aimg.ann.count == 0:
        Xp, Xn = np.stack(pos), np.stack(neg)
        Yp, Yn = np.ones(Xp.shape[0]), np.zeros(Xn.shape[0])
        Yp, Yn = np.array(cl) + 1, np.zeros(Xn.shape[0])
        return np.concatenate([Xp, Xn]), np.concatenate([Yp, Yn]), Xp, Xn

    def posnegHW(self, d):
        i1, i2, i3, i4 = self.cropHW()
        X1, Y1, _, _ = i1.posneg(d)
        X2, Y2, _, _ = i2.posneg(d)
        X3, Y3, _, _ = i3.posneg(d)
        X4, Y4, _, _ = i4.posneg(d)
        Xt = np.concatenate([X1, X3])
        Yt = np.concatenate([Y1, Y3])
        Xv = np.concatenate([X2, X4])
        Yv = np.concatenate([Y2, Y4])
        return Xt, Yt, Xv, Yv

    def posmidHW(self, d):
        i1, i2, i3, i4 = self.cropHW()
        X1, Y1, _, _ = i1.posmid(d)
        X2, Y2, _, _ = i2.posmid(d)
        X3, Y3, _, _ = i3.posmid(d)
        X4, Y4, _, _ = i4.posmid(d)
        Xt = np.concatenate([X1, X3])
        Yt = np.concatenate([Y1, Y3])
        Xv = np.concatenate([X2, X4])
        Yv = np.concatenate([Y2, Y4])
        return Xt, Yt, Xv, Yv

    def tile(self, d, s):
        W, H = self.WH
        for x in range(0, W, s):
            for y in range(0, H, s):
                yield self.cropd(x, y, d), x, y

    def mtile(aimg, mimg, d, s, th=0.9):
        W, H = aimg.WH
        if mimg is None:
            mimg = AnnImg(npimg=np.zeros((W, H)))
        mimg = mimg.resize(W, H)
        for a, x, y in aimg.tile(d, s):
            m = mimg.cropd(x, y, d)
            p = 1 - (m.np().min() / 255.0)
            if (p > th):
                yield a, x, y

    def merge(self, fun, d=900, s=800, mimg=None):
        ret = []
        for timg, x, y in self.mtile(mimg, d, s):
            ann = fun(timg)
            if ann is None: continue
            ann.dxy(-x, -y)
        ret = np.concatenate(ret)
        return Ann(dets=ret)

    def test(self, model, d=900, s=800, cuda=True, mimg=None):
        model.phase = "test"

        def fun(timg):
            img, tgt = timg.ssd()
            if cuda: img = img.cuda()
            dets = model.forward(Variable(img))
            dim = img.size(2)
            dets = dets[0].data
            if cuda: dets = dets.cpu()
            ann = Ann(tensor=dets, dim=img.size(2))
            return ann

        return self.merge(fun, d, s, mimg=mimg)

    def resize(self, x, y=None):
        if y is None: y = x
        W, H = self.img.size
        xs, ys = x / W, y / W
        ann = None
        if self.ann is not None:
            ann = self.ann.resize(x, y, W, H)
        return AnnImg(self.img.resize((x, y)), ann)

    def scale(self, s):
        x, y = self.WH
        return self.resize(int(x * s), int(y * s))

    def pad(self, padx, pady=None):
        if pady is None: pady = padx
        W, H = self.WH
        return self.crop(-padx, -pady, W + padx, H + pady)

    def plt(self):
        img = self.img.copy()
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
        for c, x, y in zip(*self.cxy):
            draw.ellipse((x - d, y - d, x + d, y + d), fill=CLASS_COLORS[c])
        return AnnImg(img, self.ann)

    def plot(self,
        if self.ann is None: return AnnImg(self.img)
        if ann is not None:
            aimg = AnnImg(
                              ratio=ratio), ann)
            return aimg.plot()
            aimg = AnnImg(
                              ratio=ratio), self.ann)
            if save is not None: aimg.img.save(save)
            return aimg

    def plotc(self, color=None, save=None, r=5, bound=False):
        if self.ann is None: return self.img
        aimg = self.plot(rect=False,
        return aimg.img

    def unet_mask(self, minr=0.5, maxr=1.5, vor=None):
        cimg = self
        img1 = cimg.neg_mask(ratio=minr)
        img2 = cimg.neg_mask(ratio=maxr)
        arr = (img1.np() + img2.np()) // 2
        aimg = AnnImg(Image.fromarray(arr[0].astype('uint8'))).wann(self.ann)
        if vor is not None:

            aimg2 = AnnImg(aimg.plot_vor(width=vor))
            if aimg2.np().sum() == 0:
                aimg2 = AnnImg(aimg.plot_vor(width=1))
            aimg = aimg2
        return aimg

    def _repr_png_(self):
        return self.plot().img._repr_png_()

    def save(self, img_path, ann_path=None):
        if ann_path is not None and self.ann is not None:

    def np(self, t=True):
        im = self.img
        arr = np.asarray(im, dtype=np.float)
        if len(arr.shape) == 3:
            if t: return np.transpose(arr, (2, 0, 1))
            else: return arr
        else: return np.expand_dims(arr, 0)

    def negative(self, p=0.2):
        arr = self.np()
        arr = (arr < (p * 255)).astype('int32')
        img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(arr[0] * 255))
        return AnnImg(img, self.ann.copy())

    def setScale(self, scale=50):
        return AnnImg(self.img, self.ann.setScale(scale))

    def rescale(self, scale=50):
        ratio = scale / self.sc
        return self.scale(ratio)

    def ssd(aimg):
        tile, _ = aimg.WH
        target = None
        if aimg.ann is not None:
            target = aimg.ann.ssd(tile).float()
        img = aimg.np(t=False)
        height, width, _ = img.shape
        img -= (104, 117, 123)
        img = img.transpose(2, 0, 1)
        img = torch.from_numpy(img).squeeze().float()
        return img.unsqueeze(0), target

    def hist(self):
        img = self.np()
        ret = []
        for i in range(img.shape[0]):
            hist, bins = np.histogram(img[i].flatten(), 256, [0, 256])
        return np.concatenate(ret)

    def hist2(self):
        ret = []
        W, H = self.WH
        for img in self.cropHW():
        return np.concatenate(ret)

    def dist(self, min=None, max=None):
        W, H = self.WH
        arr = self.ann.dist(W, H, min, max)
        img = Image.fromarray(arr.astype('uint8'))
        return AnnImg(img, self.ann)

    def neg(self, ratio=1.0, num=None, minn=None):
        if num is None: num = int(self.count * ratio)
        if minn is not None: num = max(num, minn)
        mask = self.neg_mask().inv().np()
        #print("mask", mask.shape)
        y, x = mask[0].nonzero()
        pts = np.stack([x, y], axis=1)
        xy = pts[:num]
        cl = -1 * np.ones((xy.shape[0], 1))
        ann = Ann(dets=np.concatenate([cl, xy], axis=1).astype('int32'))
        return self.wann(ann)

    def hneg(self, ratio=1.0, num=None, minn=None, th=False, conf=10):
        if num is None: num = int(self.count * ratio)
        if minn is not None: num = max(num, minn)
        mask = self.neg_mask().inv().np()
        #print("mask", mask.shape)
        y, x = mask[0].nonzero()
        hm = self.np()[0]
        #print("hm", hm.shape)
        idx = np.argsort(hm[y, x])
        py, px = y[idx], x[idx]
        xy = np.stack([px, py], axis=1)
        cl = -1 * np.ones((xy.shape[0], 1))
        h = hm[xy[:, 1], xy[:, 0]]

        ann = Ann(dets=np.concatenate([cl.reshape(-1, 1), xy], axis=1).astype(
        ann.conf = ((255 - h) * 100) / 255
        ann = ann.fconf(conf)
        if ann.count < num: return self.wann(ann)
        if th: ann = ann.pnms(50)
        return self.wann(ann.take(num))

    def hmconf(self):
        return self.wann(self.ann.hmconf(self.np()[0]))

    def wann(self, ann):
        return AnnImg(self.img, ann)

    def append(self, ann):
        return AnnImg(self.img, self.ann.append(ann))

    def inv(self):
        return AnnImg(npimg=(255 - self.np()[0]).astype('uint8'), ann=self.ann)

    def threshold(self, th):
        return AnnImg(npimg=(self.np()[0] < th) * 255)

    def watershed(self, th=128):
        distance1 = self.np()[0]
        W, H = self.WH
        markers1 = np.zeros((W, H))
        for i, (x, y) in enumerate(self.ann.xy):
            markers1[y][x] = i
        image1 = distance1 < th
        labels1 = watershed(distance1, markers1, mask=image1)
        return labels1

    def fcenter(self):
        W, H = self.WH
        return self.wann(self.ann.fcenter(0, 0, W, H))

    def norm(self):
        npimg = self.np()
        mn = npimg.min()
        mx = npimg.max()
        out = 255 * (npimg - mn) / (mx - mn)
        return AnnImg(npimg=out[0], ann=self.ann)

    def cuts(self, labels1):
        XX = labels1.copy()
        X = labels1.copy()
        for i in range(1, X.shape[0] - 1):
            for j in range(1, X.shape[1] - 1):
                if X[i][j] != 0:
                    if X[i][j] != X[i + 1][j] and X[i + 1][j] != 0:
                        XX[i][j] = 1
                    if X[i][j] != X[i - 1][j] and X[i - 1][j] != 0:
                        XX[i][j] = 1
                    if X[i][j] != X[i][j + 1] and X[i][j + 1] != 0:
                        XX[i][j] = 1
                    if X[i][j] != X[i][j - 1] and X[i][j - 1] != 0:
                        XX[i][j] = 1
        return Image.fromarray(XX.astype('uint8') * 255)

    def plot_vor(cimg, color=0, width=4):
        #cimg = cimg.copy()
        points = cimg.ann.xy
        vor = Voronoi(points)
        center = vor.points.mean(axis=0)
        ptp_bound = vor.points.ptp(axis=0)

        finite_segments = []

        for pointidx, simplex in zip(vor.ridge_points, vor.ridge_vertices):
            simplex = np.asarray(simplex)
            if np.all(simplex >= 0):
                i = simplex[simplex >= 0][0]  # finite end Voronoi vertex

                t = vor.points[pointidx[1]] - vor.points[
                    pointidx[0]]  # tangent
                t /= np.linalg.norm(t)
                n = np.array([-t[1], t[0]])  # normal

                midpoint = vor.points[pointidx].mean(axis=0)
                direction = np.sign(np.dot(midpoint - center, n)) * n
                far_point = vor.vertices[i] + direction * ptp_bound.max()

                finite_segments.append([vor.vertices[i], far_point])


        im = cimg.img.copy()
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
        for p1, p2 in finite_segments:
            draw.line((int(p1[0]), int(p1[1]), int(p2[0]), int(p2[1])),
        return im